
DBZ basically revolved around Gohan growing up from a child to an adult. Gohan, even as a little kid, had an immense power level when he got mad. Examples of this are him getting mad at Raditz and bashing him in the chest, throwing a masenko at Nappa when he destroys Piccolo,beating Freeza to a pulp when he wouldn't let Gohan save Krillen, and in an amazing display of power destroyed Cell with the mother of all kamehamehas. His hidden power has led Piccolo to train him, and his father Goku believing in him. The supreme kai has also taken interest in his hidden power and gives him the Zet sword when Gohan was nearly dead from buu. The height of his power was when he fought Cell, he was the first and most powerful super saiyan 2 when he defeated Cell. He goes super saiyan while training in the room of spirit and time, turns super saiyan 2 when Cell crushes Android 16's head, and goes to a completely different level when supreme kai awakens his mystic power. He's jealous that Goten is youngest super saiyan ever, and he turns himself into a superhero called the Great Saiyaman, he also marries Videl later in the series. He later got absorbed by Super Buu.
Attacks: Fusion, kamehameha, masenka, renzoku energy dan, burning attack, finishing buster, kick flurry, furious, renzoku energy dan.
Power level at beginning of DBZ: 710
Power level at end of DBZ: 450,000,000
Brother: GotenUncle: Raditz, Father: Goku, Wife: Videl, Daughter: Pan, Grandfather: Bardock.
Class: half saiyan