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Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


["Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams" - live (at Red Rocks?)]



["Stevie Ray Vaughan(SRV)-Voodoo Child"] and ["HENDRIX, JIMI "VOODOO CHILE (Live) Pro-shot"]


Whatever is or might be is or will be so because of someone's mind that commands it to be so. But whose mind? In a certain sense, God governs all being, action, and events. Nonetheless, on a practical level we obviously think there are, after all, other minds involved in what is and takes place, and which have free will. And presumably we don't, for example, see God as ordaining or decreeing our personal beliefs, or day to day human actions. At least such a view seems the more common and prevalent. Yet some do argue we have no free will. If so, and we don't have free will, then every event of or by someone is an a act of God, including the acts of criminals. For this reason, professional criminals are understandably prone to support such an absolutist view. But why some religious people would, even so, believe similarly, and though I've heard their philosophical arguments, I frankly could never understand; unless perhaps it is because they listen to spirit people.


He may be among the most financially wealthy people there ever was, but observe he is also one of the most horrifying criminals the world has ever known.


Announcing the brand new BEN TURPIN THEATER & Cineplex, and which you can find more about here.

Later Note. In the interest of preserving these Ben Turpin films, at least for reference (as the print/transfer quality is, of course, not exactly the best), those who care to do so can download them as .avi files (zipped) via these links:

* Small Town Idol - part 1 (approx. 75 MBs)
* Small Town Idol - part 2 (12 MBs)
* Yukon Jake (67 MBs)


Two for you.


["John Denver live in Cork City (1986) - Goodbye Again"] and ["Moonage Daydream [Ziggy Stardust Live]" - from the film "Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars"]


When you have time to ponder the matter closely, the most anyone, including God, can possibly be is a caring father or a caring mother, and, no, showmanship does not rate nearly so high by comparison in the higher cosmic order (than it does, say, in the greater scam of things.)


They will use a lesser good (and which most everyone likes) to attack greater good which most don't even really know or think about.


For a given person, the world is divided not between good and evil, but rather real and fake. So that all a devil (i.e. a highly skilled and proficient criminal spirit person) need do to succeed in swaying you is to get you to think irrationally, act secretly, speak insincerely, and to judge by appearances.


["Rays Silhouettes" - Live appearance from B&W tv days]


The favorite concluding phrase I noticed I've most been using of late when trying to expound to, and or reason with these people comes from Curly Howard, and that is -- "...get the picture?"


In that movement from the violin concerto we posted of late, you will possibly have notice or already been aware that Mozart utilizes or invokes a Turkish theme; a musical device fairly common with some famous 17th and 18th century composers -- and doubtless the practice of adopting Eastern music in the West spans much, much further back in time than that. Well, here are three samples of authentic Turkish music such as composers Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven might have heard. The first is a martial air; the second a conventional song from the 18th century, and the third a violin work which sounds something like "Fritz Kreisler meets Django Reinhardt."

["Ottoman Army Music from early 17th century" -- Ottoman Military Band with alias Mehter]

["Turkish Music from 18th century - Yine bir gülnihal" by Hamamizade Ismail Dede Efendi and played by Sarband]

["Turkish Music - Violin" -- by Kemani Haydar Tatliyay; performed by ?]


How only fitting that the logo used by King County should be that of a Martin Luther King impersonator.


You may find it disagreeable to hear but, even so, you need to know the truth, and that is that real science is not someone pretending to do real science.

