Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.
Our future is in their hands (note the antennae, in place of eyes, ears, and mind.)
Here's much the same thing too; only in this instance it's not computers but religion. Before dealing with spirit people, I would have found no fault with such imagery, and viewed them merely as abstract sorts of symbolism to aid devotion. Yet when you realize that there are people who will betray and substitute the authority of honesty, right reason, basic morals, and decency with such visions presented them palpably and literally by spirit people, then they risk becoming something altogether sinister and disgusting.
In Steven Spielberg We Trust
Before it was a computer. Now it's like a movie.
["Windows 7 Boot Screen"]
And if they aren't all murderers, there can be absolutely no question that they are, consciously or no, in with.
The king attributed his power to the gods, presented himself as
their vicegerent, and emulated their superiority to their own decrees.
He called himself, when time permitted, "King of Kings, King of the
Aryans ["Aryan" and "Iranian," by the way, are etymologically more or less synonymous - WTS] and the non-Aryans, Sovereign of the Universe, Descendant of
the Gods"; Shapur II added "Brother of the Sun and Moon,
Companion of the Stars." Theoretically absolute, the Sasanian
[or Sassanid] monarch usually acted with the advice of his ministers, who composed a
council of state. Masudi, the Moslem historian, praised the "excellent
administration of the" Sasanian "kings, their well-ordered policy,
their care for their subjects, and the prosperity of their
domains." Said Khosru Anushirvan, according to Ibn Khaldun:
"Without army, no king; without revenues, no army; without taxes, no
revenue; without agriculture, no taxes; without just government, no
~ Will Durant, The Age of Faith, Ch.VII: The Persians: pp. 224-641.
I. I give thanks to Almighty God and our Lord Jesus Christ, who has not given over the manifesting of His faith throughout
the whole world, as the sole specific for our salvation, and the extending of it even in the course of the persecutions of
despots. Yea, like gold reduced in the furnace, it has only been made to shine the more under the storms of persecution,
and its truth and grandeur have only become always the more and more illustrious, so that now, peace being granted to the
churches by our gracious prince, the works of Christians are shining even in sight of the unbelieving, and God your Father,
who is in heaven, is glorified thereby; a thingwhich, if we desire to be Christians in deed rather than in word, we ought
to seek and aspire after as our first object on account of our salvation. For if we seek our own glory, we set our desire
upon a vain and perishing object, and one which leads ourselves on to death. But the glory of the Father and of the Son,
who for our salvation was nailed to the cross, makes us safe for the everlasting redemption; and that is the greatest hope
of Christians.
Wherefore, my Lucianus, I neither suppose nor desire that yon should make it a matter of boasting, that by your means many
persons belonging to the palace of the emperor have been brought to the knowledge of the truth; but rather does it become
us to give the thanks to our God who has made thee a good instrument for a good work, and has raised thee to great honour
with the emperor, that you might diffuse the sweet savour of the Christian name to His own glory and to the salvation of
many. For just the more completely that the emperor himself. though not yet attached to the Christian religion, has
entrusted the care of his life and person to these same Christians as his more faithful servants, so much the more careful
ought ye to be, and the more diligent and watchful in seeing to his safety and in attending upon him, so that the name of
Christ may be greatly glorified thereby, and His faith extended daily through you who wait upon the emperor. For in old
times some former princes thought us malevolent and filled with all manner of crime; but now, seeing your good works, they
should not be able to avoid glorifying Christ Himself.
II. Therefore you ought to strive to the utmost of your power not to fall into a base or dishonourable, not to say an
absolutely flagitious way of thinking, lest the name of Christ be thus blasphemed even by you. Be it far from you that you
should sell the privilege of access to the emperor to any one for money, or that you should by any means place a dishonest
account of any affair before your prince, won over either by prayers or by bribes. Let all the lust of avarice be put from
you, which serves the cause of idolatry rather than the religion of Christ. No filthy lucre, no duplicity, can befit the
Christian who embraces the simple and unadorned Christ. Let no scurrilous or base talk have place among you. Let all things
be done with modesty, courteousness, affability, and uprightness, so that the name of our God and Lord Jesus Christ may be
glorified in all.
