Logfile from Malakai2

Koi laughs.

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

Eclipse (offline) is sitting on the rocking chair. The comfortable couch is

invitingly empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly empty. The Peanut Gallery

contains no spectators.

You see Koi (idle) here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Sat Jul 21 15:43:41 2001 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw22-pool

b10.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 5s 0s OOC Wiz Rub the amulet to summon the Supreme Being...

Koi 39m 6m IC Wiz

--[Sat Feb 27 06:05:30 2651]--------------------------------[2 users; 0s lag]--

Koi waves to Eclipse.

Koi has received your page: "There's another gaming group who was supposed to

get their characters created here, but Mort left before they sent him their

character names. I tried creating them myself, but there is some object with

not size preventing me from creating anything else. Help."

<Login> Oriana has connected from on Sat

Jul 21 17:06:59 2001 EST.

Oriana has received your page: "Good afternoon, Beth. How was work?"

Oriana pages, "More than a little surreal...but not too bad. (c:"

Koi pages, "Hmmm..."

From the Nexus: bing

Koi pages, "Do you know the command to create a new character? Or are you

trying to @create them?"

Oriana has arrived.

Oriana has received your page: "Surreal? You mean the preparations for Ms.

Rock Star were weirder than even you anticipated?"

Oriana waves to Eclipse and Koi

Koi waves to Oriana. :)

Koi dances around the room. "Back to playing mage!!!"

Koi has received your page: "That might be the problem... Ah well. I didn't

know any better."

Oriana pages, "It was mostly the fact that a bunch of drunken rednecks, a

wedding reception, and Pat Benatar were all trying to share the hotel...and

competing to see who could be the most demanding."

You say, "As long as the phrase 'Hammer Time' does not leave my mouth again


Oriana hasn't heard this story...

(remotely) Koi nods. "It's what I tried when I first tried to make a

character, doesn't work that way. I think the command is '@make-player (name)

for (email)."

Oriana has received your page: "So they all had last hotel in the city Sticky.


Oriana pages, "That's one way of describing it. *G*"

Koi has received your page: "I'll try it."

Oriana sits down on the comfortable couch.

Koi eyes. "Hammer Time?"

You say, "I'll be posting the logs of both nights' games after tonight's

session. The quotes should be updated in a day or two."

Oriana yays...more quotes!

Koi suddenly remebers we're practically stuck on a rowboat....cries.

Oriana says, "Jeez...I leave you guys alone for one session, and you kill 200

people and nearly begin magical thermonuclear war. This is why the world

needs more gamer chicks."

Oriana grins

You say, "Notice how I made sure I had at least one in each party?"

Koi halos. "I had nothing to do with it...it was all D." :)

Oriana busts out the Interdimensional Hammer (tm) in preparation for Taetia's


Koi nodnods.

Koi says, "Give em a good wack. :)"

You say, "Two ships in one session? Jeez!"

Oriana has heard enough of Eclipse's gaming stories to know where troublesome

groups like this one usually end up... but she doesn't want to say more, for

fear of giving the GM ideas. (c;

Koi whimpers.

Koi ponders converting...-very- quickly.

You say, "I guess you HAVE heard quite a few of my gaming stories..."

Oriana says, "The ones that made their way to RPG Survey, anyhow...in

particular, I'm thinking of the one about the player who became Wookie


Koi blinks.

Koi says, "I'm not certain I even want to know. :)"

Oriana thinks she might DEFINITELY be breaking Rule 0 right now... (c:

Eclipse smiles. "Actually, the Friday group is headed that direction more

than you are..."

Oriana says, "Oh, so THAT'S what happens when you get a 13-year-old pooka


Koi eyes.

Oriana says, "Every time the Friday night group starts looking appealing to

me, something like that happens...and I decide I'm happy to stay exactly

where I am. *G*"

You say, "Besides, I have to show off the Airport to Eus. He's a fellow GM,

so I HAVE to beat his evil furby menace."

Oriana giggles

Koi chuckles.

You say, "Besides. How long did I keep Tyson and Labyrus in the dark about

the results of THEIR sexcapade?"

Oriana says, "*evil laughter*"

Oriana says, "Where ARE Tyson and Labyrus, BTW? I'm assuming Rahab won't be

showing up this week..."

Koi says, "Nope."

You say, "I REALLY doubt it..."

Koi says, "She's off honeymooning. :)"

Oriana says, "Where?"

You say, "If she shows up, I think I'll keel over from a heart attack."

Koi grins.

You say, "Somewhere in Colorado, I believe."

Koi says, "Yeah...hiking or something. :)"

You say, "...or something..."

Oriana LOL's

Koi giggles.

Eclipse chuckls.

Oriana remembers Labyrus saying something about being on vacation this

week...but perhaps the Rite of Player Summoning might be in order for Tyson...

You say, "Well, it's also a great area for bicycling, rollerblading, rock

climbing, and white water rafting. The only problem is that if you're not

used to the altitude, it is more difficult to maintain rigorous physical

excercise. I've seen people in good physical shape get out of breath."

Eclipse grins wickedly. "And I mean to tease them about it when they get

back, too. It's not very often I can get Nykki to blush. Last time, it

required some mild blasphemy..."

Oriana laughs

Koi says, "I hadn't heard that story actually. ;)"

Eclipse gapes. "You hadn't?! Wow. Not that I expect it's one Matt and Nykki

tell very often, but..."

Koi laughs. "Heh...prolly why."

Eclipse throws down some dorrito bits. "Here, Tyson Tyson Tyson Tyson..."

Oriana says, "Is he on ICQ?"

You say, "Nope."

Oriana says, "Hrm...he must be sleeping again."

Koi says, "Maybe."

You say, "I was napping, too. Some random person called at 8am today and I

couldn't get back to sleep afterwards. Sometimes I hate my phone number.

It's always a wrong number, and it's always a DIFFERENT wrong number. Maybe

Coloradans are too stoned to read the numbers on their phones or something..."

Oriana giggles...this is very possible...

Koi grins. "It must be the altitude." :)

You say, "It's BOULDER, after all. One of the people who were interviewing me

referred to our county as '150 square miles with reality beyond it


Koi laughs.

Eclipse eyes his typos...

You say, "The longer Tyson waits before arriving, the longer I have to consume

Mountain Dew before he gets here..."

Oriana says, "So now we know who to blame if the session gets really, really

weird? (c:"

You say, "I make a point of blaming Tyson for everything bad that happens to

this cabal. It keeps everyone from pointing their fingers at ME..."

Koi afk's a sec.

You say, "He just logged onto ICQ. Should be here in a bit..."

Oriana says, "Cool beans."

<Login> Taetia has connected from ppp-159.icehouse.net

on Sat Jul 21 17:54:56 2001 EST.

Taetia has arrived.

Taetia sits down on the comfortable couch.

You say, "Speak of the devil..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And he shall appear."

Oriana isn't sure she wants to talk to Taetia, right now. (c;

Eclipse CACKLES.

Oriana waves the Interdimensional Hammer <tm> menacingly in Taetia's direction.

<OOC> Taetia says, "What'd I do?"

Oriana says, "Don't be coy!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "No, really. What'd I do?"

Oriana says, "You blew up our ship with a magical depth charge! We're in the

middle of the ocean with a frigging ROWBOAT because of you!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh. That."

Oriana pokes Taetia

Oriana giggles

You say, "Taetia is going to be the first character in an epic fantasy setting

who can get away with buying a Demolitions skill."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well, it wasn't like it wasn't going to happen anyways. I

just facilitated the process"

<OOC> Taetia says, "And it wasn't my fault."

Oriana says, "Oh, sure, it's always an excuse with you..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I blame Eclipse. It's HIS fault."

Koi backs.

Koi says, "Did you wack him Oriana?"

Koi reads back. "Awww...."

Oriana says, "How is it not your fault that you killed 200 people?! It's your

fault for rolling well enough to actually DO it!"

You say, "That's it. Blame the SUPREME BEING for your hardships."

Taetia says, "So I killed 200 people. Big deal! It wouldn't have happened if

the Supreme being hadn't decided that an entire day passed in 30 minutes and

had the thing go off"

Taetia says, "It is your fault"

Oriana rolls her eyes...and gives Taetia a nice strong whack with the

Interdimensional Hammer <tm>.

Taetia says, "Ow! Eclipse, make her stop! She's being mean to me!"

Oriana says, "*evil laughter*"

Koi cheers Oriana on.

You say, "You know what they say about turnabout, don't you?"

Taetia says, "It sucks?"

Oriana says, "LOL! That is my favorite quote from last session..."

Oriana says, "Except the one where Taetia lists everything she accomplished..."

You say, "That was definitely the best."

Koi grins.

Taetia chuckles.

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

You go in-character. Your actions now reflect your character and not

necessarily yourself.

Taetia says, "Oh, and by the way.. Eric and I've discussed this and Super

Happy Fun Balls are no longer banned, just limited"

<OOC> Oriana gets ready to crank up the angst one more time...

Taetia says, "So I get to make more!"

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m33-mp1-cvx1c.lee

.ntl.com on Sat Jul 21 18:03:46 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has arrived.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey d hey Enola"

Enola Galen ( Hi )

Taetia lies back on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Careful Tyson...I'm still hanging on to the

Interdimensional Hammer <tm>..."

Koi ooc Lo Enola!

<OOC> Koi dohs

<OOC> Oriana waves to Enola

Enola Galen ( wvaes back )

Oriana drinks some of her Mountain Dew. Almost all of it remains.

You say, "When last we left the Evil Oddesey, they were sitting in a rowboat

just out of range of the drag of the smoking remains of the Imperial Flag

Ship. They have no food or water, and the space is even more cramped here

than it was on Santiago's fishing boat."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I don't know what the Interdimensional Hammer is, but

it sounds nasty."

<OOC> Koi says, "Ooo...do we have a name now? :)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sex Monkies!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Turnabout Sucks?"

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm sorry, I just feel the need to shout that at random

occaisions. I don't know why"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "The Shipping Hazards?"

Koi is busy making sure Rahab is comfortable, and not feeling too bad.

<OOC> You say, "No, it keeps changing everytime I run a session until we can

come to a concensus about this..."

Taetia sits next to Iphi

<OOC> Oriana sits as far away from Taetia as humanly possible

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oops, make that last one IC"

<OOC> Taetia says, "It wasn't my fault dammit."

You say, "Her arms are crossed and it's hard to tell whether she's sad or


Taetia sits, and watches her.

Ahab, "Shall we start rowing? We're going to get very tired of the taste of

piss if we don't get started."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now to do the creepy obsessive fan cat thing."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many people can row at once?"

<OOC> You say, "I'm sure you've heard stories about the things I do to people

who get obsessed with one of my NPCs, haven't you?"

If Rahab is alright...takes the first shift for rowing. [Koi]

You say, "Well. There are two oars."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, so?"

You say, "Ahab takes the first shift, too."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Would a prayer to Barlik be appropriate in this situation?

Or do we not count as "wandering do-gooders?'"

You say, "Barlik is also a god of travelers and miracles."

<OOC> Koi says, "That's...convenient..."

<OOC> Oriana has some Purity going on, too, which she hopes might be useful...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oriana's the only one here that hasn't suck a ship. Give

into the dark side Oriana. Sink the life boat."

You say, "He's a popular deity among adventurers for good reason..."

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

Oriana sits in the back of the rowboat and begins praying to Barlik

<OOC> Koi says, "I think we've used up all of our boat favors Taetia, let's

try to keep this one. :)"

Koi watches Oriana as he rows, frowning slightly.

Oriana has received your page: "Give me details of your prayer."

Oriana pages, "Essentially I'm saying that as Barlik can probably see, we're

in a LOT of trouble. So, I call upon his aid and superior abilities as a

patron of travelers so that we may continue our journey safely and right the

wrong we have done in the past."

You say, "In the first three-hour shift of rowing and in spite of the current

pushing you away from Ketza, Ahab says you've traveled fully a mile and a

half. The ocean still looks the same, though."

<OOC> Oriana says, "How many miles is it to Ketza?"

Taetia says, "Only a mile and a half?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Prolly a lot. :)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I have to know just how deep of shit we're really in..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Don't worry. I have a plan."

Koi sighs. "This is going to take forever...unless."

<OOC> Koi says, "Blow up this boat too?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Only if I botch."

<OOC> Oriana points the Interdimensional Hammer <tm> in Taetia's direction


<OOC> Koi says, "Umm...let's avoid anything over powered please."

<OOC> Koi says, "botching those tends to...err....blow things up. ;)"

You say, "Current is going the wrong way. You don't have the wind to help

you. You're trying to row a boat with eight people in it with two oars. And

you're on an ocean, riding so low in the water that bailing is going to be a

constant chore. Ahab guesses you're roughly 20 miles away from the rocky

western coast of Ketza, which may or may not have a usable beach where you

can land."

<OOC> Taetia says, "What, you act like summoning Dread Cthulhu from sunken

Ry'Leh is actually dangerous."

<OOC> Koi sighs.

<OOC> Oriana says, "I'm going to start praying a little more fervently,


Taetia says, "Any islands round here?"

Koi closes his eyes. "Let me try something that might help us move faster."

You say, "There is no land in sight."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah.. Rob Zombie.. 'Who is this irresistable creature who

has an insatiable love for the dead?'"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Why does that song keep coming on whenever I'm in the

room? (c;"

Koi glances around at the group. "Is that alright?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Karma?"

Taetia shrugs and goes back to Iphigenia watching

Oriana is just sitting there whispering a prayer...she doesn't seem to notice

or care

You say, "Iphigenia uses this as an excuse to take her turn at rowing."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Could be worse, you could have your personal

soundtrack, like Octavius did last night..."

<OOC> Oriana heard about that, and is still giggling...

Koi takes that as approval then. "I need you to stop rowing."

You say, "She does so."

Koi makes them take the oars out of their sockets and hold them away from the

hull, then starts casting.

<OOC> Koi says, "I want to lower the friction along the outside of the hull."

<OOC> Eclipse plays Iron Maiden's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner'.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Why not just create an shield vs gravity?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "then a bit of forces in the form of telekenises, we could

be zooming along"

<OOC> Koi says, "bedause the Mage book hints that gravity control is 4 forces

dots...though I might be wrong."

