Author's Note:

The time frame for this is sometime when Bardock and the other saiyans were still working for Frieza and planet Vegeta was still there.)

Alien Competition
By Brandini87

Part 1

Deep in space, a small orange planet by the name of Heasopisty, a tournament is taking place.

"Go get him, Jabinski!"

"Tear him apart, Lonoco!"

Jabinski jumped up and made a swift kick to the side of Lonoco's face. Lonoco flew out of the ring.

A person familiar to all DBZ fans was closely watching the match.

"Zarbon, fetch Jabinski for me."

"Right away, Lord Frieza."

Zarbon returned shortly. "Lord Frieza, he is here."

"Good. Let's discuss this in private; away from all these people." They disappeared into a room.

"The next match is between Twora and Bardock," said the announcer, Galando. "Out of the ring, Twora and Bardock are saiyan friends. They are in the same saiyan team and have exhibition matches with each other but are now in a the semi-finals against each other. Let's start this round!"

"Saiyans, huh?" said Kui, who was still watching with Dodoria. "What kind of race is that?"

"I've heard rumors about them," said Dodoria. "They're supposed to be able to transform under a full moon."

"Transform into what?" asked Kui.

"I don't know," said Dodoria.

"We'll know soon enough," said Frieza. He had returned with Zarbon and Jabinski.

"Jabinski's with us now. He gets to fight whichever one of them that wins. He can find out."

"Right," said Kui.

"Don't try and pick up too many races, Frieza." Frieza turned around. King Cold was standing there.

"Father, I only pick the best!" said Frieza.

"Whatever," said Cold. "I'm leaving now. I'll see you later."

The match had started already. Bardock lunged toward Twora and began punching him while Twora continued to block. Then, Bardock did a spin-kick and knocked Twora down, but not out of the ring. Bardock raced towards him to knock him out of the ring but Twora moved just in time.

"They're pretty good fighters," said Kui.

"Hmmm," said Frieza.

Bardock dove towards Twora and punched him out of the ring.

"And Twora is out of the ring!" shouted Galando. "That leaves Bardock against Jabinski in the Finals! We'll be back after Bardock gets a rest for the Finals!"

Jabinski headed down to get ready for his match.

5 minutes later...

"Ladies and Gentlemen from across the galaxy, I give you the final round of the 2,987,567th Galaxy Tournament! The 2 fighters in the final round are Bardock, a Saiyan from the planet Vegeta, and Jabinski, a Holakian from the planet Holak. These 2 fighters have displayed their strength throughout their matches and have proved that they are the toughest 2 in the galaxy."

"We'll see about that," said Dodoria.

"Let's get started!"

Bardock and Jabinski lunged toward each other and went into hand-to-hand combat.

"Hey, saiyan!" shouted Jabinski, dodging a punch.

"What?" said Bardock.

"I heard that you saiyans can transform. What do you transform into?"

"Giant Oozarus."

"What are Oozarus?"

"Big monkeys, bluntly put. We could easily wipe out entire races if we transformed."

"That's all I wanted to know." Jabinski then fired a blast at Bardock, knocking him out of the ring.

"And Jabinski is the winner!" shouted Galando.

"Good, he must have his information," said Frieza.

Jabinski grabbed his prize money and flew up to Frieza. "I am ready to go."

"First, what did he say?"

"They transform into Oozarus. Giant monkeys apparently."

"Okay, now let's go." Frieza and his crew went to his ship and left the planet.

"Bardock, let's go!" shouted Twora. "All you ever do is eat. If you had a son he'd be just like you. Eating all the time when there are things that are more important to do."

"I'm coming," said Bardock.

Bardock and his crew then left for Planet Vegeta.

"Zarbon," said Frieza.


"Set a course for Planet Vegeta immediately. I have a proposition for these saiyans."

"Right away, sir. Oh, should Jabinski begin training?"

"Sure, why not?"

"We'll be at Planet Vegeta in 2 hours," said Dodoria.

"Good," said Frieza.

Bardock and his crew landed on Planet Vegeta. "Let's go train some more," said Bardock.

"Fine with me," said Twora. "There's nothing else to do around here."

"Do you want to go to next week's competition?" asked Bardock.

"Maybe, depends how much stronger I am."


2 hours later...

"Are you ready to land, sir?" asked Kui.

"Yes," replied Frieza. His ship landed right next to where Bardock's team's ships were.

Frieza stepped out of the ship. "Is anybody here?"

Bardock and Twora rushed out to see who had landed. "Who are you?" asked Bardock.

"The soon-to-be Supreme Ruler of the Universe," said Frieza, "and I have a matter to discuss with you."


Ad: Dragonball NR-The Arlian Revenge Saga

A planet destroyed by 2 Saiyans on their way to Earth. Planet Arlia. In the debris, 4 ships existed, all containing hatred for the Saiyans. Now, 1 ship has come to Earth with the sole purpose of getting revenge on the Saiyan Prince, Vegeta. Weak before, but now the Arlian Bobocco has trained himself to what he believes is the max in order to destroy Vegeta. Will his mission be sucessful? Read it at DBZ Fantasy soon.