Discharge the official duties to which yon are severally appointed with the utmost fear of God and affection to your
prince, and perfect carefulness. Consider that every command of the emperor which does not offend God has proceeded from
God Himself; and execute it in love as well as in fear, and with all cheerfulness. For there is nothing which so well
refreshes a man who is wearied out with weighty cares as the seasonable cheerfulness and benign patience of an intimate
servant; nor, again, on the other hand, does anything so much annoy and vex him as the moroseness and impatience and
grumbling of his servant. Be such things far from you Christians, whose walk is in zeal for the faith. But in order that
God may be honoured in yourselves, suppress ye and tread down all your vices of mind and body. Be clothed with patience and
courtesy; be replenished with the virtues and the hope of Christ. Bear all things for the sake of your Creator Himself;
endure all things; overcome and get above all things, that ye may win Christ the Lord. Great are these duties, and full of
painstaking. But he that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things; and they do it to obtain a corruptible crown,
but we an incorruptible...
VII. The most responsible person. however, among you, and also the most careful, will be he who may be entrusted by the
emperor with the custody of his library. He will himself select for this office a person of proved knowledge, a man grave
and adapted to great affairs, and ready to reply to all applications for information, such a one as Philadelphus chose for
this charge, and appointed to the superintendence of his most noble library-I mean Aristeus, his confidential chamberlain,
whom he sent also as his legate to Eleazar, with most magnificent gifts, in recognition of the translation of the Sacred
Scriptures; and this person also wrote the full history of the Seventy Interpreters. If, therefore, it should happen that a
believer in Christ is called to this same office, he should not despise that secular literature and those Gentile
intellects which please the emperor. To be praised are the poets for the greatness of their genius, the acuteness of their
inventions, the aptness and lofty eloquence of their style. To be praised are the orators; to be praised also are the
philosophers in their own class. To be praised, too, are the historians, who unfold to us the order of exploits, and the
manners and institutions of our ancestors, and show us the rule of life from the proceedings of the ancients. On occasion
also he will endeavour to laud the divine Scriptures, which, with marvellous care and most liberal expenditure, Ptolemy
Philadelphus caused to be translated into our language; and sometimes, too, the Gospel and the Apostle will be landed for
their divine oracles; and there will be an opportunity for introducing the mention of Christ; and, little by little, His
exclusive divinity will be explained; and all these things may happily come to pass by the help of Christ.
He ought, therefore, to know all the books which the emperor possesses; he should often turn them over, and arrange them
neatly in their proper order by catalogue; if, however, he shall have to get new books, or old ones transcribed, he should
be careful to obtain the most accurate copyists; and if that cannot be done, he should appoint learned men to the work of
correction, and recompense them justly for their labours. He should also cause all manuscripts to be restored according to
their need, and should embellish them, not so much with mere superstitious extravagance, as with useful adornment; and
therefore he should not aim at having the whole manuscripts written on purple skins and in letters of gold, unless the
emperor has specially required that. With the utmost, most submission, however, he should do every thing that is agreeable
to Caesar. As he is able, he should, with all modesty, suggest to the emperor that he should read, or hear read, those
books which suit his rank and honour, and minister to good use rather than to mere pleasure. He should himself first be
thoroughly familiar with those books, and he should often commend them in presence of the emperor, and set forth, in an
appropriate fashion, the testimony and the weight of those who approve them, that he may not seem to lean to his own
understanding only.
VIII. Those, moreover, who have the care of the emperor's person should be in all things as prompt as possible; always, as
we have said, cheerful in countenance, sometimes merry, but ever with such perfect modesty as that he may commend it above
all else in you all, and perceive that it is the true product of the religion of Christ. You should also all be elegant and
tidy in person and attire, yet, at the same time, not in such wise as to attract notice by extravagance or affectation,
lest Christian modesty be scandalised. Let every thing be ready at its proper time, and disposed as well as possible in its
own order. There should also be due arrangement among you, and carefulness that no confusion appear in your work, nor any
loss of property in any way; and appropriate places should be settled and suitably prepared, in accordance with the
capacity (captu) and importance of the places.
