Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character_name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC_Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The comfortable couch is invitingly empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly

empty. Rahab (offline) is spectating from the Peanut Gallery. Eclipse

(offline) is sitting on the rocking chair. The floor is invitingly empty.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Sat Aug 18 15:42:14 2001 EST from dnvr_dsl_gw22_pool

a32.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e_mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re_register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e_mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

<Login> Koi has connected from MC47_63.Manchester.EDU

on Sat Aug 18 16:05:02 2001 EST.

<Login> Taetia has connected from ppp_127.icehouse.net

on Sat Aug 18 16:07:10 2001 EST.

Taetia has arrived.

Taetia sits down on the comfortable couch.

User Conn Idle RP_Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 19m 0s OOC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Taetia 15m 15m IC PC

Koi 18m 18m IC Wiz

__[Sat May 22 03:59:51 2651]________________________________[3 users; 0s lag]__

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

User Conn Idle RP_Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 26m 0s OOC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Taetia 23m 23m IC PC

Koi 25m 25m IC Wiz

__[Sat May 22 04:21:45 2651]________________________________[3 users; 0s lag]__

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24_71_211_104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 18 16:32:56 2001 EST.

You say, "Hey, AlMarth."

AlMarth has received your page: ""He, AlMarth."

From the Nexus: bing

AlMarth has received your page: "Hey, even."

<OOC> You drink some of your Mountain Dew. All of it remains.

A male voice from the Nexus says, "hello"

You say, "Getting yourself a BBQed wench, I presume?"

AlMarth has arrived.

You say, "Getting yourself a BBQed wench, I presume?"

AlMarth sits down on the lumpy sofa.

AlMarth says, "of course"

AlMarth says, "what's the fun in gaming if I can't munch on wench"

Eclipse drinks Mountain Dew on an empty stomach and playing music at an

obscene volume while waiting for my pizza to cook.

You say, "That sounds really wrong, Al'Marth..."

AlMarth says, "your point?"

AlMarth wishes his computer had better speakers with which to listen to music

at an obcene volume

You say, "So I guess you're into that southern country cooking, right?"

AlMarth says, "If you're talking about the southern countries of malakai,

well, I don't see how anyone could have an appetite There, what with all the


You say, "Surround sound. Bass and four dainty little speakers that make big

noise. Not as loud as the stereo downstairs, though. So far today, they've

listened to R&B, classic rock, and polkas. They have some of the strangest

musical tastes..."

You say, "You can interpret it that way if you like. It's safer, actually..."

You say, "The southern countries have halflings anyway..."

AlMarth says, "once again, there is no sound coming out of my speakers for no

apparent reason"

<Login> Oriana has connected from dial142.ecol.net on

Sat Aug 18 16:46:25 2001 EST.

Oriana has arrived.

Oriana sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Oriana waves to everyone

AlMarth says, "hello"

<OOC> Oriana glances over at last night's quotes. "Jeez. Looks like I left

just before things got REALLY interesting..."

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust168.tnt1.midland.m

i.da.uu.net on Sat Aug 18 16:48:00 2001 EST.

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yo yo yo Hugon. Is your head feeling better? I see it

exploded last night..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yep. Customized it when it healed too...looks a bit better


You say, "Hello people."

You say, "There was some serious weirdness last night. I killed the entire


<OOC> Oriana says, "Hi Eric. *reads last night's quotes* Hey, what did the

Sticky Cabal do to deserve all that? Oh wait...they joined your game. *G*"

<OOC> Hugon wonders if he can spend that XP on Lore: Airport now...

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Exactly. Spahk was fun. I got a bit carried away at

times, though.

<OOC> Oriana says, "A LITTLE carried away?! All of their HEADS exploded!"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Technically, yes. It'll be about as useful as Babylonean

Priesthood Lore anywhere else, but...

<OOC> Hugon says, "We don't have constant angst, but when we do get it, we get

a lot of it..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "brb, I need to restart my computer, darn integrated


<OOC> Oriana giggles. Babylonian Priesthood Lore...

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hmm, I wonder...since my character understood and

experienced everything, couldn't he have infinate XP? *snicker wishful


<OOC> Oriana says, "Do you want your head to explode *again,* Eus?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: *default GM response*

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hey, had to at least make the good old PC effort and try."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Besides, seeing as our group will probably end either in

or just getting out of the Airport, that XP loss doesn't hurt too much)."

You say, "I don't know if it really counted as angst. It was basically

loony_ism gone horribly wrong. The loonies got angst and the sober gamers

got loonyness. Had to make it a challenge for both groups..."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<Logout> AlMarth has disconnected on Sat

Aug 18 16:55:35 2001 EST

AlMarth has lost his link.

Koi has arrived.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Our HEADS exploded, we're tossed into this place we've

heard horror stories about, and you don't call it angst?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Talk about high standards of angst..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Heya Koi"

<OOC> Koi says, "Lo!"

<Login> Rahab has connected from on Sat Aug

18 16:56:35 2001 EST.

Rahab has connected.

Rahab flops down on the floor.

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24_71_211_104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 18 16:57:40 2001 EST.

AlMarth has connected.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm back"

Rahab waves.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hiya Rahab"

<OOC> Rahab listens to Robin Williams.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Nanoo Nanoo"

<OOC> AlMarth plays pinball on his computer

<OOC> Rahab says, "Reagan was Disney's last wish."

<OOC> Koi lahlahlahs

<OOC> Hugon creates new fomori for the pack tomorrow night.

<OOC> Oriana goes looking for earplugs to drown out the racket of MTV blaring

6 inches from her head...

Eclipse [to Hugon]: But it's player angst, not character angst. Of course,

really good character angst CREATES player angst, right Beth?

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, the angst of having your head blown to bits and

knowing, at least for a few moments, everything, and then losing it, that

creates plenty of character angst."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hahaha, MTV is one of the reasons that I feel superior

about being canadian"

<OOC> Oriana is ignoring that...*G*

<OOC> Taetia says, "Whoohoo! Made it"

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Eclipse's comment, not the MTV thing...you have a perfect

right to feel superior about that, Al..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I enjoy this to much to have player angst"

<OOC> Oriana says, "At least Canada has decent pop music that I can stand to

listen to without wanting to go burn the radio station down..."

<OOC> Hugon curses the storm rolling into town and tells it to go away and

wait until next Friday so he doesn't have to work the stupid event and can

come on time to venture through the Airport.\

<Login> Naphtali has connected from on Sat

Aug 18 17:05:50 2001 EST.

<Logout> Naphtali has disconnected on Sat

Aug 18 17:05:55 2001 EST

User Conn Idle RP_Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 1h 0s OOC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Hugon 19m 1m OOC PC Eustacio, Spirit_Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

Oriana 20m 2m IC PC Turnabout Sucks

Taetia 59m 2m IC PC

Koi 1h 2m IC Wiz

AlMarth 9m 3m IC PC Compulsive Loonie

Rahab 10m 4m IC Wiz

__[Sat May 22 06:11:33 2651]________________________________[7 users; 0s lag]__

<OOC> AlMarth puts on some music that none of you has ever hear of

<OOC> AlMarth says, "heard, even"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh really? Try me..."

Eclipse is listening to music no one seems to have heard of except from me.

Taetia says, "And now to think of how I'm going to talk you all into not

killing me.."

<OOC> Oriana would be listening to music if it weren't for the aforementioned

presence of MTV...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Ain't Goin' to Goa, by A3"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh. You're right, haven't heard of it..."

Rahab chuckles.

<OOC> Taetia begins playing his ludicrously large collection of pirated

Incubus Succubus music

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Next I think I'll listen to some Proffesor Longhair (Yay

for obscure music)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Mmmm.. Gothic pagan folk rock."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "mmm, British Acid Country/blues"

<OOC> Hugon doesn't have any obscure music...he doesn't have very many CD's

for that matter (unless you count computer/data CD's).

<OOC> AlMarth has lots of those too

You say, "I'm listening to narrative Power Metal based on the Simarillon.

Beat that."

You say, "Mmmm... Gamer music...."

<OOC> Rahab purrs at Robin Williams.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "A3 does the theme song to the Sopranos, so you might have

heard one of their songs"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Nope, don't get HBO, haven't ever seen The Sopranos..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I get Movie networks. Joy"

<OOC> Hugon hears about the Sopranos constantly from his Forensics Coach and

team member from Bulgaria.

<OOC> Taetia puts on Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

<OOC> Oriana says, "Damn it...what's the name of that metal band? I've heard

of them, they do all sorts of gamer music. Gah! Brain fart..."

You say, "Blind Guardian."

Rahab wantstohear.

<OOC> Oriana says, "OH yeah..."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: You can listen to a few of their songs by looking them up

at MP3.com.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I met her at the E.O.D, she sank her dew claws into me, we

stepped out to watch the tide come in, She said "A little swim would do some

wonders for your skin", shed my old self and stepped into the sea."

<OOC> Taetia says, "One glance was all it took, she gave me the Innsmouth look"

Rahab might do that when she gets tired of Robin Williams.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Though I know I've played them at a few of our gaming


<OOC> Oriana yays for DotHT...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "The British singers in A3 do a good job of faking

American accents"

<OOC> Hugon goes into lurker mode while he goes to work on other various

projects he has sitting on his computer, ranging from a few speeches to

campaign items that need to be worked on (improving the sewer system, for


<OOC> Taetia says, "By improving, do you mean making it less of a death trap?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Improving it from the ST's view..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I think he means making it MORE of a death trap"

<OOC> Hugon says, "That and seeing how to work a new character into the group."

<OOC> Taetia ohdears

<OOC> Taetia says, "Joe's cousin?"

You say, "Blind Guardian sings in English, but it's not their native tongue.

They hail from Hamburg, Germany. You can buy their T_shirts in Germany and


Logfile from OGR

eclips9 puts on his dragon medallion.

Taetia leads the others that one island with the church

Eustacio leaves Tabletop Room 3.

Eustacio has left.

You say "When last we left the Cabal of Destruction, they had just rescued a group of halflings with flying pews only seconds before a landworm devoured the island."

Database checkpoint in progress _ stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

Eustacio arrives from the Gaming Area.

Eustacio has arrived.

Taetia says "Theres an island near here. We should go there, before a passing breeze capsizes those pews."

Oriana says "Good idea."

Taetia proceeds to the island

<*> OOCly, eclips9 thinks it's dangerous to use ship terminology to describe ANYTHING the Cabal of Destruction uses for transportaion...

<*> OOCly, Oriana giggles

Taetia says "You know, halfling, that illusion was more than a bit cruel."

Oriana says "What illusion?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "We've got to find a mode of transportation that isn't damaged by passing breezes. Then Again Passing breezes DO seem to capsize our ships"

Taetia sneers "The one of Hemlock, of course.."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Really? I thought it was Energy Blasts that sank our ships."

You say "Taetia's island is not unlike the others you've seen, though the Church of Dawn is devoid of dead people and almost clean, especially compared to some of the other churches you've been in lately..."

Oriana says "What? Why in the name of all the gods would I do something like that?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "ANYTHING that can sink our ships, foes"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "does, even"

Taetia lands

Taetia says "I don't know. But that sadistic bit of amusement hurt me deeply."

Al'Marth looks around

Oriana says "Taetia, I didn't do it. Believe me."

Taetia rolls her eyes "I'm sure."

Al'Marth rolls 5d10 and gets: 10/7/8/9/6 Total: 40

Oriana says "I'm not going to argue with you about this. Believe what you like. Besides, right now we have to figure out how to get these people to safety."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "good, I manage to avoid lying and saying I did it"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "That would suck..."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 breaks out another cantaloupe...

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "My Looney_sense is tingling: an opportunity to create havoc and insanity"

Taetia says "Varient and his demon army have moved on. These islands are likely as safe as it gets this side of the sun realm."

Oriana pages: Out of curiosity, what game effect does 7 Purity have? (c:

Al'Marth says "Do you mean Variel?"

<*> OOCly, Eustacio smiles happily and goes to try something.

Eustacio leaves Tabletop Room 3.

Eustacio has left.

Eustacio has arrived.

Taetia says "Whatever."

Taetia says "I don't really care anymore."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Are there any supplies left in the town here? At least enough to sustain life for the halflings?"

You paged Oriana with 'message "Well, it reduces all Backlashes by 2 points. It also makes it more likely that gods will rescue you in an emergency or help you in some way."'.

Oriana pages: Hmm...*ponders*

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "I miss my eggbeater :_("

You say "Oriana _ They could eat the tropical fruit on the trees if they were tall enough to reach the branches..."

Oriana finds a random halfling and asks him/her where his/her home is...

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "Let's hope we don't have the same effect on ladders as boats"

Taetia says "So now what'll you do?"

Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

Oriana says "That depends on where these halflings came from."

You say "The halflings used to live on the island the landworm ate."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 ponders whether a small island is an entire meal or only one bite for a landworm...

Oriana asks the halflings, "Will you be able to start over again on this island?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "So we've flooded one island, destroyed anoyher...I'm sensing a pattern similar to the boats"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Hey. The second island wasn't our fault."

You say "They seem willing to try, though the horror of the last few months weighs heavily on them."

Oriana says "What happened during the last few months?"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Yeah, and neither was the second boat, right?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Quite."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "But the second boat was different"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "If we weren't there, Hemlock wouldn't have destroyed it with the Landworm"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "It's more indirect, but still our fault in a way"

Eustacio mutters to Oriana, "This... such an angsty..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Ok then. 200 people. 4 boats. 2 islands. 1 cloud. Happy?"

Taetia waits a bit impatiently


<*> OOCly, Eustacio cowers behind Freak Legion.

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Yeehaa!"

<*> OOCly, Oriana giggles

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth starts digging

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "I'm sure it'll upset some fault line"

Taetia says "Well?"

You say "Halfling, 'The march of the daemons on the Crystal Islands, of course, and the sacrifice of the inhabitants.'"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Oh duh..."

