Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

Eclipse (offline) is sitting on the rocking chair. Taetia (idle) is sprawled

out on the comfortable couch. The lumpy sofa is invitingly empty. The

Peanut Gallery contains no spectators.

You see Rahab (idle) here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Fri Jul 6 20:00:50 2001 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw22-pool

d206.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

You say, "Good evening, everyone."

Rahab claps. "Hello!"

Taetia says, "Allo!"

You say, "Where's everyone else?"

Taetia says, "Now we just need Koi and AlMarth.."

Taetia shrugs.

Taetia says, "Hey Eclipse, ya read Tradbook Order of Hermes?"

You say, "Koi's been idling on Arcana for four hours. I'll page him just in

case he didn't know we were starting late."

Rahab says, "Actually, he's just idling that character. He knows."

Koi has arrived.

Koi smiles.

Taetia says, "Lo Koi"

Koi says, "Hiya ;)"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: "You do realize I only own 15 WW books, don't you? And a

lot of them are electronic copies of the Vampire and Sabbat rules."

Taetia needs to find a sourcebook with more information on the Hermetic

Lichdom formula.

You say, "Three down and one to go."

Taetia says, "Ah."

Taetia says, "Master of the Arts mentions Lichdom, but doesn't go into detail."

You say, "AlMarth said he'd have to leave at 6:30, but as far as I know he's

supposed to be here."

Koi nods.

Taetia says, "Hmmm.. Must buy Dead Magic somewhere.."

Koi grins.

Koi says, "You lookin to become a lich? :)"

Taetia just wants more information on it

Taetia says, "You have that book?"

You say, "We'll give Al five more minutes, and then we'll start."

Taetia says, "Ok, I just read a description of it, and just from that I can

tell the Lichdom rite sucks as.."

Taetia says, "Ass too."

Koi grins.

Eclipse tries desperately to rehydrate himself. "It's too dang dry up here."

You say, "It's hot, too. I think I'm sweating faster than I can drink. Looks

like we should have our afternoon rainstorm in a few minutes, though. That

should cool things off."

Koi chuckles. "Altitude dehydrates you." :)

Eclipse drinks the rest of his flat Mountain Dew from yesterday.

Koi eeewwss.

You say, "Hey, it still has caffeine in it..."

You say, "I can even chug it without the bubbles tickling my throat."

Koi grins. "Well...I suppose it does have one virtue...."

You say, "At least it's COLD flat Mountain Dew."

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

You go in-character. Your actions now reflect your character and not

necessarily yourself.

User Gender Idle RP-Stat Threat Armour Inj Ins Fat Conscious?


Eclipse male 0s IC Wiz - - NON NON NON Awake

Taetia female 7m IC PC - - NON NON NON Awake

Rahab female 14m IC Wiz - - NON NON NON Awake

Koi male 1m IC Wiz - - NON NON NON Awake


Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

Eclipse is sitting on the rocking chair. Taetia (idle) is sprawled out on the

comfortable couch. The lumpy sofa is invitingly empty. The Peanut Gallery

contains no spectators.

You see Rahab (idle) and Koi (idle) here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Taetia says, "Be thankful you don't live here."

Taetia says, "First it was baking, then raining, then baking, then raining,

the humditity is killing me. Yesterday we had snow."

Taetia says, "And hail."

Taetia says, "And lightning."

Koi laughs.

Koi says, "sounds like hell on earth ;)"

You say, "When last we left our valliant (if still not quite named) cabal, you

had just run away from a storm and into the wake of the Golgothan Emperor's

flagship. Ahab has resumed being insane, and First Mate Vernon cut out his

tongue again."

Taetia says, "Oh yes. Mother nature didn't have enough left after regulating

the seasons for the rest of the world, so she just mixed it up for us. Other

than winter. we have twice the normal amount. It makes up for having the

other three seasons all at the same time"

<OOC> You say, "Doesn't Seatle have like the highest suicide rates because

it's always so rainy and depressing? I remember hearing that somewhere..."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There is no such thing as Seatle. It's something we tell


<OOC> Taetia says, "We don't want the rest of the world to know we have

Satan's summer home in our backyard."

<OOC> Koi hehs. "Seattle does though." :)

<OOC> You say, "So that whole WTO brawl was fabricated by a desperate and

bored national media?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Cgi."

Taetia looks at the ship "Well guys..It looks like it's show time.."

Taetia says, "I don't know if I can do this."

Rahab says, "Show?"

<OOC> You say, "The REAL reason Lucas made Jar-Jar. He was just a prototype

for much less tame villainy..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup"

Taetia looks down at Rahab. "Yeah. We're going to play pretend."

You say, "'Who goes there?' calls a sailor from the railing way up at the top

of the hull."

Rahab frowns. "That's a bad game."

<OOC> You say, "Lie, tanak, lie!"

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

You say, "No one here is a wint, are they?"

Koi walks along the edge of the deck, lookin up at the ship.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah, a moment. Do I know the Ba'Lak are acting as the

secret police of the empire?"

<OOC> Koi says, "wint?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nope"

You say, "Taetia, you don't know anything but what the Ba'lak have told you."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ok."

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 3, 7, 2, 5, 1, 1, 10, 10, 8; totalling 47.

Taetia says, "We're travellers, and we were caught in the storm. We almost

sank before we saw this clear patch you have. Do you mind if we wait out the

storm here?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Test"

sailor, "You are a foreign vessel sailing in Imperial waters in an effort to

spy on or sabotage an Imperial vessel. Either remove yourselves to a minimum

distance of one thousand feet from our ship or we will send a boarding party

to arrest you on counts of espionage. Do I make the Emperor's position on

this matter clear?"

Rahab looks bewildered. "What's he sayin'?"

Taetia turns and asks Ahab "Is there any chance we could survive the storm?"

<OOC> You say, "Roughly? 'Go to hell.'"

ahab, "No."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh.. for Life 6... I'd teach them a lesson."

<OOC> Taetia says, "1000 feet from the ship would be in the storm, yes?"

<OOC> You say, "Keep gushing about that book, Taetia, and I'm gonna buy it and

use it against you..."

Koi walks over to Rahab, kneeling next to her, and whispering. "Those me won't

let us stay...but if we leave...we'll die...so we have to figure out how to

stay here."

You say, "Oh yes."

Rahab frowns. "They're bad men...?"

Taetia calls out "Tossing us out in this storm would be murder! We're innocent

travellers! Surely, the few of us in this small ship could pose no threat to

such a large and well manned ship, with an obviously puissant mage aboard."

Koi nods slowly to the girl. "They are...but we need their help...so we have

to do whatever we can to keep ourselves from getting in more trouble."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've always wanted to use that word.."

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

Rahab says, "Except be bad."

<OOC> Taetia says, "As long as we don't run into Exemplars of the Qlippotic

Shards, I'm happy."

Sailor, "The liar speaks, and betrays her true intentions! Don't force me to

call the first mate."

Taetia says, "Call the first mate. I'd like to speak with someone other than a

common sailor with a swelled head!"

Koi turns Rahab to look her in the eye. "Would we be better off if we were

dead? Or if we lied, and didn't cause anyone any harm?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Damn Shan.. What I wouldn't give for my catapults.."

Rahab frowns, thinking as hard as she can. She turns to look at the empty

space beside her. "Dead?" It's not quite confident.

Sailor, "Would you like me to SHOW you my swelled head, liar? And _I'M_ not

enjoying this conversation half as much as YOU clearly are."

Taetia says, "Are you going to fetch the first mate, or waste my time

pretending you have the authority to make any decisions for that ship?"

Rahab has received your page: "'If we do what the stranger says, we'll be

killed. It's a very mean thing they're doing.'"

Rahab frowns. "But we have to make up for lying later, okay?"

Koi glances at the spot Rahab looks at, then back at her, reaching up to turn

her chin back toward him. "Yes Rahab...dead...so we have to do what we

can...so that the bad people don't hurt us."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Have I lied yet, actually?"

<OOC> Rahab thinks Koi's preparing for the eventuality.

Sailor, "Trust me. You don't want me to summon the second-in-command. He is

given to making sport of spies."

You say, "There is an actual look of pity in his eyes as he says it."

<OOC> Rahab also notes that "But we have to make up for lying" is directed at


You say, "No, Taetia, you haven't. But didn't you take the tanak curse? If

you did, you'd better start lying or making me WP checks, dif 8 (as a Pooka)."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nope."

<OOC> Taetia says, "You said I could buy it off."

<OOC> You say, "Okay. Must've misread the sheet earlier."

