Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The comfortable couch is invitingly empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly

empty. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators. Eclipse (offline) is

sitting on the rocking chair. Rahab (idle) is sprawled out on the floor.

You see Taetia (idle) here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Fri Aug 24 17:11:23 2001 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw22-pool

c253.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

You have 1 saved pages waiting. Type `@recall` to view them.

----- Rahab (#316) @ Sat Aug 25 12:37:43 2001 CST -----

Rahab pages, "= :is going to Spirit Fest. I'll probably be late tonight.

Going to idle here so I can see what's going on."


Use `@recall expunge` to delete all your saved pages.

Taetia says, "Hey Z"

You say, "Good afternoon, Tyson."

Taetia says, "I'm all psyched up, and ready for some ass kicking. Just tell me

when, and any other details."

Taetia says, "Heh. Getting pumped for this got me some odd looks."

<Login> Oriana has connected from dial164.ecol.net on

Sat Aug 25 16:42:49 2001 EST.

You say, "I can't imagine why. Every word in the English language is a

synonym for 'sex', after all."

Oriana has arrived.

<OOC> Oriana waves. "Hey everybody."

You say, "Hey, Beth. Ready to kill your hubby? <evil grin>"

<OOC> Oriana makes a face at Eclipse. "You are EVIL."

Oriana sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey Beth"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I thought that was my job tho."

You say, "Fear not. I don't expect that will become necessary until next

summer. For now, Ben's a useful liability to the entire cabal..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Who says it will be necessary at all? Doesn't this cabal

have enough angst for everyone?"

You say, "But wait. It WILL get worse."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hmm..You'd be suprised how badly you can scare people by

merely sitting in your room for hours on end, dressed in camou, wearing war

paint and a bandanna, repeatedly polishing a broadsword and chanting "I am

the Angel of Death. The Time of Purification is at hand""

Eclipse mmmss. "Fresh-baked French bread..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Muahahaha.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yummy..."

<OOC> Oriana feels sorry for Taetia's soon-to-be-roommate

<OOC> Taetia says, "Heh. He'll learn the way my family did. Me being odd is

normal, and in fact a sign of good health."

You say, "Besides. I have to use him as a phylactery, first..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh stop it."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tell me... has Taetia been as frustrating to be in a cabal

with as I'm told?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "YES"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. Sorry about that."

Eclipse grins. "Sorry. Can't help myself. Tyson was telling me that Hugon

is being more of an evil GM than me. I have to keep up with the Evil GM


<OOC> Taetia says, "Didn't mean for it to be annoying."

<OOC> Taetia says, "You sure you can't join the Sunday game Beth, now thats

it's on a mud?"

<OOC> Oriana would tend to disagree with that, even having played in Hugon's

games. Mostly, I think he's just hanging out with you too much, Eric...

Eclipse blushes. "I'm flattered. Being an evil GM means so much to me!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, my technical difficulties are resolved, now, but

there's still the time management issue. Since I'm getting sucked into

something like 5 different games as soon as I get back, I still have to

decline. Sorry."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And it wasn't through choice.. damn social rune.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah well."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yes, that is VERY evil...but he wasn't like this before he

started M:EF, now was he? It's the whole GM influence thing, I'm telling


<OOC> Taetia says, "Did he tell you about Billy?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "No, who's that?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "The fomori that turns off special powers. Gifts, magic,


You say, "Easy, Tyson. Logging is on...""

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh yeah, that one..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm not supposed to tell the others."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yet."

You say, "Yes."

Taetia says, "Thx"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I could tell YOU some things about what Eus has in store

for tomorrow, Tyson...he spent most of a 90 minute phone call running his

evil plans by me..."

You say, "You know who _I_ learned how to be evil from, don't you? The DM who

said, 'Sure, you can bring fifteen characters on this adventure." Then he

killed fourteen of them in the first session..."

Taetia says, "Anyone else think Dawn of the Dead is easily as good as the evil

dead trilogy?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Give me a hint Beth?"

<OOC> Oriana hasn't seen Dawn Of The Dead yet...

<OOC> Oriana remembers that story...didn't like half of them die on the front

doorstep of the castle, too?

<OOC> Taetia says, "You should."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Sorry Tyson, I've been sworn to secrecy. *G*"

<OOC> Taetia whines

<OOC> Taetia says, "All 90 minutes concern me? Or just the group in general?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "The group in general, though you were a major part of


You say, "Yup."

<OOC> Taetia says, "In a good "cause of it" way, or a bad, "This'll be fun to

do to him" way?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yes."

<OOC> Oriana says, "<evil grin>"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That is one of the most annoying habits.."

Eclipse grins.

Taetia pages, "Ooo.. I'm doing her first.. just tell me when.."

You say, "Knowing GM psychology, it's probably both, Taetia..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Honestly, I'll probably enjoy it."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm odd that way."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I know whats going to happen to me tonight, and I know

that I'll enjoy that..."

You say, "Yes, I know. You're a glutton for punishment. I'd feel sorry for

anyone you GMed. You have too much potential for your own good..."

<OOC> Oriana would prefer to be surprised...

<OOC> Oriana thinks Tyson is an RPG masochist.

You say, "Oh. You will be. <evil grin>"

<OOC> Oriana groans...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eus gave me the greatest compliment anyone ever has today."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eustacio: (1:00 PM) *shakes his head* You know, every ST

needs a player like you..."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Taetia says, "Preceded by: Eustacio: (12:58 PM) You realize what you've

done to doom your own cabal, haven't you?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Meaning this cabal, of course."

<OOC> Taetia says, "So, how've you guys been doing this week?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Decent. Very very ready to get out of town and go back to

school...well...mostly just ready to get away from Park Inn, actually."

<OOC> Oriana shoots her lag a dirty look

You say, "What? Called the Chaos Zone ameture looniness and claimed that Eus

is ahead of me in GM evilness? Yes. I would say that is sufficient..."

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 25 17:05:33 2001 EST.

AlMarth has arrived.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey ho lucky kitty"

AlMarth sits down on the lumpy sofa.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hi Midget"

You say, "That joke is spreading. I just saw it in the Sunday quotes..."

<OOC> Taetia licks AlMarth

You say, "We have Tyson to blame for that one, as well."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I blame the dudes at Daily Victim"

<OOC> Oriana says, "No matter what group he ends up in, Al will ALWAYS be the

lucky kitty..."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Anyone else read that?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wazzup Lucky Kitty?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hmm, the next all your base?"

<OOC> Oriana hopes not!

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'd be famous!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "In one campaign or another, I still have high hopes of

carving "All your base are belong to us" into the moon"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "...to pathetic geeks who spend all their time online"

<OOC> Eclipse drinks some of his Mountain Dew. 71 cans remain.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I need to go to Evil Sci U, build a death ray, and

vandalize the moon."

<OOC> Oriana eeps!

<OOC> AlMarth says, "but famous nonetheless"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hmm, that reminds me of a Calvin& Hobbes comic"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, Rahab said she might be a few hours late."

You say, "They were on sale for $4 a case last week. I bought three."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many left?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I own all but three of them, and I only have one of the


<OOC> AlMarth says, "I might have to leave the game for 45 mins or so sometime

around 5:30-6:00"

You say, "Well, I've emptied the half case I had left before I bought the

three cases, so I have 71 more cans, not counting the one I'm drinking right


!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's taken you that long to drink that little? Dude. You

are weak."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm out of mountain Dew, but I've discovered that you can

by Fruitopia in concentrate form"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "There is enough sugar in that stuff, that, after a couple

pitchers, the lack of caffiene doesn't bother you"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Pixie sticks, mountain dew, cocoa puffs, nodoz, Water Joe,

coffee crystals all in a blender."

<OOC> Taetia says, "ALl of you must see Night of the Demons 1 & 2, and 3 if

you can. But mainly 1 & 2. The unrated versions if you can."

You say, "I've told you. I drink two liters for gaming, and drink a can a day

the rest of the week just to prevent withdrawl. Besides, I usually buy

2-liters to suck on during gaming sessions. I just didn't buy them this


<OOC> Taetia says, "My hands shake, my eyes are yellow, I twitch spasmodically

and jump at sudden noises, but I've got enough caffeine surging through my

bloodstream to counteract a cobra's venom."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

Eclipse raises an eyebrow. "I was not aware that caffeine could counteract

cobra venom."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hell, if someone shot me to death, it'd take a few days

before the caffeine wore off enough for me to notice."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "THAT much is essentially the same thing"

Eclipse needs to get the quotes from last night's game up.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Only when you bloodstream is 75% caffeine 20% blood, 5%


<OOC> Oriana agrees with that

You say, "I wish there were a Sanity score so I could have taken away their

sanity. Naph got a glimpse of Hastur's arm and lost three points of

Willpower. That was fun."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "other?"

You say, "I wasn't going to ask, but..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Give em 7 levels of mental health, like normal health.

Everytime they take 8 levels of mental health damage, they lose a perm level

and gain a derrangement. Once all 7 lvls have been permanently lost, they

enter marauderhood."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Primarily sugar."

You say, "Like Willpower in Wraith."

<OOC> Oriana says, "So, who are we waiting for?"

You say, "Koi."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Mental damage is rolled like normal damage, and soaked by


You say, "Though we do have quorum already."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We should prolly start. He'll show when he shows."

<OOC> Oriana shrugs...yeah, we could start...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "starting is good"

You say, "When last we left the Cabal of Destruction, they had taken serious

damage from several priceless works of art outside the Temple of Dark Gods."

You go in-character. Your actions now reflect your character and not

necessarily yourself.

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Am I the only one who thinks we're about to do something

really, really stupid?"

Taetia sheathes her sword "Before we go in, theres something I'd like to say."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Maybe I should've thought of that last week...oh well..."

Oriana says, "What is it?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I do too"

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust190.tnt1.midland.m

i.da.uu.net on Sat Aug 25 17:29:46 2001 EST.

Ben, "This place gives me the creeps. Why are we here again?"

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> You say, "Yay, an audience."

<OOC> Hugon becomes the audience and waves.

Taetia says, "I"m sorry about going off yesterday, like I did, and attacking

you Oriana. It's just, I've been a Ba'Lak for a long time, and suddenly

losing that, and the preasure of this quest, and (glances at AlMarth) some

other preasures I'm not used too, I flipped. I'm sorry I lost control."

Oriana [to Ben]: We're confronting Variel. Maybe you should stay outside

while we go in...I doubt it's very safe in there.

<OOC> You say, "It's like watching a sporting event, except you want your team

to lose."

Oriana gives Taetia a slightly wary look...then seems to change her mind, and

smiles. "Apology accepted."

Taetia smiles happily "Thank you."

AlMarth nods in understanding "we've all been under 'pressures' lately"

Taetia gives AlMArth a bit of a shy look "I know you're still a bit bitter,

but after this over, I don't suppose you and I could get to know each other


Ben, "I'm not leaving you again, Oriana. If something happens to you..."

Taetia pages, "Initiate phase 1: Suck Up."

Taetia has received your page: "Careful not to overdo it. It will make them

suspicious if you do."

Oriana [to Ben]: If you insist...

Taetia pages, "K."

<Login> Koi has connected from MC47-2.Manchester.EDU on

Sat Aug 25 17:33:29 2001 EST.

Koi has arrived.

AlMarth says, "When this is all over, I hope to set up a school somewhere, and

teacch children, I will have some spare time, and I'd certainly like to spend

some of it with you"

<OOC> Eclipse waves.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hello Koi...you've barely missed anything..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah.. you missed me being all apologetic and stuff. Howdy


<OOC> Koi says, "Hiya"

Taetia smiles and nods

Taetia turns to the entrance and says "Then lets do this thing."

Taetia enters

AlMarth enters as well

<OOC> AlMarth says, "is Tae still an hourglass?"

Oriana takes Ben's hand protectively, and follows Taetia and Al'Marth

You say, "Whats the marching order? (gotta love a dungeon crawl)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "First"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Welcome to the conga line of death..."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Yes. Well, she LOOKS like an hourglass. Her real body

is invisible.

Taetia points out the razor'd part of the stairs "The entrance is trapped with


<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah.."

Koi takes the rear, watching for followers.

Oriana says, "How do you suggest we get around it?"

Taetia pages, "Checking with forces, the door at the bottom of the stairs"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 8, 10; totalling 21.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: dif 3, 2 suc.

Taetia pages, "It still active?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Enigmas check?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "can I make one, that is"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: One of the tiles at the bottom of the stairs is the

trigger for a jet of flame that shoots out of the ceiling above it.

Taetia points at the tile "Don't step on that."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: What for?

Taetia steps through, avoiding the tile.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "getting around the trap"

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m121-mp1-cvx1a.ma

n.ntl.com on Sat Aug 25 17:38:10 2001 EST.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "never mind then"

Enola Galen has arrived.

Eclipse pulls his collection of Grimtooth's Traps off the bookshelf.

Oriana avoids the tile

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh lord."

Enola Galen takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh no Koi.. the real surprise is for later."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And btw, if Tae's been frustrating/annoying, I do

apologize. This session will change that.."

AlMarth avoids the tile as well

You say, "The corridor ends in a T-junction."

Taetia floats down the corridor, then looks right and left

<OOC> Taetia says, "Considering that we're moving at 3x normal speed, we would

get a chance to avoid traps, right?"

<OOC> Oriana wants to turn on Correspondence sensing, so she can look ahead

and get a sense of the layout of the place. Diff/succ?

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 3, 4 suc.

Taetia says, "I don't suppose you could search out Variel with mind and corr?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: I've taken that into consideration...

Oriana rolled 3d10: 3, 7, 4; totalling 14.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 9; totalling 14.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> Oriana says, "Aaaaaand a backlash. Good thing I have no scourge and 7


Eclipse [to Oriana]: Yes. It is...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Does that just make the whole thing a failure, then?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: There can be no Backlash without Scourge or Corruption.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh yeah...guess I got it in 2 rounds, then."

<OOC> Hugon says, "There is no spo...err, n/m..."

<OOC> Eclipse baps Hugon.

<OOC> Koi pokes Hugon.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There is no spoon."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Stooooooop!"

<OOC> You say, "Why would we want to stoop?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "They do THAT anyway."

<OOC> Koi ducks?

<OOC> Taetia says, "Spooooon!"

<OOC> Oriana is confused, now...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Bearing in mind what happened to us last night, I'm

expecting maximum player torture tonight."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Stop, not stoop..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Would The Tick be a shifter of some sort, or a Fomori?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "You don't know the half of it El."

<OOC> Taetia says, "But it's nothing compared to what'll happen tomarrow."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And I blame you for it. All of it."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You get a general sense of the layout of the dungeon. It

seems to be arranged in cocentric squares on this level, but something is

preventing you from scrying beyond the stairs at the center that lead down.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "there is a live-action Tick TV show out this fall, I've


<OOC> Taetia says, "Could never be as good as the cartoon."

<OOC> Taetia says, "SPOOOON!"

Oriana says, "There are stairs at the center of the building, but something is

blocking my scrying beyond them. I'd be willing to bet we'll find Variel at

the bottom."

Taetia says, "Right. Can you sense the shortest route?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "SPOOOON!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "-Eclipse Well, can I?"

<OOC> Taetia screams "SPOOON!" and pounces on the Lucky Kitty

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Pounces"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Not this again"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""And next on Fox...When Tanaks Attack!"

Eclipse grins. "Of course you can. The shortest path begins with a turn down

the right corridor and then goes left through the first door. I'll tell you

more as we go."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Attack !? oh, well that's ok"

Oriana relays this information to the others, and motions for Taetia to keep

leading the way.

<OOC> Taetia says, "We haven't made freaky cat noises in the longest time."

<OOC> Koi whimpers.

Taetia says, "It's probably trapped, but if we float and make all due haste,

we should be able to avoid most of them."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yeah, the cabals are now tied for freaky sex, 2-2..."

Taetia turns right and floats onward

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 4; totalling 4.

You say, "Just kidding, folks. No dice for me tonight..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "only two...It seemed like more"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "he's just saying that 'cause he got a 4"

You say, "You get about ten feet down the hallway when Taetia suddenly appears

with the hourglass superimposed on her body."

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I do?"

You say, "Give me a Per + Awareness, dif 6."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 2, 3, 9, 2, 9, 9; totalling 34.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "It would probably have been 2-3 if we'd met Chewbacca

last night."

Oriana rolled 3d10: 3, 10, 5; totalling 18.

Koi rolled 6d10: 2, 5, 9, 6, 3, 1; totalling 26.

<OOC> Taetia says, "3 succ."

<OOC> Oriana says, "woo! 1!"

<OOC> Koi says, "1"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hehehe.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We'd be 3-2 if Eclipse had stayed around long enough."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Perception boy?

<OOC> Oriana ohdears

AlMarth rolled 7d10: 3, 10, 8, 5, 2, 7, 9; totalling 44.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "4"

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

You say, "All of you feel a sudden lifting and separating sensation as you

cross the threshold of the shortcut. Existing magic has been undone."

Taetia drops

Taetia says, "Well. That sucked."

Oriana frowns. "What was that?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "lifting and separating...that sounds like a bra add"

<OOC> You say, "Please refrain from seducing the Supreme Being, okay?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ad, even"

Taetia says, "But at least I look like me again."

<OOC> Oriana giggles

<OOC> Taetia says, "Why not? Peter Parker turned into Spiderman from being bit

by a radioactive spider. Just imagine the power you'd get from being shagged

by the Supreme Being."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The tile you land on clicks softly.

Taetia says, "Whoops."

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh great..."

Taetia tries ducking and rolling forward

<OOC> You say, "Go directly to the quote page. Do not pass Go..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "I think screwing the Supreme Being would be an

extraordiarily BAD idea..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'd do it"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm not happy if I'm not responsible for at least half the


You say, "Nothing appears to happen. The door is only about twenty feet away,


Oriana curses under her breath

<OOC> Taetia says, "So'd I."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "You're on, Taetia"

Koi frowns, eyes darting about,even more wairy.

Taetia steps forward, lightly testing each tile before resting her weight on


<OOC> AlMarth says, "about the quotes, that is"

<OOC> Taetia says, "?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Brb, 10 seconds."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You lightly test your weight on one of the tiles and get

dart in the calf. <soak Lethal 1)

<OOC> Koi says, "brb, foods here"

Taetia rolled 1d10: 7; totalling 7.

Taetia pulls the dart out of her armor

Taetia spits on that tile, and tests another one

You say, "It is pitch dark down here."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Renewing DarkSight"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 1, 2; totalling 5.

<OOC> Taetia says, "oo.. botch.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 3 Scourge. Botch.

Taetia tries again

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sorry. 1 Scourge.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 9, 5; totalling 17.

<OOC> Taetia says, "and 1 into a scene duration"

You say, "What is everyone else doing about the dark?"

Taetia spits on that tile, and tests another one

Oriana has received your page: "Ben's hand is shaking nervously."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Doesn't Corr sensing help me get around it somehow?"

Oriana whispers to Ben, "What's wrong?"

<OOC> Koi will attemt darksight

Eclipse [to Oriana]: It absolutely lets you know how to get around, but it

misses important details like color. Also, you probably won't notice the

grooves cut into the walls with it because they are too small.

<OOC> Taetia begins singing the Oscar Meyer song

<OOC> Koi says, "attempt even"

<OOC> AlMarth will try spirit sight

Ben, "There is a groove cut in the wall. I just noticed it.

Taetia pages, "Since I'm now 'evil' and a Weird, do I get the bonus for being

near a node?"

Taetia turns to examine the groove

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 4, 7; totalling 11.

Taetia has received your page: "You are neither evil nor weird, yet. That

will come as the night progresses."

Oriana looks closely at the groove

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that's a success, right"

Taetia pages, "Okies."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "two"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "what do I see with Spirit sight"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You do realise you'll reach his inner sanctum and

he'll turn out to be on holiday?"

<OOC> Koi says, "well of course"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You don't see any spirits down here.

<OOC> Koi says, "darksight diff and success eclipse?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 3, 4 suc to last until end of day.

Koi rolled 4d10: 4, 5, 5, 1; totalling 15.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Erm, it's supposed to show what the area looks through

the Umbra"

<OOC> Koi says, "Hmm...says backlash here...though I don't have any scourge."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Sorry. The whole area looks like it is salivating.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that can't be good"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Continue the ritual.

Koi rolled 4d10: 7, 5, 7, 6; totalling 25.

<OOC> Koi says, "there's 6"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: There is a horizontal groove running along either side of

the corridor. Give me a Per + Alertness, dif 7.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Everyone examining get to roll?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Oriana tosses in a WP

Oriana rolled 4d10: 3, 2, 4, 8; totalling 17.

<OOC> Oriana says, "2 succ"

Oriana has received your page: "The corridor you are in is actually slightly

sloped uphill. Only your magic allows you to notice the difference."

You say, "EVERYONE give me a Per + Alertness, dif 7."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 1, 4, 5, 3, 8, 8; totalling 29.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1"

Koi rolled 5d10: 7, 10, 1, 10, 5; totalling 33.

Taetia has received your page: "You hear a sound far ahead along the corridor."

<OOC> Koi says, "2"

Koi has received your page: "You hear a distant rumble coming from ahead of


<OOC> Koi says, "err...1"

<OOC> Koi says, "2, gah, *bangs head with board*"

Taetia pages, "Using life detection"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 9, 5; totalling 16.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Dif 3, 3 suc.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 5, 5; totalling 16.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ok, thats 5."

Taetia has received your page: "You don't detect any signs of life coming from

the source of the sound."

<OOC> Koi says, "what kind of rumbling, ground shaking rumbling, or just a

soft roar?>"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Perception Boy?

AlMarth rolled 6d10: 2, 3, 9, 6, 3, 10; totalling 33.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Oriana?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "3"

Taetia says, "Anyone else hear that?"

Oriana rolled 4d10: 2, 2, 6, 1; totalling 11.

<OOC> Oriana says, "And a botch"

Oriana says, "Hear what?"

Taetia says, "A sound, farther down the corridor. No life presence though."

AlMarth has received your page: "You hear a distant rumble coming from the

corridor ahead of you. It sounds like it is coming closer or getting louder."

Koi nods. "There's something down there.

Oriana says, "Weird noises...grooves in the wall...the floor slopes up ever so

slightly. Anyone else have a bad feeling about this?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Railway?"

Taetia says, "Yup."

Taetia says, "..."

You say, "The door is only fifteen feet away, now, though I imagine you have

stopped to listen for a moment."

Taetia says, "You remember that tile that went click?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Recalling the subway sequence in Half-Life for some


AlMarth says, "The question is, what?"

Oriana says, "Yes, what about it?"

Taetia says, "Anyone else have a vision of an extremely large boulder heading

towards at high speeds?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Does the sound come from beyond the door?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: No. It's coming from down the hallway.

Taetia heads for the door

You say, "The sound is a little louder, now."

AlMarth follows Taetia's lead

Koi says, "Perhapes...we should hurry."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You reach the door.

Oriana nods, and follows

Taetia jumps through

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Perhapes, that sounds like another Venerial disease"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Jumps THROUGH an oak door?

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's closed?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Um. Yeah. ...of course...

Taetia opens it

Taetia throws it open, snatching her hand back

Taetia then jumps through it

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The doorknob comes off in your hand. There is a soft


Taetia says, "Oh damn."

You say, "Everyone give me a Sta + Athletics, dif 6. Taetia, it's dif 7 for


<OOC> AlMarth says, "my thoughts exactly"

Taetia rolled 8d10: 6, 3, 3, 1, 2, 8, 9, 6; totalling 38.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1."

<OOC> You say, "Knock them out and then roll them flat."

AlMarth rolled 3d10: 6, 8, 2; totalling 16.

Koi rolled 4d10: 9, 6, 4, 10; totalling 29.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2"

<OOC> Koi says, "3"

Oriana has received your page: "Ben collapses in a heap on the floor."

Oriana rolled 3d10: 5, 8, 10; totalling 23.

<OOC> Oriana says, "2"

<OOC> Taetia says, "oh wait, stam +ath"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sorry, rolled dex+ath"

Taetia rolled 5d10: 8, 6, 9, 1, 9; totalling 33.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2."

Oriana yells "BEN!" and immediately kneels down next to him, trying to figure

out what happened

You say, "Everyone else manages to hold their breath before the poison knocks

them out."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "OH"

You say, "Everyone can hear the rumbling. It is getting closer, now. It

sounds like a giant stone wheel moving very quickly down the hall."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Correspondence sensing isn't precise enough to judge the

color of his face, but he is as limp as a sleeping halfling.

Taetia says, "Blow the door off it's hinges, or just start running? Actually,

we could pass through the first doorway and wait for it to pass."

Taetia says, "Shall we?"

Koi lets out just enough breath to say, "Through the door!" Then stoops to

help move Ben.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Doors still shut Koi.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Blast it off the hinges? Go for it.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ummm..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Yeah? Who said anything about leaving it shut while we move

through it? :)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Doorknob came off, might take to long to blow it open."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Shut doors! my arch nemeses"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "is that the plural of nemisis?"

Taetia says, "Lets go back, let the boulder pass, then blow it open, ok. Might

not have enough time as it is. Koi, grab Ben if you would be so kind."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gah, shut doors are easy."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's the open, unlocked ones you gotta be wary off."

Oriana nods. "Just do something!"

<OOC> You say, "Yes. But it is very rare to have more than one nemesis."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Turn it into cheese."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "It's been known to happen"

Taetia heads back to the first entrance

<OOC> AlMarth says, "mmmm...cheese"

Koi is already moving to help lift Ben.

Taetia avoides the trapped tiles

<OOC> Hugon says, "*cough Tyson cough*"

Oriana helps Koi move Ben

<OOC> Taetia says, "26 and counting."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hmm, I've got some catching up to do"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now what happens?"

You say, "Those of you with Dark Vision can see a huge stone roller coming

your way. Those with Correspondence Sensing can detect a veritable wall of

stone moving rapidly toward you."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: This IS the first entrance!

<OOC> Taetia says, "No it's not."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "No, not Half-Life. Total Recall."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "what about those of us with spirit sight?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "The entrance we came in through is the first entrance."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thats the one I'm heading for."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: It's worn off. It takes extra successes to increase the


Eclipse [to Taetia]: True. It's thirty feet behind you.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'd already been heading there before the boulder


You say, "I trust EVERYONE is headed back to the stairs?"

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

<OOC> Hugon says, "BRB"

<OOC> Koi nods.

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Sat Aug

25 18:34:56 2001 EST

Hugon has disconnected.

<OOC> Taetia begins playing "Blind in the Darkness"

The resolution of Hugon fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

You say, "You run back to the stairs. Give me a Wits + Athletics, dif 6

starting with the first person to get to the stairs and ending with the last."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 6, 10, 4, 6, 2, 9; totalling 37.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You remember to avoid the fire trap.

<OOC> Koi is helping Oriana with Ben...so...all of us at the same time? :)

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 9; totalling 19.

<OOC> Oriana says, "2"

You say, "Oriana remembers to avoid the fire trap."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "me now?"

Koi rolled 5d10: 1, 2, 10, 9, 7; totalling 29.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oh..now?"

<OOC> Koi says, "erm...2"

You say, "Koi remembers to avoid the fire trap."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

AlMarth rolled 5d10: 7, 8, 6, 5, 5; totalling 31.

You say, "Al remembers to avoid the fire trap."

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust98.tnt1.midland.mi

.da.uu.net on Sat Aug 25 18:38:56 2001 EST.

You say, "About sixty seconds after you are all safely on the stairs, a huge

stone roller with steel spikes rumbles past at high speeds and continues down

the other hall."

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your Darksight wears off.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "There interpretation of rolling out the red carpet?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "with us as the red"

Oriana is obviously trying to do something to help Ben, but it's even more

obvious that she doesn't know the first thing about healing.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It has a scene duration!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay, Ben, ABC time. Airway, Breathing, err...what's the C?


Taetia says, "Rahab, could you help Ben?"

Taetia pages, "Renewing it then."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Cardiovascular?"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 2, 9; totalling 19.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 8; totalling 18.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 5, 7; totalling 13.

<OOC> Koi says, "Maybe. ;)"

Taetia rolled 6d10: 6, 3, 7, 10, 3, 8; totalling 37.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 5, 10; totalling 19.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There, is that enough?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ignore the 6d10.."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Ben comes to after about fifteen minutes. Taetia spends

the next 45 renewing her dark sight. Anyone else want to do anything for the

next hour?

<OOC> Taetia says, "That was an extended roll, not a ritual!"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Very well. Dark sight will last for the rest of the day.

Taetia says, "Ok, are we all ready to go and try again?"

Oriana [to Ben]: Are you okay?

Taetia pages, "Hey, could I set up a time 2 effect to see a split second

ahead, so I can pick up on traps before they happen?"

Ben, "I'm fine, I think. I got a whiff of that gas. It knocked me out."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ben's a pansy."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I've got to go, I'll be back in about 45 minutes"

<Logout> AlMarth has disconnected on Sat

Aug 25 18:45:11 2001 EST

AlMarth has lost his link.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yeah..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sure. Dif 4, 5 suc.

<OOC> Hugon says, "That's the problem with the undead. No stamina."

<OOC> Koi says, "Regular humans always are."

<OOC> Taetia says, "1 wp.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: That will last for the rest of the day.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 4, 2; totalling 10.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 7, 1; totalling 10.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I just give up.."

Taetia begins to rub against Eclipse, discharging negative mojo into him

Koi says, "Alright...now to figure out how to get past that wheel...""

Taetia says, "Umm.. Lets just avoid the clicking tile.. how about that?"

<OOC> You say, "It's not like I intend to roll any dice tonight, Taetia..."

Oriana says, "Good idea."

Taetia proceeds to the door, avoiding the trapped tiles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "IC? You summon Eclipse just to rub up against him?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "ooc."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I wonder what'd he hose me with, if I summoned him and

ordered him to pleasure me.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Good...<grin>"

<OOC> Hugon summoned the Supreme Being's Avatar last night...he laughed...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well.. That sounded pretty bad, actually.."

You say, "As soon as you enter the corridor, you notice the lifting and

separating sensation again. All your magic effects are dispelled."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 2, 4; totalling 7.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

<OOC> Taetia says, "1 pt backlash.."

Koi sighs and takes a moment to recast his darksight again.

<OOC> Hugon watches Taetia's botches with an evil ST's smile.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Carry them over to tomorrow night..."

Taetia bites into Koi's neck with a terrible fury and begins sucking out mojo

<OOC> Koi acks.

<OOC> Taetia says, "NO! I intend to enact my luck ritual.."

Oriana recasts Corr sensing...

Oriana rolled 3d10: 6, 6, 2; totalling 14.

Koi rolled 4d10: 8, 6, 7, 4; totalling 25.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 7, 4, 8; totalling 19.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 7, 9; totalling 19.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 7, 5, 10; totalling 22.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There, darksight for the rest of the day"

<OOC> Koi says, "How many successes to make it last longer than the next 5


Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your eyes glow bright blue for a moment and then flicker


The resolution of AlMarth fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

You say, "Anyone else care to find a way to see?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I had kewl Anime Eyes! To bad I didn't get the chance to

do some sort of Anime Attack, with the shouting and the Kame Hame Ha and


<OOC> Taetia says, "KAME!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "HAME!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "HA!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Ermmm...no. Don't need to lose most of this island."

<OOC> Koi )

<OOC> Koi :)

<OOC> Koi says, "Sooo...darksight isn't working?"

Taetia proceeds to the door

Taetia says, "Shall we blow it off it's hinges?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: As soon as you entered the corridor, all your existing

spells were dissapated. Taetia is the only one who can see, since she just

used darksight again.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Don't I have corr sensing all day now?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Yeah, I said I was doing darksight again...then rolled, you

didn't set a diff"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dude. They recast the spells.."

<OOC> Koi says, "so did Oriana"

You say, "dif 3 for both effects. 4 suc to get it for the rest of the day."

<OOC> Koi got it then

<OOC> Oriana says, "So did I"

You say, "I see, now. They got lost in Tae's rolls..."

You say, "Shall we continue, then?"

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yes"

Taetia examines the door

You say, "You reach the door, this time without stepping on all the traps."

<OOC> Koi says, "Is there a giant wheel on it?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The door is made of oak. The doorknob on this side has

fallen off. The hinges are on the other side of the door.

Taetia says, "Nothing for it but to blow the bastard off it's hinges."

Taetia backs off a bit

<OOC> Koi says, "Cool...err...where -did- the wheel go then?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're going to regret this.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Down the hall."

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh, the door is off to the side...kay"

Taetia pages, "Forces 3, converting darkness to kinetic force and letting the

door have it. Diff 5."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 6, 6; totalling 21.

Taetia pages, "3 succ of damage into the door"

Taetia chants for a moment

You say, "The latch and hinges burn for a moment, and then the door falls out

into the hallway with a loud bang."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Errr..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Towards us?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes. Purely a dramatic convention. Honest...

Koi looks cautiously through the doorway.

Taetia pages, "Again with forces three, hurling a ball of fire through the


Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 6, 5; totalling 12.

<OOC> Oriana loves the way Eclipse ignores the laws of physics for his own


Taetia chants and hurls a small ball of flame through the doorway

You say, "A cool, moist breeze blows on your faces."

<OOC> Koi blinks...

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The flame illuminates a room that is a giant spiked pit

with a door on the left wall. Then the flames lick the wet stone walls and


<OOC> Taetia says, "Any way around the pit? Ledge or some such?"

Taetia steps forward and looks for a lever or button or something

<OOC> Koi says, "Don't shoot the controls that extend the bridge."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Why would someone take the time to turn a room into a

spiked pit only to put a ledge around it that would allow victims to

circumvent the danger? Just be glad you didn't charge through the door...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Unless it collapses when you step on it..."

<OOC> You say, "Or has poison needles sticking out of the walls that jab you

as you slide past..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "How far from this door to the other door? And what are

the dimensions of the door we just blew off its hinges?"

Taetia says, "Well.. It looks like flight.. Anyone have a rope, just in case

theres another anti magic field?"

Taetia pages, "Again, blowing the opposing door away"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 9, 7; totalling 24.

Taetia chants and hurls a bolt of force across the pit, into the opposing door

Koi says, "Fly low, so if we fall it's not far."

Taetia looks at the spike

Taetia looks at the spikes

I don't understand that.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Um, never mind my last comment...I forgot we can fly..."

Taetia says, "I was thinking of magically floating part of the rope over and

attaching it to something, then using that as a safety line.."

Taetia says, "If we have a rope, that is."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How densly packed are the spikes?"

Taetia pages, "Prime 1, checking for magics, like the !magic field."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 10, 3; totalling 19.

Koi raises an eyebrow. "That's an idea, how would we attach the rope?"

Taetia says, "Magic.."

Taetia says, "Or telekinetically tie it to the remnants of the door."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is the door dead yet?"

You say, "Taetia's bolt of force strikes the door, which splinters. You can

see a corridor with a curtain that blocks your vision beyond ten feet."

<OOC> Koi says, "We can do that kind of fine telekenitic movement over a long


Eclipse [to Taetia]: You might be able to loop carry the end of the rope

around a secure object and back, but the kind of fine motor control required

to tie knots is beyond your skill.

Taetia says, "Do we even have a rope?"

Taetia says, "Anyone? Anyone at all?"

Taetia pages, "Any magic? And how closely packed are the spikes?"

Oriana shakes her head

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The spikes are too densely packed to walk between them,

but not so densely packed so as to make them a nice, comfortable bed of

nails. There does not appear to be any magic active in the area except your

own effects.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 4 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Taetia says, "Well. Here goes nothing."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many succ to fly over there?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: dif 4, 3 suc.

