Here's my story I hope you enjoy's kind of based on a true life experience..Hugs, Saiyana Videl
Hey, What's up to all my fellow Lemon fans? I was so inspired by all the work I have read, I decided to take a crack at it. If the feedback is good, you will definitely see more. I have always been into anime, but it was my son, Lil' Trunks....(snicker, snicker) that got me into DBZ. I immediately fell for Vegeta. As you well know girls if we had more men around like him, we wouldn't need the lemons.:) So sit back and enjoy my take on how the feistiest of couples get their groove on in that "passion" kind of way. This is not a kiddie fic. So me being a mom, tell you to go bye-bye, if your underage or just not into the sex stuff. If you don't like the citrus..keeps it movin'!(still luv ya though:)). If you have any feedback please feel free to e-mail me at Saiyana Videl @ When you read this story keep the Phil Collins song, "Against All Odds" in your head. I think this song sums up a lot. Ummm..If you're thinking of taking any legal action, please don't. I have a son who has about every DBZ toy there is...and basically he takes all my money so I have none. This is dedicated to all the DBZ fans out there....and especially the Vegeta and Bulma fans.

Against All Odds:A Saiya-jin's Greatest Conquest By: Saiyana Videl "The only reason I'm alive, is purely an accident.", thought Vegeta. He was thinking about his death on Namek and how he cried in front of his hated adversary Gokuu. How Gokuu, a third class Saiya-jin, became SSJ before him, the most powerful being of all. Such mockery for the prince of all Saiya-jins. " I will be the prince of all Saiya-jin's once again and the most powerful fighter in the universe!!" he screamed as the gravity room was consumed the power of his ki. Vegeta punched and kicked through the air in the gravity room. The sweat ran down his back in waterfalls through the canyons that were his muscular back. The warrior was training at 300 times the gravity of Earth. All that ran through his mind was his disgrace on Namek and becoming a Super Saiya-jin. In three years two beings were coming to unleash their wrath on Earth. The Z-Fighters were all training for the warning given by the Mirai Trunks, son of Bulma Briefs and Vegeta. But neither knew he was their son, nor showed any kind of feeling for one another. "When the hell is Vegeta coming out of the Gravity Room!!" shouted Bulma. "He's been in there for days since he blew the thing up!" She remembered that day well. It was the worst day of her life. She had just broken up with Yamcha and had almost lost Vegeta. Bulma didn't understand these odd feelings she had for Vegeta. It all started after that strange dream where she told everyone she kissed him, but honestly it was more than kissing."MMMMmmmmmm", moaned Bulma touching herself for a brief moment of flashback. She absolutely abhorred him. He was a cruel, evil killer. But yet she longed to feel his lips ravaging her body, tearing it apart. Bulma felt so sorry for him, though. Especially since Gokuu had told her about Vegeta's ordeal on Namek before he died. He had no one who cared about him. It was shown after he was wished back from death by accident. The atmosphere was like Vegeta could have been done without. "I guess I don't hate him as much as I thought", said Bulma. " He is gorgeous and who knows"...she trailed off as she heard Vegeta scream at top of his lungs. Bulma flung open the window of her room, which was directly in front of the gravity room. "WOMAN..BRING ME FOOD, I HUNGER!!" demanded Vegeta. Bulma felt the heat come up in her body, not only from the fact that she was pissed, but from seeing what he was wearing. He was shirtless and had black spandex briefs that clung to his thighs and ass like night and his body was covered with sweat. It was perfection. "YOU DON"T HAVE TO YELL YOU DICK!!!" screamed Bulma. "I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING SLAVE!!!!!" Vegeta was tired of this pathetic weakling's banter. This blue -haired woman whom he should have killed on Namek, but he spared her. Why?? She intrigued him, her insolence, her strength and her exquisite beauty. If anyone else had spoken to him like this, they would have a slow painful death. Yet what he wanted was to bury himself into her and absorb her being into his own. "NO ONE SPEAKS TO ME IN THAT WAY!!!" he threw back at her. A wicked smirk appeared on his lips as he licked them." Maybe I'll just go back on my promise of killing you", he growled back. Vegeta instantaneously appeared in front of Bulma. He smelled her. He smelled