Author's Notes

"DB The Best It Could Ever Be"

Website -

Ultima Virtues
by: Xelit


At the end of GT, Goku defeated Ii Shen Long with a huge Genki-Dama. Then the good Shen Long appeared and told he will not grant anymore wishes because if the evil Shen Longs should appear again Goku and Vegeta might not be around to save the earth. Goku convinced Shen Long to grant the last wish of restoring everyone killed by the Shen Longs. Then Shen Long told Goku to ride on his back, so he did. The two visited the old Z warriors and then Goku fused with the dragon balls and they both disappeared. Fusing with the dragon balls would revive the dragon balls in one hundred years. Meanwhile everyone else waited for Goku's return, but Vegeta knew that Goku will be gone forever. One hundred years later at the Tenkaichi Boudoukai Pan saw Goku at the Tournament and tried to reach him but she lost him.

Episode One: The Gadee-Jin

In the forgotten outskirts of Sataan City there was an old abandoned building. All the windows and doors have been boarded up for years, thus it was pitch black with only few beams of light that shone through the cracks in the rotting wood. Nothing was heard throughout the whole building, when suddenly sparks of electricity and embers of fire appeared from nowhere as if it were magic. Sparks turned in to huge lightning bolts while the embers raged into monumental flames, but this astonishing phenomena lasted for only five minutes then in a blink of the eye it reverted back the way it was: motionless and soundless but not lifeless. Out of the darkness at least three shadowy creatures appeared.

"Is everyone alright?" commented one creature with a heavy foreign accent. (The reason they are speaking English will be explained later) The creature was about six feet tall with huge bulging muscles. Someone might called the shadow a 'Neanderthal', but Neanderthal's were human this creature was not. A slimy tail extended from it's back barely touched the floor and under it's arm was a webbing that connected from the side of it's torso to the under of it's arms. It's body and head were a light turquoise color, to be exact the color of a blue pen called the 'Sanford Uni-Ball Grip', with tail a slightly lighter shade. The tail dragged along the floor as if it could not be moved under free will. Facial features were as followed: both eyes were solid gray, a nose was absent, ears were also absent, and the mouth was just a slit on the face. The head roughly a cube shape.

"I guess, how about Master?" replied a creature nearly identical creature except that it was slightly shorter and wider, but still had the same strong accent. Like his body his face was also shorter and wider and more scrunched up.

"I am alright" told 'Master'. You might have expected him to be around twenty feet tall and ten times as big, but those assumptions would be wrong.

This 'Master' was not what was just described, it was not even half the size compared to the two other creatures. The details of the face and body were not seen because a neon orange cloak covered it's entire head and body.

Master's voice did not have an accent at all, it spoke fluent English but sounded like a five year old child. Inside the cloak was a pocket that held a book of biographies on a bunch of other similar looking creatures, along with a picture and a stain of their 'blood'. They appeared to be of the same race. The title of the book was Gadee-Jin. It have been of the master's subjects.

"Does anyone know where we are?" asked the first creature as it looked around the barren building. The trio of creatures have just then split up to survey where they were but after extensive looking an answer was not given. Just when they were about to give up all hope, a startling response was given.

"I-I-I-I-I th-th-th-think I-I kn-know wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-where w-w-w-w-we are" responded the second creature. Because the sentence had not been completed the two other Gadee-jin, which was probably the name of their race, paused for a second before they had figured out something must have happened to it.

"What's happened?" Yelled the two. They searched frantically for it's location and after a minute or two they finally saw what was so startling, the Capsule Corporation logo! All three of their faces turned pure white just as though they had seen a ghost. They were so frightened they could not move an inch even if their lives had depended on it.

"Ohhhh Myyyy Goddd! Th-th-th-that's the Ca-ca-capsule C-c-c-orporation logo!" screamed Master, still in a state of severe shock. (Explained later on)

"We are in the dragon ball world!" exclaimed the trio simultaneously as they had realized they landed in a world that they thought never existed...

Elsewhere a Tenkaichi Budoukai, The World's Best Martial Arts Tournament, was going on. It was a standard tournament where many people enter it either in the kids and adult division. Through literally hundreds of preliminary battles the top sixteen entrants were chosen. Those sixteen went into a round robin tournament held in a square arena. Surrounding the arena was a small space, but other than that bleachers filled with audiences was around the arena. An elderly (The old one from the end of GT) Pan waited for her grandson, Goku Jr., compete in the kids division championship. Her grandson looked like a young Goku with the clothes of him from the end of DBZ but wore a Bardock-like headband. To Pan's left was a woman who resembled Bulma substantially while on her right was all of Goku Jr's friends from school. Finally it was Goku Jr's turn to compete. A tense moment came as everyone waited for challenger to appear. When he did, Pan was surprised that he looked like a young version of Vegeta! Ironically his name was Vegeta Jr. The battle had begun, and it was pretty even match.

"You think your pretty good, huh? I guess I have to show my true power" replied Vegeta Jr. as he easily turned Super Saiyan. His dark blue tank-top and shorts turned a lighter shade. His hair spiked up and became a golden-yellow.