Taetia says, "I'm going to fly over there. If I should fall, catch me Koi,

would ya?"

Taetia starts chanting

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 10; totalling 15.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 10, 7; totalling 18.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 9, 10; totalling 28.

Taetia lifts off and starts floating over to the opposing door

Koi frowns. "I'll try..."

You say, "Taetia floats to the corridor.""

Taetia says, "You guys float over here, I'll look ahead a bit"

Taetia approaches the curtain

Taetia says, "If I start screaming, you'll know this is the wrong way.."

Koi . o O ( right... )

Koi closes his eyes in concentration.

<OOC> Koi says, "Flight for the group?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Beyond the curtain, there is a metal ramp in the corridor.

Taetia pages, "A grate type, or solid?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5, 7 suc.

<OOC> Koi says, "Extended roll or ritual?"

Taetia has received your page: "Solid. It is quite steep, leading up to a

drop-off where the corridor continues as normal."

Taetia pages, "Ok, doing the trap detection time thing. Diff 4, for time 2, 5

succ if I remember right."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 8, 2; totalling 16.

Koi rolled 4d10: 5, 8, 8, 3; totalling 24.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 4, 4; totalling 17.

Koi rolled 4d10: 2, 9, 4, 8; totalling 23.

Taetia pages, "spending wp"

Koi rolled 4d10: 1, 9, 10, 1; totalling 21.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 1, 6; totalling 9.

Eclipse [to Koi]: It's up to you. Ritual takes longer, but an extended action

has a cum +1 dif after the first check.

<OOC> Koi says, "wow...failed...that one, continue? Ritual."

Taetia pages, "Ok, spell done, I approach the ramp"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Continue.

<OOC> Koi says, "So...would it be faster to do them all at once? Or one at a


Koi rolled 4d10: 3, 8, 4, 7; totalling 22.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: There doesn't appear to be any trap about to spring in

the next few seconds.

<OOC> Koi says, "that's 7"

Taetia I walk up the ramp to the corridor

<OOC> Taetia says, "D'oh, meant that for a page."

You say, "Everyone else flies across to the corridor with the curtain."

You say, "There is a crash and a rattle from the other side of the curtain."

<OOC> Taetia says, "There is?"

Koi calls out. "Taetia?"

Taetia has received your page: "Your spidey sense tells you that a panel is

about to open above your head. You have just enough time to leap to safety."

Taetia pages, "I leap to safety"

Taetia calls out "Fine, I'm fine. A ceiling panel fell."

Taetia has received your page: "A large quantity of ball bearings falls out of

the trapdoor and onto the ramp."

Koi starts toward the curtain, pulling it aside.

You say, "A large number of tiny spheres rolls under the curtain toward you."

Taetia says, "Might want to watch out for those ball bearings"

Taetia turns and heads for the top of the ramp

Oriana follows Koi through the curtain

You say, "Your flight spell still has a few seconds left on it, Koi."

Koi stops walking, so that he doesn't step on them until they've all stopped.

Oriana says, "Good idea" and stops walking too

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now watch as they hatch into horrible little spiders."

<OOC> Koi mmms.

You say, "There is a metal ramp with a trap door above it in the corridor.

Beyond the ramp, the corridor continues as normal. The ball bearings out

from under the curtain for about a minute."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Dude, Rule 0..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Never take your pants off in a game session?"

<OOC> Hugon likes snakes better...

<OOC> Koi says, "Never give the GM ideas."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Violated in...err...n/m..."

<OOC> You say, "Radioactive paintballs..."

Koi continues after the ball bearings stop, careful to shift any loose ones

out of the way.

Taetia pages, "Whats at the top of the ramp?"

You say, "You manage to safely navigate past the curtain and up the ramp to

the corridor beyond. The ramp drops off at its highest point and falls to

the level of the corridor floor. (basically, the ramp is just there to move

the ball bearings in the right direction.)"

Taetia enters the corridor

<OOC> Koi says, "Gotcah...you trip the bearings, slip, then roll back into the


Eclipse [to Koi]: Yep.

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Would've been better if they'd included lamp oil and

sparks with the bearings and pit"

You say, "The corridor continues. There are several doors on the right side

of the tunnel."

Taetia says, "Which way Oriana?"

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 25 19:31:55 2001 EST.

AlMarth has arrived.

Oriana looks around with her Correspondence sensing some more.

Oriana has received your page: "Take a right at the first door."

<OOC> Koi says, "WB Al!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Lucky Kitty!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "What did I miss? or do I even want to know?"

<OOC> Hugon holds Taetia away from AlMarth so that the lucky kitty can't be


<OOC> Taetia says, "We crossed a pit."

<OOC> Taetia strains towards AlMarth, tongue leading the way

<OOC> You say, "No human organ volleyball nets, this time."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "shucks"

Hugon uses his classic move, the sock gag, and shoves it in Taetia's mouth.

"None of that..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Giant Raders of the Lost Arc Wheel of death...pit full of

spikes...that's about it."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "All that you did in 45 minutes was cross a pit?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Paranoia can do that."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I had a Mr. Socko. I kept him in my pants, and threatned

other students with him."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nobody but me liked Mr. Socko."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Anyway...can we continue?"

Taetia waits patiently

Oriana says, "It's a right turn at the first door. Let's go."

Taetia approaches the first door

Taetia says, "Blow this one off the hinges too?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Blow?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Maybe later."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "um...eww"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Taetia says, "You did offer."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "But...no...asking...ughh, it's hopeless"

You say, "Shall we continue? You're giving me WAY too much time to thumb

through Grimtooth's Traps..."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Sat Aug 25 19:37:47 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost her link.

<OOC> Oriana says, "yes please"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That hurts my feeling. It is NOT hopeless."

Koi says, "Shall we try the knob first?"

Taetia says, "Remember what happened last time?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Wasn't Grimtooth one of the Transformers"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "The Dinobots, you know"

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m121-mp1-cvx1b.ma

n.ntl.com on Sat Aug 25 19:38:48 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has connected.

<OOC> Oriana says, "No, that was GrimLOCK..."

Koi says, "And what's to say breaking it is better?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Ohh"

Taetia says, "It'd save time."

<OOC> Hugon gawks at Beth's knowledge of Transformer Lore.

Oriana says, "Just try the knob and get out of the way as fast as you can..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I knew it was something like that"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I used to watch that show when I was a kid, too...don't be

so surprised!"

Taetia rolls her eyes, and tries the knob, then jumps clear

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I watched it in reruns when I was a kid"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "it was a few years before my time"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The doorknob turns. It clicks back into place when you

leap away.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I still remember the lyrics to that song that they kept

playing during the movie"

Taetia turns the knob again and pushes

<OOC> AlMarth says, "It was 80's-errific"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nothing happens, and the door doesn't open.

Taetia pulls

<OOC> Hugon needs to get that book...

Eclipse chuckles.

Oriana says, "Maybe your way IS better, Taetia...why not try blasting the

thing to pieces?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your spidey sense goes nuts.

Taetia jumps back and hides behind Koi

Taetia says, "I told you so.. I told you so.. I told you so.."

You say, "As the door opens, a giant blade swings from the other side and hits

the corridor wall."

<OOC> Koi says, "So...does the door open?"

<OOC> Koi says, "ahh"

Taetia says, "So. Shall we try it my way next time?"

Oriana says, "Maybe so, Taetia."

Taetia pages, "I'd like to try a life scan, to see Oriana and Ben's little

adventure is going to have consequences."

Taetia approaches the door

AlMarth says, "It did work"

Taetia has received your page: "What do you mean?"

Taetia pages, "... How do you make little halflings?"

Taetia looks through the doorway

Koi [to Taetia]: If your worried...I'll open them from now on.

Taetia says, "I say we just blow them to pieces. Much simpler."

Oriana says, "I don't think so...why draw more attention to ourselves than we

need to?"

You say, "The room beyond appears to be empty. The floor is tiled in a

checkerboard of black and white tiles. There is a door on the far side."

Taetia says, "They probably know we're here already."

Taetia says, "Let me.. I've taken some precautions that should allow me to

navigate this safely"

Taetia approaches the chessboard, slowly

<OOC> AlMarth says, "NOT a chessboard"

<OOC> AlMarth still has nightmares from THOSE Dungeon crawls

<OOC> Hugon says, "It's probably just a nice, simple floor pattern...honest..."

<OOC> You say, "We all do, Al. We all do. That's why we GMs keep using them.

Appeal to the fears of the Collective Unconscious..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I always liked them, actually."

<OOC> Koi says, "Whenever the gm makes obvious tiles...it's always a tripwire."

<OOC> Hugon says, "This is where Corr/Matter comes in handy...see through

solid objects..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Spidey sense going off?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Not yet... Can't get a lock on the potential danger

until something is done to make it kinetic danger.

Taetia starts to walk across the room to the other door..

Eclipse [to Taetia]: As soon as you are about to step on a black tile, your

spidey sense goes off.

Taetia stops and moves clear of the danger

Oriana says, "Taetia, what is it?"

Taetia steps on a nearby white tile

You say, "Clear gel pours onto the black tile and catches on fire."

Taetia says, "That?"

Oriana says, "So we should keep to the white tiles, then?"

Taetia shrugs

Taetia detours around it, trying to stay on the white tiles

Taetia says, "It might be that obvious. It might not."

Oriana says, "Should we follow you now, or wait until you get to the other


AlMarth says, "perhaps we should stay off of all the tiles"

Taetia says, "Wait till I reach the other side."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Any more traps?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You are fine as long as you stay on the white tiles. The

door on the far side of the room is bordered by a black tile (each tile is

about six feet across).

Taetia stops, and begins chanting...

Taetia pages, "Blowing it off it's hinges!"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 3, 9; totalling 18.

Oriana starts crossing the room, being careful only to step on the white tiles.

Taetia pages, "Only 2 succ of damage that time.."

Koi wait's for everyone else to go, bringing up the rear.

You say, "Your blast leaves a scorch mark on the door."

Taetia frowns and hits it again

Taetia rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 7; totalling 17.

Taetia pages, "2 more.."

AlMarth steps on white tiles

<OOC> Rahab arrives.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hi"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Howdy ho."

<OOC> Rahab says, "What's going on?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The door cracks, groans, and then breaks in half, the two

pieces flying toward you as a wall of water surges forward.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey ho Rahab. It's a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl

toward Variel..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "No warning on that?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Taetia just made a boo-boo..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Lo Rahab!"

<OOC> Rahab sticks by Koi like a Good Girl then.

<OOC> Koi might be shoving you out the door in a sec. ;)

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It's just water. There is a short corridor with black

tiles, and then another door.

Taetia says, "Noooo... I'm wet!"

Taetia shivers in horror

<OOC> AlMarth says, "damn, I hate these places with leaky plumbing"

Taetia pages, "Fly spell, to get over to the other door, with a bit of juice

left over. How much for a scene duration?"

<OOC> Koi says, "so, uh, the water's no problem?"

AlMarth picks up a piece of the door and throws it on one of the black tiles

in the hallway past the door

Eclipse [to Taetia]: NOW your spidey sense is going off. The water touches

the black tiles, and clear gel falls from the ceiling all around you,

bursting into flames. It floats on the water. Armor soak Lethal 4.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Oh"

Taetia rolled 1d10: 8; totalling 8.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Everyone?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Oil on the water..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Just you. The water only goes about twenty feet into the

large (48ft) room.

Koi backs up just to be safe...pulling Rahab along with him.

Taetia pages, "Ok. Now.. about that fly spell.. how many to just fly back so I

can heal myself?"

You say, "The smell of wet, burnt fur fills the room."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: dif 4, 2 suc.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Does the fire go out?"

Oriana says, "Does anyone have a coin or a pebble or anything small and

unimportant? I want to test something..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or is it still burning"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, then I'll heal myself"

Taetia rolled 2d10: 8, 7; totalling 15.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 levels.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 6, 8; totalling 17.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There."

Taetia says, "Somebody is going to pay for doing this to my beautiful fur."

Taetia says, "And for getting me WET."

Koi hands Oriana a ball bearing.

<OOC> Koi :)

Taetia pages, "Ok, how many succ for a scene long fly spell?"

<OOC> Rahab reads her history...will be with y'all soon.

Oriana throws a ball bearing with as much force as possible onto one of the

black squares that the water hit, with the intention of finding out if the

trap can be sprung more than once.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 3

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 5, 2; totalling 9.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 2, 5; totalling 11.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 4, 8; totalling 18.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4"

Taetia floats up above the water

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Give me a Per + Alertness, dif 6

Taetia rolled 6d10: 9, 10, 1, 3, 3, 9; totalling 35.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: The gel comes down again. Fortunately, none of it lands

on anyone.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 even"

Taetia has received your page: "You hear a snicker above you."

Taetia looks up

Oriana shrugs. "It was worth a try. I don't suppose one of you could make

some kind of shield to protect us from that gel..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Woohoo! We're gonna invent a magical umbrella!"

Koi says, "We could redirect where it falls...but it'd be easier just to avoid


Taetia has received your page: "You don't see anything except a ceiling with

small holes."

Taetia pages, "I'm blowing a hole in the ceiling"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 2, 9; totalling 15.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 9, 4; totalling 14.

Oriana says, "The problem is, I don't think we can once we get to that door.

All the tiles there are black."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "if you used forces to hold it at the cieling, then it

would burn there, and possibly destroy the despensing device"

You say, "Anyone entertaining thoughts of blowing up the ceiling? <grin>"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "or cause the room to blow up"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh, nononono."

Taetia pages, "I just did"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "YES"

<OOC> Koi says, "Um...that'd be a bad idea prolly. ;)"

Taetia pages, "3 succ into the ceiling"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How big a hole do I put in the ceiling?"

You say, "Um, SPIDEY SENSE! Taetia blasts open the ceiling."

<OOC> Koi says, "great..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "FUUUUUUUUUCK!"

Taetia moves out of the way, if she can't change her mind..

Rahab HIDES behind Koi.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oh shitshitshit"

Oriana ducks and covers.

Koi grabs Rahab and pulls back even further. "Back!"

Rahab backs up.

You say, "Taetia flees as a waterfall of flaming gel pours out of the hole.

It might be wise to run for your lives, now..."

<OOC> Oriana shoots a knowing glance at Hugon and sings, "Duck!...and co-ver.

Duck!...and co-ver..."

AlMarth moves back as far as he can without touching black tiles

<OOC> Taetia says, "In case of Nuclear Explosion, Duck and Cover."

Oriana runs as fast as her stubby little halfling legs will carry her, also

avoiding black tiles.

Taetia flies out of the way

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

You say, "Everyone give me a Dex + Athletics, dif 8."

<OOC> Hugon drops underneath his desk and winks at Oriana.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 7; totalling 17.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Even me?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Owies, none..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: ESPECIALLY YOU!

AlMarth rolled 5d10: 3, 1, 6, 10, 5; totalling 25.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 2, 4, 1; totalling 7.

Taetia rolled 9d10: 1, 6, 5, 6, 10, 7, 7, 4, 2; totalling 48.

<OOC> Hugon watches Ben get schmucked by the Gel.

<OOC> Rahab -twitched-

<OOC> AlMarth says, "0"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Umm.. none."

<OOC> Rahab says, "None and a 1?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I'm flying"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wouldn't it be something else?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "(to Hugon) <adopts ditzy voice> Yeah. That would be bad!"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Soak Lethal 3 as you step on black tile. Ben take L2.

Taetia pages, "Are you sure I need to actively attack them?"

Oriana rolled 1d10: 3; totalling 3.

Koi rolled 7d10: 2, 5, 8, 4, 4, 1, 10; totalling 34.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: I had forgotten you were flying...

Taetia pages, "I seem to be doing okay so far"

<OOC> Oriana is now Mauled! Woohoo!

<OOC> Hugon snickers uncontrollably.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Soak Lethal 3 as you step on a black tile and get


<OOC> Oriana says, "Yay for the Atomic Cafe..."

<OOC> Rahab doesn't know where in the room she was.

<OOC> Koi says, "1"

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 10, 1; totalling 11.

<OOC> Koi says, "near me"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I take all 3 of them"

<OOC> Koi says, "I was pulling you oub of the way"

<OOC> Rahab rights.

You say, "The rest of you manage to escape before the room goes boom."

<OOC> Hugon has an urge to go rent that movie now.

<OOC> Oriana giggles

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It might not surprise you that your spidey sense is going

off something serious.

Taetia gets the hell out of their before things go boom

<OOC> Taetia says, "Grrr.. There even"

<OOC> Hugon says, "That sounds like when the Bastet asked if a mage with 45

paradox was a bad thing..."

Taetia says, "Well. That was certainly unexpected."

Koi says, "Blasting a celing full of flaming gel, then watching it pour down

on top of us was unexpected?!?"

Taetia says, "Right. I didn't expect that at all."

Oriana says, "What the HELL did you do that for, Taetia?!"

You say, "A wall of flame errupts from the room, surging down both sides of

the corridor. Everyone take Agg 2. The room with the gel collapses."

Taetia says, "It was laughing at me."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ow."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Great."

<OOC> Oriana is now Incapacitated.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ouch"

<OOC> Rahab, incidentally, is afraid of fire.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Soakable with armor?"

Koi triesl to shield Rahab...

Eclipse [to Taetia]: NO

<OOC> AlMarth is mauled

You say, "Ben is wounded."

<OOC> Rahab says, "At least that's all the damage I've taken."

<OOC> Oriana would probably be freaking out about that, if she were conscious

and not charred to a bloody crisp.

<OOC> Koi blinks.

Taetia says, "Perhaps someone could attend to Oriana?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Oriana is on the floor?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You're not a bloody crisp. You're a cauterized crisp.

Eclipse [to Koi]: YES.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "we need some O' that sweet sweet healing"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yeah, that too..."

Rahab screams and sobs.

<OOC> Koi says, "3 from the gel, 2 agg from this..where did the other 2 come


<OOC> Taetia says, "What'd that do to her appearence?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "The statues."

Taetia incants a spell of personal healing

<OOC> AlMarth says, "brb, SimpleMU is bugged up"

<OOC> Koi says, "Thought we got all healed up after that...."

Taetia rolled 2d10: 9, 2; totalling 11.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nothing magic can't heal

<Logout> AlMarth has disconnected on Sat

Aug 25 20:21:02 2001 EST

AlMarth has lost his link.

Taetia continues

Taetia rolled 2d10: 9, 1; totalling 10.

<OOC> Oriana says, "If so, no one ever told me that..."

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 25 20:21:12 2001 EST.

AlMarth has connected.

<OOC> Rahab thought she'd healed everyone.

<OOC> You say, "You know, this would be a splendid moment for a random


Taetia sighs as it heals a bit, and starts again

AlMarth sits down on the lumpy sofa.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 6, 10; totalling 21.

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh certainly, everyone at agg 2? It'll be great. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "There all better."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "what'd I miss"

<OOC> Hugon nods. "Yes, definately a good time. Fun for the whole cabal!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Ermm, fun for the ST"

<OOC> Hugon wonders what happened to the Werewolf War Wagon, anyway...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "as for the CABAL, I'd have to say no"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Cross your fingers and hope you run into the Fae


<OOC> Taetia says, "Soooo.. that room is pretty much gone?"

Koi tries to calm Rahab. "You have to calm down...Oriana needs you..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I wanna go to the Fae House of Derranged Blasphemous Sex!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ME TOO"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Pretty much gone? You're lucky the corridor didn't


<OOC> Taetia says, "200 people, 4 boats, 2 islands, 1 cloud, 1 random room."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Of course, you might have the table he used for the

Airport. The 1d200 one."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And 1 halfling if someone doesn't frigging heal me!


<OOC> Hugon says, "No Malakai yet?"

Taetia nudges Oriana with a foot "Is she dead?"

Rahab curls up in a little sobbing ball. "Fire..."

Taetia pages, "I've got the exp, could I learn life 3? Rising to meet a new

challenge and all that.."

Oriana's charred body lets off a little puff of smoke.

Taetia has received your page: "Sure."

Taetia ponders for a moment and strings together a new chant

AlMarth says, "Um, somebody want to heal her?"

Koi pulls rahab up, forcing her to look at him. "Stop it...you can cry later."

Taetia pages, "diff 5 right?"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 4, 3; totalling 15.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 10, 10; totalling 25.

Taetia has received your page: "yes"

Taetia pages, "Ok, theres 2.."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Mmmm, roast wench."

Taetia has received your page: "Pose, please."

Rahab shivers. "...fire...bad girl."

Taetia chants for a bit, running a hand over Oriana "Umm.. I think that

might've helped.. If she's still alive."

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 hls."

AlMarth says, "Please tell me she's still alive"

You say, "Oriana's wounds heal almost completely. (completely if Tae burns 2


<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, all right.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 quint it is.."

<OOC> Taetia grumbles

<OOC> AlMarth says, "am I still mauled?"

<OOC> Koi blinks. "Well that's new...when did you get life 3?

<OOC> Taetia says, "5 hl's then.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "All my health levels? If so...wow..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: 5 HLs.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Who ever said I didn't have more than I revelead?"

Rahab bites her lip, looking up at Koi, trying to calm down.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've got a lot more than you know about.."

<OOC> Koi shrugs.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I could use 5 HL's too"

<OOC> Oriana says, "So, just 2 agg left, then? Or did Taetia get rid of all

the agg?"

Enola Galen heads out, wishing the Cabal of Destruction good luck.

<OOC> Taetia says, "You'll find out soon tho.. Muahahaha!"

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Sat Aug 25 20:29:53 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost her link.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Agg first, then work on the lethal."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: She got rid of the Agg.

Taetia says, "Ok, you still alive?"

Oriana groans, opens her eyes, and starts trying to get up. "I think so."

Taetia says, "Oh good."

<OOC> Hugon turns on the angst sniffer.

Koi's eyes are hard as they look at Rahab. "Crying won't solve anything."

Taetia says, "I wasn't sure that'd work. Been a very long time since I used

that one."

Rahab bites her lip, looking up at Koi, trying to calm down.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Angst Sniffer: beep..Beep..BEEPBEEPBEEP"

Taetia says, "Need any more patching up?"

Oriana says, "You mean...you've known how to heal for all this time, and you

never saw fit to use it?"

Taetia shrugs "Yeah. Pretty much. I can do a lot of things I've not used in

your presence."

Oriana says, "May I ask why?"

AlMarth tries to stand up, mutters under his breath, then tries again, this

time succeeding

Taetia says, "Well, with Rahab and Iphi, it wasn't really neccessary."

Taetia says, "Besides, that spell makes my tongue hurt."

Oriana raises her eyebrows. "Well...at least you came through with it when we

needed it...I suppose."

Taetia shrugs again

Oriana says, "I suppose we need a new path now. Very well... <reaches out

with Corr sensing to find the next most direct route>"

Koi turns away from Rahab, frowning at Oriana and Taetia. "After she nearly

killed us all...always a good time."

Taetia says, "It was intentional.."

Taetia looks at the lucky kitty "You ok?"

AlMarth says, "I'm...hurt, definitely hurt"

Taetia grimaces and tries the spell again

The resolution of Enola Galen fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected

body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 1, 5; totalling 14.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 5, 8; totalling 15.

<OOC> Taetia says, "theres 1 health level.."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


Oriana says, "She did a stupid thing, Koi. I'm not going to deny that. But

at least she was there when it counted. If it weren't for her, I might be

dead by now. It doesn't look like you and Rahab were in any condition to

help me."

Taetia says, "Gah.. My tonguh!"

Oriana has received your page: "The second door on the right leads down a

corridor that allows you to reach the same place as the other side of the

room. It's only twenty or so feet out of your way."

Taetia starts it anew

Taetia rolled 3d10: 10, 3, 5; totalling 18.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 3, 9; totalling 17.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 more"

Koi's eyes narrow slightly, but doesn't say anything.

Taetia says, "Ok, is that good enough?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm up to hurt"

Oriana [to Ben]: Are you all right, sweetness?

You say, "Ben, Rahab, and Koi are the only ones still hurt, right?"

Rahab stands up slowly, looking at the rest of the group. "...sorry..." she

whispers to Koi and walks over toward everyone else.

AlMarth says, "That does feel better"

Taetia says, "Good."

Oriana says, "Why don't we try the second door on the right? It looks like

there's a corridor that goes directly to the other side of the room."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I still have 2 levels"

Taetia says, "Allrighty"

Ben, "I don't think I'll be able to sit down for quite a while..."

Taetia says, "Rahab, can you take care of them while I check out this other


Rahab nods at Taetia, slowly. She makes her way to Ben.

Taetia approaches the other door and goes to open it

Rahab rolled 3d10: 8, 7, 1; totalling 16.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The door is slightly ajar.

Taetia peeks in

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Peeks in what way?

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It's only open enough for you to see a few floor tiles

and a bit of one wall.

Taetia opens it the rest of the way

Eclipse [to Taetia]: A bucket of cold liquid falls onto your head.

<OOC> Rahab dangits

<OOC> Rahab says, "Eclipse? Anything from that backlash?"

Taetia shrieks and pulls it off

<OOC> Taetia says, "Any burning, or pain, or was it just water?"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: You didn't have any Scourge, right? Then no Backlash.

<OOC> Rahab whews.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It feels too gooey to be water, but it isn't burning.

Rahab tries healing Ben again.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 9, 8, 7; totalling 24.

<OOC> Taetia says, "In case everyone missed this, I'd just like to point out

that Subtle is not a word used in conjuction with Cabal of Destruction."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: That'll do it for Ben.

Taetia tries to wipe it off

Taetia says, "Gah.. What is this stuff?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "DIdn't my spidey sense warn me?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that was pretty much stating the obvious"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yet another contrast...you guys go and blast things open,

we avoid fights."

Rahab goes over to Koi then.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You can't quite discern what it is, but it feels sticky

like blood or grease.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 6, 9, 8; totalling 23.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "brb"

<OOC> Koi has agg two

Taetia sniffs at it

<OOC> Koi says, "You'd have to blow quin to heal me"

<OOC> Koi says, "And he'll insist you heal yourself first. ;)"

Oriana says, "Taetia, what's going on over there?"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Yes. You have to burn 2 quint to heal each person's agg.

Taetia says, "You remember that old trick, of putting a bucket above a

slightly open door?"

Oriana says, "Yes. What about it?"

Taetia says, "It appears who ever designed this place had a really immature

sense of humor."

Taetia kicks the bucket over to them

<OOC> Taetia says, "What does the stuff smell like?"

Oriana inspects the bucket

<OOC> Rahab oh, yeahs. Eyes. I only have two quint.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It smells a bit like semi-sweet mud.

<OOC> Koi says, "heal yourself one, and ben one. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've got medicine 3, can I identify it if it's a poison?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sure.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Per+Medi?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sure.

Taetia rolled 6d10: 6, 6, 2, 6, 3, 7; totalling 30.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: dif 6

Rahab heals Ben one, and heads over to Koi. She looks like she's going to try

healing him.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It's not any poison you recognize.

Koi reaches out for Rahabs shoulder. "No."

Rahab says, "You're hurt."

Taetia tastes it

<OOC> Taetia says, "This is semen is it?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "isn't, even"

Koi [to Rahab]: And so are you, I'll be fine, yourself first.

AlMarth looks at Taetia

Taetia pages, "What's it taste like?"

You say, "Everyone else can now see Taetia with or without magic. Her entire

head and shoulders, as well as the back of one arm is glowing bright bright

bright green. Teatia, you realize this, too, because you can now read the

note on the door - Please Watch Head."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tae can't read."

Oriana laughs in spite of herself.

Taetia says, "Whats the sign say?"

Oriana says, "Please Watch Head. <giggle>"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Well. Then you can discern letters by the glow of your


Taetia says, "Very cute."

AlMarth says, "We don't seem to be getting anywhere"

Rahab shakes her head. "Bad Girl," she mutters. "Deserved it."

Taetia looks down the hallway

Taetia ignores that..

<OOC> Hugon says, "AFK for a bit..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The corridor leads to an open doorway with a guillotine

blade hanging above it.

Taetia floats down the corridor and shoots right through the doorway, quick as

can be.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: There are hundreds of small holes in the walls and


<OOC> Taetia says, "Spidey sense going off?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or since I'm not walking down the hall.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "this is NOT good"

Taetia has received your page: "You reach the other side safely. You are now

in another corridor leading left or right. No spidey sense, but if you could

be so kind as to scream ooc, I would appreciate it..."

Taetia pages, "Eh? Ok.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. Fuck me."

<OOC> Koi says, "So rahab, do you heal yourself?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "we did that already"

<OOC> Eclipse grins. "Next..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, but I didn't enjoy it."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Nope."

<OOC> Taetia says, "That kinda sucked ass.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "That's not what it looked like to me"

Rahab hums to herself.

<OOC> Rahab spends it on you, Koi.

<OOC> You say, "brb"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Trust me, when a woman says it's a good size, she means

it's small. And yes, size does matter."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "when Tae healed 3 levels for me, did she heal the Agg?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "You...You were FAKING it?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I did it just to shut you up, remember?"

<OOC> Oriana would be really disgusted by this conversation if she weren't

laughing so hard...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Don't tell me you didn't even notice the sarcastic tone of

my moaning?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I was a little busy at the time"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Little.. how appropriate.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Judging from your performance, what exactly where you

concentrating on?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "The task at hand"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Really? Coulda fooled me."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Anyway. Back to your bloody, messy, humiliating death,


<OOC> Taetia says, "We need Eclipse for that."

<OOC> You say, "b"

<OOC> Taetia says, "There he is."

Taetia pages, "Now what?"

Koi frowns at Rahab. "You need to learn to respect another's wishes." Then

slowly stands, turning back to the doorway.

<OOC> Oriana totally missed the fact that Eclipse was AFK. Oops.

Taetia says, "Might want to fly down that hall, guys."

Eclipse [to Koi]: You see what Tae saw, except without the paint to get in

your eyes.

Rahab's eyes widen, and she bites her lip, trying not to cry. Koi said cry

later. Be a Good Girl. Don't cry. Good Girls don't cry.

You say, "Taetia is standing on the other end of the hall, in another


Oriana says, "Koi, can you make us fly?"

Koi nods at Oriana. "One moment."

Taetia pages, "What can I see down each corridor?"

Koi closes his eyes, focusing.

Koi rolled 4d10: 10, 10, 6, 4; totalling 30.

<OOC> Taetia says, "You know, if I made a habit of thinking more than 15

seconds into the future, I'm sure I'd be worried."

<OOC> Koi says, "was the diff 6 or 7?"

Taetia has received your page: "More doors, most of them to the left, on the

right side of the hall. The corridor to the right has collapsed about twenty

feet from where you are."

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5, 7 suc.

Koi rolled 4d10: 9, 3, 10, 6; totalling 28.

Koi rolled 4d10: 1, 9, 2, 9; totalling 21.

Koi rolled 4d10: 3, 2, 4, 8; totalling 17.

<OOC> Koi says, "there's 8, one for duration"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Okay. It will last for the rest of the day.

<OOC> Hugon can't believe he just took a shower and returned and you still

haven't crossed that room...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Perhaps if you were a bit more thorough..."

Taetia pages, "I don't suppose I could be buffed a bit, just to make it look

like I've always been evil/hiding my true power? Only to come into play when

I attack them of course.."

<OOC> You say, "I worked very hard to make them paranoid, Hugon. This room

doesn't even have any traps in it. It just LOOKS like it's trapped."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We crossed the room.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Actually, no we didn't.. We blew the room up.."

You say, "You make it to the other side of the room."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "YAY"

Oriana says, "Who wants to open THIS door?"

Taetia looks at the invisible door

Taetia says, "Hmm.. I didn't know there was a door there.."

Taetia has received your page: "No. I really don't WANT them to hate you. I

want them to hesitate and only kill in self-defense."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Is there even a door? If not, ignore that last comment..."

Taetia pages, "Oh. Ok."

Taetia says, "Which way now?"

You say, "There is no door. Just a guillotine blade at the top of the arch."

Oriana says, "I don't know...yet. <sends Corr sensing out some more>"

Oriana has received your page: "The corridor to the right collapsed, so you

can't take the shortest route. But there's another corridor from the first

door on the right down the left hallway that leads to your destination."

Rahab [to empty_space]: Was I a Bad Girl

<OOC> Rahab ?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Rahab ? indeed"

Rahab has received your page: "'It's okay, Rahab. You weren't bad back there.

Fire hurts a lot. Even adults don't like being burned.'"

Oriana says, "If we go to the first door on the right and down the left

hallway, we should end up right where we want to be."

<OOC> You say, "Did my directions confuse everyone?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Not really."

Taetia says, "Through the first door on the right and then down the left

hallway? Or just to the door, and down the left hallway in this hallway?"

Rahab [to empty_space]: Koi doesn't like me.

You say, "Well, actually, I meant to take a left here. Then take the first

door on the right, which will lead to another corridor."

Taetia turns to the left, and takes the first door on the right.

Koi looks back at Rahab. "I never said that."

Rahab has received your page: "'Actually, he cares for you a lot. He doesn't

like to see you hurt or sad, and he wants to keep you safe.'"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The door is ajar.

Rahab blinks.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is there a sign on this one?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes.

Taetia says, "What's that sign say?"

Oriana reads the sign

Eclipse [to Oriana]: The sign says, 'Watch that first step. It's a doozy.'

Oriana repeats this to Taetia. "So be careful."

Taetia pulls out her sword, leans forward and flicks the door open.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nothing happen?"

You say, "There is a stairway leading down. You feel no immediate danger."

Taetia floats up a few inches and through the door, then starts to descend,

still floating

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no IMMEDIATE danger"

<OOC> Koi says, "gotta love that"

<OOC> Hugon sighs and looks in his wallet, hoping he has money after buying

Nagah to go get the book...

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> You say, "What can I say? I have a simple sense of humor, in many


<OOC> Taetia says, "YOU already have enough books to bedevil us with."

Rahab frowns a little bit and moves a little closer to Koi if she can. "Bad

Girl," she says as if to herself.

AlMarth starts down the stairs, skipping the first step

Oriana follows Al'Marth, but cautiously

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You get down the stairs safely.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You get down the stairs safely.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You get down the stairs safely.

Koi follows their lead......

Rahab follows Koi.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Whats at the bottom?"

You say, "You all get down the stairs safely. The stairs end in a stone door."

Taetia goes to open the door..

Eclipse [to Taetia]: There is no handle and no hinges. It is actually more of

a wall than a door.

Taetia pushes on it

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It doesn't budge.

Taetia tries knocking..

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nothing happens.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Taetia 5h 18s IC PC

Rahab 7h 1m IC Wiz

Koi 3h 1m IC Wiz

Oriana 4h 2m IC PC Turnabout Sucks

AlMarth 57m 2m IC PC Compulsive Loonie

Hugon 2h 4m OOC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

--[Sat Jun 12 18:45:15 2651]--------------------------------[7 users; 0s lag]--

<OOC> Taetia says, "Any levers, buttons, anything of interest?"

Oriana says, "Why not give it a shove with Forces, Taetia? Don't blow it

up...just push it."

Taetia says, "Ok.."

Hugon has received your page: "This is going to be fun to watch. The trigger

for the door is the first step that the all skipped."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is it set like a normal door, or a sliding door?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: No levers or buttons visible.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It is like a boulder that no amount of pushing and

shoving is going to budge.

Hugon pages, "*chuckles* Poor, poor players...*waits to see if Taetia

attempts to kill the whole party tonight*"

Taetia says, "I'll give it a try.. not sure if it'll work.."

Hugon has received your page: "Already tried it once. You missed it..."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 6, 3; totalling 11.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 4, 5; totalling 17.

