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`About Me~

Hey! I thought that the easy way to let you know everything bout me was to answer these ?'s! So here ya go! ..-Me-..
1. Name?: Elizabeth Nicole Dodds
2. Nicknames?: Liz, Lyz..and the best one VirginHo ..Makes alotta since huh? .. o yeh and FaTasS (TaRa)
3. Height?: 5'5
4. Hair Color?: Brown with blonde highlights ..the normal
5. Eye Color?: Grayish BluE
6. Siblings?: Yep *shrugs* 2half bros and 2 half siss 2stepbrothers and a stepsister -c y i hate this ?-
7. Do they look like you?: The cute ones *giggles*
8. Righty or Lefty?: Righty.
9. Hobbies?: ShOpPiNg, talkin on the phone, shopping, chattin, hangin out with friends-the norm- o yeh and did I mention shopping?
10. How do you describe yourself? *confused look* like I can answer this in 2 lines..
11. What's your sign? Aquarius.

12. Friend(s) that looks most like you?: umm..*head scratch* I guess wen you're around people all the time you all just kinda start lookin alike..-Aren't they all lucky! *giggle*
13. Friend(s) you go to for advice?: Tara.. (and her mom) Lol
14. Friend(s) you have the most fun w/?: All of can you not?
15. Friend(s) you do nothing w/, but still have fun?: HrMmmM.. All of em?
16. Friend(s) you have dreamt about? The whole fricking group of them.. *giggle* Ask Eden N Whit..
17. Friend(s) you tell your secrets to?: Tara, Eden, Whit, Amber..Hmm..What does secret mean again? *sighs*

..-TeH gUyZ-..
18. Blue or brown eyes?: Dark hair-brown eyes, Light hair-Blue eyes
19. Long or short hair?: . Depends
20. Dark or blonde?: Look ^ There!
21. Tall or short?: All I ask is that he's taller than me
22. 6 pack (This is not a beer question) or muscular arms?: Hmm..Usually arms for cuddling..But The 6 pack helps
23. Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny?: Both, why settle for less than the best ..He's out there sumwhere *looks around and sighs*
24. Good guy or bad guy?: Hmm..well rounded.. *Looks around and once again sighs* Damnit!
25. Preppy or skater?: Neither..Just someone who doesn't have to act fake.. I said he's out there DAMNIT!
26. Hat or no hat?: hmm..A guy that looks good accesorizing..always a turn on..Guy with Cute hair-Dead SexAyyy
27. Ears pierced or no?: Hmm..
28. Tan or Fair?: Dark Hair-No tan... Blonde hair- Definite Tan..
29. Freckles or none?: ayee..can he help it?
30. Stubble or neatly shaved? Both..if ya can grow it..SExAy..Gotta love the side burns!
31. Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type?: how about a snuggle bunny type, or a teddy bear type, or the guy who will stay up with you and just talk about nothing....Oh and there's the guy who will watch cartoons with you or Muppets with you..But will go out the same nite n get CrAzaY in da club..*Looks around and sighs, still doesnt c that guy*..
32. All American, homey G, or grunge?: *sigh* Is none of the above a choice?
33. How would you liked to be asked out?: Definitely face to face..eye contact..Gotta make sure he really wants it right? :D