Eustacio pages: If you want to create NPCs, type @create name Just make sure to drop them before using them.

Oriana asks the halflings, "Is there any way we can help you before we continue on our way?"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Maybe you could make the Landworm your pet so it will follow you around, eating every island you find."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Can we do that?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana laughs

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Would Oriana's mind magic be able to work it?"

Eustacio pages: To make them do stuff, it's @force name =say (or :> blah blah.

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "I refuse to participate in the intentional destruction of any more islands. My purity score is much too high for that. *G*"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "that's what doing it'll fix"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Now that's what I call total war tactics. Not only do they burn the crops to keep them from falling into enemy hands, they destroy the entire land mass..."

Eustacio dropped Landworm.

Landworm has left.

<*> OOCly, Oriana ohdears...

Cloud Dragon created as object #3526


<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Landworms eh Eus? Are they as unpleasent as diahrea?"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 grins.

Cloud Dragon has left.

Eustacio leaves Tabletop Room 3.

Eustacio has left.

Eustacio arrives from the Gaming Area.

Eustacio has arrived.

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Dude! Quit with the beasties already! (c;"

Taetia dropped Cloud Dragon.

Eustacio dropped Beth Kinderman.

Cloud Dragon has left.

Beth Kinderman has left.

I don't see that here.

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "Huh?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "that was truly odd"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Stop it! You bitch, you cloned me!"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Now that we've all gotten THAT out of our systems..."

Taetia begins tapping her foot

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Can I have a Beth clone? I'll give you 5 bucks."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Yeah. Let's get started again..."

<*> OOCly, Eustacio takes off. He has far too great of power here at the moment.

Eustacio has disconnected.

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Now that that's over..."

You say "Halfling, 'We'll be fine as long as none of the dark gods' minions come here, we should be fine. There are no more good mages in the Southlands. They were all converted by the dark gods or converted.'"

Al'Marth dropped Cloud Dragon.

Cloud Dragon has left.

Taetia cuddles the Cloud Dragon

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "They were all converted by the dark gods or converted?"

Taetia says "Well yippy hoo ray."

Oriana looks at the others. "Then we should be going again."

You say "Oops, I mean converted or slain..."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "yeah before the island ceases to exist"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 officially has only 3 more cases of 24 cans of Mountain Dew...

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Poor us.."

<*> OOCly, Oriana thinks that's a Bad Thing <tm>

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth has no Mountain Dew

You say "Going where?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth does have half a pitcher full of lemonade. Yum

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "That's a good question. Do we keep going north, guys?"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 pats Al'Marth on the shoulder. "It's okay. There's still coffee and Jolt..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Yes?"

You say "It starts to rain as another dragon_shaped cloud hovers in the sky above you."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "If I say brb and mysteriously leave, I've gone to the convenience store to buy Jolt"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "North then?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "I suppose."

Al'Marth nods

Oriana asks Koi to extend the flying thing to Ben as well...

Al'Marth regales Ben with tales of his (made up)exploits

Taetia says "Who's that, and why're we taking him along?"

You publicly roll 4d10 and get: 8/8/2/5 Total: 23

Al'Marth says "he's our captive"

You publicly roll 1d10 and get: 3 Total: 3

Oriana says "Taetia, this is Ben, my husband. Having said that, it should be obvious why we're taking him along."

You publicly roll 4d10 and get: 4/9/9/8 Total: 30

You publicly roll 1d10 and get: 1 Total: 1

You say "Koi extends the spell to Ben."

Taetia says "Wasn't he dead?"

Oriana says "Well, yes..."

You say "The dragon cloud follows you, raining the whole way. You eventually reach another island, though this one looks like it has never been inhabited. The sun is scorching hot, now."

Taetia says "I see."

Ben created as object #3527


Ben has left.

Tabletop Room 3(#1902RAJLMhs$)

A small candle flickers at the high table where the Storyteller sits, his face barely illuminated by the candle. Piles of books have been placed on the far right of the high table, and a large, green binder sits in front of the Storyteller. Two large, lumpy blue sofas sit on each side of a long table, where the players assume the roles of their characters in the World of Darkness. Various dice, character sheets, and empty pizza boxes are scattered about the table. Aside from the candle on the Storyteller's desk, there are four candles spaced evenly down the middle of the table, providing some light to the players. On the walls are various drawings of characters portrayed in the chronicle.





Obvious exits:

Out <O>

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "I got your husband!"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Sell him to the hot dog man!"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Stop that."

<*> OOCly, Oriana laughs

I don't see that here.

<*> OOCly, Taetia snuggles the Cloud Dragon plushie and starts sucking his thumb.

<*> OOCly, Oriana is disturbed by that...

Al'Marth dropped Ben.

I don't see that here.

Ben has left.

Eustacio has connected.

Eustacio leaves Tabletop Room 3.

Eustacio has left.

Al'Marth dropped Ben.

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Approximately how many islands are still to the north of us?"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "All I wanted was to be able to @spoof a few of the NPCs..."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Make them stop playing keep_away with my husband. *whimper*"

Ben has left.

You say "Oriana, 'You can still see one or two to the north, though you don't know what lies beyond the horizon."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "It's just me actually"

<*> OOCly, Oriana pokes Al'Marth

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "How do I throw him"

I don't see what you want to lock!

<*> OOCly, Oriana looks at Eus. "Don't tell him anything!"

I don't see ben here.

I don't understand that key.

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "What time is it?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Yeah, and you should know...(c;"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Assuming she's still a giant floating hourglass, that is..."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth starts abusing ben with his eggbeater

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Sodomite!"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "fine, take him"

<*> OOCly, Oriana eeewwws!

Al'Marth dropped Ben.

You say "Well, according to Taetia, it is nearly nightfall, but the sun is still hours from the western horizon."


Taetia says "We're near the sun realms."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "How long have we been flying?"

You say "A few hours."

Taetia says "This is getting us nowhere. We should land for the night, and prepare a better strategy."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "What better strategy is there than "fly around randomly""

Oriana says "If you say so."

Taetia lands.

Tabletop Room 3(#1902RAJLMhs$)

A small candle flickers at the high table where the Storyteller sits, his face barely illuminated by the candle. Piles of books have been placed on the far right of the high table, and a large, green binder sits in front of the Storyteller. Two large, lumpy blue sofas sit on each side of a long table, where the players assume the roles of their characters in the World of Darkness. Various dice, character sheets, and empty pizza boxes are scattered about the table. Aside from the candle on the Storyteller's desk, there are four candles spaced evenly down the middle of the table, providing some light to the players. On the walls are various drawings of characters portrayed in the chronicle.






Obvious exits:

Out <O>

You say "The island is uninhabited. Even the seagulls have a lean and hungry look to them. The land is rocky and very hot, perhaps 95 degrees Farenheit."

Oriana tries to find a shady place or something to spend the night

Taetia finds a nice bit of shade "Now what?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "Prime and Matter: Create Air conditioner"

Al'Marth works on his tan

Oriana says "What better strategy did you have in mind, Taetia?"

Eustacio has arrived.

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Never a magic Microsoft around when you need one, eh Al'Marth?"

Taetia says "I don't suppose any of you have the ability to speak with spirits? We could perhaps ask them for a bit of direction."

Al'Marth rolls 5d10 and gets: 6/8/3/2/1 Total: 20

Oriana frowns. "I don't."

Al'Marth says "I can speak with spirits"

Taetia says "Ignoring the compulsive liar for the moment, that leaves flying west or east until we find something interesting. Much further north and we'll be in the Sun Realms. That would be bad."

Al'Marth pulls a dusty tome out of his robes and leafs through the pages

Al'Marth says "we need to sit down in a circle and hold hands, it's called a seance"

Oriana raises an eyebrow.

Taetia says "Really now."

Al'Marth says "yes, then we ask to speak to the spirits of the dead, and they talk to us through whoever cast the spell"

Taetia says "Hey Ben, you were dead. Any otherwordly wisdom or knowledge that could help us out?"

Oriana says "It might be worth a try, Taetia. He's told the truth before."

Al'Marth says "It sounds interesting, I've never spoken in tongues before"

Taetia says "How do we know he's telling the truth this time though? It could be some more pointless Tanak bullshit."

Oriana says "We don't, but did you have a better idea?"

Ben says "Not unless you're interested in a travalogue about Hell...""

Taetia says "No, not really. I'm sure I'll learn all I need when I die."

Taetia shrugs "Whatever. It should be good to pass a few hours, until the sun goes down."

Oriana gets everyone to gather around Al'Marth

Ben says "You're not the only one looking forward to it, Taetia...""

Ben grins.

Al'Marth gets everyone holding hands and mutters some words in strange languages

Taetia says "Going to hell, or nightfall?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Um...yeah...I was going to ask that myself..."

Taetia says "And if you're refering to what I think you're refering to, try to keep the noise to a minimum."

Ben says "Both.""

Taetia says "I have enough trouble sleeping."

Oriana laughs and gives Ben a kiss

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Eeewww! Don't you know you could catch Halfling's doing that?"

Al'Marth throws up his head, then starts speaking in a strange voice

<*> OOCly, Taetia flashes on the crucefix scene from Exorcist

Al'Marth says "Do or do not...there is no try""

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "You throw up your head? That's a hell of a trick..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Is Al'Marth going to start yelling "Let Hemlock f_ you!"?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana flashes back to the "Hemlock's Chocolate Salty Balls" discussion from last week...

Al'Marth says "You must...confront..Vader...sorry Variel"

Permission denied.

Taetia says "Who's Vader?"

Al'Marth says "Luminous beings we are, not crude matter"

Oriana says "What?"

Taetia says "Ooo! I know! This is his way of starting a Nonsense Competition!"

Al'Marthspeaks in another different voice, with heavy breathing

You say "'I'll take you up on that one,' Al says."

Oriana says "I get the strangest feeling that this might be a waste of time...wait a minute..."

Al'Marth says "The force is strong in this one"

You say "His voice is calm and bemused."

Oriana says "Who is this?"

Al'Marth says "Taetia...I am your Father"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Dominoes pizza, how may I help you?"

Taetia says "Then that closest incident just got a whole lot more bizarre."

You say "'I remember you from the Chaos Pocket. I helped you get out.'"

Taetia says "Is it the moon again?"

Al'Marth says "You have no idea the power of the dark side of the force"

Al'Marthnow seems to be speaking in a womans voice

You say "No, it's coming from Al's voice, alternating between the calm voice and all of Al'Marth's. Al, even you are noticing a...presence...within you."

Al'Marth says "Ben, you are the weakest link...goodbye"

Taetia says "His better than a play."

Oriana says "This is ridiculous."

Taetia says "Yeah, but it's amusing."

Taetia says "So, who all is in there with you Al?"

Eustacio leaves Tabletop Room 3.

Eustacio has left.

Al'Marth says "um...huh...whoa"

Eustacio arrives from the Gaming Area.

Eustacio has arrived.

You say "'A tanak conducting a seance. That is one of the most amusing things I've ever seen. Shall we end this charade?' A figure in a black cloak steps out of Al'Marth's body. The hood hangs so low that it conceals his entire face except for the bemused smile. He wears a round, silver medallion with a black crescent on the lower edge."

Al'Marth rolls 5d10 and gets: 5/9/9/8/6 Total: 37

Taetia says "Can you make your head spin around counterclockwise and spew split pea soup?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana eeps!!

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "YES!"

Eustacio leaves Tabletop Room 3.

Eustacio has left.

Taetia says "Well. That's a new trick."

Taetia says "And who're you?"

Oriana says "Excuse me...who are you?"

Al'Marth stands up, shocked

<*> OOCly, Oriana quotes Perfect Blue. Woohoo.

Al'Marth says "thank you for leaving my body"

You say "'I usually go by the name of Eclipse. It has come to my attention that you have lost your way. Why else would you be headed straight into the Sun Realms when your destination lies elsewhere?'"

Database checkpoint in progress _ stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

Oriana says "That's a good question."

Taetia says "Well yes, we did get a bit lost. I don't suppose you know where we should be?"

Al'Marth says ""Where is Variel""

You say "'Should be? That depends on what you hope to accomplish.'"

Taetia says "Oh, you know, kill Variel, save the world."

Oriana says "We want to stop the Ba'Lak."

Taetia says "Nothing to strenous."

Al'Marth says "Could I end my lying curse?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "On my mark, commence Plan 'Screw Me'. 1, 2, 5, bend over and drop em!"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Don't pester the Supreme Being, boys and girls..."

You say "'Variel is close. Yes, close. But you are going the wrong way. You are headed in the opposite direction from where you must go to defeat him.'"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Warning: Do Not Feed the Supreme Being."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "Told you so"

Oriana says "So, we should go south then?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "South is what I said in the first place"

Taetia says "Oh, if you happen to be trustworthy, we should head south. Since we have no better idea, south it is."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Oh shut up."

Taetia says "Could you specify where in the south?"

You say "'Stopping the Ba'lak is not so easy, however. Variel is something of a liability to Hemlock, now. He will choose a new commander at the next opportunity. As for your lying curse, I can certainly cure that, Al'Marth.' He smiles broadly, revealing a crescent of perfect white teeth."

Al'Marth says "what is it?"

You say "'What is what, Al'Marth?'"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "This is a bad, bad idea Al..."

Taetia says "Why is Variel a liability? He seems to be doing fine so far."

Al'Marth says "what is the cure?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "he's gonna polymorph me into something that's not a tanak, isn't he"

You say "'Only a human may strike down Hemlock. Why do you think he has gone to such great lengths to destroy them all?' Then to Al, 'Are you asking me to cure you?'"

Al'Marth nods

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "This is a bad idea"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "this is a terrible idea"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "He's going to inject you with Eclipse' Special Sauce. Made of the finest genitalia, chocolate salty balls, and chilly dillies, guraunteed to cure whatever ails you."