"I can do that too!" replied Goku Jr. as he mimicked Vegeta Jr. by turning Super Saiyan. His clothes turned lighter, and as guessed, his hair became golden and spiked up.

"Eh? I am impressed. You learned to turn your hair blonde, too" told Vegeta Jr. with some enthusiasm for the fight.

"Let's get it on" claimed Goku Jr. eagerly awaiting to compare his foe's powers to his own.

"Let's go?" asked Vegeta Jr.

"Yeah" shouted Goku Jr. back as they started to battle once again.

"Goku Jr." His friends along with Pan cheered on.

"Grandpa, Goku!" Pan cried in excitement after she saw her grandpa after a hundred years of absence when he supposedly was gone forever. She started to run through the crowd to reach him, but the crowd stood up, which obstructed her view. When the crowd sat down, Goku was gone because walked away. Pan started to think about Goku when suddenly her vision slowly began to focus and unfocus. She rubbed her eyes, but it did nothing. As floor started to shake violently, the colors she saw started blending together as if a seventies tie-dye T-shirt or something similar in nature. In a heartbeat the colors dropped to a solid black and Pan fell to the floor.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" screamed Pan, but soon ran out of breath. She panted and gasped for air but did not recognize her location. Scared and confused she quickly looked around.

"Are you alright?" a familiar voice mouthed but she was unable to recognize it because her mind was not clear. Her vision returned crystal clear after calming down. Looking around in the bedroom she was in, she finally saw something she knew. She saw her husband for 6 years, Trunks.

"Is this a dream or is this real?" Pan thought before all her memories comes rushing back a second later. Goku, Ii-shenlong, Super 17, Baby, everything in her past came back.

"It was only a dream. It must have been scary to make you scream like that. It was like you were getting murdered!" Trunks laughed, but the only thing she heard was 'it was only a dream' repeating over and over in her head. Flashes of her dream filled her head and she was in a trance and did not respond to Trunks. (That earlier was all a dream so she is as young as Trunks, about 30 years old, but the alien part actually happened)

"Goku" Pan sighed. Trunks got a questioned look on his face as he could not tell what Pan just happened or what she was going to do. She dug through her dresser drawer and finally found something interesting, a picture of Goku and friends in the Cell-Era. "Goku" she voiced again in her head as everyone else in the picture faded away. Flashbacks of her times with Goku: the last tournament of Z, finding the dragon balls in GT, etc, played back in her head like an old film reel. (That dream assumed that all of GT happened until when Pan sees Goku at the tournament)

"When was that picture taken? I am an adult in that picture, but I do not remember that. And that was when Gohan was still a boy. I was still a baby, but in that picture how can I be an adult?" Trunks asked very confused.

"I don't know. I think Gohan responded like you came from the future. I am not sure" Pan answered.

"Give me the picture. I'll go ask Gohan when I have time" Trunks got the picture and put it away.

"Don't mess it up! It is priceless" Pan told trying to protect her valuable picture. After this nothing was commented and total silent engulfed the room

"I take it that your dream had Goku in it, didn't it?" spoke Trunks with a little concern in his eye, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. It was one hundred years after he had disappeared, it would be eighty five years from now. I was dreaming of the Tenkaichi Boudoukai. I was watching the kids tournament. Then I saw Goku. I tried to reach but I lost him. Then I woke up." Pan explained.

"I see. That must have brought back unwanted memories because I know how much you miss Goku" Trunks tried to comfort Pan after her dream but it ended up making her sad. In sorrow, Pan started to cry anyway. Deep silence ensued, which left only crying and sniffling sounds. Silence still lingered although she stopped crying a short time later. The quietness was completely broken by the blaring of a limousine horn.

"Oh my god" shouted Trunks as he looked at the clock and realized he was late for work. He quickly got his suit but struggled to put it on. As soon as he grabbed his briefcase he ran out of the door. Pan went to her son's room to get her son, Baksha, ready for school but she stopped when she reached the door because she looked and saw that she was still wearing her black silk nightgown. She ran back to her room and got dressed by putting on a skirt and jacket.

"Ready for school?" she asked her son although the same response was expected from almost everyone.

"I don't want to go!" was his response, she was right. Baksha got his backpack and left.

"I almost forgot!" Pan proclaimed in her head as she almost locked the door. She grabbed the school enrollment papers and also left.

"Hey" told her uncle, Goten, wearing a green muscle T-shirt and some baggy red shorts. He was with his son and Baksha's best friend, Goken. About the same age as his best friend, six years old, he was dressed for school in a mini-suit with a tie, gel in his hair, etc. He liked this though, he thought it made him look smarter than he actually was. He was actually a foolish and goofy kid. Along with Goken, Goten was with Paris, his wife, who was wearing some tight spandex pants with a strapless top on. They have been married for 6 years now, it was a double marriage: Trunks-Pan and Goten-Paris. Goten and Paris were happy together, but often got into quarrels. That was a good thing though. They were usually childish fights where they acted like five year olds and had an expected end where they made up and kissed, and went in the room, etc. Goken did not like these fights because he did not understand that they were usually kidding around and did not see what happened in the room.