<OOC> Taetia says, "At 2 you can make gravity shields."

<OOC> Koi says, "Ummm...find, then you cast it."

<OOC> Koi says, "But I'm going for friction reduction"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Okay. Dif 4, 6 suc. Ritual is possible.

<OOC> Koi says, "Ritual it is then."

Koi rolled 3d10: 4, 2, 3; totalling 9.

Taetia pages, "how many succ would I need for a personal antigravity shield?

And what about some tk for flight?"

<OOC> Koi says, "I just keep rolling till I fail twice? Or botch once right?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Or actually accumulate the successes..."

You say, "Yes."

Koi rolled 3d10: 5, 5, 5; totalling 15.

Koi rolled 3d10: 6, 5, 10; totalling 21.

<OOC> Koi says, "7"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Koi says, "Three total attempts."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How does friction count as a force? Wouldn't it be matter

because it's from interactions from matter?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Friction is a force."

<OOC> Koi <- Biochemestry major.

<OOC> Taetia shrug "Ok"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Does friction even exist in the current paradigm for this


<OOC> Koi says, "Umm...if it didn't we couldn't even move."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nobody said it had to be logical."

Taetia has received your page: "Forces 3 / Prime 2. Dif 5, suc 6. This will

allow you to use telekinesis, not cancel gravity."

Taetia pages, "How long to gather energy, considering I don't have prime 2


You say, "There is often more than one way to accomplish the same effect."

Koi sits down in the center of the boat, closing his eyes and concentrating

for a long time...not making a sound, silent.

Taetia has received your page: "You could convert the kinetic energy of the

wind into telekinetic force, as well. You might bob a bit in the air, but

unless the wind is calm, you'll stay afloat."

Taetia pages, "How about sucking kinetic energy from the waves and ocean? Much

more there."

Taetia pages, "6 succ, would it last long enough to fly me to the shore?"

Taetia has received your page: "That would work, too. It would last one day,

the same as Koi's Effect."

<OOC> Oriana says, "test?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh okay never mind..."

Taetia pages, "Ok then, I'm going to start. Ritual, pushing the quint from the

ring into it."

<OOC> You say, "Sorry. Paging."

Taetia sits and begins muttering to herself

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 4, 8; totalling 21.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 3, 9; totalling 15.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 5, 10; totalling 24.

<OOC> Oriana says, "No problem"

Taetia pages, "Allright. Now to fly to shore."

Taetia points in the direction they're going "That ways shore, right?"

You say, "Alright, the boat starts floating on the air, and is now


<OOC> Taetia says, "I don't want float the boat. I want to float me."

You say, "Oh. I thought you were trying to simplify the situation for


<OOC> Taetia says, "..... Reall?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "y"

<OOC> Eclipse was hoping to see the first oar-powered hovercraft...

<OOC> Taetia says, "I didn't think I could muster the forces the fly the

entire boat?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Fine. I pick up the boat and fly it's ass to shore."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Even tho that means I can't use the line 'Screw you guys,

I'm going home.'"

<OOC> Koi says, "Not to mention the oars are designed to work while the boat

is in water. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana continues to wave the Interdimensional Hammer <tm>...

<OOC> Koi says, "Though I suppose if we leaned over and gave it a good push."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What you need is a battery-powered fan."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Theres more to it than just floating it. One can push with

the same forces."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Or a tame sea-creature or swimmer to pull it."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Are we there yet?"

You say, "You can lift, but not carry the boat at this level. But with the

oars, you'll be able to get an ungodly amount of momentum. You're only a

little way from the water's surface."

Taetia says, "Now. Row."

You say, "Okay. Who's rowing?"

<OOC> Koi shrugs and cancels his casting then...no point.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dude. The friction from the air will slow us"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Keep it up."

Oriana wraps up her prayer and nervously takes her place at an oar

<OOC> Koi says, "I didn't make us frictionless...just the outside of the hull."

Eclipse [to Koi]: It's okay. You now have no friction with the air, either.

<OOC> You say, "Everyone crouch down!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "So? We'd be giving resistance, not friction"

Taetia crouches next to Iphi

<OOC> Koi says, "err...the inside of the boat will have to still have friction

too. ;)"

<OOC> Koi says, "Resistance -is- friction. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana's head is spinning from the physics lesson...(c;

<OOC> Taetia prides himself on knowing exactly enough physics to get everyone

in trouble.

<OOC> You say, "Don't make me make this any worse for you..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Are we there yet?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "but still, a frictionless hull would still cut down the

friction a considerable amount"

<OOC> Oriana quotes, "A little learning is a dangerous thing..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I once had a banner of that in latin on my wall."

You say, "Iph and Oriana begin to row. Normally, a boat slows down after each

stroke, but this one actually continues in its forward momentum with every

pass of the oars. Soon you're traveling at a VERY fast speed."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're gonna break the sound barrier?"

Koi . o O ( Hmmm...I hope she has thought of a way to stop... )

<OOC> Oriana dohs!

<OOC> Koi whistles innocently.

You say, "There's always a rocky coast to break your momentum..."

Taetia says, "Hey, Ahab, this thing got any breaks?"

<OOC> Koi says, "True...but I was hoping to avoid that."

<OOC> Koi sighs.

You say, "Land comes within sight after only minutes. The ground is coming up

at you very very fast."

<OOC> Oriana says, "It wouldn't be Saturday night M:EF if at least one boat

didn't get wrecked..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hmm.. We could friction curse it at the right moment,

transmute the kinetic energy to something innocous"

<OOC> Koi says, "How about we don't...and just simply increase the friction?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Would that slow us enough fast enough? And wouldn't that

produce heat?"

You say, "Ahab clutches the sides of the boat. 'It looks to me as though

there will indeed be breaking involved, here.'"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How fast we going?"

<OOC> You say, "Burning up in the coastline's atmosphere. Hmm..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "What if you just drop the shield?"

Koi closes his eyes and begins to reverse his casting, intending to slowly

return the friction to the boat.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Perhaps you could just convert the kinetic energy

into light or sound?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Splash"

You say, "Well, the coast was five miles off a minute ago. Now it's three

miles away. It might be wise to stop rowing, now..."

<OOC> Koi says, "I was assuming that was a foregone conclusion Eclipse. ;)"

Oriana pulls her oar into the boat and motions for Iph to do the same

Taetia pages, "I'd like to use forces 2 to dissipate a large percentage of the

forward motion, putting it into the water"

<OOC> You say, "I try not to make assumptions when they don't fit my sense of


<OOC> Koi laughs.

<OOC> Oriana says, "LOL's"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Doh..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Do I have time to actually finish the casting and slow us

before we reach the beach eclipse?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How about we just dissipate much of the kinetic force into

the ocean?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Because buck-o I don't think friction'll be able to slow


<OOC> Taetia says, "Enough"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And you'll get hit by the tidal wave."

Taetia has received your page: "Dif 4, 4 successes. And give me a Wits +

Science check, dif 7."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 3, 1; totalling 6.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Gotta love botching a wits roll."

<OOC> Koi says, "Sure it will...we're light as a feather....and you see how

fast those slow down in the wind"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh good, I was afraid that was arete..."

<OOC> You say, "So was I..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're not light as a feather. We still weigh the same and

have the same mass."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're just being picked up by kinetic energy"

You say, "You have thirty turns to try something, Koi. There is no time for

rituals, and extended actions incur a +1 cum. dif per turn after the first."

<OOC> You say, "Cause I'm so wicked."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And theres not enough oompah to give a tidal wave. If we

dissipate it down, and outwards, we'll just make a hole in the ocean,


<OOC> Koi grins. "Think of it like this...we have massive speed because we

have no friction against the wind...take that away and we get strong wind

pushing against us. Just like walking on the beach against a hard

wind...it'll slow us down."

Oriana starts praying again...

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're a heavy object, going very very fast. It won't be

enough to slow us to a safe speed.."

You say, "You realize, Taetia, that you are completely confident that you can

disappate the energy safely, don't you?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Shouldn't this have been discussed --before-- the

initial spell?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's like saying a bullet won't kill someone because it's

been fired into the wind"

<OOC> Koi says, "Bullets have spin and small size going for them..."

<OOC> Koi says, "They're aerodynamically designed. (no I can't spell) We...are


Eclipse pulls out a stopwatch and gives the cabal 90 seconds to decide how to

solve this latest problem... Go!

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm not saying it's an exact metaphor, but it's still a

good one. I don't think thered be enough friction to slow the boat"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How fast are we going?"

Koi casts.

You say, "About 120 mph."

You say, "Two miles."

<OOC> Taetia says, "See?"

Koi rolled 3d10: 10, 8, 7; totalling 25.

Taetia pages, "Screw that, I'm dumping most of the kinetic force into a

fireball. Forces three, diff?"

<OOC> Koi says, "extended actions are like mini rituals?"

You say, "Dropping your spell, right Koi?"

Taetia pages, "aimed away from us"

<OOC> Koi says, "Yup"

Oriana is saying a rather desperate prayer to the effect of, "HELP! Barlik!

We need to stop this boat!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey, if you're inept in Forces...*G*"

Taetia has received your page: "dif 5, 4 suc"

Taetia pages, "2 quint, 1 wp"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 10, 3, 1; totalling 14.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 10, 5, 7; totalling 22.

You say, "One mile"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes

Taetia pages, "Ok, does that get rid of it? 5 succ, 2 roll."

Koi [to The_Oarmen]: Put your oars in the water...and everyone stand up,

carefully. Don't let yourself get blown away...or drop the oar.

Taetia pages, "not all of it, most of it."

<OOC> Koi says, "Or oar_lady...in the case of Iph."

Taetia has received your page: "Yes."

Oriana follows Koi's instructions

<OOC> Oriana says, "I'm rowing too...and I wasn't male, the last time I

checked. *poke poke*"

Taetia pages, "You gonna tell em the boat slowed?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "(c;"

<OOC> Koi grins

<OOC> Koi says, "Sorry...Oriana's case too. ;)"

You say, "The boat gives a lurch and flips upside-down once, shooting flames

from either side of it."

<OOC> Koi blinks

<OOC> Koi says, "IT"S WIND."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Damn your friction!"

<OOC> Koi says, "And this isn't the space shuttle."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Holy balls..."

You say, "Then it hits the water, which boils beneath you as you skip like a

stone. Suddenly, you're ten feet above the water."

<OOC> Koi says, "120 in a car doesn't catch the car on fire...or a person on a


<OOC> Koi sighs.

<OOC> Taetia says, "We're not aerodynamic... Who said we could remain stable

in wind with friction affecting us.."

<OOC> You say, "Both of you did different things to try to slow you down."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And my idea would have worked, if it wasn't for the power

of friction."

<OOC> Koi says, "We're hovering...I would assume you'd have to make an effort

to keep us upright in the whole hovering process...else we would have turned

over long ago."

You say, "The boat starts tilting to the left. Everyone give me a Wits +

Science, dif 6."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 6, 1; totalling 10.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 10, 4, 6; totalling 20.

<OOC> Oriana says, "2"

You say, "No, you WERE hovering. Now you're falling again..."

<OOC> Koi says, "I had nothing to do with that. ;)"

Koi rolled 3d10: 2, 8, 3; totalling 13.

<OOC> Koi says, "1"

Oriana has received your page: "You realize that you have to make sure the

boat lands flat on the water. As it is, it will hit the water almost

directly sideways, possibly killing you all."

Koi has received your page: "Hitting the water at this angle could be a bad


<OOC> Taetia says, "4 out of 4."

Oriana shouts, "We have to make this thing land flat on the water! If it

doesn't it'll kill us all!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Koi 1, Varient 1, Me 1, Koi and Me 1"

<OOC> Koi goes for the telekenetic nudge.

<OOC> Koi says, "to push it back the right direction"

Taetia says, "Kill us all?"

Taetia pages, "How much to levitate just me, to the shore?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Time to prepare a flight spell, maybe?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Way ahead of you"

Koi says, "Not everyone can fly ;)"

Oriana says, "Don't you dare interfere with this, Taetia!"

Koi ooc err...ooc that

Eclipse [to Koi]: dif 5, 3 suc. This spell can be used in cooperation with

other people who have Forces 3 (hint hint)

Taetia pages, "forces 2"

<OOC> Koi says, "We have time to cooperate while flying trough the air at 120

miles an hour?"

<OOC> Koi says, "not to mention on fire..."

<OOC> Koi says, "well...kinda on fire...I think the water delt with some of


You say, "Just make sure not to overcompensate..."

Taetia pages, "Poke poke"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Dude, he's trying to help you out...don't shoot yourself

in the foot here. (c;"

You say, "You are now 3/4 mile from the rocky coast. You have slowed to a

mere 60 mph."

<OOC> Koi smiles. "I know...but the situation is a bit out of control." :)

Taetia has received your page: "Sure. But you'll need one extra success."

Taetia pages, "How many?"

<OOC> Koi says, "How about it Taetia? cooperative nudge?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "1 momento por favor"

Taetia has received your page: "dif 4, 4 suc between you and Koi. No peaking

at each other's rolls..."

Taetia pages, "No, for me to fly off."

You say, "Both of you roll Arete now."

Koi rolled 3d10: 5, 9, 3; totalling 17.

<OOC> Koi says, "Doh..."

Taetia has received your page: "dif 4, 3 suc"

<OOC> Koi says, "forgot to tell you about a point of willpower...sigh"

Taetia pages, "1 wp"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 10, 9, 10; totalling 29.

<OOC> Koi examines Taetia's dice for imbalance.

Eclipse [to Koi]: It's okay. I know _I_ sure as hell would have used it! 3

suc, then?

<OOC> Koi nods.

<OOC> Koi doesn't want to fail this. ;)

<OOC> Oriana doesn't want Koi to fail this! (c;

You say, "Taetia hits the eject button."

Taetia jumps into the air with a shout of "Abandon ship, women and cats first"

and goes flying to shore

<OOC> Taetia says, "Adios amigos"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh...no..."

You say, "The boat comes down not quite straight and skips across the water at

a high speed and an odd angle, heading straight for a tiny harbor along the


Enola Galen ( Live fast, die wide. )

<OOC> Koi says, "Are we still in any danger? Or is it comming under control?"

