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Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


Although as a film "Godspell" (1973) tended to be a bit corny and seemed to soon date itself, they at least got the music right; as examples of which here are two favorite tracks from that very special soundtrack.


["All Good Gifts- Godspell"] and ["By My Side - Godspell"]


This just posted at our Lee's Legion page:

EL_LIBERATOR: Simon Bolivar (.pdf)


More Blondie.

["Blondie, "Heart of Glass", Live 1998" -- from a Jools Holland program]


What any of us knows is little compared to what we will know, let alone what we could know. Yet, regardless of how little or much we know, we always maintain a supreme confidence in our capacity to understand and categorize most everything.


How many of you, I wonder, have heard of Ramon Llull (12321315) (and who on at least one occasion very aptly signed himself as Phantasticus?)

He was news to me until just this past weekend via Durant, and a more fascinating, varied, and amusing fellow your not likely to hear or read about. Among his long list of literary credits, Llull is said to have penned the first modern European novel. But his voluminous writings are only part of the story; for more see the above link to the Wikipedia article on him.



["del shannon in japan ( runaway )"] and ["Del Shannon" -- "Black is Black" (at 3:13) at the Bottom line New york 1982]


What we object to (and which is also why we have suffered and put up with the literal violence and sadistic abuse by these criminals all these years) is poor innocent people, children, and animals abandoned and put at risk and in danger in order to accommodate the mad ambition of Satan the evil wizard (and that, btw, is how, in common parlance, he should be denominated), his lieutenant the ghostly magician, and billion dollar Oafmore-Speelburg. For had the latter three not been so permitted and indulged to live the life of luxury, magic, self-pity, revenge, and empire, these aforesaid children, animals, et al. would not have needed protecting, and in turn thus it would not have been necessary for us (who did so) to have remained behind (rather than have left) to provide such safeguarding. Therefore, we blame the person who both put these children and animals in harm's way by and while empowering Satan the evil wizard, etc. to be so privileged (as stated.)


A Doo Wop 2-Fer.


["Little Darling Original Diamonds" -- Live from reunion show] and ["Lets Hang On (Live)" -- live Chicago 1982]


It just so happened I was trying to think off hand what was my most favorite Monty Python sketch of all time, and this one, "The Visitors," would probably be it.

["Monty Python - The Visitors" -- at 5:41 min.]