her fear. He liked that. Bulma on the other hand was holding her bearings .....barely. "The magic word is please." she hissed at Vegeta. He was about to put a ki blast in her to make her eat her words. But, he remained calm, by some miracle. "NOW....Please!!" he hissed right back. "You see that was all you had to say." Bulma said triumphantly as she got up and bolted downstairs. Vegeta was in awe by her spunk. He thought she must have a death wish. But oddly her attitude aroused him. Bulma prepared lunch, while Vegeta showered. She was in a world outside that of Capsule Corps. It felt so good to be in such close proximity to him. So much to reach out, touch him and run her hands all over his body. She was amazed by his power. His body was sculpted for battle. His eyes were full of fury and determination. "Oh Dende, why am I thinking about that jerk so much. I can't actually be in love with Vegeta...of all people!" Bulma almost screamed when she heard someone pull a chair from the dining room table. It was him. "What the hell were you mumbling about?" Vegeta asked as he sat down. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, VEGETA!!" Bulma lashed out. "Where's my food, woman??" Bulma glared at him and gave him a plate. "Now that's more like it." he said. "Your welcome!" Bulma said sarcastically and sat down to eat across from him. The silence was deafening between them. All you heard were the two of them chewing on their food. There were many quick glances, but no words. Bulma sighed and Vegeta glanced up as if bothered with that eternal sexy mug. "You need to take a break, Vegeta. Breaking your body is not the answer...and to tell you the truth I'm sick and tired of having to fix the gravity chamber." That sure broke the silence and started Vegeta's favorite activity, a fight. "What would you know, woman!" snarled Vegeta. "Leave me alone, I have no need for advice especially from you!" He was getting ready to leave, but it was only the first round. "Well, Mr. Smarty-Pants if you took my advice, maybe you could spend more time training, instead of recovering!!" Vegeta's head began to fill with blood; no one ever spoke to him like this. If they did it meant certain death. "How dare you, woman!! I should have killed you on Namek and rid myself of you!!" Vegeta said. "Go ahead, what's stopping you now!!" Bulma was surprised at what she had just said and whom she had just said it to. Vegeta threw the chair across the room in a swift motion. Bulma stood her ground...barely. He walked slowly towards her until he could feel the heat emanating from her body. It was intoxicating to him. Bulma almost moaned from being within a breath from him. Vegeta grabbed her throat and was about to squeeze all presence of life from her. But he stopped when he felt Bulma's hand on his. Anger was replaced by lust and desire almost in an instant. Two emotions he had never had. In one rapid movement, he took the hand from her throat and pulled her hair lightly back to gaze into her eyes, those amazing ocean-blue eyes. "You talk to much. Be careful what you ask for, I might give it to you...with pleasure." Vegeta said in a low sexy growl. "Really....I'm so scared.", said Bulma. She was indeed. But the feeling was gone, when she noticed the fire building up in her loins. Then it happened, they lost control. Vegeta buried his mouth into hers, tasting her tongue and sucking on her lips. Bulma was overcome with feelings. She knew this is what she had wanted all along. She knew now that, yes, she was deeply in love with Vegeta. She savored the kiss more, running her tongue from his mouth down to his neck. A deep moan escaped Vegeta's throat. Bulma quickly remembered her dream with him, and deduced the reality was better. Vegeta was in ecstasy as Bulma gave him butterfly kisses up and down his neck and jaw. His body was feeling sensations he never knew. " can't be.", he thought. "Is this woman my mate, the one I have to spend the rest of eternity with?" Saiya-jins mated for life. Vegeta pulled Bulma away with a quickness. "NO MORE....I..I...HATE YOU!!" he screamed and ran out of the room. Bulma began to cry, but she would not let him see her like that. She ran up to her bedroom in a state of shock and joy. She still tasted him and yearned for more. "But why did he pull away? Does he really hate me?" Bulma thought. "No, he wouldn't have kissed me or...AHHH..I'm confused!!" "Dammit Vegeta!!" she fell into her bed, "What have you done to me?" Vegeta ran outside looking for air. He was suffocated by all these strange emotions. "She has reduced me to a weakling!" he