"I had the strangest dream" Pan replied while Baksha and Goken got together to plot something wild and crazy.

"What was it about?" The other adults asked. Pan just then got an odd look on her face.

"About Grandpa" Pan murmured.

"Dad" Goten thought. He missed Goku as much as everyone else, not just Goku's family, all of Goku's friends. They mourned Goku's disappearance every year. Even Vegeta, who hated Goku's guts, missed him. Without him he had nobody to argue with.

"Let me tell you about it" Pan got the courage to say.

Back in the abandoned CC building, the three Gadee-Jin still talk.

"You all finally got the plan?" Master asked impatiently. This was the seventh time he had gone over it. The Gadee-jin have high morals but short tempers.

"Why can't we kill anyone?" Bickered the taller of the two similar Gadee-Jin.

"Because that isn't in our morals! Besides it isn't nice to destroy such a famous world" replied the shorter of the two similar Gadee-Jin.

"So we only go in, get what we need, and leave?" mouthed the taller one.

"Unless, something unexpected happens. Try to be as gentle as possible" Master answered.

"Okay, let's go!" the trio shouted. They flew to their destination, CC!

In a secret chamber in CC a scientist worked on a enigmatic project that even the president of the company, Trunks, did not know about. Only he himself, Narabu, knew about it. Like the average scientist, he wore a white lab coat. The chamber he was in was colossal, but empty. Only four things are in it: a table, a machine, a cabinet, and himself were in it. On the table laid the blue prints for the machine beside it. The cabinet contained test tubes filled with a red liquid.

"It is finally finished" declared Narabu. After twenty years of devising and developing a test version of his invention was completed. Deeply excited, he rubbed his chin and said, "Now who should it be? Who is the most important person I lost? Hmm, my wife!" He strutted to the huge cabinet of blood samples in test tubes. On the each test tube was a name and a picture, he picked up one labeled Akemi. He put it in his invention, a huge machine that looked like a tall refrigerator. After struggling he finally opened the door to the machine. Proceeding the pouring of the blood from the test tube into small slot on the side of the chamber, he initiated the process by pressing a red button. The couple of minutes the process took felt like an eternity to him. He was so tense he was biting his nails. The torment was over, the door swung open and a woman walked out.

"N-Na-Narabu?" the female asked with a weird look on her face. She looked like a high school prom queen, full of pulchritude and all. She was all dressed up for the event also: white dress, high heels, everything except a crown. She looked exactly like a carbon copy of the picture on the test tube.

"Yea, is that you Akemi?" Narabu hoped that answer will be yes, because that would mean she was his wife. However he didn't care about the mystery on how she remembered him because normally it would only duplicate the looks, not the thoughts. However Narabu over did himself by unwittingly making the clones remember some of their past thoughts, but he didn't really care. All that mattered was her response and if it was truely his wife.

"Mm-hmm" Akemi hummed. In slow motion she ran to Narabu and Narabu ran to her, exactly like those reunions on TV. They hugged and kissed, Narabu was at the top of the world.

"My cloning machine works! It actually works! This will make me famous!" Narabu shouted as he showed a enormous grin on his face. The grin slowly turned upside down as he recalled it was a secret project and that the government would want to keep it a secret and/or strictly business use only, but he remained happy he has his wife back.

"What are you blabbing about? I am a clone? I'm confused" His wife asked as she scratched her head in confusion.

"Look, after you passed on twenty years ago, I dreamt about resurrecting you. However the technology was not advanced enough yet to do anything. Later on technology shined a light on my dream. Capsule Corporation sponsored my research for a project, but because I was already such a great scientist, they did not need to know specifically what my research was. In fact, the machine is right over there." He pointed to the machine, "All that is needed to clone is a picture and a blood sample. I have kept a sample and picture of everyone in Sataan City for the last twenty years so when my 'cloner' takes off, I could charge people for clones. But that's not all, it not only clones them it genetically enhances their genes to make them even better than the original" Narabu explained. He had accomplished this all without anyone else's help, except for CC's funding.

"But do they have the same personality?" Akemi tried to ask but the cloning machine started to beep, shake, rattle, and roll out of control and Narabu didn't hear the question. Narabu was scared to death while Akemi was calm and unafraid, probably because of the genetic enhancements. Narabu grabbed blue prints for the machine, then screamed like a wuss as he ran out of the room as fast as he could. His wife slowly followed.

"I hope someone can fix this!" he screamed

"That is so sad" Goten and Paris commented when they finished hearing about Pan's dream. Tears filled their eyes.

"So, Goku didn't say goodbye after he left?" Baksha asked. He had only heard stories from his parents about how great a person Goku was and wanted to know more.