..-I PreFeR-..
34. Boy shorts or bikini underwear?: Definitely Bikini.. *sniff sniff* Do I smell a panty raid?
35. Painted or nude nails?: my toes are always a pretty color..hmm..sumtimes silver nails and sumtimes acrylics
36. Bra or sports bra?: Depends what Im doing..As long as it's comfy
37. Sorta dressy or casual?: Depends were Im going or what Im doing..
38. Ears pierced or not?: Yep..2 in each ear
40. Short or long hair?: Short.. *sighs*
41. Dark eyes or light?: Blue
42. Long or short nails?: Depends on the mood..I have that nasty habit of bitin em..hence there usually short
43. Hat or no hat?: Usually not..Cowgirl hat Hell yeh!
44. Good girl or bad girl?: I'm an Angel *blinks eyes innocently* I swear
45. Hair Up or down?: Depends what Im doing..Usually down..
46. Jewelry or none?: Definitely earrings..n usualy a necklace..
47. Tall or short?: hmm..Bout average
48. Curly or straight hair?: Straight
49. Skirt or dress?: Skirt..But do I not get the option of hotpants?
50. Tan or Fair?: Tan..Well getting there..
51. Freckles or none?: Yeh.. a few..
52. Pretty indoors chick or sporty chick?: I'm a snuggle bunny, who loves hugs, watching movies and making the ocassional snow man :D
53. All american/grunge/ghetto/gothic?: None of the above for 200
54. Accent or American?: American..well the minford hick comes out sumtimes.. *sigh*
56. Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: Hot chocolate..and there's the occasional chocolate milk
57. McDonald's or Burger King?: Mcd's when forced to alter from Wendy's or Taco Bell
58. Coke or Pepsi?: Mt. Dew..
59. Rather marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend?: I believe the perfect lover would be the perfect friend I don't have to make that decision
60. Sweet or sour?: I'm sweet..but piss me off n whooaaa.. o wait i guess u mean do I like sweet or sour food..n that case SwEEt
61. Root beer or Dr. pepper?: Either.. Root Beer Floats preferably..
62. Tea or coffee?: I can't stand the smell or taste of coffee..and I drink the occasional tea
63. Sappy/action/comedy/horror?: Romantic Comedies..N scary movies are always great to watch with the guys :D
64. Cats or dogs?: Both..or neither..Not really an animal person
65. Ocean or pool?: Pool.. Not into the whole not knowing what's under me idea
66. Cooler ranch or nacho cheese?: Hmm..Dont really like doritos
67. Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: Both sound quite fun *wink wink* :D
68. W/ or w/o ice-cubes?: Depends..
69. Milk/dark/white chocolate?: WhITE!
70. Shine or rain?: I love sun shine, but there's nothin like playin in the rain with the significant other :D
71. Top or bottom? hmm..What are you referring to?
72. Winter/summer/fall/spring?: All of the above..if ur at the right place at the right time..
73. Vanilla or chocolate?: Vanilla.
74. Skiing or boarding?: Hmm..Water sports? Dont think so.. Not into the whole suicide ideal
76. Cake or cookies?: Y cant I have both? *puppy face*
77. Cereal or toast?: Cereal..
78. Rock/ska/punk/rap/r&b/alternative/techno/country/swing
? Song by song basis..
79. Night or day?: Night-
81. Dressed or undressed?: depends....what am I doing..
If I'm showering then I prefer to be undressed. Otherwise dressed
82. Eyes open or closed?: once again what am I doing..
If I'm sleeping I'd like my eyes to be closed
83. Bunk bed or waterbed? Waterbed
84. Chewing gum or hard candy?: Gum! N the occasional sweet tarts n suckers..
86. Lights on/lights off/black lights?: Depends what I'm doing..Usually lights off..

87. Color?: baby blue
88. Number?: 13
89. Drink?: Mt. Dew
90. Animal?: Llama or monkey
91. Holiday?: Christmas and my birthday..DUH!
92. Quote?: If YeR LoOkiN FoR a gUy FInd OnE LikE a KleeNex... StrONg.. SofT.. and DisPosAblE!! (Tara Ash)
93. Sound?: the Ocean!
94. Band?: Once by song basis
95. Song?: Like I said b4..Song by song basis damnit!
96. Book?: Dont read..
97. Movie?: Hard to's always changing..
98. TVshow?: I like watching the guys gettin there hearts broken on Bachelorette :D teehee
99. Radio station?: 100.F KEEFM
100. Place?: Hmm..
101. Flower?: As long as it's from the heart and exotic who cares?
102. Scent?: Victorias Secret-Pink..
103. Food?: ne thing..
104. Shape?: Circles are amazing..They never end!
..-In Da FuTuRe-..
105. What's your house gonna look like? A big log cabin
but it's not like I'll ever be home anyways
106. Where are you gonna live?: wherever I end up
107. How many kids?: Like I know that. But I definitely want atleast one boy and girl
108. Names?: Lane Nathaniel & ..hell I dont know
109. College?: UCLA!
110. What are you gonna do?: Do I look like a freakin psychic?
111. What does your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend look like?:
amazingly more affectionate than I could ever have imagined
112. How do they act?: very romantic yet have a wonderful sense of humor
113. Where is your dream date?: A candle lit dinner on the beach..that he planned by himself
114. Do you like to call or be called?: To be called..Makes me feel special :D
115. Make a move or wait?: Can't wait to long for him to make a move
but if I know he's going to sooner or later than Im definitely a waiter
116. Make plans or go along w/ them?: both
117. What's the first thing u notice in guys/girls?: eyes
118. Ever been in love?: Ive thought I was ..but who hasnt?
119. Move anywhere, where would it be?: There are many diffent places Id love to move,
as long as it's out of Scioto County
120. Buy a car, what would it be?: Hmm..This is a toughie..I want a small but roomie car 121. Shave one thing in your head, what would it be?: Well since I only have hair on my head n my brows then It'd probably be my brows..
yet, Ive onlys wanted to be like GI Jane..
122. Dye your hair one color, what would it Be?: Probably blonde 123. Have a tattoo, where/what would it be?: I hate needles and pain so Id never even consider getting one,
but if I had to itd be something sort of exotic on my right pelvic bone..
125. Meet one person, who would it be?: the person Im going to spend the rest of my life I can quit wastin time with these other dumbasses..
126. Live w/ one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?: my soul mate..
127. Do anything w/o consequences, what would it be?: Tell someone anything and not have to worry about it affecting our relationship.
128. If u could punish someone for something they've done, how would they be punished?:
I wouldnt do ne thing..and let them live with the worst punishment of all:guilt

