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Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.

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Why should it come as a surprise to learn that the universe evolves; indeed just as a person does? But as with a person, he or it would also have a certain amount of choice; and what, after all, is so far fetched about ascribing volition to the cosmos?


(In response to someone challenging my asseveration that the Charley Bowers silent film comedies are modern hoaxes, ala Phil Tucker and O'Dale Ireland.)

It is possible there was a silent film comedian named Charley Bowers (though I myself still question even that); but even if so, his name was simply used as the basis of these modern hoax, witchcraft people (as I allege) produced, films; not unlike how a dead person is used to create a fake voter.


He was willing to bear his cross only he could not bear having to be too honest.


The Word, or Logos, is like a fine art masterpiece that deserves and requires a good frame to place it in, only in this instance you are that frame. But if the frame isn't very good or out of sync with its subject, how, for all good intention, can it serve or do the picture honor?


I loved (and still love) Lucretius, that worthy expounder of Epicurus, when I read him during my early college years; yet, as time went on, I thought it might be necessary to distance myself from him philosophically, based on charges of impiety and amoral materialism. Now, however, such qualms and misgivings seems absurd or silly; for the kind of religion Lucretius attacked and condemned was spirit people or ghost based pagan religion; and unless it be insisted that one adhere to an artificially rigid and insincere dogmatism, I otherwise find it not too great a strain or stretch to adjust and make his and Epicurus' thought compatible with Christianity or other honest religion; not least of which because it is in substance and spirit an inherently rational school of thinking.


It is odd to think how innocent some of our peers we knew as children, say in elementary school, were in retrospect. Then we took them for granted, perhaps were somewhat slighting or critical. Yet to remember now how frail, cheerful and guileless some were is very touching.

My biggest regret in life at present then is for the young people, children and animals having to live in a world gone so rotten as our has. For my part, I fought and beat these people, including Satan himself, and have everything to be proud of. And as for Speelburg, the magician and these others who at the moment effectively rule the roost, my word to them is and continues to be the same, namely "Yes, but if you do end up getting killed (for doing all these things) -- then what will you think?"


Although videoed directly off a running television set, this clip, even so, I think makes the point well enough.


Who would've been so dumb as to trade paradise for this fallen state of the world? And yet who could have been even dumber and then traded this fallen state of the world for Hell? Let us once more think then, take a good deep breath, and consider -- if (as we've now come to learn) magicians, wizards and sorcerers are essential to the carrying out of Hell's doctrine and policies, what does that tell you about the role of illusion in precipitating evil and ruin?


"Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"


One possible cure for vertigo or inexplicable dizziness that causes you to lose control of your reflexes, or unaccountable psychological detachment from your physical self, most especially in instances say where you are driving, piloting, or operating potentially dangerous machinery is to think of eating or having eaten, and or imagine yourself having eaten or planning to eat. This, I believe one will find, should or will restore your equilibrium and proper mind-body coordination in relatively no time.


You might possible be interested in knowing that later in the same day that I wrote the last post (regarding the spirit), I received a spirit person visitation of heavenly day-glow, euphoria, and ethereal angels. For the benefit then of readers who might be new to my site, let again reiterate that such manifestations I routinely reject and am not at all interested. But you see, they (my opponents) will use such tricks to justify themselves as if to say "See, Sherman will receive a heavenly reward and therefore it is all right for us (who reject doing good) to treat him as we do (i.e. by cheating and abusing him.)" This of course is a lot of nonsense, and the view I hold is that after a faithful or well-behaved person (if I might put it that way) dies they go to sleep, only to wake up or return on judgment day. They do not fly up into the sky and become an angel. This last is a pagan, gnostic or witchcraft notion that I, needless to add, disavow and want nothing to do with, and is entirely unrelated to what I write about when it comes to true or proper religion (see, for instance, Romans 8:38-39.) Such angels etc. as are brought in by Okeus, or the ghoulish magician or whomever, are either actors or duped persons and whom I do not consider to be Christian. Even so, I realize no matter how many times I make this point and clarification, there will inevitably be those who intellectually are unable to make the distinction, and will view such angels as Christian and or real heaven -- but this I can little help other then to, for the record, make disclaimers (such as the above) every so often.


