Soul of a Saiyajin
By Ava Jamshidnejad
rated pg-13 Authors notes:
A VidWindow is like an intercom, except it also shows the persons face and surroundings. This is an ALTIVERCE fic, so there are a couple differences, 1. Gohan is about Trunks age in this (Gohan is 5 and Trunks is 3).
2. Goku hasn't come back from Namek yet.
3. Vegeta and Bulma are not an official couple yet ( i.e. Trunks is pretty much a one night stand )
4. Trunks really doesn't understand what a "father" is, He doesn't understand Vegeta's role at C.C. is other than the grouch that fights with his mommy, that stays in a big room allot. The fact that he hasn't seen Gohans dad before helps this.
5. Chichi has never seen Trunks before, because she disapproves of Bulmas decision to not to have an abortion.
Yes this is a crossover with reboot, but you will only see reboot characters in chapter 2. Scince this is at the end of season three, there is a big Enzo, and a small one. I will be calling the older one Matrix.

Bulma was busily putting the finishing touches her latest invention, while unsuccessfully trying to keep an eye on Gohan and Trunks. She sighed while connecting two wires ` I'm either going to half to invent a nanibot that the children can't destroy with Ki blasts ( which is almost impossible! ) or I'm going to have to convince Vegeta to watch them while I work ` thought Bulma to herself. Suddenly she gasped when a good idea struck her. She immediately brought up a VidWindow to the Gravity Room. " What do you want, women ? " Vegeta literally growled. "Vegeta you see the boys are so energe-" Bulma was immediately cut off by Vegeta " Baka you know that I wont watch the brat, so why did you interrupt my training?!? Your as stupid as you are ugly!" he yelled. " Shut up you tail less freak! I was gonna ask you to train them not watch over them! Zakkenayo! " Denede, calm down women I'll train the damn kids, but Kaggorats kids gonna have one Hell of a time with it," Vegeta smirked. Bulma just sighed, getting him to take the kids off her hands is already a miracle, but asking him to treat Gohan civilly is impossible, Hell, asking him to treat Trunks civilly is impossible. She wiped a tear forming at the corner of her eye ` damn him! he's his SON not the boy next door!'. She takes a deep breath. " Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta is going to train you now, go to the gravity room. And don't forget to put on your weighted clothing, you wouldn't want to get him angry," she called. The boys shuddered. No they definitely did not want to get Vegeta angry. Bulma sighed again, she frowned ` I've been sighing to much lately, Its getting to be a bad habit.` She laughed a bit at that thought, Well I deserve some bad habits with my life.' For some reason she didn't feel like working anymore. She got up, and left the lab. She walked down the hall, her small feet making little tip tap noises. She entered her bed room, and yelped when she saw her image in the mirror. She had smudges all over her face. There were bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, and to much coffee. Her lab coat loosely hung over her slender frame. Her hair lay limp and unbound. ` I look horrible, Vegeta was right I am ugly. ` She smiled `cheer up Bulma, you can fix that problem.` The smile quickly left her lips, if only all her problems could be as easily remedied as this one. She looked down at her watch ` Oh my Denede! I gotta get ready the gangs coming over for dinner. This really was a special occasion, she had seen her friends allot, but this was the first time that they were coming over to her house scince...scince...scince before she was pregnant. ` Oh oh they've never met Trunks before' and with that last thought she jumped into the shower.

