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Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


What we hate about religion are invariably (if not strictly speakng always) our own false and irrational ideas of it (and which we mistake to be true ones.)


A leaf from the Rossano gospel, c. 555 A.D.

Just in passing -- one of the more intriguing websites I've learned of in some while is "Jeremy Norman's From Cave Paintings to the Internet": a sub-section of his "History of Science" page. Among it's other online displays is a catalog, accompanied by many useful links, of some of the earliest surviving ancient and medieval manuscripts known, and regarding which see:


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["RICK WAKEMAN-Journey Pt2" -- from orig. soundtrack], ["RICK WAKEMAN-Journey Pt3 TheVideoMusicTribute"] and ["RICK WAKEMAN-Journey Pt3 TheVideoMusicTribute"] -- with David Hemmings as narrator.


Oh, yes, we need this, we want that -- they say. And even if you grant, for the sake of argument, that they know what they are talking about (which, rest assured and as with so many things, they most certainly do not), what business is it of theirs to begin with?



in free verse
you can do whatever you want
so long as it is done
for a good reason.


["Sarah Brightman - Eden" -- orig. video]


(above) A Sea-Fair moment of recent years.

Dumbocracy in America

One of the more ominous and disturbing effects of increased spirit people intrusion and intervention in human society, and in the form such have taken within the past 40 or 50 years (though, of course, the trend in its inception originates far earlier), has been to cause us to live in a dual culture with concomitant systems of government. We see this separation of people perhaps most noticeably in the often absurd barriers between the very rich and everyone else; such as where of late here we observed how wealth is now being used as both a means and excuse to control and stifle internet communications and enterprise. Yet the demarcation is not so much of wealth as in de facto "party" membership that ties in with exorbitant wealth, yes, but which also sees as its privilege the right, as necessary and or made affordable, to use crime and violence to oust or disenfranchise opponents and non-party members, and otherwise expedite policy as needed. Such an de facto organization has its base and highest hierarchy in and by over-lording and meddling spirit people, and it is owing to such spirit people that the aforesaid party and its order is -- and must be -- secret and non-public, and it is because of spirit people the party's members are awarded such a privilege. What we think of as legitimate law, society, and government is treated as equal to the latter order, yet, according to this recently developed arrangement, both are ultimately only able to do or not do as they see fit answerable to the dictates and behind the clouds of governance of spirit people.
The following is a list of known and what appears to me to be the policy and methods of this second tier of de facto authority.

  • They think to create good by creating the illusion or appearance of good -- the latter being deemed as acceptable and sufficient as the former.
  • Lower class people must be uneducated in order to maintain the primary labor force (because as soon as people are "enlightened," such as the party bosses are, they won't want to work anymore.)
  • Members of legitimate society may have certain of its privileges, but in a curtailed and restricted manner. For example, you may vote for your office holders and over issues. But you cannot choose who may be up for election or what will be voted on. Nor is discussion permitted over either candidates or issues outside the behest and grace of the official party censors or information moguls as they are now denominated.
  • Brain torture radios for non-conformists.
  • The elevation of images and sounds at the deliberate expense and descension of rationality, thought and literacy.
  • The purposeful degradation of the heart, intellect, and spirit and an augmented emphasis of the carnal, violent, and superstitious.
  • Promotion of biotech as a means to heightened the mere materiality and hence expendability of life.
  • The abolition of animal rights and the discouragement of those human (where possible.)
  • Overt and unapologetic control of the media; heavy suppression of the internet and radio; the banning of newspapers through "business" takeovers.
  • The severing of individuals and groups from each that are or might pose as dissent; including the obstruction of phone connections as well as the different kinds of mail.
  • Important religious decisions are seen as properly and exclusively the province of certain "important" spirit people; while religions as practiced by mortal humans are treated simply as secondary forms and kinds of private business.
  • Monopolization under the feigned guise of more efficient centralization.
  • Squanderng of resources and the trifling with people; as seen jointly, for instance, in the forced and governmentally financed TV to HDTV conversion.


    It is incumbent then on we who have the least shred of real dignity or modicum of self-respect and intelligence to decide whether it is in ours and everyone's best interests to be a society of rationalizing liars -- or -- rational (fundamentally) honest truth speakers. A person not predominantly ruled by reason is in practice an easy prey of manipulative spirit persons and mind control; who discourage and dissuade their followers from thoughtful reasoning and critical thinking; while using the very same to empower themselves and rule over us. Yes, Virginia, we can say at last, evil does exist. And finds its most puissant embodiment and incarnation in certain spirit people, and their flesh and blood followers, and for whom others' extreme suffering is an entirely trivial or indifferent matter; so why then should it surprise you that they should use mind control and such tactics as enumerated above to advance their religiously selfish ends? Indeed, not only does evil exist through and by such persons -- rather than the more common and understandable failings of men and women, but is not after all the great tragedy in life that such an abundance of people or animals are and have been born into this world without being properly loved and card for as they might otherwise be but for the interposing interference of blatantly invidious, greedy, and omnivorous third parties and strangers; who thwart the former's communications, gatherings (where applicable), or measures for mutual aid, fellowship and assistance; while simultaneously there has been no shortage or dearth of persons who invest and dedicate themselves in the use, abuse, and consumption of others? And yet from whence could such drastic difference spring but from the most base and depraved minds and personalities -- with a leadership?


    When we criticize, even if and when we are right, it is not unusual for us to recklessly overlook the good side, or potential good side, of whom or whatever we dismiss or censure; at the same time we risk doing another a grave injustice while cheating ourselves of knowledge and perhaps even wisdom.

