--Freeza Saga--

    Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma land on planet Namek, take a look around and find that the planet is much like earth. Minuets later a space pod lands. It's Vegeta!!!!! Knowing there's no way out; Bulma sends a distress signal to Goku. In the meantime, Krillin and Gohan rescue a Namek child; named Dende, from one of Freezas main henchmen named Dodoria (the other is Zarbon-the strongest of all his henchmen at this point in the series). On his way to the planet, Goku trains in his space-pod in an environment that has 100 times the gravity he's experienced on Earth. As he trains Gohan and Krillin try to stop Freeza from gathering all the Dragonballs and at the same time trying to avoid Vegeta. As time passes Vegeta ends up with one Dragonball, which he got from a Namek village but instead of taking it around with him he hides it in the nearby river. Now Vegeta meets Dodoria and effortlessly sends him into the next dimension then meets up with Zarbon. Vegeta beats up Zarbon for a few minutes, but Zarbon transforms and quickly disposes of the Saiyan prince. Oddly Freeza does not want Vegeta killed and orders Zarbon to put him back in the rejuvenation chamber. Meanwhile Krillin and Gohan find a Dragonball. Gohan spots another Dragonball on the Dragon radar and tells Krillin he is going to get it (apparently it's the one Vegeta put in the lake). While Gohan is off to get that Dragonball, Vegeta breaks out of the rejuvenation chamber and of course sends whoever is in the room with him to the next dimension, then takes off to hunt down Zarbon and get his Dragonballs. But before he leaves he makes a diversion and seizes the opportunity to take Freezas 5 Dragonballs. Vegeta puts them in his cave and goes after the one Krillin and Bulma have. On his way there Zarbon is hot on his trail, they arrive at Bulmas little hideout cave and Zarbon wants to kill Vegeta. Vegeta doesn't even seem to be afraid to fight Zarbon, which surprises Zarbon who reminds Vegeta of their last battle. Right away they get into it Zarbon transforms almost immediately but Vegeta just laughs and begins to destroy Zarbon. Zarbon is stunned at Vegeta's high power level, before Vegeta kills Zarbon he lets the ugly monster in on a little secret, Saiyans get stronger after every battle-ha ha ha ha ha. Krillin then gives the Dragonball to Vegeta to avoid getting himself and Bulma killed (also he is confident that Gohan has retrieved the other Dragonball). Dende tells Krillin of a master Namek named Guru (Guru is the father of all the Nameks) who can awaken hidden powers in a warrior with true intentions. Krillin ask Dende to show him where this Guru Namek is and off they go. Gohan is on his way back with the Dragonball and runs into Vegeta. Gohan hides the Dragonball and takes a knee to the belly from Vegeta, who doesn't realize Gohan has his last Dragonball. Vegeta bolts off and Gohan grabs the Dragonball and heads back. Guru awakens Krillin's inner power. Krillin leaves Dende there and heads back to bring Gohan to Guru. Gohan meets up with Krillin and they leave the Dragonball with Bulma. Meanwhile Vegeta realizes that he's been robbed and takes off furiously in search of Gohan. Just before Krillin and Gohan reach master Guru, Krillin tells Gohan to go ahead and he will stall Vegeta. Gohan's power is awaken and master Guru can't believe how strong the little boy is. Vegeta sensing that the elite army of fighters called the Ginyu force is about to arrive, pleads with Krillin and Gohan to give him the last Dragonball so they can make Vegeta immortal. Krillin tells him lets go get the Dragonballs but doesn't promise him anything. They get the last Dragonball and continue off to Vegeta's hideout cave but the Ginyu force arrive (Cpt. Ginyu, Racoom , Burter, Jeuce, and Godo) and shows off how strong they are by taking the Dragonball from Krillin's hand without him even knowing it. Cpt. Ginyu goes and takes all 7 Dragonballs back to Freeza and Racoom and the other stay back to fight. After a display off rock paper scissors, Godo faces off with Krillin and Gohan (Godo has the power to freeze time by holding his breath) Gohan and Krillin POWER-UP so much that Racoom and Jeuce think Godo is going to get his butt Kicked, even Vegeta is surprised at the new found strength off the 2 Z warriors. Godo get battered around but catches the 2 Z warriors in a cloud of freezing gas and launches a log at them, just before the log hits they break free, surprisingly thanks to Vegeta who sends Godo to another Dimension. Now Racoom and Vegeta face off. Vegeta is easily defeated and almost killed but Krillin and Gohan save his life. After Racoom kicks Krillin hard enough to launch him about a 100yrds, Gohan faces off with Racoom. Gohan gives the big Racoom a run for his money but is no match for him. Just before Racoom finishes off the Z warriors, Goku arrives fully powered up, faster and stronger than ever. He uses one of his new power to scan the planet for power readings. He rushes off to where Gohan is rescues him and then makes quick work of Racoom. After eating some Zenzu beans from Goku, Vegeta senses that Kakarot has achieved the power to go Super Saiyan but doesn't know it yet. Goku beats Jeuce and Burter pretty fast but doesn't destroy them, Vegeta actually goes over and sends both of them