Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.
["The Green Hornet | Black Beauty OFFICIAL PRESENTATION (2011)"]
"We will get in with the very bad people, and as I have their solemn word they will be kind and generous to us (if only we cooperate), we can join them in plundering the would-be, but really hypocritical, good people. And when these last are finally undone or destroyed, as most assuredly they will be, we then will become the true good people."
Or as told by Aesop: "The Ass and the Fox [make that, if you would, Oafmore and the magician], having entered into partnership together for their mutual protection, went out into the forest to hunt. They had not proceeded far when they met a Lion. The Fox, seeing imminent danger, approached the Lion and promised to contrive for him the capture of the Ass if the Lion would pledge his word not to harm the Fox. Then, upon assuring the Ass that he would not be injured, the Fox led him to a deep pit and arranged that he should fall into it. The Lion, seeing that the Ass was secured, immediately clutched the Fox, and attacked the Ass at his leisure."
Though we are thousands of miles or more distant from his glorious, spirit person throne, I can still hear him continuing to say and insist, as he always and ever has, he gets to be interesting too! Such is the Lord or God of dishonest and immorally disposed people.
That billion dollar movie career I thought would have been a dead give away to even the dumbest imbecile. (Oh well.)
Yesterday I just finished watching Leonard Bernstein's six part "Unanswered Question" series, and while my earlier criticisms still (in my opinion) hold valid, the series all and all and otherwise is highly worth recommending. It increased my understandng of music and helped me comprehend several points and topics that previously I had not, by comparison, grasped so well or as clearly. The perfomance included of Stranvinsky's magnificent "Oedipus Rex" was not a little engaging (if depressing given the subject), and gave me to better appreciate and realize the signficance of Sophocles' drama, while educing all sorts of hitherto unthought ideas and questions. Is Oedipus, in retrospect, a kind of Christ figure; who, by the machination of devils, is foreordained to perish, yet whose suffering, by means of one or other kind of catharsis, heals we the witnesses of his suffering? If Oedipus is a tragic figure, is not perhaps his father Laius (not to mention his mother Jocasta) as much or more so? What causes tragedy to take place or brings it about? If we know its properties and characteristics, can tragedy be prevented in advance? And similar.
This being also, as it were, the season for "Rip Van Winkle" and "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" -- would you like or be curious, by chance, to meet Washington Irving? If so, follow this link, via Google Books, to Nathaniel Parker Willis' The Convalescent (1859), p. 116 or 130 .pdf.
Not for us to take sides here, but the song it can't be denied is a good one.
["Such a parcel of rogues in a nation" -- The Corries, post 1990 version,]
My father being a big Vikki Carr fan back then (c. '65-67), I vividly recall hearing this song growing up. (Love the Edie Sedgwick "look" in this particular video.)
["Mrs. VIKKI CARR - IT MUST BE HIM (Belgium 67')"]
At one time, even Danny Kaye (then part owner of the Mariners) tried to (help) save Seattle. But most unfortunately -- he died.
["Beautiful beautiful Copenhagen" -- from the Kaye film "Hans Christian Andersen"]
Perhaps it is not altogether unfitting that a city (Seattle) with the daring and foresight to transform its most prominent art museum into a mortuary (which some of you will possibly remember their actually doing a couple years back) would hit upon the no less ingenious conception of using its science center as cineplex; indeed, they have gone even further and at present, apparently to rival their earlier public introductions to space aliens and also "all things gross" (as in "gross me out, why don't you"), now offer an exhibit on the Harry Potter books and movies. See
Meanwhile, let it once more be noted, I have secured not a shred of curiosity, let alone serious inquiry, all these years regarding my claims respecting spirit people or brain torture radios.
Do things like global warming, rampant urban sprawl, new forms of lethal disease, the end of civil liberties and the criminal justice system, democracy, free trade and competition, human rights, animals rights, technological (including computer) creativity and innovation, music, literature, legitimate cinema concern you -- having all gone bye the way -- in the interest of more casinos, expensive junk movies, depraved television, and centralized control and supervision of pretty much everything by billion dollar private interests? Then look and behold no further than the quite unbelievable incompetence, childishness and stupidity that flourishes right in front of and before your very eyes.
Certain assumptions adopted, and closely and regularly followed and adhered to over time, can free a person of many other assumptions and hindrances that most others can or will not do without. This is one way that it can be said faith both empowers and set a person free, even faith in things or people false and or evil. Naturally, however, one is well advised to be careful considering what sort of power and freedom your given faith will reward you with, and the costs versus benefits of such powers and freedoms.