Below is a transcript of the "keys to the metal gear" mp3 that's floating around the 'net. Transcribed by Christopher Thomas. * * * [Beep beep. Beep beep.] [Transmission begins.] [S] "Hello? Oticon.. Oticon, do you read me?" [O] "Snake? What's the matter?" [S] "I uh.. I can't find the keys to the Metal Gear." [O] "What? Snake, where are the keys?" [S] "I, I swear I had them this morning when I left. Maybe I didn't." [O] "You can't get into the Metal Gear without the keys, Snake." [S] "Well thank you, Mr. Video-Game Exposition. I understand that. I was wondering if you could, you know, maybe check on top of the dresser, and see if I, you know, left them there." [O] "Gaaah, ok, hang on." [footsteps] [S] *whistles the MGS theme* [S] "Ugh. I should really get a haircut." [O] "Snake?" [S] "Whaddup?" [O] "They're not there, Snake." [S] "Damn." [O] "Where did you see them last?" [S] "I don't know, I think it was.. um.. I think it was maybe when I, um, when I killed that guy." [O] "And, which guy would that be?" [S] "You know, uh, that guy. With the gun. The one I snuck up on." [O] "Look. Snake - I'm not here to keep track of your stuff. Did you click all the way through your inventory?" [S] "I clicked all the way through my inventory." [O] "_All_ the way, with the left shoulder button? Did you click all the way through the list?" [S] "Look, brainiac, I clicked all the way through the list. I don't have the keys to the metal gear on me, okay?" [O] "I always tell you to check for your keys before you leave. Don't I always tell you that?" [S] "I didn't call for a lecture, all right? I, I was just wondering, if you know, maybe, you had seen the keys." [O] "All right, well I haven't, fine, okay?" [Transmission ends.] [Bleep bleep. Bleep bleep.] [Transmission begins.] [S] "Oticon?" [O] "What is it, Snake?" [S] "I found the keys." [O] "Oh, okay. Good. Where did you leave them?" [S] "I left them inside the Metal Gear." [O] "Oh, good grief, Snake. You didn't lock the doors, did you?" [S] "Yeah, I uh, I locked the keys inside the Metal Gear. And I left the lights on." [O] "Well... crap. That puts the mission in jeopardy. I can't hack into the door locks from here, Snake. We'll have to call Triple-A." [S] "Call.. Call Triple-A? Ughh..." [Transmission ends.] [Bleep bleep. Bleep bleep.] [Transmission begins.] [A] "Hello, this is the auto club help line. How may I help you today?" [S] "Hi, I uh, *ahem*, I, uh, locked my keys inside my vehicle." [A] *starts typing* [A] "Okay, we can send someone right out. Can I have you describe your location, please?" [S] "I'm in the hold of a tanker on the east river by 59th street." [A] *clickety-click* [S] "58th street." [A] *clickety-click* [S] "57th street." [A] *clickety-click* [A] "And what is the make, model, and colour of your vehicle?" [S] "It's, um, Metal Gear. Metal Gear Ray. It's... big. Sort of metal. Okay, look - it's, it's a giant robot. ...With lasers. ...And nuclear warheads." [A] *finishes typing* [A] "And is the giant robot surrounded by terrorists, or has the area been cleared of terrorist activity?" [S] "No, there, there are still terrorists. Some of which have apparent super-powers. Many of them have a flair for drama." [A] "I'm sorry, policy forbids us from sending a truck into a terrorist-controlled area. Can you maybe kill them all with stealth?" [S] "Look, lady, what do you think I've _been_ doing?" [A] "Well then, I suggest that maybe you load up a saved game. An earlier save. From before you locked your keys inside the robot." [S] "Oticon, what is she talking about?" [New transmission begins.] [O] "Of course. Snake, why didn't I think of this before? We'll just restore your game, and you'll have the keys again." [S] "Okay. Okay, I follow. Make it happen." [O] "Sure thing. Where did you put the PS2 memory card?" [S] "Hmmm. PS2 memory card. I thought I had it with me when I left this morning..." [O] "Snake?" [S] "Maybe it's... no, it's... Where did I.. [O] "Snake." [S] "Where did I put that? Maybe..." [O] "Snake." [S] "Maybe when I killed that guy I had that, uh..." [O] "Oh my god." [S] "memory card..." [O] "Snake, I can't... You can't..." [S] "Could you, uh, maybe check on top of the dresser, and see if you can find it there." [O] "All right, you know what? You know what? Forget it. Just forget it." *click* [S] "Oticon? Oticon? Well... Shit." [Transmission ends.] * * * End of transcript.