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MIKE: Well hello there! Have you been eating your beggin' bacon strips? Today we have a match to see who between Chucky and the Leprechuan will fight in the three way dance between Jason, Freddy and the winner of this match! This match has BIG impacations! It's for the championship! Speaking of Brittney Spears, have you been eating your begging bacon strips?

MATT: No! But today we have a special guest to invite to our show!

MIKE: That's right! Dr. Evil from Macroni Pie Sky High! Or Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, for those people who want to be "correct" (Mike says correct with qoutation fingers)

MATT:No... Norman Bates, from Psycho.

MIKE: You know, that's got to be my favorite movie.

MATT: Psycho?

MIKE: No! Leprechaun 6: I picked up sticks!

NORMAN BATES: Wasn't there only 5 leprechaun movies?

MATT: Yes, there was only for and you idi-

NORMAN BATES: Must...wear...dress...kill...Matt...

MATT: Umm... well here comes The Evil Leprechaun!

LEPRECHAUN: Give my pot of gold, or your fricking insides I will hold!

MIKE: I love that leprchauny goodness in every bowl of Leprechuan 7: Chunky Puffs!

NORMAN BATES: Ere, my adomien is on fire. Ere! Where's my chocolat covered duk? Springsteen? Where is my Springsteen chocolat covered duk? Ohi! Hoi! Polly want a cracker!

(Big Long Peroid Of Silence...) MATT: And here comes-

NORMAN BATES: Mother! Mother! Stop wearing my jeans I told you! I'll wear your clothes! And I'll murder people in the shower, yes...yes I will! Don't make me kick you in thumb, chocolat covered duk!

MIKE: Here'sssss Chucky.

CHUCKY: Hey punk! Yeah I'm talking to you, leprechaun! I've already been lucky, so I don't need some four-leaf clover to kick your @$$!

LEPRECHAUN: Magic Random Rules I Weave, And Your @$$ Will Fun To Decive!

CHUCKY: I don't know what the h*ll that meant, but this knife means I'm slicing your b*lls off!

(Chucky takes his combat knife and cuts the Leprechaun's b*lls clear off!)

LEPRECHAUN: Ahhhhhhhhh! Muahhhhaaaaa!

(Leprechaun regenerates his lost b*lls)

MATT: Doesn't that ryhme Leprechuan said make this a no-DQ match?

MIKE: Yes and No! I'm Scottish! Want to lick my ukelie?

NORMAN BATES: Oh yes, please let me lick the ukelie, the magical music instrument of gayness!

MATT: Well now this is a now a no-DQ match so that means...

NORMAN BATES: Polly Wants A Spot Pee In His Tea Thank you veryyy much mommy I love you mommy even though I killed you whoopsie!

MIKE: Who the h*ck are those guys?

MATT: We're not allowed to say h*ck?

MIKE: Those weirdos are coming towards Chucky and The Leprechaun! It's...

MATT: Ghostface from Scream and and Hook-Hand From I Know What You Did Last Summer... but they're both dead!

MIKE: Who could they be??? Who is under those ugly masks???

(Ghostface decapitates Norman Bates and Hook-Hands Ices Chucky And The Leprechaun, Chucky with an AK-47, Leprechaun with a four leaf clover up his @$$ then AK-47 shots)

MIKE: Oh my! This means no one wins! A draw! This may be a good time to comment on our no-pay-per-view!

MATT: It's just like a pay-per-view, only you don't pay, and it's a webpage!

MIKE:I guess that means Chucky and The Leprechaun will get it on again and then fight Jason and Freddy! That's kind of unfair to have to fight twice in a row!

MATT: Well I'm sure we'll see those jerks who killed Chucky and Leprechaun!

MIKE: Now let's see, what does the manual say about gun shots and leprechauns...?