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MIKE: Hello! Today will be our Championship match for the title of most kick @$$ champion ever match!

MATT: Isn't it just the championship?


MATT: Anyway, Chucky has his chance for the title.

MIKE: We're at Crystal Lake, where Jason usually hangs out...

MATT: Don't you mean kills people?


MATT: You know, last show sure had almost no action!

MIKE: How'd I go from Micheal to Mike?

MATT: We didn't want people confusing you with Micheal Myers.

MIKE: Oh. Well here comes Chucky! You know, yesterday I went to Wendy's and-

CHUCKY: Oh my g*d will you shut the f*ck up! You're gonna ruin my g*d d*mn match again, ya stupid sh*t heads! F*ck off!


MIKE: Oh look, here comes Jason!

JASON: (Nothing... Just Grunts)

MATT: Can we have a comment Jason?

(Jason flips Matt off)

(Chucky hits Jason with a sledgehammer to the groin, as he runs to the top of the bleachers!)

MIKE: Ow! That looked like it hurt!

MATT: Let's see if it does!

MIKE: Okay!

(Mike gets hit in the groin with a sledgehammer!)

MIKE: It does! (Jason takes his machete and cuts off half of Chucky's hair!)

(Chucky and Jason fight to the sawmill. There Chucky ties Jason to the sawmill and sends him to get cut in half!)

MIKE: Oh my good monkey in a clown costume!

MATT: It's worse than a Un/A-Pix Picture! Its...


MATT: They're helping Jason!

MIKE: You b*st*rds!

MATT: Don't swear, you'll get us in trouble, ya dumb@$$!

MIKE: Okay.

(Sailor Moon frees Jason and throws Chucky into the whirling blade saw! Chucky is cut into pieces and is dead!)

MATT: Those jerks! They've killed Chucky! Don't worry folks, Chucky will be back!

MIKE: Where's my copy of Voodoo For Dummies?!?

MATT: This means Chucky wins by DQ! But...

MIKE: That means Jason is still the champion!

MATT: I can't believe it!

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