to the next dimension, then Goku goes of to fight captain Ginyu & captain Ginyu switches body with Goku (that's Ginyus secret attack) and Goku suffers pretty bad damage, but Vegeta (knowing he can't win w/out Goku) puts Goku in the rejuvenation chamber and gives Krillin and Gohan the special Saiyan suits for better protection......Before Guru Dies Gohan and Krillin make 2 wishes....1st wish is to revive Piccolo.......2nd wish is to bring him to Namek (when piccolo was revived he had to travel snakes way which lead him back to earth so they had no choice but to wish for him to be brought to Namek).....But piccolo is brought to Namek on the other side of the planet, so he begins towards the heroes (who are at Freezas ship, remember Freeza set out to meet with Guru to find out how the Dragonballs work)...........Freeza senses that his Dragonballs are in danger and begins back toward the ship, but on his way back he runs into Nails (remember Nails turned around fearing Guru was in great danger, incidentally Guru dies and the Dragonballs disappears) Nails and Freeza face off but Nails is no match and he is beat pretty bad, Freeza is on his way back to the ship.......piccolo finds Nails out but not dead, Nails offers to give piccolo his spirit, so they merge and form super Piccolo.......Freeza arrives at the ship to find Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan there....Just before Freeza fights them supper piccolo arrives and is told by Vegeta that Kakarot is in the rejuvenation chamber and needs more time to be fully healed. Piccolo fights Freeza and proves to be too strong for Freezas current form....so Freeza mutates into Freezax2.....and begins to beat piccolo.......meanwhile Goku breaks out and faces off with Captain Ginyu again but this time Goku is ready for Ginyus body switch technique and throws a frog in between him and Ginyu....now Ginyu is trapped in the frogs body and Goku quickly gets rid of him......... Dende is senselessly killed. When Goku finally recovers from his wounds and returns to the fight, Vegeta, who is on the brink of death, tearfully begs his fellow Saiyan to see to it that Freeza is beaten by Saiyan hands and wishes he might be someday be the warrior of legends, the Super Saiyan. When Freeza sees Goku's face he recalls that this opponent is the spitting image of the last warrior who resisted him when he destroyed the Saiyan planet. That last warrior was Goku and Radditz' father, Bardok. Goku unexpectedly proves to be a tough match for Freeza and in the end uses his spirit bomb where he collects bits of energy from all living things on this and nearby planets to attack Freeza with. Unfortunately, Freeza doesn't die as easily hoped. Still astonishingly powerful, Freeza drags Krillin into the air and blows him to bits (literally). For the first time in his life, Goku reaches a breaking point and explodes with fury. Lightning crackles around him and the whole planet shakes like it's falling apart. Goku stands there growing more and more angry by the moment. He then transforms into Super Saiyan. Freeza is at a loss....to Freezas surprise every attack he throws at Goku is dodged......... Meanwhile back on Earth, when Piccolo was resurrected, so was Kami. The Dragonballs were gathered quickly and used to revive the people who died at Namek. Thus Shenlon was also brought back to life and so were his Dragonballs with its third, yet unused wish. The third wish was then used to transport all the people on the planet Namek to Earth with the exception of Freeza and Goku. This plan succeeds, also bringing the resurrected Vegeta back to Earth..The battle between Freeza ensues and Freeza's plan to kill Goku backfires and ends up slicing himself in half with his own weapon, leaving him with only his upper half of his body, his whole right arm, and half of his left arm cut off. Satisfied, Goku almost leaves the planet, which is just minutes away from exploding, but there is still a tiny shred of decency left in him that motivates him to share enough of his power with Freeza to let them both escape. Nevertheless, Freeza tries to abuse this power, leaving Goku with no choice but to shoot a fireball in his face...There are other matters of concern. The planet is about to self-destruct, but Goku's spaceship, as well as Freeza's craft are just useless scraps of metal.....everyone thought Goku is dead but he finds one of the Ginyu forces space pods and escapes but lands on a planet unknown to him (also the Z fighters on earth, which now include Gohan and piccolo think Goku is dead) and the people on this planet teach Goku a new technique called Teleporting (putting two fingers on your forehead, then disappearing and reappearing behind a person)........meanwhile one year later on earth Freeza and one of his henchmen arrive back on earth to take revenge. As Freeza and his guardian begin destroying earth Goku arrives and kills Freezas guardian, but another person kills Freeza with a sword.......That person is Trunks (Vegeta and Bulmas son). Trunks traveled back in time to give Goku a special Medicine so Goku won't die of a Heart disease........Vegeta doesn't like Trunks at first Glance because for 1 he doesn't know that's his future son and 2 he can sense that this man is a Saiyan and has achieved Super-Saiyan before he has……Next starts the CELL series!!!!!!!