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Speaketh Ye In This Manner:
Old English Tutorial

Don't Say...
Instead Say Ye This...
Do you know the time?
Do / Dost
Dost thou knowest the time?
You are very pretty.
You are / Thou art
Thou art very pretty.
Your pants are purple.
Your / Thy
Thy breeches are purple.
You are quite handsome.
You / Ye
Ye art quite handsome.
I have been admiring you.
You / Thee
I have been admiring thee.
Where is the restroom?
Where / Whither
Whither is the privy?
Let's go there.
There / Thither
Let us go thither.
Come here.
Here / Hither
Come hither.
Do as you will.
Will / Wilt
Do as thou wilt.
I'll see you later.
Later / Anon
I will see you anon.
Perhaps we'll meet then.
Perhaps / Perchance
Perchance we will meet then.
Maybe I'll bring the beer.
Maybe / Mayhap or Belike
Mayhap I will fetch the ale.
What do you say?
You say / Say you
What say you?
Alright! Cool!
Alright / Splendid
'Tis most splendid!
He has a lot of money.
Has / Hath
He hath a lot of money.
Good morning, ma'am.
Morning / Morrow
Good morrow, my lady.
Good day, sir.
Day / Den
Good den, my lord.
Good evening, bud.
Evening / Eventide or E'en
Good e'en, sirrah.
Get lost, bud.
Bud / Sirrah
Make your leave, sirrah.
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen.
Gentlemen / Good Gentles
Greetings, good gentles and ladies.
It's quite beautiful.
Beautiful / Beauteous
It is most beauteous.
Yes, I think so.
Yes / Yea or Aye
Yea, methinks so.
No, I don't think so.
No / Nay
Nay, methinks not.
Why do you need it?
Why / Wherefore
Wherefore needest it thou?
I ask you.
Ask You / Bid You
I bid you.
Please, what is the cost?
Please / Prithee or Pray
Prithee, what is the cost?
Thank you, you are kind.
Thank You / Grammarcy
Grammarcy, you are most kind.
I think we're late.
I Think / Methinks
Methinks that we are late.
I swear!
Swear / Troth
By my troth!
Truly, that's a fact.
Truly / Verily
Verily, it is so.
A long time ago.
Long / Goodly Length
A goodly length in times past.
Hey King
Addressing the King
Your Majesty or Majesty
Hey Queen
Addressing the Queen
Your Highness or Your Grace
The Queen is coming.
Speaking of the Queen
Her Grace cometh.
Good afternoon, Duke.
Addressing a Duke
or Duchess
Good den, Your Grace.
Good evening, sir.
Addressing Nobility
Good eventide, My Lord.
Good morning, ma'am.
Addressing Nobility
Good morrow, My Lady.
Hello, Constable (or Knight).
Addressing Officeholders
Your Honor (or Your Worship)
Good Morning
Addressing Someone
Good Morning Sir (or Mistress)
My friend, how are you?
Addressing an Equal
or above
Goodman (or Goodwife), how fare thee?
Come here, kid.
Addressing Children
Come hither, my lad (my lass).
What's your name, kid?
Addressing Children
What be your name, good young sir (or lady)?
Waitress, drinks all around!
Addressing a
Serving Woman
Wench, beakers all around!
I don't know him.
Don't know / Know Not
I know not that name.
I have but nothing.
Nothing / Naught
I have but naught.
Goodbye, my friend.
Goodbye / Fare Thee Well
Fare thee well, My Goodman.
Goodbye, ladies.
Goodbye / Adieu
Adieu, My Good Ladies.

Embellish thy language! If one word wouldst do, be thou sure to use two!

Pepper thy speech by inserting "right", "well", and "most" whitherto possible:

She doth appear most beauteous fair.
Thou art right noble and wise.
Methinks thou dost play most marvelous well.

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This site was last updated 01/16/03