<OOC> Hugon settles in with some popcorn, pop, and waits for the Big Nasty to


<OOC> Taetia says, "Heh. 2 suc.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It has absolutely no effect.

Hugon pages, "I saw it (The Blowing of the Ceiling, yes?>"

Taetia chants for a bit, then points at the door.

Taetia says, "Open up, please?"

Taetia has received your page: "Yes."

You say, "Nothing happens."

Taetia pages, "Eh?"

Hugon has received your page: "Yes."

Taetia says, "Well. Anyone have any bright ideas?"

Taetia has received your page: "Sorry. Mispage."

Oriana tries to extend her Corr sensing past the door.

Taetia leans on the door

Oriana has received your page: "This appears to be where your magic would not

go. Something is blocking your magic."

Oriana says, "Well, this seems to be the place that I couldn't reach with my

magic. Whatever's behind that door, it's something they don't want us to


Hugon pages, "What surprised me about that was when a comment about Taetia

almost killing the party, she said, "It was intentional" and nobody picked up

on it."

Hugon has received your page: "Yes. I noticed that."

Taetia says, "And we need to get through it. I guess this means we fall back

to blasting the shit out of it?"

Oriana says, "If all else fails, I could probably teleport myself to the other

side and try to open it from there."

Taetia says, "That's an idea."

Koi pages, "Hmmm...how about transmuting all of the heat energy out of the

door, freezing it, then...tap..."

Koi has received your page: "You're welcome to try..."

<OOC> Koi hmmms...why not?

Taetia says, "Can you sense any mind patterns behind it?"

Koi says, "Mind if I try something?"

Oriana says, "Sure, go ahead."

Taetia shrugs and stands away from the door "Feel free."

AlMarth says, "No objections here"

<OOC> Koi says, "Prolly won't work, but hey, it's fun. ;)"

Hugon has received your page: "I'm guessing at least half an hour before

someone figures it out..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Diff Eclipse?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: 5.

Hugon pages, "Hmm, I could take 2 showers then. *G* That or go pick up a

movie. @#;+)"

Koi rolled 4d10: 8, 3, 9, 2; totalling 22.

Koi pages, "going until it's pretty friggin near liquid nitrogen tepm"

Koi has received your page: "Your magic strikes the stone and seems to fizzle


Koi frowns. "It's protetcted..."

Taetia pages, "Prime scan."

Oriana says, "In what way?"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 6, 7; totalling 18.

Koi says, "I can't effect it."

Oriana says, "Then trying to blow it up probably won't do much, either."

Taetia nods "There has to be way in though.."

Taetia has received your page: "This boulder is part of a barrier that looks

like a magical black hole."

Oriana says, "Want me to try teleporting in?"

AlMarth frowns "Maybe you'll have to teleport Oriana"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oops, lag"

Taetia says, "I don't think so.. that thing looks like a magical black hole.."

Koi says, "She may not be able to get through..."

Oriana says, "Could it really hurt to try?"

Taetia says, "THis is a temple to the dark gods.. maybe we have to pray or


Taetia grimaces

Taetia says, "Might as well try"

Koi [to Oriana]: It might...I don't know.

Oriana says, "Can I link minds with one of you first? Preferably someone who

can talk back to me telepathically? You'll need to know what's going on in

there, if I get in."

<OOC> Koi has mind one?

<OOC> Taetia looks at the boulder and squinches her eyes "There is no spoon,

there is no spoon, there is no spoon"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Tyson, do you have enough Mind for that?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tp? Nope."

Rahab shakes her head wildly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I think you're the only one."

<OOC> Koi bites his lip, "too easy."

Taetia says, "Hey Rahab.. give the boulder a push, would you?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I have mind"

Taetia says, "It might be keyed to your race. Or Variel's bloodline."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "mind 2, to be exact"

Oriana says, "Good idea, Taetia."

Rahab bites her lip, looking terrified. She glances at the empty space.

Koi murmurs to Rahab. "Go ahead...we're right with you."

Rahab has received your page: "'No harm in trying, I guess.'"

AlMarth does his best to look motivating

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

AlMarth 1h 59s IC PC Compulsive Loonie

Koi 4h 1m IC Wiz

Rahab 7h 1m IC Wiz

Oriana 4h 2m IC PC Turnabout Sucks

Taetia 5h 2m IC PC

Hugon 2h 8m OOC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

--[Sat Jun 12 19:34:45 2651]--------------------------------[7 users; 0s lag]--

Rahab offers the empty space, then Koi, a shaky smile. "I can be scared

later." she whispers to herself, reaching up a tiny hand to push at the


You say, "Nothing happens."

<OOC> Koi laughs.

Taetia says, "Well."

Hugon has received your page: "11 minutes so far..."

Koi smiles slightly at Rahab's words.

Taetia says, "Another good idea shot to shit."

Rahab frowns. "Sorry," she says to Taetia.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Little help St dude?"

Taetia shrugs

Taetia says, "Didn't really expect it to work."

Oriana says, "Want me to try the teleportation thing?"

Taetia says, "Go ahead."

Hugon pages, "*tick tock tick tock* Where's Iphi to be the counter when you

need her?"

<OOC> You say, "I already gave you your hint for this one. Sorry. You're on

your own..."

Koi [to Oriana]: Be careful...

AlMarth says, "Should we mind-link first?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Errr.. which hint would that be?"

<OOC> Hugon munches on his popcorn. "Yummy".

<OOC> Koi says, "Who want's to go back up and step on the first step?"

<OOC> Koi :)

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Can I do that with mind 2"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Diff/succ?"

Taetia tries pulling on it.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 5 to get a telepathic link.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I suddenly get a mental image of that farside cartoon..

where a little boy is trying to enter the school for the gifted by pushing on

the door clearly marked pull.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nothing happen, eh?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: No luck.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Should I be rolling something too?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: And 2 suc.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 10, 6, 3; totalling 19.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Got the mind link with Al'Marth. How much to teleport?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You can only share your perceptions of one sense. Dif

4, 3 suc.

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 1, 1; totalling 2.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 2 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> Hugon winces.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "um, ouch"

<OOC> Koi says, "omg"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 5, 6 suc.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that's a 3 point backlash"

<OOC> Koi comforts Almarth

<OOC> Hugon says, "While linked to Oriana...fun stuff."

<OOC> Rahab sobs!

Taetia pages, "I try to count the magical black hole with prime. Diff/succ?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: 3? What about your Mind 2 botch?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no wait...4"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: What's your Purity.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I think 4"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "maybe it was 5"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "not the more than 5 that was needed though"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: 4-point Backlash. Hmmm...

Taetia says, "I get the feeling theres a relatively easy solution to this,

that we're completely overlooking."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2 from before, and 2 from the ones I had"

Oriana says, "So do I..."

Taetia turns

Taetia pages, "I look at the bottom step"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You fall madly in love with Taetia for the rest of the


Rahab examines the boulder, peeking into its cracks. She knocks on it.


<OOC> Taetia says, "Lol"

<OOC> Hugon says, "For 4 points? That's cruel..."

Taetia has received your page: "You see nothing special."

<OOC> Oriana rofl.

<OOC> You say, "It's only for the rest of the scene..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I like it. @#;+)"

AlMarth looks over to taetia, and says coyly, "Hi"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Nothing happens.

Taetia says, "Umm.. hello."

Taetia says, "I've an idea.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Diff/succ to teleport?"

Taetia pages, "Looking back into the past, to see how others opened the door.

Time 2, so diff 4. Succ?"

Koi says, "Anyone want to go step on the step above?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 5, 6 suc.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 6; totalling 11.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Rahab looks back at Koi. "I will."

AlMarth says, "I'd simply LOOVE to hear about your idea, Taetia"

Oriana swears under her breath...starts again.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 2 suc.

Taetia says, "Uh hu.. Are you feeling ok AlMarth?"

Oriana rolled 3d10: 9, 3, 1; totalling 13.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 8, 9; totalling 23.

Taetia chants a bit

Oriana says, "Gods damn it! <starts AGAIN...>"

Oriana rolled 3d10: 8, 3, 5; totalling 16.

Koi smiles softly at Rahab. "Let's see if Oriana's attempt works..."

Oriana rolled 3d10: 4, 7, 4; totalling 15.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Aren't you glad you don't have any Scourge?

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

Oriana rolled 3d10: 9, 8, 6; totalling 23.

Rahab nods, walking over to Koi and reaching for his hand.

AlMarth says, "I'm feeling better than ever"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Got it in 3"

Taetia pages, "What do I see?"

Taetia says, "Well.. I'm happy for you then.."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Give me a WP check, dif 6.

Oriana rolled 6d10: 9, 10, 8, 7, 4, 8; totalling 46.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I think she got it...\"

<OOC> Oriana says, "5 succ. I'm a strong-willed midget bitch."

Koi frowns at Rahab, choosing to place his hand on her shoulder instead.

<OOC> Hugon says, "And so is your character. *wink nudge grin*"

<OOC> Oriana smacks Hugon! *G*

<OOC> Taetia pokes Eclipse

<OOC> Taetia says, "Lol!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Haha"

Taetia has received your page: "You see the statue of Wysp walk down the

stairs. The boulder rolls away for it."

Taetia pages, "Does it do anything special?"

Rahab drops her hand.

Oriana has received your page: "You try to cross the barrier and are nearly

torn apart by the magic before you return to your starting point."

AlMarth starts shifting from foot to foot "You know, Taetia, I've never told

you this but...well"

Taetia raises an eyebrow "Hmm?"

Taetia has received your page: "Nope. Just slowly walks down the stairs."

Oriana sighs. "Anyone have any other ideas?"

AlMarth says, "I have...feelings for you"

Taetia blinks a bit "Well.. I have feelings for you too AlMarth.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "this is really evil, Z"

Hugon has received your page: "Six more minutes and I've guessed it on the


Taetia says, "Somebody go check the first step?"

Rahab says, "I will."

Taetia pages, "stepping on particular stairs?"

Koi smiles. "How about I go? You can come with me Rahab.

Taetia says, "What kind of feelings are we talking about here?"

Rahab nods.

Rahab says, "Kay."

AlMarth blushes

Hugon pages, "Yeah, but that's if they solve it then. Otherwise you'll be

short (no surprise)."

Koi flies up, bringing Rahab with him.

Hugon pages, "Wait, it might happen..."

AlMarth says, "I think you know what I mean"

Eclipse [to Koi]: You and Rahab reach the top of the stairs.

Taetia does the feline version of blushing "Oh. Well. We can always 'discuss'

that later, when we have some privacy."

Koi touches the step gingerly

Rahab [to Koi]: Be careful.

Taetia yells to Koi "Try walking down the stairs. It worked for the Wysp


Oriana shakes her head. "Crazy cats."

Eclipse [to Koi]: It seems to give a tiny bit.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I wonder if there are group rates at the shrinks for cabals

like this one..."

Taetia says, "But yes AlMarth, I do share those 'feelings'"

Koi pushes harder, waiting to see what happens.

AlMarth says, "well then...we'll...uh...discuss it later"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We have yet to transgender anyone.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And I, for one, intend to keep it that way."

Taetia steps forward and gives AlMarth a brain melting kiss

Eclipse [to Koi]: The stair clicks softly.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "don't give him Ideas"

Koi tenses, ready to dodge flying blades or what not.

AlMarth waits for his brain to solidify

Oriana averts her eyes. "For gods sakes get a room."

Taetia says, "You sure you want to wait for later?"

Taetia gives him another kiss

<OOC> Rahab is glad Rahab's not witnessing this.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Freaky Cat and Freaky Halfling relations..."

AlMarth says, "well, we are in a dangerous situation, there might not be a


<OOC> Oriana is sorry that she's witnessing this!

AlMarth returns the kiss

Taetia says, "Right. Lets do it then. Take off your pants!"

Oriana says, "Um, kitties? Has it occurred to you that there's a 5 year old

child at the top of the stairs watching everything you do?"

AlMarth says, "In front of Oriana and Ben?"

AlMarth says, "and Rahab and Koi"

Taetia says, "It's not like they haven't seen anything like this before. Lets

just get this over with. They can avert their eyes."

You say, "There is a rumble as the boulder rolls to one side. Beyond the

boulder is a long, high chamber decorated with two statues of each dark god.

At the far end of the room, Variel stands behind an altar on a dais,

performing a ritual sacrifice on a human infant. There is a door behind him."

Taetia says, "Oh. Damn."

Taetia says, "Later then."

AlMarth says, "Yes, later"

Oriana grits her teeth and mumbles, "Now is DEFINITELY not the time..."

Taetia gives AlMarth another kiss

<OOC> Rahab says, "Can we see this from the top of the stairs?"

Taetia says, "But not to much later."

Taetia steps forward "Ho, Variel."

AlMarth says, "no"

Taetia has received your page: "NOT YET!"

Taetia pages, "Hmm?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "If you'd delayed just a few more seconds Eclipse..."

Koi hurries down the stairs, now that the door is open.

Taetia has received your page: "I told you I would improvize!"

Hugon pages, "Dang it, gotta go when it's going to get good...I'll have to

read the logs. Laters."

Rahab follows right behind until she sees Variel, at which juncture she

promptly hides behind Koi in mortal terror.

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Sat Aug

25 21:57:03 2001 EST

Hugon has disconnected.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I think he was aware of that"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

Taetia pages, "I just said hello.."

You say, "Variel continues his ritual without speaking."

The resolution of Hugon fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Rahab whimpers. "Make him stop..."

Taetia says, "Should we wait for him to finish? We're here to recruit him, so

wounding him probably wouldn't help.."

Oriana whispers to everyone, "We should stop this..."

Koi's eyes narrow, and he raises his hand at Variel. "Stop...now!"

You say, "No response."

Rahab whispers to the empty space "I donwanna be a Bad Girl..."

AlMarth gets out his bow

Oriana starts walking toward Variel, and motions for the rest of the cabal to


Taetia follows

<OOC> Koi says, "Let me know the instant he looks like he's going to harm the


AlMarth follows

<OOC> AlMarth says, "me too"

Koi follows behind, concentrating his magic.

You say, "His knife plunges toward the infant on the altar."

Rahab trudges behind Koi, fighting the urge to run very far away.

Rahab is -not- watching the scene on the altar.

Koi concentrates, trying to telekinetically fling Variel away from the child.

AlMarth takes aim with his bow...

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go for it.

Koi rolled 4d10: 4, 8, 5, 4; totalling 21.

<OOC> Koi says, "forgot the wp...damnit"

<OOC> Koi says, "2"

AlMarth rolled 5d10: 1, 8, 3, 9, 10; totalling 31.

You say, "The magic smashes into an invisible barrier surrounding the dais."

Koi curses loudly, sprinting forward, probably too late

You say, "Al'Marth's arrow strikes an invisible barrier in front of the dais

and bounce away."

Rahab looks up at Koi's curse, eyes widening. "Nononononono!" she shrieks.

You say, "The knife hesitates. Variel looks up and glares at Oriana and Ben.

Then he slowly slides the blade into the screaming baby's neck."

<OOC> Koi says, "Mmmm...do I crash into the barrier? :)"

Taetia waits

AlMarth narrows his eyes "We are not joining him, he dies"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes. You strike an invisible wall and bounce.

Rahab stands rooted to the spot in terror.

Oriana just glares at Variel.

Koi falls to the floor, struggling back to his feet, trying to find a way past

the barrier.

Variel, "You didn't think I would be defenseless, did you? I did not gain my

rank by being a fool. You have tracked me far, my little Ba'Lak."

Taetia says, "Quite Variel. We wouldn't be here however, but a man named

Eclipse pointed us in this direction."

Taetia says, "I'm not sure why anymore.. He said you might join us in our

quest to kill Hemlock, but somehow I doubt it."

Rahab whimpers softly, eyes fixed on the baby.

Taetia says, "But you might anyway. You realize Hemlock can only be killed by

a human? Which makes you a very large liability."

You say, "Variel's eyes widen slightly. 'Indeed? Were those his exact


Taetia nods

Taetia says, "Oh yes. And once you're no longer useful, would you like to

guess what Hemlock will do to you? Hell, he's already offered me your


Taetia says, "Very tempting. If things don't pan out, I might accept his


Koi feels at the wall, eyes not leaving Variel, looking for an opening.

Variel, "I am not easily replaced."

Rahab shivers, looking at Taetia in sudden fear and anger. "Bad!"

Taetia says, "You really think so? Even if you are so hard to replace, do you

think he'd leave any member of the race that can strike him down alive?"

Taetia says, "I'd join with us, merely for self preservation."

You say, "Variel waves a hand at Taetia. 'You were mine once, D. Now you

will be mine again!'"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: What's your WP?

<OOC> Taetia says, "6."

Taetia has received your page: "Back to the good old days of being a Ba'Lak


<OOC> Oriana doesn't like the sound of this...

Variel, "Hold your tongue, D!"

Taetia pages, "out even a roll?"

Taetia falls silent

Taetia pages, "Change my name?"

Name of #323 changed to "D", with aliases {"D"}.

"tae" is not the name of any player.

D has received your page: "Like I said. No dice."

D waits for her next order.

AlMarth says, "Don't do this to her Variel"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ohfuck"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

Variel, "It might interest you to know that you are not the only ones who have

been snooping around. Come out, Captain."

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 4 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> D says, "Ahab!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "lol"

You say, "A cold-faced Captain Ahab and First Mate Vernon walk through the

door. They are followed by the statue of Wysp."

Koi slowly steps away from the forcefield, hands tightening into fists.

Oriana says, "...Ahab?"

AlMarth says, "Variel, I will not rest until you are dead, unless you release

Taetia from your spell right now"

Rahab shakes her head, looking at D with a shiver. "What do I do?" she asks

the empty space.

Variel, "These have ceased to be useful to me. Kill them all."

Rahab has received your page: "'I...I don't know...'"

D pages, "Ooo.. time to start nailing people?"

AlMarth says, "Ahab, I know there is good in you, please, stop this now"

Rahab's eyes widen in horror, and she backs up, looking for a place to hide.

Oriana pages, "I want to check out Ahab and Vernon's Mind patterns...see if

they're under the Ba'Lak conditioning again."

Rahab pages, "Unless the statues move to threaten me, I'm going behind one of


"tae" is not the name of any player.

You say, "Initiative, folks."

Koi's eyes flicker amongst everyone, then to Variel. "This is a mistake..."

D rolled 6d10: 10, 4, 8, 6, 8, 7; totalling 43.

<OOC> D says, "6."

Oriana rolled 5d10: 5, 3, 4, 7, 5; totalling 24.

<OOC> Oriana says, "4"

AlMarth rolled Initiative (6d10) : 2, 3, 8, 6, 2, 2; with 2 successes.

Rahab rolled Initiative (4d10) : 7, 1, 4, 3; with 2 successes.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2"

<OOC> Rahab says, "2"

Koi rolled Initiative (5d10) : 2, 2, 5, 2, 3; with 1 success.

<OOC> D says, "Oh.. and my legendary ability.."

D rolled 6d10: 4, 5, 2, 9, 6, 2; totalling 28.

<OOC> D says, "3 extra dodges a turn."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Too bad you can't dodge a spell."

<OOC> D says, "Quite."

<OOC> D says, "Kill Koi, kill oriana, kill Rahab, kill AlMarth."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm last, Yay me"

Rahab pages, "How close to someone do I have to be to use Life on them?"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Does that mean I'm more threatening than you are?"

<OOC> D says, "Quite."

<OOC> D says, "Shall we begin this dance?"

You say, "Variel goes first. He just crosses his arms as the blood drips off

the altar and watches, smiling."

Eclipse [to D]: Go.

D whips out her sword, bounds over to Koi, and slices at him with a cry of

"Die, traitor!"

D rolled 10d10: 3, 10, 1, 9, 6, 3, 1, 4, 8, 7; totalling 52.

<OOC> D says, "Ah.. only 4 succ.."

<OOC> D says, "Oh yes, reroll 10's.."

D rolled 1d10: 9; totalling 9.

<OOC> D says, "5 succ."

<OOC> D says, "Roll damage?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Do you intend to dodge at the regular penalty?

<OOC> Koi says, "Um...yeah. ;)"

<OOC> D says, "-2 to the dice pool, dah?"

<OOC> D says, "and +1 to the diff of his next action."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes.

<OOC> D says, "and -3 to his next action."

Eclipse [to D]: Yes. -2/-3

Eclipse [to Koi]: Well?

<OOC> Koi says, "what's a dodge roll? :)"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Dex + Dodge, dif 6

<OOC> Koi says, "-2 right?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes.

Koi rolled 6d10: 5, 8, 9, 8, 8, 9; totalling 47.

<OOC> Koi smiles

<OOC> D says, "Poo."

<OOC> Koi says, "5"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Mmmm."

You say, "Koi leaps nimbly out of the way."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana looks over at D. "I won't fight you, Taetia."

D says, "All the better for me."

D says, "And the names D."

Rahab pages, "How close to someone do I have to be to use Life on them?"

Oriana drops down on her knees and starts praying to Barlik.

Rahab has received your page: "Line of sight."

<OOC> Koi prods Oriana.

<OOC> Oriana says, "What?"

<OOC> Koi says, "This is gonna hurt. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "*shrug* I'm not gonna give Tyson, or Eclipse, the

satisfaction of watching us beat the crap out of one another. (c;"

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

You say, "Ahab begins to sing a sea chanty."

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay...hmm...I'll have one die to do it instead I guess..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: What is your WP?

<OOC> Oriana says, "3. *cringe*"

<OOC> D says, "3? 3?! How did you get a 3 wp?!"

<OOC> Rahab thinks she spent some.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, 6 permanent, 3 temporary...I don't know which one he

means exactly..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Okay. Thanks....

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

Rahab humms to herself.

(remotely) Rahab Life and Prime, at D. Can I make her fall unconscious for as

long as possible?

(remotely) Rahab doesn't know if prime is necessary.

Rahab has received your page: "Life 3. (suc - 1) x 2 as bashing damage."

Rahab rolled 3d10: 1, 5, 7; totalling 13.

(remotely) Rahab tries it.

(remotely) Rahab bahs. Not with that roll.

(remotely) Rahab wonders if she can accumulate.

Rahab has received your page: "You can continue the spell at +1 dif on the

next turn."

(remotely) Rahab noddles. "What is the diff?"

Rahab has received your page: "dif 5 (6 next turn)"

Rahab pages, "KAy. So I've got one atm."

You say, "Vernon draws a sword and waves it in an intricate pattern at Koi. A

bolt of fire strikes the monk. (soak lethal 2)"

<OOC> D says, "What's that put you at now Koi? 4 down, right?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "3"

AlMarth attempts to Grab Taetia/D's Eclipse-summoning Amulet

<OOC> D says, "Roll dodge?"

Eclipse [to D]: Yes.

D rolled 9d10: 2, 2, 1, 4, 4, 5, 7, 4, 3; totalling 32.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Roll Dex + Brawl or Melee.

<OOC> D says, "Umm.. none."

AlMarth rolled 4d10: 4, 3, 4, 2; totalling 13.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "uh...damn"

You say, "We have two UNlucky kitties tonight..."

<OOC> Koi says, "well...combat's been interesting thusfar. ;)"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "We almost GOT lucky"

<OOC> D says, "Just a few more seconds.. Sigh.."

<OOC> You say, "Until Koi made a LUCKY guess about that step."

<OOC> Koi says, "LUCKEY?!@?"

<OOC> Koi says, "I did nothing of the sort. ;)"

<OOC> Rahab steals Koi's E.

<OOC> D says, "Whotcha doin Koi?"

<OOC> Koi says, "oh, hey, it's my turn!!"

<OOC> D says, "Botch, botch, botch.."

<OOC> Koi hmms.

Koi extends a hand, chanting.

<OOC> Koi says, "Lightening bolt."

<OOC> Koi says, "1 wp"

Eclipse [to Koi]: At whom?

<OOC> Koi says, "D"

<OOC> D says, "Poo.."

<OOC> D says, "botch.. botch.. botch.. botch.."

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5

<OOC> Koi says, "I'm down 3 dice right?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yep.

<OOC> D says, "Hey, kill Variel! W/o him, I go back to abnormal!"

Koi rolled 1d10: 10; totalling 10.

<OOC> Koi says, "lol"

<OOC> Rahab grins.

<OOC> Koi says, "2 succ"

D pages, "Spoot.."

Eclipse [to tae]: A bolt of lightning strikes you in the chest. Soak Lethal 4.

<OOC> Koi says, "A desperate move."

D rolled 1d10: 3; totalling 3.

D has received your page: "Spoot?"

D pages, "Yes. Spoot. I want to maim someone! Variel heal me?"

You say, "The statue of Wysp stomps toward Rahab, lifting its arms high."

D gasps and jerks spasmodically as the electricity burns through her

You say, "Variel laughs."

Variel, "Some things never change, do they? You didn't need enemies, my

little Ba'Lak. All along, you were your own worst enemy!"

Eclipse [to D]: Go.

<OOC> D says, "3 wp, 2 attacks, 1 wp to the attack on Koi, 1 wp to an attack

on Almarth"

D rolled 8d10: 4, 5, 5, 8, 6, 8, 1, 7; totalling 44.

<OOC> D says, "7 on Koi"

D rolled 7d10: 2, 8, 5, 3, 10, 10, 4; totalling 42.

<OOC> D says, "6 on AlMarth"

<OOC> Oriana says, "The frightening thing is, that's rilly, rilly true..."

<OOC> D says, "Dodges?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "CAN we Dodge?"

Eclipse [to D]: Let's hope so... Koi? Al? Dodge?

<OOC> D says, "By taking a -2 to your dice pool this action, a -3 to your next

action and +1 diff. Unless you just dodge this turn."

<OOC> Koi dodges at -4?

Eclipse [to Koi]: New turn.

<OOC> Koi says, "Ah"

<OOC> Koi considers his options

<OOC> Koi says, "0 quin, 1 burnable wp left..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hmm, that lets me roll 3d10 for my dodge, and I'll be at

-4 dice for my next action"

<OOC> Koi attempts to dodge.

<OOC> D says, "No dodge then AlMarth?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I think maybe I should just dodge this turn"

Koi rolled 8d10: 3, 2, 5, 9, 5, 6, 3, 8; totalling 41.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "What exactly is she doing to me"

D rolled 10d10: 9, 8, 6, 1, 4, 4, 7, 1, 2, 4; totalling 46.

<OOC> D says, "5 damage to Koi."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Hacking you with a sword.

<OOC> D says, "Hitting you with a sharp object."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'll just dodge"

<OOC> Koi says, "5 puts me beyond incap ;)"

AlMarth rolled 6d10: 10, 3, 9, 5, 3, 1; totalling 31.

D rolled 11d10: 2, 8, 3, 3, 10, 2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 10; totalling 57.

<OOC> D says, "6 to AlMarth"

Koi falls to the floor as D slashes at him.

Eclipse [to Koi]: No. Your dodge reduces the dam by 4.

<OOC> D says, "Um no"

<OOC> Koi says, "It does?"

<OOC> D says, "It reduces the succ I use to roll damage by 4."

<OOC> Koi says, "Well that's nice"

<OOC> D says, "Actually, just three"

Eclipse [to Koi]: What's your Purity?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that puts me past incapacitated as well"

<OOC> Koi says, "4 atm"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: What's your Purity?

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 4, 8, 1, 9; totalling 22.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "4 as well"

D slices deeply into Koi, tearing through flesh and bone, then spins

gracefully and slices into AlMarths shoulder, into his chest.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Soak Lethal 1

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 5, 6, 5, 3; totalling 19.

<OOC> D says, "I only do 1 damage? Wth?"

<OOC> Koi says, "<- No armor..."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Purity, D."

You say, "It's what makes the game go 'round."

<OOC> D says, "Even so, if it's a diff 4 check, that'd be only 2 damage


AlMarth has received your page: "What is your current HL?"

AlMarth pages, "Hurt, and that's Agg"

D has received your page: "Don't argue with me. Hurt, don't kill, remember?"

D pages, "Right. But I thought I'd be able to hurt them, as opposed to midly


D pages, "At least me put Koi and Al out.."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Soak L5

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 2, 3; totalling 5.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "zip"

Eclipse winces.

Koi pages, "can you limit a spell? So if I do 4 damage...limit it to 3 so it

doesn't kill D?"

You say, "Al collapses in a heap."

Koi has received your page: "Yes."

D laughs

<OOC> Koi says, "ouch"

<OOC> Rahab says, "That's a great way to end a budding relationship, D."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> D says, "I tried to say 'no' to evil, but Eric wouldn't take 'no' for an


Oriana looks over at Al'Marth's crumpled body...starts praying a little bit

harder...begging Barlik to make D and the come to their senses and stop this


You say, "Ahab continues singing his sea chanty."

You say, "Variel screams. 'No! You are mine!'"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> Rahab says, "1 WP."

Rahab rolled 3d10: 6, 3, 10; totalling 19.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Damnit Oriana, stop praying and grab the Eclipse-summoner"

Rahab pages, "That makes 3, plus one from last time. Which is...6 bashing?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "No, AlMarth, YOU grab the Eclipse-summoner! I've already

said I'm not gonna give certain people in this room the satisfaction!"

Eclipse [to D]: Pain wracks your body. (soak B6, no armor)

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I tried, I'm unconcious now"

D rolled 2d10: 2, 8; totalling 10.

<OOC> D says, "Ok, 6 lethal, one bashing. I'm inc'd"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "summoning Eclipse isn't fighting D"

D collapses

<OOC> Oriana says, "Thanks, but no thanks..."

Rahab stops humming and looks around.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "so who's still concious?"

<OOC> Rahab is.

<OOC> Koi is...and we're still in combat here I think. ;)

You say, "Vernon points his sword at D."

D pages, "Incapatacipation instead of death. Acceptable."

D has received your page: "Not quite done with you yet, my little Ba'Lak..."

<OOC> Rahab frets over the statue of Wysp.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "No way around the field?"

<OOC> D sings along with Blind Guardian "I did my part, now it's your turn,

and remember what you promised."

Eclipse [to Koi]: No. It is a pillar around him, blocking Forces and Matter

of all kinds...

D pages, "Poisoning the halfling.. I could know what the antidote is, and help

that way."

<OOC> You say, "Where can I run? How can I hide the Simarils?"

Koi picks a new target, charging Vernon.

D pages, "Oh goody.."

D has received your page: "Your call..."

D pages, "I'll take life then. I see possibility. Just let me poison Ben and

live to tell about it."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Woohoo! Tag-team, trans-time-zone, Tolkien-inspired metal


Eclipse [to Koi]: Roll.

<OOC> Koi is at -3.

Koi rolled 5d10: 10, 2, 9, 3, 1; totalling 25.

<OOC> Koi says, "ack, one "

<OOC> Koi says, "Boot to the head."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "text Kareoke?"

Koi rolled 5d10: 2, 2, 7, 3, 5; totalling 19.

<OOC> Koi says, "one again I think"

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

<OOC> D says, ""Give it to me, I must have it, precious treasure, I deserve


You say, "Koi punches Vernon quite hard in the arm. The first mate winces


You say, "The statue of Wysp brings its arms down on Rahab. (soak Lethal 3)"

<OOC> AlMarth lasted 1 1/2 rounds of combat, I'm proud

<OOC> Rahab says, "What's a soak?"

<OOC> Koi says, "If you have armor, you can soak damage. I don't think you do.


You say, "Variel's face is drenched with sweat."

<OOC> Rahab doesn't.

<OOC> Rahab is still wearing a ragged white sacrificial-child dress as far as

she knows.

Variel, "You are mine. You have always been mine. You will always BE mine!"

<OOC> Rahab is mauled now. Ow.

<OOC> Koi says, "Who is it directed at?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Us in general? Or a specific person?"

Eclipse [to D]: A sudden surge of vital energy strikes you. (regain 1 HL)

D has received your page: "Now."

Eclipse [to Koi]: To Ahab, who appears to be fighting him.

D rises to her feet, groaning in pain

D looks about blankly, then pulls a dagger dripping a green venom that smokes

when it hits the floor, cocks her arm, and hurls it at..... Ben.

D has received your page: "Throw it at ORiana. Ben will take it."

D has received your page: "N/m"

D pages, "roll for it"

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh great..."

D pages, "?"

Eclipse [to D]: How many dice?

D pages, "If I spend a wp, 10. Diff 3. Zooped up dagger =)"

You say, "Ben gasps as the dagger plunges into his chest. He slumps onto the

ground, bleeding freely on Oriana."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

D says, "From hell's heart, I stab at thee, for hate's sake I spit my last

breath at thee.."

D collapses again

<OOC> AlMarth says, "watch the Angst Grow"

D pages, "You're right, I should've thrown it at Oriana."

D pages, "Sigh. I should've thought of that.. Ah well."

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh lord..."

D has received your page: "It's okay. I thought of it too slowly..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh...shit. Um...gimme a minute..."

<OOC> Rahab twitches.

Koi ponders were that actually came from...only place I remeber was Wrath of

Kahn. ;)

<OOC> Koi dohs

<OOC> Koi ooc's that even.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Then again, that would be an interesting thing to happen


<Login> D has reconnected from ppp-93.icehouse.net on

Sat Aug 25 23:12:31 2001 EST.

Oriana SCREAMS and immediately rushes to Ben's side. Holding him tightly she

starts begging someone, *anyone* listening to save him.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

Oriana has received your page: "He's still breathing, barely..."

AlMarth just sort of lies there

D oozes blood a little

Oriana pages, "How far away is D from me?"

You say, "Ahab screams his song at the top of his lungs. The wall of force

surrounding Variel flickers out."

<OOC> Rahab ponders trying to heal herself.

Ahab, "Now, godsdammit! Kill him!"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> Koi ...

<OOC> Koi smiles happily.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Just a second...."

<OOC> Rahab can blow WP to ignore damage?

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Yes.

Rahab frowns, tightening her face with concentration and staring at Variel.

"You're a Bad Father."

Rahab pages, "Can I do lethal damage with Life?"

Rahab has received your page: "You can do AGG with Life 3."

(remotely) Rahab intends to then. Blowing 1 WP to ignore damage, 1 for a

success...which takes me to 0. Same diff as before?

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Yes. dif 5.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 7, 9, 10; totalling 26.

<OOC> Rahab says, "4 succ."

<OOC> Koi says, "owie"

You say, "Variel's skin bursts open. Blood streams from every opening in his

body. Tears of blood run down his face. He falls to his knees in pain."

<OOC> Rahab says, "You know, when it sinks in what she's just done, she's

going to be a -wreck-."

You say, "Vernon drops his weapon and shakes his head as though clearing it."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

D pages, "My mind clear too?"

Oriana stops crying over Ben long enough to look up and see what's happening

to Variel...her jaw drops in astonishment.

<OOC> Koi says, "He's not dead? :)"

AlMarth just lies there...still

Eclipse [to Koi]: Crippled...

<OOC> Rahab says, "no...he's got 1 HL left."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Two, really."

Rahab falls to her knees, shaking.

Koi can't help Ben or Al...all he can do is help defend his friends...he

extends a hand toward Variel, eyes focused in concentration.

Along with a prayer to any god listening. [Koi]

Eclipse [to Koi]: Variel looks up at you. This is the first time any of you

have ever seen fear in his eyes...

Rahab says, "Kill him, Koi!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "The 5 year old is saying this?! My God, the angst

overwhelms me."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Wait till it sinks in."

<OOC> Koi laughs

Koi rolled 4d10: 6, 10, 10, 9; totalling 35.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "It's great, ain't it"

<OOC> D says, "Oh yeah, we've all got enough angst to knock over a house.."

Koi screams as he draws in energy, sending fort a burst of electricity.