Besides this, your servants should be the most thoroughly honest, and circumspect, and modest, and as serviceable to you as
possible. And see that you instruct and teach them in true doctrine with all the patience and charity of Christ; but if
they despise and lightly esteem your instructions, then dismiss them, lest their wickedness by any hap recoil upon
yourselves. For sometimes we have seen, and often we have heard, how masters have been held in ill-repute in consequence of
the wickedness of their servants.
If the emperor visits her imperial majesty, or she him, then should ye also be most circumspect in eye and demeanour, and
in all your words. Let her mark your mastery of yourselves and your modesty; and let her followers and attendants mark your
demeanour; let them mark it and admire it, and by reason thereof praise Jesus Christ our Lord in you. Let your conversation
always be temperate and modest, and seasoned with religion as with salt. And, further, let there be no jealousy among you
or contentiousness, which might bring you into all manner of confusion and division, and thus also make you objects of
aversion to Christ and to the emperor, and lead you into the deepest abomination, so that not one stone of your building
could stand upon another.
IX. And do thou, my dearest Lucianus, since thou art wise, bear with good-will the unwise; and they too may perchance
become wise. Do no one an injury at any time, and provoke no one to anger. If an injury is done to you, look to Jesus
Christ; and even as ye desire that He may remit your transgressions, do ye also forgive them theirs; and then also shall ye
do away with all ill-will, and bruise the head of that ancient serpent, who is ever on the watch with all subtlety to undo
your good works and your prosperous attainments. Let no day pass by without reading some portion of the Sacred Scriptures,
at such convenient hour as offers, and giving some space to meditation. And never cast off the habit of reading in the Holy
Scriptures; for nothing feeds the soul and enriches the mind so well as those sacred studies do. But look to this as the
chief gain you are to make by them, that, in all due patience, ye may discharge the duties of your office religiously and
piously-that is, in the love of Christ-and despise all transitory objects for the sake of His eternal promises.which in
truth surpass all human comprehension and understanding, and shall conduct you into everlasting felicity.
A happy adieu to you in Christ, my Lord Lucianus.
~ Theonas, Bishop of Alexandria (282-300 A.D.), "The Epistle to Lucianus, the Chief Chamberlain (of Our Most Invincible Emperor)"
The fall in credit of the government is in no small part due to the fact that it is no longer the United States, that is the people of the United States, that mostly controls the government, but rather the people who make all that malicious software which we Windows users regularly require malicious software removal updates for. At least that's one way one might describe them.
And who are these people? They are in fact these same people who abandon truth, morals, and reason, while at the same time team up with spirit people and associated billionaires to murder, rob, and or enslave everyone else and call it Darwinism (or that, at any rate, is what they used to call it.) You see them all the time, in effect, running the internet; as, for example, in the case of YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Face Book, Microsoft, etc.
"Oh The Father of Torture, deliver us from unrighteousness."
The newest addition to our "Continental Army series" is “'THE PROUDEST DAY': Excerpts from historical novelist Charles G. Muller’s Dramatization of the Battle of Lake Champlain, Sept. 11, 1814"; and for which see Note. If by chance you encounter any problems accessing the .pdf via this link, try right click "Save as..."
All and as much as anything he ever had to do to save his life was mind his own business. But just guess what he couldn't or wouldn't ever do?
For the record -- "witchcraft," as I use the term, is someone teaming up with spirit people for purposes of murdering others -- whether or not the someone in question knows or is aware that that is what they are doing.
"Is Saul among the prophets?"
Did one need it, the Holy Spirit is proof that Christianity (certainly honest and rational Christianity) is true and correct, and not all or always blind believing. But then how many actually know the Spirit on a regular basis? Probably relatively few -- hence the need and legitimate requirement of priests and ministers; as adequate presence of the gift necessarily entails some time, focus, and soulful cultivation -- at since in the greater majority of instances where presence of the Holy Spirit is authentic (though, of course, this is by no means to suggest that all veteran clergy are necessarily so blessed.)