Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.
(As true today as it was back then.)
Bugs R Us
Though I can't say I have seen them personally, I rather suspect that today's leading organized crime figures (and to a large degree) tend to resemble orcs or trolls in physical appearance.
A Lexicon for Our Time
* Blogging: The views of people living on a lower or relatively lower income level.
* Church: A training ground for pedophiles.
* Faith: A virus caused by thinking.
* Gitmo: "Get more."
* Government official: Someone hired to work for and protect the policies and interests of rich and powerful criminals.
* Police: Someone empowered to combat junior criminals and turbaned foreigners who pose both real and imagined threats.
* TV newscaster or TV news reporter: Streetwalkers or prostitutes who ply their trade on television.
(with more to come...)
Maybe you are supposed to mind your own business; it's just that you don't think about it that way.
On the Anatomy and Economics of Misery
Speaking in very broad, but nonetheless essentially sound, terms it is fair to day that 80 to 90 percent of people's day to day misery (not to mention occasional tragedies) comes directly or indirectly from spirit people who make it their business to inflict suffering while sedulously instigating problems. (The reasons, forces and motives for their acting so I won't delve into here for brevity's sake.) The other 20 to 10 percent is ourselves, others, and otherwise ordinary mishaps that might arise accidentally. Now a factor underlying how much these trouble making spirit persons can bring is, in large measure, how much and to what extent a community's members are in some form of partnership, league, association, or even agency with such spirit people. The more members of the community that do act in cooperation with these spirit people, and the great zeal with which they continue that relationship and participation, only increases the power of those people to inflict even greater suffering on any given member, part or whole of that society. This problem is further compounded and complicated by the fact that such misery and pain people feel often is in reality the misery and pain of the spirit person (whose presence they do or don't acquiesce to); and yet they mistakenly infer the misery is their own (rather than the spirit person to whom it actually or mostly belongs to.)
Why would then some get into such partnership with such spirit people? Because these spirit people are the best at robbing and taking advantage of others; while at the same time they can claim that they can provide a certain security, protection or insurance which will guard the partner from harm. Not only do some see such an arrangement as desirable, but out of fear and other factors (again speaking very briefly) come to think it necessary that they so act. Did they know the truth, of course, if all or the vaster majority of that society's members rejected such partnerships or such partnerships were outlawed in the community (accompanied by a effort to regulate the influx of identifiable trouble making spirit generally) then this would, to say the least, be far greater security and protection to them and at far less cost in the long run.
Once again for the record, our position, formally speaking, is thus:
Aside from the suggestion that they possibly need or require special charity or pity (in light of certain weaknesses or shortcoming they possess or suffer from), we utterly and completely reject the suggestion that spirit people somehow are "our" people or that they are in a position to represent what we believe. On the contrary, we see over-lording and dominating spirit people as their people (i.e. our opponents') -- and to that extent are no Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. -- contrary to what our opponents would like to assert and justify themselves on the basis of. The proof of this lies in that (allowing for ordinary human imperfection) we are of and for the truth -- it is they and spirit people, by contrast, who consistently deceive, dissemble, and keep secrets; and therefore those spirit people (regardless of the guise they put on) are not, nor ever were, of us (who esteem and seek truth, mercy and fairness); and are and ever were of them (who do not.)
Naturally, one of the reasons I say all this is that our opponents (those who think lightly of evil, falsehood, and injustice) would like to have you believe that these spirit people (or some of them at any rate) are our people; when on the contrary, based on the conduct of such spirit people, the latter are not only not our people -- but, in fact, they are their (i.e. our opponents) people (attempting to deceive and pull a fast one.) Our opponents need those spirit people to know and understand what is going on; we emphatically do not (and look rather to reason, facts, and the Holy Spirit, i.e. the spirit of Love and Truth.)
At the same time, while our opponents will harbor or consort with spirit people, we utterly and categorically reject such in our own lives, and wish nothing more than to be rid of them. How then are they in any position to claim that such dictatorial or authoritative spirit people are our people? Of course, the truth is they are their people, but their people masquerading or pretending to be "our" people.