<OOC> D cuts off a slice of Angst and offers it to Oriana "Angst? Fresh made


<OOC> Koi drools. "Angst..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "No thanks, got enough of my own."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Can we have an angst vending machine next year?"

You say, "The lightning bolt hits Variel in the torso. The mage's body reacts

like flash paper in a bonfire. He ceases to exist."

D pages, "Name change pls?"

You say, "Ahab collapses onto the ground, exhausted."

<OOC> AlMarth eats some of his angst. Almost all of it remains

Name of #323 changed to "Taetia", with aliases {"Taetia"}.

Oriana starts screaming, "Help me! For gods sake somebody help me!"

Taetia gurgles softly and whispers "Is it over? Is he dead?"

Koi slumps slightly, turning to Vernon and Ahab, fists ready.

AlMarth lies there...some blood dribbles out of his wound

You say, "Vernon limps toward Al'Marth waving his fingers."


Rahab stares at the spot where Variel was, fury in her eyes. "Bad Father,"

she whispers, trembling.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Ahab is suddenly at your side. Except he isn't quite

Ahab. He's wearing a backpack.

Al'marth's hand reaches out along the floor, and find's Taetia's, gripping it

tightly [AlMarth]

<OOC> Rahab whimpers at Oriana. "I can't...it would be out of characer..."

Taetia grips hard and gurgles out the words of a spell

Oriana says, "DO SOMETHING!!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 wp.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 3, 10; totalling 22.

Barlik, "I have heard you, Oriana. Your husband will live.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh well then, ignore that.."

You say, "Ben's wounds begin to heal."

<OOC> Rahab is all out of WP :P

Eclipse [to Taetia]: heal Al.

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh crap..."

Oriana chokes off her words in mid scream. "...Really?"

<OOC> Koi was ready to punch Barlik...great...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Alrighty then, 2 hl"

<OOC> Oriana giggles

Taetia holds Al's hand tightly as she whispers a spell of healing.

Taetia pages, "But he does still remained poisoned right?"

Koi slumps even further, walking slowly over to Rahab to kneel next to her.

Koi [to Rahab]: That was very brave...

Barlik, "I knew you could not break through his shield by yourselves. A mere

Miracle could not have done that. You needed help desperately."

AlMarth opens his eyes slowly, and murmurs "Did we win?"

Taetia says, "I think so.."

Taetia has received your page: "Of course..."

Taetia pages, "Whoohoo! Die miserable halfling freak!"

Oriana [to Barlik]: But if that was you...where's the real Ahab?

Barlik, "That is why I came. That is what I am all about. Now farewell."

Oriana bows in front of Barlik. "Thank you."

You say, "The backpack fades away, and Ahab is staring down at Oriana and Ben."

Ahab, "What the blazes happened back there?"

Rahab doesn't take her eyes from the place where Variel was. She shivers,

wrapping her arms around herself, then winces at the pain. She bites her

lip. "Koi...?"

You say, "He looks around."

Ahab, "Oh no! You won't be getting on anymore of MY ships!"

Oriana says another quick prayer of thanks to Barlik, then turns her

attentions back to Ben. "Ben? Ben? Are you all right?"

Taetia chuckles weakly

Ben, "I am fine, my love."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Ben kisses you tenderly.

Taetia whispers "Those were accidents.. you can't blame us for all of them.."

Oriana returns the kiss, and then starts crying again.

Ben, "Is it over, now? Are we done? Will we have peace at last?"

Koi glances around at the other faces in the room, then at Rahab. "Yes..?"

AlMarth seems to try to get up, then thinks better of it, instead rolling over

closer to Taetia

Taetia lies still, enjoying her gaping wounds

Rahab is still kneeling, badly battered and still a little singed. "Can I be

scared now?"

Oriana [to Ben]: I hope so...I honestly do.

Taetia pages, "Do I know the poison is likely still active/"

Taetia pages, "?"

Koi smiles gently, reaching out to touch Rahab's shoulder. "Yes."

Rahab drops her head to the ground, huddling in a tiny ball and sobbing.

Taetia has received your page: "No. That is a matter for the beginning of

next year. Let us say you assume Barlik would have known better..."

Taetia pages, "Allrighty then"

Taetia whispers "I'm sorry.. so very sorry.."

AlMarth says, "It wasn't you, it was D"

<OOC> You say, "Now, narrative convention says this temple and the whole

island should now start falling around your ears and sink into the sea..."

AlMarth says, "you have nothing to be sorry about"

<OOC> You say, "But I am not a slave to conventions like that..."

Oriana looks over at Taetia, her eyes burning with barely contained hatred.

<OOC> Koi says, "Give us a sec to get everyone fit to run for their lives

first. ;)"

Taetia says, "It's all my fault.. if I hadn't been so weak.."

Oriana [to Taetia]: You're damn right it's all your fault.

<OOC> You say, "Seriously. It's not going to happen. All you've killed is a

wizard. The dark gods and their demon armies are still running amok. Why

would the temple collapse?"

<OOC> Koi can't remember, can ahab or Vernon heal?

AlMarth says, "it's not your fault, we were all under his control at one time"

<OOC> Koi awws. ;)

You say, "Vernon wiggles his fingers at Rahab. (gain all but the Agg)"

<OOC> Koi says, "This is like killing dracula in castlevania though...the

castle always collapes after...and you see the bat fly off... :p"

<OOC> Koi giggles.

<OOC> Rahab whews.

Taetia says, "I'm sorry Oriana.. I'm sorry Ben.."

AlMarth says, "Oriana, it was Variel's fault, not Taetia"

Oriana [to Taetia]: Variel never gave you an order to do what you did.

Oriana [to Taetia]: Oh no. This was something personal.

Rahab shivers as the healing closes her wounds, but doesn't stop sobbing.

"...was I a Good Girl?" It's directed at the empty air.

Taetia shakes her head weakly "No.. I didn't mean too.. I didn't want too.."

Ben, "It is over, and I am alive. Why should we fight among ourselves any

longer? Let's go home, Oriana."

You say, "Vernon wiggles his fingers at Al'Marth. (heal all but Agg)"

AlMarth stands up, rocking back and forth as he steadies himself "If you lay a

finger on her, Oriana, I won't care what we've been through, I swear

I'll...I'll...I don't know, but I I'll hurt you as deeply as I can"

Taetia gives AlMarth a wan smile and squeezes his hand comfortingly

(remotely) Rahab waits for reassurance from the Avatar.

Oriana sighs. "You're right. I've done this once already, and now that it's

over, I don't care to repeat it. I'm tired. I just want to go home...now

that I've found something more important to me than vengeance."

AlMarth says, "we still have to stop Hemlock...No rest for the Wicked"

Rahab has received your page: "'It is over, Rahab. You have been a Good Girl.

Yes Father had to be stopped. Koi is your father, now, and he will never

hurt you the way Yes Father did. Take care of him.'"

Oriana laughs. "Defeat a god? I don't think so. We just killed his

right-hand man. Aren't you satisfied yet?"

AlMarth looks over at Rahab "I don't know if I can bear to put her through it,


Rahab looks up at the empty air, tears slowing. "He is? Truly?"

Koi stays next to Rahab, just watching her, and the rest of you quietly.

Taetia bleeds

Rahab has received your page: "'From this day forward, yes.'"

<OOC> Eclipse lets Taetia bleed for symbolic value.

<OOC> Oriana giggles

AlMarth says, "I won't hold it against you if you want to stop, but I won't, I

won't just let him-it continue this destruction"

Rahab nods. "I will. I promise." Suddenly an awful thought occurs to her -

written on her face. "You'll be here too, right?"

<OOC> Koi says, "lol"

Rahab has received your page: "'I will never leave you, Rahab.'"

Oriana [to Al'Marth]: What you're doing is foolish, but right. But I can't

put Ben in danger anymore. I can't go on with this.

AlMarth says, "I understand, before, you had nothing to lose, now you have

everything to lose. Just promise me, once you're done destroying evil, that

you'll work to create good/"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ignore that slash"

Rahab relaxes, sinking back on her heels, little face solemn and ravaged by

tears, but relieved of some of the desperate anguish it had held. She looks

up at Koi trustingly. "I'm supposed to take care of you. She says."

Oriana says, "Why would I do anything else?"

Koi blinks at the girl. "Are you now? Why does she say that?"

AlMarth smiles "Good luck with your life, then. Maybe someday I can teach

your children how to read, if I survive through this."

Oriana says, "I would like that very much."

Rahab purses her lips, big dark eyes serious. "Cos she knows somebody has to."

AlMarth regards Taetia "could someone heal her, please"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Koi and Rahab.. *shiver*"

<OOC> Rahab hmms?

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wonder what the stats on a half elf would be.."

Taetia bleeds a bit

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Tyson, you have a sick, sick mind"

<OOC> Rahab says, "That's just -wrong-. She's -five-. She doesn't even know

what sex -is-."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Dude, she's *5*!"

<OOC> You say, "NO NO NO NO NO! Wrong way of looking at the situation!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Considering she's 6, not a problem."

<OOC> Koi says, "five even"

<OOC> Rahab mutters. "Considering the conditions of her Awakening, I don't

think she'll -ever- be interested anyway."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Koi is ageless, and she'll not be 5 forever."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And with that, the entire cabal pairs off. Scary."

<OOC> Koi bonks Taetia.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "this has NEVER happened in my games before"

<OOC> You say, "Saw it coming a few hours ago. Thought I'd give it a boost."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey. That's AlMarth's job.."

<OOC> Koi says, "This isn't the happy kind of bonk. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. Spoot."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Thank you -very- much Eclipse."

Taetia oozes

Koi smiles slowly at Rahab. "I see...well tell her I'll help her take care of

you too, if she'd like."

Rahab pages, "As if you didn't know that those two characters were going to

pair up the moment you put us in the same campaign."

AlMarth continues "...please, somebody help her"

Rahab has received your page: "Well, yeah..."

Rahab nods quietly. "Okay."

<OOC> AlMarth listens to "Who needs sleep" by The Barenaked ladies

<OOC> AlMarth says, "appropriate, methinks"

Rahab pages, "It doesn't matter what situation it is...if we're playing in the

same campaign, we're going to wind up with our characters paired off."

(remotely) Rahab finds it disturbing.

Taetia says, "Yes, while bleeding is fun, could someone stop it?"

Rahab has received your page: "Yes. I think it's partially that you and Lakos

are never playing in the same game."

<OOC> Rahab is having a moment here. Somebody want to ask her directly?

Koi glances at Al, frowning slightly. "Rahab...do you think you can help D?"

Taetia sighs "I'm not D, Koi. Please don't call me that."

AlMarth says, "Taetia, she is Taetia"

Rahab takes a deep breath. "I c'n try."

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

Koi doesn't say a word more, staying silent.

AlMarth smiles "D is dead, we'll never hear from her again"

Rahab pages, "When we do, this never happens unless there's deliberate


<Login> Naphtali has connected from on Sun

Aug 26 00:00:22 2001 EST.

Taetia nods painfully "She died with Variel. Theres only me here now."

Naphtali has arrived.

Rahab pulls herself up and goes over to hum at Taetia.

Naphtali takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Watch her botch."

<OOC> You say, "Hush, you."

<OOC> Koi laughs.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "please, no"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "we have enough angst as it is"

(remotely) Rahab is at -1 die, right? Cos of the 2 HL in damage.

Rahab has received your page: "Yes."

Rahab rolled 2d10: 6, 1; totalling 7.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Well..."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: What's your Purity?

<OOC> Oriana says, "Not a botch, at least..."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Five."

<OOC> AlMarth will brb

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Roll it as additional Arete.

Rahab rolled 5d10: 6, 6, 10, 7, 2; totalling 31.

<OOC> Koi coughs.

<OOC> Rahab coughs!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well, whoo hoo."

You say, "That should cure just about everything except Agg damage."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yup"

Taetia heals completly, and rises to her feet, pulling AlMarth up with her.

Taetia says, "Thank you Rahab."

Rahab nods solemnly. "You're welcome, Taetia," she says politely, if very


Taetia puts her arm around AlMarth "Now, shall we leave this tomb once and for


Oriana sits on the floor with Ben, more or less oblivious to anything else

<OOC> AlMarth says, "back"

AlMarth says, "yes"

Ben, "Come, my love, we have a long journey ahead of us."

Oriana smiles and stands up, pulling Ben along with her.

You say, "Vernon is whispering something to Ahab. The captain shakes his


Taetia says, "Ahab, I don't suppose you have a ship docked here?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "No. More. Boats."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ROFLMAO"

Ahab, "I don't care. I'm not letting them on any more of my ships."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah c'mon, fifth time's the charm."

Oriana says, "I don't blame you, Ahab."

Taetia says, "It's wasn't our fault Ahab."

You say, "Ahab sighs."

Taetia says, "Fifth time's the charm."

Rahab walks over to Ahab, bringing out the big eyes and the little-girl

charisma. "Please take us home?"

AlMarth says, "Why can't we fly, flying doesn't make me seasick"

Taetia says, "Besides, we've moved onto Islands now.."

Taetia says, "Yes, but a ship has certain advantages."

<OOC> Rahab gets out the 5-charisma/4 appearance stick.

Ahab, "Alright, you landlubbers. I'll let you sail with me one...last...time."

You say, "And that, I believe, is the end of the game."

Oriana smiles. "Thank you, Ahab."

Taetia smiles at Ahab "Thanks. You'll not regret it."

Naphtali pages, "How go things this evening?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "he's right, it'll be the last time for everyone involved"

Rahab almost smiles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "woohoo! (c;"

AlMarth says, "Let's hope not"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Theres always next summer."

Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Eclipse (#320) 7 hours 0 seconds Malakai

Taetia (#323) 57 minutes 9 seconds Malakai

AlMarth (#328) 3 hours 11 seconds Malakai

Oriana (#321) 7 hours 12 seconds Malakai

Rahab (#316) 10 hours 12 seconds Malakai

Naphtali (#310) 9 minutes 27 seconds Malakai

Koi (#329) 6 hours 4 minutes Malakai

Total: 7 players, all of whom have been active recently.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'll begin plotting agaisnt the ship immediatley.."

Taetia has received your page: "8 XP"

AlMarth has received your page: "8 XP"

Oriana has received your page: "8 XP"

Rahab has received your page: "8 XP"

Koi has received your page: "8 XP"

Taetia pages, "Well yippy kay yay. Any Purity? Healing Oriana, healing


You say, "Also, this is the end of the story, so you regain all WP."

Taetia pages, "Taking the lead and all the risks."

Taetia has received your page: "+2 Purity"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That was certainly fun."

AlMarth has received your page: "+1 Purity"

<OOC> Koi cheers!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Whoohoo! +2 purity!"

Oriana has received your page: "+1 Purity"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I honestly didn't expect to survive.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Tho there's gonna have to be one hell of a good reason for

me to *not* retire this character..."

Rahab has received your page: "+2 Purity"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, there is."

Koi has received your page: "+1 Purity"

Rahab pages, "Wooh!"

<OOC> You say, "Yes, there is..."

You go out-of-character. Your actions should now be taken as your own and not

those of your character.

<OOC> Oriana says, "And it would be fun to smack people around with the 8

Purity stick...*G*"

Rahab pages, "How much XP does it take for another dot of purity?"

Eclipse removes his dragon amulet.

<OOC> Koi laughs

Rahab pages, "How much XP does it take for another dot of arete, rather."

<OOC> Rahab has 7 now. :P

Rahab has received your page: "8 x current rating, and a seeking."

(remotely) Rahab mutters. "You would give me enough -now-, when I've got to


<OOC> AlMarth says, "GREAT job, Eric"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ooh yes. What an *awesome* game. *applause*"

<OOC> AlMarth applauds too

Rahab has received your page: "You did kill Variel. Count it as a seeking and

gain the arete."

(remotely) Rahab dances.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've got 3!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Quite a blast Eric"

You say, "Thank you for a great game, everyone. I'm really going to miss this


<OOC> AlMarth says, "5, now"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Me too."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hopefully, we'll get to game more next summer"

<OOC> Koi nods to Eclipse. "Nice job Eric." :)

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm dissapointed about not getting to hurt more of my

fellow pcs tho ;)"

<OOC> AlMarth crosses his fingers

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I got to stab Ben and set up the plot hook for next


<OOC> Oriana is already making sure to keep Saturday nights open for next


You say, "It has been an honor GMing for you."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hah! Die freakish halfling slime!"

Rahab hugs Eclipse happily.

Taetia says, "Been a pleasure gaming with ya. Been quite a learning exp, and

you had a big effect on Eus.. He's become much more eeeeevil"

Taetia says, "Quotes Beth, we need Quotes!"

<OOC> Oriana considers the fact that she's 3 for 3 with bizarre freakish

sexual encounters for her Mage characters...

You say, "I'm flattered, Tyson."

<OOC> Koi blinks.

Oriana [to Taetia]: I'll do quotes tomorrow night...

Taetia says, "Goody"

<OOC> Koi says, "Not sure I wanna ask Oriana. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Though this is by far the weirdest...well, okay, the fact

that my Virtual Adept slept with a Nephandi construct comes really close..."

You say, "Oh dear..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ummm, that ain't right"

<OOC> Oriana says, "If it's any consolation, I didn't know it at the time..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Didn't know you slept with him?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What did you think you were doing, playing ping pong?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "isn't that sort of worse"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Didn't know he was a Nephandi."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "OH"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm gonna miss my eggbeater"

<OOC> Koi makes a note to @recycle before next year. ;)

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey now.."

<OOC> Rahab giggles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Then there was the time my Euthanatos got married to the

time-traveling Hermetic Tolkien geek...I can't WAIT to play the children from

that situation..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I like my eggbeater"

<OOC> Oriana doesn't have an eggbeater and is kinda glad about that. *G*

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth says, "it's FUN to have an eggbeater"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Oriana says, "You guys make it look so addictive though..."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth says, "so is wench"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh no scary eggbeater spam..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'll miss that"

<OOC> Taetia says, "There are soooo many connotations I could get into, guys

having eggbeaters and being glad, Beth not having one and being glad of that."

<OOC> Oriana says, "EEEEEEEWWWWW!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I think I'd rather not draw any more attention to


<OOC> Rahab made the eggbeaters for them. what does that mean?

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yes please."

<OOC> Taetia says, "*shivers* Bad mental image Rahab.."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "You know, it's disturbing that Monty Python's 'Penis

song' just came on my playlist when you said that about eggbeaters T."

<OOC> Oriana says, "lol!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Koi and Eric don't have eggbeaters tho."

You say, "Suddenly, the fact that I made eggbeaters rain from the sky takes on

an entirely different mental image..."

<OOC> Taetia dances

<OOC> Oriana says, "Why is EVERYTHING phallic with you guys?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bits of Nyar's former victims?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're guys, age 10 to 30."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Yea, but Koi and Eric are wizzen, and thus have ultimate


<OOC> AlMarth says, "Believe it or not, I didn't think that until Tyson said


<OOC> Oriana says, "True..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Does Naphtali have an eggbeater?"

<OOC> Rahab Whistles.

You say, "Because every word in the English language is a synonym for 'sex'?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Isn't there a quote about Al'Marth whipping out his

eggbeater, then saying "that sounds so wrong," and Koi says "dude, not in

public"? So it's nothing new..."

Eclipse coughs.

<OOC> Oriana says, "-Eclipse This is true..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "yes"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, for nouns and verbs anyway. You might have trouble

with adverbs. Or pronouns."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "turns the crank-huh"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Suddenly, that message seems very ominous and not a little


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


Eclipse doesn't mention what he thinks of the eggbeater message's deeper


Naphtali pages, "So what's your views on the rping abilities of those in these

groups? Just idle curiosity."

Taetia shivers

<OOC> Oriana says, "SCARY"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey Beth, wanna play with my eggbeater?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm soooo sorry, but I had too.."

<OOC> Rahab snickers. "I set them...based on your exact words."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Please forgive me.."

<OOC> Oriana runs far far away from Taetia and shouts in the distance,


Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The comfortable couch is invitingly empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly

empty. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators. Eclipse (offline) is

sitting on the rocking chair. Rahab (idle) is sprawled out on the floor.

You see Taetia (idle) here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Fri Aug 24 17:11:23 2001 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw22-pool

c253.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

You have 1 saved pages waiting. Type `@recall` to view them.

----- Rahab (#316) @ Sat Aug 25 12:37:43 2001 CST -----

Rahab pages, "= :is going to Spirit Fest. I'll probably be late tonight.

Going to idle here so I can see what's going on."


Use `@recall expunge` to delete all your saved pages.

Taetia says, "Hey Z"

You say, "Good afternoon, Tyson."

Taetia says, "I'm all psyched up, and ready for some ass kicking. Just tell me

when, and any other details."

Taetia says, "Heh. Getting pumped for this got me some odd looks."

<Login> Oriana has connected from dial164.ecol.net on

Sat Aug 25 16:42:49 2001 EST.

You say, "I can't imagine why. Every word in the English language is a

synonym for 'sex', after all."

Oriana has arrived.

<OOC> Oriana waves. "Hey everybody."

You say, "Hey, Beth. Ready to kill your hubby? <evil grin>"

<OOC> Oriana makes a face at Eclipse. "You are EVIL."

Oriana sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey Beth"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I thought that was my job tho."

You say, "Fear not. I don't expect that will become necessary until next

summer. For now, Ben's a useful liability to the entire cabal..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Who says it will be necessary at all? Doesn't this cabal

have enough angst for everyone?"

You say, "But wait. It WILL get worse."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hmm..You'd be suprised how badly you can scare people by

merely sitting in your room for hours on end, dressed in camou, wearing war

paint and a bandanna, repeatedly polishing a broadsword and chanting "I am

the Angel of Death. The Time of Purification is at hand""

Eclipse mmmss. "Fresh-baked French bread..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Muahahaha.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yummy..."

<OOC> Oriana feels sorry for Taetia's soon-to-be-roommate

<OOC> Taetia says, "Heh. He'll learn the way my family did. Me being odd is

normal, and in fact a sign of good health."

You say, "Besides. I have to use him as a phylactery, first..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh stop it."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tell me... has Taetia been as frustrating to be in a cabal

with as I'm told?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "YES"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. Sorry about that."

Eclipse grins. "Sorry. Can't help myself. Tyson was telling me that Hugon

is being more of an evil GM than me. I have to keep up with the Evil GM


<OOC> Taetia says, "Didn't mean for it to be annoying."

<OOC> Taetia says, "You sure you can't join the Sunday game Beth, now thats

it's on a mud?"

<OOC> Oriana would tend to disagree with that, even having played in Hugon's

games. Mostly, I think he's just hanging out with you too much, Eric...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Considering that that my char's fallen in love with a

vampire and being used to ghoul the entire pack.."

Eclipse blushes. "I'm flattered. Being an evil GM means so much to me!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, my technical difficulties are resolved, now, but

there's still the time management issue. Since I'm getting sucked into

something like 5 different games as soon as I get back, I still have to

decline. Sorry."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And it wasn't through choice.. damn social rune.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah well."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yes, that is VERY evil...but he wasn't like this before he

started M:EF, now was he? It's the whole GM influence thing, I'm telling


<OOC> Taetia says, "Did he tell you about Billy?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "No, who's that?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "The fomori that turns off special powers. Gifts, magic,


You say, "Easy, Tyson. Logging is on...""

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh yeah, that one..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh dear.. Could you remove that part about the ghouling,

or just not post till after tomarrows game?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm not supposed to tell the others."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yet."

You say, "Yes."

Taetia says, "Thx"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I could tell YOU some things about what Eus has in store

for tomorrow, Tyson...he spent most of a 90 minute phone call running his

evil plans by me..."

You say, "You know who _I_ learned how to be evil from, don't you? The DM who

said, 'Sure, you can bring fifteen characters on this adventure." Then he

killed fourteen of them in the first session..."

Taetia says, "Anyone else think Dawn of the Dead is easily as good as the evil

dead trilogy?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Give me a hint Beth?"

<OOC> Oriana hasn't seen Dawn Of The Dead yet...

<OOC> Oriana remembers that story...didn't like half of them die on the front

doorstep of the castle, too?

<OOC> Taetia says, "You should."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Sorry Tyson, I've been sworn to secrecy. *G*"

<OOC> Taetia whines

<OOC> Taetia says, "All 90 minutes concern me? Or just the group in general?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "The group in general, though you were a major part of


You say, "Yup."

<OOC> Taetia says, "In a good "cause of it" way, or a bad, "This'll be fun to

do to him" way?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yes."

<OOC> Oriana says, "<evil grin>"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That is one of the most annoying habits.."

Eclipse grins.

Taetia pages, "Ooo.. I'm doing her first.. just tell me when.."

You say, "Knowing GM psychology, it's probably both, Taetia..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Honestly, I'll probably enjoy it."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm odd that way."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I know whats going to happen to me tonight, and I know

that I'll enjoy that..."

You say, "Yes, I know. You're a glutton for punishment. I'd feel sorry for

anyone you GMed. You have too much potential for your own good..."

<OOC> Oriana would prefer to be surprised...

<OOC> Oriana thinks Tyson is an RPG masochist.

You say, "Oh. You will be. <evil grin>"

<OOC> Oriana groans...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eus gave me the greatest compliment anyone ever has today."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eustacio: (1:00 PM) *shakes his head* You know, every ST

needs a player like you..."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Taetia says, "Preceded by: Eustacio: (12:58 PM) You realize what you've

done to doom your own cabal, haven't you?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Meaning this cabal, of course."

<OOC> Taetia says, "So, how've you guys been doing this week?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Decent. Very very ready to get out of town and go back to

school...well...mostly just ready to get away from Park Inn, actually."

<OOC> Oriana shoots her lag a dirty look

You say, "What? Called the Chaos Zone ameture looniness and claimed that Eus

is ahead of me in GM evilness? Yes. I would say that is sufficient..."

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 25 17:05:33 2001 EST.

AlMarth has arrived.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey ho lucky kitty"

AlMarth sits down on the lumpy sofa.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hi Midget"

You say, "That joke is spreading. I just saw it in the Sunday quotes..."

<OOC> Taetia licks AlMarth

You say, "We have Tyson to blame for that one, as well."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I blame the dudes at Daily Victim"

<OOC> Oriana says, "No matter what group he ends up in, Al will ALWAYS be the

lucky kitty..."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Anyone else read that?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wazzup Lucky Kitty?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hmm, the next all your base?"

<OOC> Oriana hopes not!

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'd be famous!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "In one campaign or another, I still have high hopes of

carving "All your base are belong to us" into the moon"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "...to pathetic geeks who spend all their time online"

<OOC> Eclipse drinks some of his Mountain Dew. 71 cans remain.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I need to go to Evil Sci U, build a death ray, and

vandalize the moon."

<OOC> Oriana eeps!

<OOC> AlMarth says, "but famous nonetheless"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hmm, that reminds me of a Calvin& Hobbes comic"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, Rahab said she might be a few hours late."

You say, "They were on sale for $4 a case last week. I bought three."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many left?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I own all but three of them, and I only have one of the


<OOC> AlMarth says, "I might have to leave the game for 45 mins or so sometime

around 5:30-6:00"

You say, "Well, I've emptied the half case I had left before I bought the

three cases, so I have 71 more cans, not counting the one I'm drinking right


!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's taken you that long to drink that little? Dude. You

are weak."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm out of mountain Dew, but I've discovered that you can

by Fruitopia in concentrate form"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "There is enough sugar in that stuff, that, after a couple

pitchers, the lack of caffiene doesn't bother you"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Pixie sticks, mountain dew, cocoa puffs, nodoz, Water Joe,

coffee crystals all in a blender."

<OOC> Taetia says, "ALl of you must see Night of the Demons 1 & 2, and 3 if

you can. But mainly 1 & 2. The unrated versions if you can."

You say, "I've told you. I drink two liters for gaming, and drink a can a day

the rest of the week just to prevent withdrawl. Besides, I usually buy

2-liters to suck on during gaming sessions. I just didn't buy them this


<OOC> Taetia says, "My hands shake, my eyes are yellow, I twitch spasmodically

and jump at sudden noises, but I've got enough caffeine surging through my

bloodstream to counteract a cobra's venom."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

Eclipse raises an eyebrow. "I was not aware that caffeine could counteract

cobra venom."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hell, if someone shot me to death, it'd take a few days

before the caffeine wore off enough for me to notice."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "THAT much is essentially the same thing"

Eclipse needs to get the quotes from last night's game up.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Only when you bloodstream is 75% caffeine 20% blood, 5%


<OOC> Oriana agrees with that

You say, "I wish there were a Sanity score so I could have taken away their

sanity. Naph got a glimpse of Hastur's arm and lost three points of

Willpower. That was fun."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "other?"

You say, "I wasn't going to ask, but..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Give em 7 levels of mental health, like normal health.

Everytime they take 8 levels of mental health damage, they lose a perm level

and gain a derrangement. Once all 7 lvls have been permanently lost, they

enter marauderhood."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Primarily sugar."

You say, "Like Willpower in Wraith."

<OOC> Oriana says, "So, who are we waiting for?"

You say, "Koi."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Mental damage is rolled like normal damage, and soaked by


You say, "Though we do have quorum already."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We should prolly start. He'll show when he shows."

<OOC> Oriana shrugs...yeah, we could start...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "starting is good"

You say, "When last we left the Cabal of Destruction, they had taken serious

damage from several priceless works of art outside the Temple of Dark Gods."

You go in-character. Your actions now reflect your character and not

necessarily yourself.

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Am I the only one who thinks we're about to do something

really, really stupid?"

Taetia sheathes her sword "Before we go in, theres something I'd like to say."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Maybe I should've thought of that last week...oh well..."

Oriana says, "What is it?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I do too"

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust190.tnt1.midland.m

i.da.uu.net on Sat Aug 25 17:29:46 2001 EST.

Ben, "This place gives me the creeps. Why are we here again?"

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> You say, "Yay, an audience."

<OOC> Hugon becomes the audience and waves.

Taetia says, "I"m sorry about going off yesterday, like I did, and attacking

you Oriana. It's just, I've been a Ba'Lak for a long time, and suddenly

losing that, and the preasure of this quest, and (glances at AlMarth) some

other preasures I'm not used too, I flipped. I'm sorry I lost control."

Oriana [to Ben]: We're confronting Variel. Maybe you should stay outside

while we go in...I doubt it's very safe in there.

<OOC> You say, "It's like watching a sporting event, except you want your team

to lose."

Oriana gives Taetia a slightly wary look...then seems to change her mind, and

smiles. "Apology accepted."

Taetia smiles happily "Thank you."

AlMarth nods in understanding "we've all been under 'pressures' lately"

Taetia gives AlMArth a bit of a shy look "I know you're still a bit bitter,

but after this over, I don't suppose you and I could get to know each other


Ben, "I'm not leaving you again, Oriana. If something happens to you..."

Taetia pages, "Initiate phase 1: Suck Up."

Taetia has received your page: "Careful not to overdo it. It will make them

suspicious if you do."

Oriana [to Ben]: If you insist...

Taetia pages, "K."

<Login> Koi has connected from MC47-2.Manchester.EDU on

Sat Aug 25 17:33:29 2001 EST.

Koi has arrived.

AlMarth says, "When this is all over, I hope to set up a school somewhere, and

teacch children, I will have some spare time, and I'd certainly like to spend

some of it with you"

<OOC> Eclipse waves.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hello Koi...you've barely missed anything..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah.. you missed me being all apologetic and stuff. Howdy


<OOC> Koi says, "Hiya"

Taetia smiles and nods

Taetia turns to the entrance and says "Then lets do this thing."

Taetia enters

AlMarth enters as well

<OOC> AlMarth says, "is Tae still an hourglass?"

Oriana takes Ben's hand protectively, and follows Taetia and Al'Marth

You say, "Whats the marching order? (gotta love a dungeon crawl)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "First"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Welcome to the conga line of death..."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Yes. Well, she LOOKS like an hourglass. Her real body

is invisible.

Taetia points out the razor'd part of the stairs "The entrance is trapped with


<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah.."

Koi takes the rear, watching for followers.

Oriana says, "How do you suggest we get around it?"

Taetia pages, "Checking with forces, the door at the bottom of the stairs"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 8, 10; totalling 21.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: dif 3, 2 suc.

Taetia pages, "It still active?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Enigmas check?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "can I make one, that is"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: One of the tiles at the bottom of the stairs is the

trigger for a jet of flame that shoots out of the ceiling above it.

Taetia points at the tile "Don't step on that."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: What for?

Taetia steps through, avoiding the tile.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "getting around the trap"

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m121-mp1-cvx1a.ma

n.ntl.com on Sat Aug 25 17:38:10 2001 EST.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "never mind then"

Enola Galen has arrived.

Eclipse pulls his collection of Grimtooth's Traps off the bookshelf.

Oriana avoids the tile

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh lord."

Enola Galen takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh no Koi.. the real surprise is for later."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And btw, if Tae's been frustrating/annoying, I do

apologize. This session will change that.."

AlMarth avoids the tile as well

You say, "The corridor ends in a T-junction."

Taetia floats down the corridor, then looks right and left

<OOC> Taetia says, "Considering that we're moving at 3x normal speed, we would

get a chance to avoid traps, right?"

<OOC> Oriana wants to turn on Correspondence sensing, so she can look ahead

and get a sense of the layout of the place. Diff/succ?

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 3, 4 suc.

Taetia says, "I don't suppose you could search out Variel with mind and corr?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: I've taken that into consideration...

Oriana rolled 3d10: 3, 7, 4; totalling 14.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 9; totalling 14.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> Oriana says, "Aaaaaand a backlash. Good thing I have no scourge and 7


Eclipse [to Oriana]: Yes. It is...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Does that just make the whole thing a failure, then?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: There can be no Backlash without Scourge or Corruption.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh yeah...guess I got it in 2 rounds, then."

<OOC> Hugon says, "There is no spo...err, n/m..."

<OOC> Eclipse baps Hugon.

<OOC> Koi pokes Hugon.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There is no spoon."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Stooooooop!"

<OOC> You say, "Why would we want to stoop?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "They do THAT anyway."

<OOC> Koi ducks?

<OOC> Taetia says, "Spooooon!"

<OOC> Oriana is confused, now...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Bearing in mind what happened to us last night, I'm

expecting maximum player torture tonight."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Stop, not stoop..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Would The Tick be a shifter of some sort, or a Fomori?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "You don't know the half of it El."

<OOC> Taetia says, "But it's nothing compared to what'll happen tomarrow."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And I blame you for it. All of it."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You get a general sense of the layout of the dungeon. It

seems to be arranged in cocentric squares on this level, but something is

preventing you from scrying beyond the stairs at the center that lead down.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "there is a live-action Tick TV show out this fall, I've


<OOC> Taetia says, "Could never be as good as the cartoon."

<OOC> Taetia says, "SPOOOON!"

Oriana says, "There are stairs at the center of the building, but something is

blocking my scrying beyond them. I'd be willing to bet we'll find Variel at

the bottom."

Taetia says, "Right. Can you sense the shortest route?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "SPOOOON!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "-Eclipse Well, can I?"

<OOC> Taetia screams "SPOOON!" and pounces on the Lucky Kitty

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Pounces"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Not this again"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""And next on Fox...When Tanaks Attack!"

Eclipse grins. "Of course you can. The shortest path begins with a turn down

the right corridor and then goes left through the first door. I'll tell you

more as we go."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Attack !? oh, well that's ok"

Oriana relays this information to the others, and motions for Taetia to keep

leading the way.

<OOC> Taetia says, "We haven't made freaky cat noises in the longest time."