Taetia says, "We're not spies. Would a spy be stupid enough to venture into a

storm in this shitbucket? It'd mean our deaths to venture back into the


------------------------- Character Sheet for Taetia --------------------------

Taetie Den'Terra

Nature: Masochist Tradition: Weard

Essence: Questing Faction: Black Flame

Demeanour: Innocent Race: Tanak


Physical Social Mental

Strength: @OOOO Charisma: @OOOO Perception: @@@OO

Dexterity: @@@@@ Manipulation: @@@@O Intelligence: @@@@O

Stamina: @@OOO Appearance: @OOOO Wits: @@@OO

Specialisations: Dexterity (Combat), Manipulation (Deception), Intelligence



Talents Skills Knowledges

Alertness: @@OOO Melee: @@@@O Investigation: @@OOO

Athletics: @@OOO Stealth: @@@@O Medicine: @@@OO

Do: @@OOO Larceny: @@OOO Meditation: @OOOO

Dodge: @@@OO

Empathy: @@@@O

Specialisations: Empathy (Telepathy), Melee (Sword), Stealth (psy invis)


Correspondence: OOOOO Life: @@OOO Prime: @OOOO

Entropy: OOOOO Matter: OOOOO Spirit: OOOOO

Forces: @@@OO Mind: OOOOO Time: @@@OO

Specialty sphere: none

Adept Spheres: none

Inept Spheres: none


Avatar: @@@@@ Arcane: @OOOO Wonder: @OOOO


Dynamic: @OOOO Entropic: OOOOO Static: OOOOO

------------------------------Arete and Willpower------------------------------

Arete Willpower




Quintessence: @@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :Scourge

-----------------------------Purity and Corruption-----------------------------

Purity : 0 Corruption : 0

-------------------------------Merits and Flaws--------------------------------

Merits Flaws

Witchhunted 4

Nightmares 1

Shy 1

Hero Worship 1

-------------------------------Racial Qualities--------------------------------

Ambidextrous Legendary Dexterity-add su -1 Strength

Catlike Balance Sphere Natural: Time

Compulsive Liar Sphere Inept: Spirit


Weapon Difficulty Damage

Koi smiles slightly at Rahab. "We will...eventually...everything comes full

circle eventually."

Sailor, "You should have thought of that BEFORE you attempted to sail the

ocean in a fishing boat. What kind of idiot would try to sail to Golgotha in

a fishing boat, anyway? No, the only explanation is that you are spies

attempting to infiltrate our Empire in a vessel that will not raise


Taetia looks at Ahab and Vernon "You're sure we'd die if we went back in the


Rahab nods slightly, looking dubious. "But we won't do it unless we -have-


"Yes," he gurgles, "But keep him talking. Ocean storms don't last forever."

Taetia says, "Oh for the sake of Hemlock, we are not spies! We're not even

heading for Golgotha. We're only sailing in this floating pile of dog shit

because of neccessity."

<OOC> Eclipse oh dears.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Uh.. uh oh?"

Rahab pages, "What -has- Rahab been told about Hemlock?"

You say, "The soldier gives you a look as though you just molested his

children. 'Blasphemy! I will fetch your precious first mate for you.

_HE'LL_ show you how we deal with blasphemers and spies in the Empire!' He

marches away from the railing."

Taetia says, "Well. That worked."

<OOC> You say, "Yes, he keeps a bar of soap around for just such an


Koi . o O ( Oh great.... )

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, but was there a right thing to say?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "At least now we're out of the infinite "Yer a spy! No I'm

not!" loop."

You say, "The first mate arrives about a minute later, flanked on both sides

by six longbowmen. (everyone give me Per + Alertness checks, dif 7)"

Rahab rolled 5d10: 9, 9, 5, 8, 10; totalling 41.

Koi glances up at the boat, then at Rahab. "Get back, stay out of the way."

<OOC> Rahab says, "4 successes?"

Taetia rolled 5d10: 9, 6, 4, 10, 4; totalling 33.

Koi rolled 5d10: 5, 9, 9, 3, 2; totalling 28.

<OOC> Koi says, "2"

Rahab immediately scoots back to a relatively safe place, watching the first

mate and his longbowmen.

<OOC> Taetia says, "2"

(remotely) Rahab requeries. "what has Rahab been told about Hemlock?"

Rahab has received your page: "Hemlock was the god you were raised to worship

by YesFather. The first mate, by the way, is YesFather. "

You say, "If you made at least one success, you recognize the first mate as


Rahab pages, "The one that the Pretty lady tells me is bad."

Rahab has received your page: "Yes."

<OOC> Rahab reposes hers, based on new information.

<OOC> Koi coughs...

<OOC> Koi says, "Well...at least we don't have to go looking for him."

Taetia calls out in Kaldari "Many greetings, Master Variel."

Rahab doesn't need to be told to hide - she ducks behind the cabin as soon as

she sees the first mate, sobbing quietly.

Koi turns and stands, looking up at Variel and bowing. "Master..."

Taetia makes a graceful bow.

<OOC> Eclipse oh dears. "Remember the Ba'lak Code, because there are some

scary folks on board. Think before you do what you're doing..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Well...it's not like we're exactally in a strong position


<OOC> Taetia says, "I'm sorry.. No caffeine.. I can't think. Could we start

over at where we first saw Varient?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What part of the code are we forgetting?"

<OOC> Koi isn't sure either. ;)

You say, "Yes, we can. Rahab's pose works. Taetia and Koi don't know if

everyone on the ship is Ba'lak. Secrecy and not betraying the mission might

be at stake here..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh ok"

Taetia twitches upon seeing Varient. "Ah.. Greetings, first mate."

You say, "Remember, the Ba'lak don't operate in the open anymore for a


You say, ""

<OOC> Koi reposes then.

You say, "Variel seems surprised to see you in such an...odd vessel."

Koi looks up at the man, nodding respectfully.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's not our fault.. I said that ships were dry clean

only, but did they listen? Nooo."

You don't perceive a character by the name of "a sailor, Lower a rope ladder

to them. Finally, to the archers, If they will not board, kill them." around


Variel, "Board immediately."

Variel, "Lower a rope ladder to them," he orders a sailor.

Taetia says, "Of course. Ahab, do whatever it is you do when we board another


Variel "If they will not board, kill them," he tells his archers.

Taetia blinks a bit "Koi, fetch the epagan and the girl, if you would."

You say, "They lower a rope ladder to the deck of your ship. Vernon is

sweating profusely as he secures it to the deck."

Taetia collects her items while Ahab does whatever it is he does, then climbs

the ladder.

<OOC> You say, "My goal: make absent people angry that they couldn't be

here... Poor Beth..."

Koi nods to Taetia. "Of course..." He turns to collect Iph first...then find


Rahab is cowering in a corner, as far away from Variel as possible.

You say, "Iphigenia is clearly uncomfortable with this situation. Suddenly,

she speaks in a whisper, 'Icelas? We are headed to the capital of Alamor.

Hurry, before it's too late!'"

You say, "She then proceeds to climb the ladder."

Taetia waits a bit fretfully for the others

You say, "Ahab and Vernon climb."

Rahab is going to have to be carried or coaxed.

Koi picks Rahab up and carries her over to the ladder, kneeling next to her

again. "Climb...and look for me when I follow."

<Login> Hugon has connected from on Sat

Jul 7 19:01:55 2001 EST.

Rahab squeezes her eyes tightly shut and nods, although she's nearly paralysed

with terror. She pauses, as if waiting for someone to start climbing in

front of her, and then slowly starts climbing the ladder.

Hugon pages, "Hey, mind a lurker?"

Koi follows close behind Rahab.

Hugon has received your page: "Be my guest. You just missed the Friday

nighter allusion of the week, though..."

Hugon pages, "Doh"

Taetia waits for them to get to the top then turn to the sailor "Could you

show us to the first mate, please?"

From the Nexus: bing

Hugon has arrived.

You say, "Variel is standing right in front of you, his eyes feeled with

not-quite-hidden confusion. 'I am the first mate on this vessel.'"

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

Hugon rises from the comfortable couch.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

Rahab positions herself on the other side of Koi from Variel as soon as he is

off the ladder, hiding in terror.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I thought he left"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dammit, could you just ignore that, and wait three seconds

while I grab a coke"

<OOC> You say, "The sailor left, not Variel. np"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ok, all good"

Taetia turns to Variel "Greetings, I'm happy you decided to grant us succor

from the storm."

Variel, "Escort our guests to the brig. I will question them myself in a

short while. And have someone scuttle that stupid fishing boat."

You say, "He is clearly feigning ignorance of who you are, and avoids making

eye contact."

Taetia looks deeply surprised for a moment, before her features smooth out

Variel, "I do not show...succor...to traitors and spies. You are now my

prisoners. Expect to be treated as such.

Koi's face stays calm, though he reaches down to grab Rahab's wrist, making

sure she's not seperated.

You say, "The archers muscle you toward a large stair leading into the hull."

Rahab clings tightly to Koi's hand with both of hers.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Keep me safe. Keep me safe. Keep me safe..."

Taetia follows along feeling a bit betrayed

<OOC> Taetia says, "N/m that last pose.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Coke hasn't had time to work it's magic on my brain yet.."

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

<OOC> Koi bonks Rahab.

<OOC> Rahab grins.

Taetia follows along to the brig

Taetia eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

You say, "The brig is a cramped and bare with a metal door that the guards

lock behind you."

Taetia says, "Well. That was unexpected."

<OOC> Koi wonders how hard it would be to cast a sound dampener. ;)

<OOC> Koi says, "Nah...unecessary..."

You say, "Forces 2, dif 4 (w/ focus), 3 successes gathered."

Rahab curls up in the corner and cries.

Koi nods, lowering his voice. "Perhapes...unless he known as we know him by

everyone on this ship...and wishes to keep his own cover."

Taetia nods "Most likely."

Taetia says, "He'll probably come for us soon, then."

Rahab says, "Bad girl. Bad girl...."

Taetia looks at Rahab "Is she going to be allright?"

Koi turns toward the girl. "I hope..." He kneels down next to her again. "You

have to be strong...understand?"

Rahab looks at Koi, eyes barely coherent. "Goin' t' hurt me again..." She's

curled into a fetal position.

You say, "You hear the watchman/sailor's voice shouting overhead. 'Vessel off

the aft starboard. Flag of Anamap.'"