Yet another and to the point way of putting it is to say that authoritative spirit people are not credible because they are the worst and most low down cheaters and bullies in the world. How is it then someone could believe that they possessed Heaven? It just doesn't make any sense that heavenly people would need to act in such a way (and if they don't act that way then I for one have no insistent objection as to their potentially possessing some greater superiority to ourselves -- or not.) And yet many will take the chance of their lives by trusting and throwing in their life with such; and this merely because the latter can come as angels, perform marvels (such as predictions), frighten them to death, or communicate in a manner which makes it seem as if they were imbued with high authority. Indeed, it is people's placing their confidence in and lending their ear to such spirit people that is the death and overthrow of reason, basic morals, and natural sentiment in societies and communities; since once again, by lessening our capacity to reason, be honest -- and care it gives them greater power and excuse to use and take advantage of us to suit their own selfish purposes. Of course, the wider picture is more complicated than this; yet both the importance and essential hard fact of what I am describing cannot be denied by anyone having a real acquaintance of what has from time immemorial been going on between flesh and blood versus presumptuous, invading spirit persons.
When they are putting the pressure on you, you by your endurance have it in your power to put the pressure back on them. Now this said, it may go on like this for an excruciatingly long time. Yet assuming you don't die under their hand outright, you still always have this power.
What good is what ever it is you love if you can't tell the truth (most of the time?)
"Oh Sherman..." and he sticks the knife in the me. I am going to try to see someone. He sticks the knife in me. I'm sitting at home working on something. He sticks the knife in me. And though it has gone on like this for years and years, he still doesn't even know who I am (and merely does what he is possessed to.)
That Dead Bodies exhibit certainly did wonders for Seattle's artistic life. S.A.M. now is probably the only Art museum in the world to have doubled as a morgue; which, these days certainly, will speak to its credit and advantage.
Those who purposefully do the wrong thing well get what they want. Only what they want -- at bottom -- is rubbish (as we see in the case those who are in greatest power.) For example, he spends his career doing movies and his movies (at bottom) stink. But you see, those are exactly the kind of movies he likes.
As it is not infrequently our business to assist in improving the quality of life of our readers, we offer the following pledge or declaration to be recited and pronounced whenever you really feel so weighed down by necessity as to relinquish or compromise your principles.
Demonistic belief;
Demonistic belief;
I believe demonistic belief.
All hail the great Hooligan;
Who always did the wrong thing a certain way;
Hooligan all hail.
It is one of my most fundamental arguments when contending against spirit people to say, "You simply don't have the goods -- and I am not interested (in you or what you are saying or what you are doing.)" Their reaction will characteristically be to attempt override this irrefutable logic by (in effect) responding that if they "do these things a certain way; then they know about these things a certain way." This, as a practical matter, means they have to do things to people, and on a regular basis. And they evidently believe what they believe quite strongly; truly, they are dedicated. It was somewhat a mystery to me why this was so until I realized that if a certain kind of person is programmed, brain washed, hypnotized, and conditioned long enough then this sort of disposition and outlook can be behaviorally brought about.
Our greatest hope lies in the fact that somehow, somewhere there is someone courageous, rational, and intelligent enough to deal with what's going on -- that is, if there is such a one.
The more people are illiterate, irrational, and alienated from each other the easier it is for spirit persons to enslave and control them. No wonder then that there has been a purposeful effort on the part of the latter to undermine literacy, rationality and the most long held and sacred social and family ties.
Justice, much like food, is something God naturally provides; however, it only makes sense to cultivate and grow it -- all the more so as we are given and taken to having and owning property. (I remember how at law school, an aged, learned and esteemed professor there guffawed when I suggested that there was or should be a connection between it and the law.)
Taken all in all, everything was so beautiful; everything was so wonderful, and things were just on the threshold of becoming even more so -- when (within recent decades) these stupid witchcraft and spirit people ended up taking over and ruining -- just about -- everything. On reflecting on this this morning, I then said to him (the magician's representative), "If ever they do get around to killing you people, you will at least have the consolation of knowing how richly you deserve it."
