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Moot Point


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- A new female member, Elizabeth Bowers, aka. the witch bitch, has joined moot point. She replaces Gennaoui piano ability, with a smooth feminine touch. Please welcome her into the family. She joins us in In Your Hold.

- Our long awaited Valentine's song, In Your Hold, has been recorded. You can download it below! Check it ouT!!!!!! It is dedicated to you...yeah really YOU!

In January of 2003, in the inspiration of girls worldwide, Moot Point engendered a new slice of cheesiness. Working with Chun Records in cooperation with Gennaoui Talent Agency, these handsome young hunks sparked a new wave of music excellence. Their delicate style fused together with their infinite creativity and knowledge brought satisfaction around the world (i.e. girls that came to our room). You can find Moot Point playing in Chun’s room, and sometimes in Gennaoui’s room, if they move the keyboard.

Click below to download songs!

Moot Point - I Can't Find Anyone

In the premiere of I Can’t Find Anyone, David Chun is on lead voice and percussion. Daniel Gennaoui brings out the heart of the song through his metaphorical piano, guitar and background vocals.


Moot Point - In Your Hold

During the recording of In Your Hold, David slapped Gennaoui's bare ass a total of 5 times. David's response verbatim, "It had to happen sooner or later...boy was it dirty."


Watch out for their debut album in the fall of 2003.

Copyright Chennaoui Enterprise 2002-2003