<*> OOCly, Oriana laughs

Eustacio has arrived.

Taetia considers this then burries her face in her hands "I knew I should've said yes."

You say "'Lie no more, then, Al'Marth. The Tanak Curse is lifted.'"

Al'Marth says "thank you"

You paged Alec with 'You now have the flaw: Compulsion (supernatural) _ Always tell the truth.'.

Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

Al'Marth tries it out "I can't actually speak to spirits, I can just sense them"

I don't recognize almarth.

No one to page.

Taetia says "Well, it seems to have worked..."

You paged Al'Marth with 'You now have the flaw: Compulsion (supernatural) _ Always tell the truth.'.

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "I KNEW it"

Taetia says "Good on you. You've become slightly less annoying."

Eustacio dropped Vending Machine.

Oriana says "Why don't you thank the nice deity, Al'Marth?"

The vending machine creates some mountain, which eustacio consumes quickly.

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "YOU EAT A MOUNTAIN?!"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "That is going to HURT coming out!"

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "Okay, it doesn't do multiple words yet..."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "EVERYONE wants to be a Landworm!"

The vending machine creates some Pepsi, which Eustacio consumes quickly.

The vending machine creates some manch, which Oriana consumes quickly.

Al'Marth pages: So much for Subterfuge:3

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Can we have a hot dog man?"

You paged Al'Marth with 'You actually came out behind 1 point..."'.

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Um, gee, let me think. NO?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, ""Tag 'im, bag 'im, and sell him to the hot dog man""

Al'Marth pages: what is the dif for will checks to overcome the flaw?

Vending Machine has left.

You paged Al'Marth with 'It's supernatural. You can't overcome it.'.

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Ohhhhh...vending machine go bye_bye."

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "I've just got to adjust a few things."

Al'Marth pages: oh

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Vending machines that walk away, now? This place is almost as bad as the Chaos Zone."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Well, not really..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Back to the game then?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Did you know that when you type "look Ben" you get "You see nothing special"? That makes me feel really good. (c;"

Eustacio dropped Vending Machine.

I don't see that here.

Taetia says "I don't suppose you could tell us where we need to be to stop Hemlock, or perhaps send us there?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "I wonder if Eclipse could give out Arete.."

<*> OOCly, Taetia still needs that log..

Al'Marth says "this seems almost too good to be true"

Taetia shrugs

You say "'You can stop Hemlock by killing him. Only a human can land the fatal blow, though, and the number of humans remaining in Malakai is small indeed.'"

Taetia says "So was Hemlocks bargain. I should've accepted that, but I didn't."

Taetia says "So where can we find one to kill him?"

Taetia says "Wait a minute.."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "You can learn lessons in creative truth_telling from Eclipse, Al'Marth. Watch carefully..."

Taetia says "I know how this is going.. We need to convince Variel to kill Hemlock."

Taetia says "Now, how do we manage that?"

You say "Eclipse smiles. 'That is certainly one way of solving the problem, Taetia.'"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Oh, suckage, suckage..."

Taetia says "Did they originally have to be born a human? Or would one shapeshifted into a human count?"

Taetia says "Not a temporary shifting, but a permanent one, I mean.."

You say "'They must have a human soul.'"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Actually, Taetia, Eclipse COULD give you Arete. If you can't pay for it in XP, though, he'll exact some other method of payment..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Example?"

Taetia says "Any idea how to convert Variel then? You can kill him afterwards Oriana."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "I'm afraid there is only one way to find that out for sure..."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "think of Nyarlahoteps payments"

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "Hmm...I might have to try that...*curious look on his face*"

Oriana says "If he kills Hemlock, I can hardly do that in good conscience, can I?"

Taetia says "Is that a problem?"

Oriana says "Well, yes..."

Taetia shrugs and waits for Eclipse to respond to the request.

You say "Eclipse grins, 'Is that a request, Taetia?'"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Variel is a human, isn't he?"

You say "Yes. So is Rahab."

Taetia says "Yes. Tell us the best way of converting Variel back to our cause and convincing him to kill Hemlock, and the best way to do that."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "But she's a child.. I'd rather have an archmage."

You say "Suit yourself..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia gets out the vaseline for this screwing.

Taetia says "And while we're at it, in case this fails, how does one kill a god, anyways?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Um, that's a bad question to ask, Tyson..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Why? It's been awhile since I've hacked my way through a pantheon."

<*> OOCly, Oriana groans

You say "'Go one thousand miles south to the Island of Persecutions. There you will find the Temple of Dark Gods. Variel lies deep within the tunnels beneath the Temple. If you ask him to join you, he will no longer be your enemy, but do as you wish.'"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Question number 1. Now the other two."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Temple of Dark Gods. Sounds like a great place for a summer vacation, doesn't it?"

Taetia says "That's one."

You say "'Killing a god is a simple matter of knowing his or her weakness and exploiting it. Hemlock cannot be slain with magic, but only by the hand of a human raised against him.'"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Should I ask.. Should I ask.. What're the weaknesses of the other gods?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "what's the weakness of eclipse?"

Taetia says "That's three. Now for the answer to question two."

<*> OOCly, Oriana rolls her eyes

You say "'Haven't I already answered your second question with my two answers?'"

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "Gollum Gollum precious"

Taetia says "No. There was also asked the best way to use Variel to kill Hemlock."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Cheesecake, salt, and hosing PCs."

<*> OOCly, Oriana laughs

You say "'He knows the best way to kill him, Taetia. Just ask him.'"

Taetia says "Allright then. We should head south, post haste. How can we contact you if we need to?"

You paged Eustacio with 'You've gotta love vague pronouns...'.

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Yes.. Give Tyson the Gm Avatar Summoning Device..."

Eustacio pages: Oh yes...so much fun...

You say "Eclipse smiles and removes the amulet from around his neck, though the amulet around his neck never moves, and hands it to you. 'Simply touch this amulet with the intention of summoning me.'"

Taetia puts it around her neck "I'll remember that. Thank you."

You paged Eustacio with 'I love the way they haven't even questioned anything he's said...'.

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "200 people. 4 Ships. 2 Islands. 1 Cloud. 1 Malakai."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Now Tyson has a precious too. Gollum gollum. This is not safe."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "You have no idea..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Gollum gollum!"

Eustacio pages: Why do you think I haven't summoned him yet?

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "MY PRECIOUS!!!@"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "NO! MY PRECIOUS!"

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "Gollum Gollum"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Don't abuse it...not unless you want to be forever known as the little Tanak who cried Supreme Being..."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "...Okay, that was kinda weak."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "I know, I know. In the wrong hands this amulet could cause indescrible havoc and destruction."

<*> OOCly, Taetia holds up his hands "These hands look wrong enough."

<*> OOCly, Eustacio uses Prime 2/Corr 3 to smite Tyson from afar.

You say "You have now officially brought all the bad karma in your past upon yourself. Congratulations."

<*> OOCly, Taetia uses Corr 7 to send it back to Eus and twist him into a pretzel.

<*> OOCly, Oriana smacks herself in the head...

The vending machine creates some tyson, which eustacio consumes quickly.

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "So.. Everything bad that happened to us, was from this moment?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Mmm.. Pretzel.."

<*> OOCly, Taetia eats Eustacio

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Eeeeeeeeewwwwwww!!!"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "This is like the Al Ashwad thing.."

You say "Well, you're actually slightly behind payments now, but I promise you'll have a chance to pay the balance soon enough. So don't worry."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Anyway...back to reality..."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "What Al_Ashwad thing? Please don't mention that name...*G*"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Our actions in the present caused our problems in the past."

<*> OOCly, Oriana twitches uncontrollably

Taetia says "Thank you Eclipse, I'll be sure to call on you only should we dearly need your aid."

Taetia looks around "Shall we stay here for the night, or head south now? We'll only have a bit of daylight left if we start now."

Al'Marth says "I really don't think she should be trusted with that"

You say "You could also look at it as your problems in the past are causing your actions in the present, but that assumes the existence of narrativium..."

Oriana says "Let's stay here for the night."

Taetia glares at Al'Marth "I can take care of it."

You say "Eclipse smiles, 'I think it was made for her. Would you like one, too, Al'Marth?'"

Al'Marth says "Yeah, like you took care of Rahab when she was in the tree"

Taetia pages: Diff for nightmares? or could I just botch? It'd give me the oppurtunity for what I'd planned.

Taetia says "I did my best with the information on hand."

Taetia says "So bite me Al'Marth."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "is that an invitation?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "No."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "We had this problem last session..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Not at the moment. But maybe later."

<*> OOCly, Oriana just realized that this is going to be the Island of Freaky Sex tonight...

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "We just need to invite the Fae in.."

You say "Is it safe to assume you'll at least wait until dark?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "What's keeping us from just asking Eclipse to kill Hemlock?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Prolly."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Eclipse still there?"

You say "Nothing at all, Taetia..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Mmmm..."

You say "I never said he left, did I? He's simply watching you. It's frustrating the way you can't see his eyes. It makes his face almost impossible to read..."

Taetia stands up, gives him a hug and a kiss "Thanks for all the help."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "I just had to do that."

You say "'No. Thank YOU.' He chuckles and then disappears."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "He just likes raising 32 flavors of hell, doesn't he?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "That was...interesting, to say the least..."

Taetia finds a comfortable piece of ground and goes to sleep.

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "Eclipse, do you have Umbra Revised by chance?"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "No, just the Book of Worlds."

Oriana and Ben find someplace a respectable distance away from the rest of the cabal...

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Please.. no more.."

Give to whom?

Give to whom?

Eustacio pages: Too bad...Atrocity Realm is fun...

<*> OOCly, Taetia begins playing "The Mammal Song"

You paged Eustacio with 'Do I need anymore nightmare fuel to use in my chronicles?'.

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "what qualifies as a respectable distance"

You publicly roll 1d10 and get: 6 Total: 6

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Out of sight, out of earshot..."

<*> OOCly, Oriana can't believe she's having this conversation...*G*

Eustacio pages: True. I just find it scares Tyson quite a bit now that he got tossed into the Atrocity Realm and had to consume another PC to free himself...

You say "The sun rises four hours after it sets."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "So put your hands down my pants and I bet you'll feel nuts, yes I'm siskel, yes I'm Ebert, and I'm giving you two thumbs up."

Taetia pages: Roll for nightmares?

You paged Eustacio with 'Would it be as bad as forcing Oriana to kill her husband?'.

You paged Eustacio with 'taetia dif 8'.

Eustacio pages: Depends...she could have to kill him in the Atrocity Realm once, then have to kill him again in the real world...double the joy.

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "I'm listening to a song with communist Propaganda"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Please turn me on, I'm Mr. Coffee with an automatic drip. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Gotta love the Bloodhound gang."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "You folks do realize that if you would have gone north much farther, you would have started taking Agg from the heat of the sun, don't you?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Quite."

You paged Eustacio with 'taetia dif 8'.

You paged Eustacio with 'sorry.'.

Eustacio pages: No problem, it happens.

You paged Taetia with 'dif 8'.

Taetia rolls 6d10 and gets: 29

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Sorry, need to change my dice defaults.."

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "Somebody didn't set the defaults..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "How did it go again.."

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "&roll.default me=show"

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "roll.style me=full"

<*> OOCly, Eustacio says, "(stick an & in front of that>"

Taetia rolls 6d10 and gets: 3/1/6/7/10/2 Total: 29

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "No succ."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Just barely missed a botch.. could we ignore the 10?"

You say "Taetia, you have a bout of insomnia. Just as you are about to fall asleep, the sun rises. Oriana and Ben didn't get much sleep, either."

You say "The sun is noticeably brighter and hotter this close to the Sun Realms."

Taetia says "Are you two quite done? We should probably head south. Presuming we travel 10 hours today, we should arrive sometime tomarrow."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Once again proving that my characters get more sex than ANYONE..."

Oriana yawns. "Yes, let's go."

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "You're tied with Octavius, now."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "I've tried, god how I've tried. But Al'Marth isn't happy with Taetia, and Wolf passed out when he started hitting on Leon."

Taetia says "Good. Because all that squeeking was getting on my nerves."

Taetia says "SOunded like two frikken rats in a tin can.."

Taetia stands and wakes the ones who're still asleep.

You say "Alright. Headed south, are we?"

Taetia takes off and heads south.

Oriana follows, rubbing her eyes.

Al'Marth follows

Taetia flies a goodly way away from the others.

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Test"

You say "Just as night is beginning to fall (at a reassonable hour, this time), you reach a large island that looks like it is made of humanoid skulls stuck in hardened black lava. There is a dormant volcano at the center of the island that is also covered in skulls. On top of the volcano is a large building made of solid basalt decorated with (you guessed it) humanoid skulls."

Taetia says "Earlier than I expected. Think this is the place?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "How long've we been flying?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "all day"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "At least 16 hours and 40 some minutes.."

Database checkpoint in progress _ stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

You say "19 hours."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "That means we're 1140 south of where we were. Eclipse said 1000."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "1140 what?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Miles."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Unless we're counting in rest stops?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "At which point it's all good.."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Yes.. I am anal this way.."

You say "This is the place. I'm counting rest stops and only breaking out the calculator when absolutely necessary..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Ok."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "We still a ways a way?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "The inherent inferiority of the imperial system of measurement"

Taetia says "Shall we circle it, out of sight, and trie for a more subtle entrance, or just hope nobodies home?"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "That's the problem"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "I agree."

Oriana says "It couldn't hurt to check for a back door. (turns on corr sensing)"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "That's why we canadians use the metric system, we also don't have mtv (c;"

<*> OOCly, Oriana will agree that the English system of measurement is stupid...I mean, even the English don't use it anymore...just the U.S., Liberia, and Myanmar...

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "It frightens me that you knew that, Oriana..."

<*> OOCly, Eustacio applaudes Beth's knowledge of useless information.