To continue on a note raised in my last post..people need food of for the spirit as much or more so as regular food. It is interesting in this regard, nonetheless, that the church has food as part of its essentials in the way of the eucharist's bread and wine. Yet these are the bare minimum, as it were, of food one would need to survive -- nevertheless a physical food that is still requisite. So it is not as if what is material then doesn't matter -- to some extent it is sacred, only on a certain level of spirituality and quantitatively speaking not all that much is needed.

This acknowledged, the spirit is otherwise more important as an end. For example, if we receive emotional, psychological or sensual gratification the pleasure is at last and in its essence known and realized in our soul or spirit (whether in its emotional, intellectual aspect or both) -- the body being merely a conduit of the experience to the soul. Moreover, what good is a pleasure if it is seriously in violation of basic morals (the heart) and reason (the cognitive mind?) Obviously a lesser and unhealthy pleasure because without basic morals and reason the soul reveals itself to be debased or at least operating on a subservient level.

When I go out driving into the city, I sometimes feel depressed by what seems its oppressive character. But what is oppressive is not the city but the bad spirit that inhabits or rules over it. And what one must do is reject that bad spirit and say it is no spirit of mine -- and why should it be if you don't like it? For as powerful as is this bad spirit found in the world greater in power to any single individual is their own soul; made all the more greater when it joins and becomes one with the holy spirit -- the spirit of love and truth. Even so, of course, our bodies and physical natures not infrequently cause us to be blinded to this hope and avenue of release.

For poets, artists and musicians there are seasons of the spirit just as there are seasons in nature. And just as some activities are better suited for certain natural seasons than for other natural seasons, so certain art and music, etc. are better suited for certain spiritual seasons. As to how many such seasons there are and in what they consist is understandably open to question. But when a good poet or artist catches the breeze of one, he intuitively knows now is a good time for such and such expression or sentiment or else not a good time for such and such expression or sentiment -- all the more so as he is in tune with that spirit which is most loving, honest, compassionate, persevering, hard working, brave and faithful.


No. 1 The Shnook (a spirit person)
No. 2 the ghoulish magician (a spirit person)
No. 3 Speelburg (a regular person)

are basically how I view whom I am dealing with. The Shnook is the main mastermind and whose movie career it really all is (the magician's and Speelburg's careers being merely incarnations of sorts of his the original.) Now others will be in such deadly terror of these characters, but people need to understand is that as much as they are very strong in some ways in others they are laughably weak, and it is with very reasonable justification that I view all three with, for the most part, utmost contempt and deem them in most respects my lessers. For consider, the Shnook had or has to his advantage the following:

a) surprise
b) billion dollar war chest
c) spirit people, as well as regular people, working for him
d) highly technology in the way of brain torture radios, sorcerer level magic, and, of course, the amazing powers of being interesting
e) Over 16 years to make good.

By contrast, I have relatively no money; no one to confer with let alone support me in my fight against them; I'm physically disabled because of the numerous assaults they have made or make upon my person; (while this is all going on) I have to run a nursery school in having to take care of the cat (though earlier it was cats); society and professions have hitherto refused or been unable to aid my being a victim of human rights and ongoing criminal violence and abuse -- and yet I have substantially defeated and vanquished his mind control and fear strategy after all these years. In other words, they need all this against one man alone; so that can't I reasonably say that I am better than any single one of them? Where is their champion? Where is their God? They have no one of that description to face me with unless he be accompanied by an army and I by my lonesome -- and yet even then I still beat him. True, they still have the drop on me politically and the law denies me succor, but then that all makes the legal and government people (i.e. at least who are indifferent or else accomplices to these of whom I speak), by their mendacity and spinelessness, my inferiors as well. So that you will see when all said and done, proof of the saying winner takes all. Perhaps not in this world and not in this lifetime, but in the realm of the spirit and which matters most above all other realms (including the physical), they can never be anything more than shnooks like their master as long as they defer to and accommodate these people.


