Author's Notes

This fanfic was put together by my and my friends for fun. I think it's pretty funny and I'm sure you all will to.

Vegeta vs. Roshi
Vegeta was flying to the kame house to pick up his son Trunks who was playing with Goten.He landed and buster open the door.In there he saw Master Roshi showing Trunks and Goten a Porn magizine called "The Big Breasted Women of Franch".Vegeta got pissed and said "You old fool! How dare you show my Son pornography! You will pay! Look at you! Your 160 years old and still not married! If you wheren't such a dirty pervert you would have a wife!".Master Roshi got up and was offended.He then said "Stop it now or I will have to escort you off my island" Then Vegeta noticed a nude picture of Bulma fall out of his pocket."You old Pervert! How dare you have nude pis of my wife! I am gona send you to hell!"Vegeta powerd up and turned SSJ4 and destroyed the big breasted women of franch magizine.Master Roshi seeing this,cuffed his hans to the side and charged a Kamehameha and was mumbling "".Vegeta laughed and thought a old pervert couldnt beat him."Hahaha you think you can defeat me you old cooke! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"Vegeta then sensed Roshis Power level."AHAHAHAH-WHAT?! 1 BILLION!!!! AND RISING!"Vegeta and Roshi flew outside and Master Roshi was about to shoot the Kamehameha,But Trunks mooned his house Keeper Lunch,and Goten pulled off her top and bra.Roshi saw a glimpse and got a huge nose bleed and droped his beam and going to his normal power.Vegeta then pucnhes roshi in the jaw,Knocking him out.

-Winner Vegeta
By Jaxx

Vegeta vs......Voltron!!!

One day Vegeta was just doing stuff but then Voltron showed up Voltron wanted to play base ball And he rolls Vegita into a baseball He uses The sword a bat and hits him acroos the galaxy
Winner: Voltron

Vegeta vs....Sailor Moon

Vegeta Didn't knew Sailor Monn was alive (again) Then He found out So he fought her one more time.Trunks helped vegeta. Trunks did Fusion wit Goten They did galactic donut.
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs....Spider-man!!!

Another boring afternoon thinks peter parker until just recently known as the outstanding spiderman never suspecting that he himself was being watched from above while watching his beloved city be engulfed in flames of such intense heat (they melted his first costume) they melt the pavement and cause massive lava flows . As he sits there he remembers his lost wife mary jane who was caught by the lava flow and melted alive along with his child . Then suddenly he is alerted by a evil laugh and blown away into particles of mass and Atoms by the one and only master of evil vegeta . Then vegeta is cut short of his moment of glory by every one in the entire Marvel and Capcom universe sensing there enormous power levels He throws the Artificial moonligt orb and destroyes them all in one mighty blast of pure energy . After transforming back he is kicked in the Balls by Bulma and her and Crylin strol off into the destroyed semi sunset to start over humanity
Winner: BULMA ?

Vegeta Ant??

Vegeta was in a take over the world mood once again and he walks down the street looking for something to destroy. He stops as he looks down to find an ant crossing before him. "Feeble mortal ant! Are you insane?!" Vegeta shouts. "You dare cross the path of Vegeta and expect to LIVE?!" Without even considering reading the ant's power level, Vegeta lifts his foot into the air about to step on the ant, but before his foot even gets close to the ground the ant fires the Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb) rapidly almost out of nowhere at Vegeta, sending him sky high. The ant mumbles, "Asshole..."
Winner: Ant

Vegeta vs....grass??

Vegeta stands before a blade of grass sticking out of the ground and shouts, "You dare challenge me?!" Vegeta steps on the blade of grass and walks away.
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs....Sailor Moon again!!!

One day or night as it would come to be vegeta was convently walikng around outside of his small home when all of a sudden all 21 of the sailor scoutes appaer out of no where and vegeta hears sailor moon saying " int the name of the moon i will punish you sai-jin trash . Well now vegeta is surrounded by sailor scoutes they attack him from all directions he easily eveades their attacks but suddenly he is hit by the moon scepter . Now vegeta is really pissed off and firing every thing he's got at sailor moon he hits her with a ganet gun but she is still standing ( what a fighter sniff sniff ) out of no where you hear the music for the trans formation of the sailor scoutes dooo da doo da dooo dooo doo ,. Before vegeta is hit he screams OH SHIT and he is purified off all his evilness . Vegeta is enlightened by the fact tthat he was beaten by a woman and askes sailor moon to marry him she agrees and they now have a son named doug ( oh now i know where that loser came from )
Winner: sailor moon