"No, although I wish he did. He left with the dragon and disappeared" Goten declared while he and Pan started to cry as tears rolled down their cheeks. Only Vegeta knew Goku will be gone forever, and Vegeta had only told Pan Goku will be gone for good after she found Goku's tattered clothes. Everyone else to this day still remained clue less.

"That's okay honey" Paris announced patting him on the back, but it did not help much and now they were sadder than ever.

"After Goku was gone, there seemed to be no more evil coming. Did Goku bring on evil because of his lust for fighting?" Pan stated. She still had a lot of questions that needed answers, just like the one she just asked.

"Maybe, or maybe we all brought it on ourselves" Paris commented.

"I don't really care much" Goten madly remarked as he pounded one of his fists into his other hand's palm. He did not like to talk much about Goku for reasons of Goku was the most important person in his life and he left Goten without saying good bye.

"I would really like it if Goku came back" Paris commented trying to brighten up the sad look on everyone's face.

"Wouldn't everyone?" Goten angrily responded.

"I think this will lead to an argument between my parents, how can we stop it?" Goken claimed to Baksha quietly. He liked to play peacemaker in his family for reasons already known.

"I do not know. Maybe if we dash off really fast, they will run after us and forget about everything. Unless you think of something else, I'm going to run" Baksha susurrated back. He started stretching his legs and stood in a running position.

"On three. One, three" Goken and Baksha ran as fast as they could. The adults hardly noticed, but then took off once they noticed.

"I think it's working!" They both voiced while panting heavily. Like a bat, a thought hit Pan.

"Trunks forgot to sign the school enrollment papers!" She contemplated shockingly. She quickly flew off the CC to get Trunks' signature on the papers. The school was along the same route to CC, so Pan just flew over the rest of the group. Meanwhile Goten, Paris, Goken and Baksha were confused at where Pan was going and why didn't she stop the kids.

In Trunks' office at CC, Trunks still pondered about the picture. His office was big and messy, books and papers covered the floor. His desk was disorganized and almost filled up with papers that needed to fill out. This reflected his personality, which was a little like his best friend Goten, not serious and not organized.

"How can this be? It's driving me crazy! I really want to know" Trunks cogitated as he looked at the picture. He tried to pass the time by thinking of what happened to everyone in the picture now. "Goku disappeared. Gohan is still alive and at work. I am fine and dandy. Piccolo is still stuck in hell (From DBGT). Dad is kind of sad that Goku is gone. Chi Chi is alone in a retirement home. Ox-King passed on a while ago. Mr. Sataan retired from the last Tenkaichi Boudoukai and gave his title to Uubu. Krillin and Android 18 died in a car accident five years ago. Master Roshi is immortal and still lives on his island. Puar and Oolong hang out with Master Roshi. Yamcha, Chaozu, and Tien moved out of Sataan City after they heard Goku disappeared, because they couldn't stand the fact that their good friend is gone. Mom, mom is dead" Trunks stopped there and remembered his mom. He took out a memorial video that was played at her funeral. He put it in his VCR and played it in a secret television hidden in the wall. When the video was almost done, a door slam scared Trunks and made him spill coffee on himself.

"Oops. Sorry" Narabu responded as he came in with his wife and saw what he caused.

"That's okay" Trunks uttered although he was lying. Trunks tried to wipe it off with a towel but it was not working. He put away Pan's picture in his pocket.

"Can you see what is wrong in these blue prints? The machine worked perfectly but then started to make weird noises and shake around" Akemi asked.

"My research you have funded has made my invention, a cloning machine or cloner if you may, successful. It not only seems to clone perfectly, but enhances the genes so they come out even better than before" Narabu bragged. At the moment he wsa the happiest person in the world. His invention worked and he got his wife back. Nothing could bring him down, or so it seemed.

"I will when I have time. I am kind of busy at the moment as you can see. Put it on my desk and I'll get back to it. Since you have accomplished a major success, you can take the rest of the day, no wait month off" Trunks told him. They put the blue prints on his desk and bolted out of CC together. Trunks leaned back in his chair continued to play the rest of the video. After the video finished it strangely turned into a video about Goku's life, put together by Goku's family and friends shown at the fifth anniversary of his disappearance. It showed highlights of his life throughout DB, DBZ, and DBGT. After this was over Trunks listened to a mini radio he always carried around with him. Then another door slams scared Trunks but this time he fell backwards out of his chair. His secretary came in wearing a blue blazer and a long matching skirt.

"Sir, three people are here to see you" his secretary declared to Trunks. The three Gadee-jin stepped in and the taller of the two similar Gadee-jin was introduced as Mil. The other one was Toran and Master's name was Bozen. The secretary left so Trunks could talk business with the three.

"It is a pleasure to meet you" Trunks announced. It was in the company policy to say that.

"It is an honor to even get a chance to meet someone as famous as you, Trunks" Bozen mumbled as he looked around the office after the trio bowed to Trunks. He was slightly amazed at the size, but was hardly impressed at how messy it is. Trunks is stunned as he heared his name from a complete stranger. After a momentary stillness he was back to normal.

"How do you know my name?!?!? I know I did not tell you" Trunks demanded, almost yelling, ignoring the honor and famous part.

"We cannot show our excitement around him. He'll be suspicious" Mil whispered to Bozen.

"Well" Toran added almost stuttering. Trunks was more suspicious than ever.

"Excuse me Mr. Trunks, but your secretary told me" Bozen nervously stated, attempting to make it sound confident. Nothing yet caught his eyes. "Can I look through a catalogue of products you have to offer us?"

"Sure. Look at this" Trunks glibly said as he handed over a book of CC products, still suspicious. The three looked through the catalogue fast, really fast. They flipped though the pages seemingly not reading anything.

"This isn't what we were looking for" Mil commented.

"Well, what exactly are trying to find?" Trunks replied.

"What do you have to offer us on the topic of radars?" Toran added.

"Radars? What kind?" Trunks asked.

"Dragon ball radars if you may" Bozen stated.

"How do you know about the dragon balls?" Trunks shouted at the three in shock. Trunks then got a little nervous and wanted to leave the room, because he contemplated that this would eventually escalate to something unwanted.

"Please do not ask any questions about this, it is a personal matter" Bozen answered sniffling to fool Trunks. He was downright lying about the personal matter part, but just replied that so Trunks would not ask anymore.

"I am terribly sorry, but I do have a working dragon ball radar. However it will serve no purpose since there are no more dragon balls" Trunks sadly answered.

"No offense, but you could be lying. Sorry. I do not know if I can trust someone I just met. I would like to see for myself" Mil jammed his voice in. Trunks handed over the radar and Toran turned it on. Nothing happened. The Gadee-Jin now believed that there were no more dragon balls. Just then something caught their eyes, the plans for the cloning machine. Trunks just then saw their eyes directly on the plans and tried to slowly inch the plans into his desk drawer but Bozen grabbed the plans away. Trunks was worried as the cloning machine is a secret project, and it could be dangerous in the wrong hands. He had forgotten to put them away before anyone saw them when he was watching the memorial video.

"Interesting, very interesting. I did not know that this was possible, or at least not yet. May I be escorted to see this cloning machine?" Mil and Toran asked seemingly very interested while Bozen looked closely and examined the blue prints.

"Well, um, it isn't finished yet" Trunks sounded unconfident.

"Then what does this check mark mean, huh?" Bozen quickly asked as he looked over the plans and pointed to the red check mark next to the word 'completed' on the plans.

"Uh, um, that means it needs to be done! Hehehehe" Trunks verbally expressed a little scared. The tone of his fake laughs signaled that that was an obvious lie, but the Gadee-Jin did not detect that.

"I stand rectified. Will it be finished soon? I really need to use a cloning machine. For important reasons" Bozen sadly uttered.

"It will not be finished soon. It isn't even halfway done. When it is done it has to go through numerous testing phases. Then the government has to regulate it. Then after mass producing it will be available to the public like you. Important reasons?" Trunks tried to make it seem more complicated than it was, however still feeling sympathetic toward him when he said 'important reasons'.

'|-Should we tell him the story of our world?-|' Bozen telepathically asked the other two Gadee-Jin's. When Bozen communicated telepathically the message went to their brains directly so they did not have to listen to it but still understood it. It was really quick, a conversation that would take five minutes normally only would take one second telepathically. (They didn't talk like this earlier because I didn't want to complicate the story early on and turn you off)

'|-If you want, however I don't see a reason to at the moment-|' Mil responded.

'|-Maybe he will let us use the machine if we tell him-|' Toran added.

'|-Yeah, then we can regenerate our race using the machine when it is complete-|' Mil realized.

'|-I will tell him-|' Bozen declared.

'|-No! Let me!|' Toran yelled.

'|-Whoever, but tell him-|' Mil declared, seeming not wanting to explain.

'|-You don't have to yell, Toran. Go ahead an tell him-|' Bozen spoke agreeing to let Toran explain. This whole conversation took less than a second.

"Let me tell you a story" Toran announced. A flashback ensued.

In another world that looked vaguely familiar to earth, the cloudless sky was a deep pale green, the bodies of liquid were in a yellowish hue, and the ground was a brilliant blue. The world was a beautiful place, a place where one could sit and watch the organisms interact with other organisms for hours and hours off end. Along with the wild organisms, whom looks like animals plucked straight from a science-fiction flick, there were the Gadee-Jin here and there. Most of the wealth of the Gadee-Jin race populated the world, were in the cities built in their world. It was normally a tranquil world, but now a battle raged, between the Gadee-jin and the Morlocks. The Morlocks all wore a cloak similar to the one Bozen wears. Since they wore cloaks the true look of the Morlocks were shrouded in mystery. A little known fact was that their skin was orange, the exact orange of a basketball. The only other thing known was that the Warlocks had magic. With magic, you would have expected the Morlocks to easily win the battle, however Gadee-jin have the natural abillity to fly, but fighting had to be learned the hard way although they were more powerful physically than the Morlocks. (They did not have ki's or the ability to zanzoken) The battle all started with an accidental death of a Morlock. Then smaller battles started, more and fiercer battles proceeded. The final epic battle was imminent. That epic battle was the one being fought right now. As the battled went on more people from both sides perish. The battle slowly became less tense. Only a couple of each side remained, including the rulers of both side. The rest have either died or fled. Anyway, the leaders of each side met. Mabise, the leader of all the Gadee-jin's was Bozen's 'dad'. Jokiru, Bozen's 'mom' was also a leader. Bozen was the third in charge.