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "And the US'll never give it up.. to damn stubborn."

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "the US was going to change with everyone else, then they changed their minds"

<*> OOCly, Oriana takes a bow...

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "I know. The idiots prevailed.."

Taetia says "Anything?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana should REALLY up the Useless Trivia score on her Mage sheet, to represent a whole year of useless knowledge gained from college...*G*

<*> OOCly, Eustacio should actually make one of those now that he has Mage...

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Oh btw, remember when I said my char died, and I used your facetious sheet? Want to know what happened to her?"

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "I'm afraid to ask...but yes, I do."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Died quite heroically, crashing the Enterprise (Which she restored after the alien/vampire/borg had gotten to it) into the Hidden City to destroy it and keep it from the Nephandi and Technocracy. Created a might big black hole."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Awwww...my facetious Mage character died saving the world. I'm so proud of her. *sniff* Anyway, back to the game..."

Alec pages: Ummm? eclips9 pages: You now have the flaw: Compulsion (supernatural) _ Always tell the truth.

Taetia waits patiently

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Diff/successes to look for entrances, guards, that sort of thing?"

You paged Alec with 'Sorry. Mispage...'.

From afar, Alec hehehs, figures.

You say "Per + Alertness, dif 6"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "All of us?"

Oriana rolls 4d10 and gets: 3/10/6/2 Total: 21

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "2"

You say "If you're interested in whether there is anyone in the temple below..."

Taetia rolls 6d10 and gets: 4/1/9/3/1/6 Total: 24

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "None."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "C'mon perception boy, roll."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "That...and I want to know where the entrances and such are, and whether they're guarded..."

You paged Oriana with 'You notice what appear to be nine tall statues standing along the path leading into the entrance of the temple.'.

You paged Oriana with 'And there is only one entrance _ the front entrance _ visible.'.

Al'Marth rolls 7d10 and gets: 1/3/10/6/4/8/10 Total: 42

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "3"

You paged Al'Marth with 'You notice nine tall statues of unfriendly looking humanoids standing along the path leading into the entrance of the temple. There is only one visible entrance _ the front entrance.'.

You paged Al'Marth with 'The entrance does not appear to be guarded.'.

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Test?"

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Or is there a lot of paging going on?"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "I've sent my pages. It's up to them, now..."

Al'Marth says "I only see one entrance, there are some rather unpleasant looking statues in front of the main entrance""

<*> OOCly, Oriana is still waiting for an answer about the roll for finding out about guards and stuff...

Taetia says "Perhaps would be invaders.. or magical guardians."

You paged Oriana with 'Sorry. You don't notice any guards, either.'.

Oriana says "Well, there's really no other way to get in, so we don't have much of a choice. If it's any consolation, I don't see any guards..."

Al'Marth says "hold on a second""

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "spirit sight"

Al'Marth rolls 2d10 and gets: 2/7 Total: 9

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "I succ"

<*> OOCly, Al'Marth says, "that's enough, right"

Taetia pages: Prime sight, to check for magic protections.

Taetia mutters a spell

Taetia rolls 3d10 and gets: 8/1/7 Total: 16

Taetia pages: Only 1.

You paged Al'Marth with 'There is a strong Entropic Resonance surrounding the entire island. You can see a few nasty_looking spirits, but the Resonance of the island obscures your vision beyond a few dozen meters.'.

You paged Taetia with 'You don't detect any magical protections except for the fact that the entire bloody island is a Nexus.'.

Al'Marth says "I see a lot of Entropic resonance, and scary_looking creatures, I can't see much else"

Taetia says "How interesting. No magical protections that I can detect, but the entire island is a nexus."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Whats the diff _ for being on a large nexus? _1 to _3, if I remember right."

Al'Marth says "I don't think it would be wise to try to access the nexus"

You say "Depends on if your Resonances and paradigms are compatible."

Taetia says "Geeemm you're observant.."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Weard, more or less, with chaos and frozen resonance.."

Al'Marth says "sorry, I'm still getting used to being able to say what's on my mind"

You say "Nope. Right paradigm. Wrong Resonance..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Does it give any benefit? What with the paradigm?"

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Three guesses whose paradigm and Resonance ARE compatible with it..."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Black flame, and entropic.."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Variel."

Taetia says "Well. Mustn't keep them waiting."

Taetia heads towards the entrance.

You say "It might, but trying to take advantage of the nexus might get its attention. That might be a Bad Thing <tm>..."

You say "What's everyone else doing?"

Oriana follows Taetia

Oriana whispers to Ben, "Stay close and do what we tell you. We WILL get out of here. I promise."

Taetia grumbles "Wheres a hot dog man when you need one.."

Oriana gives Taetia a "Fuck off" look

<*> OOCly, eclips9 says, "Hey, folks. Malakai's back up. Meet you there."

<*> OOCly, Taetia says, "Whoo."

<*> OOCly, Oriana says, "Kedokey..."

Taetia has disconnected.

Oriana has disconnected.

Al'Marth has disconnected.

Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The comfortable couch is invitingly empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly

empty. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators. Eclipse (offline) is

sitting on the rocking chair. Rahab is sprawled out on the floor.

You see Koi here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Sat Aug 18 16:03:59 2001 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw22-pool

a32.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

<OOC> Koi waves at Eclipse!

<OOC> Koi says, "Sorry, my email has gone all wonky."

You say, "It's okay. I'll bring the others in just a sec."

<Login> Taetia has connected from ppp-127.icehouse.net

on Sat Aug 18 20:59:22 2001 EST.

<Login> Oriana has connected from dial229.ecol.net on

Sat Aug 18 20:59:23 2001 EST.

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Sat Aug 18 20:59:26 2001 EST.

Taetia has arrived.

Taetia sits down on the comfortable couch.

Taetia lies back on the comfortable couch.

Oriana has arrived.

AlMarth has arrived.

Rahab shouts an OOC message to all connected users: "Sorry, everyone!"

Oriana sits down on the comfortable couch.

Taetia says, "Hey ho folks."

AlMarth sits down on the lumpy sofa.

<OOC> Oriana says, "No prob Rahab. (c:"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no problem"

Taetia says, "Np, we managed to get up to the Temple of Dark Gods on ogr."

<OOC> Oriana wonders how this will effect the log for the evening...

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Rahab says, "Lord. We were the -last- grid to come back up. :P"

Taetia says, "Oh. And Taetia has one of the Eclipse summoning pendants."

<OOC> Oriana owies...

<OOC> Rahab is taking donations for a UPS :P

<OOC> You say, "Oriana, It will just be a cut and paste job. I've got it


<OOC> AlMarth is no longer a compulsive liar

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh good, there were some good quotes in there..."

<OOC> Koi woos!

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust16.tnt1.midland.mi

.da.uu.net on Sat Aug 18 21:00:50 2001 EST.

<OOC> Rahab dances!

<OOC> Koi wonders what he's missed. ;)

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Rahab dittos Koi.

Taetia brandishes the shiny new Eclipse Amulet

Hugon pages, "Dang it, you didn't take your object."

<OOC> Taetia says, "My precious.. Gollum.. gollum.."

<OOC> You say, "You missed a meeting with Eclipse, necrophilia of a sort, and

the Temple of Dark Gods."

<OOC> Koi pouts!

<OOC> Hugon gollums right back at Taetia.]


<OOC> AlMarth says, "And I no longer am a compulsive liar"

<OOC> Koi says, "Darn, I always miss the -really- cool gods. ;)"

<OOC> Koi grins at Al. "Woo! Err...wait...eclipse didn't do that did he?" :)

<OOC> You say, "You could always ask Taetia to summon him for you, again..."

Taetia returns to swooping down to the entrance

<OOC> Oriana says, "No, Eclipse did it. I think this is a Bad Thing <tm>."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hehehe"

<OOC> Koi whimpers.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. And DON'T kill Variel. He'll be on our side, in a bit."

<OOC> Koi thinks he could -really- use a paste or something of pertenent


<OOC> Rahab says, "-You- convince Rahab of that :P"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Yeah, and if he isn't, we'll need to use Rahab to kill


(to Hugon) Eclipse chuckles. "This is going to be such fun..."

<Login> Naphtali has connected from on Sat

Aug 18 21:04:17 2001 EST.

Naphtali has arrived.

(remotely) Hugon smiles. "Planning something that induces much Paranoia?"

Naphtali sits down on the floor.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Oh, she'll be glad to."

Hugon has received your page: "There are two ways Variel could be on their

side. They could convert him, or he could convert them. Do you really think

it's a good idea to go hunting down archmagi in their Nexus lairs?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Uh... I think I'd rather have the archmage trying it, than

the 7 year old."

<OOC> Rahab says, "5-year-old."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Right."

<OOC> Koi says, "Never underestimate the children!"

<OOC> Rahab humms "Little People" to herself.

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles.

You say, "So, you were headed toward the Temple of Doom...er...the Temple of

Dark Gods, hereafter referred to as 'Supmet Belra'. The nine statues are

evil-looking. You all recognize one as a statue of Hemlock."

Hugon pages, "Oh yes, such a wise decision...*chuckles* It sounds like

something that Tyson would do (he's trying to hunt down the 6th Gen Nosferatu

in my game...>"

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay, how about the short pararagraph summary of what's


Taetia says, "Statues to the Evil Gods?"

<OOC> Rahab is going to watch until she gets the hang of what's going on.

Taetia looks for Doxy's statue..

<OOC> Koi says, "For instance? Am I still dragging 2 pews full of halflings

with me?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We went north, landed on an island, met Eclipse, he told

us how to kill Hemlock, cured AlMarth's lying, gave me the Amulet, and sent

us south to the temple to recruit Variel."

<OOC> Oriana says, "No, we left them on another island..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "That cover everything?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: No. You dumped the halflings onto an island, with the

exception of Ben, who you made fly. Did you have any Scourge points, by the


<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. And Tae kissed him. Eclipse that is."

<OOC> Koi says, "Umm...no."

<OOC> Koi says, "And eww. ;)"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "You forgot to mention the seance"

<OOC> Koi says, "So, basically we've been charged by Eclipse to go get variel

and kill hemlock?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "A chance to kiss the Supreme Being? I couldn'tve missed

that.. Only would've been better if he'd stayed around long enough to shag."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Pretty much."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oh and the moon from the chaos zone was actually Eclipse"

<OOC> Koi says, "Why does the term out of the frying pan and in to the fire

come to mind?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "And I held a seance"

<OOC> Oriana says, "And I got laid"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes, statues to evil gods. Doxy is the busty one covered

from head to foot in clothes that reveal nothing but a hint of the curve of

her breasts.

<OOC> Taetia says, "And then Eclipse errupted from AlMarth Alien style."

<OOC> Koi blinks.

Ben, "ooc 'So did I.'"

<OOC> Oriana says, "lol"

<OOC> Taetia says, "The God of Whores is named Doxy."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ben errupted from AlMarth Alien style?"

<OOC> You say, "Seduction, Taetia, not whores..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eeewww.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "But still.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Eric, Eus is bitching about the fact that you left Ben in

his OGR room and now he doesn't know what to do with him..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Don't the other Evil God's make fun of her and refuse to

let her play in their Evil God games?"

<OOC> Koi kays, stops being the strong silent type and kicks into rp mode.

<OOC> Hugon knows exactly what to do with him...*cackle*

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sell him to the hot dog man."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Let loose the eggbeaters on 'im"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Stopitstopitstopit!!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Thanks"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. And AlMarth sodomized Ben with an Eggbeater."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I abused I said...not sexually"

<OOC> Koi says, "Well who didn't?"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Is the door closed? Or open."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Door? It's an entrance to a dark chamber, not a door.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 16m 0s OOC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Hugon 13m 4s OOC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

Taetia 15m 32s IC PC

AlMarth 15m 39s IC PC Compulsive Loonie

Koi 22m 57s IC Wiz

Oriana 15m 1m OOC PC Turnabout Sucks

Rahab 17m 3m IC Wiz

Naphtali 10m 7m OOC Wiz Heisenberg may have slept here.

--[Sat May 22 18:34:09 2651]--------------------------------[8 users; 0s lag]--

Taetia enters cofindently

Taetia says, "A goddess named Doxy.. Poor git.."

You say, "The statues attack. Doxy makes an effort to attack Taetia. Give me

an init"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 4; totalling 9.

<OOC> Taetia says, "YES!"

<OOC> Oriana knew this was coming, somehow...

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 10, 3, 8; totalling 21.

<OOC> Koi blinks

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 10, 2, 2; totalling 14.

Oriana rolled 5d10: 2, 1, 5, 10, 4; totalling 22.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 5, 3, 6; totalling 14.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 1, 2, 6; totalling 9.

Taetia rolled 6d10: 4, 4, 2, 7, 4, 6; totalling 27.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 6, 4, 10; totalling 20.

<OOC> Oriana says, "1"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 2, 1, 7; totalling 10.

<OOC> Taetia says, "5"

Rahab rolled Initiative (4d10) : 3, 1, 8, 3; with 1 success.

<OOC> Koi says, "woo! combat already!"

Koi rolled Initiative (5d10) : 9, 6, 3, 10, 7; with 4 successes.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 7, 9, 6; totalling 22.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 8, 4, 6; totalling 18.

AlMarth rolled Initiative (6d10) : 7, 8, 4, 6, 6, 10; with 6 successes.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Dayam, Al."

<OOC> Hugon gawks. "Go Init Boy!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hmm, gimme a sec to decide what to do"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hmm.. should I summon Eclipse?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: 1 suc?

Oriana [to Eclipse]: Yes...

Oriana [to Eclipse]: Oh, no, I lied...2. Sorry.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thought ones didn't count for initiative?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "brb"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I guess fighting statues is better than attacking a


Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "Espceially if the statues attack first. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Were they going to attack us anyway, or was it mocking

Doxy that did it?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "He's left d00d..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The PCs might never know...

