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Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.

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I noticed it bothered him when I said "God bless Abraham."


One of the things that typically puts us off about religion is that we are so often surrounded by fake or adulterated versions of it; in fact, for some people such deliberate imitations are more profuse in and around their own life circumstances than expressions or manifestations of the real thing. In addition there or may be things in scripture or formal tradition which perhaps don't properly belong there, and yet which are mistakenly venerated as holy. These kinds of distortions, misinterpretations, or, in other instances, willful forgeries, are very palpable and daunting problems and challenges which, even for intelligent and wise people, are not always so easy to get around and overcome if they are not constantly vigilant, wary, and in tune with the spirit of (honest) truth. It helps also I think to get rid of this idea of God being a ghost, and think instead of religion as being as the handed down love, wisdom and community of your spiritual forefathers.

In any case and in a word, beware!


Here's the full "" theme song by the bluegrass band Cornmeal but which we had heard only portions of earlier.


Now You See It.

Now You Don't.

In passing, and since the subject came up -- The above are details from Philip Willis' Dealey Plaza photographs 5 and 6. The first shows what has been labeled as the "black dog." What, if anything, is to be made of the strange object or figure, I don't know and could only guess. But that it does curiously depict something (aside from a photographically created aberration) seems to be plausibly evident.

Later Note. Just after posting the above last night, I joked to someone concerning the "figure" seen in the first picture, and, assuming it was a spirit person, said "that person didn't know what he was doing!" And, indeed, if we posit it or he was a spirit person, it is not impossible that he didn't (i.e. know what he was doing.) I remember when I had spirit people "visiting" (uninvited) my house very frequently in 2000, they at first use to come from my bedroom and then into my living room where I sat; with the ghoulish magician acting as "MC" to all this. Then one day they significantly reduced the number of entrances from my bedroom, and instead came in by way of the kitchen (which also enters into my living room.) The explanation for this, as I inferred at the time and based on some remarks of the magician, was that a passerby pedestrian outside, or else neighbor, had seen one of the spirit people through my window, and therefore it was necessary to have the spirit persons enter my living room by way of the kitchen (mostly); so that it was less easy to see them from without (i.e. through the window.) In other words, the spirit people were at first a bit careless about being seen, but when they realized they were or had been viewed by someone (aside from myself), they accordingly changed their path of entrance to avoid or lessen the risk of this happening further.


Here's another thought provoking interview that was just posted on YouTube within the last two months; which some of you then may not yet have had the chance to see. Is it possible some of the Warren Commission members, with all sincere and good intention, were susceptible to pressure as Cronkite himself apparently (or purportedly) was in the interview spoken of in my last post?


A couple months ago, I saw on YouTube a relatively recently made interview with the late Walter Cronkite; in which the CBS anchorman told an anecdote concerning the 1960 Presidential election. What he in effect said in it (as I can't quote from memory word for word) was that John Kennedy, off mike and off camera, threatened to go after or somehow retaliate against Cronkite and the people at CBS; after Cronkite (during the Wisconsin Democratic primary) had publicly asked Kennedy about the effect Kennedy's Catholicism would have on voters. The gist or implication of the story as presented was that Kennedy had a vengeful, big boss type, mean streak and would attempt to silence and censor his opponents if they didn't cooperate. The whole thing was so laughable when I watched it, I put it on the back-burner for purposes of posting it one day at this website as something funny for you to see. Well, just today I remembered and went to look for -- but it is now gone from YouTube. I then went and tried to find it via Google without success. I did, nonetheless, locate an interview with Cronkite in which he tells the same story quite differently, and which you can see at (do a FIND search under "catholic" or else look for the second item in Chapter Six in the "Shows" tab.) Here, John Kennedy is hardly present at what happened, and instead it is Bobby who scolds Cronkite, and in a more plausible and polite manner; till the interviewer pointedly asks when Cronkite is done "it did not have a lasting impact, did it?" To which Cronkite answers "no, no, no;" with the interviewer then moving to the next topic -- as if this second interview was an apology or else to make up for the aforementioned, now lost from YouTube, televised interview in which Cronkite was somehow and clearly encouraged in some way to make John Kennedy look like a bully. All of which goes to show you how someone as respected, well thought of, and esteemed as Walter Cronkite can be made to talk nonsense and distort what happened if the pressure put on him is considerable enough. That at least is my interpretation of what occurred.


"I dunno. There's something not quite right about having the devil play cupid. (I'll pass on that one.)"


What you say is, or what you can say is: "I know you cheat. I know you bully -- you don't need to remind me of that obvious fact." (Or “You mind your own business? You mind your own business for nothing.”)


If a person truly is very strong they will stand up and fight for the weak and defenseless. For why wouldn't they if they were?

Satan is respected in this world because he is respected in this world -- but not because it is somehow necessary otherwise that he be respected. And come the day those people who do respect him (and who disregard what I tell you about these spirit people) find out who actually it was they were in awe of and respecting, they are going to feel very stupid.


I don't understand. What do you mean? Why does the great Oaf (who constantly forces himself on others), this surly lout, get to be interesting too?

"Because he did the wrong thing!"


The mind should avoid or never run too far in advance of the heart, while always being prepared to return to it. For a mind, howsoever brilliant, completely free and rid of a heart is monster (or at least a madman) indeed.

Late Note. Because I make this remark in close proximity to the Nietzsche video (and who is not exactly famous for being a sentimentalist), some might think I am making an indirect reference to him. But I am not, and insert the above wholly separate from any such intention. My own feeling regarding Nietzsche is that I agree with him on many points, for instance his demi-deification of the Pre-Socratics is a sentiment I share (and Zarathustra was a moving and great inspiration way back when and in the formation of my intellect), but on most others I simply find myself in disagreement, yet, nonetheless, admire his independent outlook, creative fire and perspicacious genius otherwise.


I guess I can't resist playing DJ these days. Here's one some of you perhaps, like myself, may not have heard in a while.