Taetia looks around "Think his listening in on us with magic?"

Koi says, "Rahab...close your eyes..."

Rahab obeys, trembling.

<OOC> You say, "THAT'S the kind of thing a GM likes to hear!"

Koi frowns and turns to Taetia. "I don't know D...perhapes..."

Taetia flinches just a little "Well. Nothing to do but wait then."

<OOC> Taetia says, "How big's the brig?"

Variel, "I will take care of it, my Lord. Men, load the catapults and prepare

to fire."

Taetia says, "Well. Looks like those poor bastards made a mistake coming

here.. Where's Anamap, anyways?"

You say, "The brig is significantly smaller than the fishing boat was. Make

sure to take shifts sleeping, because there's only enough space for two

adults to lie down at the time."

<OOC> Taetia says, "All of us fit in here?"

Koi turns back to Rahab, whispering softly to her. "Think of someplace you

like...someplace calm, and stay there..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ahab, Vernon, me, koi, Iphi, oriana, Almarth, Shan and


You say, "Anamap is the nation directly south of the Golgothan empire.

(that's already taking into account all the people who will still have to


<OOC> Taetia says, "nodnod"

Rahab murmurs "Bright place..." She does seem to calm.

<OOC> You say, "Ignore Shan. It's safe to say he's dropped. Maybe you killed

him as an example when he broke the mast..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Woo!"

<OOC> Koi likes that idea. ;)

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hopefully in a horrible fashion"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Exposed him to Santiago's underwear"

<OOC> You say, "Do you really need anymore Corruption Points?"

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Sat Jul

7 19:26:46 2001 EST

Hugon has lost his link.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Uh.. No?"

Taetia moves over to sit next to Iphigenia

You say, "The sounds of battle emanate from above you. A few *thcunks*

indicate that a few arrows have struck the hull, but no catapult ammunition

hits your vessel."

You say, "Iphigenia looks positively miserable, especially since there are no

doubt injured and dying people on the decks above."

Taetia hesitates for a moment, then puts a comforting arm over her shoulders

You say, "Ahab is gripping the bars in the window and pretending they are the

helm. Vernon is shaking noticeably."

You say, "Trembling, rather, and sweating. A lot. It really stinks in here,


<OOC> Taetia says, "I don't think any of us imagined it as spring time fresh."

You say, "Well, now it smells even worse."

Taetia says, "I wonder if that ship from Anamap was following us..."

The resolution of Hugon fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Taetia says, "Because if they were.."

Koi shakes his head. "They weren't...

You say, "Perhaps half an hour later, the sounds of battle fade. Many booted

feet tramp around on the deck."

Variel, "Kill them. Kill them all."

Koi frowns.

You say, "There are some pleas for mercy, and then anguished screams.

Iphigenia runs over to the door and bangs on it with her fist, crying loudly."

You say, "A little boy's voice wimpers and then fades away overhead."

Koi clenches his fists tightly, glaring at the door.

Rahab looks up, eyes widening. Renewed hysterical sobbing. "Nonononono...don't

hurt him. Don't take him to the bad place..."

Ahab, "Careful," he whispers through the foam on his lips. "If he even


Taetia nods silently "Im sure the master has dealt swiftly the invaders, may

Hemlock take them, and will soon turn his attention to us."

You say, "There are several splashes and then a flurry of activity in the

water, then silence except for the regular movements of the crew."

Koi closes his eyes and nods toward Taetia. "May Hemlock's will prevail."

Rahab sobs even more. "Bad god...don't talk bout the Bad god."

You say, "Another hour passes before you hear one set of footsteps coming down

the stairs.""

Taetia stands and moves to the doorway to wait

Rahab cowers into the corner, trying to hide.

Variel, "Tell Oriana to ward the room against our being overheard."

Taetia says, "Oriana, do as he says. Ward the room."

You say, "She glowers, but obeys.""

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 4, 10, 1; totalling 15.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 6, 10, 8; totalling 24.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 9; totalling 19.

Koi stands silent, watching the doorway, between Rahab and it.

You say, "When it is finished, Variel unlocks the door and opens it. He has a

small sack with a round object in it."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Back, shortly."

Taetia kneels swiftly, eyes down. "Master Variel."

Koi tempels his hands and bows deeply toward Variel. "Master..."

You say, "He smiles. 'I was not expecting to see you two in a fishing boat.

I thought you had more sense than that.'"

Taetia says, "It was neccessary. The other boat sank."

You say, "He waves a finger in an intricate pattern, and an invisible hand

grabs each of you (koi and taetia) by the throat, lifting you in the air and

choking you."

Taetia says, "Gasp, gurgle, choke"

<OOC> Koi bahs at Darth Vader. ;)

Koi's eyes widen and he struggles for breath, not making a sound.

Variel, "I did not ask for excuses. I thought you would at least be competent

enough to care for the vessel I provided for you!"

Taetia twitches, chokes and points a finger at Iphigenia

You say, "Iphigenia looks genuinely hurt. Variel drops you, but his smile is

now a scowl."

Koi falls and stumbles to his knees, gasping and taking in long draughts of


Variel, "Princess Iphigenia Guiltbearer, I presume. Where is your signet?"

Taetia catches her breath "Thank.. you.. Master."

Rahab scoots even further into the corner, trying not to be seen.

Iph, "I do not wear the ring of my father anymore," she hisses.

<OOC> Koi says, "afk for 30 seconds"

Variel, "What?!" he growls. He steps forward and slaps the Epagan across the

face. "What do you mean you don't wear it? ALL Guiltbearers wear the

signet. How else can you communicate your peril to your father?"

Variel, "Does he even know you are missing, yet?"

You say, "She says nothing. Variel turns to Koi and Taetia."

Variel, "Well? Did you leave some trace of your passing?"

Taetia looks at Koi

Koi coughs once more. "We...we came with all speed...Master...he may not have

yet found trace of our work."

Taetia pages, "That ring Argos gave me is essentially similair to what his

looking for, isn't it?"

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust85.tnt1.midland.mi

.da.uu.net on Sat Jul 7 19:58:12 2001 EST.

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. Almost all of it remains.

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. About two-thirds of it remains.

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. Half of it remains.

Taetia has received your page: "Yes, it is."

<OOC> Taetia waits for the ass kicking to begin..

Variel, "I specifically remember giving you orders to leave a trail. I want

him to be there when his daughter dies.

You say, "btw, he did NOT give you those orders..."

Taetia looks up at him, starting to show some fear

<OOC> Koi says, "I figured. ;)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Varient is trying for the asshole of the year award.."

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

<Logout> Rahab has disconnected on Sat Jul

7 20:03:16 2001 EST

Rahab has lost her link.

<OOC> Koi tries to figure out which way to lie here.

Variel, "Very well. I will remedy the situation. .

You say, "But you have made many mistakes, dears D and Koi..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Woo! Thank's for saving me the trouble. ;)"

<Login> Rahab has connected from cc571337-a.ftwyn1.in.ho

me.com on Sat Jul 7 20:04:27 2001 EST.

Rahab has connected.

<OOC> Rahab Watches her computer reboot.

You say, "He turns his attention to Oriana."

Taetia reaches into a pocket and pulls out a golden ring "I i is thi this what

you wanted from her?"

Koi bows his head to look at the floor.

Variel, "Ah yes. Excellent. Then Argos knows exactly where you are."

Variel, "I have a gift for you, little one. One of your friends, I think."

Taetia looks a bit relieved

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

You say, "He grabs the sack by the bottom and dumps out its contents - a

halfling man's head. Oriana screams and curses him. Variel smiles in


<OOC> Koi ahhhells...

<OOC> Hugon winces.

<OOC> Koi says, "Oriana's husband I presume?"

<OOC> You say, "And she's not here to play the real reaction..."

<OOC> Koi says, "I'd imagine she'd rush him...since she's not held back


You say, "No. Just a random halfling."

Taetia slides the ring back into a pocket and keeps looking at the floor

You don't perceive a character by the name of "Rahab. I do not remember

sending one of Hemlock's Lambs along with you..." around here.

Rahab shrieks.

Koi only looks up just barely, to see Oriana...muscles tensing incase he needs

to move quickly.

Variel, "I do not remember sending one of Hemlock's Lambs along with you..."

Taetia says, "We found her stowed away on the ship, Master."

Taetia says, "We saw her signet ring, and thought she belonged to you?"

You say, "Variel smiles, 'Oh, she belongs to me. She is my own flesh and

blood, but I chose her for Hemlock weeks ago.' Then to Rahab, 'You been a

very, very bad little girl. You must be punished.' He smiles as he says it,

as though he is looking forward to punishing her."

Taetia doesn't want to see and keeps her eyes down

Koi's eyes narrow slightly, fists clenching.

You say, "Variel glances at Taetia in surprise. 'D, such sqeamishness is

unlike you. Perhaps you would like to punish my daughter yourself?""

<OOC> You say, "You know what they say about turnabout, don't you?"

Taetia forces herself to look up "Only if it would please you master. It's

merely been a long hard day, and I'm very tired."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Errr.. It sucks?"

<OOC> Koi grins.

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 4, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3; totalling 25.

Rahab backs up further into the corner. "Nononononono! I'll be good,

YesFather, I'll be a Good Girl."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh fuck."

<OOC> Koi cackles.

Variel, "Come with me little one. You have been very bad, but I will punish

you. Maybe you will learn to be a good girl before you join the pretty lady

on the altar.

