Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.
If you wind up on death row, don't say I didn't tell you so.
Oh, it flies all right only it has to soar.
Brother of mice!
Frozen in as we are by the knife-piercing chill that besets us here in Seattle, I've had more leisure and pent up inspiration on my hands than usual to post today. So here's some more. This is "The Joelling Song" from William Walton's "Facade" -- "after a set of poems by Edith Sitwell" performed by Pamela Hunter and the Melologos Ensemble with Silveer Van den Broeck. There are other versions, including a number at downloads, but this particular Pamela Hunter, et al. recording, which I like better than the rest, isn't. To download, click here. (.wma, 2.15 MBs, right click, "Save as..")
That class war undermined and ultimately destroyed the Roman Republic is well born out by the unusual complexities of classical Latin; as if that language were especially constructed to keep from positions of power and influence those who could not afford extensive leisure time and a relatively expensive education in order to grasp it on the more formal level. Such, at any rate, is my impression.
On a related note, as far as nefarious spirit people (in and behind the scenes) guiding and manipulating the destiny and behaviors of the individual lives of various prominent members of the succeeding Julio-Claudian family (which some others of you will remember from the "I, Caudius" tv series), to my mind, there can be no question; with there being this vivid and repeated time and again pattern of "weeding"* out the good and empowering the bad. And if the point is raised that the bad emperors did have their virtues, and I agree they did, this by no means takes from my contention; since criminal spirit people of the worser sort will be more than satisfied with morally corrupting others (by subliminally milking their souls), and leaving or allowing some virtue in the victim as a mocking hint and ghostly trace of what all the rest in that person's character they otherwise robbed and deprived that victim of.
* Yes, odd as it sounds; to the vicious or orkonic way of thinking it would be "weeding."
P.P.S. Makes one wonder too if Nero might not have had "identity theft" done to him at some point, and the outrages ascribed to him actually perpetrated by some imposter. I would not out of hand advocate that such was the case, but would at least suggest considering it (if for no other reason than) to inform and alert others to such not unthinkable possibilities when it comes to some spirit people closely and with some careful aforethought involving themselves in “human” affairs – and which they might or might not do depends on the their own character and the tenor of the times.
I'm sick and damn tired of all this...Quinctilius Varus, give him back his legions already (and stop wasting everybody's time with this nonsense!)
"I'm hiding Sherman -- and you can't see me."
I know.
(Regarding "Newman" and "Redford.") They could use a good bath in any case.
It goes on existing; it goes on existing; it goes on existing; it goes on existing...
"I'm sorry; I'm sorry; I'm sorry; I'm sorry..."
I am not in a position to follow business politics, let alone its intricacies, but how do you explain it? He is supposed to be the richest man (or else certainly one of the richest men) in the world, and Microsoft, which financially made him, he lets atrophy and go to rot because he has no say or power over it. This, on the surface of things, I take or understand to be the case because he must answer to some sort of American Caligula. Correct? Perhaps one of you out there could tell me. (On a related note, did the historical Simon the Magician have Roman citizenship, I wonder?)
Now here's another of one of the better numbers from that much misunderstood decade the 80's. (Some might want to turn the YouTube volume down a bit on this one.):
(Nihil do. It helps my show, etc.)
Early today I received the following e-mail, seemingly on the surface some mere spam, yet which evinced some degree of actual intelligence. In fact, it could be construed as a response of sorts to some of the arguments I make at my website. Simultaneously, the view expounded is reminiscent of that expressed by the young female gypsy character in that "Bonzana" clip (from the episode "Dark Star") I posted a few weeks ago -- freedom to do what you want, regardless of the rights of others, is it's own justification. Now were this line of reasoning posed more coherently than it is I would reply in turn. But as it is I'm posting this to give you give you an idea of how some of these kinds of people I write about "think" and leave it to you, in this instance, to determine the justice and truthfulness of what they assert; while otherwise observing that it evidently was also someone else's need for freedom that prevented this writer from properly finishing and concluding what it is they were saying.
This then comes from "Detorres" at :
"Urbane. Are not some born moral cripples as others are born with
physical deformities? Are not some spiritually deaf, dumb, and blind
from birth? It cannot be doubted. We are all more or less what our
fathers were, but our surroundings do much to modify us. Many men seem
to be driven on wings of passion, as leaves by tornadoes; and yet we
know that we are free, and that all life and conduct, individual and
social, must be ordered on that hypothesis. Teach men that they are not
free, and anarchy and chaos will quickly follow. No freedom? Then there
is no obligation. No one feels that he ought to do what he cannot do,
and no one will try to do what he does not feel that he ought to do. If
men are but machines, moving only as the power is turned on, there is no
moral quality in any action. If we live in a moral world, whether we can
understand it or not, we must be free to choose for ourselves. The
possibility of the soul's expansion depends on its freedom. There is no
right and no wrong, no truth and no error, if it is a slave to the
inheritance with which it was born. What gives to the invitations of
Jesus a quality so serious and so solemn is the fact that they may be
rejected. The power of choice is the most sublime endowment which man
possesses. When we have learned to know ourselves as free a long step
forward has been taken. The soul grows by a right use of the power of
choice. How may it be adjusted to this knowledge? It will undoubtedly
grow to it, but the process will be slow. It may, however, be hastened
by a use of the experience of others. No man should be allowed to begin
the battle of life as ignorant as his father was. Each new soul should
have the benefit of" [The message inexplicably ends at this point.]
On the other hand, whether the money gained from the CD's sales will indeed go to feed the hungry is open to question and something else entirely. Yet even if the profits do end up being dispersed to the wrong people, that naturally is not any fault of Mr. Dylan's, and beyond his control in any case.
Later Note. The above picture came from among a set of photos taken at the time of our halcyon days at Rockville Centre, N.Y., put on CD, and which a member of my family presented me with a while back. Extracting from just a few of which it contains, I made a quick photo album page; that, if you are interested, you can see at: (Note the Mighty Mouse costume in one of the shots.)