Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.



["Paul Robeson - St Louis Blues"] and ["Bessie Smith - Yellowdog Blues"]


The original of this familiar song; sung by its author.

["Dick Holler -Abraham, Martin, and John"]


Not infrequently, when, as we age and get older, we get cracks, creaks, or sharp pains in our limbs or other part of our physical selves, it is the body kicking us, and justly so, for something we did wrong or else didn't do right; and whether or not we do or don't know what that something or other is.


You may by chance have glimpsed or seen some of the occasional half-hour episodes of Eugen Weber's "Western Tradition" on TV -- well, here, via this link, is an opportunity to view the whole series at your own leisure for purposes of either introducing yourself to and or brushing up on the history of the West.


God will save their souls, that's true. But if only their parents have loved (or loved them properly) first! No child or anyone should come into his world and or go through life unloved and abandoned, and though some are simply not very well informed or skilled enough to be a very good parent, this is not the real cause for shameless abandonment or neglect. Rather the cause for that emanates from heartless selfishness, which in turn springs predominantly from the brutality and ruthlessness of criminal spirit people (or their intermediaries) whom such parents answer to as authority. At this time of year, we are often reminded of how happy we are or must be to kill an animal in order to feast ourselves. Yet is our or some's persisting in this inherent to human nature or is it instead more a case of or something inculcated and picked up from ghosts? This much I know. Before the witchcraft empire, evidently based in (spurious) Hollywood, took over Seattle, there was an active and lively animal rights movement which (along with other activist groups) is now mostly underground if not largely, if not completely, vanished.



["Spencer Davis Group - I'm a Man" -- with Steve Winwood live on stage 1967] and [Roy Orbison - Ooby Dooby (HQ)" -- with Tom Waits, Bruce Springsteen, et al.]


What if, at least for the sake of argument, Charles Manson were being beat up and tormented by a demon or ghost for many years. Would you be man (or woman) enough to join with me in fighting off that demon? But you say, "No, I wouldn't -- because it's Charles Manson (and he deserves it.)" But is it not perhaps more true that you are simply and rather terrified by and in awe of the demon (and you won't admit or discuss it?)

It is, I submit, is the failure to address this kind of question and what it reflects about many people's character that accounts for and explains both the prevalence and exaltation of gross evil, crime, and immorality in life. For what more formidable, nasty, pernicious, and culpable evil is there in all the world than an individual(s) who can command demons, thugs, and other henchmen of violence and vandalism (now and including biotech) to attack their enemies, opponents, and rivals? Mere moral laxity, mercenary corruption, or nationalism? There is no dearth of people who complain or lament of the wrong doing in the world and what must be done to correct it. But if the evil is too strong or too great, even many of the most fervent and vociferous of crusaders, and would-be philanthropists and reformers say "there I stop and go no further."

Someone might protest, "But how does one fight 'a demon?'" The easy, obvious, and necessary place to start is by being honest, impartially rational, and telling the truth, and yet merely this little is commonly too much to ask of many and who otherwise will voice loud protest, spend billions, and wage costly and tragic wars of one kind or another to eradicate whatever it is that supposedly and so terribly afflicts humanity.


One could wish the performance, not to mention the filming, were less impromptu, but that's how it seems (almost) everything (including this website) has to be done these days -- fast and under pressure; but a class-ic teaming here we otherwise don't want to pass up.

["Diamonds and Rust Judy [Collins] and Joan [Baez] at Newport Folk Festival 2009"]


In reading an article-biography on Methodist founder John Wesley, I was struck especially by the political and almost business like facets to his ministry. By this, it seems that as well as an evangelical he served a political role in helping to bring moral order and stability to many of the poor and neglected masses, and in a business way he was supplying religion like a necessary life-article for which there was significant need and demand not then being filled by the established English church. He became, or so it was hoped, in effect a kind of Dissenter (Dissenters elsewhere being effectively outlawed or else barely tolerated) that yet comported with orthodoxy while offsetting or supplementing orthodoxy's weakness. Yet as praiseworthy as this might sound, he may have been allowed his success because he compromised his otherwise benevolent teaching by (1) conservative political accommodation, and (2) by countenancing religious irrationalism as a vital sinew to his creed. In a word, and with all sincere and good intention, he made a pact with the devil in order to save souls. Was he right to do so? Offhand, I don't think this so easy a question to answer. Interesting to us also, he and his family had their own frequent run ins with spirit people (the Epworth Rectory account being one of the most famous in ghostly annals); which certainly suggests that he was being followed by such; likewise, it is not entirely inconceivable that the violent persecutions told of being leveled at him and George Whitfield may have been pre-arranged and concoted, though without their own knowing or consent, for purposes of giving the movement added credibility.


Even if we grant it is permissible for "any" given spirit person to be among us; they cannot be justified if they are using violence and crime to have their way. Consequently, society is right to defend itself against such. One thing then I believe worth suggesting for purposes of imperiling or endangering violent and felonious spirit persons is their being too much here, i.e., among us and part of our mortal lives. They are like a certain fish or amphibian out of water that can survive for a while but must soon or later return to the deep. Keep the fish out too long, however, and he dies (and which is expressed metaphorically in the legend of the vampire who can't endure much or long periods of sunlight.) Now, of course, this phenomena may not be at present so elementary as this, as some will likely, as of presumably "long ago," have devised safeguards, tools, and methods to prolong their power to remain in our midst or vicinity, but the basic principle appears, based on my own decades experience dealing with them, plausible and applicable.


["JOHNNY HALLYDAY "gabrielle " live 1978"]


["Guy Mitchell - Singing The Blues (Live!)" -- Ed Sullivan Show]

