The following log was taken on 4 April 2003, in the Studio de l'Artiste on FurryMUCK. Text not related to the Nerf thread has been removed for clarity. * * * JackRabbitson DOOP!s, "That's right, Silverwind's got dentistry background!" ==83 Silverwind shushes JR, "that aint good PR!:D" Blackears imagines Silverwind in Little Shop of Horrors. Silverwind glares at Blackears and grips her xylocaine Blackears eeps. Silverwind sighs, and hugs Blackears instead! Narile scritches Silverwind, "Why bother with the xylocaine.... :)" Silverwind grins at Narile, "Good idea! Guys hold him down while I've got him" Blackears sinks into the hug, then stiffens. He scrambles behind the studio couch. Blackears bars is perly fangs to any would-be dentists. Silverwind sighs, "We can do this the civilised way, or the non-civilised way Silverwind eyes the baseball bat next to the couch Blackears erps. He tries sliding the couch over the bat. Narile hands Silverwind a Mace, "Use the right tool for the job. :)" Silverwind hefts the mace. "Ooh. Nice balance" Blackears slips on his gas mask. Deuce thinks he'll take this opportunity to hide under the couch =^.^=. *slink* Deuce places Nerf (tm) turrets appropriately. Deuce conscripts Laggy in advance, too };> Silverwind purrs, "Hey! Nerf is a banned weapon of mass destruction under Artroom treaty!"" Lagkitten plants motion sensors and cameras so the turrets'll shoot faster. ;) Lagkitten lagpurrs, "You must be confusing this with some other art room. ;)" Silverwind feels suddenly like a pivot of evilO.o Deuce camps by the portable generator with a repair kit. Blackears is the axel of evil, then. Narile hmms and gets out perfumed supersoakers then.... Lagkitten okays at Deuce, what are we hiding from again? Silverwind purrs, "Perfumed?" Blackears pulls Deuce and Laggy into the axel of sub-couchian evyl. You say, "Silverwind, for now, but Blackears too if he starts throwing gas weapons around =^.^=." Narile says, "The water in them is perfumed. :)" Blackears uh-uhs. He's preparing for a Mace attack. Lagkitten uh ohs, and hides in the underside of the couch through a strategically cut slit. Silverwind hmns. We need bait for the leader of this evyl Silverwind disappears into the kitchen for a moment Blackears hmms. He sneaks out a perfumed water gun of his own, and sends a carefully aimed stream to female narile dragon pheremone onto the would-be dentist. Silverwind aghs! And drops her (luckily only lukewarm) coffee onto Narile's toes. Narile says, "Would help if my people actually used pheremones, now wouldn't it?" Blackears heh hehs, and waits for the distraction to ensue. Blackears squirts Narile in the face with the next pheremone shot. Narile squirts Blackears with Byutal Mercapitain(sp) water. Silverwind phews and places a tasty looking gazelle steak with baby vegetables on the table in the centre of the room. Blackears yipes! If only he knew what that was! Lagkitten dons its gas mask. O_O Silverwind chokes for a moment! Blackears peeks out from behind the couch. Must resist the steak... Silverwind eye's glaze over Narile's eyes water, "A bit more than I needed to use though." Blackears a hahs! The stench creats just the cover he needs to snatch the steak. Deuce yeeps, and darts into Laggy's hiding spot =o.o=. And sets the turrets to target Blackears. JackRabbitson schneaks the veggies while BE goes for the schteak! *swipe!* Silverwind suddenly grabs JR in a headlock and mutters, "Millenium hand and shrimp, buggrit" under her voice. JackRabbitson GLEEPS!! Lagkitten evacuates to the easy chair, dragging a portable inventory station! Deuce does not want mercaptan-soaked *anything* near him =^.^= Blackears retreats back behind the couch and munches happily. Silverwind purrs, "My country's army is ready to defend my cause! *waves to the empty space behind her*" Blackears sneaks some of baby vegetables too. He squeezes all the tomatoes into a bath basin. Silverwind eyes the tomatoes warily Silverwind purrs, "You've taken this stand off to a new level young cheetah" Narile adds some blue food coloring to the tomatoe bath.... Blackears has mastered the force. >:) Lagkitten starts setting up Nerf (tm) landspikes around the easy chair to fortify its position. ;) JackRabbitson eyes Deuce and slips behind Silverwind for safety. Narile stretches and then flights up to hang from the ceiling looking down at the floor from above. Silverwind