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Then go. I'll fit him in later.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "back"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 1; totalling 1.

AlMarth pulls out his eggbeater, and attacks the Statue of Hemlock

<OOC> AlMarth says, "this is a bad idea"

AlMarth rolled 3d10: 4, 2, 7; totalling 13.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "1 succ"

<OOC> Koi says, "Lemme see...egg beater vs Rock..."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Damage?

<OOC> Taetia says, "Never told us.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I don't know what to roll for damage! It's an eggbeater"

You say, "Str"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oh"

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 4, 4; totalling 8.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> AlMarth says, "what if I turned the crank? would it do more?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, yes.. roll for my legendary ability.."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: The egg beater does no damage to the statue.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Taetia rolled 6d10: 1, 3, 9, 6, 10, 7; totalling 36.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Damn lag.."

Naphtali exits.

Taetia pulls out her sword and strikes the statue of Dolly

Taetia rolled 10d10: 2, 4, 9, 6, 1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 7; totalling 42.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bah.. only 4.."

Naphtali has arrived.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Damage?

Taetia rolled 10d10: 4, 6, 10, 1, 2, 5, 9, 2, 7, 5; totalling 51.

<OOC> Taetia says, "5"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Stupid worthless piece of shit tin sword! Be more hurtful!"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your sword scrapes across the stone, creating sparks but

not even scratching the surface of the statue.

Taetia says, "Well. That sucked."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Rahab says, "It's a sword that's aware of the consequences of its


<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh yeah, we each get 3 attacks.."

<OOC> Koi says, "Hmm...punch a stone statue...right..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or are we doing it in sub turns.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go for it. Sub turns.

<OOC> Hugon just got a really evil idea...thanks Eclipse...

<OOC> Koi says, "So....is it my turn?"

Hugon has received your page: "What evil idea is that?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I love my sound system. I can feel my bowels vibrating."

<OOC> Koi says, "yeay!"

<Login> Ayoka has connected from co3020170-a.belrs1.nsw.

optushome.com.au on Sat Aug 18 21:29:19 2001 EST.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I can feel your bowls vibrating...not much of a love song"

<OOC> Rahab is suddenly reminded of Steven Curtis Chapman. "You -move- me,


<OOC> Oriana giggles

Koi extends his hands, yelling and attempting to transmute the sound energy

into a wall of force to bash the nearest statue.

<OOC> Koi says, "Whee ;)"

Hugon pages, "Spirits who inhabit the sewer pipes...corrupted spirits who

don't like a bunch of Gaians walking around their sewers..."

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5, suc -1 x 2 damage.

Koi rolled 4d10: 7, 4, 5, 8; totalling 24.

Eclipse [to Koi]: + 1 success of damage, sorry.

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay ;)"

<OOC> Koi says, "3 successes then ;)"

<OOC> Koi says, "8 damage"

Eclipse rolled 1d7: 2; totalling 2.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Doesn't he have to spend a succ to hit the statue?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Actually, 6 damage. 1 success to hit a target.

<OOC> Koi says, "kay"

You say, "The statue of Wysp falls backward onto the ground with a crash, but

it doesn't appear to have taken any significant damage."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "How fast are they moving?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Compared to you? Slow as all hells. x3 movement,


<OOC> Taetia says, "That give any bonus to hitting/dodging them,?"

Oriana tries for a prime bolt on one of the statues. Diff/succ?

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Other than the fact that you get three attacks for each

one of theirs? No. You could take an extra careful shot and use two actions

to get one and a half times your attack dice pool if you REALLY want to...

Rahab pages, "Do I know this is a place for Bad Gods?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'll remember that.."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 4, 1 suc + 1 suc / 2 damage. 1 Quint.

Rahab has received your page: "YES"

Rahab pages, "Oh, good. Then she'll fight."

Oriana rolled 3d10: 5, 8, 10; totalling 23.

Eclipse rolled 1d6: 1; totalling 1.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, so 6 damage then? Did I add that right?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "4 damage.. gotta spend 1 to affect someone other than


<OOC> AlMarth really needs some more points in melee

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh okay..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Same here."

You say, "(4 actually. -1 to target another creature) Oriana's bolt of Prime

strikes Pitfall in the chest, blasting a hole through the stone."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

Rahab tries a prime bolt on another statue.

<OOC> Rahab says, "1 WP."

Rahab rolled 3d10: 4, 4, 8; totalling 16.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: dif 4, 1 suc + 1 / 2 damage. 1 Quint

Eclipse rolled 1d5: 2; totalling 2.

<OOC> Rahab noddles. "6 dmg, I think."

You say, "Rahab's bolt of Prime reduces Contagion's right arm and half of his

torso to gravel."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

Rahab mutters. "Bad God."

AlMarth tries the Eggbeater once more

AlMarth rolled 3d10: 5, 9, 7; totalling 21.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Damage?

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 5, 6; totalling 11.

You say, "The eggbeater bounces of the stone of the statue of Hemlock."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Taetia says, "Guys? Why're we fighting when we could just as easily do the

Python Manuever?"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Should'a gotten the combat model, Al."

<OOC> Eclipse lol

Taetia turns to the doorway into the temple, shouts "Run away! Run away!" and

heads into the temple.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Next chance I get I'm sharpening the little beater


Eclipse [to Taetia]: Give me a Dex + Athletics, dif 7.

Taetia rolled 9d10: 2, 3, 1, 6, 8, 5, 5, 9, 5; totalling 44.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You only fall a third of the way down the stairs before

you grab the railing. Soak Bashing 4.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

Taetia rolled 4d10: 2, 3, 8, 10; totalling 23.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 damage, then."

<OOC> Koi hmms.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I have a legendary dexterity! I make olympic athletes look

like pigeon toed rednecks, and I FALL DOWN THE STAIRS?!"

<OOC> Oriana giggles

<OOC> Koi says, "Looks that way. ;)"

<OOC> Rahab says, "They're Bad Stairs?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Catlike balance help here?"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Watch that first step...it's a doozy."

<OOC> Taetia says, "because if it does, I had 5.."

Koi picks the same statue, moving to punch it, trying to keep the way open if

anyone decides to follow Taetia.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Didn't I TELL you 'It is dark inside the temple'? Did

you think I meant that it was dark compared to a day in the Sun Realms? No,

it is pitch black, especially since it is after sunset (which I also


<OOC> Koi tries to smack a statue around.

Koi rolled 8d10: 4, 9, 10, 2, 8, 9, 9, 4; totalling 55.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I have darksight."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It is not dark for me."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

<OOC> Koi says, "5 successes"

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Koi rolled 7d10: 2, 5, 1, 9, 1, 1, 8; totalling 27.

Koi says, "ewww..."

<OOC> Koi says, "OOC that"

<OOC> Koi says, "for a whopping 0 damage"

<OOC> Koi says, "and if you can botch on damage, I did. ;)"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Okay. You reach the stairs safely, nimbly running down

them until your foot falls through one and gets sliced by razor blades. Soak

Lethal 3.

<OOC> Rahab watches Koi attempt to make a statue his bitch and fail.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Happy now? >;)

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yes."

Taetia rolled 1d10: 10; totalling 10.

Taetia shrieks

<OOC> Taetia says, "Didn't hurt me any worse.."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm, Lethal vs. Bashing, I know which I'd choose..."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eh, Life 2, it's all good."

<OOC> Koi says, "At least they aren't on fire....yet."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Your knuckles strike the statue, which does not give in the

least. Even a Bruce Lee character would be hard-pressed to put a fist

through BASALT.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "Yeah, well...you know me. I'll punch anything once."

Oriana takes a swing at the statue with her sword.

<OOC> Eclipse missed his directed comments on OGR...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bruce Lee could put his fist through 5' thick steel wall.

Bruce Lee is god. Or am I thinking of Jackie Chan?"

Oriana rolled 6d10: 10, 6, 2, 3, 9, 8; totalling 38.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Damage?

<OOC> Oriana says, "4 succ to hit...now for the damage."

Oriana rolled 8d10: 3, 1, 9, 9, 7, 10, 8, 9; totalling 56.

<OOC> Oriana says, "5 dam"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wow..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Nice Oriana. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana yays!!

You say, "Oriana hits Pitfall in the leg, which gives off a shower of sparkes

as her sword bounces away."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Bah..."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "Slashing weapons vs. golems = dead adventurers"

Rahab primebolts another one.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well what else am I gonna do, if I only get 1 magical

action per round..."

<OOC> Rahab says, "1 WP."

<OOC> You say, "The golems haven't even gotten a turn, yet..."

Rahab rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 8; totalling 13.

<OOC> Koi says, "Can't rahab ;)"

Naphtali pages, "Let me guess, the golems are immune to normal weapons?"

<OOC> Rahab whines.

<OOC> Koi says, "It's okay, you can't cast this round, or the next for that


<OOC> Rahab nosewrinkles. Oh, yeah. Buggerall.

<OOC> Taetia wants his Devouring Burst of Hell Fire rote back..

<OOC> Oriana says, "By per round I mean...jeez...I don't know WHAT I mean..."

You say, "Rahab's prime bolt hits the statue of Contagion, which explodes into

pea gravel."

<OOC> Koi blinks at Eclipse...

<OOC> Rahab says, "Or he'll let me do it..."

<OOC> Koi says, "A, that would do 0 damage...B, this is subround 2 I


<OOC> You say, "C'mon, folks. The 5-year-old is showing you up."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Christ, what've you two been doing while we're gone.."

You say, "Oops. nevermind..."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: What do you REALLY do this turn?

<OOC> Rahab nods at Ecl and Koi, forgot that little detail.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Combat, subrounds, gah...maybe if you just talked to the


<OOC> Koi smiles.

Rahab finds somewhere inobtrusive to not get hit.

<OOC> Koi grins and points at Oriana. "Our negotiator." :)

Eclipse [to Rahab]: So you're converting this sub-turn's action into a dodge?

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh yes, let's NEGOTIATE with the pantheon of evil.

That'll work well. *G*"

<OOC> Rahab noddles.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I liked my answer.. Run away! Run away!"

AlMarth runs in after D

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Give me a Dex + Athletics, dif 7.

<OOC> Eclipse wiggles his eyebrows.

<OOC> Koi blinks.

AlMarth rolled 5d10: 8, 5, 4, 3, 2; totalling 22.

<OOC> Koi grins.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You don't have dark vision, do you?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "1 erm, I do have catlike balance, if that helps"

<OOC> Taetia says, "It didn't help me."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no, has my spirit sense worn off?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Yes, it does. You stumble, but you catch yourself on

Taetia, who winces.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Soak Lethal 1.

Taetia says, "Stupid mother fucker!"

Taetia rolled 1d10: 10; totalling 10.

Taetia pushes him down the stairs

AlMarth says, "Sorry:"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Well, It doesn't get any worse... Your turn.

AlMarth says, "Hey!""

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hopefully there aren't any more traps farther down the


Taetia floats up into midair and tries a healing spell. (life 2, diff 4)

Taetia rolled 2d10: 6, 10; totalling 16.

<OOC> Taetia says, "All better."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Aren't you at -1, btw?

<OOC> Taetia says, "Did I manage to send him tumbling to the bottom"

You say, "Nevermind."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah.. that's why I rolled 2d10.. and besides, armor isn't

effect by dice penalties."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You manage to heal yourself.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Give me a Dex + Athletics, dif 7.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

AlMarth rolled 5d10: 4, 3, 6, 7, 3; totalling 23.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "1"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "yikes"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I still have Catlike Balance"

Koi focuses and tries punch another punch!

Koi rolled 8d10: 5, 10, 5, 10, 6, 2, 10, 7; totalling 55.

<OOC> Koi says, "5, 4 succ to damage"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You manage to avoid falling down the stairs. You only

take one step down, right into the trap that had Taetia. Soak Lethal 3.

Koi rolled 7d10: 3, 3, 3, 10, 6, 1, 6; totalling 32.

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh for the love of pete."

<OOC> Koi says, "2 damage...heh heh."

<OOC> You say, "The damage dice hate you."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Better the damage dice than the arete dice."

<OOC> Koi says, "Looks that way. ;)"

<OOC> Rahab accidentally imbued them with pacifism.

You say, "Koi punches the basalt monolith of Scourge again, doing exactly no

damage to the statue."

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 2, 8; totalling 10.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I soak 1"

I don't understand that.

Eclipse rolled 1d5: 1; totalling 1.

<OOC> Koi says, "Ouch time..."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You have armor, right?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no"

You say, "The statue of Wysp waves its arms at Koi."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 4, 2, 1, 10, 10; totalling 27.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 2, 2, 2, 10, 10; totalling 26.

Taetia floats down again and gives AlMarth a toe curling, heart-thumping,

white hot passionate kiss.

You say, "Nothing appears to be happening."

<OOC> Oriana that was a little disturbing...

<OOC> Rahab cries.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh, SOMETHING is happening..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm a disturbing sort of fellow."

You say, "Scourge's statue waves its hands."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 5, 10, 6, 3, 7; totalling 31.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Says even..."

<OOC> Koi says, "I'd imagine Al get's a dodge on that. ;)"

AlMarth grabs Taetia's ass

<OOC> Rahab thinks he just forfeited it.

<OOC> Koi says, "Assuming, of course...he want's to dodge. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana blinks

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Take that Oriana"

Taetia pulls back a bit "After we're done here, we have to talk" kisses him


Eclipse [to Koi]: Remember how you guys are always asking me about the game

effects of Purity? What's yours, by the way?

<OOC> Koi whimpers.

<OOC> Koi says, "....4...."

<OOC> Koi dives behind a big rock.

<OOC> You say, "Could the cats PLEASE wait their turns?"

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 8, 6, 6, 2; totalling 22.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hehehe.."

You say, "The ground explodes beneath Koi's feet. (soak Lethal 7)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Everyone?"