Taetia says, "And what of us, master?"

Taetia says, "Shall we remain here?"

You say, "He holds out his hand to Rahab."

Koi clears his throat gently. "Sir...if we are still to be prisoners...perhapes

she should stay here for now..."

<OOC> Koi ducks for cover.

Variel, "I will not disturb your rest, D. You will need your strength for the

journey ahead."

Taetia nods

You say, "Well, Rahab. What are you doing?"

<OOC> You say, "Hmm... "To Die For..." just came up. I wonder what that

could mean..."

Taetia says, "I am of course, always ready and willing to serve, if you'd

prefer my company to that of the child."

Variel, "I am sure she will quite wear me out, D, though I will think of you


Taetia nods

<OOC> Eclipse nudges Rahab. "Whatcha doin?"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Sorry. "

<OOC> Rahab's mother showed up. Havens, that woman is chatty.

<OOC> Eclipse grins. "Yes, she is."

Rahab looks at the empty space, then to Variel, face terrified, then angry.

"Don't hurt the pretty lady. She's not yours. She's all mine!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well.. there went my attempt to be self sacrificing.."

Rahab has received your page: "'I think he means the OTHER pretty lady -


Koi says, "Sir...would it be safe...if the men on board saw you setting a

prisoner free?"

<OOC> You say, "Noted, Taetia..."

<OOC> Koi grins. "I thought it rather nobel."

Rahab pages, "was that from my avatar?"

Variel, "They have long since grown accustomed to my...inquiries... You don't

think you were the first people in the brig on this voyage, did you?"

Rahab has received your page: "yes."

Koi bows his head. "No sir...but....inquiring a child?"

Rahab's fury fades a little bit, but she's taken that one small step. She

crosses her arms. "You -hurted- me."

You say, "Variel's eyes narrow. 'Since when did you start questioning my

decisions, Koi?""

You say, "He doesn't look at Rahab, but it is clear he is talking to her.

'Yes, and after you've been such a bad girl, I'm going to hurt you a lot


Variel, "Now come here before I grow angrier!"

Taetia says, "Such a frail child.. Surely her limitations are easily reached,

and broken. Of course, I don't suppose it matters, as she'll be given to


Koi lowers his head further, though his muscles are still tense. "I would

never question you master...I only wish for our success..."

Rahab steps slowly forward, fear winning out over momentary rebellion

Eclipse rolled 8d10: 2, 1, 4, 10, 3, 8, 1, 6; totalling 35.

Rahab has received your page: "What's your current WP?"

Rahab pages, "Full up - 6."

Eclipse rolled 8d10: 8, 7, 10, 7, 6, 2, 8, 5; totalling 53.

<OOC> You say, "Hmmm..."

You say, "Variel takes Rahab by the hand, leads her out of the brig, and locks

the door behind him."

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh? We don't even get to jump him from behind?"

<OOC> Koi darns.

<OOC> Taetia says, "The ward still up?"

You say, "Yes.""

Rahab has received your page: "He leads you to his room and locks the door."

<OOC> Koi says, "Can we hang on a sec?"

Taetia looks at Oriana "How long will the ward last?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sure"

(remotely) Rahab doesn't resist. Does the pretty lady come with us?

"rahab," is not the name of any player.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bad Koi! Getting us all killed is bad!"

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

<OOC> Koi says, "Grrr....nature is a bitch some times....argh."

<OOC> Rahab giggles. "No! Bad Koi!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bad Koi. No quintessence."

Rahab has received your page: ""He smiles, 'Tell me, Rahab, why did you run

away from the nice men at the altar?'"

<OOC> Koi says, "Bah...I don't have any left..."

You say, "The ward will last until sunset."

<OOC> Koi says, "Fine, I'll let him leave...but you have about 10 min before I

try to break down the door."

Koi stands as soon as the door closes, anger and fire in his eyes.

Taetia says, "We can speak freely then, if quietly."

<OOC> You say, "brb"

(remotely) Rahab (thinking: Koi said that if you make it up, you can lie to

Bad People. And YesFather was bad. ) She closes her eyes. "Because they

were hurting me an' I was scareded."

Koi turns to Taetia. "We -must- stop him."

Taetia looks down "We can't."

Koi glares. "Yes we -can-...if you help me.

<OOC> You say, "b"

Taetia says, "I don't think I can. Didn't you feel it, when he was here?"

Rahab has received your page: ""He frowns. 'Hemlock knows if you're lying,

Rahab, and he'll punish you far more if you don't tell me the truth.'"

(remotely) Rahab frowns right back. "Hemlock's a Bad God, and I don't like


<OOC> Taetia says, "Test?"

Koi steps forward, "Yes you can...would you rather he have his way..." His

voice lowers even more. "Would you rather Rahab change her name to D?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Oh...we're still here man...muwah."

Taetia flinches "No..."

Rahab has received your page: "'Hemlock is the Great Father, Rahab. Who has

been telling you these lies?'"

Koi says, "Then help me think..."

(remotely) Rahab bites her lip. "The pretty lady." she confesses.

Taetia says, "Didn't Argos want to deal with him?"

Rahab has received your page: "'Yes, the pretty lady.' A long pause. 'You

clearly possess many of my gifts, Rahab. I can make you a Good Girl without

having to punish you. Would you like that?'"

Koi growls. "Argos isn't here..."

(remotely) Rahab nods. "I want to be a Good Girl, YesFather..."

Taetia pulls out the ring "We could invite him for the party."

Rahab has received your page: "'Good. I knew you could be a Good Girl, Rahab.

I want you to be a Good Girl. Lie down on the bed.'"

(remotely) Rahab nods and lies down. "'Cause if I'm a Good Girl, you'll love

me and won't have to punish me..."

Koi glances at the ring. "How?"

Taetia looks at Iphigenia "You know how to use one of these things to

communicate with your father, right?

Rahab has received your page: "'Yes, daughter.' He takes a bag from under the

bed and removes a tiny paint kit. 'Now close your eyes. I'm going to draw a

picture on your face."

(remotely) Rahab closes her eyes.

You say, "Iphigenia shrugs. 'I lack the right magic for that. If he knows

that Variel is here, though, he will come, maybe. I don't know how to tell

him, though.'"

Taetia says, "What does it take?"

Rahab has received your page: ""The paint is cold as he puts it on your face.

Suddenly, you know that you have been a Bad Girl, and that YesFather is a

Good Guy, not like the Bad People in the dungeon."

(remotely) Rahab <ooc> Well, shit.

You say, "Cor 2, dif 4, 2 suc."

(remotely) Rahab relaxes.

Taetia turns to Oriana "You're good with correspondance. Could you give this a


Rahab has received your page: "'Now. I want you to stay with the Bad People

and watch them for that. Don't let them know that they're bad, though, or

they will do Bad Things to you. When they come here, tell them that the

Pretty Lady sent me to my room. Can you do that, Rahab? Do you understand,

my Good Girl?'"

You say, "Oriana nods."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 6; totalling 16.

Eclipse rolled 8d10: 7, 1, 9, 7, 3, 1, 7, 5; totalling 40.

You say, "She makes contact with Argos. What exactly do you want to say?"

(remotely) Rahab nods. "Just watch them and see what Bad Things they do?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Something along the lines of we've found Variel for him,

please come and do something about him before he tortures Rahab to death and

kills us all?"

<OOC> Koi says, "sounds good. ;)"

Rahab has received your page: "'Yes. And make sure they know the Pretty Lady

sent me to my room. Now, I don't want them to think I wasn't telling the

truth. So, could you scream for me a lot? You'd be such a Good Girl."

(remotely) Rahab nods. "YesFather. Can I open my eyes?"

Rahab has received your page: "'Yes, you can.'"

(remotely) Rahab does so. "Start screaming now?"

Rahab has received your page: "He nods."

(remotely) Rahab screams at the top of her lungs.

You say, "Screams of a little girl suddenly echo throughout the hull of the


Argos "What is your current situation?"

Eclipse rolled 8d10: 7, 7, 1, 4, 4, 9, 4, 1; totalling 37.

Koi turns toward the door with malice in his eyes, clearing his mind and

preparing to cast.

Rahab has received your page: "Suddenly, your skin catches fire. The screams

are even more real now. (Agg 5)"

Taetia says, "Don't do it Koi.."

You say, "Argos abruptly appears next to you."

<OOC> Koi says, "wow...that was fast."

Taetia smiles happily "I'm so glad you're here."

Rahab has received your page: "YesFather vanishes into thin air."

<OOC> You say, "Gotta love parallel scenes, yes?"

(remotely) Rahab <OOC> Ow!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Mmm yup"

<OOC> Koi says, "Hmmm...do I see him? :)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dammit. I'm not hallucinating!"

You say, "Um. Yes. He IS in the brig with you..."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Koi says, "Not that...I mean if I'm preparing to blow the door out...is

he in my line of sight?"

Eclipse [to Koi]: You can make the effort

<OOC> Koi has a Guardian Nature...and A flaw that doesn't allow him to turn

down someone in need...so, well, I dunno.

<OOC> Koi says, "Well...'Just' need...but I think this fits that."

You say, "Go for it. Forces 3 / Prime 2? Dif 5."

<OOC> Koi plops in a point of willpower.

Koi rolled 3d10: 2, 3, 10; totalling 15.

Taetia sighs.

<OOC> Koi says, "Sorry...."

<OOC> Koi says, "2...counting willpower."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Did he even lock the door?"