It's a wonder why those autocratic spirit people who harness multitudes like beasts, could not, with its millions of casualties and lives lost, have been glutted and satiated with the First World War. And yet the plain fact of the matter is they weren't. What do you suppose then ever will finally satisfy and please them? Peace on earth; good will toward men? Not very likely, and until you are prepared and willing to start shooting them you will never know, for all their stupendous magic and wonders, how "divine" they truly are.
The above was about the only picture I could find on the internet of the tattooed wrist of a former concentration camp victim; and therefore not necessarily one I would have selected if I had more to choose from. But this said, it will serve our purpose. One of things worthwhile in displaying this phenomena of behavior (viz. tattooing or disfiguring others) here is to raise questions about the cause and nature of such activity. To me when I see the numbered tattoo, it reminds me of the sadistic weirdness some Hell spirit people are given to; and there is no question in my own mind that the Nazis originally acquired this demented proclivity from such. Now can you think of instances where this same kind of mentality (or something similar in spirit) is palpably manifest in our own present day culture? Yet not only do we see such things, but these people have even gone so far to excuse it (i.e. physically branding or mutilating others) as something fashionable.
To tremble or throw up one's hands at the power of the mob stems from people's inability to see that without a head a mob (or the mob) isn't anything (at least not so much of anything); and that the true leader of mobs are spirit people. The refusal of society to admit to and address spirit people scientifically and rationally has then, not surprisingly, resulted in its tragic failure to expel and extirpate the mob, as a political and economic force, from its midst.
I have played military simulations (or wargames), whether in board top or computer form, now for many years; and even done some design in that area; and by all standards of these games I have played I can categorically say that I can claim a DRAW against these people; and to that extent I can also claim a SUBSTANTIVE VICTORY against these Hell people. For consider, they had the following advantages:
For my part I had no friends (the reason for which you might surmise), no money, was made physically disabled by these people, have been subject to ongoing torture in various forms (and of one kind or another) for fifteen years and more. And yet -- I have survived more or less intact in my faith, sanity, (most of my) health, and person despite all this. That I have not actually been able to eject these people out of my life reduces my level of winning against them to a draw; but given what they do and have had so much to go up against me with, I think, this then increases the result to a substantive victory for myself. What then after all these years have they been getting by on? Their own competence? Or someone else's charity and backing?
One of the points I want to make in raising all this is to begin to illustrate and encourage the idea that these people can be fought militarily; and that part of that process and approach involves stacking up our own strengths and weaknesses versus theirs; being careful to observe where and when we or they are proficient or deficient in this or that category of power or effectiveness.
Why We Fight
I so fell in love the Sergeant's "Crazy Paws" leopard that when I first saw it at the store the other day I, at the same time, decided to buy it. Not only is it a nice quality hand puppet for very decent price, but it also reminded me very much of my one surviving cat, Neffy; particularly with regard to the fuzzy muzzle and that imperturbable look in his eyes.
The Peaceful Din
Honk honk! -- Honk honk!
“What loud, strange noise wakens
This cold and damp autumnal night?”
When wonder to behold:
Miles and miles of Canadian geese
Heading south in noisy, distant flight.
Yet like a canopy of clouds
Housing the mists of a mountain
Is the calm left over from the sight.
Much of society will claim to be secular and reject religion. But, as a practical matter, most such reject religion not as a result of careful thought and philosophical reflection, but because, whether directly or indirectly, they listen to and receive their guidance from spirit people whose existence they will not openly discuss or admit to (and who tell them to reject religion, honest reasoning, etc.)
The idea is that if you print so many of those books and make so many of those movies you will be placating the wrath of the great god; while, in the process, securing one's own material abundance. Needless to say, this is not how a courageous, rational person, or else a humble person of sincere religious faith, would conduct themselves. The question then becomes one of who and what then will you follow? Facts, reason, and honest people? Or bribery, threats of violence, and ghosts?
If you believe in the inhuman teaching of demonism; then heaven help you. For I cannot.
As best as I understand it, Johnny Depp (as celebrity superstar) is supposed to be what the magician would have been if he hadn't gone bad.