"I think we should call a truce, this war will never end. It is an endless power struggle. We are more powerful than you, but you have magical powers on your side. We both have advantages and disadvantages. Think about it and I think you shall see it my way" Mabise told extending his hand out for a handshake. (Until noted, the conversations should be in another language but I wrote it all in English because it's easier to read)

"I do see it your way. Fighting will make us gain nothing. The truce that is made here shall remain forever" The Morlock leader, Kawamichi, remarked. He grabbed Mabise's hand and shook it. The two sides dispersed in opposite ways. The Gadee-jin raised their heads in pride as they knew they solved a dispute with words, not fists.

"Uuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhh" Mabise mumbled as he slowly crouched and fell to the floor. Everyone of the Gadee-jin surrounded the site of their great leaders death.

"Mmmaaabbbiiissseee!" Jokiru yelled. She turned around and saw Kawamichi's arm still extended from firing a bolt of electricity at Mabise. All the Morlocks laughed just to instigate a fight as they signaled the Gadee-Jin to continue the fight. The Gadee-Jin fell into the Morlock's plan to fight more. All the Gadee-Jin flew out to fight their remaining enemies except for Bozen, who remained at his fallen father's side. The battle started once more and the Gadee-Jin, with the ire of their leader's death, destroyed all Morlock's there but one. As all the Gadee-Jin flew toward that Morlock, Wenozi, to annihilate him that Morlock formed a barrier around himself.

"Sghodburiynghednboedhag" Wenozi summoned, "Haaaaaaaaaaa!" he yelled as he pounded his fists onto the floor. His whole body slowly turned a reddish-orange. Wenozi melted into lava that seeped into the cracks in the wood-like floor. The fight was all over. As the Gadee-Jin returned home, Bozen noticed the Morlock's cloak in perfect condition. He picked it up and wore it home. All the other Gadee-Jin did not object as they saw no harm and felt that the cloak might help ease the pain of Mabise's death. Everything was back to normal or so it seemed. Days, weeks, months passed with nothing abnormal happening.

"The end will come as visions fill your head. Exactly one hundred days will lead to the end of everything" a voice chanted in Bozen's head. After that visions of another world occasionally were seen in his head. The visions were of a great world, the dragon ball world. Through his visions, he created the story of dragon ball in his world. A dragon ball craze spreaded throughout the Gadee-Jin world. Through books, magazines, TV, movies, toys, everything. Bozen made dragon ball famous in his world and through all of this time they mastered the way the Z fighters fought: the ability to zanzoken, shoot ki's, their power, etc. He had seen visions from the beginning of DB through the fusion of Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 in DBGT. Every single living thing in the Gadee-Jin world knew of the dragon ball story, and adopted English as their official language. (A result of the huge craze) Forgotten was the threat that one hundred days after visions started appear in his head, the world would end. By the time Bozen remembered this, he had only ten days 'to the end of everything'. Scared to death, he gathered the two most adroit people in the land to create a device to stop this. The two people were Mil and Toran. Days passed working on the device.

"Ah! We only have less than one day left for this device and it is not done!" Mil exclaimed scaredly.

"So this device will stop the world from exploding? I doubt it" Toran told.

"Well, we got to try something" Mil agreed with Toran as they continued to work.

"Are you finished yet?!" Bozen screamed as he walks in.

"Yea, its just completed" Mil and Toran confidently claimed, finishing in the nick of time. They shuddered a little, because they knew that it might not work.

"It better be. The end is coming shortly" Bozen verbally expressed.

"It is?" Mil cowered. Toran was scared stiff as the floor starts to bubble up with lava, the lava appears to be the same as what the Morlock, Wenozi, turned into. All the electronics bursted with electricity.

"It started!" They all commented in shock as they finally realized the spell the final Morlock had summoned was to destroy the planet. Jokiru and her five guards were not present so they tried to use the device without them.

"Why isn't this damn thing working?" Bozen pondered out loud.

"I do not know. Press the button, pound it, do something!" Mil commanded, but nothing works. The room slowly filled with lava and electricity jolted everywhere. Everyone cogitated the world was coming to an end. Totally filled with rage because the machine won't work, Toran took the machine from Bozen and threw it into the sparks emitting from a broken electric socket. The machine started to glow. They were all in shock, but Bozen suddenly fell into a reverie of a aged, vacant building. He was in a trance-like state, but Mil and Toran did not notice as they were impressed at the glowing of the machine. Sparks and flames shoot out from machine. The sparks and flames spreaded across the room and hit the three Gadee-Jin as the lava covered them up. The next thing they knew they were in an unlit, noiseless room with only beams of light piercing the darkness here and there.