sighs and pops an upturned bucket with a slit cut out over her head Blackears scoops up a soccer ball. He wonders if he can knock down all the spikes in one shot? Blackears hits the fortifications! Strike! Silverwind doesn't know who/whatthe conflict is about anymore but Nerfs must go! Blackears dives into the tomato bath, and scrubs all over with the vegetable stuff. Lagkitten uh ohs. It retreats into the easy chair and puts Nerf (tm) spike turrets guarding the insides, just over the entrances so attackers won't see them until they're getting shot in the back. ;) Blackears purrs, "Only Nerf can fend off alien Santa Claus." Blackears sneaks up on the wee beastie with a large tomato. Blackears prepares to strike! Lagkitten hears the whine of a spike turret charging up to ping Blackears, and dives for cover! ;) Silverwind takes a station neart the back escape route from the couch Deuce is in the couch. Laggy is in the easy chair =^.^=. Narile watches a bluefurred Blackears stalk Laggy, "Is it scottish?" Blackears tosses the tomato behind the fleeing bestie. Drat. What's that noise? ( *pow!* *pow!* *pow!* It's a spike turret assisted by a camera and a motion sensor for extra shot speed. ) Blackears *patooies* a nerf dart. Lagkitten drops a Nerf (tm) landmine behind it and nyeeheehees somewhere inside the easy chair. |) Silverwind watches in horror at the unfolding scene Silverwind uhohs. Deuce will have to remember that trick. And did you mean clamp turret? Lagkitten yeahs. ;) Lagkitten thought you knew that cameras in proximity to turrets increased their reaction speed, Deuce. ;) Silverwind winks and shifts into a winged leopard form. Blackears hehs. The wee beastie must be loosing his touch. He defuses the thing by flipping it over and then tapping it on the bottom. Narile drops a MOAN (Mother of all Nerf[tm]) on the carnage below. Silverwind flaps upward for an air assault! Silverwind drops clustertomatoes Blackears patoies more nerf foam. Silverwind lilts, "Get out of the way Blackears!" Blackears acks! Tomatoes now? Blackears skadoodles. He takes refuge under JR. Lagkitten purrs in its fortress of solitude aka somewhere inside the easy chair. ;) Deuce, in the couch, is hopefully out of tomato splash range. ( "Fortress of Fluffitude". ) Blackears holds up the professorly rabbit as a shield. "Quick! Eat the tomatoes before they hit us!" Blackears tosses a toy mouse into the bowels of the easy chair. Silverwind aims a few ripe fruits atthe turrets! Deuce notes that most of the turrets are under cover, though his might be exposed (being near the edge of the sofa). JackRabbitson blink?s about a second before taking a faceful o' redrum!! *OOG!* Lagkitten oos, toy mouse! Narile gets out a small jar of fleas....."I've done chemical...biological attack next?" Blackears gahs, as red stuff leaks out of JR's face. "I'll avenge you, my friend." Blackears purrs, "Physics attack." JackRabbitson mutters something under his breath... Lagkitten batbats the toy mouse around a bit unsuspectingly. |) Blackears steals the cussion from the easy chair, and uses it as a nerf shield. Silverwind drats and flaps outside for a moment... Blackears uses preemptive warfare to put an end to Narile's evil deeds. Atomic wedgie attack! Silverwind returns holding the end of a long garden hose. Blackears uh ohs. Silverwind slides the tip of the hose under the couch and twists the nozzle release! Deuce remains oblivious in the couch, listening for turret disturbances =o.o=. Lagkitten's so glad it's hiding in the easy chair. |) Deuce's ears perk. What's that noi.. *BOOM* ...Oh. Scratch one generator. JackRabbitson hops up onna cheetah before his feet get wet. ( aA lovely refreshing spray of water flushes out the under-couch ) Blackears pulls out a big black elasticy thong to wedgie Narile with. Narile soars above and drops fleas on Blackears. Deuce's Nerf turrets whine as they try to get a last shot at Silverwind before being washed away... Deuce lurks in the now-dark couch innards =o.o= Silverwind is momentarily distracted by the antics of "Bath boy and robin" leaving herself open Blackears erps an' arghs! as the rabbit pushes him into the deepening puddle. Blackears tosses the thong up to JR to sling tomatos with. ( *plink!* *plink!* *plink!