Though his head be gravel, he rules with an iron fist.
I hope the rest of you can sleep easily at night even if Ben Ladin is still on the loose. I know I can't.
It is like reality television -- only in real life.
Or perhaps we can put the matter this way. Who else would be employing the Frankenstein monster to run or operate brain torture radios on people? I would think that would speak for itself as to the kind of person he is, and yet this is exactly the kind of person these witchcraft people (or those who privately or secretly engage spirit people) will ultimately answer and hand over control of their own lives to.
One Knocked Up, Forty Year Old Virgin with a Beautiful Mind.
If one gets beat up by Hell long enough, and strange as this may sounds, there is a good chance you can actually get used to it -- though never they themselves doing the beating up, of course. The following is a kind of summary of tips I would, based on my own long and trying experience, suggest to those who might find themselves so afflicted (in no particular order.)
1. Always remember, that as long as you yourself are not behaving too badly, the problem is and always was theirs. You may suffer then because of what is their problem, that's true; but this is far, far less of a travail than actually having the problem yourself.
2. Attempt to analyze what they are afflicting you with; making such distinctions as to whether the pain or annoyance is physical or psychological or both; and then attempting to identify the particular and specific source of its origin as a means of better understand and thereby getting better hold of what's troubling you.
3. Good, sound, rational judgment is everything and not all the angels of "Heaven" or all the devils of Hell; or all the riches and opinion of the world is any substitute for it.
4. It is not what goes into a person that truly defiles them; it's what comes out of them that counts.
5. Missing out on life's pleasures and blessings is far less bad than being a friend of those who, for all their clever disguises, are the fount of all real misery and unhappiness.
6. One thing career Hell people incessantly strive for is to get you to see or interpret things the way they do -- whatever the topic; no matter how profound or how trivial. Although it is well to be objective and open minded for purposes of logical analysis; one should otherwise and at all cost hinder or prevent their achieving this end of theirs. This is not to say they cannot be right about something; they very well can be; but this is the odd and rare exception. In general, one needs to formally and emphatically reject them and what they are about; for if you find yourself beginning to think and or feel like them then you know you are having some real problems.
7. Though big demons are typically hard to budge; small ones employed by them often can (by one's
adopting certain tactics and practical methods; use of sound for example) be easily ejected and dispersed (at least temporarily; depending on how much the "big" demon is willing to invest in bothering you.)
Where did he get this idea that after he died he could return from the grave and, by means of sleight of hand, sinister violence and underhanded connivance no less, appropriate to himself what he considers to be his fair share (i.e. that he lost out on while living?) Absurd isn't it? And yet it is from such as himself that originates the now commonly accepted conventional wisdom that if people do not cooperate (or partake) of evil and wrong doing then they cannot really share in the general prosperity; and that only through such cooperation is prosperity even possible.
(So I said to him) When all is finally said and done -- you are the ones who are going to suffer more than anyone else.
"...The dear Lord's best interpreters
Are humble human souls;
The Gospel of a life like hers
Is more than books or scrolls.
"From scheme and creed the light goes out,
The saintly fact survives;
The blessed master none can doubt
Revealed in holy lives."
~ from "A Friend's Burial," by John Greenleaf Whittier.
Shakespeare's Prospero and Caliban as characterizations are in large part correct and authentic; with the crucial difference being I myself would not, to put it mildly, portray Prospero in nearly so positive a light as the bard does. Taking his Caliban as the magician, however, he is (just about) right on the money.
Later note. And Captain Farrago and Teague O’Regan of Brackenridge's Modern Chivalry also come to mind. However, don't take me so lightly as to overlook (i.e. in the real life instances) the very lurid or virulent evil these two (or such like them) are capable of.
There is an economic, so to speak, aspect to my "situation" that understandably might be lost on some; and for which reason I thought I would enunciate in the interest of greater clarity. Understand about these spirit people (and their regular person henchmen) that they have spared no expense in the way of money, resources, and time chasing after me and following me around all these many years (it almost makes me feel like Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan in that respect); indeed can't seem to get enough of me (really.)