Taetia settles on a rock with a good view, out of shrapnel range

You say, "It seems to be under control, but not yours. You pass Taetia as

though she isn't moving. It makes touchdown on the beach, lurching to a stop

in a way that would make you all wish the seatbelt had been invented if you

knew what a seatbelt was."

You say, "The bottom of the boat is ripped open, but no one is hurt."

<OOC> Oriana laughs at that image...

Taetia floats over to them and sits in mid air "Wow, that looked like a wild


Oriana says a soft prayer of thanks to Barlik...she doesn't know if he had

anything to do with that, but hey, better safe then sorry when dealing with

uber-powerful gods who could crush us like bugs if they so desired.

You say, "Ahab and Vernon stagger away from the boat."

Oriana has received your page: "+1 Purity."

Taetia says, "Thats 4. How about we just don't do the entire water thing ever


Taetia has received your page: "+1 Corruption."

Taetia pages, "What? That wasn't evil, it was just craven!"

Taetia has received your page: "You need to select a deity who's cool with a

bit of cowardice, then..."

Taetia pages, "I didn't do anything evil, I just paniced and saved myself. I

don't even HAVE a deity."

You say, "Yes, but there are deities who have YOU..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "God Damn It! 4 corruption."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Woohoo! 3 Purity! (c;"

Taetia pages, "So... If I started worshipping a god, the rest of them would

leave me alone?"

Koi opens his eyes, looking at Taetia from whever he landed in the crash. He

checks to make certain nothing is broken, His eyes are hard, somewhat angry.

Taetia has received your page: "Your behavior would only be judged by one

deity instead of all of them."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I'd like to point out, the issue of us coorperating was

discussed solely ooc"

Oriana finishes her prayer and gets out of the boat carefully. She brushes

herself off and says rather dryly, "Well...that happened."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hmm.. Taking up religion so the rest of the pantheon

leaves me alone.. thats.. so fitting."

<OOC> Koi says, "Mmm?"

You say, "But choose carefully, Taetia..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Are there any neutral gods? How minor gods? What about


Taetia says, "Are you all ok?"

<OOC> Taetia doesn't see any gods of knowledge and/or magic on the list..

Koi says stiffly. "I think so..." Then goes to check on the sick girl.

Oriana is taking great pains *not* to talk to Taetia.

<OOC> You say, "For the sake of my own sanity, I'm restricting your choices to

the ones listed on my Mage page. Nightfire and Celest are gods of magic.

Michael and Hippocrates are also gods of knowledge."

<OOC> Koi peers at the poor poor willpower section on his sheet...it's

starting to wear through from marking off and erasing...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ok. But if you worship one aspect, are you held to the

other aspects?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: She's no worse for the terrible ride.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yep.

Taetia lands and takes a seat on a rock, and says cheerily "Well that was fun.

What now?"

Koi has received your page: "You definitely got 2 WP for the last scene."

Oriana has received your page: "+1 WP"

<OOC> Taetia says, "This isn't fair! If I follow one god for one reason, I get

reamed by the rest of his portfolio. If I follow none, they take turns

screwing me."

Taetia has received your page: "+2 WP"

(remotely) Koi chuckles. "Thanks..." *Starts erasing again* :)

Taetia pages, "Kewl, thanks."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Remember, Taetia, just say "no" to evil!"

<OOC> You say, "It's the deity gauntlet..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Theology for dumies."

<OOC> Koi laughs.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've been good! I haven't done anything evil for two

sessions at least!"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Barlik is pretty easy-going, really.

Koi picks up the girl, sighing softly. "Now we find a highpoint."

<OOC> Oriana says, "You killed 200 people!!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Highpoint is the word for node right? :)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, but he has the entire do-gooder thing.. I'm shopping

for a god that meets my needs."

<OOC> Taetia says, "That wasn't my fault"

Eclipse [to Koi]: It's the name for one kind of Node.

<OOC> Koi says, "You created the bomb...so it was. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "So? It was built to not go off. Therefore, it's not my


<OOC> Koi says, "Ah...well, if I remember right it's what Iph said she needed."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well if you didn't kill them who did?!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eclipse did!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dammit, and I can't even just go evil."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes it is.

<OOC> Oriana rolls her eyes again and gives Taetia a gentle warning tap with

the Interdimensional Hammer <tm>

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "This is you being good?! I'd hate to see evil."

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Koi says, "Being evil was fun. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Killing 200 people by accident isn't evil. It's merely an

unfortunate error in judgement"

<OOC> Taetia agrees with Koi

<OOC> Koi says, "But having no remorse for killing 200 people by accident -is-

evil. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "This is true."

<OOC> You say, "Exactly"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What can I say? Just because the brainwashing is gone,

doesn't mean the training or effects are gone."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Actually, it's the Ba'Laks fault. They should get the


<OOC> Oriana says, "*sigh*"

<OOC> Koi tries to figure out if you can track down a node using


Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nightfire is also a good choice. He's cool with killing

anyone who gets in the way of your righteousness. That's why Argos didn't

get any CP for that incident. As far as he was concerned, they were evil and

needed to be punished.

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I don't want to be righteous.."

You say, "The problem is the Ba'Lak get BENEFITS from Corruption..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or even very good."

<OOC> Oriana says, "You only need Prime 1 to sense nodes, right?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hell, I like being in the shady areas of good and evil,

but this deity system is going to keep reaming me..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "200...that's almost as bad as the Railgun Firing

Squad thing from my old Rifts group."

<OOC> Oriana doesn't want to know. *G*

<OOC> Taetia does

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Yes. It requires Spirit 1 to detect their Resonance,


<OOC> You say, "brb"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Would following an EVIL god neccessarily count as going

over to the Dark Side?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "When you're trying to shoot a gun out of someone's

hand, don't fire a burst from a railgun, at a copnvoy of refugees...300 dead,

and the PC followed a few minutes later."

<OOC> Koi says, "Ooo...railgun..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Who here has Spirit?"

<OOC> Koi says, "I don't think any of us. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Iphi does"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Sad thing was, that group was grotesquely

overpwererd, and often ended up destroying places...towns, cities, Africa..."

<OOC> Oriana CHOKES!

<OOC> Taetia says, "loL"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How'd they destroy Africa?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Well, not destroyed so much as shunted to another

dimension. But they locked it there with the Four Horsemen of the


<OOC> Taetia says, "... What interesting twist of logic lead to this/"

<OOC> Koi says, "I'm not sure I want to know. ;)"

<OOC> You say, "b"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Would following an EVIL god neccessarily count as going

over to the Dark Side?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Anyway, I'll quieten down before Eclipse gets ideas."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And btw, why aren't there neutral gods? One'd think

there'd be like Muses or something dedicated to certain pursuits, without

concern about the entire good/evil thing."

Oriana [to Iphigenia]: Can you find a highpoint on your own, or do you need

our help?

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I'm designing a pantheon for something else right

now. Maybe he could choose one of them?"

<OOC> Taetia honestly can't stomache the enforced alignment restrictions.

<OOC> Oriana says, "It's not alignment...not exactly."

<OOC> Taetia says, "If you're not good, you're punished. Even actions that are

neither good, nor evil, such as bailing on you guys gets punished."

<OOC> Taetia says, "So, unless I'm a goody two shoes, I get punished."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Absolutely. As for the second question, keep in mind

that mortals risked their lives and sanity to become these gods. People who

want to do that tend to have strong ideas about how the world should be run.

Your average poet is more likely to seek immortality by writing great epics,

not by questing to become a deity...

<OOC> Taetia sighs

<OOC> Koi says, "The very definition of dietyhood is to be able to impress

what you think to be true upon a large mass of people...wether they want to

be impressed or not."

<OOC> Oriana agrees

You say, "Hamar is more interested in crafts of all kinds. He's one of the

few who is like that. Michael is interested in order at any price. Dawn

just wants to see civilization survive from one generation to the next.

These aren't alignments. They are simply agendas. The gods were once

mortal, and like mortals, they have goals and interests."

<OOC> Koi says, "At least that's the way it tends to be in role playing


<OOC> Taetia says, "Wouldn't any of those mortals who became gods be dedicated

to the concept of balance?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Can't see that, really. People who follow religions

try to make things happen, not stop things from happening."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Then shouldn't they be in a neutral catagory? Or would

they punish people for being 'evil' "

<OOC> Koi says, "Hmmms...a Keeper cult would be fun. ;)"

<OOC> Koi says, "Anyway!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Weren't we roleplaying or something?"

<OOC> Koi p

<OOC> Koi dohs

<OOC> Koi :p

<OOC> Oriana says, "Eclipse, did you get the post where I was talking to Iph,

or should I copy-and-paste it?"

You say, "Keep in mind that 'good' deities are simply not evil. They don't

always wear the white hats. They just don't wear the black ones. There is

no doubt that a deity who sends demons to slaughter innocents is 'evil', as

is a god who likes to drive people insane just for fun."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Yes, Iph has Spirit. Your post got lost in the

discussion, though, if there was more to it...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Uh hu.And presumably they all have their creeds that one

follows or gets punished?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I asked her if she also had Prime, and could find the

highpoint on her own..."

You say, "Hamar and Dawn are as close to neutral as you can get, I think. As

long as you don't directly oppose their goals, you won't gain Corruption.

Simple worship can go a long way to reducing your total, too."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: She doesn't have Prime.

<OOC> Taetia says, ".... So.. Don't destroy civilization and make pots?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thats what those two would want?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Can she cooperate with someone who has Prime to find one?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How liberal is the interpetation of 'crafts'?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: More or less. High marks for saving towns from rampaging

hoards and creating works of art. Bad points for not telling a village that

an army is about to march on them or for murdering artistic geniuses.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hmm.. How interesting... About this crafts thing. Would

any form of deliberate creation be considered a craft?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Once you have found a Node, she can look at the area and

determine its Resonance. It is as simple as peeking into the Videre Spiritus.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, I'm going to use Prime 1 to start poking around for

nodes in the vicinity."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Quite possibly. Anything that improves people's lot in

some way - sculpture, books, Effects useful to others, material goods. Hamar

is kind of a god of knowledge, but a god of APPLIED knowledge.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Improves the lifes of others? Does it matter if it

improves the lives of others by hurting other people?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You detect a Node to the north, but rocks obscure a more

detailed examination. It is roughly six miles away.

<OOC> Oriana says, "I point out the node to Iphigenia and ask her about its


<OOC> Taetia says, "Well. Even though I still dislike this entire

corruption/purity thing, I suppose Hamar will do. Time to find a church,

then, and give myself an excuse to do such."

Taetia lifts off, and floats off in the way Oriana pointed. "I'll go take a


Eclipse [to Taetia]: Ornate swords are no less deadly than real ones. And the

Artificer who invented the first bow got high marks for his cleverness.

Conflict between people is inevitable. Hamar understands this. The reason

he is in the 'good' pantheon is because he doesn't want to see people (and

thus, their crafts) annihilated.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Muahahahaha! I still protest the system, but I do like


Eclipse [to Oriana]: She concentrates for a little while and gives a start.

Iph, "It is a Node, but I do not care for its Resonance."

Oriana [to Iphigenia]: What is it?

Oriana [to Iphigenia]: What's wrong with it?

<OOC> Eclipse grins.

Koi [to Iphigenia]: Can you use it anyway?

Taetia pages, "How fast can I fly btw?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You find what appears to be a rundown lighthouse beyond

the rocks.

Taetia pages, "I turn on the life sense and give it a look"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 9, 10; totalling 22.

Iph, "It has a dangerous Resonance. I could use it, but I would have to fight

it every moment to prevent it from using me."

Oriana [to Iphigenia]: Then perhaps it is better to find another node...

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay...define dangerous...dynamic? Entropic?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You don't detect any signs of life. The building is

crumbling, but there are no birds' nests, no moss, no grass around the base,

no life at all.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ok, I use Correspondence to extend my Prime senses to

detect some more distant nodes."

Taetia pages, "The door still up? "

Taetia has received your page: "The door is intact, though the wood is rotten."

Taetia pages, "*knocks*"

Iph, "It is a Static Resonance, but an Immobilizing one.

Taetia has received your page: "Your knuckles stop just short of the door, and

you feel your entire body freeze up (wp to resist)."

Koi nods quietly. "That won't work then..."

Taetia pages, "wp, and I step back from the door 'Hullo?'"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: There is a Node farther to the north, in the city of


<OOC> Oriana is not surprised by this development at all. <grin>

<OOC> Oriana points out this new node to Iph, and asks if it will work.

Iph, "It is stubborn, refusing to change in the tiniest amount. I would guess

it has looked exactly like it is for millennia. It has never been occupied."

Koi says, "If it has stayed this way...for this long...than I doubt we will be

able to force it...""

Taetia pages, "I throw a rock at it."

Oriana [to Iphigenia]: What about the node in Landsend?

Iph, "The Node in Landsend is a High Point. I have heard of it. It's

Resonance is Entropic, but oddly benign, if you pay its price."

Oriana [to Iphigenia]: What price?

Taetia has received your page: "There is no answer. The rock stops inches

from the door, hovering in the air for several seconds. Then it rapidly

begins to disintegrate. Within a minute, the stone has ceased to exist."

Taetia pages, "*meep!* flies back to the others."

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m89-mp1-cvx1b.man.ntl.com on Sat Jul 21 20:04:23 2001 EST.

<Login> Octavius has connected from 1Cust44.tnt2.warren.

mi.da.uu.net on Sat Jul 21 20:04:34 2001 EST.

<OOC> Oriana says, "test?"

<OOC> Koi says, "We're still here. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Never mind...you guys must be paging...(c:"

Octavius has arrived.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey Oct"

Octavius takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hi, Guys."

Iph, "It places a curse on all it aids. It can change the results of bad

fortune, but it merely changes the nature of the misfortune, not the bad luck


<OOC> Oriana waves to Al

You say, "Taetia arrives."

<OOC> Octavius waves back

Taetia lands

<OOC> Octavius says, "What did I miss?"

Oriana [to Iph]: Is this a price you are willing to pay?

<OOC> Taetia says, "... This is the same node the other group used, isn't it?"

Koi [to Iphigenia]: Would it help to have someone who's magics parallel those

when you draw from it?

Taetia looks around "What'd I miss?"