You say, "That's 4 dam, enough to shatter the lock."

<OOC> You say, "Yes, he did."

(remotely) Rahab tries rolling around to stop the flames.

Rahab has received your page: "The flames vanish as quickly as they appeared,

though they burned off most of your clothes and all of YesFather's paints."

Taetia says, "That likely attracted his attention. Shall we go now?"

Koi steps forward to kick the door. "Yes..."

You say, "There is a lot of noise upstairs, now."

(remotely) Rahab keeps screaming anyway.

You say, "You follow the sounds of the screams to a locked wooden door."

Taetia walks along slightly behind Iphigenia, holding her hand

<OOC> Koi hmmms....

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Iph is too distracted by worry to notice.

Koi extends his hands toward the door, intending to do the same thing to this


Taetia is holding it for her own peace of mind.

You say, "Go for it."

<OOC> Koi says, "Another point of willpower"

Koi rolled 3d10: 5, 9, 8; totalling 22.

<OOC> Taetia says, "I presume the rest of us are standing behind argos?"

You say, "Sure."

<OOC> Koi says, "4"

<OOC> Koi says, "Assuming the diff is the same."

Taetia says, "Somebody needs to teach this boy how to knock.."

(remotely) Rahab <OOC> I'm just -waiting- to hear what my Avatar has to say

about all of this :P

You say, "The door splinters into sawdust. Rahab is rolling on the ground

nearly naked, her skin a mass of burns."

Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Eclipse (#320) 3 hours 0 seconds Malakai

Rahab (#316) an hour 29 seconds Malakai

Taetia (#323) 4 hours a minute Malakai

Koi (#329) 5 hours a minute Malakai

Hugon (#325) an hour 18 minutes Malakai

Total: 5 players, 4 of whom have been active recently.

Taetia says, "Hi."

Rahab screams frantically.

<OOC> You say, "Hi?!?"

Koi steps through, looking for Variel

Taetia says, "Master Variel? Theres someone who would like to meet you."

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

You say, "Variel does not appear to be in the room. Iph runs to help Rahab."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 1, 3, 2; totalling 6.

Rahab sobs wildly.

<OOC> Koi says, "Ouch..."

<OOC> Rahab sobs here too.

<OOC> Taetia says, ""She's a witch! She turned Rahab into a newt! Burn her!""

You say, "She shakes her head. 'These are terrible wounds. What kind of a

monster would do this to a child?'"

<OOC> Koi says, "Checks for movement in the forces about the room....to see if

it really -is- empty."

<OOC> Koi says, "Burn her!!"

<OOC> You say, "BTW, Rahab has taken Agg5..."

<OOC> You say, "Earlier, I mean..."

<OOC> Koi says, "....-ouch-..."

<OOC> Hugon groans. "Owww".

You say, "Oh, it's empty alright."

Rahab whimpers and sobs. "Pretty lady...sent YesFather to's room..." she


<OOC> You say, "especially for a kid, 'ow'"

<OOC> Rahab gets all the bad luck.

You say, "Booted feet thunder on the stairs."

Argos "Gentlemen. There is nothing to see down here."

Taetia steps behind Argos again

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 1, 7, 2, 4, 9, 4, 1, 7, 10; totalling 45.

Koi frowns, turning toward the door again. "Get her on her feet...this is

goint to get rough."

You say, "The sailors turn and go back up the stairs."

<OOC> Koi says, "Orr...."

Koi watches, then lowers his fists. "What happened?"

Argos "What, in Nightfire's name is going on here? This is the damned

Emperor's flagship!"

Argos "Weak minds may yet still be useful to me.

Taetia says, "Well. We were on that little boat, and then there was a storm,

and we kinda ran into to it and met Variel. Then he tortured Rahab and we

sent for you."

Rahab's sobs are slowly ceasing.

Koi turns to the girl, looking at Iph. "Will she be alright?"

You say, "She shakes her head. 'Her wounds require special treatment, and I

have used up all my divine favors, for now. I need to find a High Point to

help her.'"

<Login> Zyka has connected from on Sat Jul

7 21:27:40 2001 EST.

Koi glances down at the girl. "Then...that is where we will go."

Zyka has received your page: "You missed a weird session yesterday..."

Rahab whimpers quietly.

Taetia says, "How? He sank our boat. And we certainly can't borrow this one."

Zyka pages, "What happen?"

Zyka has arrived.

Zyka has received your page: "Too much for me to page. The log is up."

Zyka sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Yo."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Howdy ho."

Koi looks up at Taetia. "Why not?"

Taetia says, "I don't think the crew would approve. They do think we're spies

after all.."

Koi points at Argos. "Then...he'll just have to make them approve..."

Argos "I could do that, but it will take some time. Give me a moment."

You say, "He starts counting down from 100. His words become slower and

slower, and then he stops at 90."

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 9, 6, 7, 7, 2, 6, 6, 5, 4; totalling 52.

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 6, 1, 9, 6, 10, 9, 6, 3, 6; totalling 56.

Rahab pages, "I take it her avatar is remaining silent until consulted?"

You say, "He becomes motionless."

Rahab has received your page: "Something like that..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "His dead Jim."

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 7, 2, 8, 7, 4, 7, 3, 9, 6; totalling 53.

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 8, 1, 1, 9, 1, 1, 1, 6, 2; totalling 30.

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 7, 1, 4, 8, 3, 10, 2, 8, 8; totalling 51.

<OOC> Koi says, "That was a lot of 1's..."

Eclipse rolled 9d10: 6, 6, 5, 2, 7, 10, 2, 8, 5; totalling 51.

<OOC> Rahab says, "That's a lot of 1's."

<OOC> Rahab eyes Koi.

<OOC> Koi nudges Rahab.

<OOC> Taetia hands Rahab his Leadmaster 5000

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's the one Eus gave me, so I don't quite trust it."

Rahab appears to be trying to watch through her pain.

You say, "He comes out of the brief trance. 'Well, that was exhausting. The

crew should be my willing slaves now, though."

<OOC> You say, "It isn't easy getting that many successes in a single turn,

even with Time 4."

Taetia says, "This is the third boat we've had in under a week. I wonder

what'll sink this one."

<OOC> Hugon cackles. He has his ST-noculars now, so he doesn't need the

Leadmaster 5000.

Rahab frowns infinitesimally.

Koi leans down and puts a hand on Rahab's shoulder gently. "We'll get you well


Taetia says, "Where'll we go now? Perhaps we should get Oriana to ward the

boat and keep Variel away.."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 4, 9, 1; totalling 14.

Rahab flinches at the touch, but nods at Koi. "Okay." She sounds a little


Eclipse rolled 3d10: 8, 4, 2; totalling 14.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 5, 7, 5; totalling 17.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 4, 8, 7; totalling 19.

<OOC> Taetia says, "So Rahab sent Variel into the cornfield?"

You say, "Oriana eventually manages to ward the ship. The captain now looks a

bit more like Ahab, and the entire crew foams at the mouth."

Taetia says, "Good Gods, Ahab's been spawning."

<OOC> You say, "The cornfield?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Didn't see that episode of the twillight zone?"

<OOC> Koi whimpers...

<OOC> You say, "Nope."

<OOC> Koi grins. "Or the cartoon..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Shush, you'll give him ideas...@#;+)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Little kid with godly powers, sent anyone who pissed him

off into the 'cornfield' from whence they didn't come back. That or turned

them into jack in the boxes"

<OOC> Koi giggles.

<OOC> Koi says, "That was a fun episode. ;)"

<OOC> You say, "I DID see the episode of Star Trek with the boy who could make

people disappear. Pretty much the same premise..."

Koi turns to Iph. "Where is the nearest...high point?"

You say, "Looks like smooth sailing from here."

<Logout> Zyka has disconnected on Sat Jul

7 21:39:50 2001 EST

Zyka has lost her link.

Taetia says, "Hopefully."

Iph, "I don't know. We'll have to find one when we reach land."

Taetia turns to Argos "Thanks for the help.

Argos "Thank-you for your help, as well. A lot of lives depend on the

destruction of the Ba'lak's influence on this side of the Sun Realms.

You say, "The trip (believe it or not) DOES pass quietly, and you soon reach

the port of Landsend."

Taetia looks to speak with Iphigenia alone at some point

Koi needs to talk with Rahab too. ;)

You say, "Alright. Go for it, folks."

Taetia pages, "*Finds a moment to talk privatley with her.*"

Koi makes sure Rahab is set up in a bed and is comfortable, then sits down

next to her to ask her. "Did you talk to him before he left?"

Taetia has received your page: "Not a problem."

Taetia pages, ""Umm.. I need to ask you some things...""

Taetia has received your page: "'Sure, Taetia. What is on your mind?'"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Jussamin."

The resolution of Zyka fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Taetia pages, ""You heard what AlMarth said to me, when.. when I went over the

side? Is it true?""

Taetia has received your page: "(ooc) I'm drawing a blank here, Tyson..."

Taetia pages, "((He told me he though Taetia was pregnant..))"

Taetia has received your page: "'Yes. I remember that.'"

Taetia pages, ""Was he right? Is it true?""

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 4, 7, 1; totalling 12.

Taetia has received your page: "She shakes her head. 'Not at this time.'"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 6, 2, 9; totalling 17.

Rahab nods. "A lil'..."

Taetia pages, "Sighs a bit in relief "Well. Thats some good news at least.""

Koi [to Rahab]: What did he ask you?