And yet despite such involved and ongoing effusions on their part they themselves hold no real attraction for me whatsoever (though I would take money from them if they were willing to give me some); and this after having experienced all kinds of spirit people Heavens and wonders as their way of attempting to persuade me to like them -- really such things as you might see in a great religious painting by a master; accompanied often with feelings of rapture and ecstasy accompanying such (naked to the eye) sights and visions. One of the reasons it is all so uninteresting to me (except as scientific phenomena, and I will grant also they can put on a good haunted house when they put their mind to it; and as well they have some pretty girls) is because while they might be able to display the trappings and put on the aura of Heaven, they simply don't have the right people and personality to back it all up (and leaving aside the obviously bad things you could relate about them otherwise.) Now, I don't say all this for purposes of placing my own self up on pedestal; but the simple fact is they came to me. They put me on the spot; and so I am both forced and entitled to give my honest reaction. Nor do I say what I say in order to seem somehow cute or else Promethean in my sentiments. Nor do I have the need or desire to insult or hurt their feelings. The simple fact is (and in my opinion) -- they just don't have it (much like how THE great movie career doesn't really have it.) Oh yes, like the great movie career, they have some nice this and that -- but taken all and all and for the most part, my verdict after all this very long period of years remains the same -- I'm simply not interested (and would prefer that they desist in bothering me and wasting mine and their own time.)
If our nation's leaders often look worried, bewildered, and beleaguered perhaps it is because the government is not combating it and the country's true worst enemies (for who else has such wherewithal to bring these leaders to such a pass?)
I am condemned by someone; and evidently he possesses some power (and some way) to do so. However, it must be admitted that his inability to face me takes much of the sting out of that power.
If life comes as a surprise to someone, say in particular someone who is in your charge or who you care for (whether, say, a person or pet), why not help in making their life a surprise present? And an ongoing one at that?
Imagine someone who was able to obtain just about everything he (thought he) wanted while realizing what were for him his most delirious hopes and aspirations -- yet all the while was not entirely rational or in his right mind. How very fortunate then that such an one should hold such phenomenal and lordly sway in our midst! Ask him to take responsibility for what he's doing, he will say "No, I don't have to. These spirit people are the ones who really decide everything, I am only doing what I am told."
Well, indeed, it is these spirit people who tell him what to do; who make him what he is; and make his fantastic state of wealth and power possible. Who then are they? Like bugs they will go run and hide when you attempt to bring them into the light -- and yet they would be treated and privileged as gods or else be seen as embodiments or manifestations of high religion. What hypocrites! What bullies! What low down cheaters!
And whose people are these? And who will take responsibility for them (seeing as how they won't and cannot be made to take responsibility for themselves?) I myself would be glad to face him, but evidently facing people and assuming responsibility for his irresponsible people is something arduous for him and beyond his great cosmic powers.
But of course these spirit people are not nearly so great as they put on or pretend to be; and it is only others' childishness, illogic and dishonesty that makes them so.
Some try to make evil look beautiful or else use beauty to disguise evil, and in some measure succeed. Even so, there is invariably something quiescently damnable about such beauty (at least to the discerning) -- and if not in the person or thing themselves then in the person using or associating himself with them -- a phenomena, if you happen to be dealing with spirit people, to be very much kept in mind.
I recall how one devil, Gyro, in effect, and in the way he had of communicating, told me that dumb people are beautiful. Well, of course dumb people are beautiful only (as I am sure you will agree) that's no excuse to stop educating them, and even less to be holding up such (who are not educated) as authorities.
Those people (given the context and circumstances) are utter trash to me. How dare you then say that that's my God (and then use them as your excuse to justify evil?)
He has nothing to live for; so his intelligent idea then is to rape, maim, torture, and or murder any number of helpless and usually innocent people and animals on an ongoing (if not publicly reported) basis; while at the same time working for and taking orders from the exact same persons who deceived and ruined his own life.
And yet (these days at any rate) this is the very kind of person society most honors with wealth and power and most defers to when it comes to questions of authority. Next in line are many of those famous billionaires -- so often touted for their celebrity; but who don't, and never really did, do much of anything to help anyone (except, of course, the great monster himself.)