<OOC> Hugon winces.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Just Koi.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh good...um...I mean...sucks to be you, Koi..."

Eclipse [to Koi]: You don't have armor, do you?

<OOC> Rahab gets out a basket.

<OOC> Koi says, "Nope!"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Aren't you glad you have lots of Purity, then?

<OOC> Koi smiles.

You say, "The statue of Pitfall waves its arms at Oriana"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 5, 10, 6, 6, 1; totalling 28.

Koi pages, "So...do I take 7? Or do I need to roll a purity soak or something?


Koi has received your page: "That was after Purity saved your ass. You are at

Incapacitated, right?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "test?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Anyone else notice how the "Go in, kill everything that

moves, loot the place and burn it to ashes" mentality is common to even the

best rp'ers? I blame TSR."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Never mind..."

<OOC> Rahab almost never exhibits that trait, actually.

<OOC> Oriana doesn't think she does that, very much...

You say, "Oriana's sword blade falls out of the hilt, and all the seams in her

clothing give way at once. (-1 Effective Dex until remedied)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Not saying you do, I'm saying we don't need to kill the

statues, yet there they are."

You say, "Hemlock's statue walks into the temple after the two runaways."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Koi pages, "yuppers"

<OOC> Hugon says, "And if you don't, they give chase...like that..."

Oriana takes another swing at a statue...

Oriana rolled 5d10: 5, 3, 3, 3, 3; totalling 17.

You say, "Koi, by the way, is an unconscious heap on the ground..."

Koi falls to the ground after teh explosion, severly injured.

<OOC> Oriana says, "1 to hit..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: With what?

<OOC> Oriana says, "My sword"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Read about ten lines up...

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Okay, 15

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh, my entire SWORD crapped out on me? Guess I

misinterpreted that..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gotta go, heading over to my friend's place. Don't blow up

too many islands."

<OOC> Oriana says, "In that case, I'm saving my action in case I need to dodge

or something..."

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Sat Aug

18 22:21:15 2001 EST

Hugon has disconnected.

You say, "The statue of Doxy goes inside the temple, chasing the two scaredy


The resolution of Hugon fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

Rahab heads over toward Koi, but doesn't do anything yet except try to make

sure he's still alive.

Eclipse rolled 1d3: 2; totalling 2.

You say, "The statue of Dusk chases after the Robin twins."

You say, "The statue of Knock waves its arms at Rahab."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 10, 9, 5, 2, 6; totalling 32.

Rahab has received your page: "What's your Purity?"

Rahab pages, "Two, 'cos you never give me any."

<OOC> You say, "I think 'What's your Purity?' is soon going to join the list

of 'Things you never want to hear your GM say'."

<OOC> Taetia says, "0!"

Rahab has received your page: "What? Get two more points."

<OOC> Oriana nodnods

(remotely) Rahab got one first night, and one last time 'cos I bugged you

about it. That's a little better.

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 8, 9, 8, 10; totalling 35.

You say, "The statue of Knock swings a glowing fist at Rahab."

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 4, 7, 1, 8; totalling 20.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Care to use that dodge you saved?

<OOC> Rahab says, "Ohhhhyes."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Dex + Dodge, dif 6.

Rahab rolled 5d10: 6, 1, 3, 5, 10; totalling 25.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Any pluses for being so small the statue is likely bending


<OOC> Rahab says, "Please?"

You say, "Okay. You manage to scramble between its legs."

You say, "The statue of Shadowliege waves its arms at Rahab."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 2, 4, 1, 9, 5; totalling 21.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

You say, "It explodes from the Backlash."

Rahab tries to get back to Koi without getting killed.

You say, "New turn, by the way."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Oriana says, "How many statues left now?"

You say, "7"

<OOC> Koi says, "Hmmm..."

AlMarth tries to get off the big spike

You say, "Only 4 out here, though."

<OOC> Taetia says, "The stairway have a banister? And how far from where the

statues are to the ground?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Okay. You get your foot out of the stair.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The stairway does not have a banister, being enclosed and

leading down. The statues are standing on the ground, at the moment.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How high is the ceiling?"

You say, "8ft in the stairway, which they are just getting ready to descend.

16ft in the temple."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How tall are they?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 7ft.

Taetia wraps her arms around AlMarth and floats up (that count as an action,

or can I still cast a spell?)

<OOC> Taetia says, "Because I have a plan!"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Can't cast a spell this sub-turn, then.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Allrighty then."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go. Oh wait. You're in a coma.

<OOC> Rahab says, "That was mean."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

You say, "Wysp waves her arms at Koi."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 4, 7, 7, 7, 5; totalling 30.

<OOC> Koi says, "Who?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Poor Koi."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Lucky 7's!"

You say, "Wait. I lied. Wrong subturn. >:-) AND NONE OF YOU EVEN NOTICED!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "test?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Nevermind..."

Oriana goes for another prime bolt...

<OOC> Rahab blinks.

<OOC> Koi says, "I'm still trying to figure out who Wysp is...."

<OOC> Rahab says, "One of the Bad Gods."

<OOC> Oriana says, "1 quint, 1 WP..."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Goddess of confusion.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 10, 8, 2; totalling 20.

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh, well, she's here? :)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, 4 damage, then..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: 4 damage to Pitfall, right? The one you already damaged?

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yup"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Goddess of confusion. How appropriate."

You say, "The statue of Pitfall turns into a shower of colored confetti, which

rapidly evaporates."

<OOC> Oriana yays!

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> You say, "Happy New Year!"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Rahab says, "How bad does Koi look?"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: BAD. Death's door, even.

Rahab pages, "Spending a quint will lower diff, right?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Let's put it this way...damage doesn't normally effect me. ;)"

Rahab has received your page: "Yes. By one per point of quint"

Rahab pages, "And normal diff is..."

Rahab pages, "For healing."

<OOC> Koi says, "Soooo...if he's on the ground...."

<OOC> Rahab eeks.

You say, "5"

<OOC> Rahab says, "2 quint, 1 WP."

Rahab tries healing Koi.

Rahab rolled 3d10: 8, 1, 5; totalling 14.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Muah!"

<OOC> Koi says, "darned 1's"

<OOC> Rahab pokes dice.

You say, "That helps somewhat, though he is still in pretty bad shape (gain 2


<OOC> Rahab gets 2 out of it tho.

You say, "Dusk's turn."

You say, "Just kidding. Al, go."

Koi moans...rising to his knees.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm being held in the air by Tyson, right"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What're their positions, exactly? Are the spaced apart?

Lined up across the stairway, or is Hemlock at the very head, with one close

behind him."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup."

Rahab [to Koi]: Don't move. You're hurt.

Koi [to Rahab]: Have to...

Rahab shakes her head. "I'll sit on you."

You say, "Hemlock is in front, then Doxy, then Dusk."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How close?"

AlMarth stays where he is for now

<OOC> Taetia says, "Together, that is?"

Taetia pages, "I'd like to borrow kinetic force from the ocean (forces 2) and

use it to push Doxy into Hemlock and send them both down the stairs, head


Eclipse [to Taetia]: ten feet and ten feet. They are MAYBE ten feet away from


Taetia pages, "They close enough together for that?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: That's a little closer to Forces 3, but it's possible at

dif 5.

Taetia pages, "2 quint, 1 wp."

Taetia chants "Prosterno statua ex deus"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 8, 5; totalling 19.

Taetia pages, "5 succ, with wp, and auto succ from forces.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Gotta love that english/latin online translator.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You throw both of them off balance enough that they fall

down the stairs. When they reach the bottom landing, a jet of flame shoots

at them from the ceiling.

Taetia says, "HAH! Eat that, biatches!"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hemlock take any damage from Doxy landing on him?"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 2, 5, 6, 8; totalling 28.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 1, 8, 5, 9, 5; totalling 28.

<OOC> Koi hrms.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: A couple chips of stone go flying.

<OOC> Taetia says, "That wasn't nearly as effective as I'd supposed."

Naphtali has received your page: "Actually, they automatically soak 5 HL of

damage from anything but Agg."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Aaah...Doxy's all soft and yielding, y'know."

<OOC> Koi says, "4 on 3, and they do craploads of damage in one hit...not


<Login> Octavius has connected from 1Cust212.tnt47.det3.

da.uu.net on Sat Aug 18 22:53:01 2001 EST.

Octavius has arrived.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hello."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Howdy ho."

<OOC> Koi says, "Is the one that blew me up still standing? :)"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hi"

<OOC> Oriana waves to Octavius

<OOC> Octavius says, "How is everyone?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Fly out of range and blast the shit out of them from afar?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Actually, It's only 3 on 3, at the moment. Three ran after

the other two magi and three are destroyed.

<OOC> Rahab says, "You can always hope another one backlashes :P"

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh...that's good..."

<OOC> Koi says, "They have magic too...range doesn't mean much."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Quite."

Koi aims another concussion blast at the one who hit him...if it's still

alive, a random one if not. ;)

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes. It was Scourge.

<OOC> Koi says, "1 wp"

Rahab gets a worried little frown on her face.

Koi rolled 4d10: 5, 7, 7, 5; totalling 24.

<OOC> Koi coughs.

<OOC> Koi says, "boom"

Eclipse [to Koi]: What exactly are you using? Forces, Prime, or a combination

of both?

<OOC> Koi says, "same thing I did before, shout, transmute it into a physical


You say, "Koi's shout knocks the statue flat on the ground, sending great

cracks throughout its basalt body. (7HL after specialized soak and it is now

vulnerable to normal attacks)"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "aww...thought it was 10 hl ;)"

<OOC> Koi giggles.

<OOC> Koi says, "jump it!"

You say, "Part of the trouble is they reduce all physical attacks by 5 and all

non-Agg Prime attacks by 3..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes, cut it down to your size."

<OOC> Oriana says, "My sword doesn't work. I have no Brawl. I used my

magical action...so...I'm saving my action for a dodge or something..."

You say, "Okay."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: GO.

Rahab is tagging along behind Koi, waiting to push him out of the way or dodge

or something.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

AlMarth , still being held by Taetia saves his action for a dodge

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Taetia flies at the statue at the top of the stairs, trying to kick it in the

head, and hope the 60mph speeds, combined weight, and it's crappy center of

balance could knock it's ass down.

<OOC> Taetia says, "What do I roll for that?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "dex+do?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yep.

Taetia rolled 8d10: 3, 7, 7, 7, 5, 5, 9, 4; totalling 47.

<OOC> Octavius says, "When did Taetia learn Do?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "5 succ."

<OOC> Koi says, "She's had it."

<OOC> Taetia says, "From the Ba'Lak."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Damage?

<OOC> Oriana says, "Heh heh...Do...suddenly that reminds me of a really funny

newbie story...but nevermind..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ouch."

Taetia rolled 9d10: 5, 10, 6, 10, 5, 5, 4, 10, 7; totalling 62.

<OOC> Taetia says, "5 succ"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sigh."

<OOC> Koi blinks.

<OOC> Taetia says, "But we're going reall fast and have a lot of weight, does

it get knocked down"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "do do that voodo that you do so well"

<OOC> Koi says, "why'd you roll 10 dice?"

<OOC> Koi says, "err...9"

<OOC> Rahab doesn't want to think about running into a statue at 60 mph. Ow.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Kick= 4, plus 5 succ."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Do doesn't recquire you to drop 1 succ."

<OOC> Koi says, "Do = successes + 3"

<OOC> Koi says, "And it doesn't? I have been"

<OOC> Taetia says, "No, punching = succ +3"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Kicking =4+succ"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Theres different moves Koi."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Kick is higher damage then punch."

You say, "Taetia's kick and inertia force the statue of Dusk to take a full

step back."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "News to me."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes, kick its lights out."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Do I manage to get past it?"

<OOC> Koi would think you'd crash in to it.

Koi leaps foward to finish the job on the one he nailed.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes, but not incredibly far, yet. If you moved too fast,

you would have taken damage from kicking a pillar of basalt...

<OOC> Koi says, "Kick then."

Koi rolled 8d10: 8, 1, 4, 7, 5, 1, 2, 2; totalling 30.

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh whee...0"

You say, "Koi tries to kick the statue, but stubs his toe on the ground


<OOC> Koi blames it on being woozy from before. ;)

You say, "Wysp runs into the temple."

<OOC> Octavius sprays ones repelant on the players and give Eclipse an

injection of Ones attractant.

You say, "The statue of Hemlock stands up and waves his arms at Al'Marth."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 3, 1, 4, 10, 3; totalling 21.

You say, "Nothing seems to happen."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "seems to?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oh crap"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: That's what I said...

<OOC> Octavius says, "Fighting the statues of evil deitys?"

<OOC> Oriana ponders...

Oriana saves this action too. Once again, there's not much else I can do...

<OOC> Taetia says, "This is why forces is a happy thing."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You could beat the statue of Scourge with the hilt of

your sword...

<OOC> Koi says, "right untill the wraiths attack"

<OOC> Oriana says, "True...I'm gonna try that then. Any modifiers to the


<OOC> You say, "Or until you're stuck on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean

with no food or water..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Then we could make our boat fly again."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "DON'T SAY BOAT"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 6. Dam = Str + add'l successes.

<OOC> Oriana giggles

Oriana rolled 5d10: 1, 7, 1, 3, 10; totalling 22.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, none. That sucked..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "To the Cabal of destruction boat are the most hated

enemy of all."

<OOC> Octavius looks at the lables, "Oops, I hit all of you with Ones


You say, "Well, the statue of Scourge must have a phenomenal number of

Corruption Points that are protecting it from harm, or something. Oriana's

hilt falls out of her hand right before she swings it."

You say, "Doxy waves her arms at Taetia."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 7, 1, 8, 6; totalling 29.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 6, 6, 8, 1, 4; totalling 25.

You say, "Hmmm..."

You say, "Nothing seems to happen."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

Rahab keeps tagging along.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great I gave eclipse a mojo injection."