Taetia pages, "frowns now. "It's not just that.. I think theres something

wrong with me.""

Rahab says, "He want'd t' know who'd been telling me lies 'bout Hemlock."

Koi says, "Did he say what kind of lies?"

Taetia has received your page: "Your Awakening put an end to that. Mother and

child very rarely Awaken simultaneously."

<OOC> You say, "ANGST AWAY!!!"

Rahab says, "Tol' him Hemlock was a Bad god."

Taetia pages, ""What?!""

<OOC> Hugon smells the Angst and brings out the Angst-repellant. "Anti-Angst


<OOC> Koi laughs.

Taetia has received your page: "'Wrong? Awakening can have many side-effects.

For me, I lost all desire to be a part of my own family. It drew me out of

my father's service and into the service of all people. It felt like it was

my choice, but my Awakening certainly influenced the way I pursued my


<OOC> You say, "It's not much of Anti-Angst cabal anymore, is it?"

Koi nods to Rahab. "What did you tell him?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, for some of them it is, but, uhh, after last night..."

Taetia pages, "whispers "I was wondering what'd happened to me. What do I do


Rahab says, "Tol' him th' Pretty Lady tol' me."

<OOC> You say, "Two words - pregnant pooka. You've even got some alliteration

in there..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Muahaha!"

Koi [to Rahab]: Is that why he hurt you?

Koi [to Rahab]: Is that why he hurt you?

<OOC> Taetia says, "13 yr old pooka, no less."

<OOC> Koi dohs.

<OOC> Koi eyes you both...."Pooka?"

Taetia has received your page: "'Listen to the within. You will know your

destiny by the whispering of Epaga in your ear.'"

<OOC> Hugon says, "We kind of visited a place with many Fae...it was...an


Taetia has received your page: "(ooc) I love spreading discord and worry on

days when the PCss aren't actually playing..."

<OOC> Koi whimpers.

Taetia pages, "((Well. I guess that makes the question of whether Tanaks have

single children, or litters moot.))"

Rahab hesitates a tiny bit before nodding.

<OOC> You say, "They were lots of fun. I wish Al and Zyka could have been


Taetia pages, ""I don't know how to do the things you all do. Could you teach

me how?""

<OOC> Hugon is telling Zyka about it right now, actually.

Taetia has received your page: "'What is it you would like to learn?'"

Koi nods quietly. "Did you talk about anything else? About me...or Tae...or

Al'Marth, or Oriana?"

<OOC> You say, "Poor thing. Maybe I should have included her the way I

'included' Naphtali..."

<OOC> Hugon snickers.

<OOC> You say, "What are YOU laughing at, 'Spirit Warden' - or should I call

you 'Man Very Puzzled'?"

Taetia pages, ""I don't know anything. I don't even know how to do these


<OOC> Rahab listens to her father describe the party he was at last night.

Taetia has received your page: "'Well, you have to live your life in

accordance with Epaga's principles. Prayer, selflessness, self-denial, love,

and song. Live a simple life of service to all, and the power will use you

to do wonderful things.'"

<OOC> Hugon nods. "Sure, just because you have the Owl taunt me...@#;+)"

Rahab shakes her head. "No."

Taetia has received your page: "(ooc) Paradigm is EVERYTHING, of course."

<OOC> You say, "You were the one pretending to have the fever, Hugon..."

Taetia pages, "ooc What? She can't even teach the basics, like being able to

conciously do magic?"

Koi smiles at Rahab. "Does he still think we're loyal?"

<OOC> Hugon decides he'll just be quiet for now, not at all thinking about

last night...honest...

<OOC> Rahab says, "My -father- drank more last night than I do on a good night

at the bar. Jeezum."

Rahab hesitates, then nods.

Koi smiles. "Okay then..." He reaches out and pulls a blanket over Rahab. You

sleep...we'll be there soon enough...and you'll feel better."

Taetia pages, ""I don't think I could do that.""

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Taetia has received your page: "(ooc) Some paradigms mix better than others.

Weards use ritual to produce magic, and Epagans use their lifestyles and

faith to produce results. One is a demand. The other is a surrendering to

something greater. You can learn things from her by example, but your

perception of the SOURCE of those Effects will be skewed from hers. Let's

say she teaches you to heal with a lullaby. For her, the music is only a

focus for the faith, a reflection of her way of life. For you, though, the

magic would be in the words and the music and the pronunciation. Make sense?"

Rahab nods quietly, looking worried.

Taetia pages, "Ah.. I see."

Taetia has received your page: "So, you might want to instead ask her to SHOW

you how to use magic."

Taetia pages, ""Could you show me how?""

Taetia has received your page: "'What is it you would like to learn?'"

(remotely) Rahab whispers to the pretty lady, when she's pretty sure Koi can't

hear, "Will you help me be a Good Girl for YesFather?"

Taetia pages, ""Perhaps healing first?""

Rahab has received your page: "'Of course, Rahab. I want you to be a Good

Girl.' She looks at you kind of funny, though."

(remotely) Rahab frowns. "What's wrong?"

Taetia has received your page: "'She begins a sweet gentle song and then lays

down her hands on the target.'"

Rahab has received your page: "'I think I might have a cold.' She coughs, and

blood drips down her chin."

<OOC> You say, "How can I resist the urge to be creepy?"

Taetia pages, "pays attention. When she's done, I give it a try."

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Koi says, "Creepy is fun. ;)"

Taetia has received your page: "roll me an Arete, dif 6. 2 suc."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 4, 1; totalling 10.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hehehe.. botch"

<OOC> Koi says, "...Doh!!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Botches bad...bad like Eus Mojo..."

<OOC> Koi grins.

<OOC> Eclipse laughs.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Koi, did you leave Rahab alone?"

<OOC> Hugon crawls over to Tyson and starts injecting his Mojo into him.

Taetia has received your page: "'You get all the words and tunes and motions

mixed up, and something goes...wrong. (+3 Scourge)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eeeeewww! Stop it! I don't you injecting ANYTHING into me!"

Taetia pages, "frowns "It didn't work. Should I try again?""

<OOC> Koi says, "He watches her quarters..."

<OOC> You say, "Yeah, only AlMarth is allowed to do that..."

<OOC> Hugon hopes that expelled his bad mojo.

Taetia has received your page: "She nods."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 7, 2, 9; totalling 18.

<OOC> You say, "A botch and a backlash would be interesting..."

<OOC> Rahab says, "No, is he in the room?"

<OOC> Taetia cralws through the monitor and throws up the bad mojo into

Eclipses Mountain Dew

Taetia has received your page: "This time, you get everything in just the

right sequence."

<OOC> Koi says, "Not unless he has a reason to be."

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. About one-third of it remains.

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. About three-quarters of it remains.

Taetia has received your page: "You have never felt this much power going

through you."

(remotely) Rahab reaches out. "What's wrong, Lady? You're sick."

Taetia pages, ""Oh, wow.""

(remotely) Rahab isn't speaking quietly any more.

Taetia has received your page: "You have half-remembered Ba'lak rituals and

spells dancing through your mind, begging you to try them."

Taetia pages, ""I think I see how it works now.." Gives one a try"

Rahab has received your page: "'Maybe it was all that sea air. I shall be

glad to see dry land again. But you are far more hurt than I, Rahab.'"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What I need is Prime 7. Then EVERYONE will suffer for my


Taetia has received your page: "Pick one. I just gave you an excuse to have

access to your Spheres..."

(remotely) Rahab shakes her head, a little frantic "You -never- get hurt,

Lady...Can I help?"

Taetia pages, "Ok. I give a try at a life sensing one."

<OOC> You say, "I'm not joking, Taetia. You are only making me want that book

more! NPCs will get Prime 7 long before you will..."

Taetia has received your page: "sure."

<OOC> Taetia says, "What I need is prime 9. Then entire personal universes

will suffer for my scourge."

<OOC> Hugon winces. "Please don't let him get it...please don't let him get


<OOC> Taetia says, "I need entropy 7/prime 7. Then entire species will suffer

for my scourge.."

Rahab has received your page: "There is nothing you can do for me. I feel as

though someone has tied a rope around my heart and is yanking it. It hurts."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Or just because I like making them suffer"

Taetia pages, "I look over Iphi, then myself with it"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 4, 1, 9; totalling 14.

(remotely) Rahab (in that whiny demanding little-kid voice) "Who hurt you?

Tell me!"

(remotely) Rahab imagines Koi could probably hear her talking to someone if

he's watching the quarters.

Taetia has received your page: "1 success. (Your difs will be a little higher

until you practice a bit more...in important situations, please)"

Rahab has received your page: "Start saying it out loud, then."

Taetia pages, "((gotcha)) What time is it?"

Rahab whines, demandingly. "Who hurt you? Tell me!"

Rahab has received your page: "She turns away from you, refusing to look into

your eyes."

Taetia has received your page: "It is early night, now."

<OOC> Koi blinks.

Rahab has received your page: "'It is getting late, Rahab. You need your rest

if you want to grow up strong and healthy..."

Taetia pages, "Nods, and yawns "This has been fascinating, but it's been a

long day. I don't suppose I could ask a favor?""

<OOC> Koi says, "Who was that aimed at Rahab?"

Taetia has received your page: "'Yes?'"

<OOC> Rahab says, "You don't know. But you can hear it."

<OOC> Koi eyes.

Koi cracks the door open, looking in. "Is something wrong Rahab?"

Taetia pages, ""Could I stay with you tonight? I'm.. afraid..""

