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Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


A Paul Revere and the Raiders double-header (though lower the volume a bit on the second video to remove distortion.)


["Just like me - Paul Revere and the Raiders" and "Paul Revere & The Raiders - Indian Reservation HQ Sound"]


Food for Thought

I have been assaulted literally day in day out, without respite, for the past 18 years with brain torture radios and assorted forms of witchcraft related violence, and in spite of repeated appeals to police, government, church, professional people, and others over the years, I have to have a single person come to me and my home personally to (even) investigate or inquire into my claims, either regarding brain torture radios, witchcraft based gangsters, and or spirit people. Such is the power of withcraft based gangsters along with criminal spirit persons to commit violent crime and get way with murder, and how weak and impotent society is, and how it has stood for some time, to face up to and resist them. You see therefore the why and wherefore of it being so easy for these people to take over and wreak general havoc -- as they have here in in Seattle -- on a given community. Now don't ask or expect any special concern for me personally,but for God's sake how can people be so deaf, dumb, and blind to what has and is going on around them when it comes to violent crime?


Understandably, there are many people who would not criticize Satan (and whom we might define as the arch wrong-doer and troublemaker of the ages) for fear that he might harm them for doing so. Yet allowing for the shortcomings in our knowledge of him, and which granted and in fairness are indeed not inconsiderable, it seems a good case could be made that for all his smarts and cleverness he is, after all, a great fool. As proof of this, look at the kind of people down through history who have listened to and worked for him. With little or no exception they rank among the stupidest people that ever lived. Look at all the terrible problems he and his followers have caused. What good did it ever do? And if he does end up having it all his way, what's the point? He gets to spite and revenge himself on someone or other who offended him? Likewise, and as time has gone on, as much as we have been traditionally asked to dread him, it seems these days it becomes mandatory as well to view him, and despite his exorbitant and unrivalled wealth and power, as someone requiring our pity and sympathy. What then I ask you is the point with this person?


["Ramblin' Rose - Nat King Cole"]



What painting or sight
Can match the light
Of daffodils glowing bright;
Breathing fresh as babes,
Steeped in waters of the rain?

How sad it is
They briefly appear
Only so soon to go;
So little time
Of life to know.
Their yellow heads
Like golden bells
Seem to joyously ring
Just long enough
To announce it's Spring.

After them flows forth
A flowery tide,
When white blossoms
Peek from out from trees.
But, oh, poor daffodils,
What you signal
You can't remain to see!

Yet come the time
Spring itself is gone,
I'll remember then
Days when you were young.


He can go to the penitentiary or the insane asylum -- his choice.


"In the history of song, the Hymn preceded the Madrigal."

If it is true song and poetry you share, then you are and must be brothers. And if your are brothers, then it can only be because you have the same Father.


If life is less than it is it's because people permit it to be so -- and for no other reason; for not even the evil one could wreak such tragedy and havoc as he does but that people accept and permit him to. True, you might not be able to defeat the mind of Satan in all things, but are not there after all some things in which you can or might?


["The Band - Ain't no More Cane"]


The question may now be fairly asked -- even if everyone, or just about everyone, did boycott Pixar-Disney-Dreamworks animation, would it still, even so, do any good?


["Arlo Guthrie - Coming into Los Angeles" -- studio cut]


I posted this on my FaceBook page earlier. For then the benefit of those who could not see/hear it there...

["Slade - Cum on feel the noize"]


A person who has a hard time telling real from fake is bound to be fooled.


RIGHT religion is not magic and wonders but HONEST, RATIONAL truth, and which latter is more rare and harder to find than angels, ghosts, magic and seeming miracles.


For such who might find this of interest, I posted for viewing "Rowdy Ann" (1919) (a previous "recommendation of the week") with Fay Tincher at my MNHP; for which see:

