Dragonball Z Final Battle

Battle of Vegeta

Good: Son Goku, Son Gohan, Krillin, and Yajirobe
Bad: Nappa and Vegeta

Act 1: Son Goku Finally Comes and Beats Up Nappa
Gohan and Krillin are the only ones left. Piccolo, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, and Chaozu are dead. Nappa still will not give up to defeat them. Just when all seems lost, Goku comes in. Nappa asks who he is, and, just checks every person to see who is dead or unconscious. After an investigation, Goku then starts to power up, and, finally goes against Nappa, impressing everyone about his power, except Nappa. Nappa is getting seriously beat up and pissed off. After a long fight, Vegeta tells Nappa to give up. Nappa agrees, saying he will come down. Goku just stays up in the air, hoping Nappa will not come back. Nappa gets an idea to go after Krillin and Gohan on the ground. After going full speed, Goku has to chase after him. Knowing Goku won't make it; he uses the Kaiouken on Nappa for the first time.

Act 2: Vegeta Gets Rid of His Partner, Nappa
After using the Kaiouken, Nappa is totally paralyzed. Goku throws him over to Vegeta, telling him to go back home. Vegeta doesn't answer; he just looks at Nappa. Nappa begs for him to forgive him and to let him up. Vegeta gives him a hand, to die. He throws Nappa into the air, and begins to power up. Nappa knows he will die now, and, calls Vegeta every bad name in the book. Vegeta just tells him he is worthless now. Vegeta lets loose his ki and fries Nappa into nothing.

Act 3: Two Saiyans Fight to the Death
Vegeta's Power is Always Rising Goku leads Vegeta into a barren wasteland, to fight him. After finally finding the right spot, Goku begins his attack. Vegeta wants him to do the attack he did to Nappa, so Goku does it. After doing the Kaiouken on Vegeta, it has no effect. Goku then decides he has to go Kaiouken x2. Vegeta gets a hit allot, and, starts to power up to a very high level of power. Goku then gets very excited about what is about to become of this fight.

Act 4: Son Goku Powers Up to Kaiouken x4
Goku then disobeys Kaio Sama, and goes to Kaiouken x3, which is just enough to beat up Vegeta very much. After not being able to handle it anymore, Vegeta decides he doesn't need to Dragon Balls here and can go to Namek. He wants to blow up the planet. After gathering the necessary ki, Vegeta lets loose his most powerful attack, as does Goku, while in Kaiouken x3. It is a tug o war after that, and, neither side is winning. Vegeta puts more power into his blast, and Goku decides to go Kaiouken x4, even though he knows he will probably blow up. He does so anyway, lives through it, and blasts Vegeta into the sky. Vegeta, now caught in Goku's Kamehameha, is very much upset.

Act 5: Vegeta Finally Transform into Oozaru; but will He Win!?
Vegeta, after escaping the blast, looks for the moon, to transform. He finds it is gone, and will have to use some of his own energy to make an artificial moon. After doing so, he goes into his Oozaru form, and, begins to trample Goku. After Goku cannot bear it anymore, he begins to just give up. He lets Vegeta does as he wishes. But, Krillin, Gohan, and Yajirobe are going back to the fight scene, to try and help. Krillin makes an attempt to try and cut Vegeta's tail off, but it doesn't work. Vegeta tells them to just sit back and watch Goku die.

Act 6: Everyone Has to Team Up to Beat Vegeta
Yajirobe finally decides to play hero, and, cuts off Vegeta's tail. Realizing the state he is in now, Vegeta goes back to his Saiyan form. This makes Vegeta terribly angry. He cannot bear to stand these Earthlings now. He wants to kill them all, but is low on energy. He goes for Gohan first, and, nearly kills him. Krillin steps in, and, just as usual, one hit to the head, and he is down for the count. Gohan steps back up, and, cannot bear it anymore. However, Vegeta beats him up, yet again. Gohan, still on the ground, cannot move. Vegeta comes back to kill him, when Gohan's tail comes out. Yajirobe decides to play hero once more, and, cuts through Vegeta's armor, causing a major back pain for Vegeta. Yajirobe declares himself the winner, until Vegeta gets up, and kicks the crap out of him. Krillin comes over to Goku, seeing if he can help.

Act 7: Save the World and Throw the Genki Dama
Goku gives Krillin the Genki Dama that he tried to build up, but didn't make it. Krillin cannot believe how much power he was holding in his hand, and, was told by Kaio Sama to throw it at the moment he felt it was right, not at the moment that it seemed perfect. After following his orders, Krillin finally knew it was time to throw it. Vegeta saw the energy coming to him, and dodged it. Gohan was in its path now. Goku told him to bounce it back, so it would not hurt him. Gohan does so, and, it goes straight for an unsuspecting Vegeta. Vegeta then is blasted into the air, leaving nothing but screaming behind him.

Act 8: At Last! Vegeta is Retreating
The trio begins to celebrate, until Vegeta comes back down. Everyone panics as they see him get back on his feet. Vegeta then uses the last of his energy to blow up everything around him. Everyone is knocked out, or crippled. Vegeta then walks over to Gohan, starting the final blow, until Vegeta sees Gohan's tail come out. Vegeta cannot believe it, and, begins to try and stop it, but, is too late. Gohan transforms and starts his rampage on Vegeta. Vegeta can only run, until, he finds an opening to cut Gohan's tail off. After successfully doing so, Gohan de-transforms, but, right on top of Vegeta. Vegeta is then crushed on the ground, almost paralyzed. He then tries to make his way to his ship, when, Krillin stops him, with Yajirboes's sword, demanding that he doesn't move. Goku asks him to let him go, so he can fight him again another time. Krillin obeys and Vegeta tells him he will live to regret it, as his planet will not be spared with him comes back to destroy it.