She looked into the mirror, there was a big improvement `I look beautiful' she thought to herself. And she did. Her hair was down loosely, but blow dried so that it didn't look so limp. A little bit of make-up had gotten rid of the bags under her eyes. She was wearing a short satin sleeve-less dress with a high collar. It was purple, with no other design. Simple yet elegant. All of the food was ready, there was just one more thing for her to do. She sighed ( again) and called a VidWindow to Vegeta's room. His eyes practically jumped out of there sockets when he saw how beautiful she was. She didn't wait for him to speak. " Vegeta, I'm hosting a dinner party with the usual people over, it starts at six, you can come if you want, but frankly I don't care. " She immediately cut the connection, not waiting for him to answer. She smiled to herself she was secretly pleased of his reaction to her looks, but she would never admit it. She went down stairs at the sound of the doorbell to greet her first guest. She didn't realize that she was skipping. She noticed Trunks tottering toward her room, and picked him up. He squirmed a bit until he found a comfortable position on her shoulder. She opened the door, it was Teinshinhan, Lunch, and Choatzu. Lunch squealed and grabbed Trunks. " Aaaaww, he's so cute," she said in baby talk, ignoring the fact that he was reaching out for Bulma to take him back. Trunks did NOT liked this strange person. Finally Lunch returned him to her when the doorbell rang again. Still holding Trunks, she ran to the front door. " Hi, Yamcha, come in I'm glad you made it!" Bulma exclaimed. Yamcha smiled his most handsome smile " I would never miss a chance to see you, so this must be Trunks." Yamcha held out his arms, and Trunks practically jumped into his arms. Bulma smiled. " He likes you!, but be careful he's a very shy little boy, he probably wont even talk to you until he sees you three or four times." " He looks just like you, he's even got your hair," he exclaimed. Bulma smiled again, but before they could leave to the living room the doorbell rang again. Bulma knew who it was going to be, there was only one family left Chichi, Gohan, and mabey Piccolo. What worried her the most was Chichi, and the fact that she would be seeing Trunks. The doorbell rang again. Bulma shifted Trunks to her other shoulder and opened the door, to see the face of Son Goku. " Son- kun!!" she screeched " Your back, why didn't you call, where's Chichi ohmydende ohmydednde!!!" Bulma was getting hysterical. "Hi Bulma, you look as pretty as always," he answered grinning the idiotic grin we have all come to love. " This must be Trunks," he held out his arms, same way that Yamcha had. If Trunks had jumped into Yamchas armies he flew into Gokus. Trunks held onto Gokus neck tightly "ojisan" he said shyly, at the same moment that Chichi and Gohan entered the house. " Goku why didn't you wait?" Chichi scolded " I know that the food smells good, but thet's no excuse to run into the house without waiting for your family." Goku put one hand behind his neck and scratched his head with the other hand, greening shamefully " Yeesh Chichi I'm sorry." he answered, and Chichi reverted her attention to Bulma. " Bulma, I haven't seen you for a long time," Chichi said, or rather tried to say, Goku had just walked into the other room and everyone as excited to see him, making it practically impossible for her to hear Chichi Trunks entered the room, wrapping his arms around Bulmas leg. Chichi stopped short, staring at Trunks. Trunks looked away and buried his head in Bulmas leg. Chichi kept scowling at him. Before Bulma could say anything Trunks looked up, and started scowling at her. The two stood there glaring, as the seconds ticked by. "Who are you?" asked Trunks coldly. "My name is Chichi," she answered haughtily. " Aunt Chichi, why are you sad?" questioned trunks. "Huh?, what do you mean, I'm not sad" " Well, when I was littler, and Vegeta scowled at me and made me cry, I asked Kasan why he scowled. Kasan said that he scowled `cause he was sad, and didn't want to show it," Trunks paused " You look just like Vegeta, are you his sister? Is that why I have to call you aunt?" he questioned. Chichi burst into laughter "For some one so young, your very smart" And with a short speech by a three year old boy a disagreement that had lasted for three years disappeared as if it never occurred. "Ahhhhh!!" A scream erupted from the living room. " That sounded like Lunch, Trunks, you stay here, come on Chichi" shouted Bulma. She ran into the living room and burst into laughter. All the guests were staring at the kitchen, where Goku was holding Vegeta onto the counter by the neck. Goku looked up at the sound of Bulmas laughter. " Bulma, what's HE doing here, Did he hurt you or threaten you, because if he did I'll-" Goku was cut off by Vegeta. "Carrot-brains, get off me BEFORE I KILL YOU!!" "Goku," Bulma scolded "Let go him, If you feel like this about him then why didn't you kill him while you had the chance, Yeesh!" " Sorry Bulma," he answered, letting go of Vegeta. Vegeta just grunted, grabbed some food, and left.