What's it going to be then, old chaps? Will "Cosmo"* fnally come out of hiding and face and tell me what it is he's supposed to have been so supremely confident about all this time? Or, alternatively, will you finally just go away and leave me alone already? If, as it turns out, you don't really make any sense and don't really know what you are talking about, perhaps you should not have been doing all these things all these years, eh?
* i.e. Much like the Cosmo character in "Sneakers."
One need nor should not put up with these people of themselves, but of life's delays and frustrations one is just going to have to it seems. In this latter necessity, God then could said to be present. Yet in their conduct and carrying which causes those delays and frustrations there is no necessity as such and the two are not at all necessarily the same thing. In light of this being caught between cross-purposes (i.e. doing the right thing and routing our enemies from our midst), one musn't be too grandiose in their immediate (or lifetime) hope and expectations; nor either be dire and suicidal when things go very badly. There is to help us, however, what I call the Poindexter solution (i.e. Poindexter of Felix fame); which is that perfect, clever, adroit maneuver or dash of activity that just manages to get rid of these people (in one's particular circumstances or circumstances at large) but without proudly aggrandizing ourselves or unjustly demeaning them in the process. But what exactly this solution is I haven't quite figured; though this has never hindered me from ever seeking to find it.
Sickness and disease (by way of the subject of health care), war, crime, vandalism, waste, pollution -- these are all topics I heard raised of concern in the news. And yet spirit people -- and who invariably play a very crucial and decisive role in both the fomenting and proliferation of these same problems -- are not only not addressed as an issue, but indeed it is forbidden to even discuss them rationally and scientifically. Indeed, if there was or is any force powerful enough to convince and sway people at large that evil itself may be justified, and that facts and logic and conscience may be lightly tossed aside and ignored -- it is spirit people. This in addition to the practical reality that for the area you live, the spirit people who rule over you -- as likely as not -- are, by origin, values, and interest, foreigners (and not Americans, Europeans, Africans, etc.)
To give yet another idea of what some of these demonistic spirit persons are like, I was perusing a distant solar system, using "Celestia," and it occurred to me that if one of the aforenamed spirit people saw it probably their first reaction would be to be envious, of say one or more of its planets, and proceed to contend (if only in his imagination) against those planets having it too good. Of course, I would counter by telling him those planets were none of his business (in that way in which he assumes); but predictably he wouldn't care what I or anyone else said in an effort to dissuade him.
If beating him doesn't mean anything then that's just it -- it doesn't mean anything. Therefore, his vaunted claim to greatness and superiority have obviously little or no basis in reality. And I told him he was in fact like a mummy because he was continually going up against this wall of contradiction like someone entombed. For years he would be saying things like “Oh well, if you don’t have this, or if you don’t have that, I guess you can’t really live your life – I know I couldn’t”; followed up with something like “See you later -- chump.” And yet at the end of the day it is the cheap-jack violence that has been doing his real duty for him – so why was he then saying all those things all that while anyway? Those taunts also clearly don’t mean or count for much of anything (i.e. seeing as he needs, as it turns out, to resort so much to the other.) He wants attention and prestige for doing the wrong thing so much but why is it I am supposed to care? And after all, I said, I don't have to go to heaven, you know, you can just go to hell (instead.) But I say these things for a good reason despite how it might sound. You see we don't really want to hurt you or anything. It's like when those bugs come in the house. We don't want to hurt them; we just want to put them back outside where they belong. And it is the same with you (M.Y.O.B. etc....)
I'm Rip Van Winkle;
I'm the Warner Brothers frog;
I'm Ichabod Crane;
Because I'm called by God.
Where shall one seek and find true peace if not in religion? But of course by religion we mean humble and honest religion and no other.
Sure he wants to have it all these different ways; sure he would like to expand his riches, and have this, and this, and this, etc. However, we do not care about that oafly presence that will not take responsibility for what he is doing; nor we are interested in the first place. The nightmares he calculates for our sufferance we deem merely and simply to be manifestations of his own personal unhappiness thrust on us; at the same time, his allures and temptations to something glorious and better than anything we've known we take to be spurious and hypocritical. His violence, threats and fears he causes (often of a dire cast) we equally and thoroughly reject as the devices of a base and contemptible person whom we just as soon not be mixing or consorting with.