said running a hand through his raven black hair. "These feelings are overpowering. One moment I can eradicate her existence, yet with one touch she tames me. I will not give in! I...I'm the last true warrior of my kind. The universe is my playground for the taking!!" Vegeta was only kidding himself. He still wanted her with every inch of his being. He now knew another emotion besides hate..but love. "She will never know." Vegeta whispered as he glanced up to her room. He about faced and walked into the gravity chamber. Bulma was watching him through her window. "How can I get through to you, Vegeta? All you have on your mind is domination and yourself." With that thought she closed the window and drifted off into a deep sleep. Bulma woke a couple of hours later to find her room enveloped in total darkness. She looked at her clock and it was already six o' clock. Was everything just a dream? No she could still feel him. "I better go downstairs and get dinner started." She thought. She got up to hear a noise in the hallway just outside her door. It was Vegeta. She opened the door to find him pacing the hallway like a lost child. Vegeta froze when he saw her head poking out of her doorway. The strange feelings started coming back, this time two-fold. "Woman..know that what happened was a mistake." He said to her without moving, hidden partially in the shadows. Bulma came out of her room. It was firing up her insides. " I have no time to waste on you." He said cruelly. Bulma wanted to cry, scream, and hit. But she maintained her composure to the best of her abilities. She did what all women do, fight back and put up a damn good front. "Fine you obnoxious ape, it wasn't all that anyway!!" she lied. Now she was toying with something every man holds sacred, his game. Bulma kept on spitting her fire. "Maybe if you got over how full of it you are, you'll see there's more to life than conquer and destroy!!" Vegeta was speechless. He could do away with her at any minute, but she still managed to insult him. He really loved her now. " do not know me or anything about me!! I am the prince of all Saiya-jins and you dare challenge me!!" His voice was elevating. "No, Vegeta you're wrong. I'm not challenging you and yeah....I do know more than you think!", Bulma said. "What are talking about??" he growled back. "Gokuu told me what happened on Namek before you died." Bulma said. "Kakkarot knows nothing!!!!" he snapped back. "You know it's amazing what you'll say just before you die and in your dreams." Bulma turned on her heel and went back into her bedroom, leaving him alone in the hallway. Vegeta ran to the door and kicked it in almost breaking it. Bulma spun around to feel him right behind her. She was a hair away from him. "Explain yourself...woman!!" Bulma was genuinely scared, but she was good at hiding her emotions as well. " I know everything Vegeta. About your life with Frieza, your father and your drive to overcome Gokuu. Remember when you almost killed yourself??" Indeed, Vegeta remembered. He woke to find her sleeping in the chair by his bed. "You talked in your sleep." Bulma said and trembled at his closeness. Vegeta softened his stance and looked at her. She was a beautiful creature. Her body was like a mirage, unreal. Her hair complemented her eyes to perfection. When he realized what he was doing, he immediately looked away. "I have no explanations for you, nor will I delve into my life for your delight, woman." Bulma reached out and touched his arm, which sent currents of electricity running through his body. He was becoming anxious. "Is that what you think of me?" she said looking directly into his eyes. "On the contrary, I want to be the one to be there with you. Not even you deserve life or death alone." Vegeta had never in all his life heard something like this before. Is this compassion? He didn't know the sensation. It wasn't in his nature to feel anything or even less care about anyone. Yet here with this woman, he knew one day he could learn. But not now. "Bulma.." Vegeta started. Bulma giggled. Vegeta became irritated again. "Why the hell are you laughing?" He snapped. "You've never once call me by my name in all the months you have been here." she said. "Ohh..."said Vegeta and continued. "I cannot be who you think I should be. I am a Saiya-jin and it is in our blood to fight and destroy. I have yet to become a Super Saiya-jin. I will have it and all who cross my path will feel my wrath." Bulma blinked was he actually opening up a bit. She had never heard him talk to her in a conversational tone. "Then make me understand what really