* Nothing is, or is as it is, unless someone says and judges it to be so. Who then is (or who is it we say is) the judge, including the final judge?
* If we ever experienced a problem anywhere, it came about, in some degree, due to certain wrong assumptions, either co-present with, or just prior to the given problem's actually taking place.
* Unless you believe in God, the One, and or the infinite, every assumption is contingent.
* PROCESS (or if you prefer spirit, or activity) PRECEDES IMAGE. Image may, to some extent, (and sometimes almost perfectly) represent process. But process is always superior to and always more real than image. If process precedes image this might suggest also that mind precedes matter and energy.
* Everything we believe, or say we know, is based on a factual or value judgment. Both kinds of judgment always entail the other to some extent, and nothing can be known or exists for us without them.
* No fact or purported fact is true or false without someone to assert and believe it to be such. If an assertion or claim is deemed true or false then, and we are thorough, we should ask who is it that says so (or has said so), and what criteria are (were) they using? There is no such thing as "faceless" truth or reality -- at least none we are capable of knowing.
* You can't escape reason. If you aren't rational yourself, someone else will be rational for you; nor do their intentions toward you need to be friendly or benevolent.
* Every point of view and opinion has its truth to it -- even the most abhorrent and unacceptable to us. This said, we are naturally inclined to assume that some opinions have much greater truth to them than others. Even so, what little truth there is in any point of view must, at least at some juncture, and certainly with respect to issues of heated controversy, be justly and reasonably respected. Why? Because we would not be honest (and therefore not truthful) if we didn't.
*Ultimately, and when all is said and done, thought without heart is nothing.
* Most, if not all, of society's very worst problems arise from (certain) spirit people and those who listen to them -- whether the former comes in the shape of "God," angel, devil or what have you. It is these people who are most the source and cause of real unhappiness. If then you chance to have contact with such, while having (one assumes) overcome their lures, deceptions, and pretenses of benevolence and higher knowledge, I recommend that this (i.e., "unhappiness" or "unhappiness itself") is what you call them. Blame and curse them for (most) everything wrong; for it is it is they who have been and are the ruin of everyone and everything (that is, if anyone is or could be said to be so.)
Wm. Thos. Sherman - AUTHOR PAGE - at amazon.com, including available book titles
as recounted by David Glasgow Farragut
Though familiar as a victorious Union admiral during the American Civil War, rather less known is that David Farragut as a 13+ year old midshipman served with Captain David Porter on the famous cruise of the U.S. Frigate Essex during the War of 1812. Among other recollections passed along by his son in The Life of David Glasgow Farragut, First Admiral of the United States Navy, Embodying his Journals and letters. By his son Loyall Farragut (1879) is this most interesting account of the final taking of the Essex by the HMS Phoebe and Cherub, 28 March 1814. Below is from some of the same in .pdf:
[For more, see also Porter's own Journal of a Cruise, etc. (1815 and 1822 editions.)]
[ch. 24]
...But no sensible person would maintain that these irrational creatures are
superior to rational beings, merely on account of their bodies: for the
possession of reason raises a rational being to a vast superiority over all
irrational creatures. Even the race of virtuous and blessed beings would admit
this, whether they are, as you say, good demons, or, as we are accustomed to
call them, the angels of God, or any other natures whatever superior to that of
man, since the rational faculty within them has been made perfect, and endowed
with all virtuous qualities.
~ Origen (c. 184-c. 253), Contra
Celsus, Book IV
(I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would do some posting; hence the following miscellany.)
And did you happen to remember this?
wis.7.30 For after this cometh night, but no evil can overcome wisdom.
wis.10.13 She [Wisdom] forsook not the just when he was sold, but delivered him from sinners: she went down with him into the pit.
"Like people, like priest."
~ from a character in one of Erasmus' colloquies.
O.K. so let me get this straight: they are credible and to be trusted because they are extremely violent and can do incredible and absolutely amazing magic tricks.
Who is so mad that would prefer evil over what is right, cruelty over mercy, crime over justice, falsehood over the truth? And yet still they continue to look to the devil for goodness.
No one is so great in this world that they cannot go higher or be made to look less than they are, and as great and successful as anyone is, they are still fettered to a fallen world.
Yes, it is Christian to consort or reach out to sinners, but not if doing so means or entails spurning or making an outcast of the honest and conscientiously rational.
But who needs honest or right reason, they say, if we have the ghost from outer space on our side?
The atheist can claim what hope?
What you can say about them is this. They always have "to get" somebody, and indeed will always be like that.
Too often in life one only learn later what you they needed to know before. On the positive side however, it is not necessarily impossible to avert or prevent this being the case.
Art should serve nature and morals, not morals and nature art.
"Don't worry, we won't hurt you!" - John Carradine abducting a stranded woman driver and taking her to Bela Lugosi, in "Voodoo Man" (1944).
Lord of the Trolls merely, and yet he would rule and be supreme over all!
Some people are so dumb that they are no help at all.
"[T]he Christian religion when divested of the rags in which they [the clergy] have inveloped it, and brought to the original purity & simplicity of its benevolent institutor, is a religion of all others most friendly to liberty, science, & the freest expression of the human mind,” ~ Thomas Jefferson to Moses Robinson, March 23, 1801,
Historically speaking, Christianity has been foremost and primarily an urban religion; perhaps implying something bad about cities.
