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Clan -=ELITE=- Current News

January 28th, 2003                          Posted by: Subhuman
-=ELITE=- | We have our rescheduled CAL match against DoC on Saturday, February 1st at 6 P.M. PST and 9 P.M. EST (not sure on the times so Hyperion tell me). We only need 6 people so i will be playing for sure and money doesn't know if he will.


January 1st, 2003                          Posted by: Subhuman
-=ELITE=- | HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hey Guys, Well not to much going on right now. Our entire clan is not to organized. Thats really not good. Anyways, whoever I missed on the right over there, members, please post it in the forums. I went by who was signed up on the Cal league website. As of now, I guess that everyone in the clan, along with the clan is on a "Holiday Vacation" Mista Money is giving us all a break until mid January, lets say the 10th. Then we all need to get back on track. Cal starts January 20th, and we are signed up so we will be playing. Only the members that are signed up on the Cal website are allowed to play in the matches. Please read the rules so we dont get DQ'd. Last thing, Please everyone sign up in the forums and post regularly. Thats all for now.


December 23rd, 2002                          Posted by: Subhuman
-=ELITE=- | The reincarnation of the elite clan is here, and it is starting now, with our new website. I have slaved over my computer for many hours to get this up and running so you guys better like it. Please note that the page is still underconstruction so many of the links dont work. If you find a mistake in the page please just tell me and I'll fix it. Also if I did something wrong tell me. Mista Money, can you send me the list of all the members and there ranking how'd you like them on the right, Here. In other news, I am trying to get a scrimmage with my friends clan, +][)$+. But its still in very early stages cause I never hear from any of our members anymore. LOL, thats all for now.



Mista Money
Squad 1
Squad 2
Evil Pastry

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