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Hey. This is the page. I have a blog too, but I figured this is better than that.

Thiat's me and Celeste. She's cool. Cooler than you probably. Most definitely. The picture was taken at my graduation party. You probably weren't there.
Inez was. So was James and Shannon and Cody and Juan and Yarbrough and the president... no wait, not the president. There was however,
this total cutie named Janet. I'm glad she showed up.

All righty then.... It's Monday. Monday Morning. I'm bored and tired. I gotta get a job. SMU is expensive. I hate INS. It took them forever to make me an official American. That's cuz I'm not already an American. I'm actually from Rioverde, San Luis Potosi. That's in Mexico for those who don't know. Summer wil officially be here soon. If any of you are from texas, you know what kind of hell I'm in for.