lies within." She implored. Bulma was trembling now. Her body needed him so much at this point, she was in physical pain. Vegeta sensed it and was pretty much in the same condition. His conscience was going in so many different directions. He couldn't give in and show his true feelings. Her hand had never left his arm. She was about to touch his face with the other, when he grabbed it and wrapped his arm around her waist. This made Bulma delirious with desire. Vegeta looked at her in all her splendor and said, "Let me show you instead who I am." Vegeta could not contain it no longer. Every sensation or emotion he had ever felt would be given to her. The animal instinct had emerged and took over. He was ready to kill or mate. And at this moment, the first objective never crossed his mind. Bulma began tracing her fingers up and down Vegeta's spine to find the spot where his tail use to be. She remembered the moan he gave when he had gotten hurt and she was examining him in the med room. She deduced it was a pleasure spot. Vegeta was sent into a firestorm of lust. He moaned and licked his lips making them ready for her. Vegeta picked her head up and looked at her intensely once more. Yes, she was indeed serious and yes, he did love her. Bulma was uneasy. No one had ever done that before..not even Yamcha. But she was in a trance by his power and beauty. Vegeta let his lips softly touch hers; her longing excited him. In one rush, he gave in and buried his tongue in hers. He licked her lips down to her chin and neck. Vegeta ripped open Bulma's shirt to reveal two ample breasts, which poured out of her bra. He bit down into Bulma's neck, drawing blood. He was marking his mate for life with an ancient Saiya-jin custom. Bulma screamed in pain, but it rapidly gave in to pleasure. She tasted like a fine wine to him. Vegeta growled with intensity as he licked the wound clean. This made Bulma even hotter. Now without her shirt, she was able to feel his body. Even Adonis would have envious. Bulma wanted to see her prince's eyes. Yes, he was her prince now. She took his face into her hands, and hungrily devoured his lips, mouth and tongue. Bulma felt herself getting lighter. But it was because they were both floating inches above her bedroom floor. He was carrying her to bed. Vegeta laid Bulma gently down on the bed. For the first time he was able to see first hand why he had wanted her so much. He began to undress, never missing eye contact with her. He relished in her eyes widening when they truly saw the magnitude of his excitement. Bulma quickly winced at the thought, but was excited at the same time. Vegeta began to crawl up the foot of the bed, kissing every inch of her. He pulled down her shorts and was delighted to see how much she wanted him. The smell of pheromones was everywhere. He enveloped her womanhood, flicking his tongue like a snake. He entered her temple and drank of her nectar. Bulma moaned.. "Ohh..Vegeta..more my prince..please!" Vegeta said lowly as he looked directly at her, "As you wish." Again his mouth plunged into her womanhood driving Bulma to a point of climax. He saw to happening and began his ascent up her body. He bit open her bra and sucked in one of her pink nipples, while imitating the same gesture on the other with his hand. He did not spare the other breast to the same fate. Bulma ran her fingers through his hair reaching down to feel the plateaus that were Vegeta's well-defined form. His stomach was ocean waves of muscle. His skin soft and inviting. His manhood rubbed her thigh, reminding her of his measure. "Vegeta....I...I," she said desperately. Vegeta put a finger to her lips. He was directly on top of her, looking into her eyes. He leaned in and kissed her furiously. Bulma tasted him and herself as he entered her. Bulma bucked her hips up to meet each delicious thrust. With each thrust she felt everything he was. His pain, his need and his true self. Not the arrogant, pompous prince. But a man full of passion and strength. This is why she loved him and looked beyond his dark soul. Vegeta was overcome with emotions. For the first time, he was gentle and loving. He looked at Bulma as he pushed into her and knew he was in love. But, he was not going to say it just yet. He showed her instead. Vegeta and Bulma started picking up pace. Intertwined with the kisses came moans of fulfillment and ecstasy. Vegeta felt his body getting closer to the edge. Bulma was already at a point of no return. She wrapped herself around him and told him the truth. "I Love you, Vegeta." Vegeta was in a near delirium hearing these words