
Some of you may already be familiar with my book “Calendar and Record of the Revolutionary War in the South: 1780-1781” which can be found at:

Battle of Camden Project Website:

or my Info or Home page at:

of which work many of you, or people you know, contributed generously the first time around in the way of material, comments, suggestions, corrections, for which I again extend my sincerest thanks. At present I am busy putting together a second edition, and welcome and invite the same sort of assistance. Unfortunately for some time now -- and for reasons it is frankly better not to go into here -- I have been having regular problems receiving communications. What I wanted to make notice to all of also was this. If you write or call me I guarantee you a reply, and if you call you can certainly expect to be treated politely and respectfully. Now if for some reason you write and do not get a reply, or the reply seems a rude or strange one, or the same if you were to call me by phone, I request that you contact:

Sgt. Liz Eddy of the Seattle Police Department
at 206-684-8183
Police Headquarters
610 Fifth Avenue
P.O. Box 34986
Seattle, WA 98124-4986


Charles B. Baxley at
P.O. Box 10, Lugoff, SC 29078-0010
Home: 803-438-1606
work: 803-438-4200

to let them know you tried to contact me, but could not reach me or were somehow rebuffed. This, I know, must sound rather strange or silly, but do believe it is offered for good reason, and indeed making notice of this may, in a direct or indirect way, be a help to law enforcement. Yet this is as much as need be said here as it is just as well as a practical matter not to go into the details. I appreciate your help on this, as well as of course any on my book. My thanks for your attention.

William Thomas Sherman
1604 NW 70th St.
Seattle, WA 98117