"As soon we (Bozen, Mil, and himself) realize we are in your world by seeing the Capsule Corporation logo in the abandoned building we were in, we come up with a plan to use the dragon balls to wish ourselves back to our world. However we do not know where to find the dragon balls so we came here to find a dragon ball radar. Alas the dragon balls do not exist anymore. But it is great to meet one of our idols in person" Toran finished his story.

"But you have a cloning machine. Using that, we can generate our race back to normal and create a device to get use back to our world" Bozen added, "However you said the machine isn't finished, so I guess we have to wait. Let's go" The Gadee-Jin go for the door.

"Should I let them use the cloning machine? Afterall they said I was their idol and that means they looked up to me" Trunks questioned himself as he now knows that the Gadee-Jin meant no harm to his world, because they only wanted their race to live again. "I think I should let them use the machine" but he never got around to express his novel thoughts because Pan rushed in the door waving papers he needed to sign.

"You need to sign these papers in order to get Baksha enrolled in school. And congratulations upon the completion of the cloning machine. I ran into Narabu and Akemi on the way over here. We can use the machine to clone Goku!" Pan filled with joy. She could not stand still. She ran around the room a couple of times.

"But I didn't make the machine or finish making it, Narabu did it all, oops!" Trunks realized his mistake but it was too late. The Gadee-Jin put on the meanest faces anything human or not human can ever have, all of them stared Trunks down.

"So the machine is finished" Bozen yelled mad as hell.

"After we told you our story, you should know how much we need it" Mil screamed.

"Yet you still keep it from us?" Toran hollered.

"But" Trunks tried to explain how he was going to let them use the machine.

"But nothing. We looked up to you and thought you would know our pain" Toran barked back, loosing all respect for his idol. "But you're just a good for nothing piece of sh*t"

"That machine could of changed our race" Bozen shouted also loosing respect for who he thought was such a hero.

"Our world" Mil roared furiously changing his whole attitude toward Trunks.

"Our fate!" Toran yelled at the top of his voice.

'|-Grab them. We will get the location of the cloning machine sooner or later-|' Bozen spoke telepathically so Trunks and Pan cannot hear and foil their plan. Toran grabbed Pan by the arms while Mil grabbed Trunks in a hold, the one where from behind Mil's arms go in front of Trunks' arms, which are up in the air, and behind Trunks' head.

"Will you tell us the location now?" Mil voiced tightening the grip of his hold as he lifted him off the ground. If Toran contracted the grip even more, Trunks arms would be dislocated!

"Ne-never!" Trunks finally got out, his face was turning totally red. Thinking the Gadee-Jin are now deranged, he deduced that if he presented them with the location of the cloner they would presumably use it against him in one way or another. Bozen started breathing in and out heavily, in an attempt to calm himself down.

"Are you sure about that?" Mil threatened as he lets Trunks out of the hold and held him up by his collar with his fist holding a ki reared back ready for a punch centered on his face.

"Go ahead punch me because I will not tell you because I know your plans" Trunks just signed his death certificate. The plans he was speaking of is probably the one to kill Trunks once they got what they want.

"If you insist!" Mil yelled out as he used all of his strength in an effort to smash Trunks face into a bloody mess.

"Wait!" A now calm Bozen screamed as he saw Pan and Toran fighting. The whole room stops except for them. Battle screams from Pan and Toran fill the air as everyone looked at the two. The Gadee-Jin and even Trunks were amazed that Pan can stand up to Toran. Loosing concentration Mil let go of Trunks and set him down on the floor, but Trunks made no effort at all to fight back against Mil as he was more enticed by Pan fighting Toran. Mil began to calm down as he tried to figure out why they were fighting. He finally figured that Pan was fighting so Toran won't be hold her as Bozen told Toran to and Toran was fighting to grab her to follow Bozen's orders. Then from a short struggle they began to fight.

"This is interesting. I always knew the dragon ball warriors were great fighters, but I didn't know we could stand up to them. Sure we enahanced some of their techniques, but that's besides the point. And who'd of think we would ever get the chance to fight the warriors and beat them!" Mil and Bozen thought together changing their attitude toward Trunks because of the extreme excitement caused by the battle. If they had a heart, it would have beated ten hundred, thousand times a minute. They were really getting into the battle.

'|-How about if we agree to a bet with Trunks? If the girl wins we leave. If Toran, here, wins we get to use machine. Does that sound ok?-|' Mil proposed to Bozen to propose to Trunks.

'|-Sounds good but he might not accept as he thinks we might harm him with the cloning machine. But I will sweeten the deal a little-|' Bozen responded back to Mil. "This fight alone may be great enough to walk away from CC and live in this world forever. This is the best fight I have ever seen in my whole life. These two were like legends to us, but they do not seem so great face to face. Their just like every other average Joe in this world. Even I could take them on" Bozen pondered. To himself '|-Toran, let the girl win a little-|' Bozen told Toran which made him more perplexed.