Iph, "I don't know if it will affect me...or my patient."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Is there a scortch mark in the cave?"

You say, "She looks at Rahab nervously."

Iph, "Someone with a similar Resonance might be able to resist some of the

effects, but I don't know for certain.

Oriana says, "It's a chance we may have to take. Rahab won't get any better

unless we heal her, and soon."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Nope.

Koi [to Iph]: Could they help you resist?

Taetia pages, "What's my top speed and carrying capacity? Oh, and what would

be diff to extend the spell?"

Iph, "It is difficult to say. Nodes are tricky things.

Taetia says, "It's to bad the boat broke. Koi and I could spell it up to fly

and be there in no time."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It will be your walking speed and Strength carrying

capacity. Your spell will last for the rest of the day as it is.

Koi nods at Iph. "I'll try then...if you think it might help."

Oriana says, "Shall we set out for Landsend, then?"

Taetia pages, "Ah, neat. How hard to get more speed?"

Taetia has received your page: "More successes, but there are limits to how

much telekinetic force you can project."

Koi [to Taetia]: I think we sould stay away from boats...for a while.

Taetia pages, "I know, just want a fairly swift journey.. diff?"

<Login> Octavius has reconnected from 1Cust24.tnt2.warre

n.mi.da.uu.net on Sat Jul 21 20:13:40 2001 EST.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wb"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thanks."

Taetia has received your page: "Forces 3 (the gods were smiling on the cabal

earlier), dif 5, 14 suc for a constant gallop (20 mph) for a day."

Taetia looks around "You're angry at me, aren't you?"

Taetia pages, "How much for a running pace?"

Taetia has received your page: "12"

Oriana says, "Oh really Taetia...surely you don't think your abandoning us

back there would delight us...do you?"

Taetia pages, "What can I get for three more?"

Taetia shrugs "I thought you were going to die. I didn't feel like dying with


Koi sighs softly, reigning in his own anger. "We all survived...that's the

important part...now we need to take care of Rahab."

Taetia has received your page: "20 mph is the cap without an ocean to draw


Taetia pages, "I meant three successes on top of what I already have. Jogging

speed maybe?"

Taetia has received your page: "For you or the entire group?"

Taetia pages, "For me, of course."

Taetia has received your page: "You can reach 20 mph."

Taetia mutters under her breath

Taetia rolled 3d10: 10, 7, 8; totalling 25.

Octavius drinks some of his Mountain Dew. Almost none of it remains.

Octavius finishes up his Mountain Dew. *burp*

Taetia says, "Well. I see I'm not wanted here, merely for being sensible. Good


Taetia shoots up into the air and leaves.

Taetia pages, "Heading to landsend"

<OOC> Octavius excuses himself

Oriana stands there and stares...

Taetia has received your page: "Right. You do realize how dangerous it is to

split the party, don't you?"

Taetia pages, "Yup."

Koi curses softly under his breath. "Oriana...watch Rahab..."

Taetia pages, "Lands end isn't that far."

Octavius pages, "Cool and let me guess it crashed"

Oriana nods solemnly and moves over next to Rahab

<OOC> Koi goes for casting a flight type spell.

Taetia has received your page: "Not at your speed. Only about 10 hours


Octavius pages, "Sorry wrong person. I was try to page Elemental."

Taetia pages, "I'll still make it before them. I also cover myself with a ward

against light."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 2, 6; totalling 17.

Taetia pages, "Now a darksight spell for sight in other spectrums"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 2, 2; totalling 13.

Taetia pages, "Ugh.Doesn't last long, does it?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Forces 3. Dif 5, 11 suc if you want to move the entire

cabal. Argos, Vernon, and Ahab will stay behind.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I thought Argos left?"

<OOC> Koi says, "I somehow doubt I have time to get everyone...unless she's

not moving that fast?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Nope"

Taetia has received your page: "One scene."

Eclipse [to Koi]: She's moving about as fast as a galloping horse.

<OOC> Koi says, "I'll lose sight of her before I can get everyone flying then?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes.

Koi pages, "Can you track her using prime? Kind of a nice shiny trail of

forces magic through the sky?"

You say, "Taetia just vanished into thin air."

Koi has received your page: "Yes."

Koi closes his eyes and murmurs to everyone. "Careful...don't worry...I won't

drop you."

<OOC> Koi takes the time to fly everyone.

Koi pages, "Will using koi's ki focus lower the diff?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Koi has received your page: "I generally post dif with a specialty focus

already figured in."

Koi pages, "Okay. ;)"

Koi casts

Koi rolled 3d10: 5, 6, 9; totalling 20.

Koi rolled 3d10: 6, 5, 9; totalling 20.

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay...that was weird"

Koi rolled 3d10: 7, 4, 9; totalling 20.

Koi rolled 3d10: 7, 9, 1; totalling 17.

<OOC> Koi says, "This is nine, can I use a willpower for the next roll?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Okay.

Koi rolled 3d10: 2, 7, 5; totalling 14.

<OOC> Koi says, "12"

Taetia has received your page: "You're twenty-five miles ahead of them, now.

Your invisibility is wearing off."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Okay.

<OOC> Oriana says, "I'm going to use Correspondence and Mind to try and get a

sense of where Taetia is, so I can relay that knowledge to Koi..."

<OOC> Koi nods at Oriana. "I'll start trying to track forces as well."

Taetia pages, "I renew it"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Arete, dif 3, 3 suc. I'll asume you're doing this at the

same time as Koi is casting his spell.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 3, 6; totalling 14.

Oriana rolled 3d10: 6, 6, 10; totalling 22.

<OOC> Oriana says, "And that's 3..."

Taetia has received your page: "Arete. Same dif. Add suc -1 to duration.

Don't forget you're darksight's wearing off, too."

Oriana has received your page: "You've got a lock on him."

Taetia pages, "full day, then. I renew the darksight"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 10, 3; totalling 19.

Taetia has received your page: "That's plenty."

Oriana tells Koi where Taetia is going as they fly after her

Oriana has received your page: "You can't actually see her with Cor, for some

reason, but you have a directional indicator of the direction in which she


You say, "The chase begins."

Oriana pages, "Okay, I talk about it in those terms, then."

<OOC> Octavius starts to play thee William Tell overature.

Taetia has received your page: "A storm seems to be blowing in from the ocean

to the west."

<OOC> You say, ""Hey, your Scourging doesn't have any effect in this cabal..."

<OOC> Oriana giggles

Koi lifts off...concentrating on keeping those behind him moving along

smoothly. He starts following Oriana's directions.

Taetia pages, "At max speed, right?"

<OOC> Octavius grins

Taetia has received your page: "Of course..."

Oriana checks on how Rahab is handling all this

<OOC> Koi whees! "Jedi extrodinare..."

Taetia pages, "I take myself up, rising above the clouds."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Her skin is cold and clammy. The burns have exposed many

muscles and a few bones beneath. You catch a whiff of gangrene.

<OOC> Koi says, "Ahh crap..."

Oriana cringes...and tries to come up with a quick Mind effect to take her

mind off the wounds a little or at least calm her

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "No-one in the group with Life magic?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Lots with Life, but the wounds are too severe for that..."

<OOC> Koi says, "We have a lifer...but they need a node to heal her."

Taetia has received your page: "Your upward motion, has slowed you down

significantly. You can no longer see the ground below you."

Taetia pages, "I level off and continue. Do I resume normal speed?"

<OOC> You say, "Aggravated damage sucks, especiallly when the healer doesn't

have any Quintessence left."

Taetia has received your page: "Yes."

<OOC> Oriana says, "As Koi has reminded us time and time again...*G*"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I hate agg damage."

<OOC> Octavius says, "To bad you guys don't have a mundane healer, might might

heal in this case."

You say, "The rest of the cabal gains ten miles on Taetia as she goes up to

avoid a storm that has already moved out of the way when you get there."

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

Koi brings up Iph beside him, saying to her. "Do we have time for this...will

Rahab survive if we don't hurry?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ah, corruption points: the quick, painless way to nudge

the plot in the right direction. (c;"

<OOC> Eclipse suggests Tae find religion quickly...

<OOC> Taetia says, "True, true."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Taetia is actually headed straight for Landsend.

<OOC> Koi says, "Well never mind then.,"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Is there a Deity of foolish people?"

<OOC> Koi says, "If we're going the right way...he wouldn't ask. ;)"

<OOC> You say, "Epaga..."

<OOC> Eclipse grins.

<OOC> Octavius laughs out loud.

Eclipse [to Koi]: I know.

<OOC> Koi smiles.

<OOC> You say, "Just to make sure: Everyone is using the 'roll arete' command

for magic, right? I can't tell the difference on my end..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Umm.. Nope."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oops...I'm not...but I will from now on. (c:"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 7, 2, 9; totalling 18.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Heh. Neat"

<OOC> Koi blinks

You say, "Well, this is, in many ways, the most boring chase you can possibly

imagine. Both groups are moving at the exact same time."

<OOC> Koi says, "I've just been doing a 'roll 3d10 '"

Taetia pages, "Time 3 to speed myself up. diff 5 with focus, right?"

<OOC> You say, "It automatically checks for Backlash and even reduces Scourge

to 0 when one results."

<OOC> Octavius says, "When I used that command for the first time I got a


<OOC> Koi says, "Rahab would code that."

Taetia has received your page: "Yes."

<OOC> Koi says, "I'll start using it."

Taetia pages, "wp"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 7, 6, 9; totalling 22.

I don't understand that.

Taetia has received your page: "How many successes are you dumping into


<OOC> Koi says, "Will my spell last all the way to landsend?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Will my spell last all the way to landsend?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Will my spell last all the way to landsend?"

<OOC> Koi says, "doh!"

<OOC> Koi says, "sorry ;)"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

Taetia pages, "let me 2 in duration, 2 to double my speed."

<OOC> Koi smacks his own wrist.

Taetia has received your page: "Okay."

You say, "Alright, everyone, Taetia is moving twice as fast, now. Yes, Koi,

your spell will last for one day."

Oriana [to Koi]: Can we go any faster? We have to catch her...

Koi frowns. "It is difficult...moving so many."

<OOC> Koi says, "I dunno...can we? :)"

Eclipse [to Koi]: You are moving as fast as Forces 3 and existing

circumstances will allow.

Taetia pages, "Hmmm.. Heh. How hard would a bukujutsu be?"

Taetia has received your page: "A what?"

Oriana [to Koi]: What if you set a few of us down? You really only need to

move yourself, Rahab, and Iphigenia.

Taetia pages, "Ya know that protective coccoon of energy from dbz, that lets

the users fly really fast?"

<OOC> You say, "Actually, 20 mph is the limit of the situation, regardless of

numbers. Taetia is kind of cheating by using Time, too..."

Koi shakes his head. "It won't be much faster...and we all must go, I won't

lost all of us in one day."

Taetia has received your page: "I think that's pretty much what you already


Taetia pages, "K"

Oriana curses under her breath

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great Taetia invented warp drive."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Not yet.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "But I will, once I start building that airship."

<OOC> Octavius groans

<OOC> You say, "Time 4 to stop time in a local area, and Forces 3/Prime 2 to

push... Hm..."

<OOC> Oriana was hoping the Interdimensional Hammer <tm> wouldn't have to come

out again...but Taetia is just ASKING for it, now...

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What is the Hammer, anyway?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Antything like an Anime Hammer?"

Koi pushes the envelope of forces as far as it will go, getting us there as

fast as we can.

Taetia has received your page: "How long do you fly before you risk dropping

below the clouds?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "That's exactly what it is, actually..."

Eclipse [to Koi]: You're already there.

Taetia pages, "just a little while before deciding I need to see."

<OOC> Oriana is thinking it's more important to heal Rahab than it is to catch

Taetia...though both have to be done eventually...

Taetia has received your page: "I was asking for a specific time frame. You

were flying for an hour before you used the Time Effect."

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh...well...that was fast."

Taetia pages, "Just after I use the time effect. How far is it to Landsend?"

<OOC> Koi says, "At the moment...yes...Rahab healed more dire. ;)"

<OOC> Eclipse just realized how to manifest Corruption, a curse, and heal

Rahab in one fell swoop...

<OOC> Koi uh ohs...

<OOC> Taetia says, "... Don't.."

Taetia has received your page: "It was 200 miles when you started the journey."

<OOC> Oriana cringes...

Taetia pages, "Oh. Then I've covered 20 miles, I'll keep going above the

clouds for awhile"

<OOC> Oriana says, "So what say we touch down at the highpoint and get all

that squared away?"

<OOC> Octavius looks on in awe.

Taetia has received your page: "Are you going to answer my question?"

Koi lands the cabal just outside of town, out of sight. No reason to get the

whole town riled up.

Taetia pages, "What question?"

You say, "It will take you 9 more hours to reach Landsend."

<OOC> Koi says, "Unless the highpoint is out of town."

Taetia has received your page: "How long (in hours) do you stay above the


Taetia pages, "Even at double pace? 8 hours."

Taetia has received your page: "Actually, that was to the rest of the cabal..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yeah, where exactly is the highpoint?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "test"

<OOC> You say, "Paging..."

Taetia pages, "Ok then, 4 hours. Then I go down."

<OOC> Octavius nods.

You say, "After about two more hours, Taetia descends through the clouds and

into a raging storm."

Taetia pages, "Ward against lightning"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 2, 6; totalling 14.

Taetia has received your page: "That should reduce the damage from lightning

strikes, at least."

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay...so I'm confused."

Taetia pages, "strengthing it"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 4, 3; totalling 16.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You're not the only one."

<OOC> Koi says, "She's not going all the way to the town?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "A am I."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Confused?

<OOC> Taetia says, "One is moving faster than you lead arsed twits."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sorry.. Don't know where the twits bit came from"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Just seemed fitting I suppose"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hrm? Okay, let's back up..."

You say, "Taetia is now 65 miles ahead of you."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And where are we? Still 9 hours outside Landsend by foot?"

Eclipse rolled 10d10: 6, 4, 7, 2, 2, 7, 8, 5, 10, 1; totalling 52.

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay...she's headed toward town. I thought, by how you were

speaking that we had decided that we made it there alright...but apparently


Eclipse [to Oriana]: 7 hours flying at this speed.