The Sun upon the Weirdlaw Hill (1817)

by Sir Walter Scott

"The sun upon the Weirdlaw hill,
In Ettrick's vale is sinking sweet;
The westland wind is hush and still,
The lake lies sleeping at my feet.

"Yet not the landscape to mine eyes
Bears those bright hues that once it bore;
Tho' Ev'ning, with her richest dye,
Flames o'er the hills on Ettrick's shore.

"With listless look along the plain,
I see Tweed's silver current glide,
And coldly mark the holy fane
Of Melrose rise in ruin'd pride.

"The quiet lake, the balmy air,
The hill, the stream, the tower, the tree,
Are they still such as once they were,
Or is the dreary change in me?

"Alas, the warp'd and broken board,
How can it bear the painter's dye?
The harp of strain'd and tuneless chord,
How to the minstrel's skill reply?

"To aching eyes each landscape lowers,
To feverish pulse each gale blows chill:
And Araby's or Eden's bowers,
Were barren as this moorland hill."


Whether bad or good rules you will always end up getting a good education; and learning of one kind or other is intrinsically hard-wired into existence that way. The difference is, nonetheless, that when good rules it costs you immeasurably, or even infinitely, less.


Yesterday, I came across a relatively old news story (of some months ago) regarding how a few trees at Washington's home Mount Vernon, and which had stood for hundreds of years, were knocked down by a terrible storm. Off hand, I take it the storm was an otherwise natural occurrence and it is not strictly necessary to read into the story anything more than this. However, that said, there are certain powerful spirit people who can and under certain circumstances control or affect the weather; not so very different from how ordinary people can do extraordinary things using technology; so that it is not entirely impossible that the felling of these venerable trees at Mount Vernon could have been brought about intentionally. Why? So that "dumb idiot," say our "Speelburg" for example, can or could be led to think that God is displeased with America and desires that its people be punished for disobedience. Now "dumb idiot," not taking the trouble to separate powerful spirit people from God, will see in this destruction a divine mandate, and before long some spirit person has him enlisted to perpetrate some murder or other malicious mischief and mayhem in order to further "God's" design. And such then becomes one illustration of the price of childish irrationality and the belief that spirit people somehow represent higher authority, and how certain puissant, trouble making spirit people (i.e. "Classic Troublemakers") are and can be the source of ludicrous and tragic evil in the world, namely by masquerading as and feigning higher good.


What, in your opinion, do you think you would like better? A television drama produced by and featuring David Niven or an episode of the Man from U.N.C.L.E. starring Jay North? In my own life, I did not actually have to choose (i.e. I did and saw both.)


I told him if he acts like a Nazi, he's going to lose it all like the Nazis (it's that simple.)


One of the quintessential aims of ghoulish civilization is to shrink people in size and importance -- and there are false Americans, Chinese, Europeans, Arabs, Jews, Hindus, etc., etc.


NEW HEADLINES (once again): "Disgruntled loner, awash in debt, takes gun to family then shoots himself."

It is the delight and past time of certain witchcraft spirit people to being about such a tragedy -- while having others being completely mislead as to who and what really caused it. And yet does society make the effort to go after these wizards of magic and chicanery? Well, you of course know the answer is no, and you probably also know that on the contrary such ghosts are feted and treated as both authority and royalty by certain of society's most wealthy and powerful individuals -- with the victim being blamed in their place. Some, with all good intention, might scoff at such a suggestion. Yet I myself have heard and seen this kind of thing happen so many times -- whether publicized or no -- that I don't for a moment doubt the essential and in most instances truth of this being the case.

Remember the days not so very long ago, for example, when almost routinely we heard of postal employees, unhappy with life for one reason or other, taking a pistol to work and shooting their fellows? Who and what do you suppose was really to blame for those occurrences then? But why would witchcraft spirit people seek and want such a thing to happen? Because either a) they desire to see blatant injustice take place and have others suffer excessively and or b) the victim refused to "do the wrong thing a certain way," and therefore had forgone "protection;" it being necessary then to make an example of them (or something much along these lines or very similar.)


If they intend to repair the economy (as so in the news we hear), wouldn't it only make sense to ask what was and is the cause of its deteriorated state? (Like, say, gangster spawned monopolies, "club membership," and criminal interference with communications and the concomitant free flow of trade and commerce.)


