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Creating a Dwarf
Role-playing a Dwarf

Laws of War History
of Findar
Dwarven Mortality Society

1. Stay in character: basically this means not using words considered Internet lingo (ex: lol, afk, owned, wasup, etc., etc., etc.), but it also means sticking with dwarf customs and being consistent with your character qualities.

2. Obey war rules: to sum up:

3. Dwarves are not graceful. What does that mean to you? It means the maximum amount of hiding you may have is at Apprentice level. Although, if you are a distinguished thief you may be allowed higher levels of hiding/stealth. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

4. Dwarves by nature are not magickal. So you're not to be running around casting e-bolts on your opponents. If we receive a legible complaint or you are caught red-handed doing this you will most likely be exiled from our lands and booted from the guild as we dislike people with magickal abilities.