* ) Silverwind eeps as foam entagles her primary feathers and gravity embraces her! Deuce attempts to repair the generator from above. *red glow from under the couch* Silverwind crashes on top of Blackerars! Narile sighs and needs to head to bed. "Good night." Lagkitten radios to Deuce, "Looks like your position's a wash, see if you can commandeer a vehicle pad and make it over to Base B." Blackears yipes! He looks wet cattedly up at Silverwind. JackRabbitson ewwwwws! "Eh, well..." *sling* *sling* *sling* Narile tosses a few more fleabombs into the fray and heads back to the Connie. Silverwind picks foam gingerly out of her fur! Deuce's v-pad is currently unpowered =o.o=. Working on it. Blackears purrs, "So we meet again, Whate Wonder." JackRabbitson YEEP!s as he's tumbled over anuddercheetah! Narile has left. Silverwind grabs JR! "Roll! Flea attack!" Deuce is *so* glad there's a moat between him and the fleas =o.o= Silverwind lilts, "Cyrses" Blackears offers to help. He dunks Silver into the water and scrubs her all over. Silverwind O.o ( *slap* ) Blackears couchs on the flee bomb. Gyrhawk cooos atta crazy mammals... from his perch on top of the bookcase. Blackears ouches atta slap. JackRabbitson yeep!s, tumbled over s'more... OI! Blackears peeks under the couch. It looks like the evil professor kitten has set you his labratory under there! Silverwind peers under said armchair Blackears purrs, "Quick, boy wonder! You go in there and flush him out, while I stay back and protect Silverwind." Zrath rumbles, "What's this? An electric kitten with a secret laboratory under a couch?" Lagkitten's replanted Nerf (tm) clamp turrets starts pinging Silverwind with pingpong-sized Nerf (tm) balls. ;) Blackears purrs, "Those crazy kids. Never know what they're gonna do these days." Silverwind holds a paw up, "Wait, according these old blueprints I found under the doormat, there's a secret back passageway into the lair! Blackears peer sover Silver's shoulder. Silverwind hands the blueprint to Blackears Zrath gets out the Ultimator foam rocker launcher (Aviva Sports, not Nerf) and targets the turrets. Blackears grabs the blueprint and sneaks into the couch. JackRabbitson deidles to blink atta BE. "WHO's a boy wonder??" JackRabbitson ==38 Lagkitten whups, guess Silverwind stopped peeking under the easy chair. ;) It radios Deuce, "Hostiles heading your way, better deploy the satchel charge defense." Blackears has gotta buy some Nerf some day. JackRabbitson has got what must have once been the Ultimate Nerf WoMD: the Razorbeast. Zrath takes aim and knocks over the first turret. Blackears purrs, "Why, have you forgotten all those martial arts lessons I gave you already, Boy Wonder?" Zrath reloads. Lagkitten uh ohs and hides deeper in its easy chair as someone starts shelling its Fortress of Fluffitude! Blackears sneaks into Deuce's inner sanctum. He disables the unsuspecting kitty with a catnyp bomb. JackRabbitson hrmfs and does as requested, sneaking under the couch. The tinkling of a small chain is faintly heard, followed soon after by the familiar sound of water being sucked down a small hole... Zrath takes out the second turret. Blackears hands JR a baggie. Deuce de-idles, and finds attackers in his lap =o.o=. He makes a valiant last stand with the Nerf (tm) Mortar =o.o= JackRabbitson huhs? "Whazzis for?" Blackears purrs, "Evidence." Blackears finds an old nacho chip, sticks it ina baggie, and labels it. Blackears drats He makes an attempt to put Deuce ina baggie and label it. Zrath has disconnected. JackRabbitson ohs... "Hrmmmm... stuff a catnyp mouse in there, that'll take care of bagging the cat, eh?" ==83 Blackears tossed a catnyp bomb already, but it did not seem to have any effect. Deuce is busy flinging mortars around =^.^=. *Poom!* Blackears yipes! He catches a mortar in a baggie and labels it. Deuce notes that Nerf (tm) Tribes (tm) gear is allegedly gas-proof =^.^=. JackRabbitson ah!s, and whacks Deuce with a pestle, then. ==83 Deuce Acks~ Deuce fluffafluffs JR. Hrmph! };> Blackears purrs, "Good work, boy wonder!" Deuce stre-etches, and must scoot right now. Last train leaves shortly, and he's just finishing up the current thesis chapter. Deuce pawwavies to all, and darts out }:> JackRabbitson bags da kitten and hands it off to the cheetah. "No sweat!" ==83 Lagkitten seeyas Deuce! Blackears purrs, "Good night, Deuce." JackRabbitson says, "Seeya, Deuce!" Deuce shudders to think of the pictures that will result from this };>. You take the global exit back to your home... * * *