Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


Already you can see I've moved up in the high-tech world of video editing!


Last night some among my FaceBook friends from high school commented on the misfortune of being a "loner," to which I joked:

"We are all alone (some of us anyway.)"

Which, when you think about it, is or at any rate can be true in more ways than one.


You'll want to (pleadingly and admonishingly) call out the name "Frankenstein!" at the crescendo point.

["John Morris - Young Frankenstein (Transylvanian Lullaby)"]


In the (for some) history-to-catch-up-on department (and this is particularly for you fellow Rev War buffs out there), did you know about the "Forgotten Victory" of Springfield, New Jersey, June 23, 1780; at which both Nathanael Greene commanded, and Major Henry Lee and the 2nd Partisan Corps played an important part? If by chance you didn't, see:; while for further reference, see the Annual Register for 1781, pp. 16-18; John Marshall's Life of Washington, vol. IV, pp. 233-237; William Johnson's Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene, vol. I, pp. 190-195, and Benson J. Lossing's Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution, vol. I, pp. 322-324.


Environmental Tip #547: How many wine bottle corks have you thrown out in the course of your lifetime? Well, no more! If you have yard waste disposal in your area, you can for now on include them with it.

Later Note. Used ordinary (i.e. non-nylon) tea bags can go into the compost or yard waste as well.


When all is said and done, one doesn't pray because they lack or want good, but because they have it (and or else know what true good is.)





The Heaven of chumps is exactly that! A heaven for chumps (and by "chumps" I obviously do not mean to imply such as who are innocent.)


Named after one of the greatest kids that ever was, Fort Joseph Skatey, under siege all these years, still holds!


There's always an opportunity to be frightened tomorrow; and what people think is vulnerable to change on any given day. But the truth is forever, and the truth is your friend if you will let him be by being yourself honest, compassionate, and courageous.


And who will ever be able to defeat Satan the Great (or Satan disguised as Brahma) but someone who, among his other attributes, is a military man?


Blues and Soul 101

With your instructor, friend and one time Hendrix musical associate "King" George Clemons...

["King George - medley.wmv"]


Are you someone who was once a living, human being? Or are you rather someone from another planet?

"I get asked that question quite a lot actually..."


In my re-reading of William Gordon's The history of the rise progress and establishment of the independence of the United States of America: including an account of the late war; and of the thirteen colonies from their origin to that period, vol. IV (1788), I came across this curious anecdote (that I had skipped over earlier) relating to the British capture in early Feb. 1781 of the previously Dutch held isle of St. Eustatius in the West Indies. It made me wonder, as I have on occasion here before in these my website musings on (some) history, if the devil perhaps (and given his longevity) wasn't in on what reputedly happened; such that what is recounted strikes one as chillingly modern -- or else medieval.

"After the surrender of Eustatia [St. Eustatius], the Jews who were numerous and wealthy were the first sufferers. Several of them were torn from their habitations with many indignities, and banished without knowing the place of their destination and were, in that state of wretchedness which followed the seizure of their property, transported as outlaws, and landed at St. Kitt's. The assembly [of St. Kitt's], to their great honor, instantly passed an act for their present relief and future provision, until they should have time to recover from their calamitous situation. The Jews were soon followed by the Americans, some of whom had been obliged to fly their native country, through the part which they had taken in support of the British cause. These also were sent to St. Kitt's, in much the same state with the former; and were received and entertained with the same humanity and liberality by the people and legislature of that island. The French merchants and traders were next banished; and at length the Amsterdammers met with the same fate. Mean while public sales were advertised, invitation given; and protection afforded to purchasers of all nations and classes; and the island exhibited one of the greatest auctions that ever was opened in the universe. Never was a better market for buyers. The goods were sold for a trifling proportion of their value; and by report, the French agents made the greatest and most lucrative purchases. Most of the goods were conveyed to French and Danish islands; and left to find their way to those enemies, for having supplied whom, in the ordinary commerce, Eustatia suffered so severely. This whole business, from beginning to end, has brought upon Great Britain the odium of all Europe." [pp. 77-78.]