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 7; totalling 7.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: No lightning strikes, yet...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, that's what I thought too...but I get it now."

Taetia pages, "Am I close to town?"

<OOC> Koi nods, gotcha, still chasing.

Taetia pages, "I still have some money, right?"

Taetia has received your page: "You're about halfway there. Roll me an Per +

Academics, dif 5."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 2, 4; totalling 10.

Taetia has received your page: "What was your resources score?"

Taetia has received your page: "You don't feel like you're going any faster

than you were before the Time Effect..."

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 10; totalling 10.

<OOC> You say, "YES!"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 5, 3, 4, 5; totalling 24.

<OOC> Oriana isn't sure whether this is a good or bad thing...

Taetia pages, "Zilch. But they did give me money!"

Taetia pages, "The Ba'Lak that is"

Eclipse rolled 10d10: 3, 2, 10, 5, 9, 8, 7, 4, 5, 6; totalling 59.

<OOC> Taetia says, "This isn't good, is it?"

Taetia has received your page: "Koi was probably carrying most of it. You

have enough for a stay at an inn, if you don't eat anything..."

<OOC> Octavius holds his breath in anticipation of the results of that roll.

<OOC> Koi says, "Prolly not"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Whatever it is, the GM is delighted by it. That CAN'T be

good. (c;"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Nothing that rolls 10d10 and isn't a PC is ever good."

<OOC> Oriana lol's!

Eclipse [to Taetia]: A bolt of lightning strikes you. It inflicts 8 health

levels, -4 for your Forces shield. Soak Lethal 4. Armor is worthless in

this situation, though...

<OOC> Oriana says, "But in this group...if it's a PC and rolls 10d10, that

isn't good either..."

Taetia rolled 2d10: 7, 5; totalling 12.

<OOC> Koi nodsnods at Oriana. ;)

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sorry. I forgot that mage's can't soak lethal...

<OOC> Taetia says, ".. Smack!"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: I assume that was your stamina roll, right?

Taetia pages, "yup"

Taetia pages, "I land now."

Taetia pages, "And take cover."

Taetia has received your page: "You've traveled another 40 miles. Only 60

miles, and 3 lightning checks to go... Wise man..."

Taetia pages, "spend 1 wp to ignore it wound penalties for 1 roll(can do that,

ja?), and I'm trying for healing."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 10, 5; totalling 24.

You say, "Taetia has stopped 60 miles south of Landsend."

Taetia has received your page: "That works."

Taetia pages, "now another for that last two points.."

Taetia rolled 2d10: 5, 3; totalling 8.

Taetia rolled 2d10: 8, 4; totalling 12.

Taetia pages, "All healed. Now to strengthen that bloody lightning shield"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 10, 3; totalling 16.

Taetia pages, "Ritual"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 3, 7; totalling 13.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 2, 5; totalling 12.

<OOC> Koi says, "In the storm?"

Taetia pages, "Ok, it's +2 now, and I take off again"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes. It will breaking up about 5 minutes before you arrive,


<OOC> Koi says, "Gotcha"

You say, "The gap between the cabals has narrowed to 60 miles."

<OOC> Koi says, "Not that I was going in there anyway..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Great, so now it's easier for them to screw us over..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "(c;"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You seem able to do that yourself just fine."

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 10; totalling 10.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ow."

<OOC> Koi nods to Enola. ;)

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Another bolt of lighting hits you as soon as you leave

the ground.

<OOC> Oriana waves the Interdimensional Hammer <tm> threateningly in the

direction of Eclipse's dice.

Eclipse rolled 10d10: 2, 5, 10, 8, 8, 3, 5, 1, 1, 8; totalling 51.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh wait...I take that back...*G*"

Taetia pages, "Hey, regen wp for going on in spite of the lightning? Masochist


<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes. Gain a WP. The lightning shield actually holds,

this time.

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 7; totalling 7.

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 1; totalling 1.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Just realised. You have the Interdimensional Hammer,

we get the Interdimensional Jukebox."

<OOC> Oriana giggles...she's heard that story, and can't wait to read the


<OOC> Taetia says, "Interdimensional Jukebox?"

<OOC> Eclipse does some algebra...

<OOC> Octavius says, "The radio that always pops up/"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oct's Scourging...last night, music played to match his

moods and thoughts...it wouldn't have been bad except he chose last night to

tell the cabal his life story..."

You say, "Taetia arrives in Landsend 90 miles ahead of the rest fo the cabal."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Or so Eclipse tells me, anyhow...Oct might have a

different perspective. (c;"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah yes. That. I wasn't even playing and I found it


<OOC> Koi says, "Heh heh"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Oops wrong referance."

Taetia pages, "I sink down, find a nice inn that I can afford, drop the

darksight and the invis and try to get a room"

<OOC> Koi says, "Alright...we keep going to landsend then"

<OOC> Octavius says, "It make the telling of my life story all that more


<OOC> Oriana says, "Or annoying...I can never tell the difference. <grin>"

<OOC> Octavius grins

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Might it be related to the supernatural radio that

keeps popping up in the Werewolf game?"

<OOC> Oriana is mixing up her game references...oops...

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The sun comes out as you release your magic. Your shadow

looms up high on the wall of the inn in a seemingly menacing fashion.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Maybe."

Oriana drinks some of her Mountain Dew. About two-thirds of it remains.

Oriana eats some of her Manch. About one-quarter of it remains.

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

Taetia pages, "*jumps in surprise, then calms down and enters*"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Eeeew! I just found out I'm carrying around leftover

3-week-old manch!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Kewl, with corruption comes special effects!"

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl oriana"

Oriana eats some of her Manch. Almost none of it remains.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Even when you enter the inn, the shadow remains just as

clear as when you were in the sunlight. The innkeeper eyes you suspiciously.

'What do you want, liar?'

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yet strangely enough...I can't stop eating it!"

Oriana eats some of her Manch. Almost none of it remains.

Taetia pages, "'I"d like a room. I've travelled far, and I'm very tired.'"

Taetia pages, "'How much?'"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: He scratches his head. 'So, you don't want a room,

you've traveled very little, and you just woke up. Jeez, I hate tanaks!'

You say, "The rest of the cabal has traveled another 5 miles."

Taetia pages, "'No! I want a room. I don't have any compulsion to lie, unlike

my bretheren. Would you like me to prove it?'"

Octavius eats some of his Doritos. About two-thirds of it remains.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your shadow is not moving the right way. It seems to be

mocking you. The innkeeper laughs, catches himself, and regards you sternly.

'You don't want a room, and I know you have to lie just like all the other


<OOC> Octavius says, "And this chips are a bit stale."

Taetia pages, "'Just tell me, how much for a room?'"

Oriana finishes up her Manch. *burp*

Oriana drinks some of her Mountain Dew. Half of it remains.

Octavius eats some of his Doritos. More than half of it remains.

Octavius eats some of his Doritos. Half of it remains.

Octavius eats some of his Doritos. Half of it remains.

Octavius eats some of his Doritos. About one-third of it remains.

Octavius eats some of his Doritos. About one-quarter of it remains.

Octavius eats some of his Doritos. Almost none of it remains.

Octavius eats some of his Doritos. Almost none of it remains.

Octavius finishes up his Doritos. *burp*

<OOC> Koi teaches Octavius the 'finish mountain dew' command

Innkeeper, "We don't serve your kind in these parts, liar. Go back to your

own country. You aren't welcome here.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thanks."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your shadow draws a sword. Your sword doesn't look like


Taetia pages, "*looks behind herself*"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh, this is bad..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yes. This IS bad."

<OOC> Koi giggles.

Taetia pages, "Fine, you don't want my money, I'll go elsewhere."

<OOC> Octavius says, "This is defently going to be interesting."

Taetia pages, "Leaves"

<OOC> Koi says, "He's Peter Pan!"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It takes your exact shape (except for the sword) and

mimes stabbing itself repeatedly.

<OOC> Oriana says, "LOL!!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "That's never healthy."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Um...the Peter Pan comment, not the stabbing...damn lag..."

Taetia glares at her shadow "Oh shut up."

<OOC> Koi giggles.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: People stare at you with open suspicion as you walk the

streets. Your shadow pantomimes picking pockets and makes threats at

passers-by. A few watchmen begin to follow you.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: So, are you looking for another inn?

Taetia pages, "Yes."

You say, "You find another inn called The Sign of the Fire Drake. It looks a

bit rough."

Taetia pages, "*enters*"

You say, "The rest of the cabal gains 10 more miles."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The bartender takes one look at you and starts to point

at the door. Suddenly, he stops and smiles. 'What can I do for you, liar?'

<OOC> Taetia says, "Do these people belong to some kind of frikken union?"

Taetia pages, "'How much for a room?'"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Do you hear that, Taetia? That's the sound of karma

coming back to bite you in the ass."

<OOC> Oriana says, "(c;"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The shadow pantomimes slitting its own throat and falls

backwards over a table, twitching in its death throes.

Innkeeper, "What brings a liar to Landsend. I thought you were all deported

weeks ago."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "All that mojo-draining is catching up with you."

<OOC> Koi says, "This is...weird... ;)"

Taetia says, "Aliens from the depths of the void. They captured me and probed

my brain and anus for secrets. Then they left me here."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The shadow stands up, brushes itself off, and stands on

the bar. It starts dancing.

<OOC> Octavius laughs out loud.

Taetia says, "Doen't most people know not ask Tanaks questions?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "To not ask even"

You say, "The innkeeper grins. 'You people never cease to amaze me.

Gentlemen, do what you came to do.' Four watchmen come forward. 'You are

under arrest. Come quietly or we will use force.' The shadow draws its

sword and pretends to make crude and threatening gestures at the guards."

<OOC> You say, "Honestly, they're not too interested in your answers."

Taetia pages, "Invisibility spell."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 3; totalling 13.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. ***

<OOC> Taetia says, "No succ.."

Taetia says, "What did I do?"

<OOC> You say, "BACKLASH!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "My scourge was reduced from 0, to 0"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I didn't HAVE any scourge.."

<OOC> You say, "Even the dice know who has the most Corruption..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh damn"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many of them are there?"

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

You say, "Everyone within 50 miles gets a good look at you before the Backlash

fades. 4."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What just happened?"

Taetia pages, ".. Any windows, doors, stairs I can get to?"

<OOC> Oriana was just about to ask that same question...

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thats what I like to know, too."

<OOC> You say, "4 point Backlash due to Taetia's high Corruption score."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The windows are on the other side of the room, past the

flock of patrons. The door is behind the watchmen. Roll Init...

Taetia pages, "Ah, I still have 1 action from the time effect, da?"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 5, 10, 9, 4; totalling 35.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 10, 1, 8, 7, 6; totalling 32.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 2, 1, 1, 8, 6; totalling 18.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 9, 7, 3, 7; totalling 33.

Taetia pages, "That time magic help me with init?"

Taetia rolled 6d10: 3, 9, 5, 7, 7, 8; totalling 39.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Only if you wanted all these conversations with the

innkeepers to go in fast-forward.

Taetia pages, "Oh. Ok. But it's operative? I just wasn't using it, yes?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "5"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Alright.

Taetia pages, "How highs the ceiling?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: ten feet.

Taetia pages, "Another attempt at invisibility"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 7, 6; totalling 18.

Taetia pages, "Then I float up to the ceiling, and a drift towards the door"

You say, "You're invisible and blind for the rest of the scene. You'll have

to guess at the direction of the door."

Taetia pages, "I know where the door is.. I drift quietly that way, and

subvocalize a darksight spell.. Can I do that this turn?"

You say, "Not until next turn. You're already taking two actions this turn."

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 5, 6, 9, 7, 1, 3; totalling 31.

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 5, 7, 6, 5, 3, 9; totalling 35.

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 3, 7, 2, 1, 2, 3; totalling 18.

Taetia pages, "Ok then. I quietly float, several feet away from there."

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 4, 8, 10, 6, 6, 3; totalling 37.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: This might be a good time to remind you that this is a

wint city...

<OOC> Koi says, "Okay...Umm...can we get the other half of the conversation

here? :)"

Taetia pages, ".. It's always something, isn't it?"

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 9, 6, 2, 7; totalling 24.

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 7, 7, 6, 3; totalling 23.

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 8, 2, 8, 9; totalling 27.

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 8, 7, 5, 7; totalling 27.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I detect Forces and Time magic at work..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Soak each of these separately - B3, B3, B3, B3.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 5, 6; totalling 19.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 5, 2; totalling 9.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 10, 9, 4; totalling 23.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I detect large blunt objects at work..."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 9, 9; totalling 24.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2 bashing.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "I detect Taetia getting her ass kicked..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Or not..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yep.

Taetia pages, "Now I cast a darksight spell.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 6; totalling 16.

Taetia pages, "1 succ!"

Taetia pages, "How long'll that last?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: bashing 5 total, right? Dif 6 for soak.

Taetia pages, "Huh?"

Taetia pages, "9 damage. I soaked 7."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Ah, sweet, sweet karma..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: B3 x 4 is B12, not B9...

Taetia pages, "... Ok. So 5 bashing."

Taetia pages, "1 wp to ignore wound penalties. Down to two now. Now can I see?


Eclipse [to Taetia]: For this turn, yes. You have two actions.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Well, one now...

Taetia pages, "Now. I'm shooting out of the way, through the door or window,

or whatever and then straight up"

Taetia pages, "(Hey, for fighting through the pain to work that spell, regen a


Eclipse [to Taetia]: No. You didn't create the danger that caused the pain...

Taetia pages, "Ok."

Taetia pages, "Can I get gone now?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You reach the window and slip out. Everyone is staring

at you. In the distance, you hear whistles...

Taetia pages, "Huh? Dude, I'm invisible. Can Wints see invisible things? I

shoot straight up, about 1000 feet and reinforce that darksight spell"

Taetia rolled 1d10: 2; totalling 2.

Taetia pages, "and I try again.."

<OOC> You say, "Oops..."

Taetia rolled 1d10: 5; totalling 5.

Taetia pages, "Now, I flee the city. Zoom out into the forest and find a

hiding place."

Taetia pages, "Now for some healing.. 1 wp to ignore wounds.."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 9, 4; totalling 17.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It will now last the rest of the scene. You flee the


Taetia pages, "and again"

Taetia rolled 2d10: 7, 7; totalling 14.

