Dragonball AS
By Pan and Super 18

Part 1


The characters in this are: Bandy, Lilaca, Shielaka, Zonaie and Android 1335.

It was a nice evening and Bandy had nearly finished creating the most amazing invention with her Mother Hananiza. It was a time Machine to go back in time with. [ Bandy is an unusual girl., she is only 4 and she is an absolute genius!] As soon as it was ready, her Mother said don't touch it, [because they made it for her Mother] but of course Bandy jumped right in and being the genius that she is, she worked out how to operate it quick as a flash! Then she came to an enormous Planet. It was at least 5 as big as Earth. It would do though, it had beautiful ripe fruits to eat and lots of clear streams to drink from. That is where the story begins.

Episode1 Saiyan vs Saiyan

A strange girl was walking around some delicious looking apple trees feeling peckish. Then she saw something lurking in the distance on the extreme edge of the deep dark forest. It looked so much like a blob and a blur and it was extremely hard to make out but she could sense a tiny power level smaller than hers, and her own was only 234. Then she realised this power level was lethal even though it was smaller than hers, she cannot control her own. She was scared as the figure approached her. She quickly hid behind a tree wondering what to do, knowing that she would soon spot her.

Bandy hard a rustle in the tree behind her feeling scared also, though she was not as scared as Lilaca as she was a brave kind of person. She managed to find the courage to shout, " Who's there!" in a shaky voice.

Lilaca remained perfectly still and quiet. She caught a glimpse of a rock nearby that, if she got the chance, could run and hide behind. But at the moment she must remain quite still.

Bandy thought that it must have been a bird so she got back to eating apples. As she turned her back she heard some summers lush grass swaying, the long swooshy type, did not want to turn around but she had to look.

Lilaca wondered what to do she realised that Bandy knew there was something behind her and made a dash for the nearest tree, just in time, she thought. But she was wrong Bandy knew exactly where she was but hid it from her. Lilaca tip toed this time to the rock.

Bandy was waiting for the right time to fire a Ki blast, she tried when Lilaca was just behind the rock. She out stretched her arm and fired and destroyed the rock to uncover the face of Lilaca, now snow white, her eyes bright blue and her lip shaking.

Lilaca didn't have a clue what to do so in the end she charged. "Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!" She screamed. "Kamehameha!!!!!!" She powered up and shot. She realised that she could hardly control herself whilst doing this attack but she had no other choice. "Argh!" Bandy yelled in pain. Lilaca realized a second afterwards that she'd gone too far. How dare a a a girl attack a princess like me thought an angered Bandy she stuck back with "GALLOT GUN" she screamed with all her might. Lilaca knew that an angry girl was stronger than an normal girl she also knew what was about to happen, it was Lilaca's turn to cry out in pain. Both girls knew what was next .........A BATTLE.

Episode2 Beat all Bandy

Lilaca powered up she knew she couldn't control her power but she had to do something to stop this unexpected power. "Argh" screamed Lilaca Bandy had attacked again this time with a unpleasant kick. Lilaca was bleeding however nothing could stop Bandy. Bandy landed on the ground and started Fiddling with a watch kinda thing. Great thought Lilaca I can attack "Kamehameha" She yelled. Bandy jumped out the way "Darn" said Lilaca She fired more ki blasts each time Bandy jumped away. Lilaca stopped to catch her breath Bandy was only, Whoa what was Bandy doing Thought Lilaca. She stared Bandys watch turned into a computer and not an old shabby computer , a brand new decorated one. Lilaca was amazed that a tiny red haired girl with absolutely no manners would be able to have a valuable thing like that. The computer suddenly fired a lazor at Lilaca, she had no idea it was going to do that so she got hurt really bad. She had a huge wound in her belly and was loosing blood quickly. She didn't know what to do . Bandy laughed Cruel ,evil laughter and the sound of a girl in pain. Bandy's computer turned back into a watch and a dragon jumped out "GET LOST BREEZE"yelled Bandy, the dragon walked over near the apple tree and rolled over. Lilaca screamed yet again Bandy had attacked ,another kick . Bandy tried again but Lilaca was too quick , Bandy missed . True Lilaca was injured and barely able to defend herself but still Bandy could be a turtle and she could be a cheetah. "Kamehame"yelled an exhausted Lilaca but it never ended Lilaca hadn't got enough power to use another ki blast. The wound in her belly was slowly killing her and zapping away her energy. Lilaca knew her death had come but she wasn't prepared to give up not yet and not to a tiny Redhead girl who wore shabby clothes and a orange bandanna .Bandy might have been a genius But she didn't know what was coming. Lilaca put nearly all her energy into A powerful ki blast it hit Bandy head on. She screamed twice, and at least as much energy was zapped away from her as from Lilaca. But she soon repaired herself and made a huge "Kamehameha!!!" Bandy yelled! It banged right into Lilaca and she had only a few seconds of life left she knew it! Bandy powered up again ready to fire a Mega power Ki blast. "No Stop!!!!!" yelled Lilaca " I surrender!!!!" "Too late!" yelled Bandy back. " Please no!" pleaded Lilacu . " Why shouldn't I?" Bandy said sounding selfish. "I suppose I could spare you if I must." She said a bit more kindly.

Episode 3 Chat of the Saiyans

" Why are you so troubled?" asked Breeze having come out from his hiding place in the tree. "I have enormous powers but I cannot control them." Lilaca said glumly. "I do not know what to do." She added. "Maybe we could train together!" Bandy suggested, for once being thoughtful for others." "Good idea, but I might hurt you in my uncontrollable powers!" Lilaca feeling worried. "Well you don't have to brag about it." Bandy said disapprovingly." So who are you "I'm-"Bandy was interrupted "I'm Breeze-I'm a dragon I'm a pure blood Dragon, 'm I'm err well I don't grant wishes " Bandy knocked Breeze flying " Hi I'm Bandy I'm from the future, I'm also a princess" Bandy smiled it really makes her look unrecognisable thought Lilaca "lets talk in the time machine" moaned Breeze "I'm cold" Bandy and Breeze walked towards the time machine. "Wait you can't leave me like this" cried Lilaca "sorry " said Bandy she reached for her watch pressed a button and Lilaca was healed. "Thank you, but I'm loosing too much blood and I'm in trouble!" "No problem,I'll just have to put this helmet on you," Bandy reached for a red shiny helmet and put it on Lilaca's head. "there you go!" She said excitedly.