So I told him that as far as I was concerned he didn't have to be hellish and damnable if he would at least turn off those brain torture radios. Let those spirit people be hellish and damnable, I said, why should you have to be as well? And think now -- what would Harry Potter do (in a situation like yours)?
Even after a million years
Eagles still frown
And yet seagulls still clown
both high soaring.
The golden bowl of you
The ideal of you in a pale blue book
Running off in print somewhere
A pretty girl I never saw
A part of the hills' and forest's awe
Somebody’s sister somebody’s wife
It is just as well I didn’t meet her
Or I’d love her now too.
People not equipped or disposed to reason closely and honestly have all the more need for a heart in order to see the truth; for when both proper reason and heart are absent in someone they are then that much more susceptible of becoming a minion of the great monster.
And yet just look at him -- one of the most hellish and damnable people that ever lived; and yet if you don't like or speak out against him you can't work or live your life.
Among the number of pertinent questions that can be asked is -- to what extent did spirit people play a role in the development of what is conventionally understood to be civilization? Even if the answer is yes they to some extent did, does that mean that relatively non-civilized peoples were not without spirit peoples guiding or else present with them (in some way) as well? It is very hard to say. Were there powers of spirit people geographically separated and or of divergent interests to each other? One group under one head? Or perhaps two or a few more main groups overseeing -- or would-be overseeing -- the rest? If so how would these groups (if, practically speaking, there be such) be distinguished? By genealogy? Primordial elemental qualities? Of course it makes a very big difference to say which since how we understand them changes radically from the one viewpoint to the other; since if for example we think of them as merely forms of humanity the task of understanding them is greatly simplified.
It is not a little remarkable that my opponents, though they claim a higher knowledge and understanding than that which I possess, never can or could come out in the open and say exactly what it is they are talking about; resorting instead to sending me riddles or using sign language as means of communication. At the same time, though they often see themselves as backed by a greater and higher power (than that which sustains myself) they can never and never have been able to face me honestly: me -- merely a poor man all alone -- and they with their solid "consensus" and fantastic wealth and power; supported by hosts of devils and angels no less.
Who then, I ask, between us is more credible? Though I wouldn't care so much what others thought or think, I do, however, take understandable exception to being tortured (i.e. with brain torture radios and spirit people) and being denied my basic human rights -- non-stop for what now has been some fifteen years. (If, by chance, you doubt what I am saying, just try, for example, to come visit me at 1604 NW St., in Seattle [Ballard], Washington, to inquire into my claims. Though I have made appeals now for years for someone to do so, no one [except for Sgt. Liz Eddy of the SPD] has yet, in all this time, done so.)
And what could or might become of those middling to higher levels of leadership who thought so little of brutally victimizing the innocnt (and the not so innocent?) Perhaps they will become the true fruit of demonism; that is objects of torture and abuse -- yet who compared to their own victims -- are guilty or much, much more guilty, and therefore it will be a treat for these others to have them as a calf led to slaughter. For here is a calf that is actually guility -- very guilty; so that with what greater relish then will the more refined sadists in the very highest echelons of power be able to enjoy him.
Where the screen capture below came from I will relate at a later time. Meanwhile, for others like myself who also might enjoy this picture I'm including it here.
Like that rugged pine that outlasted time -- only better.
The thing I most dislike about spirit people is their acting so as or being used by others to justify evil, particularly heinous evil, in the minds of the ignorant and unreflecting; for what more effectively persuades someone to reject right reason and believe that evil is a positive good but an angel or a ghost? (Using spirit people to justify evil – this is their game, etc.)
What Job might have said was: "My goodness, I had no idea this is how it is. Yet seeing how this Satan, it turns out, is such a good friend of yours, you can have him but you can't have both and have me also; since naturally as it stands (him being your friend and all), I wouldn't want to have anything to do with either of you."