<OOC> Koi whimpers.

Taetia says, "It's probably trapped, but if we float and make all due haste,

we should be able to avoid most of them."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yeah, the cabals are now tied for freaky sex, 2-2..."

Taetia turns right and floats onward

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 4; totalling 4.

You say, "Just kidding, folks. No dice for me tonight..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "only two...It seemed like more"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "he's just saying that 'cause he got a 4"

You say, "You get about ten feet down the hallway when Taetia suddenly appears

with the hourglass superimposed on her body."

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I do?"

You say, "Give me a Per + Awareness, dif 6."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 2, 3, 9, 2, 9, 9; totalling 34.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "It would probably have been 2-3 if we'd met Chewbacca

last night."

Oriana rolled 3d10: 3, 10, 5; totalling 18.

Koi rolled 6d10: 2, 5, 9, 6, 3, 1; totalling 26.

<OOC> Taetia says, "3 succ."

<OOC> Oriana says, "woo! 1!"

<OOC> Koi says, "1"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hehehe.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We'd be 3-2 if Eclipse had stayed around long enough."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Perception boy?

<OOC> Oriana ohdears

AlMarth rolled 7d10: 3, 10, 8, 5, 2, 7, 9; totalling 44.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "4"

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

You say, "All of you feel a sudden lifting and separating sensation as you

cross the threshold of the shortcut. Existing magic has been undone."

Taetia drops

Taetia says, "Well. That sucked."

Oriana frowns. "What was that?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "lifting and separating...that sounds like a bra add"

<OOC> You say, "Please refrain from seducing the Supreme Being, okay?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ad, even"

Taetia says, "But at least I look like me again."

<OOC> Oriana giggles

<OOC> Taetia says, "Why not? Peter Parker turned into Spiderman from being bit

by a radioactive spider. Just imagine the power you'd get from being shagged

by the Supreme Being."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The tile you land on clicks softly.

Taetia says, "Whoops."

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh great..."

Taetia tries ducking and rolling forward

<OOC> You say, "Go directly to the quote page. Do not pass Go..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "I think screwing the Supreme Being would be an

extraordiarily BAD idea..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'd do it"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm not happy if I'm not responsible for at least half the


You say, "Nothing appears to happen. The door is only about twenty feet away,


Oriana curses under her breath

<OOC> Taetia says, "So'd I."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "You're on, Taetia"

Koi frowns, eyes darting about,even more wairy.

Taetia steps forward, lightly testing each tile before resting her weight on


<OOC> AlMarth says, "about the quotes, that is"

<OOC> Taetia says, "?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Brb, 10 seconds."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You lightly test your weight on one of the tiles and get

dart in the calf. <soak Lethal 1)

<OOC> Koi says, "brb, foods here"

Taetia rolled 1d10: 7; totalling 7.

Taetia pulls the dart out of her armor

Taetia spits on that tile, and tests another one

You say, "It is pitch dark down here."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Renewing DarkSight"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 1, 2; totalling 5.

<OOC> Taetia says, "oo.. botch.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 3 Scourge. Botch.

Taetia tries again

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sorry. 1 Scourge.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 9, 5; totalling 17.

<OOC> Taetia says, "and 1 into a scene duration"

You say, "What is everyone else doing about the dark?"

Taetia spits on that tile, and tests another one

Oriana has received your page: "Ben's hand is shaking nervously."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Doesn't Corr sensing help me get around it somehow?"

Oriana whispers to Ben, "What's wrong?"

<OOC> Koi will attemt darksight

Eclipse [to Oriana]: It absolutely lets you know how to get around, but it

misses important details like color. Also, you probably won't notice the

grooves cut into the walls with it because they are too small.

<OOC> Taetia begins singing the Oscar Meyer song

<OOC> Koi says, "attempt even"

<OOC> AlMarth will try spirit sight

Ben, "There is a groove cut in the wall. I just noticed it.

Taetia pages, "Since I'm now 'evil' and a Weird, do I get the bonus for being

near a node?"

Taetia turns to examine the groove

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 4, 7; totalling 11.

Taetia has received your page: "You are neither evil nor weird, yet. That

will come as the night progresses."

Oriana looks closely at the groove

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that's a success, right"

Taetia pages, "Okies."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "two"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "what do I see with Spirit sight"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You do realise you'll reach his inner sanctum and

he'll turn out to be on holiday?"

<OOC> Koi says, "well of course"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You don't see any spirits down here.

<OOC> Koi says, "darksight diff and success eclipse?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 3, 4 suc to last until end of day.

Koi rolled 4d10: 4, 5, 5, 1; totalling 15.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Erm, it's supposed to show what the area looks through

the Umbra"

<OOC> Koi says, "Hmm...says backlash here...though I don't have any scourge."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Sorry. The whole area looks like it is salivating.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that can't be good"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Continue the ritual.

Koi rolled 4d10: 7, 5, 7, 6; totalling 25.

<OOC> Koi says, "there's 6"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: There is a horizontal groove running along either side of

the corridor. Give me a Per + Alertness, dif 7.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Everyone examining get to roll?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Oriana tosses in a WP

Oriana rolled 4d10: 3, 2, 4, 8; totalling 17.

<OOC> Oriana says, "2 succ"

Oriana has received your page: "The corridor you are in is actually slightly

sloped uphill. Only your magic allows you to notice the difference."

You say, "EVERYONE give me a Per + Alertness, dif 7."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 1, 4, 5, 3, 8, 8; totalling 29.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1"

Koi rolled 5d10: 7, 10, 1, 10, 5; totalling 33.

Taetia has received your page: "You hear a sound far ahead along the corridor."

<OOC> Koi says, "2"

Koi has received your page: "You hear a distant rumble coming from ahead of


<OOC> Koi says, "err...1"

<OOC> Koi says, "2, gah, *bangs head with board*"

Taetia pages, "Using life detection"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 9, 5; totalling 16.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Dif 3, 3 suc.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 5, 5; totalling 16.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ok, thats 5."

Taetia has received your page: "You don't detect any signs of life coming from

the source of the sound."

<OOC> Koi says, "what kind of rumbling, ground shaking rumbling, or just a

soft roar?>"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Perception Boy?

AlMarth rolled 6d10: 2, 3, 9, 6, 3, 10; totalling 33.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Oriana?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "3"

Taetia says, "Anyone else hear that?"

Oriana rolled 4d10: 2, 2, 6, 1; totalling 11.

<OOC> Oriana says, "And a botch"

Oriana says, "Hear what?"

Taetia says, "A sound, farther down the corridor. No life presence though."

AlMarth has received your page: "You hear a distant rumble coming from the

corridor ahead of you. It sounds like it is coming closer or getting louder."

Koi nods. "There's something down there.

Oriana says, "Weird noises...grooves in the wall...the floor slopes up ever so

slightly. Anyone else have a bad feeling about this?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Railway?"

Taetia says, "Yup."

Taetia says, "..."

You say, "The door is only fifteen feet away, now, though I imagine you have

stopped to listen for a moment."

Taetia says, "You remember that tile that went click?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Recalling the subway sequence in Half-Life for some


AlMarth says, "The question is, what?"

Oriana says, "Yes, what about it?"

Taetia says, "Anyone else have a vision of an extremely large boulder heading

towards at high speeds?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Does the sound come from beyond the door?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: No. It's coming from down the hallway.

Taetia heads for the door

You say, "The sound is a little louder, now."

AlMarth follows Taetia's lead

Koi says, "Perhapes...we should hurry."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You reach the door.

Oriana nods, and follows

Taetia jumps through

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Perhapes, that sounds like another Venerial disease"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Jumps THROUGH an oak door?

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's closed?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Um. Yeah. ...of course...

Taetia opens it

Taetia throws it open, snatching her hand back

Taetia then jumps through it

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The doorknob comes off in your hand. There is a soft


Taetia says, "Oh damn."

You say, "Everyone give me a Sta + Athletics, dif 6. Taetia, it's dif 7 for


<OOC> AlMarth says, "my thoughts exactly"

Taetia rolled 8d10: 6, 3, 3, 1, 2, 8, 9, 6; totalling 38.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1."

<OOC> You say, "Knock them out and then roll them flat."

AlMarth rolled 3d10: 6, 8, 2; totalling 16.

Koi rolled 4d10: 9, 6, 4, 10; totalling 29.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2"

<OOC> Koi says, "3"

Oriana has received your page: "Ben collapses in a heap on the floor."

Oriana rolled 3d10: 5, 8, 10; totalling 23.

<OOC> Oriana says, "2"

<OOC> Taetia says, "oh wait, stam +ath"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sorry, rolled dex+ath"

Taetia rolled 5d10: 8, 6, 9, 1, 9; totalling 33.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2."

Oriana yells "BEN!" and immediately kneels down next to him, trying to figure

out what happened

You say, "Everyone else manages to hold their breath before the poison knocks

them out."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "OH"

You say, "Everyone can hear the rumbling. It is getting closer, now. It

sounds like a giant stone wheel moving very quickly down the hall."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Correspondence sensing isn't precise enough to judge the

color of his face, but he is as limp as a sleeping halfling.

Taetia says, "Blow the door off it's hinges, or just start running? Actually,

we could pass through the first doorway and wait for it to pass."

Taetia says, "Shall we?"

Koi lets out just enough breath to say, "Through the door!" Then stoops to

help move Ben.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Doors still shut Koi.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Blast it off the hinges? Go for it.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ummm..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Yeah? Who said anything about leaving it shut while we move

through it? :)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Doorknob came off, might take to long to blow it open."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Shut doors! my arch nemeses"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "is that the plural of nemisis?"

Taetia says, "Lets go back, let the boulder pass, then blow it open, ok. Might

not have enough time as it is. Koi, grab Ben if you would be so kind."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gah, shut doors are easy."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's the open, unlocked ones you gotta be wary off."

Oriana nods. "Just do something!"

<OOC> You say, "Yes. But it is very rare to have more than one nemesis."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Turn it into cheese."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "It's been known to happen"

Taetia heads back to the first entrance

<OOC> AlMarth says, "mmmm...cheese"

Koi is already moving to help lift Ben.

Taetia avoides the trapped tiles

<OOC> Hugon says, "*cough Tyson cough*"

Oriana helps Koi move Ben

<OOC> Taetia says, "26 and counting."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hmm, I've got some catching up to do"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now what happens?"

You say, "Those of you with Dark Vision can see a huge stone roller coming

your way. Those with Correspondence Sensing can detect a veritable wall of

stone moving rapidly toward you."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: This IS the first entrance!

<OOC> Taetia says, "No it's not."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "No, not Half-Life. Total Recall."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "what about those of us with spirit sight?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "The entrance we came in through is the first entrance."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thats the one I'm heading for."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: It's worn off. It takes extra successes to increase the


Eclipse [to Taetia]: True. It's thirty feet behind you.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'd already been heading there before the boulder


You say, "I trust EVERYONE is headed back to the stairs?"

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

<OOC> Hugon says, "BRB"

<OOC> Koi nods.

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Sat Aug

25 18:34:56 2001 EST

Hugon has disconnected.

<OOC> Taetia begins playing "Blind in the Darkness"

The resolution of Hugon fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

You say, "You run back to the stairs. Give me a Wits + Athletics, dif 6

starting with the first person to get to the stairs and ending with the last."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 6, 10, 4, 6, 2, 9; totalling 37.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You remember to avoid the fire trap.

<OOC> Koi is helping Oriana with Ben...so...all of us at the same time? :)

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 9; totalling 19.

<OOC> Oriana says, "2"

You say, "Oriana remembers to avoid the fire trap."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "me now?"

Koi rolled 5d10: 1, 2, 10, 9, 7; totalling 29.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oh..now?"

<OOC> Koi says, "erm...2"

You say, "Koi remembers to avoid the fire trap."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

AlMarth rolled 5d10: 7, 8, 6, 5, 5; totalling 31.

You say, "Al remembers to avoid the fire trap."

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust98.tnt1.midland.mi

.da.uu.net on Sat Aug 25 18:38:56 2001 EST.

You say, "About sixty seconds after you are all safely on the stairs, a huge

stone roller with steel spikes rumbles past at high speeds and continues down

the other hall."

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your Darksight wears off.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "There interpretation of rolling out the red carpet?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "with us as the red"

Oriana is obviously trying to do something to help Ben, but it's even more

obvious that she doesn't know the first thing about healing.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It has a scene duration!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay, Ben, ABC time. Airway, Breathing, err...what's the C?


Taetia says, "Rahab, could you help Ben?"

Taetia pages, "Renewing it then."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Cardiovascular?"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 2, 9; totalling 19.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 8; totalling 18.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 5, 7; totalling 13.

<OOC> Koi says, "Maybe. ;)"

Taetia rolled 6d10: 6, 3, 7, 10, 3, 8; totalling 37.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 5, 10; totalling 19.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There, is that enough?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ignore the 6d10.."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Ben comes to after about fifteen minutes. Taetia spends

the next 45 renewing her dark sight. Anyone else want to do anything for the

next hour?

<OOC> Taetia says, "That was an extended roll, not a ritual!"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Very well. Dark sight will last for the rest of the day.

Taetia says, "Ok, are we all ready to go and try again?"

Oriana [to Ben]: Are you okay?

Taetia pages, "Hey, could I set up a time 2 effect to see a split second

ahead, so I can pick up on traps before they happen?"

Ben, "I'm fine, I think. I got a whiff of that gas. It knocked me out."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ben's a pansy."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I've got to go, I'll be back in about 45 minutes"

<Logout> AlMarth has disconnected on Sat

Aug 25 18:45:11 2001 EST

AlMarth has lost his link.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yeah..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sure. Dif 4, 5 suc.

<OOC> Hugon says, "That's the problem with the undead. No stamina."

<OOC> Koi says, "Regular humans always are."

<OOC> Taetia says, "1 wp.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: That will last for the rest of the day.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 4, 2; totalling 10.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 7, 1; totalling 10.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I just give up.."

Taetia begins to rub against Eclipse, discharging negative mojo into him

Koi says, "Alright...now to figure out how to get past that wheel...""

Taetia says, "Umm.. Lets just avoid the clicking tile.. how about that?"

<OOC> You say, "It's not like I intend to roll any dice tonight, Taetia..."

Oriana says, "Good idea."

Taetia proceeds to the door, avoiding the trapped tiles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "IC? You summon Eclipse just to rub up against him?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "ooc."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I wonder what'd he hose me with, if I summoned him and

ordered him to pleasure me.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Good...<grin>"

<OOC> Hugon summoned the Supreme Being's Avatar last night...he laughed...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well.. That sounded pretty bad, actually.."

You say, "As soon as you enter the corridor, you notice the lifting and

separating sensation again. All your magic effects are dispelled."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 2, 4; totalling 7.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

<OOC> Taetia says, "1 pt backlash.."

Koi sighs and takes a moment to recast his darksight again.

<OOC> Hugon watches Taetia's botches with an evil ST's smile.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Carry them over to tomorrow night..."

Taetia bites into Koi's neck with a terrible fury and begins sucking out mojo

<OOC> Koi acks.

<OOC> Taetia says, "NO! I intend to enact my luck ritual.."

Oriana recasts Corr sensing...

Oriana rolled 3d10: 6, 6, 2; totalling 14.

Koi rolled 4d10: 8, 6, 7, 4; totalling 25.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 7, 4, 8; totalling 19.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 7, 9; totalling 19.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 7, 5, 10; totalling 22.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There, darksight for the rest of the day"

<OOC> Koi says, "How many successes to make it last longer than the next 5


Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your eyes glow bright blue for a moment and then flicker


The resolution of AlMarth fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

You say, "Anyone else care to find a way to see?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I had kewl Anime Eyes! To bad I didn't get the chance to

do some sort of Anime Attack, with the shouting and the Kame Hame Ha and


<OOC> Taetia says, "KAME!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "HAME!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "HA!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Ermmm...no. Don't need to lose most of this island."

<OOC> Koi )

<OOC> Koi :)

<OOC> Koi says, "Sooo...darksight isn't working?"

Taetia proceeds to the door

Taetia says, "Shall we blow it off it's hinges?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: As soon as you entered the corridor, all your existing

spells were dissapated. Taetia is the only one who can see, since she just

used darksight again.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Don't I have corr sensing all day now?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Yeah, I said I was doing darksight again...then rolled, you

didn't set a diff"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dude. They recast the spells.."

<OOC> Koi says, "so did Oriana"

You say, "dif 3 for both effects. 4 suc to get it for the rest of the day."

<OOC> Koi got it then

<OOC> Oriana says, "So did I"

You say, "I see, now. They got lost in Tae's rolls..."

You say, "Shall we continue, then?"

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yes"

Taetia examines the door

You say, "You reach the door, this time without stepping on all the traps."

<OOC> Koi says, "Is there a giant wheel on it?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The door is made of oak. The doorknob on this side has

fallen off. The hinges are on the other side of the door.

Taetia says, "Nothing for it but to blow the bastard off it's hinges."

Taetia backs off a bit

<OOC> Koi says, "Cool...err...where -did- the wheel go then?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're going to regret this.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Down the hall."

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh, the door is off to the side...kay"

Taetia pages, "Forces 3, converting darkness to kinetic force and letting the

door have it. Diff 5."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 6, 6; totalling 21.

Taetia pages, "3 succ of damage into the door"

Taetia chants for a moment

You say, "The latch and hinges burn for a moment, and then the door falls out

into the hallway with a loud bang."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Errr..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Towards us?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes. Purely a dramatic convention. Honest...

Koi looks cautiously through the doorway.

Taetia pages, "Again with forces three, hurling a ball of fire through the


Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 6, 5; totalling 12.

<OOC> Oriana loves the way Eclipse ignores the laws of physics for his own


Taetia chants and hurls a small ball of flame through the doorway

You say, "A cool, moist breeze blows on your faces."

<OOC> Koi blinks...

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The flame illuminates a room that is a giant spiked pit

with a door on the left wall. Then the flames lick the wet stone walls and


<OOC> Taetia says, "Any way around the pit? Ledge or some such?"

Taetia steps forward and looks for a lever or button or something

<OOC> Koi says, "Don't shoot the controls that extend the bridge."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Why would someone take the time to turn a room into a

spiked pit only to put a ledge around it that would allow victims to

circumvent the danger? Just be glad you didn't charge through the door...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Unless it collapses when you step on it..."

<OOC> You say, "Or has poison needles sticking out of the walls that jab you

as you slide past..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "How far from this door to the other door? And what are

the dimensions of the door we just blew off its hinges?"

Taetia says, "Well.. It looks like flight.. Anyone have a rope, just in case

theres another anti magic field?"

Taetia pages, "Again, blowing the opposing door away"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 9, 7; totalling 24.

Taetia chants and hurls a bolt of force across the pit, into the opposing door

Koi says, "Fly low, so if we fall it's not far."

Taetia looks at the spike

Taetia looks at the spikes

I don't understand that.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Um, never mind my last comment...I forgot we can fly..."

Taetia says, "I was thinking of magically floating part of the rope over and

attaching it to something, then using that as a safety line.."

Taetia says, "If we have a rope, that is."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How densly packed are the spikes?"

Taetia pages, "Prime 1, checking for magics, like the !magic field."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 10, 3; totalling 19.

Koi raises an eyebrow. "That's an idea, how would we attach the rope?"

Taetia says, "Magic.."

Taetia says, "Or telekinetically tie it to the remnants of the door."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is the door dead yet?"

You say, "Taetia's bolt of force strikes the door, which splinters. You can

see a corridor with a curtain that blocks your vision beyond ten feet."

<OOC> Koi says, "We can do that kind of fine telekenitic movement over a long


Eclipse [to Taetia]: You might be able to loop carry the end of the rope

around a secure object and back, but the kind of fine motor control required

to tie knots is beyond your skill.

Taetia says, "Do we even have a rope?"

Taetia says, "Anyone? Anyone at all?"

Taetia pages, "Any magic? And how closely packed are the spikes?"

Oriana shakes her head

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The spikes are too densely packed to walk between them,

but not so densely packed so as to make them a nice, comfortable bed of

nails. There does not appear to be any magic active in the area except your

own effects.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 4 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Taetia says, "Well. Here goes nothing."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many succ to fly over there?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: dif 4, 3 suc.

Taetia says, "I'm going to fly over there. If I should fall, catch me Koi,

would ya?"

Taetia starts chanting

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 10; totalling 15.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 10, 7; totalling 18.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 9, 10; totalling 28.

Taetia lifts off and starts floating over to the opposing door

Koi frowns. "I'll try..."

You say, "Taetia floats to the corridor.""

Taetia says, "You guys float over here, I'll look ahead a bit"

Taetia approaches the curtain

Taetia says, "If I start screaming, you'll know this is the wrong way.."

Koi . o O ( right... )

Koi closes his eyes in concentration.

<OOC> Koi says, "Flight for the group?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Beyond the curtain, there is a metal ramp in the corridor.

Taetia pages, "A grate type, or solid?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5, 7 suc.

<OOC> Koi says, "Extended roll or ritual?"

Taetia has received your page: "Solid. It is quite steep, leading up to a

drop-off where the corridor continues as normal."

Taetia pages, "Ok, doing the trap detection time thing. Diff 4, for time 2, 5

succ if I remember right."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 8, 2; totalling 16.

Koi rolled 4d10: 5, 8, 8, 3; totalling 24.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 4, 4; totalling 17.

Koi rolled 4d10: 2, 9, 4, 8; totalling 23.

Taetia pages, "spending wp"

Koi rolled 4d10: 1, 9, 10, 1; totalling 21.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 1, 6; totalling 9.

Eclipse [to Koi]: It's up to you. Ritual takes longer, but an extended action

has a cum +1 dif after the first check.

<OOC> Koi says, "wow...failed...that one, continue? Ritual."

Taetia pages, "Ok, spell done, I approach the ramp"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Continue.

<OOC> Koi says, "So...would it be faster to do them all at once? Or one at a


Koi rolled 4d10: 3, 8, 4, 7; totalling 22.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: There doesn't appear to be any trap about to spring in

the next few seconds.

<OOC> Koi says, "that's 7"

Taetia I walk up the ramp to the corridor

<OOC> Taetia says, "D'oh, meant that for a page."

You say, "Everyone else flies across to the corridor with the curtain."

You say, "There is a crash and a rattle from the other side of the curtain."

<OOC> Taetia says, "There is?"

Koi calls out. "Taetia?"

Taetia has received your page: "Your spidey sense tells you that a panel is

about to open above your head. You have just enough time to leap to safety."

Taetia pages, "I leap to safety"

Taetia calls out "Fine, I'm fine. A ceiling panel fell."

Taetia has received your page: "A large quantity of ball bearings falls out of

the trapdoor and onto the ramp."

Koi starts toward the curtain, pulling it aside.

You say, "A large number of tiny spheres rolls under the curtain toward you."

Taetia says, "Might want to watch out for those ball bearings"

Taetia turns and heads for the top of the ramp

Oriana follows Koi through the curtain

You say, "Your flight spell still has a few seconds left on it, Koi."

Koi stops walking, so that he doesn't step on them until they've all stopped.

Oriana says, "Good idea" and stops walking too

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now watch as they hatch into horrible little spiders."

<OOC> Koi mmms.

You say, "There is a metal ramp with a trap door above it in the corridor.

Beyond the ramp, the corridor continues as normal. The ball bearings out

from under the curtain for about a minute."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Dude, Rule 0..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Never take your pants off in a game session?"

<OOC> Hugon likes snakes better...

<OOC> Koi says, "Never give the GM ideas."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Violated in...err...n/m..."

<OOC> You say, "Radioactive paintballs..."

Koi continues after the ball bearings stop, careful to shift any loose ones

out of the way.

Taetia pages, "Whats at the top of the ramp?"

You say, "You manage to safely navigate past the curtain and up the ramp to

the corridor beyond. The ramp drops off at its highest point and falls to

the level of the corridor floor. (basically, the ramp is just there to move

the ball bearings in the right direction.)"

Taetia enters the corridor

<OOC> Koi says, "Gotcah...you trip the bearings, slip, then roll back into the


Eclipse [to Koi]: Yep.

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Would've been better if they'd included lamp oil and

sparks with the bearings and pit"

You say, "The corridor continues. There are several doors on the right side

of the tunnel."

Taetia says, "Which way Oriana?"

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 25 19:31:55 2001 EST.

AlMarth has arrived.

Oriana looks around with her Correspondence sensing some more.

Oriana has received your page: "Take a right at the first door."

<OOC> Koi says, "WB Al!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Lucky Kitty!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "What did I miss? or do I even want to know?"

<OOC> Hugon holds Taetia away from AlMarth so that the lucky kitty can't be


<OOC> Taetia says, "We crossed a pit."

<OOC> Taetia strains towards AlMarth, tongue leading the way

<OOC> You say, "No human organ volleyball nets, this time."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "shucks"

Hugon uses his classic move, the sock gag, and shoves it in Taetia's mouth.

"None of that..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Giant Raders of the Lost Arc Wheel of death...pit full of

spikes...that's about it."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "All that you did in 45 minutes was cross a pit?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Paranoia can do that."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I had a Mr. Socko. I kept him in my pants, and threatned

other students with him."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nobody but me liked Mr. Socko."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Anyway...can we continue?"

Taetia waits patiently

Oriana says, "It's a right turn at the first door. Let's go."

Taetia approaches the first door

Taetia says, "Blow this one off the hinges too?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Blow?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Maybe later."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "um...eww"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Taetia says, "You did offer."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "But...no...asking...ughh, it's hopeless"

You say, "Shall we continue? You're giving me WAY too much time to thumb

through Grimtooth's Traps..."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Sat Aug 25 19:37:47 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost her link.

<OOC> Oriana says, "yes please"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That hurts my feeling. It is NOT hopeless."

Koi says, "Shall we try the knob first?"

Taetia says, "Remember what happened last time?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Wasn't Grimtooth one of the Transformers"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "The Dinobots, you know"

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m121-mp1-cvx1b.ma

n.ntl.com on Sat Aug 25 19:38:48 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has connected.

<OOC> Oriana says, "No, that was GrimLOCK..."

Koi says, "And what's to say breaking it is better?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Ohh"

Taetia says, "It'd save time."

<OOC> Hugon gawks at Beth's knowledge of Transformer Lore.

Oriana says, "Just try the knob and get out of the way as fast as you can..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I knew it was something like that"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I used to watch that show when I was a kid, too...don't be

so surprised!"

Taetia rolls her eyes, and tries the knob, then jumps clear

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I watched it in reruns when I was a kid"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "it was a few years before my time"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The doorknob turns. It clicks back into place when you

leap away.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I still remember the lyrics to that song that they kept

playing during the movie"

Taetia turns the knob again and pushes

<OOC> AlMarth says, "It was 80's-errific"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nothing happens, and the door doesn't open.

Taetia pulls

<OOC> Hugon needs to get that book...

Eclipse chuckles.

Oriana says, "Maybe your way IS better, Taetia...why not try blasting the

thing to pieces?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your spidey sense goes nuts.

Taetia jumps back and hides behind Koi

Taetia says, "I told you so.. I told you so.. I told you so.."

You say, "As the door opens, a giant blade swings from the other side and hits

the corridor wall."

<OOC> Koi says, "So...does the door open?"

<OOC> Koi says, "ahh"

Taetia says, "So. Shall we try it my way next time?"

Oriana says, "Maybe so, Taetia."

Taetia pages, "I'd like to try a life scan, to see Oriana and Ben's little

adventure is going to have consequences."

Taetia approaches the door

AlMarth says, "It did work"

Taetia has received your page: "What do you mean?"

Taetia pages, "... How do you make little halflings?"

Taetia looks through the doorway

Koi [to Taetia]: If your worried...I'll open them from now on.

Taetia says, "I say we just blow them to pieces. Much simpler."

Oriana says, "I don't think so...why draw more attention to ourselves than we

need to?"

You say, "The room beyond appears to be empty. The floor is tiled in a

checkerboard of black and white tiles. There is a door on the far side."

Taetia says, "They probably know we're here already."

Taetia says, "Let me.. I've taken some precautions that should allow me to

navigate this safely"

Taetia approaches the chessboard, slowly

<OOC> AlMarth says, "NOT a chessboard"

<OOC> AlMarth still has nightmares from THOSE Dungeon crawls

<OOC> Hugon says, "It's probably just a nice, simple floor pattern...honest..."

<OOC> You say, "We all do, Al. We all do. That's why we GMs keep using them.

Appeal to the fears of the Collective Unconscious..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I always liked them, actually."

<OOC> Koi says, "Whenever the gm makes obvious tiles...it's always a tripwire."

<OOC> Hugon says, "This is where Corr/Matter comes in handy...see through

solid objects..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Spidey sense going off?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Not yet... Can't get a lock on the potential danger

until something is done to make it kinetic danger.

Taetia starts to walk across the room to the other door..

Eclipse [to Taetia]: As soon as you are about to step on a black tile, your

spidey sense goes off.

Taetia stops and moves clear of the danger

Oriana says, "Taetia, what is it?"

Taetia steps on a nearby white tile

You say, "Clear gel pours onto the black tile and catches on fire."

Taetia says, "That?"

Oriana says, "So we should keep to the white tiles, then?"

Taetia shrugs

Taetia detours around it, trying to stay on the white tiles

Taetia says, "It might be that obvious. It might not."

Oriana says, "Should we follow you now, or wait until you get to the other


AlMarth says, "perhaps we should stay off of all the tiles"

Taetia says, "Wait till I reach the other side."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Any more traps?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You are fine as long as you stay on the white tiles. The

door on the far side of the room is bordered by a black tile (each tile is

about six feet across).

Taetia stops, and begins chanting...

Taetia pages, "Blowing it off it's hinges!"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 3, 9; totalling 18.

Oriana starts crossing the room, being careful only to step on the white tiles.

Taetia pages, "Only 2 succ of damage that time.."

Koi wait's for everyone else to go, bringing up the rear.

You say, "Your blast leaves a scorch mark on the door."

Taetia frowns and hits it again

Taetia rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 7; totalling 17.

Taetia pages, "2 more.."

AlMarth steps on white tiles

<OOC> Rahab arrives.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hi"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Howdy ho."

<OOC> Rahab says, "What's going on?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The door cracks, groans, and then breaks in half, the two

pieces flying toward you as a wall of water surges forward.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey ho Rahab. It's a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl

toward Variel..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "No warning on that?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Taetia just made a boo-boo..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Lo Rahab!"

<OOC> Rahab sticks by Koi like a Good Girl then.

<OOC> Koi might be shoving you out the door in a sec. ;)

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It's just water. There is a short corridor with black

tiles, and then another door.

Taetia says, "Noooo... I'm wet!"

Taetia shivers in horror

<OOC> AlMarth says, "damn, I hate these places with leaky plumbing"

Taetia pages, "Fly spell, to get over to the other door, with a bit of juice

left over. How much for a scene duration?"

<OOC> Koi says, "so, uh, the water's no problem?"

AlMarth picks up a piece of the door and throws it on one of the black tiles

in the hallway past the door

Eclipse [to Taetia]: NOW your spidey sense is going off. The water touches

the black tiles, and clear gel falls from the ceiling all around you,

bursting into flames. It floats on the water. Armor soak Lethal 4.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Oh"

Taetia rolled 1d10: 8; totalling 8.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Everyone?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Oil on the water..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Just you. The water only goes about twenty feet into the

large (48ft) room.

Koi backs up just to be safe...pulling Rahab along with him.

Taetia pages, "Ok. Now.. about that fly spell.. how many to just fly back so I

can heal myself?"

You say, "The smell of wet, burnt fur fills the room."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: dif 4, 2 suc.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Does the fire go out?"

Oriana says, "Does anyone have a coin or a pebble or anything small and

unimportant? I want to test something..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or is it still burning"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, then I'll heal myself"

Taetia rolled 2d10: 8, 7; totalling 15.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 levels.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 6, 8; totalling 17.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There."

Taetia says, "Somebody is going to pay for doing this to my beautiful fur."

Taetia says, "And for getting me WET."

Koi hands Oriana a ball bearing.

<OOC> Koi :)

Taetia pages, "Ok, how many succ for a scene long fly spell?"

<OOC> Rahab reads her history...will be with y'all soon.

Oriana throws a ball bearing with as much force as possible onto one of the

black squares that the water hit, with the intention of finding out if the

trap can be sprung more than once.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 3

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 5, 2; totalling 9.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 2, 5; totalling 11.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 4, 8; totalling 18.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4"

Taetia floats up above the water

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Give me a Per + Alertness, dif 6

Taetia rolled 6d10: 9, 10, 1, 3, 3, 9; totalling 35.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: The gel comes down again. Fortunately, none of it lands

on anyone.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 even"

Taetia has received your page: "You hear a snicker above you."

Taetia looks up

Oriana shrugs. "It was worth a try. I don't suppose one of you could make

some kind of shield to protect us from that gel..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Woohoo! We're gonna invent a magical umbrella!"

Koi says, "We could redirect where it falls...but it'd be easier just to avoid


Taetia has received your page: "You don't see anything except a ceiling with

small holes."

Taetia pages, "I'm blowing a hole in the ceiling"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 2, 9; totalling 15.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 1, 9, 4; totalling 14.

Oriana says, "The problem is, I don't think we can once we get to that door.

All the tiles there are black."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "if you used forces to hold it at the cieling, then it

would burn there, and possibly destroy the despensing device"

You say, "Anyone entertaining thoughts of blowing up the ceiling? <grin>"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "or cause the room to blow up"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh, nononono."

Taetia pages, "I just did"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "YES"

<OOC> Koi says, "Um...that'd be a bad idea prolly. ;)"

Taetia pages, "3 succ into the ceiling"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How big a hole do I put in the ceiling?"

You say, "Um, SPIDEY SENSE! Taetia blasts open the ceiling."

<OOC> Koi says, "great..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "FUUUUUUUUUCK!"

Taetia moves out of the way, if she can't change her mind..

Rahab HIDES behind Koi.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oh shitshitshit"

Oriana ducks and covers.

Koi grabs Rahab and pulls back even further. "Back!"

Rahab backs up.

You say, "Taetia flees as a waterfall of flaming gel pours out of the hole.

It might be wise to run for your lives, now..."

<OOC> Oriana shoots a knowing glance at Hugon and sings, "Duck!...and co-ver.

Duck!...and co-ver..."

AlMarth moves back as far as he can without touching black tiles

<OOC> Taetia says, "In case of Nuclear Explosion, Duck and Cover."

Oriana runs as fast as her stubby little halfling legs will carry her, also

avoiding black tiles.

Taetia flies out of the way

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

You say, "Everyone give me a Dex + Athletics, dif 8."

<OOC> Hugon drops underneath his desk and winks at Oriana.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 7; totalling 17.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Even me?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Owies, none..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: ESPECIALLY YOU!

AlMarth rolled 5d10: 3, 1, 6, 10, 5; totalling 25.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 2, 4, 1; totalling 7.

Taetia rolled 9d10: 1, 6, 5, 6, 10, 7, 7, 4, 2; totalling 48.

<OOC> Hugon watches Ben get schmucked by the Gel.

<OOC> Rahab -twitched-

<OOC> AlMarth says, "0"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Umm.. none."

<OOC> Rahab says, "None and a 1?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I'm flying"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wouldn't it be something else?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "(to Hugon) <adopts ditzy voice> Yeah. That would be bad!"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Soak Lethal 3 as you step on black tile. Ben take L2.

Taetia pages, "Are you sure I need to actively attack them?"

Oriana rolled 1d10: 3; totalling 3.

Koi rolled 7d10: 2, 5, 8, 4, 4, 1, 10; totalling 34.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: I had forgotten you were flying...

