Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.
["Debbie Gibson-Shake Your Love"]
"Authorization Failure"
Day 4 in the ongoing Zippy the Pinhead hostage stand-off. (Notice also, now they have it so that you can't even see people's posted comments [as you could previously] without signing up for SF Gate.)
Repeat after me -- The great hoodlum and his dirty tricks!
(Now you know just about everything there is to know about anything worth knowing.)
Though the demon that haunted Israel pretended to be God, and many mistakenly believed him to be so, it by no means follows that God Himself was merely a demon haunting Israel.
Now if only someone would re-release the Neville Mariner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields version of this Johann Christian Bach harpsichord concerto (in A major); which, believe me, is not easy finding on CD in any case (regardless of who performs it.)
[J.C. Bach: Harpsichord concerto in A major, 2 mv. Andante ma non troppo - Huguette Dreyfus and Tokyo Solisten]
...but is that the higher vision? Is that the higher view? Is that real justice? Is that true peace?
Just like a good neighbor...
The above ad, as you already know, is no rare, out of the way anomaly, and crass tastelessness and stupidity we in recent years find omnipresent in previously hallowed halls of business and industry. How is it persons so obviously lacking in basic intelligence could so dominate society, law, and the economy? The answer is this, as we have said here numerous times before, is that it is not regular flesh and blood people who have the power and run or have final say over almost everything but these criminal spirit people I write about; and these govern by way of intermediaries. Now what is somewhat amusing is that these intermediaries and who are witchcraft people, although dead ringers for Jerry Mahoney or Knucklehead Smiff, will see themselves as highly sophisticated and shrewd operators themselves; given as they are to believe all manner of outlandish nonsense and foolishness; sprinkled, for effect, now and then with some occasional truth or otherwise legitimate insight. So bowled over are they by the smarts, cunning, sophistry, and magic of spirit people that they brush aside with contempt all solid learning, true science, honest faith and centuries of humanitarian culture and tradition, and trust rather to the authority of Ulrek, Vultor, Edrow, and Grugthrax over time honored wisdom, morals, and sound thinking and judgment.
To give you an idea of the ridiculous sort of world and state of mind such go betweens live and think in, I saw this episode from "Land of the Giants" the other day, "The Secret City of Limbo" (1970); which will furnish you with one example of what these kinds of people see higher intelligence as; and which episode you can watch at I believe I could wax eloquent commenting on the various parallels betwixt the fiction presented here and real life, but will leave it for you to "spot the looney" yourself.
Down through the many ages of history people, and even animals, have been punished for doing something wrong; including being executed, tortured, sent to prison, etc. And yet there are criminal spirit people who not only continue to wildly get away with murder, but are enriched with millions even billions of dollars, and are allowed an honored place in human society. Disdain then the would-be authority that permits this and similar hypocrisy and cheating, and say along with me "Give me liberty (from such) or give me death!" and "Once and for all -- put Satan the Great and his friend, the horror of the magician, where they belong -- the penitentiary!" (I myself am, and have been, in it solely for the purpose of rescuing and or protect the helpless and innocent, thinking especially of the animals and children; otherwise I would no wise have suffered end endured such an oafish regime and dirty rotten bunch of cheaters and hoodlums [tolerated in the name of religion!] so long.)
Well, that's damnation for you. He would ruin the internet -- that's just the kind of person he is.
As I said to someone just yesterday....
The mass media these days itself is a criminal, and yet it is they -- NOT just, honest, impartial, rational, and sober public discourse -- who will tell everyone who and what criminal is supposed to be. As for the legal system, they are owned by the same people, only worse.