You say, "Dusk's statue waves its arms at Taetia."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 9, 5, 10, 4, 4; totalling 32.

<OOC> Taetia says, "0 purity, that help any?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "why do things keep not seeming to happen, it's even more

frightening than stuff happening"

<Login> Koi has reconnected from MC47-63.Manchester.EDU

on Sat Aug 18 23:16:59 2001 EST.

<OOC> Koi says, "wow"

<OOC> Koi says, "any chance for a paste? :)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "wb"

You say, "Nothing appears to happen."

<OOC> Koi says, "Lost all connection to anywhere there for like 4 min"

You say, "Knock waves her arms at Oriana."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 2, 2, 9, 4, 3; totalling 20.

<OOC> Koi says, "eep, don't get that last attack in?"

<OOC> Rahab will paste you, Koi.

You say, "A bolt of essential energy strikes her in the back of the neck.

(Agg 2)"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "I'll take that as a no."

<OOC> Koi hopes he's not dead or anything.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "what could I do with entropy right now?"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: What level of Entropy?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Increase their chances of falling down or something?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Decrease their chances of successfuly hitting.."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: You could increase your chances or an ally's chances of

successful attacks, too.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Up to -3/+3 to diff."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Not sure about the +diff, but it says -3 is as far as

magic can go with helping ya."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Test?"

You say, "No modifier can change diff beyond +/- 3"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Single modifier, if I remember correctly?"

AlMarth attemps to increase the propability of Koi putting the hurt to the


Eclipse [to Taetia]: Correct. No SINGLE modifier. The only exception I can

think of is raising the difficulty of a spell with countermagic that uses

Quintessence, but that's clearly not the case here...

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: dif 4.

AlMarth pulls out a deck of Tarot cards and shuffles through them

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 2, 1; totalling 3.

<OOC> Koi says, "owie"

<Login> Taetia has reconnected from ppp-155.icehouse.net

on Sat Aug 18 23:23:34 2001 EST.

<OOC> Oriana eeps!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Stupid isp.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "My turn yet?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "No scourge"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: 2 Scourge points.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "except the one(two?) that that got me"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "oh"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "2"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "no backlash though"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'll try that one again later"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Can I move beyond the two statues at the head of the


Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Backlash only happens when the roll arete die says it


<OOC> AlMarth says, "that's what I meant"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sure.

Taetia moves beyond the two status and drops AlMarth in a clear spot

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thank god White Wolf doesn't embrace the Attack of

Oppurtunity bs.."

Koi viciously kicks at the statue again.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "WW publishes d20 system stuff"

<OOC> Koi always thought that made sense actually.

Koi rolled 8d10: 10, 2, 3, 10, 4, 5, 5, 8; totalling 47.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I know it does, that doesn't mean I have to like it.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "under the label of Sword and Sorcery"

<OOC> Koi says, "3 succ"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "It's pretty good, I've heard"

Koi rolled 7d10: 4, 1, 5, 7, 4, 7, 3; totalling 31.

<OOC> Koi says, "geeze"

<OOC> Koi says, "a whopping 1"

<OOC> Koi says, "Someone give me a club or something...I'd be better off."

Eclipse [to Koi]: You kick the statue's head, which rolls about a foot away

from the body.

<OOC> Koi says, "woo!"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many statues are there left?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Is it a new turn?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: One out here. 4 in the temple.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Yes.

Oriana does one more prime bolt then. 1 WP and the last quint...

Oriana rolled 3d10: 1, 6, 5; totalling 12.

<OOC> Oriana says, "And a whopping 2 damage to one of the statues..."

You say, "Oriana's bolt of Prime strikes the statue of Knock in the shoulder,

cracking the stone slightly."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Is this a new round? I've lost track."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Yes.

Rahab attempts to patch Koi back together again then.

<OOC> Rahab says, "1 WP"

Rahab rolled 3d10: 2, 5, 10; totalling 17.

You say, "Koi's wounds heal significantly. (4 HL)"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Koi only looks 'brused' now. ;)

Koi pages, "A simple anti gravity shield, nothing fancy, just essentially

inverting the gravity around an object. How difficult would that be?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "test?"

<OOC> Oriana is doing that a lot tonight for some reason...

<OOC> Koi grins.

<Login> Octavius has reconnected from 1Cust115.tnt47.det

3.da.uu.net on Sat Aug 18 23:34:35 2001 EST.

AlMarth saves his action for a dodge

Koi has received your page: "Forces 2 on a small scale, but that only makes a

object with the approximate mass of a human weightless."

Taetia pages, "Same as before, sending one statue toppling into another by

pushing at the point where it's most susceptible, sending it into the other

one, and both down the stairs into Hemlock and Doxy.. Forces 3, diff 5. 1 wp."

Taetia chants again

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 3, 7; totalling 13.

Taetia pages, "3 succ, then.."

Koi pages, "and to pump it up to huge rock level?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You don't quite push them back, but they can't come any

closer to you this turn, either.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Forces 3.

<OOC> Koi says, "enough to invert? Or just weightless?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Of course.. that's brilliant."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Depends on the number of successes, in this case. Basalt is

not a light stone...

<OOC> Koi says, "Granted."

<OOC> Koi says, "could it be done in one round? Hows that?"

<OOC> Koi says, "I'm running low on wp, and these things are kicking our

butts. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We've kill 4 of them.. Help me push the others down the


<OOC> Koi says, "don't we kinda have to go down the stairs?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Probably not. It would take 2 suc just to make one


<OOC> Taetia says, "Point being? If they have to climb the stairs to attack

us, while we rain magical hell on them, we have the advantage."

<OOC> You say, "But they don't need to...oh nevermind..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And don't give me that "They can hit us with magic" Shit.

If we keep knocking them down, and stand away from the entrance on their


<OOC> Koi eyes.

<OOC> Koi says, "1wp"

Koi rolled 4d10: 9, 10, 8, 2; totalling 29.

<OOC> Koi says, "4, assuming the diff is 5"

You say, "Koi makes a flying statue..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now is when someone with matter would be helpful.."

Koi pages, "that was for a flying -upward- statue."

Koi pages, "was hoping 4 would be enough. ;)"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Okay, that. It won't last but one turn, though. Hell of a

fall, though. :does the math...

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Koi says, "Kinda the idea"

<OOC> Taetia says, "We might want to get out of shrapnel range."

<OOC> Koi would prefer off to one side a bit...on top of us would kinda suck.

Eclipse [to Koi]: 48 feet, right. 32ft/sec acceleration x 3 sec is 32 x 3 / 2.

<OOC> Koi says, "heck if I have directional control, aim for another one ;)"

Eclipse [to Koi]: There aren't any others out here...

<OOC> Koi says, "darn, then an open area"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana saves her action again...

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

Rahab holds action :)

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It this a new turn?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nope.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

AlMarth saves action for dodge

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Taetia flies at the statue near the stairway, and gives it two kitty feet in

the face, trying to knock it into the other one, and thus, down the stairs.

Taetia rolled 8d10: 4, 2, 5, 10, 10, 5, 5, 9; totalling 50.

<OOC> Taetia says, "3 succ"

Taetia rolled 7d10: 4, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 9; totalling 36.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 damage.."

<OOC> Taetia trades dice with the St while he's not looking

You say, "The statue is heavy. It doesn't even react to your attack."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

Taetia bounces off

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wasn't it already off balance?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "From the forces. You said it couldn't approach this turn?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Um, Teatia, you are suppose to yell, Oh my lor ehat can

that be? first then switch things."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Excuse me?"

<OOC> Koi hmms.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh yes."

<OOC> Oriana thinks Oct is trying to quote Vizzini. "And I choose...what in

the WORLD could that be?"

Koi holds his ground, not preparing to dodge, since physical attacks are't

going all that great at the moment.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It can't move forward, but it isn't off balance. These

statues have such a shitty center-of gravity that they only have two states -

on balance, and toppling.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah, ic"

You say, "Hemlock waves his arms at the flying kitty."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 8, 1, 2, 5, 8; totalling 24.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> Taetia says, "Super flying kitty... ATTACK!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "BOOOM!"

You say, "And explodes in a Backlash."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Taetia says, "Don't fuck with the flying kitty, bucky boy."

Oriana holds her action again...

Rahab holds hers too.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, how many statues are left, and where?"

You say, "Doxy waves her arms at the airborne feline."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 6, 7, 1, 7, 9; totalling 30.

<Login> Octavius has reconnected from 1Cust93.tnt34.det3

.da.uu.net on Sat Aug 18 23:57:12 2001 EST.

<OOC> Octavius nods to Beth, "Sorry about butchering it. mY memoery id not the


<OOC> Oriana says, "np Oct"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Neither are your typing skills, but we still love yas."

Taetia has received your page: "You're the only one in a position to see this,

but the rubble of Hemlock comes back together and becomes a statue again."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

Taetia says, "Holy fucking shit Batman!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I mean.. drop the batman.. please.."

You say, "The statue of Dusk waves its arms at Taetia."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 2, 4, 5, 7, 1; totalling 19.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Is it saying, "Hit me, hit me?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: For the rest of the scene, you only get two actions per


<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. That sucks."

You say, "The statue of Knock decides to play by the rules of Starcraft and

geek the medic."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 7, 8, 3, 4; totalling 29.

<OOC> Rahab eeks.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 9, 10, 8, 9, 3; totalling 39.

<OOC> Taetia says, "This medic, has been GANKED!"

<OOC> Oriana ohdears...

<OOC> Koi ughs.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Are you injured and what's your Purity?

<OOC> AlMarth winces

<OOC> Rahab is uninjured, purity 4.

<OOC> Octavius says, "He most of aimed for the the cross on her shirt."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Help, it's the attack of the lag"

<OOC> Octavius says, "2nd the =red"

You say, "As the statue of Knock plummets, she fires one last bolt of Prime at

Rahab, which severely burns her."

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 4, 2, 7, 3; totalling 16.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Agg 5

<OOC> Koi says, "Ouchie."

<OOC> Rahab says, "OW/"

<OOC> Koi says, "what's up with rahab and agg damage? :)"

Rahab screams.

You say, "New round."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Um, how many statues are left, and where are they?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Fix Rahab, or speed myself up again.. What to do.. What to


AlMarth tries the Entropy thing, to increase Tae's chances

Eclipse [to Oriana]: The statue of Knock is falling toward the ground. The

other four statues are inside the temple.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: dif 4

<OOC> Taetia says, "My chances of what?"

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 5, 5; totalling 10.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "your chances of kicking some basalt @$$"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh goody."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Any attack you make this turn is at -1 dif to hit.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Whoohoo."

Taetia pages, "time 3, diff 5, I'm twitching Rahab's time stream so she's back

in the condition she was before she got hit."

Taetia pages, "1 wp"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 5, 3; totalling 10.

Taetia chants

Taetia pages, "Does it work?"

You say, "Rahab flickers and is no longer burned by the Prime bolt."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tiiiiiime is on my side... yes it is."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Do I remember being burned?"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: No.

<OOC> Octavius says, "What just happened?"

You say, "The statue of Knock hits the asphalt."

<OOC> Taetia says, "You didn't get burnt."

<OOC> Rahab noddles.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Not anymore."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 6, 4, 2, 2, 8; totalling 22.

<OOC> Koi says, "Are we on to a new round?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yes"

You say, "One of the arms breaks off."

Eclipse [to Koi]: yes

<OOC> Koi says, "Gah, it's -still- alive!"

Eclipse [to Koi]: 'fraid so...

<OOC> Koi says, "It smacked rahab, it dies."

<OOC> Rahab awwws.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Do they remember her getting burnt?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Since it didn't happen?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes.

Koi aims another force yell at the fallen statue.

Koi rolled 4d10: 7, 7, 3, 1; totalling 18.

You say, "The Time Paradox Clean-Up Gnomes can only mop up so much, Taetia..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Well...I hit it...."

<OOC> Koi says, "that's the good news..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wow, Malakai has d00ds like the little d00ds from Time


Eclipse [to Koi]: The kinetic force causes most of the stone to crack.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Though the cracks only seem to penetrate the surface.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ben hiding in a bush, through all this?"

Oriana goes over to the statue and whacks at it with her sword hilt

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or did Knock land on him?"

Oriana rolled 5d10: 1, 3, 2, 1, 4; totalling 11.

<OOC> Oriana says, "And a botch..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "I think someone would have informed me about that, had it

happened...at least, I hope so!"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: NEVER remind the GM that there's a liability NPC in the


<OOC> Oriana says, "*pokes Taetia* Yeah!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Fire him up! Fire him up! Fire him up!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, but it's more fun if you break those r00lz"

You say, "Everyone roll me Purity + Dodge, dif 6."

Taetia rolled 4d10: 8, 1, 4, 7; totalling 20.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1!"

Koi rolled 7d10: 8, 7, 9, 2, 1, 10, 10; totalling 47.

Rahab rolled 6d10: 2, 7, 8, 7, 7, 4; totalling 35.

You say, "i.e. A Luck roll..."

Oriana rolled 9d10: 3, 10, 7, 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 4; totalling 40.

<OOC> Rahab says, "4!"

<OOC> Koi says, "4"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I hate you all."

<OOC> Oriana says, "2"

<OOC> Koi giggles at Oriana.

<OOC> Oriana has some bad mojo or something, to roll the most dice and get the

second lowest result...

You say, "Al?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, my purity sux, but I get to oscillate wildly between

good and evil."

<OOC> Koi says, "we're all having trouble with this whole dice rolling thing."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 3h 0s OOC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Koi 59m 16s IC Wiz

Taetia 53m 23s IC PC

Oriana 3h 45s IC PC Turnabout Sucks

Rahab 3h 1m IC Wiz

Ayoka 2h 2m OOC PC

Naphtali 3h 2m OOC Wiz Subvert the dominant paradigm.