Taetia pages, "I seem to be doing okay so far"

<OOC> Oriana is now Mauled! Woohoo!

<OOC> Hugon snickers uncontrollably.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Soak Lethal 3 as you step on a black tile and get


<OOC> Oriana says, "Yay for the Atomic Cafe..."

<OOC> Rahab doesn't know where in the room she was.

<OOC> Koi says, "1"

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 10, 1; totalling 11.

<OOC> Koi says, "near me"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I take all 3 of them"

<OOC> Koi says, "I was pulling you oub of the way"

<OOC> Rahab rights.

You say, "The rest of you manage to escape before the room goes boom."

<OOC> Hugon has an urge to go rent that movie now.

<OOC> Oriana giggles

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It might not surprise you that your spidey sense is going

off something serious.

Taetia gets the hell out of their before things go boom

<OOC> Taetia says, "Grrr.. There even"

<OOC> Hugon says, "That sounds like when the Bastet asked if a mage with 45

paradox was a bad thing..."

Taetia says, "Well. That was certainly unexpected."

Koi says, "Blasting a celing full of flaming gel, then watching it pour down

on top of us was unexpected?!?"

Taetia says, "Right. I didn't expect that at all."

Oriana says, "What the HELL did you do that for, Taetia?!"

You say, "A wall of flame errupts from the room, surging down both sides of

the corridor. Everyone take Agg 2. The room with the gel collapses."

Taetia says, "It was laughing at me."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ow."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Great."

<OOC> Oriana is now Incapacitated.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ouch"

<OOC> Rahab, incidentally, is afraid of fire.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Soakable with armor?"

Koi triesl to shield Rahab...

Eclipse [to Taetia]: NO

<OOC> AlMarth is mauled

You say, "Ben is wounded."

<OOC> Rahab says, "At least that's all the damage I've taken."

<OOC> Oriana would probably be freaking out about that, if she were conscious

and not charred to a bloody crisp.

<OOC> Koi blinks.

Taetia says, "Perhaps someone could attend to Oriana?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Oriana is on the floor?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You're not a bloody crisp. You're a cauterized crisp.

Eclipse [to Koi]: YES.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "we need some O' that sweet sweet healing"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yeah, that too..."

Rahab screams and sobs.

<OOC> Koi says, "3 from the gel, 2 agg from this..where did the other 2 come


<OOC> Taetia says, "What'd that do to her appearence?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "The statues."

Taetia incants a spell of personal healing

<OOC> AlMarth says, "brb, SimpleMU is bugged up"

<OOC> Koi says, "Thought we got all healed up after that...."

Taetia rolled 2d10: 9, 2; totalling 11.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nothing magic can't heal

<Logout> AlMarth has disconnected on Sat

Aug 25 20:21:02 2001 EST

AlMarth has lost his link.

Taetia continues

Taetia rolled 2d10: 9, 1; totalling 10.

<OOC> Oriana says, "If so, no one ever told me that..."

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 25 20:21:12 2001 EST.

AlMarth has connected.

<OOC> Rahab thought she'd healed everyone.

<OOC> You say, "You know, this would be a splendid moment for a random


Taetia sighs as it heals a bit, and starts again

AlMarth sits down on the lumpy sofa.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 6, 10; totalling 21.

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh certainly, everyone at agg 2? It'll be great. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "There all better."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "what'd I miss"

<OOC> Hugon nods. "Yes, definately a good time. Fun for the whole cabal!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Ermm, fun for the ST"

<OOC> Hugon wonders what happened to the Werewolf War Wagon, anyway...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "as for the CABAL, I'd have to say no"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Cross your fingers and hope you run into the Fae


<OOC> Taetia says, "Soooo.. that room is pretty much gone?"

Koi tries to calm Rahab. "You have to calm down...Oriana needs you..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I wanna go to the Fae House of Derranged Blasphemous Sex!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ME TOO"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Pretty much gone? You're lucky the corridor didn't


<OOC> Taetia says, "200 people, 4 boats, 2 islands, 1 cloud, 1 random room."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Of course, you might have the table he used for the

Airport. The 1d200 one."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And 1 halfling if someone doesn't frigging heal me!


<OOC> Hugon says, "No Malakai yet?"

Taetia nudges Oriana with a foot "Is she dead?"

Rahab curls up in a little sobbing ball. "Fire..."

Taetia pages, "I've got the exp, could I learn life 3? Rising to meet a new

challenge and all that.."

Oriana's charred body lets off a little puff of smoke.

Taetia has received your page: "Sure."

Taetia ponders for a moment and strings together a new chant

AlMarth says, "Um, somebody want to heal her?"

Koi pulls rahab up, forcing her to look at him. "Stop it...you can cry later."

Taetia pages, "diff 5 right?"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 4, 3; totalling 15.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 10, 10; totalling 25.

Taetia has received your page: "yes"

Taetia pages, "Ok, theres 2.."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Mmmm, roast wench."

Taetia has received your page: "Pose, please."

Rahab shivers. "...fire...bad girl."

Taetia chants for a bit, running a hand over Oriana "Umm.. I think that

might've helped.. If she's still alive."

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 hls."

AlMarth says, "Please tell me she's still alive"

You say, "Oriana's wounds heal almost completely. (completely if Tae burns 2


<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, all right.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 quint it is.."

<OOC> Taetia grumbles

<OOC> AlMarth says, "am I still mauled?"

<OOC> Koi blinks. "Well that's new...when did you get life 3?

<OOC> Taetia says, "5 hl's then.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "All my health levels? If so...wow..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: 5 HLs.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Who ever said I didn't have more than I revelead?"

Rahab bites her lip, looking up at Koi, trying to calm down.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've got a lot more than you know about.."

<OOC> Koi shrugs.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I could use 5 HL's too"

<OOC> Oriana says, "So, just 2 agg left, then? Or did Taetia get rid of all

the agg?"

Enola Galen heads out, wishing the Cabal of Destruction good luck.

<OOC> Taetia says, "You'll find out soon tho.. Muahahaha!"

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Sat Aug 25 20:29:53 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost her link.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Agg first, then work on the lethal."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: She got rid of the Agg.

Taetia says, "Ok, you still alive?"

Oriana groans, opens her eyes, and starts trying to get up. "I think so."

Taetia says, "Oh good."

<OOC> Hugon turns on the angst sniffer.

Koi's eyes are hard as they look at Rahab. "Crying won't solve anything."

Taetia says, "I wasn't sure that'd work. Been a very long time since I used

that one."

Rahab bites her lip, looking up at Koi, trying to calm down.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Angst Sniffer: beep..Beep..BEEPBEEPBEEP"

Taetia says, "Need any more patching up?"

Oriana says, "You mean...you've known how to heal for all this time, and you

never saw fit to use it?"

Taetia shrugs "Yeah. Pretty much. I can do a lot of things I've not used in

your presence."

Oriana says, "May I ask why?"

AlMarth tries to stand up, mutters under his breath, then tries again, this

time succeeding

Taetia says, "Well, with Rahab and Iphi, it wasn't really neccessary."

Taetia says, "Besides, that spell makes my tongue hurt."

Oriana raises her eyebrows. "Well...at least you came through with it when we

needed it...I suppose."

Taetia shrugs again

Oriana says, "I suppose we need a new path now. Very well... <reaches out

with Corr sensing to find the next most direct route>"

Koi turns away from Rahab, frowning at Oriana and Taetia. "After she nearly

killed us all...always a good time."

Taetia says, "It was intentional.."

Taetia looks at the lucky kitty "You ok?"

AlMarth says, "I'm...hurt, definitely hurt"

Taetia grimaces and tries the spell again

The resolution of Enola Galen fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected

body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 1, 5; totalling 14.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 5, 8; totalling 15.

<OOC> Taetia says, "theres 1 health level.."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


Oriana says, "She did a stupid thing, Koi. I'm not going to deny that. But

at least she was there when it counted. If it weren't for her, I might be

dead by now. It doesn't look like you and Rahab were in any condition to

help me."

Taetia says, "Gah.. My tonguh!"

Oriana has received your page: "The second door on the right leads down a

corridor that allows you to reach the same place as the other side of the

room. It's only twenty or so feet out of your way."

Taetia starts it anew

Taetia rolled 3d10: 10, 3, 5; totalling 18.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 3, 9; totalling 17.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 more"

Koi's eyes narrow slightly, but doesn't say anything.

Taetia says, "Ok, is that good enough?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm up to hurt"

Oriana [to Ben]: Are you all right, sweetness?

You say, "Ben, Rahab, and Koi are the only ones still hurt, right?"

Rahab stands up slowly, looking at the rest of the group. "...sorry..." she

whispers to Koi and walks over toward everyone else.

AlMarth says, "That does feel better"

Taetia says, "Good."

Oriana says, "Why don't we try the second door on the right? It looks like

there's a corridor that goes directly to the other side of the room."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I still have 2 levels"

Taetia says, "Allrighty"

Ben, "I don't think I'll be able to sit down for quite a while..."

Taetia says, "Rahab, can you take care of them while I check out this other


Rahab nods at Taetia, slowly. She makes her way to Ben.

Taetia approaches the other door and goes to open it

Rahab rolled 3d10: 8, 7, 1; totalling 16.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The door is slightly ajar.

Taetia peeks in

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Peeks in what way?

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It's only open enough for you to see a few floor tiles

and a bit of one wall.

Taetia opens it the rest of the way

Eclipse [to Taetia]: A bucket of cold liquid falls onto your head.

<OOC> Rahab dangits

<OOC> Rahab says, "Eclipse? Anything from that backlash?"

Taetia shrieks and pulls it off

<OOC> Taetia says, "Any burning, or pain, or was it just water?"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: You didn't have any Scourge, right? Then no Backlash.

<OOC> Rahab whews.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It feels too gooey to be water, but it isn't burning.

Rahab tries healing Ben again.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 9, 8, 7; totalling 24.

<OOC> Taetia says, "In case everyone missed this, I'd just like to point out

that Subtle is not a word used in conjuction with Cabal of Destruction."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: That'll do it for Ben.

Taetia tries to wipe it off

Taetia says, "Gah.. What is this stuff?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "DIdn't my spidey sense warn me?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that was pretty much stating the obvious"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yet another contrast...you guys go and blast things open,

we avoid fights."

Rahab goes over to Koi then.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You can't quite discern what it is, but it feels sticky

like blood or grease.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 6, 9, 8; totalling 23.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "brb"

<OOC> Koi has agg two

Taetia sniffs at it

<OOC> Koi says, "You'd have to blow quin to heal me"

<OOC> Koi says, "And he'll insist you heal yourself first. ;)"

Oriana says, "Taetia, what's going on over there?"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Yes. You have to burn 2 quint to heal each person's agg.

Taetia says, "You remember that old trick, of putting a bucket above a

slightly open door?"

Oriana says, "Yes. What about it?"

Taetia says, "It appears who ever designed this place had a really immature

sense of humor."

Taetia kicks the bucket over to them

<OOC> Taetia says, "What does the stuff smell like?"

Oriana inspects the bucket

<OOC> Rahab oh, yeahs. Eyes. I only have two quint.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It smells a bit like semi-sweet mud.

<OOC> Koi says, "heal yourself one, and ben one. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've got medicine 3, can I identify it if it's a poison?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sure.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Per+Medi?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sure.

Taetia rolled 6d10: 6, 6, 2, 6, 3, 7; totalling 30.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: dif 6

Rahab heals Ben one, and heads over to Koi. She looks like she's going to try

healing him.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It's not any poison you recognize.

Koi reaches out for Rahabs shoulder. "No."

Rahab says, "You're hurt."

Taetia tastes it

<OOC> Taetia says, "This is semen is it?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "isn't, even"

Koi [to Rahab]: And so are you, I'll be fine, yourself first.

AlMarth looks at Taetia

Taetia pages, "What's it taste like?"

You say, "Everyone else can now see Taetia with or without magic. Her entire

head and shoulders, as well as the back of one arm is glowing bright bright

bright green. Teatia, you realize this, too, because you can now read the

note on the door - Please Watch Head."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tae can't read."

Oriana laughs in spite of herself.

Taetia says, "Whats the sign say?"

Oriana says, "Please Watch Head. <giggle>"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Well. Then you can discern letters by the glow of your


Taetia says, "Very cute."

AlMarth says, "We don't seem to be getting anywhere"

Rahab shakes her head. "Bad Girl," she mutters. "Deserved it."

Taetia looks down the hallway

Taetia ignores that..

<OOC> Hugon says, "AFK for a bit..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The corridor leads to an open doorway with a guillotine

blade hanging above it.

Taetia floats down the corridor and shoots right through the doorway, quick as

can be.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: There are hundreds of small holes in the walls and


<OOC> Taetia says, "Spidey sense going off?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or since I'm not walking down the hall.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "this is NOT good"

Taetia has received your page: "You reach the other side safely. You are now

in another corridor leading left or right. No spidey sense, but if you could

be so kind as to scream ooc, I would appreciate it..."

Taetia pages, "Eh? Ok.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. Fuck me."

<OOC> Koi says, "So rahab, do you heal yourself?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "we did that already"

<OOC> Eclipse grins. "Next..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, but I didn't enjoy it."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Nope."

<OOC> Taetia says, "That kinda sucked ass.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "That's not what it looked like to me"

Rahab hums to herself.

<OOC> Rahab spends it on you, Koi.

<OOC> You say, "brb"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Trust me, when a woman says it's a good size, she means

it's small. And yes, size does matter."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "when Tae healed 3 levels for me, did she heal the Agg?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "You...You were FAKING it?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I did it just to shut you up, remember?"

<OOC> Oriana would be really disgusted by this conversation if she weren't

laughing so hard...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Don't tell me you didn't even notice the sarcastic tone of

my moaning?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I was a little busy at the time"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Little.. how appropriate.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Judging from your performance, what exactly where you

concentrating on?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "The task at hand"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Really? Coulda fooled me."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Anyway. Back to your bloody, messy, humiliating death,


<OOC> Taetia says, "We need Eclipse for that."

<OOC> You say, "b"

<OOC> Taetia says, "There he is."

Taetia pages, "Now what?"

Koi frowns at Rahab. "You need to learn to respect another's wishes." Then

slowly stands, turning back to the doorway.

<OOC> Oriana totally missed the fact that Eclipse was AFK. Oops.

Taetia says, "Might want to fly down that hall, guys."

Eclipse [to Koi]: You see what Tae saw, except without the paint to get in

your eyes.

Rahab's eyes widen, and she bites her lip, trying not to cry. Koi said cry

later. Be a Good Girl. Don't cry. Good Girls don't cry.

You say, "Taetia is standing on the other end of the hall, in another


Oriana says, "Koi, can you make us fly?"

Koi nods at Oriana. "One moment."

Taetia pages, "What can I see down each corridor?"

Koi closes his eyes, focusing.

Koi rolled 4d10: 10, 10, 6, 4; totalling 30.

<OOC> Taetia says, "You know, if I made a habit of thinking more than 15

seconds into the future, I'm sure I'd be worried."

<OOC> Koi says, "was the diff 6 or 7?"

Taetia has received your page: "More doors, most of them to the left, on the

right side of the hall. The corridor to the right has collapsed about twenty

feet from where you are."

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5, 7 suc.

Koi rolled 4d10: 9, 3, 10, 6; totalling 28.

Koi rolled 4d10: 1, 9, 2, 9; totalling 21.

Koi rolled 4d10: 3, 2, 4, 8; totalling 17.

<OOC> Koi says, "there's 8, one for duration"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Okay. It will last for the rest of the day.

<OOC> Hugon can't believe he just took a shower and returned and you still

haven't crossed that room...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Perhaps if you were a bit more thorough..."

Taetia pages, "I don't suppose I could be buffed a bit, just to make it look

like I've always been evil/hiding my true power? Only to come into play when

I attack them of course.."

<OOC> You say, "I worked very hard to make them paranoid, Hugon. This room

doesn't even have any traps in it. It just LOOKS like it's trapped."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We crossed the room.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Actually, no we didn't.. We blew the room up.."

You say, "You make it to the other side of the room."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "YAY"

Oriana says, "Who wants to open THIS door?"

Taetia looks at the invisible door

Taetia says, "Hmm.. I didn't know there was a door there.."

Taetia has received your page: "No. I really don't WANT them to hate you. I

want them to hesitate and only kill in self-defense."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Is there even a door? If not, ignore that last comment..."

Taetia pages, "Oh. Ok."

Taetia says, "Which way now?"

You say, "There is no door. Just a guillotine blade at the top of the arch."

Oriana says, "I don't know...yet. <sends Corr sensing out some more>"

Oriana has received your page: "The corridor to the right collapsed, so you

can't take the shortest route. But there's another corridor from the first

door on the right down the left hallway that leads to your destination."

Rahab [to empty_space]: Was I a Bad Girl

<OOC> Rahab ?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Rahab ? indeed"

Rahab has received your page: "'It's okay, Rahab. You weren't bad back there.

Fire hurts a lot. Even adults don't like being burned.'"

Oriana says, "If we go to the first door on the right and down the left

hallway, we should end up right where we want to be."

<OOC> You say, "Did my directions confuse everyone?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Not really."

Taetia says, "Through the first door on the right and then down the left

hallway? Or just to the door, and down the left hallway in this hallway?"

Rahab [to empty_space]: Koi doesn't like me.

You say, "Well, actually, I meant to take a left here. Then take the first

door on the right, which will lead to another corridor."

Taetia turns to the left, and takes the first door on the right.

Koi looks back at Rahab. "I never said that."

Rahab has received your page: "'Actually, he cares for you a lot. He doesn't

like to see you hurt or sad, and he wants to keep you safe.'"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The door is ajar.

Rahab blinks.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is there a sign on this one?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes.

Taetia says, "What's that sign say?"

Oriana reads the sign

Eclipse [to Oriana]: The sign says, 'Watch that first step. It's a doozy.'

Oriana repeats this to Taetia. "So be careful."

Taetia pulls out her sword, leans forward and flicks the door open.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nothing happen?"

You say, "There is a stairway leading down. You feel no immediate danger."

Taetia floats up a few inches and through the door, then starts to descend,

still floating

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no IMMEDIATE danger"

<OOC> Koi says, "gotta love that"

<OOC> Hugon sighs and looks in his wallet, hoping he has money after buying

Nagah to go get the book...

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> You say, "What can I say? I have a simple sense of humor, in many


<OOC> Taetia says, "YOU already have enough books to bedevil us with."

Rahab frowns a little bit and moves a little closer to Koi if she can. "Bad

Girl," she says as if to herself.

AlMarth starts down the stairs, skipping the first step

Oriana follows Al'Marth, but cautiously

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You get down the stairs safely.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You get down the stairs safely.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You get down the stairs safely.

Koi follows their lead......

Rahab follows Koi.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Whats at the bottom?"

You say, "You all get down the stairs safely. The stairs end in a stone door."

Taetia goes to open the door..

Eclipse [to Taetia]: There is no handle and no hinges. It is actually more of

a wall than a door.

Taetia pushes on it

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It doesn't budge.

Taetia tries knocking..

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nothing happens.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Taetia 5h 18s IC PC

Rahab 7h 1m IC Wiz

Koi 3h 1m IC Wiz

Oriana 4h 2m IC PC Turnabout Sucks

AlMarth 57m 2m IC PC Compulsive Loonie

Hugon 2h 4m OOC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

--[Sat Jun 12 18:45:15 2651]--------------------------------[7 users; 0s lag]--

<OOC> Taetia says, "Any levers, buttons, anything of interest?"

Oriana says, "Why not give it a shove with Forces, Taetia? Don't blow it

up...just push it."

Taetia says, "Ok.."

Hugon has received your page: "This is going to be fun to watch. The trigger

for the door is the first step that the all skipped."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is it set like a normal door, or a sliding door?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: No levers or buttons visible.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It is like a boulder that no amount of pushing and

shoving is going to budge.

Hugon pages, "*chuckles* Poor, poor players...*waits to see if Taetia

attempts to kill the whole party tonight*"

Taetia says, "I'll give it a try.. not sure if it'll work.."

Hugon has received your page: "Already tried it once. You missed it..."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 6, 3; totalling 11.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 4, 5; totalling 17.

<OOC> Hugon settles in with some popcorn, pop, and waits for the Big Nasty to


<OOC> Taetia says, "Heh. 2 suc.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It has absolutely no effect.

Hugon pages, "I saw it (The Blowing of the Ceiling, yes?>"

Taetia chants for a bit, then points at the door.

Taetia says, "Open up, please?"

Taetia has received your page: "Yes."

You say, "Nothing happens."

Taetia pages, "Eh?"

Hugon has received your page: "Yes."

Taetia says, "Well. Anyone have any bright ideas?"

Taetia has received your page: "Sorry. Mispage."

Oriana tries to extend her Corr sensing past the door.

Taetia leans on the door

Oriana has received your page: "This appears to be where your magic would not

go. Something is blocking your magic."

Oriana says, "Well, this seems to be the place that I couldn't reach with my

magic. Whatever's behind that door, it's something they don't want us to


Hugon pages, "What surprised me about that was when a comment about Taetia

almost killing the party, she said, "It was intentional" and nobody picked up

on it."

Hugon has received your page: "Yes. I noticed that."

Taetia says, "And we need to get through it. I guess this means we fall back

to blasting the shit out of it?"

Oriana says, "If all else fails, I could probably teleport myself to the other

side and try to open it from there."

Taetia says, "That's an idea."

Koi pages, "Hmmm...how about transmuting all of the heat energy out of the

door, freezing it, then...tap..."

Koi has received your page: "You're welcome to try..."

<OOC> Koi hmmms...why not?

Taetia says, "Can you sense any mind patterns behind it?"

Koi says, "Mind if I try something?"

Oriana says, "Sure, go ahead."

Taetia shrugs and stands away from the door "Feel free."

AlMarth says, "No objections here"

<OOC> Koi says, "Prolly won't work, but hey, it's fun. ;)"

Hugon has received your page: "I'm guessing at least half an hour before

someone figures it out..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Diff Eclipse?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: 5.

Hugon pages, "Hmm, I could take 2 showers then. *G* That or go pick up a

movie. @#;+)"

Koi rolled 4d10: 8, 3, 9, 2; totalling 22.

Koi pages, "going until it's pretty friggin near liquid nitrogen tepm"

Koi has received your page: "Your magic strikes the stone and seems to fizzle


Koi frowns. "It's protetcted..."

Taetia pages, "Prime scan."

Oriana says, "In what way?"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 6, 7; totalling 18.

Koi says, "I can't effect it."

Oriana says, "Then trying to blow it up probably won't do much, either."

Taetia nods "There has to be way in though.."

Taetia has received your page: "This boulder is part of a barrier that looks

like a magical black hole."

Oriana says, "Want me to try teleporting in?"

AlMarth frowns "Maybe you'll have to teleport Oriana"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oops, lag"

Taetia says, "I don't think so.. that thing looks like a magical black hole.."

Koi says, "She may not be able to get through..."

Oriana says, "Could it really hurt to try?"

Taetia says, "THis is a temple to the dark gods.. maybe we have to pray or


Taetia grimaces

Taetia says, "Might as well try"

Koi [to Oriana]: It might...I don't know.

Oriana says, "Can I link minds with one of you first? Preferably someone who

can talk back to me telepathically? You'll need to know what's going on in

there, if I get in."

<OOC> Koi has mind one?

<OOC> Taetia looks at the boulder and squinches her eyes "There is no spoon,

there is no spoon, there is no spoon"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Tyson, do you have enough Mind for that?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tp? Nope."

Rahab shakes her head wildly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I think you're the only one."

<OOC> Koi bites his lip, "too easy."

Taetia says, "Hey Rahab.. give the boulder a push, would you?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I have mind"

Taetia says, "It might be keyed to your race. Or Variel's bloodline."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "mind 2, to be exact"

Oriana says, "Good idea, Taetia."

Rahab bites her lip, looking terrified. She glances at the empty space.

Koi murmurs to Rahab. "Go ahead...we're right with you."

Rahab has received your page: "'No harm in trying, I guess.'"

AlMarth does his best to look motivating

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

AlMarth 1h 59s IC PC Compulsive Loonie

Koi 4h 1m IC Wiz

Rahab 7h 1m IC Wiz

Oriana 4h 2m IC PC Turnabout Sucks

Taetia 5h 2m IC PC

Hugon 2h 8m OOC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

--[Sat Jun 12 19:34:45 2651]--------------------------------[7 users; 0s lag]--

Rahab offers the empty space, then Koi, a shaky smile. "I can be scared

later." she whispers to herself, reaching up a tiny hand to push at the


You say, "Nothing happens."

<OOC> Koi laughs.

Taetia says, "Well."

Hugon has received your page: "11 minutes so far..."

Koi smiles slightly at Rahab's words.

Taetia says, "Another good idea shot to shit."

Rahab frowns. "Sorry," she says to Taetia.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Little help St dude?"

Taetia shrugs

Taetia says, "Didn't really expect it to work."

Oriana says, "Want me to try the teleportation thing?"

Taetia says, "Go ahead."

Hugon pages, "*tick tock tick tock* Where's Iphi to be the counter when you

need her?"

<OOC> You say, "I already gave you your hint for this one. Sorry. You're on

your own..."

Koi [to Oriana]: Be careful...

AlMarth says, "Should we mind-link first?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Errr.. which hint would that be?"

<OOC> Hugon munches on his popcorn. "Yummy".

<OOC> Koi says, "Who want's to go back up and step on the first step?"

<OOC> Koi :)

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Can I do that with mind 2"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Diff/succ?"

Taetia tries pulling on it.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 5 to get a telepathic link.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I suddenly get a mental image of that farside cartoon..

where a little boy is trying to enter the school for the gifted by pushing on

the door clearly marked pull.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nothing happen, eh?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: No luck.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Should I be rolling something too?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: And 2 suc.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 10, 6, 3; totalling 19.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Got the mind link with Al'Marth. How much to teleport?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You can only share your perceptions of one sense. Dif

4, 3 suc.

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 1, 1; totalling 2.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 2 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> Hugon winces.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "um, ouch"

<OOC> Koi says, "omg"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 5, 6 suc.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that's a 3 point backlash"

<OOC> Koi comforts Almarth

<OOC> Hugon says, "While linked to Oriana...fun stuff."

<OOC> Rahab sobs!

Taetia pages, "I try to count the magical black hole with prime. Diff/succ?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: 3? What about your Mind 2 botch?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no wait...4"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: What's your Purity.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I think 4"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "maybe it was 5"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "not the more than 5 that was needed though"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: 4-point Backlash. Hmmm...

Taetia says, "I get the feeling theres a relatively easy solution to this,

that we're completely overlooking."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2 from before, and 2 from the ones I had"

Oriana says, "So do I..."

Taetia turns

Taetia pages, "I look at the bottom step"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You fall madly in love with Taetia for the rest of the


Rahab examines the boulder, peeking into its cracks. She knocks on it.


<OOC> Taetia says, "Lol"

<OOC> Hugon says, "For 4 points? That's cruel..."

Taetia has received your page: "You see nothing special."

<OOC> Oriana rofl.

<OOC> You say, "It's only for the rest of the scene..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I like it. @#;+)"

AlMarth looks over to taetia, and says coyly, "Hi"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Nothing happens.

Taetia says, "Umm.. hello."

Taetia says, "I've an idea.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Diff/succ to teleport?"

Taetia pages, "Looking back into the past, to see how others opened the door.

Time 2, so diff 4. Succ?"

Koi says, "Anyone want to go step on the step above?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 5, 6 suc.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 6; totalling 11.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Rahab looks back at Koi. "I will."

AlMarth says, "I'd simply LOOVE to hear about your idea, Taetia"

Oriana swears under her breath...starts again.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 2 suc.

Taetia says, "Uh hu.. Are you feeling ok AlMarth?"

Oriana rolled 3d10: 9, 3, 1; totalling 13.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 8, 9; totalling 23.

Taetia chants a bit

Oriana says, "Gods damn it! <starts AGAIN...>"

Oriana rolled 3d10: 8, 3, 5; totalling 16.

Koi smiles softly at Rahab. "Let's see if Oriana's attempt works..."

Oriana rolled 3d10: 4, 7, 4; totalling 15.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Aren't you glad you don't have any Scourge?

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

Oriana rolled 3d10: 9, 8, 6; totalling 23.

Rahab nods, walking over to Koi and reaching for his hand.

AlMarth says, "I'm feeling better than ever"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Got it in 3"

Taetia pages, "What do I see?"

Taetia says, "Well.. I'm happy for you then.."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Give me a WP check, dif 6.

Oriana rolled 6d10: 9, 10, 8, 7, 4, 8; totalling 46.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I think she got it...\"

<OOC> Oriana says, "5 succ. I'm a strong-willed midget bitch."

Koi frowns at Rahab, choosing to place his hand on her shoulder instead.

<OOC> Hugon says, "And so is your character. *wink nudge grin*"

<OOC> Oriana smacks Hugon! *G*

<OOC> Taetia pokes Eclipse

<OOC> Taetia says, "Lol!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Haha"

Taetia has received your page: "You see the statue of Wysp walk down the

stairs. The boulder rolls away for it."

Taetia pages, "Does it do anything special?"

Rahab drops her hand.

Oriana has received your page: "You try to cross the barrier and are nearly

torn apart by the magic before you return to your starting point."

AlMarth starts shifting from foot to foot "You know, Taetia, I've never told

you this but...well"

Taetia raises an eyebrow "Hmm?"

Taetia has received your page: "Nope. Just slowly walks down the stairs."

Oriana sighs. "Anyone have any other ideas?"

AlMarth says, "I have...feelings for you"

Taetia blinks a bit "Well.. I have feelings for you too AlMarth.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "this is really evil, Z"

Hugon has received your page: "Six more minutes and I've guessed it on the


Taetia says, "Somebody go check the first step?"

Rahab says, "I will."

Taetia pages, "stepping on particular stairs?"

Koi smiles. "How about I go? You can come with me Rahab.

Taetia says, "What kind of feelings are we talking about here?"

Rahab nods.

Rahab says, "Kay."

AlMarth blushes

Hugon pages, "Yeah, but that's if they solve it then. Otherwise you'll be

short (no surprise)."

Koi flies up, bringing Rahab with him.

Hugon pages, "Wait, it might happen..."

AlMarth says, "I think you know what I mean"

Eclipse [to Koi]: You and Rahab reach the top of the stairs.

Taetia does the feline version of blushing "Oh. Well. We can always 'discuss'

that later, when we have some privacy."

Koi touches the step gingerly

Rahab [to Koi]: Be careful.

Taetia yells to Koi "Try walking down the stairs. It worked for the Wysp


Oriana shakes her head. "Crazy cats."

Eclipse [to Koi]: It seems to give a tiny bit.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I wonder if there are group rates at the shrinks for cabals

like this one..."

Taetia says, "But yes AlMarth, I do share those 'feelings'"

Koi pushes harder, waiting to see what happens.

AlMarth says, "well then...we'll...uh...discuss it later"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We have yet to transgender anyone.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And I, for one, intend to keep it that way."

Taetia steps forward and gives AlMarth a brain melting kiss

Eclipse [to Koi]: The stair clicks softly.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "don't give him Ideas"

Koi tenses, ready to dodge flying blades or what not.

AlMarth waits for his brain to solidify

Oriana averts her eyes. "For gods sakes get a room."

Taetia says, "You sure you want to wait for later?"

Taetia gives him another kiss

<OOC> Rahab is glad Rahab's not witnessing this.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Freaky Cat and Freaky Halfling relations..."

AlMarth says, "well, we are in a dangerous situation, there might not be a


<OOC> Oriana is sorry that she's witnessing this!

AlMarth returns the kiss

Taetia says, "Right. Lets do it then. Take off your pants!"

Oriana says, "Um, kitties? Has it occurred to you that there's a 5 year old

child at the top of the stairs watching everything you do?"

AlMarth says, "In front of Oriana and Ben?"

AlMarth says, "and Rahab and Koi"

Taetia says, "It's not like they haven't seen anything like this before. Lets

just get this over with. They can avert their eyes."

You say, "There is a rumble as the boulder rolls to one side. Beyond the

boulder is a long, high chamber decorated with two statues of each dark god.

At the far end of the room, Variel stands behind an altar on a dais,

performing a ritual sacrifice on a human infant. There is a door behind him."

Taetia says, "Oh. Damn."

Taetia says, "Later then."

AlMarth says, "Yes, later"

Oriana grits her teeth and mumbles, "Now is DEFINITELY not the time..."

Taetia gives AlMarth another kiss

<OOC> Rahab says, "Can we see this from the top of the stairs?"

Taetia says, "But not to much later."

Taetia steps forward "Ho, Variel."

AlMarth says, "no"

Taetia has received your page: "NOT YET!"

Taetia pages, "Hmm?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "If you'd delayed just a few more seconds Eclipse..."

Koi hurries down the stairs, now that the door is open.

Taetia has received your page: "I told you I would improvize!"

Hugon pages, "Dang it, gotta go when it's going to get good...I'll have to

read the logs. Laters."

Rahab follows right behind until she sees Variel, at which juncture she

promptly hides behind Koi in mortal terror.

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Sat Aug

25 21:57:03 2001 EST

Hugon has disconnected.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I think he was aware of that"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

Taetia pages, "I just said hello.."

You say, "Variel continues his ritual without speaking."

The resolution of Hugon fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Rahab whimpers. "Make him stop..."

Taetia says, "Should we wait for him to finish? We're here to recruit him, so

wounding him probably wouldn't help.."

Oriana whispers to everyone, "We should stop this..."

Koi's eyes narrow, and he raises his hand at Variel. "Stop...now!"

You say, "No response."

Rahab whispers to the empty space "I donwanna be a Bad Girl..."

AlMarth gets out his bow

Oriana starts walking toward Variel, and motions for the rest of the cabal to


Taetia follows

<OOC> Koi says, "Let me know the instant he looks like he's going to harm the


AlMarth follows

<OOC> AlMarth says, "me too"

Koi follows behind, concentrating his magic.

You say, "His knife plunges toward the infant on the altar."

Rahab trudges behind Koi, fighting the urge to run very far away.

Rahab is -not- watching the scene on the altar.

Koi concentrates, trying to telekinetically fling Variel away from the child.

AlMarth takes aim with his bow...

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go for it.

Koi rolled 4d10: 4, 8, 5, 4; totalling 21.

<OOC> Koi says, "forgot the wp...damnit"

<OOC> Koi says, "2"

AlMarth rolled 5d10: 1, 8, 3, 9, 10; totalling 31.

You say, "The magic smashes into an invisible barrier surrounding the dais."

Koi curses loudly, sprinting forward, probably too late

You say, "Al'Marth's arrow strikes an invisible barrier in front of the dais

and bounce away."

Rahab looks up at Koi's curse, eyes widening. "Nononononono!" she shrieks.

You say, "The knife hesitates. Variel looks up and glares at Oriana and Ben.

Then he slowly slides the blade into the screaming baby's neck."

<OOC> Koi says, "Mmmm...do I crash into the barrier? :)"

Taetia waits

AlMarth narrows his eyes "We are not joining him, he dies"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes. You strike an invisible wall and bounce.

Rahab stands rooted to the spot in terror.

Oriana just glares at Variel.

Koi falls to the floor, struggling back to his feet, trying to find a way past

the barrier.

Variel, "You didn't think I would be defenseless, did you? I did not gain my

rank by being a fool. You have tracked me far, my little Ba'Lak."

Taetia says, "Quite Variel. We wouldn't be here however, but a man named

Eclipse pointed us in this direction."

