The Wheel of Time Turns..
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Wheel of Time

So, here is my humble page on the Wheel of Time. Unfortunately, I'm getting no money for this.. so.. uh.. don't sue me 'cause that would suck. On this page, will basically be a little information concerning the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan along with something of a small story line featuring several characters that I have created along with other fine individuals. If you stay long enough, you just might get the chance to see what dreams are made of.. or something.

In any case, there are a few links that aren't up because I haven't put the pages up yet. Other than that, things should be running smoothly enough. As soon as we finish with it and I get the time for it, I plan to start logging out the RPs of the story line on this page. Until, of course, I run out of room. =/

Following here are some bits of information concering the Wheel of Time and its inhabitants

Next up are my Wheel of Time characters, or at least the ones I play often and made cheap, small backgrounds for x.x

That taken care of, let's finally get to the SL!