Vegeta vs Megaman X and Zero

One day, Vegeta's flying and sees this funny-looking city. "Ooh! A city! Looks like TARGET PRACTICE time!" Vegeta thinks. He lands and starts thrashing the place. All seems cool for Vegeta when two streaks, one blue and one red, fall from the sky. They land and assemble to what seems like two robots. The blue one says, "What the hell are you doing you spiky-haired freak!" The red one says,"We're on a mission, and you can't interrupt, dammit!" "Oh, sorry to crash the party." Vegeta says in a sarcastic tone. "By the way, my name is Vegeta. What's yours, losers." "Don't call us losers! Anyway, mine is Megaman X." replies the one in blue. "Call me Zero." says the red-clad robot. "Such a true name, Zero!" retorts Vegeta. "No one makes fun of my name!" shouts Zero as he pulls out his Z-Saber and attempts to cut Vegeta to ribbons. Vegeta is apparently too swift for Zero's futile attack. As a counter-atttack, he deploys a destructo-disc and slices Zero's hand off. "You mess with Zero, you mess with me!" cries out X as he uses his Nova Strike Beam technique (as seen in Megaman X 4). Vegeta easily cancels the beam with a Kamehameha he learned from Goku (or Kakarott if you prefer). "Now it's my turn, kiddies!" says Vegeta with his trademark demented left lip rise grin as he charges up. The two robots then fuse to create Megaman Z. Vegeta is diverted from charging up due to this occurance. "What the hell...!? Those metallic rodents can fuse!? No matter! Now I only have one to work on! Thanks, y'all!" Vegeta says. MZ (Megaman Z), using a combinaton of Raijengeki (as seen in MMX4) and Nova Strike Beam, launches a Crush Shock Ray (I created this one). Even though diverted from charging up, Vegeta still gathered enough energy for a Gallet Gun. He fires it and destroys the Crush Shock Ray, Megaman Z, and just about the whole city.
Winner: (As always) Vegeta

Vegeta vs.....Jabba the Hut!!

One day Vegeta was flying in his space pod then a comet hit his ship sending him to a nother galaxy where he landed on a strange planet he was disturbed by this planet then a strange big worm thing tried to eat him .He blasted at the worm the he bounced of his belly and hit Vegeta with his best shot at him Vegeta laughed at the worm and grinned at it he blasted it with his Gammit Gun and destrod the planet.
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs....furby!!!

One day vegeta was out shoping in walmart for some stuff to use for target practice and he saw a freaky little furry white thing on the shelf . He then looked to the left of hiim and saw a mob speeding twoard him one of the people in the mob grabbed the furby and ran off with it . Vegeta got really p.o.ed at that and blasted the person to the next dimension . Next he picked it up and left with it . When he got it home and opened it it started to talking in some weird language than it said atay obe which must've meant something like fuck you in sai-jin because than vegeta didn't hesitate to destroy it but when Vegeta missed it the first time it only laughed and went to sleep . So vegeta woke the little freak up and stomped it .
Winner: Vegeta ( thank the lord the furby is dead )

Vegeta vs......Mario!!!

Vegeta was quietly sitting down from the last fight with sailor moon and then he heard the doorbell ringing and he said "go away!" But the person at the doorbell just said "It's a me Mario!" "Who the heck is Mario!" "It's a me Mario! "Shut up before I come over there and send you into the next dimension just like I did to Nappa!!""But it's a me Mario! "That's it your finished you video game freak! "Vegeta slammed open the door knocking Mario without noticed. "Oww!" "Shut up!" As Vegeta was powering up to shoot his Gallet Gun Mario grabbed a happy little fire flower and stepped on it. Instenly he shot fire balls at Vegeta. Vegeta stared at him blankly laughed and blew him up.
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs....His drinking problem!!!

Few people know this, but Vegeta had a bad drinking problem. He started drinking when he was first defeated by Goku. Over the years, it became worse and worse. He felt he couldn't go a day without drinking. He was prone to drunken rages, Bulma and Trunks began to repeatedly "fall down the stairs". One day, as he was flying home after doing some heavy drinking, his vision became blurry. He rubbed his eyes, but he couldn't see straight anymore. He tried to stop, but he found he couldn't control his powers. They found his body three days later, imbedded in a mountain where he had crashed.
Winner: The Drinking Problem

Vegeta vs....Vegeta X!!!

