By Kud


"I can't believe this, this is insane". Gokou stared across the meadow as he saw an old man in a lab suit and himself as a child. " Gokou! Don't tell me you have forgotten me already"? Gokou just stared vacantly at the child who floated on what appeared to be a black K'iouten(Nimbus) and hold a Nybio(Powerpole) with red, red lifeless eyes. "Gokou-san it is I Agent Crimson from the Red Ribbon army. I have returned just to see you, boy have you grown. " Enough talking, why did you call me here"? "Well no need to get all huffy puffy, i will explain. I was Dr.Gero's predecessor, he trained me in all the scientific fields, genetics, robotics, computer engineering, and so on. The day the Red Ribbon fell by your hands was a black black day. Dr.Gero and I took to hiding in the mountains to create the ultimate fighter to vanquish you. After a few years Dr.Gero told me that i needed to leave him be. He didn't want me to end up like him, a lonely old twisted man. He wanted me to be happy and when he was in power we could unite again, but when that day never came i decided i would build my own creation, non-synthetic, not a robot andriod or a psycho absorber beast. No i wouldn't do any of those, i would create the most amazing thing. A living breathing you, after all you are the perfect fighter. All your friends, your children...wastes of space. "How dare you"! Gokou exclaimed. "Are you going to send this thing after me or what? You know i have realized amazing new stages. "I figured so" said Crimson. "That is why i added something special". "What"? Gokou said. "Enough, Goku prepare to meet the ultimate power"!


Gokou raced at his opponet as fast as he could carry himself, but his counterpart seemed to go just as fast as he did."Kia" Gokou shouted, but the Chibi Gokou just blocked every punch he threw. "KAIO-KEN"!!!!!! Gokou powered up and charged, but the Chibi Gokou did kaio-ken as well. "Dammit, what is going on?, now to break your toy Crimson"! "We'll see Gokou, we shall see". Gokou's eyes turned green, his hair bright gold...he was the SUPER SAIYAN! As Gokou began his attack, he realized the horrifying sight before him....the Chibi Gokou had powered up to Super Saiyan! "What the hell is this"????!!!! "Ah Gokou, you see my plan? With a push of this button on my control pad, my Gokou can copy any of your moves, abilities, and attacks. So you see...you are completely outmatched". "O yea, what about when I tire out? He won't be able to fight". "That's the beauty of it Gokou, he can use your attacks even when you are finished. Gokou was frozen with horror. "No no......


"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"! Goku fired a huge ki blast at Chibi Goku, but so did Chibi Gokou. "This an endless fight. I got to do this". The earth moved, the sky swirled and turned black. "YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"! A huge aura appeared around Gokou as the land violently shook. The same aura appeared on Chibi Gokou. They were now both Super Saiyan 3's. Punches fired, kicks swerved. A punch blasted Gokou in the face, then a kick to the gut, then a ram in the face, followed by "Kamehameha" a small voice yelped. The Kamehameha blasted Gokou thrity feet back. "Nybio" the small voice exclaimed. The Nybio smashed Gokou in the gut and lifted him to the sky. "ack" Gokou coughed blood. Gokou came spiraling down as a regular saiyan. "NO, i can't lose" The Chibi charged and kicked Gokou him in the face. Suddenly.."Big Bang Attaaaaaaaaaack"!"Vegita"? Gokou said. "Kakaratto..remeber it is my duty to destroy yo..Gokou cut him off "Watch out"! The Chibi smashed Vegita in the face with a Ryuken. "O NO NOT THE DRAGON FIST"! Gokou yelled. "ahhhhhh Kakaratto"! The Chibi formed into a huge Dragon and began to strangle Vegita. "NO,Kaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaameeeeeeehaaaaa"! Gokou hit the Chibi directly and sent him flying to the ground. "Vegita...." Vegita had been slaughtered..he was barely concious. "KAKARATTO....f..u..s..ion" muttered Vegita. "But we are too weak Vegita...we won't be able to pull it off". "We can try Kakaratto". "ok...Gokou sputtered blood again, we can try"!


The both of them flipped back scrambling to their feet. "What is this"? Crimson pondered. "We'll see it and then copy it"! "FUSION..HAAAAA"! The 2 powers united! "OK, this looks good" Crimson pushed the button. The Chibi's eyes flashed wildly. It was attempting to copy the fusion. "Hurry my Gokou, Hurry". Crimson was said nervously. The Chibi shook and flashed trying to copy but it was no use. "Dammit copy it, COPY IT. YOU ARE UNBEATABLE, SHOW ME YOUR POWER"! Crimson was now yelling and pushing the button furiously. "AAAAHHHH C'MON WORK"! The control pad shook faster and faster, then it set ablaze and expolded in Crimson's hand. "DAMMIT"! Crimson's hands were charred and bloody. "Now time for us to send you to hell" Gogeta said. "The Chibi Gokou attacked throwing punch after punch. "Yahhh". Gogeta fired a small clear blast at the Chibi. "N00000, MY BABY, MY WORK, NOOOOO"! Crimson was in tears of rage. The blast hit the Chibi instantly dematerializing it. "No, no not my prize...." Crimson was sobbing. "Ok old man now your turn" Gogeta said. "Not without a fight you cur"! Crimson charged Gogeta. "It's over now, we are finishing you". Crimson jumped and then was stopped by Gogeta's fist through his stomach. "Aaack...he will get you he will get you" were the last words Crimson mumbled before Gogeta exploded him.

10 minutes later

Gokou and Vegita were now flying home. "What do you suppose he meant by "he will get you" Kakaratto"? "I don't know Vegita, but i know we will find out". The two of the dissapeared on the horizion.