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MIKE:Today we're featuring Ash Ketchem From TV'S Pokeamon!

ASH KETCHEM:That's poke'mon, ya dumb@$$!

MATT: You know... you have a foul mouth for being a kid idol.

(Gets flipped off by Ash Ketchem!)

MIKE: Well, since that movie Jason vs. Freddy is taking so long to come out, we're gonna have it here! And this match IS for Jason's championship!

MATT: Yeah, I bet it would of sucked anyway...

(A glove hits Matt's face that looks very familiar...)

ASH: Where are the hot (CENSORED)? I feel like (CENSORED)!

MIKE: There are no (CENSORED) for you to (CENSORED)!

ASH: Say what motherf*cker?!?

MATT: Why do you swear like my Grandma?!?

ASH: This is almost as bad as Evil Dead movie that idiot Ash who sadly ripped off my name starred in!

MIKE: Watch your mouth, because Ash is here!

ASH: Ya, me! And I have to say I give this b*llsh*t 0 out of 500 stars, motherf*cker!

MIKE: Well... uh... here comes Jason!

ASH: He's not jacking off!

MATT: Jason can we get a...

(Painful Flashback)

MATT: Never mind!

MIKE: Now here comes Freddy!

ASH: I hate that stupid goldfish.

MATT: He's not a goldfish!!!!!!

ASH: He has the SKIN of one!

FREDDY: Hey Ashole! I kick you in the n*ts, b*tch!

MATT: Well here we go and I expect a good match and...

MIKE: For me to conga on your b*lls?


MIKE: My fuzzy tickle me elmo! NOOOOOO!

(Using Fuzzy Tickle Me Elmo, At The Cost Of Elmo's Eyeballs, Chucky Kills Jason AND Freddy Kruger!)

(...Don't Ask ME how!)

ASH: That means this match is a draw and I'm getting the h*ll out of here!

MATT: What will Chucky have to go through for ruining Kruger's chance for Jason's title?!?

MIKE: I say... eating 50 pounds of brocoli!

ASH: Hey wait OH MY ******!&#*@!#&*@^#&*@^#*@&#^#& AHHGH! IT'S ASH!

(Ash From Evil Dead Opens A Can Of Corn And Pours It over Ash's Head then opens a can of whoop @$$!)

MATT: Whoa! I guess Ash heard Ash talking smack about Ash and Ash is p*ssed off!

MIKE: We'll never see you, because this is just a bunch of words on a page! Have horrible nightmares and wet the bed bad bye!

SEE EpicSode 4