At a park one night Vegeta was staring at the Half Moon that was wished back, he thought aloud "Why is Kakorot so much stronger?" Then a voice called out "BECAUSE YOUR WEAK!!!" "Why you! Who are you!" Vegeta Yelled. "I'm Vegeta X the ruler of Planet Vegeta 2! Some Sai-yans Survived 15 to be exact! We got on a ship just before it blew up! Then will found a deserted but well maintianed Planet! And the story goes on and on!" explained Vegeta X. "I'll kill you now!!!" said Vegeta. Vegeta powers up SSJ2! "Is that all you got! Only level 2! LOL!!!!!!" said Vegeta X "Uhh!!!!!" Vegeta X powers up to SSJ3! "Prepare to DIE!! Vegeta!" yelled Vegeta X! "They begin to battle! It is discusting! Both of them chop of each others arms with a Distructo Disc! They both blast each other with a FINAL FLASH Then at the End! Vegeta X and Vegeta were both exausted! "My SSJ3 is as powerful as your SSJ2 Vegeta!" said Vegeta X! Then in an amazing turn of evens Vegeta and Vegeta X both do their Big Bang Attack at each other at the same time when thier 2 feet away from each oher! Both of them are Blasted to The Next Dimension!
Winner: NONE! Equal Strength! ^_^

Vegeta vs......the animaniacs!!!

Vegeta was flying over the Warner movie lot when he spotted three wierd looking dog things. He decided to land and see what they were. "What are you supposed to be?" "Were the warner brothers" "and the warner sister" said the dog things. Then they proceeded to ask if Vegeta wanted to be there special friend. "No i dont want to be your special friend!!!" They all made stupid sad faces to try to make Vegeta feel sorry for them, which dident work. The warner brothers and the warner sister started to bounce around in circles, then Vegeta grabbed Yacko by the neck and slammed him on the ground. "That wasnt very nice" said Dot, your so mean, you just need a hug!!! Dot hugged vegeta, "Get off of me you little freak!!!" Vegeta threw her into a wall. All this time Wacko had just been standing there, "I have to go potty" he said. "yyyyaaaaaaa!!!" Vegeta screamed and blasted him into the water tower, the water tower fell and crushed the nearby biuldings. "I had no idea that anything that disturbing could ever exist!!! said Vegeta
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs.....Rickie Lake!!!

Rickie: "Ok, lets welcome our first guest, uhhh..., Vegeta.

Vegeta: "Hi, Why did you ask me to be on your show?"

Rickie: "We got a phone call from someone who wants to comfront you."

Vegeta: "Who, I'll kill em!!!"

Rickie: "Lets bring out Gohan!"

Gohan: "Hi Mrs. Lake!"

Rickie: "Just call me Rickie."

Gohan: "Ok Mrs. Lake!"

Rickie: "So Gohan, you want to comfront Vegeta because your angry with him for trying to destroy the earth........"

Gohan: "Thats right."

Vegeta: (screaming) "Why you little brat, I'll send you to another dimension!!!"

Rickie: "Vegeta, what kind of role model are you being for this little boy? As adults it is our duty to set a good example for kids. If all they see us doing is fighting and yelling, then how do you expect them to grow up as well adjusted individuals?"

Vegeta: "Shut the hell up Rickie!!!" (He throws her into a wall)

Gohan : "That wasn't very nice Mr.. Vegeta!"

Vegeta: "Aaahhhh!!"! (Powers up and sends Gohan to another dimension)

Audience Member: "Girl,if that were my son, I would make him lose weight!!!"

Vegeta: "That doesn't have anything to do with anything!!!" (Destroys the audience)

Rickie: (Trying to get out of the wall) "Vegeta, what makes you want to lash out at others?"

Vegeta: "Aaaaahhhhh! I thought I told you to SHUT UP!!!" (Anialates the hole studio)

Vegeta: "Well, I guess now they'll have to call it the " Burning Pile of What Used to be the Rickie Lake Show"
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs.....Steve Case!!!