'|-Why? I will win-|' Toran questioned Bozen only pausing for quick thousandths of a second to receive and send messages.

'|-Just do it. You find out soon enough-|' Bozen replied. Toran who was undoubtedly winning and now getting bested horribly by Pan.

"Trunks I got a offer for you. It's involves the fight. If the lady, wins we will leave in peace, never appearing again in your sights. If Toran wins we will get to clone our race and go home as soon as possible. but to show you that you can trust us, you may watch it all. Oh yeah, during the battle there will be no deaths and it ends when someone says they give up" Bozen told Trunks. Trunks, cogitated about it, looking semi-interested. As Pan won more and more Trunks was thinking of agreeing more and more.

"Well the pros of agreeing first. Pros: Pan looks like she'll win anyway and they might kill me if I don't agree. Con: Pan might loose and they might use the cloner for evil. But they responded they'll let me watch. I guess agreeing won't hurt. Oh! Maybe if I" Trunks rationalized it. Momentarily, "You got a deal!" Trunks shouted after his finds a ace up his sleeve. They shook hands. Bozen looked away for a brief second and smirks and so did Trunks.

"Won't the people outside of this room hear the loud booms and shouts?" Mil asked.

"All the walls in CC are reinforced with steel. We learned from 'Explosion of CC' two years ago. Now even if there is an explosion it won't affect anywhere else but CC" Trunks conceitedly boasted about his company.

"I agree" Toran and Pan proclaimed trying to vent their frustrations on each other.

"Let go of me you jerk!" Pan yelled as one arm was being contorted by Toran's two limbs. As the agony increased she gets more potency out of ire. Suddenly she kicked him in the midsection. Toran held his gut he descends to the floorboards. Being the first time he has ever experienced 'real' pain, he fills with adrenaline and rage. He dashed toward Pan with a whirlwind of punches, kicks, and ki blasts. Going all out, Toran could have won right now.

'|-I commented let the girl win a little!-|' Bozen clenched his fist and shook it at Toran behind everyone's back. Toran got distracted by the intensity in sound of Bozen's threat. However before Toran started to hold his head, he knocked Pan into the bookcase near the door to the office. With books on top of her, Pan powered up and suspended the books in midair. She charges her 'Twin Energy Balls'. Elegant effects filled the room as she flung her two arms forward and released the ki blasts. All of the books flew with it. Suddenly Toran started revolving rapidly. The books and twin energy balls just bounced off of Toran. Then a gust of wind blew it in circles around Toran. Toran stopped spinning and so did the stuff engulfed in the wind. It all floated in front of Toran exactly as what Pan did.

"Twin energy balls!" Toran mimicked the twin energy balls but even stronger and released it at Pan. A direct hit was made! The explosion was so big, the shockwave could be felt outside of the room. People in CC thought it is a minor aftershock. So much smoke filled the room, it was almost impossible to breathe. Coughing was unavoidable.

"Are you ok, Pan?" Trunks gasped thinking that could be it for Pan. No response was given. The Gadee-Jin had a happy look on their faces, while Trunks' mouth was left gaping open. "She lost?". He tried to run in and check but Mil and Bozen held him back for sake that the battle might not be over. Minutes pass by as all hope was lost that Pan was still alive.

"She lost!" Mil shouted irresistibly.

"Yeah!" Bozen agreed. The two danced around as Trunks fell to the floor almost crying.

"No" Trunks cried. The smoke finally cleared the room and it was revealed that Pan was actually in a heated battle with Toran. They both were throwing all the punches and kicks they could, but they were countering each other with no actual harm done. Punch after punch, kick after kick they both got more incensed. Trunks sighed in relief that Pan was still alive.

"You can beat him" Trunks cheered Pan on. After receiving support she gained confidence, then landed a couple of good strong punches and kicks. Toran is stunned for a moment so Pan grabbed his arm and swung him in a circle over and over picking up velocity with every spin. After thirty spins she let him go right into a wall across the office. Greatly ticked off Toran prepared a fireball. He first stood with his arms extended as far as they could in front of him toward Pan, fists parallel and clenched. Between his fists a small green light appeared. As he moved his arms to the sides with his arms still extended, the fireball grew to the size of a beach ball. Then he extended his index and thumb (Not actually called that when the Gadee-Jin speak) on both of his hands. They made a 'L'. After that he moved his hands together, like trying to make a |_| shape with both hands when put together. As his arms got closer together, the fireball shot out. (All arm movements are all in one smooth motion)

"ETERNAL SNAP!!" Toran shouted as Pan got in a kamehameha-like stance. White rays of light emitted everywhere from between her hands. An intense light was the source of these rays. Energy surged all over her body as she thrusted both of her arms forward simultaneously to counter Toran's blast with her own to engage in the first "power struggle' fireball battle.

"ATOMIC SIDE BLITZ!!" Pan roared . . .

End of Episode 1: The Gadee-Jin