The scourging and mockery of Christ by the soldiers and or lackeys of the Sanhedrin is a behavior that has its origin not really among men or people, but in persons from hell.
Invariably the devil attacks most what good people love best.
Where else in ancient writings but in the gospels is demonic possession spoken of as a real life empirical fact?
The more evil they do the dirtier they get. The dirtier they get the more sick.
Why and how is it about this day and age (of say the last 25+ years) such that something 1 out of 5 men in public eye have gone completely bald?
Who was it that ruined life for everyone? The one who could not stop forcing himself on people.
What, when all is said and done, have we come to learn? He cannot deal with his problems without getting violent.
Let them have their way as much as they wish and desire, and still they never would or ever know how to be happy.
"Oracles": 2020 -- last updated 6 Apr. 2020(.pdf)
"Oracles": 2019 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2018 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2017 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2016 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2015 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2014 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2013 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2012 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2011 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2010 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2009 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2008 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2007 (.pdf)
"Oracles": 2003-2006 (.pdf)
Note. Aside from the poems written by myself (i.e., those formally included in Poems by WTS), or material cited or presumably as being from others, there is no copyright on the contents contained in the "Oracles" and they may otherwise and therefore be freely copied, disseminated, or plagiarized as much as anyone cares to do these things.
To Contact me you can write or call:
William Thomas Sherman
1604 NW 70th St.
Seattle, Washington 98117
Secondary email addresses:
My pages on:
* Scribd
* FaceBook
* YouTube
"Lee's Legion, 2nd Partizan Corps" on Face Book
Unless you are sending spam, or a general advertisement, or a private subscription I personally signed onto, you are guaranteed an answer from me at any of the above e-mails.
If by chance you encounter any problems accessing a .pdf via a given link below, try: Right click "Save as..." to download the .pdf to your PC instead.
* Christ and Truth, FIFTH edition (.pdf) ~ last updated: 25 Jan. 2019
* Peithology: The Nature and Origin of Belief, SEVENTH edition (.pdf) ~ last updated 16 Jan. 2019
* A New Treatise on Hell, fourth edition (.pdf) ~ last updated 25 May 2019
See also A Spirit People Primer,
and, very importantly, my personal "Narrative" (.rtf zipped) ~ last updated: 1 Jan. 2014 and in .pdf -- and most recently "Appeal of 2008, and Re-Introduction to Sherman 'Narrative'"
* Calendar and Record of the Revolutionary War in the South: 1780-1781, TENTH edition ~ last updated: 11 Dec. 2018
* Poems by WTS (.pdf)~ last updated 12 Jan. 2019
Translation of Silvae by Publius Papinius Statius (45-96 A.D.) (.pdf)
Fought both the League of Horror
And the Organization Against Freedom
For over a Decade,
AND beat them -- MANY times!"
This is my recommendation of things and people sundry which others may have missed. For some these will already be well known, but for others less so. It is for these last that the suggestion is proffered.
Since its inception, posting the "recommendation of the week," although much fun along the way, has also become a bit of an inconvenient chore requiring a regular schedule. Meanwhile, but more importantly, since I effectively (aside from the above mentioned exception) receive no feedback on them (or on this website generally), I can't think it warrants the personal investment any longer to keep it going. In addition to lack of feedback, I simply don't have the extra money (I feel) necessary to explore different music, movies, books etc. -- in turn necessary to maintain the span, color, and variety of the selections, taking the list as a whole. Consequently, unless and until I do ever finally get feedback and or "somehow" come
into some funds, the "recommendation of the week" at present (as of August 2009) has been discontinued.
Otherwise and as an expedient, what I intend to do in future in its place is post or mention music, movies, books etc. among my regular "Oracles;" as inspiration moves me or of unusually special interest comes up; something, of course, I already have, to some extent at least, been doing for some time.
Your Choice
* These and more great tunes can be found at
The Contemplator *
Well, I would be certainly if I wasn't being black-balled, blacklisted, and my communications routinely tampered with. This is pitiful I know, and I have put off doing this literally for years. But now is the time for it to be known that if anyone will send me money I'll take it. And if truth be told, the more money I have the more of a wallop I can put to these Hell people (certainly they don't want me having any, and have and will gyp and short change me just about whenever they can.) So please consider giving to this website if you can at all possibly afford it. Proceeds also go to assist the Institute for Ben Turpin Studies. So far I have sold only one book at my "Bookshop;" so it is not at all impossible that even if you try what you might send won't be allowed to get through to me. If this happens -- oh well, thanks anyway! (Also, by the way, if you try to send money, whether by Pay Pal or otherwise, and for some reason I don't receive it or am prevented from doing so please report this to Social Security; because interference of my receiving such or other funds or donations goes clearly against Social Security's understandable wish that I no longer be a dependent on them if possible.)
Also, my e-mail for sending donations through Pay Pal is: wts@gunjones.com
* Monies received as of the present and latest date for either this website and or the Turpin Institute: $25.00
gunjones.com is an angelfire.com hosted website
* List of previous Weekly Recommendations *
"Thank yoou, Mr. Feelix!"
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of freely speaking, writing, or publishing their
sentiments, but forthwith lost their liberty in
general and became slaves."
~ John Peter Zenger (1697-1746)