Rahab appears to be talking to empty air. "How can I sleep if you're hurt?"

Taetia has received your page: "She purses her lips. 'You have been through a

lot in the last week. But you will only turn a cold into a fever if you come

to depend on me to heal you when you are already healing. There is nothing

more I can do for you, Taetia.'"

Koi frowns, walking in. "Rahab...did something happen to your friend?"

Taetia pages, "bows her head "Ok.. Goodnight.""

Taetia pages, "I leave and find a room of my own. Roll wp?"

Rahab has received your page: "'You need your rest. You need to sleep. I am

a Big Girl. I don't need as much sleep as you do. I...I will be alright in

a little while.'"

Taetia pages, "for nightmares?"

Rahab's face is tear-streaked as she looks over at Koi. "She's hurt. Look..."

Taetia has received your page: "yep"

Taetia rolled 6d10: 9, 10, 8, 10, 5, 10; totalling 52.

Koi uses prime in an attempt to see her avatar.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah.. I was hoping for a botch"

Taetia pages, "Could I try again?"

<OOC> Koi says, "god...-3- 10's!"

Taetia has received your page: "no. You'll be fine for tonight..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "And a 9 and 8 to boot..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Just when I don't need OR want them."

<OOC> Koi steals Taetia's mojo.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Give it back! Or I'll make Eus give you one of his..


<OOC> Koi eeps...gives a little back.

Koi rolled 3d10: 1, 8, 8; totalling 17.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Viewing the details of a specific Avatar requires Mind 3,

Prime 2, and Spirit 1.

<OOC> Koi blinks.

<OOC> Eclipse reads from SC...

<OOC> Koi says, "I just want to see where it is...I'm not going for specifics.


You say, "k then. It's what she's talking to."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Must sleep folks, night."

<OOC> Koi says, "Night Hugon."

<OOC> You say, "Night."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nite"

<OOC> Hugon bares his Mojo-injecting fangs and disappears.

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Sat Jul

7 22:37:14 2001 EST

Hugon has disconnected.

Koi has received your page: "btw, gain +1 WP if you're missing any..."

Rahab sits down on the lumpy sofa.

The resolution of Hugon fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Koi looks at the area. "How is she hurt?"

Koi pages, "Thanks...I've been burning it like made with those last few


Rahab points. "She coughed an' bleeded. An' she looks sick."

Taetia rolled 6d10: 1, 1, 3, 7, 7, 3; totalling 22.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now I get ones.."

<OOC> Koi says, "rofl"

<OOC> Taetia kicks Koi's ass and sucks the Good Mojo back out of him

<OOC> Rahab says, "Oooh...I'm not going to say a -word."

Koi frowns. "Why? did Variel do something to her?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What game would be complete without homoerotic innuendo?"

<OOC> Koi bonks Rahab.

Rahab sniffles. "She won' tell me who hurt her..."

<OOC> Koi says, "BTW...there's a friggin big storm crusing overhead...so if I

drop...well..I might not be back right away. ;)"

<OOC> Rahab gets ready for it to hit her an hour after Koi :)

Koi [to Rahab]: Tell her it's important....if we're going to be able to help.

Rahab [to empty_spot]: Who hurt you, Lady? Was it YesFather?

Rahab has received your page: "She shakes her head and doesn't turn to look at

you. 'No.'"

Rahab sniffles some more. "She won' look at me...but she says it wasn'..."

Rahab pages, "You're cruel, you know that?"

Koi shakes his head. "Then who...maybe we can protect her..."

Rahab has received your page: "(ooc) Was that to me or the Pretty Lady?"

Rahab pages, "(ooc) To you "

Rahab has received your page: "(ooc) I thought so, but it's only going to get


Rahab [to empty_spot]: Tell me who...please....

Rahab has received your page: "'I...I don't want to tell you. Didn't I say it

was time for little girls to go to sleep?'"

Rahab curls up, crying. "She won' tell me. Says it's time t' go t' sleep."

Rahab has received your page: "'If I tell you, you won't go to sleep the way

you should, Rahab. Maybe...maybe I'll tell you in the morning...'"

Koi frowns. "Ask her what we can do to help...how can she heal?"

Rahab looks up at the empty spot, as if she hasn't heard Koi. "Promise?"

<OOC> Rahab makes Taetia sit around bored, sorry.

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<OOC> Rahab says, "You okay, Eccy?"

<OOC> You say, "Just lost my con."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Miss anything?"

<OOC> You say, "Give me a sec to repost..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Was paging eclipse for a bit."

<OOC> Rahab is just chock-full of baby angst tonight.

Rahab has received your page: "'Have I ever lied?' There is a note of

bitterness in her voice."

Taetia pages, "Unable to sleep, I'd like to go above deck and play."

Taetia has received your page: "Sure..."

Koi says, "Rahab?"

Rahab shakes her head. "No, but you never got hurt before." She frowns. "If

I'm an extra Good Girl, will it make you better?"

Taetia pages, "I begin with forces, creating a containing sphere of energy.

Then I begin sucking out energy from my surrondings, changing it to kinetic

force, and storing it."

Taetia has received your page: "Wha?"

<OOC> Rahab says, "Mmmm...thunder."

Taetia pages, "Ok. I'm constructing a ball of energy, to hold other energy.

Remember dbz? Remember the Kame Hame Ha?"

Rahab has received your page: "Maybe..."

Taetia has received your page: "I don't watch crap anime. ;-)"

Taetia pages, "Think of it as creating a battery then, and charging it with

surronding kinetic energy.. Diff?"

Rahab's voice takes on a pleading note. "I'll do anything, Lady. Anything.

I'll be better than I ever ever was."

Koi steps up beside the bed. "Rahab...how can we help?"

Taetia pages, "Or just any energy, converted to kinetic energy"

Taetia has received your page: "How are you doing that, exactly. I need

focus, Spheres, etc..."

Rahab has received your page: "The Pretty Lady's voice is really sad, and

blood is making her dress stick to the center of her back. 'Do you still

want to know who did this to me?'"

Taetia pages, "Taking Ba'Lak spells, what I picked up from Iphi and making my

own spell. Then, with forces two, I'm creating a one sided energy shield in

the form of a sphere. Energy goes in, but it doesn't come out as long as the

spheres intact. Then with forces three I'm sucking up energy from my

surrondings, turning it into kintetic energy, and putting it in the ball."

Rahab nods at the empty space. "Please..."

Taetia has received your page: "That is a bit bizarre. First, give me a

Forces 2 check, dif 5, 2 suc."

Taetia pages, "I'd also like to surrond the sphere with another shield. This

one pushing away from the sphere so fingers won't end up in it."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 2, 7; totalling 15.

Rahab has received your page: "She says nothing for a long time. Her voice is

only the slightest whisper, 'You did, Rahab.'"

Rahab sobs harder. "Me?"

<OOC> Rahab says, "If -I- drop out, it's the fault of the storm..."

Taetia has received your page: "Okay, now the second sphere is a bit more

complex. Dif 6, 2 suc."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 7, 10; totalling 26.

Rahab has received your page: "She nods silently."

Koi says, "Rahab....what's going on?"

Taetia pages, "I presume these'll last for awhile?"

Rahab whimpers. "She says I hurted her." She looks up again. "How...tell me

how to fix it..."

(to Taetia) Eclipse chuckles wickedly. "Take a wild guess... The first

sphere will disappear at the end of the turn. The second will last for the

rest of the scene. You're new at this, remember? 2 suc + duration


Taetia pages, "Ok, I turn back to the first sphere and try to extend it's


Koi . o O ( Uh oh... )

Rahab has received your page: "Stop lying to the Good People and stop helping

YesFather. (you can burn a WP to shake Variel's control if you want, now)"

(remotely) Rahab does so.

Taetia has received your page: "dif 5."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 2, 9; totalling 16.

Rahab closes her eyes, sobbing quietly. "Koi...I'm a Bad Girl."

<OOC> You say, "And _I_ am an Evil GM."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And _I_ am playing with something that could kill us all."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Great."

Taetia has received your page: "It SHOULD last for an entire day, now..."

Taetia pages, "Ok, I begin sucking up energy, turning it into kinetic energy,

and pushing it into the sphere. Extended roll? How much can the sphere hold?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Woop!"

Koi shakes his head. "No Rahab...you aren't..."

Taetia has received your page: "Only 4 dice worth of damage. It is too small

to do anything more."

Rahab nods her head. "Yes I am. Cause I wasn't telling you the truth, and

you're Good People."

Taetia pages, "Ok. I start trying to make it bigger, stronger, able to hold

more. I want an energy bomb?"

Taetia pages, "?=!"

Taetia has received your page: "Dif 8 for this part. 4 suc min."

Taetia has received your page: "That was for the conversion of 4 dice..."

Taetia pages, "Same diff to make it bigger?"

Taetia pages, "As it was before to make it, I mean"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

Taetia has received your page: "dif 7. 1 add'l suc / 2 dice capacity."

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Koi frowns. "What did you mean Rahab?"

Taetia pages, "1 wp"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 9, 9; totalling 23.

<OOC> Koi says, "Or rather...what do you mean..."

Taetia pages, "10 dice.. thats not to bad."

<OOC> Koi pokes Taetia.

<OOC> Koi says, "What -are- you doing? :)"

Rahab sniffles. "YesFather tol' me if I helped him I'd be a Good Girl an'

he'd love me an' wouldn't have to hurt me..."