One day Vegeta saw Trunks on the Computer. Vegeta says, "What the hell are you doing," Trunks answers him, "I'm on AOL." So Vegeta gets on and by mistake goes in a chat room. People are picking at Trunks because of his name(Screen Name: Tunks2245) Vegeta start cussing on the Computer calling everyone bitches and hoes. Then he starts to just get out of and with the cussing and just goes off. Then all Vegeta hears is Good-bye and AOL cuts him off for cussing in the chat room. Vegeta in a bit of rage just yells out "What the Fuck?!" Then Trunks explains to him that you cant cuss in the chat room. So Vegeta start to go crazy and asks "Who is the fucken creator of America Online." Trunks thinking what the hell is wrong with my dad says "Steve Case." So Vegeta goes out on a Rampage trying to find out who is Steve Case.(Kinda weird that he got pissed off cause of something like that.) So he finally finds the AOL C/O headquarters and finds Steve Case and jacks him up. What the hell is your problem not letting people cuss online. Well, Steve Case answers that "We have to make AOL suitable for all ages." So then a pissed off Vegeta slaps Steve Case. Steve case then busts out in a bit of rage and slaps Vegeta back then hits him with a Ki blast. "What the fuck you have powers" "Of course you fucken vegetable head freak who doesn't." Vegeta responds "Your gonna pay for touching me and talking about my head. ::cackles heavily and raises the left part of his top lip.:: Steve case says, "Well well just see about that." Vegeta powers up to SSJ and Steve Case doesn't know what to do so he attacks Vegeta knocking the hell out of him. Vegeta comes back with some hits of his own and knocks Steve Case out Steve gets up and Powers up and attacks Vegeta there is nothing Vegeta can do but let Steve do what he has to do. Steve is Powering up even while he's fighting how is he doing this Vegeta wonders. Then as Steve lays the smack down somemore on Vegeta. Then Vegeta notices that he can attack Steve when he punches cause Steve closes his eyes when he punches cause he is a little biotch. When Vegeta got his next opening Steve was through. "Your going to the NEXT DIMENSION BITCH." Yells Vegeta. "Your ass is mine you son of a bitch."(Notice how Vegeta loves to cuss.) Steve yells "Fuck you." and with his final energy powers up and blasts the shit out of Vegeta. "You stinken bitch what the fuck is wrong with you." Thinking you can fuck with the creater of AOL like that. Then Steve thinking he has won turns and walks away. All of a sudden there's a big bang. Then Vegeta pops-up and goes to work on Steve. All the time he was whoopin' Steve's ass he was singing this, "I been workin on the little bitch all the live long day!!!" and so on. "So now look at you Steve your own the floor like a little bitch." Then Steve says, "Fuck you bitch thats why I'll never change it." Thats pissed Vegeta off then he sent Steve not to the Next Dimension but two Dimensions over. So Vegeta finds Steve will and changes it and he put down that Steve left AOL to him. With that it now became VOL the online experience with the most cussing you ever heard.
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs.....Ranma!!!

Vegeta was flying around (where ever Ranma lives in japan) And it turned out that they had the same power level they collided fireballs and they both got sent to the next dimeinsion.
Winner: Draw

Vegeta vs.....Mr. Satan!!!

Vegeta was training in his gravity room when all of a sudden who should walk in but Mr. Satan. "I am Mr. Satan and when I'm though with you there won't even be a greasy stain left." In the middle of a complex fighting stance lifted an eyebrow (He hadn't turned his head toward Mr. Satan yet.) and then exploded with laughter. He checked in his scouter and thought to himself:"He doesn't even register! How pathetic!" and Mr. Satan said "I know I don't register!" Vegeta dropped his jaw because he didn't know that he could read minds. Mr. Satan then said, to Vegeta's amazement,"Garlic Ho!" Vegeta came to his senses just in time to dodge the attack and to his amazement yet again the beam shattered into a million pieces and was re-absorbed by Mr. Satan. This time Vegeta waisted no time in doing his trademark machine gun move, the Renzukou Energy Dan. Each of his ki blasts Mr. Satan easily countered with one of his own. Vegeta charged up to Super Saiya-jin and started beating the sense out of Mr. Satan. Half an hour later Mr. Satan was standing there without a scratch and Vegeta was lying in a pool of sweat. "Give up?" Mr. Satan said blankly. "I haven't even started to start my pre-warmups yet." Vegeta retorted. In his mind Vegeta knew if Mr. Satan didn't die or beg for mercy in the next ten seconds that he was in big trouble. He had already used nearly all his energy and couldn't even maintain Super Saiya-jin 2 state. So he charged up to Ultimate Saiya-jin, that undefined state beyond Super Saiya-jin 1 but not quite Super Saiya-jin 2. He had already tossed Mr. Satan around like a ragdoll... and so he thought of an alternative plan and charged down. "Oh, you finally gave up, good." Then Vegeta yelled "Ha! I already won! You see, I know that there is NO way that a loser like you could defeat me so this must be a dream..." Mr. Satan laughed yet said nothing. " and furthermore," Vegeta continued " I control my mind, so you're history." Vegeta then stuck up the finger at him and yelled "Super Really Big Energy Blast That Is Really Gonna Hurt Figments Of My Imagination Who Think They Can Beat The Mighty Vegeta Attack!" Then a single thin ray which hardly seemed worthy of it's excruciatingly long name blasted from the still extended finger and destroyed Mr. Satan. He then went on to become The Supreme Universal Deity and all the universe bowed to him... even Goku. And then he woke up.
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs Ranma(in the next dimension)