You say, "The rest of the cabal is now 40 miles from the city."

Taetia pages, "All better... Now for that invis spell, pumping it up to last a

whole day"

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 2, 10, 5, 10; totalling 27.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 3, 4; totalling 12.

<OOC> You say, "Enter the bureaucrats..."

You say, "The rest of the cabal reaches Landsend."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Sat Jul 21 22:02:36 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost their link.

<OOC> Oriana says, "yays!!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Doh..."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: A woman dressed in a green dress appears from behind a

tree. 'Who are you and why have you come here?'

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m32-mp1-cvx1a.man

.ntl.com on Sat Jul 21 22:03:35 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has connected.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hrm...I'm thinking we should go directly for the


Eclipse [to Cabal]: "You quickly become the center of attention.

<OOC> Koi blinks

<OOC> Koi says, "woo!"

<OOC> Koi says, "I wouldn't land -in- the town."

Eclipse [to cabal]: After all, you ARE flying over the city. It's a good

thing they don't have dragons...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Where is the highpoint exactly?"

Taetia pages, "Looks at her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. My

names Taetia. I was just resting here, while I fixed my bruises the guards

gave me. Who're you?""

<OOC> Koi says, "Umm...I was kinda hoping for a more descrete landing...you

know...skimming the treetops once we can see it on the horizon and landing a

mile or so out of town."

Eclipse [to cabal]: The High Point is on a hill at the center of the city.

There is a temple to Gregor there.

<OOC> Oriana agrees with Koi on that one...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "All right, must be leaving. See you all later."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Sat Jul 21 22:06:27 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost their link.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: She squints at you, rubbing the bark of the tree. 'I

see. You are in trouble if the watch is looking for you.'

The resolution of Enola Galen fades. With a hiss of static their disconnected

body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Eclipse [to cabal]: Okay. I'll let you enter the city more discretely.

You'll still have to get through the streets alive...

Taetia pages, ""I suppose. I'm leaving, so it doesn't really matter.""

Taetia pages, "What race is she?"

Woman_in_Green, "I suppose not."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Wint.

<OOC> Oriana says, "I want to say that won't be a problem...but with this

cabal, who knows..."

Taetia pages, "Has had enough of Wints. "Well. Goodbye.""

Eclipse [to cabal]: Rahab moans a little in her sleep.

Octavius pages, "I just relized that I quoted something wrong last night.

WhetnI said as hemar as my witness I ment Gregor. I did rember the right


Oriana gives Koi and the others a worried look. "We have to get to that


Eclipse [to Taetia]: Your shadow steps in front of you. It seems even more

solid than before. It has its sword drawn, and is pointing it at you in


Koi holds onto the flight spell...just in case a quick escape is needed.

"Okay...let's hurry then." He turns toward the city and becons for you all to


Octavius has received your page: "I was wondering about that..."

Taetia pages, "glares at it "Go away.""

Oriana hurries after Koi

Taetia pages, "she sees me even tho I'm invis? And I have a shadow, still?"

Shadow, "No."

Octavius pages, "I mean I didn't remember the right name. Please add what I

ment on to the recond. Thanks."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The voice is a hiss. (yes, she saw you...)

Taetia pages, ""Uh oh... Why not?""

Eclipse [to cabal]: Everyone is staring at you while you walk through the

streets. Roll me a Per + Alertness, dif 7.

Oriana rolled 4d10: 7, 7, 10, 2; totalling 26.

Koi rolled 5d10: 9, 10, 2, 6, 1; totalling 28.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Woo! 3!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Ooo...2"

Shadow, "You are not living up to the ideals of heroism, Taetia. If your

conscience will not prod you, _I_ will."

Taetia pages, "Hey, does the green woman see this?"

Eclipse [to cabal]: Yikes. Okay. You notice you are being tailed by 4

rough-looking men who look like they're wearing armor underneath their


Eclipse [to Taetia]: You don't see her anymore...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, I'm trying for a Mind effect that will distract

their attention away from us...diff/successes?"

Taetia pages, ""I never claimed to be a hero. What are you?""

Koi keeps an eye on them, though he doesn't do anything directly to interfere

with them, just keeps walking toward the high point in the town.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: An ageless man dressed in dark red clerical vestments

appears to your right.

Shadow, "I am an Avatar Shadow, servant of Gregor, come to deliver a message

to you."

Taetia pages, ""And who the hell are you?""

Taetia pages, ""ooook...""

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Dif 4, 7 suc. Ritual allowed.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Can I continue walking with the group while I do the

ritual, or is it the kind of thing that requires undivided attention?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Strange ethereal music plays to your left, where a bard

has abruptly materialized.

Taetia pages, ""Did I stumble upon a convention or something?""

Man_in_Red, "I am a Jesuit, servant of Hippocrates, come to offer you


<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh god. They've got door to door religious folks here,


Taetia says, "Umm... I see.."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You'll need to stay in one place for 15 minutes per Arete

check. You might be better off leaving the city for an hour or so.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh. Well...forget that idea, then...we'll just see if we

can get to the highpoint uninterrupted."

<OOC> Koi nodsnods

Taetia pages, ""Why?""

Koi keeps going, avoiding interfering with anyone.

Eclipse [to cabal]: "The thugs continue to tail you, but show no sign of

trying to catch up. A few insults fill the air, but no one bothers you on

your way to the hill where the high point awaits."

Jesuit, "Because you are putting your soul in jeopardy. Hippocrates does not

wish to lose you to the Dark Ones, Taetia."

Bard, "Nor Barlik, my master."

Taetia says, "I see.. Well. Thank you for your concern."

Shadow, "Nor Gregor."

Eclipse [to cabal]: You have reached the temple of Gregor on the hill. The

High Point lies somewhere inside.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Is the temple guarded or otherwise fortified against our

entering it?"

Taetia pages, ""Well. This is all very interesting, but I'm sure you've got

very important things to do, I'll remember your warning, goodbye now."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: No. There are templars, but they make no move against

you. They finger their longswords when you approach, though, and squint at

you carefully, but relax almost immediately.

Templar, "Who approaches the Temple of Gregor?"

Koi frowns slightly, glancing back at the group...seeing who want's to speak,

or if he should.

Oriana [to Templar]: Sir, we are travelers who have come to this temple to

seek healing for our young companion. (gestures to Rahab) As you can see,

the situation is serious. We would appreciate it if we could use the power

of this holy place to make our healer's job easier.

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Oriana finally gets a chance to put that high charisma to use! *G*

<OOC> Koi woos!

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Taetia pages, "stands, and begins backing away from the crazy people.."

Templar, "Gregor's power is the power of courage. Only one who would risk

himself for another may use the power of this place. Who will face the


<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

Woman_in_Green, "Leave her be. Can you not see that your boldness is

defeating its own purpose?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "*listens to the crickets chirp*"

Shadow, "If she will not stand with us, she must not be allowed to turn

against us!"

<OOC> Koi giggles.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Umm.. This isn't good.."

Woman_in_Green, "I will not let you harm a hair on this woman's head. She has

been through much."

Shadow, "We are three and you are one! We can overwhelm you."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Um...does the templar mean who's going to heal her, or

who's going to deflect the bad stuff?"

Taetia pages, "begins to look a fearful and back away."

Jesuit, "That is not my lady's way. I will offer redemption, but I will not

make threats against a mortal who has not yet turned."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Mostly who is going to try to take the fall. Iph will

volunteer if you won't.

<OOC> Oriana looks at Koi...what's the plan here?

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

Minstrel, "I will not force any against her will, either. Barlik despises

those who can convert only with a sword."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The Minstrel eyes the Avatar Shadow meaningfully.

<OOC> Koi says, "Well...Koi would vounteer to face the evil. :) but it;s up to

you all...I dunno if whoever it is needs life."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Koi seems a little more attached to Rahab than Oriana

is...so maybe it makes more sense characterwise for you to do it..."

Taetia pages, "where are they all in relationship to myself"

Iphigenia, "I will face the danger."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well, that resolves that..."

Eclipse [to cabal]: She turns to all of you, "This is what I do. This is who

I am. How else can I erase the guilt of serving my father's plans?"

Oriana [to Iphigenia]: Do this if you feel you must...but be careful.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The Minstrel is on your left. The Avatar Shadow is in

front of you. The Jesuit is on your right. The woman in green is behind you.

Koi frowns at Iph. "You need to be here...to heal the others if they get


Taetia pages, ""And I suppose lady, you're on the same mission as they are?""

Eclipse [to cabal]: She nods, and the Templars let her and Rahab inside. 'I

will be careful, Koi. You have saved me so many times already. This is the

only way I can repay you and Oriana and Al'Marth's kindness.'

Eclipse [to Taetia]: She laughs. 'I am hear to protect you from them, to

offer you sanctuary. I do not seek to convert you or turn you from your


Woman_in_Green, "Will you accept my protection?"

Taetia pages, "considers it for a moment then nods."

Eclipse [to cabal]: Iphigenia and Rahab are inside for two or three hours.

The Templars feed you.

Koi paces in worry for most of that.

Templar, "Who are your patrons? I know the healer for an Epagan, but your

alliance is still unknown to me."

Taetia pages, "'Thank you, I will.'"

Oriana [to Templar]: Sir, I am of the Troubadors.

Woman_in_Green, "You heard her. She has made her decision, now. Leave before

my mistress grows angry with you. Your masters and mistresses will not be

pleased if she changes her mind and joins Them."

<OOC> Koi says, "Does he mean god followed?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The Avatar Shadow, Jesuit, and Minstrel nod and vanish.

Taetia pages, "(I didn't just find religion by default, did I?)"

Taetia pages, "turns to her and bows "Thank you Lady, for your help.""

Templar, "Not your Tradition. The one to whom you owe your allegiance."

<OOC> Oriana dohs

<OOC> Koi grins.

Oriana [to Templar]: My patron is Barlik.

Koi frowns at the Templar. "I have no patron."

Woman, "You are welcome, Taetia. It is a sign of the times when good spirits

seek converts for their deities. A great threat arrises in the south, one

that threatens to wipe out all peoples. The gods are nervous."

Taetia pages, ""What kind of threat could worry a god?""

Templar, "The followers of Barlik are our cousins, Oriana. They do not seek

out quests as we do, but they are a noble people. What are your leanings,


<OOC> Octavius can't wait til the logs are on Erics site to see what he had


Koi glances at Oriana...then back at the templar. "I do not know...I suppose I

follow my instincts...do what my heart tells me."

Koi . o O ( Now at least... )

<OOC> Oriana can't wait til the logs are on Eric's site, to see what the other

end of that huge page-fest with Taetia was all about...

Woman, "The Ba'Lak have learned how to cross the Sun Realms, Taetia. Variel

already works to undermine the Northlands in preparation for the Dark Gods'

attack, whatever form it should take. There are too many people in danger

for us to protect them all."

Templar, "That is a difficult path, not without its perils. The spirit

servants of Gregor have observed your courage and selflessness, Koi, and our

master would rejoice to call you his own."

Koi frowns, eyes lowering to the floor. "I am not certain a master is what I

seek...not until I'm certain..."

<OOC> You say, "It has definitely been an interesting evening... I'll be

happy just to get the cabal back together again..."

Taetia pages, "nods "Why would you, and they waste time with me? I'm nothing.

I can't help, and the way things are going, I'd only worsen the situation"

ears and tail droops "It would've been best if Koi hadn't helped on the


<OOC> Taetia says, "Ja."

<OOC> Koi chuckles.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yup"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Has been menaced by the malakai equiv of door-to-door

Jehovah's witnesses.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now thats entertainment"

<OOC> Octavius says, "To make this unamius, it would be interesting to see you

guys all togheter again."

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

Octavius pages, "Who is the Lady-in-Green a servent of if you don't mind my


Templar, "Nightfire, Gregor, Celest, Dawn, Barlik - all would love for you to

join the ranks of their followers. They will all gladly give you spiritual

gifts and favors if you chose to worship them.

Octavius has received your page: "Dawn."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ooo.. bribery!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Suddenly, our cabal is being besieged by the theological

equivalent of military recruiters..."

<OOC> Koi giggles.

Octavius pages, "Cool. That explanis her welcome and offer of Sancutary."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Worship our God and you get Wealth Wimmen and shiny new

horses! Worship ours and you get free candy!"

<OOC> Koi says, "I'm sorry, in all the ooc and multiple parties I've gotten

only mildly lost, is the templar still talking to me? :)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I think so..."

<OOC> Octavius thinks it might be a good time to mention that his patron is

Gregor, but decides against say it because he is not really there.

woman, "You have not had an easy life, Taetia, but that you have made it this

far proves your strength to my lady. The Ba'lak have wronged you sorely,

stripping your identity from you. They deprived you of a family and a home,

making you their helpless slave. Have you no wish to oppose them? You would

be saving not only yourself from their mechanations, but also your friends,

the world, and Iphigenia."

Eclipse [to cabal]: Rahab emerges from the temple. Her body is whole, but she

is crying openly.

Koi looks up at the Templar, eyes sad. "I've nearly lost my soul once...I

won't chance it again...until I know for certain who I give it to."

Oriana hurries over to Iphigenia and Rahab. "Are the two of you all right?"

Taetia pages, ""... I don't know if I can fight them. Even after all thats

happened, despite how much I hate them, some part of me still wants to obey.

And they're not my friends. I don't have any friends.""

Koi glances over at the girl as she emerges, following Oriana, hoping for the


Eclipse [to Taetia]: Variel appears about fifty yards to your right.

Iphigenia lies limp in his arms. He laughs, "Actually, my dear Rahabani, she

can do nothing to save Iphigenia." The woman turns and screams just as

Variel disappears.

Rahab, "YesFather took her away! YesFather took her away!"

Oriana feels a chill run down her spine. "Rahab...YesFather took *who* away?"

Rahab, "The pretty lady. YesFather took her just now. She healed me, and

YesFather took her away. We have to rescue her!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Wait a minute..."

Koi's eyes narrow. "He was here?" His eyes glances over at the templar


<OOC> You say, "Read carefully..."

Taetia pages, "Jumps in fright "He took Iphigenia? What happened to everyone


<OOC> Oriana says, "This is...weird."