Taetia says, "I'm not sure why anymore.. He said you might join us in our

quest to kill Hemlock, but somehow I doubt it."

Rahab whimpers softly, eyes fixed on the baby.

Taetia says, "But you might anyway. You realize Hemlock can only be killed by

a human? Which makes you a very large liability."

You say, "Variel's eyes widen slightly. 'Indeed? Were those his exact


Taetia nods

Taetia says, "Oh yes. And once you're no longer useful, would you like to

guess what Hemlock will do to you? Hell, he's already offered me your


Taetia says, "Very tempting. If things don't pan out, I might accept his


Koi feels at the wall, eyes not leaving Variel, looking for an opening.

Variel, "I am not easily replaced."

Rahab shivers, looking at Taetia in sudden fear and anger. "Bad!"

Taetia says, "You really think so? Even if you are so hard to replace, do you

think he'd leave any member of the race that can strike him down alive?"

Taetia says, "I'd join with us, merely for self preservation."

You say, "Variel waves a hand at Taetia. 'You were mine once, D. Now you

will be mine again!'"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: What's your WP?

<OOC> Taetia says, "6."

Taetia has received your page: "Back to the good old days of being a Ba'Lak


<OOC> Oriana doesn't like the sound of this...

Variel, "Hold your tongue, D!"

Taetia pages, "out even a roll?"

Taetia falls silent

Taetia pages, "Change my name?"

Name of #323 changed to "D", with aliases {"D"}.

"tae" is not the name of any player.

D has received your page: "Like I said. No dice."

D waits for her next order.

AlMarth says, "Don't do this to her Variel"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ohfuck"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

Variel, "It might interest you to know that you are not the only ones who have

been snooping around. Come out, Captain."

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 4 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> D says, "Ahab!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "lol"

You say, "A cold-faced Captain Ahab and First Mate Vernon walk through the

door. They are followed by the statue of Wysp."

Koi slowly steps away from the forcefield, hands tightening into fists.

Oriana says, "...Ahab?"

AlMarth says, "Variel, I will not rest until you are dead, unless you release

Taetia from your spell right now"

Rahab shakes her head, looking at D with a shiver. "What do I do?" she asks

the empty space.

Variel, "These have ceased to be useful to me. Kill them all."

Rahab has received your page: "'I...I don't know...'"

D pages, "Ooo.. time to start nailing people?"

AlMarth says, "Ahab, I know there is good in you, please, stop this now"

Rahab's eyes widen in horror, and she backs up, looking for a place to hide.

Oriana pages, "I want to check out Ahab and Vernon's Mind patterns...see if

they're under the Ba'Lak conditioning again."

Rahab pages, "Unless the statues move to threaten me, I'm going behind one of


"tae" is not the name of any player.

You say, "Initiative, folks."

Koi's eyes flicker amongst everyone, then to Variel. "This is a mistake..."

D rolled 6d10: 10, 4, 8, 6, 8, 7; totalling 43.

<OOC> D says, "6."

Oriana rolled 5d10: 5, 3, 4, 7, 5; totalling 24.

<OOC> Oriana says, "4"

AlMarth rolled Initiative (6d10) : 2, 3, 8, 6, 2, 2; with 2 successes.

Rahab rolled Initiative (4d10) : 7, 1, 4, 3; with 2 successes.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2"

<OOC> Rahab says, "2"

Koi rolled Initiative (5d10) : 2, 2, 5, 2, 3; with 1 success.

<OOC> D says, "Oh.. and my legendary ability.."

D rolled 6d10: 4, 5, 2, 9, 6, 2; totalling 28.

<OOC> D says, "3 extra dodges a turn."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Too bad you can't dodge a spell."

<OOC> D says, "Quite."

<OOC> D says, "Kill Koi, kill oriana, kill Rahab, kill AlMarth."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm last, Yay me"

Rahab pages, "How close to someone do I have to be to use Life on them?"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Does that mean I'm more threatening than you are?"

<OOC> D says, "Quite."

<OOC> D says, "Shall we begin this dance?"

You say, "Variel goes first. He just crosses his arms as the blood drips off

the altar and watches, smiling."

Eclipse [to D]: Go.

D whips out her sword, bounds over to Koi, and slices at him with a cry of

"Die, traitor!"

D rolled 10d10: 3, 10, 1, 9, 6, 3, 1, 4, 8, 7; totalling 52.

<OOC> D says, "Ah.. only 4 succ.."

<OOC> D says, "Oh yes, reroll 10's.."

D rolled 1d10: 9; totalling 9.

<OOC> D says, "5 succ."

<OOC> D says, "Roll damage?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Do you intend to dodge at the regular penalty?

<OOC> Koi says, "Um...yeah. ;)"

<OOC> D says, "-2 to the dice pool, dah?"

<OOC> D says, "and +1 to the diff of his next action."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes.

<OOC> D says, "and -3 to his next action."

Eclipse [to D]: Yes. -2/-3

Eclipse [to Koi]: Well?

<OOC> Koi says, "what's a dodge roll? :)"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Dex + Dodge, dif 6

<OOC> Koi says, "-2 right?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes.

Koi rolled 6d10: 5, 8, 9, 8, 8, 9; totalling 47.

<OOC> Koi smiles

<OOC> D says, "Poo."

<OOC> Koi says, "5"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Mmmm."

You say, "Koi leaps nimbly out of the way."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana looks over at D. "I won't fight you, Taetia."

D says, "All the better for me."

D says, "And the names D."

Rahab pages, "How close to someone do I have to be to use Life on them?"

Oriana drops down on her knees and starts praying to Barlik.

Rahab has received your page: "Line of sight."

<OOC> Koi prods Oriana.

<OOC> Oriana says, "What?"

<OOC> Koi says, "This is gonna hurt. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "*shrug* I'm not gonna give Tyson, or Eclipse, the

satisfaction of watching us beat the crap out of one another. (c;"

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

You say, "Ahab begins to sing a sea chanty."

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay...hmm...I'll have one die to do it instead I guess..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: What is your WP?

<OOC> Oriana says, "3. *cringe*"

<OOC> D says, "3? 3?! How did you get a 3 wp?!"

<OOC> Rahab thinks she spent some.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, 6 permanent, 3 temporary...I don't know which one he

means exactly..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Okay. Thanks....

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

Rahab humms to herself.

(remotely) Rahab Life and Prime, at D. Can I make her fall unconscious for as

long as possible?

(remotely) Rahab doesn't know if prime is necessary.

Rahab has received your page: "Life 3. (suc - 1) x 2 as bashing damage."

Rahab rolled 3d10: 1, 5, 7; totalling 13.

(remotely) Rahab tries it.

(remotely) Rahab bahs. Not with that roll.

(remotely) Rahab wonders if she can accumulate.

Rahab has received your page: "You can continue the spell at +1 dif on the

next turn."

(remotely) Rahab noddles. "What is the diff?"

Rahab has received your page: "dif 5 (6 next turn)"

Rahab pages, "KAy. So I've got one atm."

You say, "Vernon draws a sword and waves it in an intricate pattern at Koi. A

bolt of fire strikes the monk. (soak lethal 2)"

<OOC> D says, "What's that put you at now Koi? 4 down, right?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "3"

AlMarth attempts to Grab Taetia/D's Eclipse-summoning Amulet

<OOC> D says, "Roll dodge?"

Eclipse [to D]: Yes.

D rolled 9d10: 2, 2, 1, 4, 4, 5, 7, 4, 3; totalling 32.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Roll Dex + Brawl or Melee.

<OOC> D says, "Umm.. none."

AlMarth rolled 4d10: 4, 3, 4, 2; totalling 13.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "uh...damn"

You say, "We have two UNlucky kitties tonight..."

<OOC> Koi says, "well...combat's been interesting thusfar. ;)"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "We almost GOT lucky"

<OOC> D says, "Just a few more seconds.. Sigh.."

<OOC> You say, "Until Koi made a LUCKY guess about that step."

<OOC> Koi says, "LUCKEY?!@?"

<OOC> Koi says, "I did nothing of the sort. ;)"

<OOC> Rahab steals Koi's E.

<OOC> D says, "Whotcha doin Koi?"

<OOC> Koi says, "oh, hey, it's my turn!!"

<OOC> D says, "Botch, botch, botch.."

<OOC> Koi hmms.

Koi extends a hand, chanting.

<OOC> Koi says, "Lightening bolt."

<OOC> Koi says, "1 wp"

Eclipse [to Koi]: At whom?

<OOC> Koi says, "D"

<OOC> D says, "Poo.."

<OOC> D says, "botch.. botch.. botch.. botch.."

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5

<OOC> Koi says, "I'm down 3 dice right?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yep.

<OOC> D says, "Hey, kill Variel! W/o him, I go back to abnormal!"

Koi rolled 1d10: 10; totalling 10.

<OOC> Koi says, "lol"

<OOC> Rahab grins.

<OOC> Koi says, "2 succ"

D pages, "Spoot.."

Eclipse [to tae]: A bolt of lightning strikes you in the chest. Soak Lethal 4.

<OOC> Koi says, "A desperate move."

D rolled 1d10: 3; totalling 3.

D has received your page: "Spoot?"

D pages, "Yes. Spoot. I want to maim someone! Variel heal me?"

You say, "The statue of Wysp stomps toward Rahab, lifting its arms high."

D gasps and jerks spasmodically as the electricity burns through her

You say, "Variel laughs."

Variel, "Some things never change, do they? You didn't need enemies, my

little Ba'Lak. All along, you were your own worst enemy!"

Eclipse [to D]: Go.

<OOC> D says, "3 wp, 2 attacks, 1 wp to the attack on Koi, 1 wp to an attack

on Almarth"

D rolled 8d10: 4, 5, 5, 8, 6, 8, 1, 7; totalling 44.

<OOC> D says, "7 on Koi"

D rolled 7d10: 2, 8, 5, 3, 10, 10, 4; totalling 42.

<OOC> D says, "6 on AlMarth"

<OOC> Oriana says, "The frightening thing is, that's rilly, rilly true..."

<OOC> D says, "Dodges?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "CAN we Dodge?"

Eclipse [to D]: Let's hope so... Koi? Al? Dodge?

<OOC> D says, "By taking a -2 to your dice pool this action, a -3 to your next

action and +1 diff. Unless you just dodge this turn."

<OOC> Koi dodges at -4?

Eclipse [to Koi]: New turn.

<OOC> Koi says, "Ah"

<OOC> Koi considers his options

<OOC> Koi says, "0 quin, 1 burnable wp left..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hmm, that lets me roll 3d10 for my dodge, and I'll be at

-4 dice for my next action"

<OOC> Koi attempts to dodge.

<OOC> D says, "No dodge then AlMarth?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I think maybe I should just dodge this turn"

Koi rolled 8d10: 3, 2, 5, 9, 5, 6, 3, 8; totalling 41.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "What exactly is she doing to me"

D rolled 10d10: 9, 8, 6, 1, 4, 4, 7, 1, 2, 4; totalling 46.

<OOC> D says, "5 damage to Koi."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Hacking you with a sword.

<OOC> D says, "Hitting you with a sharp object."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'll just dodge"

<OOC> Koi says, "5 puts me beyond incap ;)"

AlMarth rolled 6d10: 10, 3, 9, 5, 3, 1; totalling 31.

D rolled 11d10: 2, 8, 3, 3, 10, 2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 10; totalling 57.

<OOC> D says, "6 to AlMarth"

Koi falls to the floor as D slashes at him.

Eclipse [to Koi]: No. Your dodge reduces the dam by 4.

<OOC> D says, "Um no"

<OOC> Koi says, "It does?"

<OOC> D says, "It reduces the succ I use to roll damage by 4."

<OOC> Koi says, "Well that's nice"

<OOC> D says, "Actually, just three"

Eclipse [to Koi]: What's your Purity?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that puts me past incapacitated as well"

<OOC> Koi says, "4 atm"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: What's your Purity?

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 4, 8, 1, 9; totalling 22.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "4 as well"

D slices deeply into Koi, tearing through flesh and bone, then spins

gracefully and slices into AlMarths shoulder, into his chest.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Soak Lethal 1

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 5, 6, 5, 3; totalling 19.

<OOC> D says, "I only do 1 damage? Wth?"

<OOC> Koi says, "<- No armor..."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Purity, D."

You say, "It's what makes the game go 'round."

<OOC> D says, "Even so, if it's a diff 4 check, that'd be only 2 damage


AlMarth has received your page: "What is your current HL?"

AlMarth pages, "Hurt, and that's Agg"

D has received your page: "Don't argue with me. Hurt, don't kill, remember?"

D pages, "Right. But I thought I'd be able to hurt them, as opposed to midly


D pages, "At least me put Koi and Al out.."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Soak L5

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 2, 3; totalling 5.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "zip"

Eclipse winces.

Koi pages, "can you limit a spell? So if I do 4 damage...limit it to 3 so it

doesn't kill D?"

You say, "Al collapses in a heap."

Koi has received your page: "Yes."

D laughs

<OOC> Koi says, "ouch"

<OOC> Rahab says, "That's a great way to end a budding relationship, D."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> D says, "I tried to say 'no' to evil, but Eric wouldn't take 'no' for an


Oriana looks over at Al'Marth's crumpled body...starts praying a little bit

harder...begging Barlik to make D and the come to their senses and stop this


You say, "Ahab continues singing his sea chanty."

You say, "Variel screams. 'No! You are mine!'"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> Rahab says, "1 WP."

Rahab rolled 3d10: 6, 3, 10; totalling 19.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Damnit Oriana, stop praying and grab the Eclipse-summoner"

Rahab pages, "That makes 3, plus one from last time. Which is...6 bashing?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "No, AlMarth, YOU grab the Eclipse-summoner! I've already

said I'm not gonna give certain people in this room the satisfaction!"

Eclipse [to D]: Pain wracks your body. (soak B6, no armor)

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I tried, I'm unconcious now"

D rolled 2d10: 2, 8; totalling 10.

<OOC> D says, "Ok, 6 lethal, one bashing. I'm inc'd"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "summoning Eclipse isn't fighting D"

D collapses

<OOC> Oriana says, "Thanks, but no thanks..."

Rahab stops humming and looks around.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "so who's still concious?"

<OOC> Rahab is.

<OOC> Koi is...and we're still in combat here I think. ;)

You say, "Vernon points his sword at D."

D pages, "Incapatacipation instead of death. Acceptable."

D has received your page: "Not quite done with you yet, my little Ba'Lak..."

<OOC> Rahab frets over the statue of Wysp.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "No way around the field?"

<OOC> D sings along with Blind Guardian "I did my part, now it's your turn,

and remember what you promised."

Eclipse [to Koi]: No. It is a pillar around him, blocking Forces and Matter

of all kinds...

D pages, "Poisoning the halfling.. I could know what the antidote is, and help

that way."

<OOC> You say, "Where can I run? How can I hide the Simarils?"

Koi picks a new target, charging Vernon.

D pages, "Oh goody.."

D has received your page: "Your call..."

D pages, "I'll take life then. I see possibility. Just let me poison Ben and

live to tell about it."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Woohoo! Tag-team, trans-time-zone, Tolkien-inspired metal


Eclipse [to Koi]: Roll.

<OOC> Koi is at -3.

Koi rolled 5d10: 10, 2, 9, 3, 1; totalling 25.

<OOC> Koi says, "ack, one "

<OOC> Koi says, "Boot to the head."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "text Kareoke?"

Koi rolled 5d10: 2, 2, 7, 3, 5; totalling 19.

<OOC> Koi says, "one again I think"

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

<OOC> D says, ""Give it to me, I must have it, precious treasure, I deserve


You say, "Koi punches Vernon quite hard in the arm. The first mate winces


You say, "The statue of Wysp brings its arms down on Rahab. (soak Lethal 3)"

<OOC> AlMarth lasted 1 1/2 rounds of combat, I'm proud

<OOC> Rahab says, "What's a soak?"

<OOC> Koi says, "If you have armor, you can soak damage. I don't think you do.


You say, "Variel's face is drenched with sweat."

<OOC> Rahab doesn't.

<OOC> Rahab is still wearing a ragged white sacrificial-child dress as far as

she knows.

Variel, "You are mine. You have always been mine. You will always BE mine!"

<OOC> Rahab is mauled now. Ow.

<OOC> Koi says, "Who is it directed at?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Us in general? Or a specific person?"

Eclipse [to D]: A sudden surge of vital energy strikes you. (regain 1 HL)

D has received your page: "Now."

Eclipse [to Koi]: To Ahab, who appears to be fighting him.

D rises to her feet, groaning in pain

D looks about blankly, then pulls a dagger dripping a green venom that smokes

when it hits the floor, cocks her arm, and hurls it at..... Ben.

D has received your page: "Throw it at ORiana. Ben will take it."

D has received your page: "N/m"

D pages, "roll for it"

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh great..."

D pages, "?"

Eclipse [to D]: How many dice?

D pages, "If I spend a wp, 10. Diff 3. Zooped up dagger =)"

You say, "Ben gasps as the dagger plunges into his chest. He slumps onto the

ground, bleeding freely on Oriana."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

D says, "From hell's heart, I stab at thee, for hate's sake I spit my last

breath at thee.."

D collapses again

<OOC> AlMarth says, "watch the Angst Grow"

D pages, "You're right, I should've thrown it at Oriana."

D pages, "Sigh. I should've thought of that.. Ah well."

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh lord..."

D has received your page: "It's okay. I thought of it too slowly..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh...shit. Um...gimme a minute..."

<OOC> Rahab twitches.

Koi ponders were that actually came from...only place I remeber was Wrath of

Kahn. ;)

<OOC> Koi dohs

<OOC> Koi ooc's that even.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Then again, that would be an interesting thing to happen


<Login> D has reconnected from ppp-93.icehouse.net on

Sat Aug 25 23:12:31 2001 EST.

Oriana SCREAMS and immediately rushes to Ben's side. Holding him tightly she

starts begging someone, *anyone* listening to save him.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

Oriana has received your page: "He's still breathing, barely..."

AlMarth just sort of lies there

D oozes blood a little

Oriana pages, "How far away is D from me?"

You say, "Ahab screams his song at the top of his lungs. The wall of force

surrounding Variel flickers out."

<OOC> Rahab ponders trying to heal herself.

Ahab, "Now, godsdammit! Kill him!"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> Koi ...

<OOC> Koi smiles happily.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Just a second...."

<OOC> Rahab can blow WP to ignore damage?

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Yes.

Rahab frowns, tightening her face with concentration and staring at Variel.

"You're a Bad Father."

Rahab pages, "Can I do lethal damage with Life?"

Rahab has received your page: "You can do AGG with Life 3."

(remotely) Rahab intends to then. Blowing 1 WP to ignore damage, 1 for a

success...which takes me to 0. Same diff as before?

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Yes. dif 5.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 7, 9, 10; totalling 26.

<OOC> Rahab says, "4 succ."

<OOC> Koi says, "owie"

You say, "Variel's skin bursts open. Blood streams from every opening in his

body. Tears of blood run down his face. He falls to his knees in pain."

<OOC> Rahab says, "You know, when it sinks in what she's just done, she's

going to be a -wreck-."

You say, "Vernon drops his weapon and shakes his head as though clearing it."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

D pages, "My mind clear too?"

Oriana stops crying over Ben long enough to look up and see what's happening

to Variel...her jaw drops in astonishment.

<OOC> Koi says, "He's not dead? :)"

AlMarth just lies there...still

Eclipse [to Koi]: Crippled...

<OOC> Rahab says, "no...he's got 1 HL left."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Two, really."

Rahab falls to her knees, shaking.

Koi can't help Ben or Al...all he can do is help defend his friends...he

extends a hand toward Variel, eyes focused in concentration.

Along with a prayer to any god listening. [Koi]

Eclipse [to Koi]: Variel looks up at you. This is the first time any of you

have ever seen fear in his eyes...

Rahab says, "Kill him, Koi!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "The 5 year old is saying this?! My God, the angst

overwhelms me."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Wait till it sinks in."

<OOC> Koi laughs

Koi rolled 4d10: 6, 10, 10, 9; totalling 35.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "It's great, ain't it"

<OOC> D says, "Oh yeah, we've all got enough angst to knock over a house.."

Koi screams as he draws in energy, sending fort a burst of electricity.

<OOC> D cuts off a slice of Angst and offers it to Oriana "Angst? Fresh made


<OOC> Koi drools. "Angst..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "No thanks, got enough of my own."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Can we have an angst vending machine next year?"

You say, "The lightning bolt hits Variel in the torso. The mage's body reacts

like flash paper in a bonfire. He ceases to exist."

D pages, "Name change pls?"

You say, "Ahab collapses onto the ground, exhausted."

<OOC> AlMarth eats some of his angst. Almost all of it remains

Name of #323 changed to "Taetia", with aliases {"Taetia"}.

Oriana starts screaming, "Help me! For gods sake somebody help me!"

Taetia gurgles softly and whispers "Is it over? Is he dead?"

Koi slumps slightly, turning to Vernon and Ahab, fists ready.

AlMarth lies there...some blood dribbles out of his wound

You say, "Vernon limps toward Al'Marth waving his fingers."


Rahab stares at the spot where Variel was, fury in her eyes. "Bad Father,"

she whispers, trembling.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Ahab is suddenly at your side. Except he isn't quite

Ahab. He's wearing a backpack.

Al'marth's hand reaches out along the floor, and find's Taetia's, gripping it

tightly [AlMarth]

<OOC> Rahab whimpers at Oriana. "I can't...it would be out of characer..."

Taetia grips hard and gurgles out the words of a spell

Oriana says, "DO SOMETHING!!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 wp.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 3, 10; totalling 22.

Barlik, "I have heard you, Oriana. Your husband will live.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh well then, ignore that.."

You say, "Ben's wounds begin to heal."

<OOC> Rahab is all out of WP :P

Eclipse [to Taetia]: heal Al.

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh crap..."

Oriana chokes off her words in mid scream. "...Really?"

<OOC> Koi was ready to punch Barlik...great...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Alrighty then, 2 hl"

<OOC> Oriana giggles

Taetia holds Al's hand tightly as she whispers a spell of healing.

Taetia pages, "But he does still remained poisoned right?"

Koi slumps even further, walking slowly over to Rahab to kneel next to her.

Koi [to Rahab]: That was very brave...

Barlik, "I knew you could not break through his shield by yourselves. A mere

Miracle could not have done that. You needed help desperately."

AlMarth opens his eyes slowly, and murmurs "Did we win?"

Taetia says, "I think so.."

Taetia has received your page: "Of course..."

Taetia pages, "Whoohoo! Die miserable halfling freak!"

Oriana [to Barlik]: But if that was you...where's the real Ahab?

Barlik, "That is why I came. That is what I am all about. Now farewell."

Oriana bows in front of Barlik. "Thank you."

You say, "The backpack fades away, and Ahab is staring down at Oriana and Ben."

Ahab, "What the blazes happened back there?"

Rahab doesn't take her eyes from the place where Variel was. She shivers,

wrapping her arms around herself, then winces at the pain. She bites her

lip. "Koi...?"

You say, "He looks around."

Ahab, "Oh no! You won't be getting on anymore of MY ships!"

Oriana says another quick prayer of thanks to Barlik, then turns her

attentions back to Ben. "Ben? Ben? Are you all right?"

Taetia chuckles weakly

Ben, "I am fine, my love."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Ben kisses you tenderly.

Taetia whispers "Those were accidents.. you can't blame us for all of them.."

Oriana returns the kiss, and then starts crying again.

Ben, "Is it over, now? Are we done? Will we have peace at last?"

Koi glances around at the other faces in the room, then at Rahab. "Yes..?"

AlMarth seems to try to get up, then thinks better of it, instead rolling over

closer to Taetia

Taetia lies still, enjoying her gaping wounds

Rahab is still kneeling, badly battered and still a little singed. "Can I be

scared now?"

Oriana [to Ben]: I hope so...I honestly do.

Taetia pages, "Do I know the poison is likely still active/"

Taetia pages, "?"

Koi smiles gently, reaching out to touch Rahab's shoulder. "Yes."

Rahab drops her head to the ground, huddling in a tiny ball and sobbing.

Taetia has received your page: "No. That is a matter for the beginning of

next year. Let us say you assume Barlik would have known better..."

Taetia pages, "Allrighty then"

Taetia whispers "I'm sorry.. so very sorry.."

AlMarth says, "It wasn't you, it was D"

<OOC> You say, "Now, narrative convention says this temple and the whole

island should now start falling around your ears and sink into the sea..."

AlMarth says, "you have nothing to be sorry about"

<OOC> You say, "But I am not a slave to conventions like that..."

Oriana looks over at Taetia, her eyes burning with barely contained hatred.

<OOC> Koi says, "Give us a sec to get everyone fit to run for their lives

first. ;)"

Taetia says, "It's all my fault.. if I hadn't been so weak.."

Oriana [to Taetia]: You're damn right it's all your fault.

<OOC> You say, "Seriously. It's not going to happen. All you've killed is a

wizard. The dark gods and their demon armies are still running amok. Why

would the temple collapse?"

<OOC> Koi can't remember, can ahab or Vernon heal?

AlMarth says, "it's not your fault, we were all under his control at one time"

<OOC> Koi awws. ;)

You say, "Vernon wiggles his fingers at Rahab. (gain all but the Agg)"

<OOC> Koi says, "This is like killing dracula in castlevania though...the

castle always collapes after...and you see the bat fly off... :p"

<OOC> Koi giggles.

<OOC> Rahab whews.

Taetia says, "I'm sorry Oriana.. I'm sorry Ben.."

AlMarth says, "Oriana, it was Variel's fault, not Taetia"

Oriana [to Taetia]: Variel never gave you an order to do what you did.

Oriana [to Taetia]: Oh no. This was something personal.

Rahab shivers as the healing closes her wounds, but doesn't stop sobbing.

"...was I a Good Girl?" It's directed at the empty air.

Taetia shakes her head weakly "No.. I didn't mean too.. I didn't want too.."

Ben, "It is over, and I am alive. Why should we fight among ourselves any

longer? Let's go home, Oriana."

You say, "Vernon wiggles his fingers at Al'Marth. (heal all but Agg)"

AlMarth stands up, rocking back and forth as he steadies himself "If you lay a

finger on her, Oriana, I won't care what we've been through, I swear

I'll...I'll...I don't know, but I I'll hurt you as deeply as I can"

Taetia gives AlMarth a wan smile and squeezes his hand comfortingly

(remotely) Rahab waits for reassurance from the Avatar.

Oriana sighs. "You're right. I've done this once already, and now that it's

over, I don't care to repeat it. I'm tired. I just want to go home...now

that I've found something more important to me than vengeance."

AlMarth says, "we still have to stop Hemlock...No rest for the Wicked"

Rahab has received your page: "'It is over, Rahab. You have been a Good Girl.

Yes Father had to be stopped. Koi is your father, now, and he will never

hurt you the way Yes Father did. Take care of him.'"

Oriana laughs. "Defeat a god? I don't think so. We just killed his

right-hand man. Aren't you satisfied yet?"

AlMarth looks over at Rahab "I don't know if I can bear to put her through it,


Rahab looks up at the empty air, tears slowing. "He is? Truly?"

Koi stays next to Rahab, just watching her, and the rest of you quietly.

Taetia bleeds

Rahab has received your page: "'From this day forward, yes.'"

<OOC> Eclipse lets Taetia bleed for symbolic value.

<OOC> Oriana giggles

AlMarth says, "I won't hold it against you if you want to stop, but I won't, I

won't just let him-it continue this destruction"

Rahab nods. "I will. I promise." Suddenly an awful thought occurs to her -

written on her face. "You'll be here too, right?"

<OOC> Koi says, "lol"

Rahab has received your page: "'I will never leave you, Rahab.'"

Oriana [to Al'Marth]: What you're doing is foolish, but right. But I can't

put Ben in danger anymore. I can't go on with this.

AlMarth says, "I understand, before, you had nothing to lose, now you have

everything to lose. Just promise me, once you're done destroying evil, that

you'll work to create good/"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ignore that slash"

Rahab relaxes, sinking back on her heels, little face solemn and ravaged by

tears, but relieved of some of the desperate anguish it had held. She looks

up at Koi trustingly. "I'm supposed to take care of you. She says."

Oriana says, "Why would I do anything else?"

Koi blinks at the girl. "Are you now? Why does she say that?"

AlMarth smiles "Good luck with your life, then. Maybe someday I can teach

your children how to read, if I survive through this."

Oriana says, "I would like that very much."

Rahab purses her lips, big dark eyes serious. "Cos she knows somebody has to."

AlMarth regards Taetia "could someone heal her, please"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Koi and Rahab.. *shiver*"

<OOC> Rahab hmms?

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wonder what the stats on a half elf would be.."

Taetia bleeds a bit

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Tyson, you have a sick, sick mind"

<OOC> Rahab says, "That's just -wrong-. She's -five-. She doesn't even know

what sex -is-."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Dude, she's *5*!"

<OOC> You say, "NO NO NO NO NO! Wrong way of looking at the situation!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Considering she's 6, not a problem."

<OOC> Koi says, "five even"

<OOC> Rahab mutters. "Considering the conditions of her Awakening, I don't

think she'll -ever- be interested anyway."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Koi is ageless, and she'll not be 5 forever."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And with that, the entire cabal pairs off. Scary."

<OOC> Koi bonks Taetia.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "this has NEVER happened in my games before"

<OOC> You say, "Saw it coming a few hours ago. Thought I'd give it a boost."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey. That's AlMarth's job.."

<OOC> Koi says, "This isn't the happy kind of bonk. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. Spoot."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Thank you -very- much Eclipse."

Taetia oozes

Koi smiles slowly at Rahab. "I see...well tell her I'll help her take care of

you too, if she'd like."

Rahab pages, "As if you didn't know that those two characters were going to

pair up the moment you put us in the same campaign."

AlMarth continues "...please, somebody help her"

Rahab has received your page: "Well, yeah..."

Rahab nods quietly. "Okay."

<OOC> AlMarth listens to "Who needs sleep" by The Barenaked ladies

<OOC> AlMarth says, "appropriate, methinks"

Rahab pages, "It doesn't matter what situation it is...if we're playing in the

same campaign, we're going to wind up with our characters paired off."

(remotely) Rahab finds it disturbing.

Taetia says, "Yes, while bleeding is fun, could someone stop it?"

Rahab has received your page: "Yes. I think it's partially that you and Lakos

are never playing in the same game."

<OOC> Rahab is having a moment here. Somebody want to ask her directly?

Koi glances at Al, frowning slightly. "Rahab...do you think you can help D?"

Taetia sighs "I'm not D, Koi. Please don't call me that."

AlMarth says, "Taetia, she is Taetia"

Rahab takes a deep breath. "I c'n try."

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

Koi doesn't say a word more, staying silent.

AlMarth smiles "D is dead, we'll never hear from her again"

Rahab pages, "When we do, this never happens unless there's deliberate


<Login> Naphtali has connected from on Sun

Aug 26 00:00:22 2001 EST.

Taetia nods painfully "She died with Variel. Theres only me here now."

Naphtali has arrived.

Rahab pulls herself up and goes over to hum at Taetia.

Naphtali takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Watch her botch."

<OOC> You say, "Hush, you."

<OOC> Koi laughs.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "please, no"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "we have enough angst as it is"

(remotely) Rahab is at -1 die, right? Cos of the 2 HL in damage.

Rahab has received your page: "Yes."

Rahab rolled 2d10: 6, 1; totalling 7.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Well..."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: What's your Purity?

<OOC> Oriana says, "Not a botch, at least..."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Five."

<OOC> AlMarth will brb

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Roll it as additional Arete.

Rahab rolled 5d10: 6, 6, 10, 7, 2; totalling 31.

<OOC> Koi coughs.

<OOC> Rahab coughs!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well, whoo hoo."

You say, "That should cure just about everything except Agg damage."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yup"

Taetia heals completly, and rises to her feet, pulling AlMarth up with her.

Taetia says, "Thank you Rahab."

Rahab nods solemnly. "You're welcome, Taetia," she says politely, if very


Taetia puts her arm around AlMarth "Now, shall we leave this tomb once and for


Oriana sits on the floor with Ben, more or less oblivious to anything else

<OOC> AlMarth says, "back"

AlMarth says, "yes"

Ben, "Come, my love, we have a long journey ahead of us."

Oriana smiles and stands up, pulling Ben along with her.

You say, "Vernon is whispering something to Ahab. The captain shakes his


Taetia says, "Ahab, I don't suppose you have a ship docked here?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "No. More. Boats."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ROFLMAO"

Ahab, "I don't care. I'm not letting them on any more of my ships."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah c'mon, fifth time's the charm."

Oriana says, "I don't blame you, Ahab."

Taetia says, "It's wasn't our fault Ahab."

You say, "Ahab sighs."

Taetia says, "Fifth time's the charm."

Rahab walks over to Ahab, bringing out the big eyes and the little-girl

charisma. "Please take us home?"

AlMarth says, "Why can't we fly, flying doesn't make me seasick"

Taetia says, "Besides, we've moved onto Islands now.."

Taetia says, "Yes, but a ship has certain advantages."

<OOC> Rahab gets out the 5-charisma/4 appearance stick.

Ahab, "Alright, you landlubbers. I'll let you sail with me one...last...time."

You say, "And that, I believe, is the end of the game."

Oriana smiles. "Thank you, Ahab."

Taetia smiles at Ahab "Thanks. You'll not regret it."

Naphtali pages, "How go things this evening?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "he's right, it'll be the last time for everyone involved"

Rahab almost smiles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "woohoo! (c;"

AlMarth says, "Let's hope not"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Theres always next summer."

Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Eclipse (#320) 7 hours 0 seconds Malakai

Taetia (#323) 57 minutes 9 seconds Malakai

AlMarth (#328) 3 hours 11 seconds Malakai

Oriana (#321) 7 hours 12 seconds Malakai

Rahab (#316) 10 hours 12 seconds Malakai

Naphtali (#310) 9 minutes 27 seconds Malakai

Koi (#329) 6 hours 4 minutes Malakai

Total: 7 players, all of whom have been active recently.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'll begin plotting agaisnt the ship immediatley.."

Taetia has received your page: "8 XP"

AlMarth has received your page: "8 XP"

Oriana has received your page: "8 XP"

Rahab has received your page: "8 XP"

Koi has received your page: "8 XP"

Taetia pages, "Well yippy kay yay. Any Purity? Healing Oriana, healing


You say, "Also, this is the end of the story, so you regain all WP."

Taetia pages, "Taking the lead and all the risks."

Taetia has received your page: "+2 Purity"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That was certainly fun."

AlMarth has received your page: "+1 Purity"

<OOC> Koi cheers!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Whoohoo! +2 purity!"

Oriana has received your page: "+1 Purity"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I honestly didn't expect to survive.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Tho there's gonna have to be one hell of a good reason for

me to *not* retire this character..."

Rahab has received your page: "+2 Purity"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, there is."

Koi has received your page: "+1 Purity"

Rahab pages, "Wooh!"

<OOC> You say, "Yes, there is..."

You go out-of-character. Your actions should now be taken as your own and not

those of your character.

<OOC> Oriana says, "And it would be fun to smack people around with the 8

Purity stick...*G*"

Rahab pages, "How much XP does it take for another dot of purity?"

Eclipse removes his dragon amulet.

<OOC> Koi laughs

Rahab pages, "How much XP does it take for another dot of arete, rather."

<OOC> Rahab has 7 now. :P

Rahab has received your page: "8 x current rating, and a seeking."