How can one afford to cry so much for themselves when there are so many others to think of who died or who are presently dying? For which reason, it makes sense if one is being persecuted or crucified to think of someone somewhere who is, say, retarded or else poor and unwanted (and undeserving of such sickness or neglect); while delighting oneself as much as possible in being able to reject and therefore separate oneself from the evil which does the persecuting and crucifying; for it is these latter who ruin life for everyone -- not existence or creation itself as they not untypically, or at least their leadership, are wont to assert.


Must the world of necessity go to wrack and ruin? If so, it is only because the people running it are incredibly stupid and inept; for there is no fault in the world of itself otherwise.


The last time I went to a movie theater was in the mid 1990's. However, after seeing the above picture from a fairly recent movie poster, I have to think there is, at least, still some hope left.


It seems to me two lessons to be drawn from this past 20's years of society-wide selling out and betrayal of basic values, and giving into spirit people rule are --

* When people feel they need to purchase protection from criminals because the government can't guard them from the same then what good is such a government? And what good is such protection (in either case?)

* What good is having something of great value if you can't even really have it (or at least not that much except at an exorbitant price and or else not for very long?)


As is the case with many things, when it comes to spirit people you often have to have been there to get the gist of it, or in the case of spirit people the weirdness of it. One of the most authentically evocative ghost yarns in literature, in my opinion, is Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu's "An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street" (1853) (and which is available online at ) There can be no question from reading many of Le Fanu stories that he had encountered the real thing, and "Strange Disturbances" is useful to give you some idea from what a visit from (such as) the ghoulish magician is or can be like. Now in "Strange Disturbances" there is a sort of story attached to the ghost, namely that he was in his past life a lurid reprobate of some kind and who killed himself by hanging. Were what is related in the tale a real life occurrence, what a person would need to ask is what is the ghost up to? Why is he doing what he is doing (say strolling across your bedroom and going into another room -- though it might, unlike this particular story, be a much greater variety of actions, such as his or her standing before you and looking at you or dancing on the floor.) What needs to be kept in mind is that these bizarre behaviors are done with an intended purpose, and though utterly mad on the surface, they are prompted by a calculation that seeks a specific reaction out of the viewer or subject. This pre-planning of what takes place is not necessarily done by the given ghost you see themselves. The latter could merely be someone used by a third else and who actually is arranging the whole visitation. The design might spring from various aims -- their own amusement (as with a molester), striking terror into the subject in order to make them more malleable for other end or transactions that go on elsewhere (say at business at the office), or some other motive.

Yet though given to old tricks, ghosts and spirits do evolve in their own way, and will forget their own past and remember it, or not remember it, like regular people. They can learn, and sometimes what has worked for them before does not, in a given instance, work now and this will surprise them (depending on the individual.)

In sum, these are some of the factors to keep in mind when dealing with someone who not unusually wants to intimidate and show off to you how superior he is, perhaps even to such an extend that you will think him all wise and divine. The guise of the spirit person in "Strange Disturbances," however,is only one sort and they might try just as well to appeal to you, using say a pretty spirit girl, with humor or say some magical event like a breath-taking apparition.


I am of the Bearstone tribe, not of the Chump political party. And though more than glad to give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being, should it turn out that the new President is in reality nothing more than the Washington, D.C. version of Oprah Winfrey (that is to say a puppet of Okeus and the unknown "Speelburg"), anointed to chase after phantom terrorists in the Middle East, then I have to admit we might seriously have to consider revolution.


Locate, hunt down and destroy these big shot spirit people, and I guarantee you will have solved ninety percent or more of all and everyone's (including other spirit people's) worst problems. For just as in chess the only way one really wins is by capturing the king -- so it is also in the war against evil.


He says he must have his movie career at all cost. I say, no, mind your own business first then you can have your movie career. Who then is right?


"He was a man of medium size, well built, with lively eyes and fine features. He could be very polite and agreeable, especially at the table, but if one stayed too long in his company, then the apothecary and horse trader [his pre-war employments] showed through the general. He spoke a great deal about his heroic deeds on the other side, and frequently mentioned his ingenious trick at West Point, a story which he could make ridiculous with much wit.

