Android 17

  1. Android 17 was created to destroy Goku. Both him and his twin sister (Android 18) are constructed using a human base, making them mechanical and biological. After running for his life from Vegita and the Z-fighters, Dr. Gero returns to his lab where he tries to convince Android 17 and his sister to fight the Z-team. The androids don't like being told what to do, so #17 kills his creator by kicking his head off and then crushing it. Accompanied by Android 18 and Android 16, they go off seeking Goku. Android 17 was a strong fighter, and could have beaten Super Saiyan Vegita even though Vegita killed Android 19 like nothing. However, Android 17 soon gives up on destroying Goku when he is forced to flee for his life from Cell. He is eventually absorbed by Cell allowing Cell to turn into his 2nd Form. He briefly makes another appearance in DBGT as Super Android 17.
  2. Babidi

  3. Babidi is a the son of the evil mage Bibidi, who tried to rule the universe with the help of his creation Majin Buu but was stopped by the ancient Kaio's who sealed away Buu. Babidi, wanting revenge for his father, travels to Earth to steal energy from the competetors at the World Tournament in order to resurrecting Buu. using his special ship to try and defeat Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan in three differen't stages in which they passed. The ship has a special room in which Babi di can transform it to his liking. It also collects any energy used by anyone inside. Buu is released and all is going well until Buu starts to disobey Babidi. Babidi threatens to put Buu back in if he doesn't obey him. Buu who feels he doesn't really need to be controlled by someone weaker than him decides to destroy Babidi.
  4. Brolli

  5. Born with the powerlevel of 10,000. Brolli lives to kill! His father(Paragus) controlled his anger with a machine. When Brolli met Goku, it drove him to insanity.He was the first Saiyan to reach Ultra Super Saiyan Stage. Goku killed Brolli after he gathered energy from Trunks, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Gohan.He is only seen in the movies.
  6. Dabura

  7. Dabura is a very strong warrior who makes his appearence in the Buu saga as one of Babi Di's henchmen. He resembles a devil and acts like one too. Dabura comes from a world where magic rules and he is the strongest warrior there. He joins Babi Di to become more powerful and serves as a body guard for him. In the Buu saga he battles with Gohan and is a very good opponent. Dabura meets his fate when he is forced to fight against Buu who is much stronger than Dabura and turns Dabura into a chocolate bar. After this Dabura ends up with Chi Chi, Bulma and Videl who also suffered the same fate.
  8. Dodoria

  9. Dodoria is one of Frieza's body guards. He is a huge pink fighter whos absolutely no mercy to those weaker than him. He killed Goku's fathers friend, and was with Frieza and Zarbon when Frieza destroy planet Vegeta. Though he is a strong fighter, he could never beat anyone stronger than his own power level.
  10. Janemba

  11. He has no fear, nd is extremely strong. As the battle goes on he gets even stronger. He is pretty much the strongest enemy Goku has probably ever faced.Goku and Vegeta had to fuse into Gogeta to beat him. He is extremely fast and dissapears and reapears the potals, or he disspearses into a million piece and reforms somewhere else(kind of like Kid Buu).
  12. Garlic Jr.

  13. Garlic Jr. is the son of Garlic Sr. who made his appearence in Dragonball when he competed against Kami for the position of guardian of Earth. But the origional guardian knew of his evil intentions and gave the position to Kami. But Garlic Sr. wouldn't settle for nothing so he gathered his army and decided to take the thrown for himself. But he was later banished to another dimension. Garlic Jr. who also shared his fathers evil intentions comes to Earth in Movie #1 when he battles Piccolo and Goku. But since Garlic Jr. had recently wished for immortality he survives but is sucked up into his own dead zone by Gohan. Later Garlic Jr. comes back to earth at the end of the Freeza saga to reclaim what he thought was rightfully his. He poisons the minds of the people on Earth but fails when he is defeated by Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan.
  14. The Ginyu Force

  15. The Ginyu Force is Freeza's special private army. Their leader, Captain Ginyu is big, purple, and has two horns. He was specially chosen by King Cold himself (Freeza's Father) to lead the Ginyu Force due to his unique "Body Changing" technique. He is a proud and confident warrior.. although like the other Ginyu members, he's kind of insane.

  16. When formulating the team, Captain Ginyu chose Recoome first, due to his incredible ability to take punishment and dish it out as well. Although Recoome's powerlevel is 33,000* a blow from him counts as the FULL 33,000! Recoome looks like DBZ's version of the Hulk, although he has yellow skin and orange hair.
    Ginyu also chose Burter for his super speed. Burter is an extremely tall, blue-skinned, reptilian-like alien. He is prides himself on being the fastest warrior in the universe. Jeese and Guldo made it on the Force by "trying out" for it. Jeese is shorter and has orangish-redish skin. Although he is quite powerful, Jeese is not as confident in his abilities as some of the other Ginyu members are in theirs. Guldo is short, green, 4-eyed, and by far the weakest on the team. Really the only reason he made the team is because of his awesome ability to freeze time. Time will remain frozen as long as Guldo can hold his breath.
    The Ginyu Team are feared throughout the galaxy. They are summoned by Freeza to Planet Namek, to recover the Dragonballs and put an end to Vegita's insurrection on Namek. They are defeated by Goku however, and all are killed except for the Captain himself. The Captain is permanently turned into a frog, when he attempts to switch bodies with Vegita, and Goku throws a frog inbetween.


  17. Nappa was Vegeta's partner. When Vegeta and Nappa came to earth his powerlevel was above the Z warrirs, besides Gokou, Nappa is an elite class fighter. He is stubborn, and isn't the smartest guy around. He is killed by Vegeta once Gokou cripples him.
  18. Raditz

  19. Raditz is a saiyan who makes his appearence in the first episode of Dragonball Z, when he comes to Earth to complete a mission that Goku was suppose to complete years ago. He arrives on Earth and has a brief conflict with Piccolo before going to Kame House in the middle of a reunion to tell Goku of his relation with him, and make Goku and offering to join him. After Goku refused, Raditz took Gohan away and held him hostage until Piccolo and Goku came to battle him. Raditz is defeated by Piccolo and Goku, but Goku is destroyed along with him.
  20. Taurus

  21. Taurus is a clone of Goku, who makes his appearence in DBZ Movie #3. He comes to Earth to plant the seed of an incredible tree. He uses this tree, called the Tree of Might, to bear rich fruit that gives great energy to anyone who eats it. The downside is that the tree will suck everything from the planet until it's a barren wasteland, making it uninhabitable. King Kai warns Goku about the tree, and he and the rest of the Z-Warriors go off to destory it. But they find that the task is not so easy, as the henchmen of Taurus seem to be handling them. Everyone goes down except for Goku, and Gohan who transformed into an ape. Goku and Taurus have a battle and until Goku charges up his spirit bomb Taurus seems to win the fight. After that Taurus never appears again in another movie.
  22. Zarbon

  23. Zarbon is Freeza's righthand man. He is vain and confident. Zarbon accompanies Freeza to gather the Dragonballs on Namek. While on Namek, he runs into Vegita. After Vegita wins the first round, Zarbon transforms into a monster and beats up the Saiyan Prince. Vegita is later revived in a healing tank. After recovering, Vegita is stronger in their second encounter, and kills Zarbon. Like all of Freeza's goons.. Zarbon is terrified of his master, and does whatever Freeza wishes.