(remotely) Rahab mutters. "You would give me enough -now-, when I've got to


<OOC> AlMarth says, "GREAT job, Eric"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ooh yes. What an *awesome* game. *applause*"

<OOC> AlMarth applauds too

Rahab has received your page: "You did kill Variel. Count it as a seeking and

gain the arete."

(remotely) Rahab dances.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've got 3!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Quite a blast Eric"

You say, "Thank you for a great game, everyone. I'm really going to miss this


<OOC> AlMarth says, "5, now"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Me too."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hopefully, we'll get to game more next summer"

<OOC> Koi nods to Eclipse. "Nice job Eric." :)

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm dissapointed about not getting to hurt more of my

fellow pcs tho ;)"

<OOC> AlMarth crosses his fingers

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I got to stab Ben and set up the plot hook for next


<OOC> Oriana is already making sure to keep Saturday nights open for next


You say, "It has been an honor GMing for you."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hah! Die freakish halfling slime!"

Rahab hugs Eclipse happily.

Taetia says, "Been a pleasure gaming with ya. Been quite a learning exp, and

you had a big effect on Eus.. He's become much more eeeeevil"

Taetia says, "Quotes Beth, we need Quotes!"

<OOC> Oriana considers the fact that she's 3 for 3 with bizarre freakish

sexual encounters for her Mage characters...

You say, "I'm flattered, Tyson."

<OOC> Koi blinks.

Oriana [to Taetia]: I'll do quotes tomorrow night...

Taetia says, "Goody"

<OOC> Koi says, "Not sure I wanna ask Oriana. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Though this is by far the weirdest...well, okay, the fact

that my Virtual Adept slept with a Nephandi construct comes really close..."

You say, "Oh dear..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ummm, that ain't right"

<OOC> Oriana says, "If it's any consolation, I didn't know it at the time..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Didn't know you slept with him?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What did you think you were doing, playing ping pong?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "isn't that sort of worse"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Didn't know he was a Nephandi."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "OH"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm gonna miss my eggbeater"

<OOC> Koi makes a note to @recycle before next year. ;)

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey now.."

<OOC> Rahab giggles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Then there was the time my Euthanatos got married to the

time-traveling Hermetic Tolkien geek...I can't WAIT to play the children from

that situation..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I like my eggbeater"

<OOC> Oriana doesn't have an eggbeater and is kinda glad about that. *G*

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth says, "it's FUN to have an eggbeater"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Oriana says, "You guys make it look so addictive though..."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth says, "so is wench"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh no scary eggbeater spam..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'll miss that"

<OOC> Taetia says, "There are soooo many connotations I could get into, guys

having eggbeaters and being glad, Beth not having one and being glad of that."

<OOC> Oriana says, "EEEEEEEWWWWW!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I think I'd rather not draw any more attention to


<OOC> Rahab made the eggbeaters for them. what does that mean?

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yes please."

<OOC> Taetia says, "*shivers* Bad mental image Rahab.."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "You know, it's disturbing that Monty Python's 'Penis

song' just came on my playlist when you said that about eggbeaters T."

<OOC> Oriana says, "lol!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Koi and Eric don't have eggbeaters tho."

You say, "Suddenly, the fact that I made eggbeaters rain from the sky takes on

an entirely different mental image..."

<OOC> Taetia dances

<OOC> Oriana says, "Why is EVERYTHING phallic with you guys?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bits of Nyar's former victims?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're guys, age 10 to 30."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Yea, but Koi and Eric are wizzen, and thus have ultimate


<OOC> AlMarth says, "Believe it or not, I didn't think that until Tyson said


<OOC> Oriana says, "True..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Does Naphtali have an eggbeater?"

<OOC> Rahab Whistles.

You say, "Because every word in the English language is a synonym for 'sex'?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Isn't there a quote about Al'Marth whipping out his

eggbeater, then saying "that sounds so wrong," and Koi says "dude, not in

public"? So it's nothing new..."

Eclipse coughs.

<OOC> Oriana says, "-Eclipse This is true..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "yes"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, for nouns and verbs anyway. You might have trouble

with adverbs. Or pronouns."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "turns the crank-huh"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Suddenly, that message seems very ominous and not a little


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


Eclipse doesn't mention what he thinks of the eggbeater message's deeper


Taetia shivers

<OOC> Oriana says, "SCARY"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey Beth, wanna play with my eggbeater?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm soooo sorry, but I had too.."

<OOC> Rahab snickers. "I set them...based on your exact words."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Please forgive me.."

<OOC> Oriana runs far far away from Taetia and shouts in the distance,


<OOC> AlMarth says, "this is getting disturbing"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters get caught

and won't spin properly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I guess I'll just have to play by mysel- Hey now, what

happened to my eggbeater?!"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Somebody broke my eggbeater!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters get caught

and won't spin properly.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hehehehehehe. It's screwy."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters get caught

and won't spin properly.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "it's just yours"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Get caught on what?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Rahab, you mean woman, you broke my eggbeater."

<OOC> Taetia sniffs

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I wonder what this is a euphamism for"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Rahab didn't either. Maybe you wore it out.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eeeewwwww. Eclipse, did you touch my eggbeater?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters get caught

on each other and won't spin properly.

<OOC> Oriana says, "It's a great mystery...who Bobbitted the eggbeater?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Can I have new one?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: That's what you get for trying to use it to beat Chilly


<OOC> Oriana rofl!

Taetia says, "Umm..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "umm...eww"

<OOC> Rahab nopes at Taetia. "One per customer."

Taetia says, "Eggbeaters and Chilly Dillies don't work together."

<OOC> Oriana says, "You know, up until then we got through the entire session

without mentioning Chilly Dilly?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters get caught

on each other and won't spin properly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah.."

<OOC> Koi points at Eclipse, "His fault."

Taetia says, "C'mon Eclipse, fix my eggbeater."

<OOC> Oriana says, "There are 4 wizzes in the room...who to blame?"

Naphtali has received your page: "It's not that he wants to win. In fact,

he's a glutton for punishment. He actually helped plan a lot of the things

that have happened to him. It's just that he gets so wrapped up in his

character that he upstages the party."

Taetia says, "I just don't feel like a man with a broken one."

Eclipse is paging.

(remotely) Rahab giggles. "What shall I change it to next?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters get caught

on each other and won't spin properly.

<OOC> Oriana says, "dude, your character's a woman. Maybe you shouldn't? *G*"

Rahab has received your page: "Make the little beaters fall out and onto the


<OOC> Taetia says, "That opens an entirely new line of thought about possible

uses for this eggbeater."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters are all

tangled together and won't spin at all.

<OOC> Oriana says, "See, you made it worse!"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Dammit, trade me eggbeaters AlMarth."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters fall out and

wind up on the ground.

<OOC> AlMarth flaunts his fuctioning eggbeater

<OOC> Taetia says, "Uh oh.."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beater holders spin


<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "I've been rendered impotent@!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little empty beater holders

spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Oriana says, "roflmao"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I think it's closer to castration."

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I don't want to be an eunuch!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Aaaaaah! Eggbeater envy!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little empty beater holders

spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Taetia starts crying

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "PLease Rahab? Someone? Fix my eggbeater?"

<OOC> Oriana falls out of her chair.

Eclipse dies laughing!

<OOC> AlMarth says, "everyone, observe my mighty, working eggbeater"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Please, tell me this is all being logged..."

<OOC> Rahab snickers.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Koi pokes at it. "Man...I think you need to get something for that...a

little oil would work wonders." :)

<OOC> AlMarth says, "actually, don't"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Uh oh.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ohno, it's clicking. Just back away."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Help?"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The beaters wobble dangerously.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The beaters wobble dangerously.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Haha! Now your beater is falling apart too!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Oriana says, "To quote MST3K, 'This is your dishwashing liquid, now SOAK

in it!'"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Koi giggles at Oriana.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "you need something small and blue to fix your eggbeater"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Eastman. He came out of the east to do battle with the

amazing RANDO!!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yes! Where's Papa Smurf when you need him!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ughhh"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. One of the little beaters goes

limp and makes a flubbing noise.

<OOC> Taetia snickers

<OOC> AlMarth says, "WHAT"

<OOC> Oriana says, "A FLUBBING noise?!"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "You know... it would be funny to have a group of like

2-3 people heckle MST3K style a gaming group... if not more than a bit


<OOC> Koi says, "ROFL"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Could someone please reinvigorate our eggbeaters?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Koi says, "They need the proper motivation. ;)"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "RAHAB"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Actually, I had a situation like that in my Changeling

group...resulted in our Mage GM being forever banned from observing our


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It makes an ominous clicking

noise as the little empty beater holders spin fruitlessly.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I fyou keep using them, they break."

<OOC> Taetia whines

Naphtali has received your page: "As you know, there are only a few things

that bug me as a GM. Splitting up the party, fighting the other PCs, and

rules lawyering are three of them. But he isn't a power munchkin. He was

willing to die for the plot."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Cold iron bullets, right?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "She's been idle shortest, it must have been her"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It falls apart in her hands.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Yeh?"

<OOC> Naphtali needs to read changling... and Hunter.... sometime....

<OOC> Rahab is pagin'.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yup, that was what clinched it...tho it was a lot of stuff

leading up to that too."

<OOC> Taetia says, "That's not at ALL happy sounding.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "What all'd he do?"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. One of the little beaters

spins while the other makes a flubbing noise.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. It falls apart in her hands.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's dead, Jim. Your eggbeater is dead. Let it go."

<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

You say, "This is just plain fun to watch."

<OOC> Rahab says, "awww...how sad."

Naphtali lol!

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. One of the little beaters

spins while the other makes a flubbing noise.

<OOC> Taetia says, "But.. but.. what'll Spock do now that my eggbeater is

broken? He'll be devestaed!"

<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Mostly stuff like that...whispering ooc info to the

players, telling them to randomly kill my NPCs, that sort of thing. They

were good and ignored him, but it was terribly distracting. Then there was

the fact that he and his girlfriend (who was a player) would sit there and

make out through the whole session...ugh."

<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The other beater goes limp and

makes a flubbing noise.

Taetia gives an eggbeater to Oriana.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Oh NO"

<OOC> Oriana attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's kewl.. take a look.."

Eclipse shudders. "Yeah. Making out is not exactly condusive to gaming."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Doctor, it's, it's FLUBBING"

Oriana drops an eggbeater.

Taetia picks up an eggbeater.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub


<OOC> Taetia says, "Are these strap on eggbeaters?"

<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

<OOC> Oriana eeeeeeeewwwwws

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub


<OOC> Taetia says, "Hehe, you're all limp!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "YUCK!"

You say, "Are you people sure you want me to be logging this?"

Taetia says, "YES!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Of course..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Why not? After all, the blackmail isn't against us."

Taetia prays to the Gods to bring new life to his eggbeater

You say, "Okay, then..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hell, I'm proud of it"

Naphtali should head to bed soonish.... Church in the morning and all.

<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Night Naph"

You say, "Night, Naph."

Taetia pages, "C'mon.. please.. can I have a new one? I've been a good boy."

<OOC> Taetia says, "G'nite"

AlMarth prays for eggbeater reinvigoration also

<OOC> Koi laughs madly.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "bye"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

Taetia has received your page: "Don't talk to ME! It wasn't my idea to make

them in the first place..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Don't let the eggbeater fairies strike."

<OOC> Rahab grins.

Naphtali pages, "Hope we can get a game going soon for the school year.... It

should be fun.... Anyway, see you around, Z. *waves*"

<OOC> Oriana is torn between the desire to stay up and watch more eggbeater

action, and the need to get up for work in the morning. Ah, but it's my last

Sunday, and who cares about work anywho...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "It's melting"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

<OOC> Rahab is going to spend her entire Sunday studying :P

Naphtali poofs.

<Logout> Naphtali has disconnected on Sun

Aug 26 00:39:53 2001 EST

Naphtali has disconnected.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's because you've got Halflings."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

Eclipse grins. "I hear you, Beth.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Halfling disease, I've seen it a million times.."

<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater, but there isn't one.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

Eclipse refrains from making more comments only with great effort.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey! Quit slandering my species!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Race...whatever...species sounded better..."

The resolution of Naphtali fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "She's got Halflings!"

You say, "It's more alliterative."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters flub

uselessly and start to drip off.

<OOC> Koi says, "species works ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eeewww! And I thought she was clean!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I am definitely NOT an STD!"

<OOC> Oriana can't believe she had to say that...

You say, "Go directly to the quote book. Do not pass Go..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ROFLMAO"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well, how do you explain what you did to our eggbeaters?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "It wasn't me."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters drip


<OOC> Taetia attempts to turn the crank on her eggbeater. A new one sprouts

from the empty space.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that is just gross"

<OOC> Taetia gasps!

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters drip


<OOC> Oriana applauds!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thanks Rahab! I love my shiny new eggbeater!"

<OOC> Rahab doesn't know what you're talking about.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "what about mine?"

<OOC> Koi giggles.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters drip


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters go feral

and attempt to eat her face.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters drip


<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh my god!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "eww"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Stop it before it kills again!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's a carniverous eggbeater!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters go feral

and attempt to eat her face.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters drip

off and are gone.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little limp beaters drip

off and are gone.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little empty beater

holders ooze beater goo.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters go feral

and attempt to eat her face.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little empty beater

holders ooze beater goo.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now THIS, is a MANLY eggbeater."

You say, "Considering we stopped gaming half an hour ago, I'm falling on the

floor with laughter."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little empty beater

holders ooze beater goo.

<OOC> Oriana is trying SO hard not to just bust out laughing and wake up the

entire house...

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters go feral

and attempt to eat her face.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters go feral

and attempt to eat her face.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters go feral

and attempt to eat her face.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little empty beater

holders ooze beater goo.

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay...this is just getting weird..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Warning: Do not taunt the eggbeaters"

<OOC> Rahab is practically apoplectic.

Eclipse is alone in the apartment. "I won't wake anyone.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hah! I'll take this with me next time I go to the gym..

I'll make a point to use the public showers.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "this is going to hurt..."

AlMarth drops the eggbeater.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "OUCH!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I can finally walk tall, be proud!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Tall is right"

<OOC> Oriana pokes the eggbeater a few times. "Is it...dead?"

AlMarth picks up the eggbeater.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ph33&r my might 3ggb3&t3r!"

You say, "Don't. You'll only encourage it."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little empty beater

holders begin to show signs of new life.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters regard her


<OOC> AlMarth says, "YAY"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

spin together.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Um...I though we had an understanding about no 1337 in

this MOO?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters regard her


<OOC> AlMarth says, "baby beaters!?"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

spin together.

<OOC> Oriana says, "You monster! You baby beater!"

You say, "Yes. Otherwise we start speaking French..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bow before my eggbeater woman, lest ye induce it's

fearsome wrath!"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

spin together.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters regard her


<OOC> Oriana says, "No! I will never bow to your eggbeater and its deeply

ingrained notions of male patriarchy!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Wow...*I* need sleep..."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

giggle happily.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "WHOA"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wench! Ye have invoked the wrath of the eggbeater! Cower

in terror!"

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Are we marauders yet? *G*"

Taetia smites Oriana with his Eggbeater

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

Oriana deftly avoids the smiting

Koi says, "no smiting!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "my eggbeater just giggled"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: I don't know about you guys, but _I_ am now!

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

giggle happily.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yay for Marauders!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Little baby beater sprouts.."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

giggle happily.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Sounds like a bad all-girl punk band."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

giggle happily.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Awww...your eggbeater is in love...with...itself."

Taetia licks his eggbeater "Mmm.. cake mixalicious.."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Say, I know some people with a bad all-girl punk band, I

should suggest that name to them"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

giggle happily.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little baby beater sprouts

giggle happily.

You say, "Great. An eggbeater with a Narcissus Complex. Just what the world


<OOC> Oriana says, "And the eggbeater spam did cover the MOO for 40 days and

40 nights..."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters make

goo-goo eyes at each other.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Oriana says, "*sniff* Those beater sprouts grow up so darn fast..."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "ahh, adolescent beaters"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ummm.. Mine Eggbeater is humping itself."

<OOC> Oriana could make a comment about that, but she won't.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts spin together.

You say, "Eggbeaters with angst."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts spin together.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is this incest or masturbation?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Do they write bad poetry about how the world is black,

black like their SOUL?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Taetia...I think it's both."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts scream at his about abuse.

<OOC> Taetia says, "No.. the vorld is norveigen, norveigen like my soul."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Oh GAWD"

<OOC> Oriana says, "THAT was a funny story..."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts scream at him about abuse.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts scream at him about abuse.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts scream at him about abuse.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Come might eggbeater! Spew forth your fearsome vengeance

upon yon wench!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts sulk quietly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "SPEW! SPEW! Come one, SPEW!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters get all

tangled up and spin together.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters cuddle up

together and murmur.

<OOC> Oriana rofls some more

You say, "You two are having WAY too much fun with this. You know that, don't


<OOC> Taetia says, "Ok, maybe the 'spewing' will come later.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Doctor...my uh...eggbeater is...well...sulking"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters cuddle up

together and murmur.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Does it have halflings?"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little adolescent beater

sprouts sulk quietly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "And MY eggbeaters making funny noises! Tell me.. is it..

(whispers) Halflings?"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


Taetia says, "Your point being Eclipse?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters cuddle up

together and murmur.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "IT's back to normal!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters cuddle up

together and murmur.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters cuddle up

together and murmur.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters cuddle up

together and murmur.

<OOC> Oriana says, "All growed up!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters cuddle up

together and murmur.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters cuddle up

together and murmur.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Koi thinks his next ranger is going to have racial enemy: Eggbeater...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey, are mine going to have little eggbeaters?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Would that make me a Grandpa?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters sprout baby


<OOC> Oriana says, "The scary thing is, considering how this is going they

might actually show up in a game..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Mazel tov! it's a boy!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm so proud!"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together.

<OOC> Oriana says, "That would be one screwed up looking eggbeater."

<OOC> Taetia says, "HAH! I've got 4 beaters, you've only got 2! Guess who's

more of a man!"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: _A_ game? I think I have a new room for the Chaos Zone...

<OOC> Oriana ohdears...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "which one of you wizzes is ACTUALLY doing this?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey baby.. I got a 4 headed eggbeater. You interested?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that's a deformity"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> Oriana says, "fwapping?"

<OOC> Koi claims innocence.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "*fwap* *fwap* *fwap*"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> Oriana's vote is for Rahab...

<OOC> Rahab rolls.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Rahab nods.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> Oriana says, "What is the sound of one eggbeater fwapping?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters and the

baby eggbeaters spin together with a fwapping noise.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The baby eggbeaters bud and

fall off.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The baby eggbeaters bud and

fall off.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The baby eggbeaters bud and

fall off.

<OOC> Oriana says, "They reproduce by budding! Just like dice!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh god! Pieces of my eggbeater are coming off and assuming

eggbeater form!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "We're witnessing the miracle of birth"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Beware, they strike without warning!"

You say, "It is actually my opinion that dice don't reproduce. There are

little fairies that steal them, though..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "This is just like Krichton's penis.."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "All back to normal!"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth points at Rahab "It was you, wasn't it"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now, I think I'll put this away.. Having my eggbeater fall

apart once is more than enough.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Anyone else in real physical pain from laughter?"

Oriana [to Eclipse]: No, they reproduce. One of my gaming buddies put a white

and black D10 in his pocket one day...3 days later, he looked in the pocket

and found an identical white and black D10 he had never seen before and could

not remember buying. They do it behind our backs, when we're not looking...

<OOC> Oriana looks at how unclear that last post was..."I meant a *second* D10

showed up..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "That'd be wierd.. two die, mating.. Where do they stick

the.. umm.. whatever it is Dice have."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Oriana says, "They don't mate, they bud. One dice went into his pocket,

2 came out. They're like amoebas."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I once swallowed a d20."

<OOC> Oriana says, "How did you manage that?"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "1 went in, 1 went out."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Think of all the dielets you might have in your tummy now!"

<OOC> Oriana thinks that was already more information than she needed...

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Maybe they are just small enough for Quantum physics to

apply to the entire object. My dice disappear and show up in other peoples'

pockets. That's what you get for having Awakened dice with Entropy 6, I


<OOC> Taetia says, "It rolled 1 to many 1's and I swallowed it to punish it."

<OOC> Oriana lol

<OOC> Koi laughs.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "lo"

<OOC> Oriana says, "And one day, all those dicelets will come bursting out of

your chest, like in Alien..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "lol, even"

Eclipse remembers that story...

<OOC> Taetia says, "KEWL!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "They strike Randomlu"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "randomly"

<OOC> Oriana says, "So you DELIBERATELY swallowed a D20? When was this?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "that was a bad pun"

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 or so years ago."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It deserved it, bastard.. Hasn't rolled below 15 since."

<OOC> Oriana says, "I don't know if that's better or worse than if you had

done it when you were, like, 5..."

You say, "That's because you gave it shit, Tyson."

<OOC> Oriana says, "OH GOD! YOU *RECLAIMED* IT?!"


<OOC> Taetia says, "Why wouldn't I? I did it to teach it a lesson.. No purpose

if I'd just let it go."

<OOC> Taetia says, "My damn die."

<OOC> Oriana shakes her head. "Dude...that's really funny, and really

disturbing all at once..."

You say, "Flushing is a release, not a punishment."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Damn straight"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh...nasty."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Actually, when I was five, I had a preference for money.

Once sat and ate my way through my uncle's wallet."

<OOC> Oriana hopes *Eclipse* isn't speaking from personal experience...*G*

<OOC> Taetia says, "Paper money tastes like shit."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "a few days ago, I was playing Alternity, which is a game

where you try to roll low. I had a +5 step penalty, so I rolled the normal

d20 plus d20, I actually, honest to god, rolled double 20's"

<OOC> Oriana honestly doesn't think she's ever deliberately eaten a single

foreign object. Tho she accidentally swallowed a fly once.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I ate a preying mantis."

<OOC> Oriana says, "On purpose?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Absolutely not. I'm just an empathic creature. I get in

people's heads.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "one time a bee flew into my throat, I caughed it up,


<OOC> Oriana says, "Had to teach it a lesson too?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "It looked at me funny. And I was hungry."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Oriana shakes her head. Tyson sounded like her high school GM for a

minute there...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "The double 20's was for a vehicle operation check, I

flipped the car and it blew up"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Taetia says, "One thing you don't want to eat is Bee's."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "one time a wasp flew into my ear, that HURT"

<OOC> Taetia says, "They sting on the way down and your throat swells up."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Speaking from experience again?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup. Won 20 bucks and I got out of school for a week."

You say, "Well, it seems we know what kind of changeling YOU would be,


<OOC> Oriana says, "My younger sister once sat on a wasp, and couldn't sit

down again for days..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Red cap, all the way!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "When she was 4 years old, she was also traumatized when

she sat on a caterpiller and (in her words) "squooshed" it..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And if you reinact that scene from American Pie, wait for

the pie to cool."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, poor her."

<OOC> Oriana thinks a line has been crossed, now...(c;

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thats not from personel experience."

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I was there when it happened."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Ughh"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "but lol at the same time"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. If you ever meet a short blond guy named Jordan

Keller, D&D freak, major looney, offer him some pie."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Apple pie."

<OOC> Oriana says, "There must not be very much to do where you live, Tyson.

This is why you roleplay, eat bees, and molest pies, isn't it?"

<OOC> Rahab wonders idly where she could buy a plastic model skeleton.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I live in the country now. But I must protest! I have not

yet violated the virtue of a single pie!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "An eclair, but never a pie!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "J/k, btw.. I'd never do that to food."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Food is for eating"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: But eclairs are just asking for it, is that it?

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: And so, apparantly, is everything else...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "except fruit cakes, but those are too hard and sickening"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey I'll try most things once. Twice if it's fun and/or


<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, they'd put a bend in your eggbeater."

<OOC> Oriana keeps swinging back and forth between cracking up and being

disgusted...which is the best kind of laughing, really. (c:

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's entirely possible to break an eggbeater. Happens

sometimes, a small dime sized hole in the corporsa cavernosa. Your bits turn

blue, and your eggbeater develops a severe bend."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Another reason to avoid women.. They might not treat it

right and break it."

<OOC> Koi laughs.

Eclipse winces. "Are you SURE I should be logging this?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I wouldn't trust mine in the hands of someone who didn't

know the right way to treat one."

Taetia says, "Oh yes."

<OOC> Oriana isn't so sure anymore...*G*

<OOC> AlMarth just idly followed a link from Beth's page to her sisters page,

it's pretty vapid

<OOC> Oriana says, "This is true...what can you say, she's 14..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "No offense AlMarth. *G*"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm 15"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oops...my bad."

Eclipse just learned a new word.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm 19, and I act like I'm 12."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hmm? What word?"

You say, "Vapid."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "That reminds me, I need to update my site"

You say, "I'm the grump of the group - 24."

Rahab nibbles on Eclipse, who gets better with age.

You say, "This is why I keep a dictionary on the shelf of my desk."

Taetia bites into Eclipse

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Yes, but better at what?

Taetia says, "MMmm.. Cheesy."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yay for the dictionary..."

Taetia says, "But you need salt."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Whoa, it had a link to Beth's OTHER page http://www.geocit


<OOC> AlMarth says, "I didn't know you had another one"

<OOC> Oriana blushes. "Now THAT is the very definition of a cobweb site..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Webster was an asshole. If I knew where he was buried, I'd

dig him up, violate his corpse, bury it head down and urinate on his grave."

Rahab smirks at Eccy.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Eus and I set it up back in high school, then kinda quit

updating it like 2 years ago...I didn't even know people still went there."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Is that the one for stage techies?

<OOC> Oriana nods.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 4 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Perhaps you should get your sister to take the link off

her site"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Been there once, maybe twice. You have (or had) a link

from your site.

<OOC> Oriana shrugs. "It's on my site too. I just keep it around for the

nostalgia value."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And I'd already built a new char for when Tae died.. Ah

well.. but at least I got Ben, like ya promised."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Really, I don't think we could even update it if we wanted

to...the password got all screwed up when Yahoo! bought Geocities and we

never did figure out how to access it again..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Go to Mp3.com find spleen dingo, and d/l The Magician.


<OOC> AlMarth says, "is Eric Olson Eus' real name?"

<OOC> Oriana will do that sometime when it's not 1:30 in the morning.

Oriana [to Al'Marth]: Yes, it is.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Not as good as 'Do Virgins Taste Better?'

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is it true, then?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Touch me where I pee is a great song too."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "creepy, he has the same last name as my sister's


<OOC> Taetia says, "That Eus is the legendary Third Olson Twin?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Left in a dumpster because he just wasn't cute enough?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, it's not like Olson is exactly a rare name, or

anything. I actually hang out with TWO Eric Olsons...the one you know, and

one from college. It's disturbing that my friends have begun to clone


<OOC> Oriana severely doubts that Eus has ANYTHING to do with Mary-Kate or

Ashley...and thinks he would attempt to kick your ass for even suggesting it.


<OOC> AlMarth reads "Famous Techie Last Words", laughs

<OOC> Taetia says, "No need to worry about me for that.. I don't think reality

could handle two of me.. There'd be one HELL of a paradox backlash if someone

made another me."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm so dissapointed.. I never had a chance to get into the

stupidty book."

Oriana pages, "Perfect...I can hardly wait. (c:"

<OOC> AlMarth says, ""We can trust the actors not to screw with anything." LOL"

<OOC> Oriana says, "What, is EVERYONE on that page, now? Jeez..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And the gaming quote book is kind of a latter-day version

of the stupidity book, so you are in it, sort of."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Whoohoo!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no, I think it's still just me"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm there."

<OOC> Taetia says, "NixelFLICK!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "All the good quotes I hear nowadays come from gaming

anyhow...well, last year's recognized Quote Of The Year didn't, but still..."

<OOC> Oriana groans...

<OOC> AlMarth says, ""Relationship with Eric, WebMaster ofThe TECHS Page: Just

a friend; we are not currently going out, and we never have (contrary to

popular belief!).""

<OOC> AlMarth says, "yeah right"

<OOC> Taetia says, "NixelFLICK!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "*sigh* You wouldn't BELIEVE how much we get that..."



<OOC> AlMarth says, "I've been in both shoes"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "though I've never had a major role in a play, or a big

responsability on the crew"

You say, "The prop people hated me. I didn't chew the scenery. I broke it."

<OOC> Taetia says, "NixelFLICK!"

<OOC> Oriana has been a techie for going on 6 years now. The actors have

gotten a LOT more respectful of us since high school, but they still pull the

stupidest stunts sometimes...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "That's the funnest"

You say, "Then there was that play when they made the mistake of letting me do

side comedy with a pitcher of water and a glass. The techs didn't like

mopping backwash off the stage."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Rofl"

<OOC> Oriana has done a little acting and mostly hated it. 'Course, that

could be because I was cast in the Musical From Hell <tm>...

<OOC> Taetia says, "MacBeth?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Isn't a musical, but, okay."

<OOC> Koi shivers at the thought of Shakesphere as a musical.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Isn't it a musical I watched it durin highschool and I

remember a musical.. Of course.. that could be the coughsyrup I was taking at

the time.."

You say, "MacBeth would make an...interesting...musical."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Actually, it was Homeroom. This godawful production all

about how golly-gee-whiz-isn't-it-great-to-be-in-high-school. I was dancing

around like a moron singing songs about the Locker Rock. I have NEVER acted

again without being coerced..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 weeks of whooping cough, but it was an fun 2 weeks.."

Oriana pages, "Yup, definitely."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Ouch. I feel your pain.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Where'd Eus pick up the nick Eustacio?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "That was his name in our high school Spanish class. There

wasn't a direct translation for Eric so he ended up with a different E name.

My Spanish class name was Pilar, but that one didn't stick quite as well for


<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah nodnod"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I used to act, but somewhere along the way, I lost all my


<OOC> Taetia says, "It sounds like an icecream. Eustacio Ice Cream."

<OOC> Oriana never had talent to begin with...but she was a warm moving body

who could memorize lines, which is really all that most high school theatre

departments are looking for...

<OOC> Taetia says, "I didn't do anything but game during hs, and collect

screws from around school."

You say, "I had absolutely no stagefright. Plus, without my glasses, I

couldn't see the audience anyway. I was utterly shameless. I've played a

dancing rat, an evil dwarf with Vaseline in my hair, the nerdy assistant to a

lawyer, and many other roles no one else wanted, and I actually enjoyed it."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Tyson, everything sounds like an ice cream flavor to


<OOC> AlMarth says, "could I have a double cone, Eustacio and genital fume"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey, it was El that said Genital Fume sounded like


<OOC> AlMarth says, "I was a dancing rat too"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I wonder what Eustacio Icecream would taste like..

Probably bloody."

<OOC> Oriana says, "I did EVERYTHING in high school...believe me, I would

rather have done nothing but game, cause I joined everything and nearly drove

myself crazy by the middle of junior year..."

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on her eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Why?"

You say, "Did I say 'dancing rat'? I meant epileptic rat. I was tumbling and

acting like a moron to music. I can't actually dance unless shock therapy is


<OOC> Taetia says, "If you were a flavor of icecream, what flavor would you


<OOC> Taetia says, "I'd be Genital Fume."

<OOC> Oriana has played a high school student in special ed, a lawyer, a

junkie, a paranoid schizophrenic, and some other role I can't remember...

You say, "It was a solo, of sorts, which was good. I can move in rhythm to

music, but not to everyone else on the stage..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I was a dancing rat in the pied piper"

<OOC> AlMarth is back at Beth's sister's page, and has discovered the Donut

section, how I pity you americans, you don't have Tim Hortons

<OOC> Taetia says, "You guys see Leprechaun five?"

<OOC> Oriana likes dancing, just not where anyone can see her, cause she

dances like a beached, spastic jellyfish. And whenever I dance in public I

just end up doing embarrassing things like accidentally slapping a 13 year

old boy on the ass...

<OOC> Taetia says, "LOL!"

Eclipse lol.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Rofl"

<OOC> Koi whoas.

<OOC> Koi says, "That's just...wrong. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I *really* didn't mean it...I was at Homecoming, trying to

have fun, waving my arms around like a moron, and...well, when I lowered him,

his ass was in my way. He spent the next 2 weeks trying to figure out "who

felt him up on the dance floor at Homecoming"..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oops, first him = them. Stupid typos..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "roflmao"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Anyhoo, tired now, must be going. Been a blast."

<OOC> Oriana says, "In retrospect, it seems very funny, but at the time...*G*"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Bye Tyson, see you around."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hope so."

<OOC> Taetia waves

<Logout> Taetia has disconnected on Sun Aug

26 01:38:08 2001 EST

Taetia has disconnected.

<OOC> Oriana doesn't want the group to disperse...sad.

Eclipse doesn't either.

The resolution of Taetia fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Rahab thinks she's got to go to bed now.

You say, "Night, Nykki."

Rahab mutters. "Just when things started to get fun."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Night Rahab, it's been a blast."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Beth, your sister scares me"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Bye"

<OOC> Oriana says, "She scares me too..."

Rahab passes out gift-boxes of hugs to anyone who wants one.

Oriana takes a gift box, and thanks Rahab profusely.

<OOC> Koi wavels night to Rahab.

You say, "Thanks for playing, Rahab."

Rahab says, "Anytime!"

Rahab thinks she's going to have to use this character concept again in a

tabletop session. It's too much fun.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "takes a gift box"

<OOC> Rahab scruffles Al's hair 'cos she can.

<OOC> AlMarth doesn't have hair

Eclipse [to Rahab]: See you on Arcana and ICQ.

<OOC> Rahab scruffles Al's bald head then.

Eclipse chuckles.

Rahab noddles at Eccy.

Rahab snugs and goes. "Church tomorrow."

<Logout> Rahab has disconnected on Sun Aug

26 01:42:22 2001 EST

Rahab has disconnected.

Eclipse sighs. "This has been too much fun for my own good."

Oriana says, "Yup, this was a great game."

AlMarth says, "it really has been"

You say, "I'm going to have to gather a new tabletop group together. You know

what that means, don't you?"

Oriana says, "No, what?"

You say, "Thank you. I try to make it enjoyable."

Koi nods to Eclipse. "Much fun was had."

You say, "It means I'll have to start with the cattle call and start culling

the herd of munchkins and infrequent players. Then I have to hope that I

still have enough players to actually game. It could take a year or more.

At least around here, I had good groups to start with."

Oriana shrugs. "If I could find a good group in dinky little Northfield...it

shouldn't be too hard to find one in Denver."

Oriana says, "Multiple good groups, even...for the first time ever, I will be

going back to an *overabundance* of gaming opportunities..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I have a hard time finding good groups here"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "aside from a couple good friends of mine"

Oriana says, "I though Megathan had one going for you and some other people?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "No, I've never actually met her, we'll propably end up

playing cp2020 together though"

You say, "There is a university in Boulder. I might do some poaching for

gamers there. Don't know if they'll want to commute, though."

Oriana says, "Well guys...it's been more than spiffy, but it's almost 2 am

here and I really do have to work. Night all."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "turns out my High school is only a few blocks away from

our massive gaming store"

<OOC> Koi smiles at Oriana.

(to Oriana) Eclipse hugs you. "Good night, Beth."

Koi [to Oriana]: Don't be a stranger. ;)

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm gonna run out of money very fast"

Oriana passes out hugs to everyone. "See you guys around...next summer, if

not before."

Koi waves. "See ya Oriana."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Bye Oriana, I'll still read your site constantly and post

on GCP frequently"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "see you"

Oriana says, "Good night."

<Logout> Oriana has disconnected on Sun Aug

26 01:49:59 2001 EST

Oriana has disconnected.

Koi hmmms.