Octavius 19m 8m IC PC

AlMarth 3h 11m IC PC Compulsive Loonie

--[Sun May 23 03:40:15 2651]--------------------------------[9 users; 0s lag]--

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, I only did 5 damage. My sword sux."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Or at least the hilt formerly known as 'sword'"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That's Oriana's sword."

<OOC> Rahab Ahhs.

You say, "Oriana's sword hilt flies out of her hand. This time, it richochets

off the statue, hits the ceiling of the temple, and then hits Taetia in the

side of the head. (Soak Bashing 2)"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 8, 2; totalling 12.

<OOC> You say, "Karma in action, folks..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "That was...unique..."

Taetia says, "OW! You did that on purpose!"

Oriana shouts, "No I didn't!"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<Login> Octavius has reconnected from 1Cust109.tnt38.det

3.da.uu.net on Sun Aug 19 00:19:40 2001 EST.

<OOC> Rahab says, "What's still standing out here?"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: The statue of Knock.

Rahab pegs it one then.

<OOC> Rahab says, "1 WP."

Rahab rolled 3d10: 5, 3, 8; totalling 16.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Good night everyone. Its late and I am sick of being

kicked out every five min. Good luck with the rest of the session"

<OOC> Rahab says, "and....4 dmg?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Bye Oct"

<OOC> You say, "Night, Octavius."

<OOC> Rahab waves.

<Logout> Octavius has disconnected on Sun

Aug 19 00:21:19 2001 EST

Octavius has disconnected.

You say, "The statue disintegrates as Rahab's bolt of Prime fries it."

<Logout> Naphtali has disconnected on Sun

Aug 19 00:22:02 2001 EST

Naphtali has disconnected.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

The resolution of Octavius fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "bye"

AlMarth waits for dodge

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You lose this sub-turn.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

The resolution of Naphtali fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's odd.. the golems attack with magic, which can't be

dodge, and people are reserving for dodges.."

Koi waits for dodge.

<OOC> Koi smiles.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

<OOC> You say, "Yeah, and Variel is guarded by 18 of these statues. Yeah.

That's it..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "If I die, could I play my awakened dragon, with Immunity

Death and Paradox, maxed rapid healing and regeneration advantages?"

Oriana tries some Mind magic. Do the golems have mind patterns, or is someone

controlling them?

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Only one way to find out...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, diff/successes?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 3, 2 suc to detect whether they have minds.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 7, 4, 6; totalling 17.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Got it"

<OOC> Rahab bbiaf. Holds action

Oriana has received your page: "They actually have very weak mind patterns.

Otherwise they wouldn't be able to react to the events and use magic."

<OOC> Koi says, "Holler next time we get a magic turn ;)"

<OOC> Koi get's lost in all of this.

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "We get magic after the golems go."

AlMarth pulls out his bow, realizes it's uselessness against the golems,

sighs, and puts it away

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Taetia swings through the air and kicks the golem in the face with both feet,

once again knocking one into the other, yada yada ya.

Taetia rolled 8d10: 9, 2, 2, 10, 10, 4, 7, 10; totalling 54.

<OOC> Taetia says, "5 succ."

Taetia rolled 9d10: 7, 2, 7, 9, 5, 2, 10, 9, 3; totalling 54.

<OOC> Taetia says, "6 damage."

<OOC> Eclipse applauds.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Super Flying kitty ATTACK!"

You say, "Taetia kicks the statue of Dusk in the head, which falls down the

stairs, landing on..."

Eclipse rolled 1d2: 2; totalling 2.

You say, "...Hemlock, who doesn't seem the worse for the wear."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Does he get knocked down?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: No.

<OOC> Taetia says, "That's pretty buff statue."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yup.

Koi waits.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana waits too.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: And you?

Rahab follows Koi's lead.

You say, "New turn. Al, go."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm the only one who did anything?"

AlMarth Entroprises Taetia again

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 'fraid so. Everyone else is comfy and warm outside...

AlMarth rolled 2d10: 3, 8; totalling 11.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "1"

Taetia pages, "diff 5, time 3. accelerating myself, again."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Not enough d00d.."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: No effect this turn. You can make another check at dif

5 to accumulate successes next turn, though.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Taetia chants "Tempus Fugit!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'll do that"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 10, 3; totalling 18.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 succ, do I get my action back?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You'll need two more successes to counter its duration

(one scene).

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah bugger.. I'll give it a try next turn then."

You say, "Magic action, Koi. Magic action!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or, since this is counterspelling, does it count as a new

roll? Or do I get the +1 diff?"

Koi picks a new target, moves to blast it something but good.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: +1 dif.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Probably not the one next to Taetia, I assume?

<OOC> Koi says, "Prolly the best one"

Koi rolled 4d10: 7, 10, 4, 10; totalling 31.

<OOC> Koi says, "3 success"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Dusk (the one near Tae) or Wysp?

<OOC> Koi says, "dusk"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wysp fell down the stairs.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Actually, Dusk fell down the stairs, a detail I forgot.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Wysp, then?

<OOC> Koi nods.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. Ok."

Eclipse [to Koi]: You shatter its left arm.

You say, "Wysp hustles past Taetia and down the stairs."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana grabs Ben and starts heading for the entrance to the temple.

<OOC> Koi says, "heading -toward- the statues? :)"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Now.. Watch as someone botches and attack and ices Ben.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well nothing's happening out here..."

You say, "Doxy waves her arms at Taetia."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 1, 6, 5, 1, 2; totalling 15.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

You say, "...and explodes in a blast of Backlash."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

Taetia says, "You'd think they'd realize that doing that at me is a bad idea

by now.."

Rahab shadows Koi, looking for something she can do to help.

You say, "Dusk waves his arms at Taetia"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 3, 5, 10, 2, 10; totalling 30.

You say, "Nothing appears to happen."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

AlMarth plays with his eggbeater

<OOC> Oriana eeeeewws!

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Is this a new round?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Oops forgot to skip you this sub-turn...

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

Koi holds his ground

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana wants to use Mind to confuse the remaining beasties...make them

perceive one another as greater threats than we are, and take each other out,

if that's possible.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: dif 5. 1 suc +1 suc per target.

Oriana has received your page: "There are only two statues left, btw."

<OOC> Oriana spends a wp...

Oriana rolled 3d10: 2, 5, 5; totalling 12.

<OOC> Oriana says, "That should be enough to get the 2 remaining statues..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Okay.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Are there any visible statues?"

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Two.

<Login> Naphtali has connected from on Sun

Aug 19 00:48:00 2001 EST.

Naphtali has arrived.

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Well?

Rahab pegs one, then.

<OOC> Rahab says, "1 WP, as always"

Rahab rolled 3d10: 6, 9, 5; totalling 20.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Which makes 6 dmg?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

You say, "Rahab kicks another statue into dust with her Prime bolt. Only Dusk

head rolls away."

You say, "Dusk's, even."

Taetia says, "One left!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is it a new turn yet?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "So much for the wonderful Mind trick I should've done much

earlier. Oh well."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Actually, two. Remember? Hemlock put himself back

together again.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Doxy did that, actually.."

Taetia says, "Errr.. two more.."

<OOC> Koi says, "dat's not good"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I was wondering about that..."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is this a new turn? I want my action.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Not yet. Third sub-round of the turn.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Magic this time round?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "you just answered that"

AlMarth twiddles his thumbs

<OOC> Taetia says, "The golems went on subturn one?"

Naphtali pages, "Question for you (if you can answer in the barrage of

combat). Are you planning on running next weekend? Just need to know when

the summer ends for this."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I thought they were supposed to go on three.."

Taetia throws a rock at one.

Taetia rolled 9d10: 4, 2, 2, 2, 7, 8, 9, 6, 8; totalling 48.

Naphtali has received your page: "Don't know, yet. I'm supposed to find out

my schedule in the next few days, but I don't know it, yet..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Whats damage on a rock?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Str+1, isn't it?"

(remotely) Naphtali nods. Just wondering.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "throwing a rock at a rock?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes.

Taetia rolled 8d10: 10, 8, 8, 6, 7, 1, 1, 1; totalling 42.

Naphtali has received your page: "I'll let you know when I know."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. My. God."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Can I reroll that?"

<OOC> Rahab twitches.

Naphtali pages, "Cool. Where'd you get a job at, if I can inquire?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 damage.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Which one are you throwing it at?

<OOC> AlMarth says, "A rock is more effective than my eggbeater!? That isn't


<OOC> Koi says, "you have a strength of 7?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wysp."

<OOC> Koi says, "wow"

<OOC> Taetia says, "No. Succ is added, remember?"

Naphtali has received your page: "The Stick Oven."

<OOC> Taetia says, "@bonks Koi."

<OOC> Koi says, "to a rock throw?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup."

You say, "Taetia throws the rock. It hits the statue of Wysp squarely in the

back of its head and bounces away harmlessly."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "So...say when you hit someone with a sap. you str + 1 +


<OOC> Taetia says, "I just can't believe that roll. 5 succ, then 3! ones."

<OOC> Oriana says, "-1 succ to target"

<OOC> Koi says, "Well yes."

Naphtali pages, "Sounds... interesting.... Do you mind chatting, or is it too

hectic? I should go to bed.. (was up all night with the youth at a lock-in

last night... still haven't caught up on sleep due to an interview at Stone

Computers (a computer retailer here at FW) where I might end up being a tech

on Sats."

<OOC> Koi thinks he'll grab a sword, I mean, what's the point to Do?

Taetia pages, "I'm going to do something after the battle.. mend fences, if

you will.."

<OOC> Koi says, "We have magic actions again?"

<OOC> Oriana agrees that Do had a lot more point before Revised came out...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "do the Do"

<OOC> Taetia says, "You can't take do away from someone unless they're willing

to cut pieces off"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well there is that, but still..."

<OOC> Koi says, "So? I can do more damage with a bloody rock."

Eclipse [to Koi]: The point to Do is you can inflict LETHAL damage with a

weapon that CANNOT be taken from you...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Errr.. you're.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Who's turn is it?"

<OOC> Koi says, "So I knock them out with the rock first...then kill them ;)"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

Eclipse [to Koi]: Throw your stone, Koi...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "he has a point"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "And that is one of the many reasons why I dislike WOD


Koi holds his action, unless we have our magic actions back.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I like it actually.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "WHY? What are you HOLDING IT FOR? Next turn is a new


You say, "Wysp turns down a corridor and continues to flee."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana waits

<OOC> Koi says, "because I'd do more damage to myself by punching it?"

You say, "There are no more statues left except the one in Taetia's mind..."

Eclipse [to Rahab]: Go.

<OOC> Rahab says, "No more statues? I wait for Koi."

You say, "Shall we consider this combat at an end, then?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Sounds like a plan..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yes please."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Deargods it's 1 AM."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Dear god YES"

<OOC> Oriana says, "It is indeed..."

You say, "Shall we consider this night at an end, as well?"

Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Eclipse (#320) 4 hours 0 seconds Malakai

Oriana (#321) 4 hours 10 seconds Malakai

AlMarth (#328) 4 hours 11 seconds Malakai

Rahab (#316) 4 hours 18 seconds Malakai

Taetia (#323) an hour 22 seconds Malakai

Koi (#329) an hour a minute Malakai

Naphtali (#310) 15 minutes 2 minutes Malakai

Ayoka (#364) 3 hours 2 minutes Player Start

Total: 8 players, all of whom have been active recently.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Works for me."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "it's midnight here"

<OOC> Taetia shrugs

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Yes"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sure, nothing that can't wait until next session"

You say, "Combat lasted a little longer than I had anticipated. Sorry about


<OOC> AlMarth says, "I need either sleep or caffiene very soon"

<OOC> Rahab noddles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "No problem."

<OOC> Naphtali waves and heads to bed..... Spent all last night with kids at

a lock-in. It was weird being the authority figure... but.. anyway,


Taetia says, "The st's need to learn to stop throwing frikking armies at us.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Night Naph"

<OOC> Koi wave to Naphtali.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Night"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "g'night"

<OOC> Oriana says, "However long combat may have taken, at least we're not

wandering aimlessly anymore..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Quite"

You say, "If you can't challenge them with a single baddie, crush them with an

army of kobolds."

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm surprised you guys accepted me back so readily."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I enjoyed wandering aimlessly"

<OOC> Taetia ohdears

<OOC> Oriana had more important and/or interesting things to worry about...

Oriana has received your page: "3 XP, +1 WP."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now, to plan some more freakay cat things.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Muah!"

AlMarth has received your page: "3XP, +1 WP"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Meeow"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many nipples does Taetia have?"

<OOC> Oriana twitches

<OOC> Taetia says, "6 like a cat, or 2 like a human?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I've got my XP, I'm leaving"

<OOC> Oriana says, "You know it's 1 in the morning when..."

Rahab has received your page: "4XP, +1 WP, +1 Purity"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Bye"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Buh bye AlMarth"

<Logout> AlMarth has disconnected on Sun

Aug 19 01:06:37 2001 EST

AlMarth has disconnected.

Taetia has received your page: "+4XP, +1 WP, +1 Purity"

<OOC> Taetia says, "OH MY GOD! I'VE GOT PURITY!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "That's a first..."

Koi has received your page: "+3 XP, +1 WP"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Must.. do.. something.. evil.."

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

The resolution of AlMarth fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

You are already out of character.

(remotely) Naphtali ponders... The Golems were immune to normal weapons,

weren't they?

You say, "Not bad for just running the wrong way by mistake, Taetia."

Naphtali has received your page: "Not immune. They automatically soaked 5 HL

of damage from normal attacks and 3 damage from non-aggravated magical


<OOC> Oriana needs some sleep, now. Bye all.

<OOC> Koi says, "Night Oriana."

You say, "Good night, Beth."

<Logout> Oriana has disconnected on Sun Aug

19 01:09:18 2001 EST

Oriana has disconnected.