The cast of DBZ in Jerry Springer
By: GoldenOozaru

The Jerry Springer Show logo appears. The crowd is shown clapping as Jerry makes his way onto the stage.

Jerry: Welcome everyone. Today's topic is "My girlfriend left me for the man responsible for my death." So lets get things started. I'd like you all to welcome Yamcha. Come on out, Yamcha

Yamcha enters from the side and sits down.

Jerry: So, Yamcha, tell us about you and your girlfriend Bulma.

Yamcha: Well, we met when we were very young, like when we were in our late teens. At first we were kinda enemies, but soon we became inseparable. We were madly in love.

Jerry: So what went wrong.

Yamcha: Well, a couple of years back, Earth was attacked by evil Saiyans from outer space. Me and a couple of my friends tried to defeat them and sadly I died.

Audience boos

Yamcha: Anyway, Goku, a friend of mine, let Vegita, one of the Saiyans, live. Everyone thought he turned good when he helped Goku out on Planet Namek after that, especially Bulma. Soon after that, she left me for him.

Audience boos again.

Jerry: We have a surprise for you Yamcha. Let's bring out Bulma.

Bulma enters the stage and sits next to Yamcha. She is angry.

Bulma: Yamcha, why the hell did you have to drag me on this god-damn show? I have a life to live unlike you.

Yamcha: Bulma, I want you back.

Bulma: Well you can't have me. Vegita's my man.

Jerry: Calm down everyone. Bulma, tell me why you left Yamcha.

Bulma: Cause he's a slut.

Crowd: Jerry, Jerry.

Yamcha: She's a fucking liar.

Bulma: You should see him. He eyes any bitch that walks in the room.

Yamcha: That's not-(he stops talking as he watches a female bodyguard walk bye) Can I have your number, baby?

Bulma slaps him.

Bulma: See what I mean.

Yamcha: That's just one person.

Bulma: Oh, hell no.

Yamcha: Name one.

Bulma(quickly): Marron

Yamcha: Oops, forgot about her.

Bulma: See. If I went with that mother fuckerer again, he'd cheat on me the first chance he gets.

Jerry: Yamcha. What do you have to say about this?

Bulma (interrupting): He only liked me because he wanted some of this. (She rips of her shirt and her bra. The crowd cheers. Yamcha starts to drool.)

Crowd: Jerry, Jerry!

Bulma starts swearing like crazy. Security guards grab her and drag her off the stage.

Jerry: Now that's over with, let's bring out her lover Vegita.

Vegita enters and sits down by Yamcha.

Jerry: Vegita, why don't you tell us why you killed Yamcha.

Vegita: Well, the little shit got in the way of my plans to destroy the Earth.

Jerry: Why would you want to destroy the earth?

Vegita: I'm a Saiyan, it's what I do.

Yamcha: I can't believe I was left for this fucking psycho.

Vegita: What the fuck did you say, Yamcha?

Yamcha: Kiss my ass!

Vegita: oh, fuck you!

Jerry: Calm down everyone.

Vegita: He's just pissed of cause I'm more of a man then heÕll ever be.

Crowd begins chanting again.

Yamcha: You're not even a man, you're a fuckinging monkey.

Vegita holds up his hand and fires a Big Bang Attack at Yamcha. It goes through his stomach causing him to die.

Jerry: Holy shit!!!

Vegita: That's what you get for fucking with my girl.

Crowd: Jerry, Jerry!!

Jerry: Uh, we'll be right back after these messages.

Jerry Springer Show logo appears. Cut to commercials.