..-OnE tHInG THaT..-
129. You are afraid of?: being alone-dying alone
130. You love: my friends
131. You're embarrassed about?: my fragileness
132. You wish u had done, but didn't?: I think the song "Alot of things different" explains it all
133. You wish u hadn't done, but did?: {same as above}
134. You really wanna do?: find my soul mate
135. You're gonna do Tommorow?: Hmm...
136. You did yesterday?: Micah came over, came to Whit's, stayed up til 8..
137. That's hard 4 u to do?: tell people what's bothering me when I get in one of my moods
(half the time I don't know what's bothering me, so that makes it a lil hard to tell others)
138. That REALLY annoys u about the opposite sex?: {i kinda changed this question a lil bit} LIARS!
139. That turns u on?: being held by someone you care about
140. That turns u off?: smoking
..-FiRsT tHinG I dO WhEN I..-
141. Get up?: go back to sleep
142. Get in the shower?: stand there and try to wake up
143. Go to school?: try to stay awake in class
144. Get home from school: eat

..-YaY oR NaY-..
145. Female president?: Yay
146. Roller coasters?: YAyA`!
147. Thunderstorms:? Depends on where I am and who I'm with
148. Food in bed?: YaY..Definitely breakfast
149. High heels?: HmM..YaYNAy
150. Mexican food?: YAy
151. Bill Clinton?: hasn't he fallen off the face of the earth yet?
152. Insects?: ICKY ICKY ICKY!
153. Little kids?: Love em!
154. Do u bite your fingernails?: yay *puts head down*
155. Toenails?: y even ask?
156. Twirl your hair?: YAy..
157. Relay commercials?: If it's a funny one I'll tell someone about it.
158. Impersonate?: Nay..
159. Pick your nose? ummm DuH
160. Eat it?: Of course..y pick it if ur not gonna eat it (f.y.i. for the just kidding)
161. Chew gum obnoxiously?: yay..when im nervous *puts head down*
162. Play w/ it?? I blow bubbles when i do have it.
163. Cheat on tests/homework?: Noooope Never!
164. Drink/smoke?: Yay..the occasional drinking
165. Shower?: Yay..
166. Make your bed?: How the hell do ya do that?
167. Clean your room?: Hmm..sumtimes?
168. Take a bath?: YaY!
169. Listen to music?: Is there any normal person out there that doesnt listen to music?
170. Talk/walk in your sleep?: Noo never.. *looks around to be sure Whit n Eden arent around*
171. Give hugs?: YaY
172. Tell people u love them?: Yay..U never know if you'll get a chance to see them again
174. Change your underwear?: Yes.

..-WhAt Or Who I Am..-
175. Afraid of?: Being alone
177. In love w/?: No one right now, I care deeply for a lot of people though
178. Envious of?: anyone who is truely happy
179. Mad or frustrated w/?: myself..but who isnt?

..-WhaT iS-..
180. Under your bed? I dont even wanna look
181. On your nails?: Nothin
182. On your feet?: Nothin
183. On your walls?: Posters
184. On your mouse pad?: mouse
185. On your bed?: sheets
186. In your desk?: too much.
187. On your ceiling?: lights
188. In your closet?: clothes and I dont even wanna know what else
189. In your cd/tape player?: Umm..CD's..DuH!

{MaiN PaGE} {FrIeNdZ} {JoKEz} {PiCz}