On King Kai's planet Vegeta found Ranma Vegeta:you again Ranma: yeah so. They got in a fight again.Ryoga comes out of nowhere.Ryoga:eat bandana you theif! Ranma:hiryu shoten ha! Ranma:Kayoken! Ranma throws Vegeta in hfil.
Winner: Ranma

Vegeta vs. Pee Wee Herman

One day Vegeta was channel surfing and he came across some green headed guy and some other weirdo . The second guy was making a wish and then the green head granted it . So after hewatched the show he deicied to go down to funimation the makes of pee wee's play house and get sme wishes from the green guy. When he got there he made his own door the show was being broad casted live that day . So Vegeta flew ocer tot he box where the green head was and beat on it while yelling " i want my wish damn it give me my wish " . When pee wee herad him yelling he walked over to Vegeta and said leave jambialone he's my friend and you can't have him . " well we'll see about that gay boy ! " said Vegeta . Then Peee wee powered up and started screaming asshole asshole ( it was there word of the day : ) ) Next Vegeta approched him in a cocky manner and flicked Pee wee . Pee wee went flying in to a wall and was killed then the box opened and said "don't hurt me i'll grant n-e wish you want just don't hurt me " Vegeta liked the sound of that and he ripped the box out of the wall and said i wish to be more powerful than kakorot . "but sir said " jambi i can only do stuff like make you fly or have a hawian beach party/dinner . That was obviosly the wrong reply because Vegeta than proceed to place the box on the floor and stomp it to death . Suddenly Goku showed up using the hole Vegeta made in wall as a door and he said " stop it Vegeta that was my favorite show " "so what are you gonna do about it Kakorott ? " said Vegeta . Then Goku showed him " what he was gonna do about it because well than Vegeta got his ass copmplety whooped by a surprise attack from Miss Evon .
Winner: Goku/ Miss Evon

Vegeta vs....Mr. T!!!

One day Vegeta was walking across a street when a van came barrelling out of nowhere and slammed into him. "What the hell?" Vegeta said as the van actually knocked him to the ground. "My van is helluva-fast, foo!" a big black guy yelled out the driver's side window as he drove off. Vegeta tried to pursue him, but the van is simply too helluva-fast to be chased down. "Hmmm... that must have been Mr. T... no one else has a van that helluva-fast." So instead of chasing Mr. T down, Vegeta made Mr. T come to him by blowing up a nearby dairy. "Where the kids gonna get their milk now, foo?" Mr. T said as he approached Vegeta, who stood in the ruins of the dairy. "You hit me with your van... now you die." Vegeta siad in response, and charged forward. Mr. T, without a word, picked Vegeta up and threw him helluva-far, causing him to collide with the Mir space station. Vegeta retreated, swearing revenge on Mr. T....
Winner: Mr. T (He can throw helluva-far!)

Vegeta vs....France

Vegeta was flying over France, when he saw that it was full of smarmy bastards. He couldn't stand that, so he went down into a large crowd of French people and did a Final Flash! But the sheer smarminess of the French negated it. So instead, he yelled loudly in a German accent and all of the Frenchmen surrendered.
Winner: Vegeta (and the Germans)

Vegeta vs.....Ludwing van Beethoven!!

Vegeta was listening to the radio one day when he turned to a classical station and it was playing Beethoven's 9th! This annoyed Vegeta, so he dug up Beethoven's grave and beat the snot out of the skeleton.
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs the Uber-Munchkin

Vegeta was walking down the street when he saw a skinny little guy sitting in a golden throne clearly labeled "Throne of Eternity." Vegeta decided he wanted the throne, so he killed the guy sitting in it with a ki blast. But then there was a huge flame and the guy was ressurected! "I am the Uber-Munchkin! You Can't kill me because I'm half phoenix!" Vegeta cocked an eyebrow at this, and when the guy returned in human form, he ripped both of his arms off. "Who said anything about killing you?" Vegeta then took the Throne of Eternity and walked off.
Winner: Vegeta

Vegeta vs.....Johnny Bravo!!

One day, as Vegeta was walking through Aaron City, he was approached by a tall guy with blond hair even taller than his! "Are you a super saiyan?" "A what?" Vegeta got pissed, and went Super Saiyan 3, and his hair grew to about 9 feet long, and he proceded to beat Johnny Bravo to death with his hair.
Winner: Vegeta