Koi [to Rahab]: He took them both?

Templar, "Entering Gregor's temple requires courage and selflessness.

Iphigenia chose to risk her life to safe the life of another. It is the

nature of heroism."

Eclipse [to Koi]: pretty lady (lower case). It would be scary if Variel could

steal Avatars...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh good...I was getting a little worried there..."

<OOC> Oriana uses that nifty Correspondence/Mind combo to look around for


<OOC> Koi says, "Oh...whew"

Koi looks at the templar. "Then how did -he- get in here?"

Rahabani, "I don't know. You should probably return to your friends quickly.

However much you argue with them, your cabal needs you. You are the only one

who knows about the Ba'lak's lair beneath the capital. You are the only one

who knows about Hemlock's High Altar."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: She appears to be unconscious, but alive, and somewhere

far to the east.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I do?"

Taetia pages, "Sighs "You're right, I guess. Even thoguh they don't like me or

want me around, I should go back for a while.""

Templar, "The power of this temple is mysterious. I cannot help but make

heroes into martyrs, at times, and it is adept at finding ways to exchange on

misfortune for another.

<OOC> Koi grins. "apparaently."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes, you do. Trust me...

<OOC> You say, "You'd think the temple had the mind of a GM or something..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Odd, isn't it? :)"

<OOC> Oriana lol's

Koi glares at the Templar for a moment more...then closes his eyes. . o O (

It's not their fault... ) He turns to Oriana and Rahab. "We need to go...if

he has her I don't know how much longer she will have to live."

Oriana nods grimly

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You find the rest of your cabal as they leave the hill

with the temple of Gregor.

Oriana glares at Taetia. "Where have YOU been?"

Taetia glares right back "I don't see where I go or what I do to be any

business of yours"

Oriana [to Taetia]: We're in this together. We're never going to accomplish

anything if you keep running away from us.

<OOC> You say, "Taetia, do you realize how lucky you are that you didn't

Awaken before you left Golgotha? They don't have your Resonance on file with

the lock of your hair they keep, so they have no idea who to torture for

fleeing from the watch, yet..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh goody."

Taetia has received your page: "+1 Purity."

Koi nods with oriana, turning to look at Taetia. "And how am I to keep an eye

on you if you dissappear...or have you forgotten the promise I made to you on

the boat?"

<OOC> Oriana shudders at mention of the hair thing...she heard some horror

stories about that from Eus...

Taetia pages, "Allrighty."

<OOC> Koi uh ohs...

<OOC> Octavius whinces at the mention of haor.

<OOC> You say, "They have everyone else's hair samples and Resonance info, but

not Taetia's or Iph's..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "haor??"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Type I mean hair"

<OOC> You say, "Yes. Cor 3 / Life 3. Agg damage from a distance... Cor

range 0..."

Taetia pages, "The capital is east of here, da?"

Taetia has received your page: "Yep. And a few miles south, as well."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh okay...it's late, I'm tired, this has been one of the

weirder weeks in recent memory, and typos just aren't registering in my

brain. (c;"

Taetia says, "I doubt you'll have the chance to fill that promise. Anways.

We'll probably be going to the capital."

Oriana says, "I'm picking up Iphigenia's Mind pattern far to the east. She's

still alive, but I don't know if she will be for much longer."

Taetia says, "Yes. The capitals to the east. Most likely thats where they've

taken her, considering Ba'Lak Headquarters are there."

Oriana says, "I was thinking that, too."

Koi nods. "Then we'd best get going..."

Taetia says, "Until we find Iphigenia, I have to come along. Shall we fly,


Oriana says, "Wait. How are we going to do this? We can't just waltz into

headquarters; we killed 200 of Variel's men. (pointed glance at Taetia) I

doubt he'll be too kindly disposed toward us..."

Taetia says, "We go there, we sneak in, we sneak out. Easy."

Oriana says, "Nothing is EVER easy in this cabal."

Koi [to Oriana]: I don't think he's going to be happy to see us, no matter how

we get there...but we need to hurry.

Taetia says, "And do you have a better idea? We can't very well storm it. We

could show up, ask Argos to drop by, then we could try to free her in the


Oriana nods...

<OOC> Octavius says, "I understand about tpos not regerstering do to tirdness.

My bieng tired often coauses them."

<OOC> Koi laughs.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Am I still invisible?"

<OOC> Oriana blinks. Wow...that sentence...was a little mangled. (c:

Koi says, "We'll have to decide once we get there...until then all we can do

is be careful."

Oriana says, "Fine. Then let's go."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Technically, yes...

<OOC> Koi says, "I hope not...else we would have walked right by you."

Taetia says, "Right. Lets go then."

Taetia floats up and heads east.

<OOC> Koi wonders how much duration he has left on his old flight spell.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

You say, "Both of you have 13 hours left."

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Sorry. I am starting to get really tired and I have no


<OOC> Oriana smiles

<OOC> You say, "I stopped sucking down the caffeine about four hours ago. I

have to get up for church in the morning..."

Koi cocentrates, lifting the group again and following after Taetia.

<OOC> Koi eyes.

<OOC> Koi says, "concentrates"

<OOC> Octavius says, "It looks like my typos are contagiuos."

<OOC> Oriana giggles

You say, "You fly across the Empire, drawing stares...and attentions of a more

sinister sort... Roll me a Per + Alertness, dif 7"

Oriana rolled 4d10: 2, 3, 7, 1; totalling 13.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Doh...none"

Taetia rolled 6d10: 5, 8, 8, 1, 7, 10; totalling 39.

<OOC> Oriana notices all the pretty clouds in the skies of the Golgothan


Koi rolled 5d10: 6, 6, 5, 10, 2; totalling 29.

<OOC> Koi says, "woop! 1"

<OOC> You say, "Perception Boy's part will be read by Taetia tonight..."

<OOC> Oriana lol's

<OOC> Octavius laughs too.

Koi has received your page: "You see a flock of vultures circling ahead of


Taetia has received your page: "You see a flock of vultures with breasts

circling ahead of you."

<OOC> Koi hmms.

<OOC> You say, "It's amazing the difference two words in a description can


Taetia says, "Hey Koi? Mind answering a question?"

Koi pages, "Is it at our destination?"

Koi looks over at Taetia for just a moment. "Okay..."

Taetia says, "Whats got feathers, breasts, and very large claws?"

You say, "They are mostly above the clouds. You're almost to the halfway


Oriana raises an eyebrow curiously

Koi frowns. "Something we should avoid..." He starts changing directoin.

Taetia says, "Oh."

<OOC> Oriana is kinda sorry AlMarth isn't here to provide the sarcastic looney

answer to that question...

<OOC> Koi hehs.

You say, "Per + Alertness, dif 6 this time."

Oriana rolled 4d10: 2, 1, 9, 6; totalling 18.

<OOC> Oriana says, "1 this time..."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 2, 6, 3, 7, 1, 2; totalling 21.

<OOC> Octavius pulls out his bygone bestiary.

Oriana has received your page: "You see a flock of vultures circling along

your original trajectory."

<OOC> Oriana knows her mythology well enough to have a very ugly suspicion

about these beasties...

Koi rolled 5d10: 8, 3, 1, 3, 10; totalling 25.

<OOC> Koi says, "1 again!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes, where is Jason when you need him."

Koi has received your page: "The flock seems to be moving to intercept."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 6h 0s IC Wiz Rub the amulet to summon the Supreme Being...

Octavius 3h 58s IC PC

Koi 7h 1m IC Wiz

Oriana 6h 2m IC PC Fear the wrath of the Angst Halfling!

Taetia 5h 2m IC PC

--[Sun Feb 28 01:54:30 2651]--------------------------------[5 users; 0s lag]--

Koi [to Taetia]: We need to land...or try to out run them.

Taetia says, "I think we can out pace them.. At least, I can."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many are there?"

Koi frowns at Taetia. "You can...but -we- can't."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Best guess? At least a dozen below the clouds. They

appear to be moving to surround you...

Taetia says, "We're being surronded. We need to do SOMETHING."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How far away?"

Oriana says, "What if we land and wait for them to leave us alone?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: A mile.

Taetia says, "I don't think they will."

Oriana says, "Anything is better than staying up here. At least if we land,

we're in our natural element."

Koi says, "If we have to fight, we need to land...I can't manuver everyone and

fight at the same time..."

You say, "A trio of them breaks away from the rest of the group and flies

directly toward you on a harsh intercept course..."

Taetia says, "Perhaps.."

You say, "You can all see the breasts and human heads on the vultures, now."

<OOC> Koi says, "Weird...harpies?"

Taetia pages, "I split from the group, and see if they notice me through my


Taetia has received your page: "They do not appear to be changing course to

meet you."

<OOC> Oriana says, "This is NOT cool..."

Koi pulls up his group short, bringing up his hands to cast.

<OOC> Octavius nods

<OOC> Koi says, "Aerial combat!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Much fun. ;)"

<OOC> You say, "Never thought I'd see THIS..."

Taetia pages, "when they get close enough, I'd like to Friction curse one.

Diff 5, da?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes.

You say, "What is everyone else doing?"

<OOC> Koi is casting.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 4, 8; totalling 14.

<OOC> Oriana is trying to convince Koi to land, if that's not what he's


Eclipse rolled 3d10: 6, 1, 4; totalling 11.

Koi "Yaaaah!" Koi shouts...then closes his hands, attempting to reform the

sound into a wall of force at the three harpies.

<OOC> Koi will land if after this. ;)

<OOC> Oriana nods

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 8, 8; totalling 16.

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 8, 5; totalling 13.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The wings of the lead chicken start to smoke.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Arete, dif 5

Taetia pages, "I'll give it another try, on my turn.."

<OOC> Koi blows a point of willpower.

Taetia pages, "It slow any?"

<OOC> Koi says, "doh"

Koi rolled 3d10: 10, 7, 1; totalling 18.

Taetia has received your page: "Slightly."

<OOC> Koi says, "2 successes"

<OOC> Koi says, "I need to put my sheet together. ;)"

<OOC> Koi says, "so 'roll arete will work for me. ;)"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Your wall of sound catches the lead harpy and the one on the


Eclipse rolled 2d10: 10, 2; totalling 12.

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 10, 10; totalling 20.

<OOC> Koi says, "ouch"

<OOC> Oriana cringes

You say, "The lead vulture's veins bulge out and some break, causing severe

bruising. The harpy on the right loses hundreds of feathers as the noise

rips them out."

You say, "One more turn before these three reach melee distance."

Koi spends this round bringing his party down to the ground.

You say, "The other harpies spend this turn completing the wide circle around


You say, "Taetia?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "So...we're on the ground now?"

<Login> Hugon has connected from on Sat

Jul 21 23:57:36 2001 EST.

Taetia pages, "They show no acknowledgement I'm there, right?"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Yes.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Correct.

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Hugon waves.

<OOC> Oriana waves to Hugon

Taetia rolled 3d10: 7, 10, 1; totalling 18.

Oriana draws her sword and prepares for the attack of the crazy vulture

chicken things.

Taetia pages, "strengthing friction curse"

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 5, 8; totalling 13.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hi, Hugon."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The lead harpy's face blisters and its hair catches fire.

It maintains its speed only by going into a dive toward the folks on the


You say, "The three vultures reach melee range, but you get the first attacks."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Should we roll init?"

You say, "Sure."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 1; totalling 22.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 6, 2, 10, 6, 5; totalling 29.

Oriana rolled 5d10: 1, 7, 7, 2, 1; totalling 18.

<OOC> Koi says, "Hmm...what's init again? Witts and awarness?"

You say, "Alertness."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Argh...none. *brandishes Interdimensional Hammer <tm> at


<OOC> Koi says, "ahh"

Koi rolled 5d10: 4, 6, 3, 8, 7; totalling 28.

<OOC> Hugon hands Oriana his Crafts dice.

<OOC> Oriana accepts the dice with a smile

You say, "Koi, Harpies, Taetia, Oriana. Go Koi."

<OOC> Koi hmms...we not doing it the way it say sin the book? :)

<OOC> Koi has a book now....dances. :)

<OOC> Koi says, "We have a harpie diving at us right?"

<OOC> You say, "Shh... Been doin' it this way since day 1. I'll live with


<OOC> Koi grins.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Three, actually.

Koi looks up and picks the one that seems to be moving the fastest, intending

to give it a telekenitic shove to slam into the ground away from the group.

Eclipse [to Koi]: The one on the left, then. Arete, dif 5. (Forces 3 / Prime

2, right?)

<OOC> Koi nods.

<OOC> Koi tries to save a willpower on this one.

Koi rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 4; totalling 14.

<OOC> Koi says, "damn"

<OOC> Koi says, "0"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey wait a minute.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We didn't have to bother with a boat! Could coulda flown!"

You say, "The harpies pick targets. Oriana, Koi, Koi."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Now THAT is a sad realization..."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 4, 1, 2, 2, 7; totalling 16.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 4, 5, 2, 1; totalling 19.

<OOC> Oriana will attempt to dodge, then...

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 3, 7, 6, 5, 2; totalling 23.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: roll dodge.

<OOC> Koi says, "Generally we try to avoid using our magic except when it's

-really- necessary. ;)"

Oriana rolled 5d10: 7, 2, 2, 3, 9; totalling 23.

<OOC> Koi says, "Or at least soem of us do. ;)"

<OOC> Oriana says, "2 successes"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Magic...must use it often...tempt the Paradox..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey, ya got it, flaunt it. If you don't got it, flaunt it

even more."

<OOC> Eclipse stares at his dice. "Well, looks like you didn't even need to

dodge, Oriana... Ah well..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Backlashes are fun and Musical..."

You say, "ONE hits Koi."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 4, 7, 10, 5, 9; totalling 35.

Eclipse [to Koi]: If you have armor, soak Lethal 3.

<OOC> Oriana shrugs...better safe than sorry than dealing with nasty birdies...

<OOC> Koi says, "Umm...nope. ;)"

<OOC> Koi says, "No armor. ;)"

<OOC> Koi says, "remind me to buy some...."

<OOC> Koi giggles.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Okay. Then take 3 health levels.

<OOC> Oriana says, "second than = when. Doh..."

Koi falls back from the harpie...growling.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 9, 3; totalling 18.

