
The night grew dark with coldness as Kashai ran along the overgrown path.She kept herself occupied with her thoughts of Gohan.She smiled at what might happen tonight,since the day before he had given himself away with

his sweet flirting.She pulled her books closer to her chest as howling was heard in the distance.Her teath

clutched together tightly when she turned sharply down the path that led up to Yamcha's house.Her and Gohan along with Trunks and Ally were invited over for dinner.Yamcha was now married and his wife insisted on seeing his friends from a time ago.Kashai ran through her thoughts trying to figure out why she would be invited to someones house whom she barely knew.She stopped abruptly in front of the house,she took in a deep breath and sighed brushing back the bangs that had fallen to her nose."Oh well" ,she sighed, "at least Gohan will be here!" Yamcha's wife opened the door,"what was that?"Kashai bit the side of her lip,"umm." "Oh its okay,why don't you come inside.We have all been waiting for you to show up." She smiled and went to the tiny japanese kitchen in the corner of the house.Yamcha's wife was short with dark blue eyes and black hair,she wore it back ,tied in a bright red ribbon.Gohan quickly stood up and walked over to Kashai He smiled,as he took Kashai's small hand.The two walked back to the tatami rug.He let her sit down first,then he also sat.She smiled to herself and set the books behind her.Expensive foods were spread a long the rectangular table.His wife came back and poured tea.After she sat down,Yamcha said hurridly,"Itadakimasu."

After eating a loud knock was heard at the door.Everyones attention was on the door and Yamcha's wife who was opening the door.A tall blond girl stood there,with red lipstick and a black mini-skirt."How may I be of service to you?"Yamcha's wife backed up into Yamcha who now stood right behind her."uhh..yeah I'm just here to talk to Gohan." She raised her left eybrow as she gazed at Kashai."Kashai dropped the chopsticks that were in her hand

and slumped over.Looking up at Gohan.Gohan cleared his throat as if he was uncomfortable with this situation.

He stood up,everyone was quiet,all the teacups and chopsticks now all set on the table.The girl pulled Gohan outside jerkily as she shut the door with a loud bang.Kashai pulled her books onto her lap,she then put her

elbows up on the table and rested her head in her hands."Why do I have the worst luck with guys?"She said in

her head.She sighed,her eyes filled up with tears but they didn't stream down her cheaks.She was stronger now

with her emotions. Trunks cleared his throat,"hey,um..Kashai are you alright?" He gazed into her teary eyes and looked to his side at Ally.Gohan shyly walked back in ,giving Kashai the 'sorry' look.Kashai unstabely stood up,

the books fell to the floor.She looked at Trunks,"No,No I'm not okay."The books still were left there,they had

bent and folded pages."Thank-You for the dinner,I forgot that I was to clean the house before my mother got home.Thank-You for everything."She bowed quickly and walked out the door.Inside the house everyone stayed quiet most were staring at Gohan."Gohan!" Trunks elbowed him,"Who was that?And why won't you go after Kashai?" Gohan looked stearnly at him,"Oh you don't know how much I want to go after her,but the reason I

can't is the girl who came to the door.."Gohan shut his eyes,"I really wanted her,Kashai was a wonderful person.

But I failed to tell her that Iwas being forced into marriage to a girl who I didn't even love." "WHAT?!" Everyone yelled in unison,"But who's forcing you?"Ally spoke up. Gohan sighed and looked up,"my mother."He gotup

and rushed out the door.He began to run down the hill but looked back to find Kashai sitting against the house

in tears,her knees were drawn up and her sobs were long and pitiful.It was plain to see that she heard every word

he had said."Kashai!!"She quickly wiped her eyes and looked up."oh..um..hi Gohan.."Her voice was shaky and teary.Gohan walked over to her,"please stand up Kashai." She obeyed but stared downward at the green ground.Gohan stepped back then forward again giving her a hug.She looked up into his eyes,"forced? But why?"

She gripped the fabric of his shirt in bunches in her hand."My mother thinks it best for me,that she decide whom I marry.She also thinks its best because she knows my fiancee' family very well."He looked up at the moon.Kashai rested her head on his chest,"thats not fair,Gohan.If you don't love her than you shouldn't marry her.I mean like I finally find the perfect guy and he has a fiancee. Well Thats typical."She looked back down."Kashai,I love you.

And if I do marry her..can I at least be kissed by the one who I do love?"Kashai gazed up into his eyes,surprised.

She smiled and leaned into his arms.He pressed his lips upon hers and carresed her in his arms."I love you so

much Gohan!"Tears now streamed down her cheeks as tears built up in Gohans beautiful eyes. She stepped back

and began to walk into the dark forest."No,you can't,Please no,no don't leave me!" His voice faded out over the forest.Kashai let her tears fall,she listened to Gohans trembleing voice.She stopped suddenly,she couldn't leave.

She wouldn't do that to him!She fell to her knees and sobbed.Gohan came quickly down the hill towards her,"I

want you to marry me Kashai." Kashai nodded but buried her head in her knees again."I love you so much. I hate that girl you saw tonight!She doesn't love me,and I don't love her..I could never love anyone like I love you,Kashai!"Gohan brought Kashai to a standing position.He embraced her softly,not to hurt her. Kashai's eyes began to dry,"Gohan,please take me with you to a place where no one can hurt you!Where no one can force you

into marriage!Or..at least you run!Please,I can't stand to see you hurt!" Her tears broke lose again,but her sobs

were faint. Gohan rested his head upon hers,"Yes lets go." Gohan picked her up into his arms,a slight breeze

rushed through Kashai's hair,it tickled Gohans cheek.He just smiled and kissed her forehead.I have you now,Kashai.And no one will seperate the love we share.Never,not even that womenChiChi.My fathers wife.

Gohan felt sadness and anger fill him at once,How could Goku of married ChiChi?After all wasn't it just a stupid promise ChiChi made Goku take? Kashai felt the anger inside Gohan,she became alarmed,"Gohan!Is something wrong?" Gohan was taken back into reality,from his thoughts.He felt the loving girl in his arms.He dreaded to know that she felt his anger rise like that! "It's my parents..nothing for you to worry about.Please don't worry

about it."He felt the cloth she was wearing,it seemed so soft upon his skin.He smiled knowing that he wouldn't let ChiChi do to him what she did to Goku,his father."Kashai..know the love I have for you."