"In his military actions he constantly displayed his former resolution, which, however, was mixed with a cautious concern due to his fear of the gallows if he fell into the hands of his countrymen. He always carried a pair of small pistols in his pocket as a last resource to escape being hanged. I have watched him very closely, and I found him very restless on the day the Americans threatened to take Portsmouth with a coup de main. On that day, he was not the 'American Hannibal.'

"His dishonorable undertaking, which, had it succeeded, could have actually turned the war more favorably for England, nevertheless cannot be justified, for surely self-gain alone had guided him, and not remorse for having taken the other side. If he really felt in his conscience that he had done wrong in siding against his mother country, he should have sheathed his sword and served no more, and then made known in writing his opinions and reasons. This would have gained more proselytes than his shameful enterprise, which every man of honor and fine feelings - whether he be friend or foe of the common cause - must loathe."

~ Capt. Johann Ewald, Diary of the American War: A Hessian Journal (trans. and edit. by Joseph P. Tustin)

Yes, Arnold, by his cynical and mercenary betrayal did in fact do an evil thing. Yet what emerges in retrospect, and as illustrated by the above quoted passage, is that his error was, after all, really that of a buffoon, and that, further he was brought to the pass of making his fatal error as a direct result of a manipulative spirit person and who knew how to exploit his weaknesses. Such as Arnold, or for that matter some of the more famous dictators of the 20th century, were not themselves intrinsically bad people, but really only frail and foolish ones; but whose foolishness was used by someone who was (and presumably still is) evil. This is not to exonerate Arnold, etc. of their responsibility to do right and avoid wrong, or absolve them of the moral obligation not to be a great curse in the world. The point is merely one of bringing attention to the mysterious figure in the shadows isolating, guiding and luring them onto villainous acts; and to ignore this figure simply increases the risk and likelihood that naive and vulnerable persons like Arnold or whomever will be used to bring about great tragedy, disaster and suffering in life to those who don't deserve it (and in which class of people perhaps might be included Arnold himself.)


Technically speaking, a person is not damned for making a pact with the devil; where they get damned, or at least in deep hot water, is when they try to break the pact. In other words, if you make the devil your friend, there is nothing per see wrong with availing yourself of the benefits he offers; only remember, if you choose to go that route you're stuck with him.


And Satan said: "Play the oaf and I'll stand by you through thick and thin -- that is, at least, so long as you can get all these other people to put up with you."



Did you ever stop
and ask whose stupid fault
this was in the first place?
Did you ever stop and think
the bad is them,
and when they are gone
we have everything else
to be glad over?

For any day
this all could end,
And any day
Cure all things.
Any day all
Will mend,
And it will be
Eternal spring.

We don�t need
A somewhere,
For somewhere is here.
No, the problem is
Too much strife and the fear.

Oh, how I long for peace,
And that no war would remain.
Oh, that there was no more fuss
And it was peace again.


What is truly the single greatest and most dangerous problem in the world -- is and always has been? Criminal spirit people (and to which, as a source of evil, no one or anything else even faintly compares.) And yet what is the one topic that everywhere one is forbidden to address honestly and scientifically? Spirit people.


I've found that if you use the word "pshaw" with a ghost sorcerer its an embarrassing reminder to him of the trusting and well meaning women he's romanced and snookered into becoming witches.

Another word I wish we would return to the common lexicon is "tergiversator," and which comes from "tergversation" the definition for which (according to Merriam-Webster's) is:

1. evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement : EQUIVOCATION
2. desertion of a cause, position, party, or faith


To say a person is "born a witch" (or witchcraft person), as I just came across a moment ago, is no different than saying they are "born stupid" or "born a slave" -- with the obvious response to which being "well, yes and no."


Religion is like most anything -- if it is done well it is tolerable or better than tolerable; when it is not done well it isn't tolerable, etc. Why then be so out of hand prejudice against religion as some are? (Well, one simple answer to this question is dishonesty, irrationality and spirit people, but these particular topics, for now, we can leave for some other occasion.)