Later after everyone finished eating, Bulma stood up, and cleared her throat "Hmmph, Okay everyone, I have an announcement to make." Everyone was immediately quite. " I have a new invention-," but before she could finish explaining she heard Krillen whisper "So, what else is new?" Bulma turned and glared at him, promising a good verbal beating after she was finished. " This invention, is one of my best, mabey even competing with the capsule!" there were some low whistles at this statement. "My new invention, lets your mind go inside of the computer in a virtual body!" Goku scratched his head " Why would I want to go in the computer? I'd trip over wires or something!" Bulma sighed patently ( very unlikely thing to happen, she must be in a good mood). " You wont be in the CPU you'll be in a virtual reality, while the computer components act like real living things, not machines, which is what they really are. My studies show that they live in a type of "lifestyle" where the work that they do results in the computer functioning!" " Wow,' said Yamcha "When can I try it?!" "Well," answered Bulma " I haven't tested it on a human- or saiya-jin yet, so I have to make sure its safe, I just have to find someone to test it on." Bulma sighed, and now even the Z gang have noticed her bad habit. " The problem is not very many people are willing to risk there health for the sake of science- that is unless one of you are willing to try it?," she asked hopefully, but everyone quickly shook there heads in a no.

Vegeta was standing around the corner listening to Bulma describe her invention in more depth. ` So,' he thought ` the machines think there real?' when suddenly a good idea came to him. `Mabey some of them are warriors! Finally a challenge, and mabey people to kill without those humans jumping down my back!' and with that he set a path to Bulmas lab.
End part 1


chapter 2 : A user in our midst. Enzo came flying into "Dots Dinner" barreling into Bob as usual. "Bob, Bob, come quick there's a user, or mabey a virus I don't know which, in Mainframe, he's at the hospital, he was found unconscious!!" Bob stared at Enzo incredulously, finally following him as if to humor the little boy. They entered the hospital, and was immediately led to a brightly lit room by some armed sprites. " Right this way Mister Bob, sir" one of them said. Bob looked down at the figure on the bed. He was short. Very short. His hair was sticking straight up in the air, and looked very stiff. His face was etched into a scowl even while being knocked out. Bob brought up a VidWindow to Matrix, Andraya, surfer, Mouse, and Dot. " Guys, there's some sort of unregistered creature unconscious at the hospital, come quick, I might need back up. Bob suddenly looked up as the figure started to murmer in his sleep, he bent down to catch what he was saying, when suddenly his ( or hers, Bob couldn't be sure with what might be a web creature) arm shot up and grabbed Bob by the neck. The creature that looked like a sprite sat up in his bed. He looked down at Bob " Pathetic creature," he mumbled.

Vegeta looked around the room, noticed a door way and started to leave. He growled as a small green creature came barreling into him " You ever touch me again, and I will cook you alive...starting with your feet, and then I will eat you while your family watches," he earned a look of fear and horror on the child's face. Vegeta smirked. He turned to walk out of the room, when he heard a male voice. " Glitch, target" Vegeta turned to find the source of the voice, when he saw a tall, muscular, green man. He took out his scouter, and checked his power level. "400...better than the blue man." he paused " but still pathetic." The man grinned. Vegeta looked down at himself to see what was so funny, and saw a small red target on his abdomen. He formed a small Ki ball, and directed to hover over himself, and the target slowly disappeared. "Pathetic," Vegeta repeated himself. He turned around to see a women blocking the door. "Your not going anywhere," she said. Vegeta smirked again "I was right, all blue haired women are bitches, thank you for proving my theory correct," said Vegeta as he pushed her aside. A large red dog started to pounce on him Vegeta distractedly swatted the dog away, he hadn't