from her. The heat was far too intense. Suddenly, out of nowhere his eyes went from black to blue and his black hair turned into golden fire. "BULLLMMMAAA...." He cried. They both climaxed into crashing waves and Vegeta returned to his normal self once more. Bulma realized what had just happened, but said nothing. Vegeta knew too and grinned. He kissed her lips and ran his hand through her hair. Bulma pulled his head down to her chest and heard him say as he drifted off to sleep, "I am now yours." Bulma tears came down her face and fell into sleep with him. When Bulma awoke the next morning, Vegeta was already gone. She stood up and looked out her window to see him just closing the door to the gravity room. A smile came to her face, when it hit her. "I don't feel to well, I better get something to eat." Bulma went downstairs to get something to eat. She opened the fridge and got some bacon and eggs. As soon as she started to cook them, she felt a pain in the pit of her stomach. The smell was disgusting. She ran green-faced to the bathroom and threw up. Bulma washed her face and looked into the mirror. "What the hell is wrong with me??" Vegeta and Bulma barely spoke to each other for the next couple of days. It was killing them both. They needed each other. He drove himself more furiously than before. Pushing his body past his limits, but he didn't care. He noticed Bulma was hardly at the table during meals any more. She spent most of the day sleeping and looking out her window. One day as Vegeta came out of the gravity room, he saw Bulma sitting on the grass looking nervous. He walked over to her. By all the heavens she was beautiful. He sat down next to her, careful as not to get to close and fall again. Her scent was different now. Not that of a young naïve girl. But of a woman, almost motherly even. She had been crying. "What's wrong with you?" asked Vegeta. Bulma looked at him and fell into his arms crying. Vegeta still had to get use to these public displays of affection and looked around nervously as he embraced her. But he too had missed her being in his arms. "I have missed you so much! I felt you no longer wanted me." Bulma said. Vegeta scrambled for words, "I will always want you, but I cannot give you what you want right now, Bulma. I must reach my highest level first." He picked up her face to meet his. "You will always be mine, woman." Bulma became calm. " I thought I was just another conquest." She said touching his face. Vegeta got up and picked her up by the hands. "No," Vegeta said. "We have conquered each other and it means something to me I have yet to understand." He was choking now. " I must go Bulma. I can't concentrate with you here so close to me. You're distracting my training and I must think." Bulma swallowed her sadness and remembered that when you love someone you have to be understanding. And with Vegeta, there was still a lot to learn and understand. "I understand, but before you leave there's something I have to tell you." she said. "What is it?" Vegeta said stroking her hair. "I'm pregnant, Vegeta." Bulma whispered back. Vegeta stood as if frozen in time. A father? Him? He wasn't able to be a father yet. But the news secretly made him overjoyed. "Is everything fine?" Vegeta gulped out. "Yes, it's a boy." she said. He stopped her before she could go on, "I have to go, I'll return before the androids arrive." Vegeta wanted to stay, but his Saiya-jin instinct pushed him away. He touched her stomach and swept her into his arms for one last kiss. "We'll be waiting for you." Bulma said. The tears were streaming down Bulma's face. The passion began to build up again. But he stopped it, wiped her tears, and walked toward the ship. "A son!! I'm going to have a son." he thought as he made his way to the ship. Before he closed the hatch, he gave her once last look. His mate, mother of his unborn son and the only person he really ever loved beside his father. "I love you too, Bulma ." he whispered. A tear rolled down his cheek, but it went unseen. He had to do this for himself and to uphold his Saiy-jin honor. Bulma backed up as the ship lifted from the ground and made it's way into space. The months passed and Bulma grew bigger and bigger. Every now and then she stood outside looking at the stars wondering where Vegeta was. Then the day she had been waiting for arrived and Bulma gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, whom she named Trunks. The same boy that had come to warn them about the events to come. And at that same moment, far in the outskirts of the universe, Vegeta became a Super-Saiya-jin.