Taetia pages, "strengthening time magic, 2 succ=1 more action, da?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: It claws at your face, trying to scratch your eyes.

<OOC> Koi gets ready to beat them down.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: It will take effect next turn, but you still get one more

action this turn.

Taetia flies down and nails the one attacking Koi

Taetia pages, "diff 4"

Taetia rolled 10d10: 9, 8, 7, 5, 6, 1, 7, 2, 1, 2; totalling 48.

<OOC> You say, "Shit."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Damage?

Taetia pages, "6+4 succ, diff 5 to injure"

Taetia rolled 10d10: 10, 5, 9, 7, 1, 5, 5, 7, 5, 1; totalling 55.

<OOC> Taetia says, "6 damage."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Legendary abilities, gotta love em"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Sword, yes?

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup. 4+1 for mod+1 for str, +4 for succ."

You say, "The bottom half of the harpy falls onto the ground. The wings and

top half of the bird stay up for a few seconds, still beating. Hot blood

pours down the front of Koi's clothing."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana takes a swing at the other harpy with her sword

Oriana rolled 6d10: 1, 3, 5, 1, 8, 7; totalling 25.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well crap. 1 to hit."

Taetia pages, "Oh. And as I'm invisible, what kind of penalties does it give

to their dodge, and what bonus' to me dodging since they don't know quite

where I am? Hell, they might not even know I'm there, as we have nailed them

with magic and it'd be a logical assumption.."

<OOC> Oriana says, "does that hit?"

You say, "-oriana 0, actually. Dif 6, right? Tae has a special ability."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: We'll cross that bridge when I absolutely have to...

<OOC> Oriana says, "I have the diff for my sword (kris) listed as a 5...but

that could be a mistake..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Sorry. You're right. It's not dodging this turn. Roll


Oriana rolled 5d10: 10, 8, 10, 4, 7; totalling 39.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Nice. 4 damage."

You say, "You stab it in the back as it flies past you (since it missed on its


You say, "The other 12 harpies are tightening their circle around you."

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Oriana groans

<OOC> Koi says, "This doesn't exactally look good folks. ;)"

Koi takes a swing at the other harpy fighting him.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Don't worry. I have a plan!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Famous last words..."

<OOC> Oriana will groan at that, too. (c;

Koi rolled 8d10: 4, 4, 2, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10; totalling 38.

<OOC> Koi says, "ewwww......"

<OOC> Koi says, "2 successes"

You say, "Roll me a Wits + Melee, dif 7"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Roll damage.

Koi rolled 5d10: 6, 8, 5, 3, 7; totalling 29.

<OOC> Taetia says, "All of us?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Three I think."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yes.

Oriana rolled 6d10: 9, 1, 4, 8, 5, 1; totalling 28.

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Half of it remains.

Taetia rolled 7d10: 7, 3, 3, 5, 1, 2, 2; totalling 23.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ugh, none. Bad Crafts dice!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Can I sub do for melee?"

<OOC> Hugon takes his Crafts dice back. "Be nice!"

Eclipse [to Koi]: You feel ribs collapse beneath your fists.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Sure.

Koi rolled 6d10: 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1; totalling 17.

<OOC> Koi says, "nevermind..."

<OOC> Eclipse roflmao. "Well, so much for THAT little tactical observation!"

Taetia pages, "whats the absolute max that I can be accelerated at this point?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: 60 mph

<OOC> Oriana says, "So none of us are great tacticians. Didn't you realize

that when we got ourselves into this situation in the first place? (c:"

Taetia pages, "No, I mean how many attacks can I give myself with my current

arete? I presume theres an upwards limit depending on skill/power?"

You say, "Harpies attack. One on Oriana. The one on Koi falls to the ground

and tries to drag itself away from the melee."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 6, 7, 2, 6, 5; totalling 26.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You weren't dodging, were you?

<OOC> Oriana says, "Nope"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 1, 2, 6, 10, 4; totalling 23.

<OOC> Koi says, "Armor...yes...need armor..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Armor soak Lethal 1.

<OOC> Koi says, "Never mind armor...tank...need tank...."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hmm, memo...go out and build some armor..."

Oriana rolled 1d10: 4; totalling 4.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: I'm capping you at a number of attacks equal to your


<OOC> Oriana says, "None"

Taetia pages, "K"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: "The harpy can't quite bring its claws up to attack you,

so it bites you on the leg."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Go.

Taetia nails the harpy attack Oriana

Taetia rolled 10d10: 9, 9, 10, 2, 1, 3, 9, 7, 1, 2; totalling 53.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Damage?

Taetia rolled 10d10: 4, 8, 3, 8, 5, 8, 5, 4, 10, 8; totalling 63.

<OOC> Taetia says, "7"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Uno momento por favor, then I'll declare my other 2


You say, "That pretty much cuts its head off."

<OOC> Taetia says, "K"

Taetia says, "Don't worry. I'll take care of the rest."

Taetia goes after thos harpies..

<OOC> Taetia says, "Moving use up an action?"

<Logout> Octavius has disconnected on Sun

Jul 22 00:28:24 2001 EST

Octavius has lost his link.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: One of them.

Taetia rolled 10d10: 2, 9, 5, 10, 1, 9, 6, 1, 4, 3; totalling 50.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4 succ"

<OOC> Taetia is still invisible..

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Koi says, "How are you seeing then?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Darksight."

<OOC> Koi says, "Dark what?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I see in other spectrums.."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Um, wouldn't it be 3? Roll damage.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Level 1 forces effect"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Diff 5 to use the sword, -1 from alchemical treatment. 6

succ-2 1's"

Taetia rolled 10d10: 9, 3, 9, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7, 3, 8; totalling 55.

<OOC> Taetia says, "5 dam"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The harpy squawks as you cut its neck. It is bleeding


Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana stabs at the harpy nearest her

Oriana rolled 6d10: 6, 1, 10, 5, 10, 2; totalling 34.

<OOC> Oriana says, "That's 3 to hit"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Hate to tell you this now that your dice are cooperating,

but all the other harpies are still in the air...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Theres one trying to crawl away"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Damn. Well, I'll stay on the ground and wait for them to

come to me, then."

You say, "True..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Wait, is that right? If so, I go over to finish that one


Eclipse [to Oriana]: Roll damage, not that you can fail, really... I'm just


Oriana rolled 7d10: 4, 3, 9, 6, 8, 4, 9; totalling 43.

<OOC> Oriana says, "4 damage"

The resolution of Octavius fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Your kris rams through its back and into the ground

below, putting its feeble movements to an end.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Koi says, "no one within range?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Not within melee range. The harpies in the air are now

beginning to descend toward you, though.

<OOC> Koi says, "Any clouds?"

<Login> Octavius has connected from 1Cust118.tnt2.warren

.mi.da.uu.net on Sun Jul 22 00:36:07 2001 EST.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Yes. Mostly cumulus.

Octavius has arrived.

<OOC> Koi says, "Anything I could get an archlightning out of?"

<OOC> Koi says, "you know...zap...zap...zap ;)"

<OOC> Koi cackles.

<OOC> Taetia says, "That reminds me.. How many background points would a

Jabberwocky's Eyestaff cost?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Sorry about my disappearnce, but I had a power otage and

my computer and the main on went on the fritz and took awhile to get them

working again."

<OOC> Oriana says, "np Oct"

<OOC> Octavius says, "thanks"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Not with just Forces. But Forces 3 / Prime 2 can make its

own lightning. Pay one success per target, and all Forces effects inflict

one additional success of damage. You could spend up to two turns gathering

the magic (+1 dif after the first turn) to add the successes. Dif 5 to start.

<OOC> You say, "Dream on, Tyson."

<OOC> Koi says, "How many turns till they arrive?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: Not this turn, but the end of next turn. You'd be taking

the risk of being attacked immediately after you complete your spell.

<OOC> Koi grins. "Mmmm...well...not if I get enough of them." :)

<OOC> Koi spends this round charging.

<OOC> Octavius says, "What did I miss?"

Oriana just stands there with her sword drawn waiting for the rest of the

harpies to get in range

Koi closes his eyes, gathering his magic, the air beginning to grow cold

around him.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Roll Arete.

<OOC> Koi rolls for this round, spends a wp

Koi rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 3; totalling 13.

<OOC> Koi says, "2 this round"

You say, "The trio of harpies near Taetia make an effort to fight their

invisible opponent. +2 dif to hit considering their close proximity sound

fair, Taetia?"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 5, 1, 10, 3, 2; totalling 21.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 3, 1, 8, 3; totalling 22.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 8, 9, 7, 5, 1; totalling 30.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hmm.. Ok."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: One gets a lucky claw attack in.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 7, 8, 10, 8, 3; totalling 36.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Err.. can I dodge?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "test"

<OOC> You say, "You didn't declare a dodge last turn. Besides, this is the

first time any of them have even attempted to attack you, so they have

something of the element of surprise on their side. In future turns, you can

sacrifice one of your actions to spend on dodges."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ok."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Armor soak Lethal 4.

Taetia rolled 1d10: 8; totalling 8.

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The claw rakes your back through the armor. (3 health


<OOC> Taetia says, "Nod"

<OOC> Oriana is wondering if we could maybe wrap this up soon-like...she has

to get up for work in far too few hours...

<OOC> You say, "I intend to stop after this combat."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: "Go."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, good deal."

Taetia pages, "Healing spell"

<OOC> You say, "I had to keep you busy so you didn't get only halfway through

the story's climax tonight..."

Taetia rolled 2d10: 1, 2; totalling 3.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh bugger."

<OOC> Oriana says, "OUCH"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Botch."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: The healing magic curdles within you. (+2 Scourge)

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ouchies..."

Taetia rolled 9d10: 5, 3, 5, 8, 4, 6, 10, 6, 3; totalling 50.

Taetia rolled 9d10: 8, 3, 5, 9, 10, 10, 8, 9, 1; totalling 63.

<OOC> Koi ughs.

Taetia nails two of the birds..

Taetia rolled 13d10: 1, 10, 7, 6, 8, 6, 10, 5, 10, 6, 4, 6, 1; totalling 80.

<OOC> Taetia says, "9 damage"

Taetia rolled 12d10: 10, 6, 3, 4, 3, 6, 5, 4, 9, 5, 6, 5; totalling 66.

<OOC> Koi says, "god...that is way too many dice."

<OOC> Taetia says, "8 damage"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: You cut both in half. The third limps away.

<OOC> Hugon says, "...That's just....just..."

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Go.

Oriana goes for the limping one...

Oriana rolled 6d10: 6, 5, 8, 5, 9, 10; totalling 43.

<OOC> Oriana says, "6 to hit"

Oriana rolled 10d10: 5, 7, 8, 10, 3, 8, 6, 9, 1, 8; totalling 65.

Eclipse [to Oriana]: Okay. THAT should do it. Man. What did it ever do to


<OOC> Oriana says, "And 6 damage."

<OOC> Oriana says, "It looked at me funny. <smirk>"

Eclipse [to Oriana]: You cut it in half...along the line of bilateral symmetry.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Called her a Halfling?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh wait..."

<OOC> Koi grins. "She's got the assassin's way down pat...beat them while

they're down..."

<OOC> Eclipse lol.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Go.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well I don't have much of a choice do I? Kill the wounded

or sit around doing nothing? (c;"

Koi finishes charging and unloads.

<OOC> Koi burns another wp

<OOC> Taetia says, "6 down, 7 to go. I think."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yup. But not for long...

<OOC> Koi says, "Lord I hope no one throws any mind magic at me soon."

Koi rolled 3d10: 4, 10, 1; totalling 15.

<OOC> Koi says, "ugh"

<OOC> Koi says, "1 that time...3 total"

Eclipse [to Koi]: So, do you want to split the attack or concentrate it?

<OOC> Koi says, "Split...maybe a lightning bolt in the chest will be enough to

scare them off. ;)"

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 7, 9; totalling 16.

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 7, 6; totalling 13.

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 2, 9; totalling 11.

Koi [to Eclipse]: do you ever roll 1's? :)

Eclipse [to Koi]: Three of them flee in terror.

<OOC> You say, "Only when I want to..."

<OOC> Koi grins

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 9, 4, 8, 1, 5, 2, 2, 10, 3; totalling 44.

<OOC> Koi says, "one!"

<OOC> Koi cheers!

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 9, 4, 5, 7, 4, 10; totalling 39.

<OOC> You say, "Just to make you happy, koi..."

<OOC> Hugon loans Eclipse his Vampire Dice. They work great for


<OOC> Koi yeays!

<OOC> Oriana knows those dice all too well...*shudder*

You say, "The other harpies also flee, spiraling away. An invisible opponent,

one that shoots lightning bolts, and a two foot tall critter that fights like

a wolverine? They'll find their next meal elsewhere."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 7h 0s IC Wiz Rub the amulet to summon the Supreme Being...

Oriana 7h 26s IC PC Fear the wrath of the Angst Halfling!

Koi 8h 26s IC Wiz

Hugon 57m 1m OOC PC Eustacio is online

Taetia 7h 3m IC PC

Octavius 19m 10m IC PC

--[Sun Feb 28 05:36:15 2651]--------------------------------[6 users; 0s lag]--

Taetia says, "Cowards!"

<OOC> Oriana giggles...she kind of likes her description...

<OOC> Koi grins.

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. About one-quarter of it remains.

<OOC> Octavius smiles

Oriana finishes up her Mountain Dew. *burp*

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. About one-quarter of it remains.

Taetia lands

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Almost none of it remains.

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Almost none of it remains.

Taetia says, "Well. That was invigorating."

Hugon finishes up his Barbequed Wench. *burp*

Oriana has received your page: "7 XP"

Taetia starts muttering a healing spell

Koi sighs, closing his eyes, mentally and physically taxed.

Taetia rolled 2d10: 9, 1; totalling 10.

Koi has received your page: "8 XP"

Taetia rolled 2d10: 7, 10; totalling 17.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 8, 8; totalling 20.

<OOC> Taetia says, "All better."

Taetia has received your page: "7 XP"

You say, "Two chapters tonight, folks. The flying thing really helped speed

up the game."

Oriana sheathes her sword and watches the harpies fly away. . o O (Now if we

can just get to Iphigenia in time...)

<OOC> Oriana woohoos!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Go us!"