Taetia pages, "Ok, extended roll, 3 quint to make the diff 5"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 10, 4; totalling 16.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh.. just experimenting"

<OOC> You say, "He's learning why not to attempt to include Dragonball Z in my


Taetia rolled 3d10: 9, 9, 8; totalling 26.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 6, 10, 6; totalling 22.

Taetia rolled 3d10: 8, 10, 9; totalling 27.

<OOC> Taetia says, "There we go.. All charge up."

<OOC> Taetia says, "charged."

Taetia has received your page: "What's the total dice, now?"

Taetia pages, "10 dice."

<OOC> Koi says, "..."

<OOC> Rahab ponders coding 'roll' so that it asks for the diff and calculates

successes and failures.

Taetia pages, "I take a breather for a moment, then turn on force sensing,

with a scene duration."

Taetia rolled 3d10: 2, 9, 9; totalling 20.

Taetia has received your page: "Okay."

Koi nods slowly at the girl. "Okay...did you agree?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Nah...it's good enough the way it is. ;)"

Rahab nods.

Taetia pages, "I'm moving w/forces the ball down and to the right, underwater,

and tracking it to a safe depth"

<OOC> Taetia says, "And on this day, in the month of Time, did the Mage Taetia

uncover the secret magic known as 'Depth Charges'"

Taetia has received your page: "dif 9, 2 suc."

Taetia pages, "2 quint, 1 will"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 5, 1, 1; totalling 7.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It wasn't a botch!"

<OOC> Rahab has too much spare time to code the 'roll' verb.

Taetia has received your page: "Your bomb rolls out of your hands and down the

stairs to the brig..."

Koi slowly sits down on the bed next to her. "And what did you do?"

Taetia calls out "If you see a blue, glowing sphere, whatever you do, don't

step on it! Or make taunt it!

<OOC> Taetia says, "Taunt it even"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Do not taunt happy fun ball.."

<OOC> You say, "Now I've got a storm here, too..."

Taetia goes looking for it

You say, "You find it."

Taetia picks it up and carries back to the top deck and this time tries

throwing it.

You say, "Roll me an Athletics + Dex, dif 6"

Taetia rolled 8d10: 6, 3, 2, 1, 6, 9, 3, 7; totalling 37.

Rahab says quietly, sniffling and glancing at the empty spot every two or

three words, "He had me lie down...an' close my eyes...an' he painted a

picture on my face. An'...he tol' me to watch the Bad People. That's you.

An' see what Bad Things you did. An' not to let them know they were bad.

An' tell them the Pretty Lady sent him to his room. An' he called me a Good

Girl. An' he said to scream, so I did. An' then I catched on fire."

You say, "You realize that its about as productive as throwing a feather. It

is pure energy, and has no mass. Therefore, it cannot be thrown. It floats

to the deck at your feet."

Taetia meeps!

Taetia picks it up and again and tries to send it to the depths with forces

Koi's eyes narrow at Rahab...and slowly he stands. "Where....is he?"

Rahab whimpers. "I don' know...he went away. Poof."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: roll me an arete dif 9, 2 suc.

<OOC> Koi says, "ouch..."

Taetia pages, "1 wp, extended roll"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 10, 10; totalling 23.

<OOC> Koi says, "You have GOT to be kidding me."

Taetia pages, "I send it down a safe distance, tracking it forces 1"

<OOC> Koi grabs a vacuum and sucks out Taetia's mojo!

You say, "You manage to get it about 20 feet away from the ship before it


Eclipse rolled 10d10: 8, 1, 8, 4, 7, 7, 9, 3, 4, 9; totalling 60.

<OOC> Taetia says, "You just had to do that at THAT moment, didn't you?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "And the sphere was charged to last an entire day"

<OOC> Taetia says, "And it's 2 damage per success"

You say, "It does not do any real damage to the ship, though the rail is


<OOC> Taetia says, "You're missing 10 dice."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tho in m:ta, it says levels, not dice.. and Forces gets an

extra success"

You say, "Okay. Fine. Your ship is now missing the entire bow."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is that bad?"

<OOC> Koi coughs....

<OOC> Koi whimpers at taetia.

<OOC> Koi says, "Spirit bombs suck..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "3 ships gained. 3 ships sunk."

You say, "Scratch ship #3, and add that to the list of things the gods don't

want to happen again... From now on, any Forces barrier that energy blocks

from one direction blocks it from the other, too, and you can't convert it to

another form in between."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Kewl!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Umm...okay...stupid question I know...but are we sinking now?"

You say, "Congratulations on helping the gods write the laws (suggestions) of


You say, "Like a proverbial stone..."

Taetia runs for the lifeboats

<OOC> Koi assumes Rahab and I would notice the massive explosion?

You say, "Um...YES!"

Taetia has received your page: "People are going to die because of that. +1

Corruption Point."

Rahab screeches.

Rahab says, "I'm sorry!"

Taetia pages, "God dammit!"

Koi nearly falls over as the ship is rocked by a massive explosion. He curses

under his breath then grabs for the girl's hand. "Come on...we have to get up

on deck."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And theres ANOTHER corruption point."

Rahab follows Koi, holding out her hand for the empty space.

<OOC> You say, "You're up to 4, now, aren't you? You HAVE been using the new

'roll arete xdy' command, haven't you?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "No."

<OOC> You say, "Then I'd better check something..."

<Login> God has connected from cc571337-a.ftwyn1.in.home

.com on Sat Jul 7 23:25:07 2001 EST.

<OOC> You say, "Well, you're very lucky, for now..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hmm?"

<OOC> You say, "Of course, with 4 CP, that's going to change a bit..."

Koi leads Rahab up on deck...where he imagines things are a bit chaotic.

Taetia is in the lifeboat, waiting for the others

You say, "Koi, Rahab, Iph, Argos, and the others manage to get a lifeboat.

The fanatical sailors are happy to go down with the ship."

Taetia looks at the stream of bubbles marking where the ship was. "Wow."

<OOC> Koi ponders beating Taetia senseless ;)

You say, "The Golgothan Emperor is NOT going to be happy. You can bet he'll

want to track down the person responsible for such sabotage."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's 3 parts Weard behavior, 1 part ploy for Iphi's


<OOC> Taetia says, "Mmm.. Students of the Black Flame.."

Koi looks around at the people in the boat. "What happened?"

You say, "Iph, by the way, is now pissed off at her father AND Taetia."

<OOC> Koi says, "ROFL"

Taetia says, "I dunno. Theres was suddenly a big explosion."

Rahab looks at Koi. "See? If you do something Bad, you get punished."

Koi [to Taetia]: From -what-? That hole was huge.

Iph "Don't lie. You're turning into your master, D."

Taetia twitches and glares at Iph "I'm NOT!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now lets have a race. First to hole the lifeboat wins."

<OOC> You say, "No, if you do something STUPID, you get punished..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "That sphere was built to last an entire day."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It shouldn't have gone off"

Taetia says, "I was on deck, testing a minor forces effect. I don't know WHY

things up there exploded."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Actually, thats true."

<OOC> Koi says, "That was anything but a minor forces effect ;)"

<OOC> You say, "You knew from the get-go how dangerous it could be. Not a

very good thing to attempt for your second Effect ever, really..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I did. Did she? Thats debatable."

<OOC> You say, "True."

Koi frowns. "Could it have been something you did Taetia?"

Taetia says, "It was only a minor bit of magic, I don't see how it could've

done that."

<Logout> Koi has disconnected on Sat Jul 7

23:34:39 2001 EST

Koi has lost his link.

<Login> Koi has connected from on Sat Jul 7

23:35:17 2001 EST.

Koi has connected.

<OOC> Taetia says, "wb"

<OOC> Koi grumbles

<OOC> Koi says, "What'd I miss?"

<OOC> Rahab thought maybe the storm was still on there.

<OOC> Eclipse is tempted to wrap up for the night, soon. "Won't Oriana and

AlMarth be surprised to hear they've actually been DOWNgraded!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How immutable are the 'laws' of physics? Would it give

paradox to break them?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nono!"

Taetia says, "Well. Where do we go from here?"

<OOC> You say, "Break them in what way, exactly? Sometimes things work, and

sometimes they don't..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I mean, once I've gained a bit more knowledge and power,

reproducing that sphere."

Koi frowns. "I don't know...but first things first..." He turns to Rahab. "Lie


<OOC> You say, "I don't know. YOU'RE the one who built the MegaScuttler3000...


Rahab does as Koi tells her.

Koi [to Rahab]: close your eyes.

Taetia says, "I'm sure it wasn't my magic. Or, if it was, some outside force

was interfering."

<OOC> You say, "Ah. The laws of PHYSICS are very mutable, but the laws of the

gods are not..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "So.. under no circumpstances will anyone ever be able to

build a one sided shield?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "As long as the gods live?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Unless they change their minds?"

Eclipse "That is correct, young one."

Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

Eclipse (offline) is sitting on the rocking chair. Taetia is sprawled out on

the comfortable couch. Rahab is sitting on the lumpy sofa. The Peanut

Gallery contains no spectators.

You see Koi here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Sat Jul 7 22:48:50 2001 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw22-pool

d206.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

<OOC> Taetia says, "4 floating devices. 3 down. 1 to go."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wait a minute.."

<OOC> You say, "Please note the spoofing..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I've got time three."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I can erase that!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How many successes to reverse time until before I built

the ball?"

<OOC> Koi says, "I doubt that. ;)"

<Logout> God has disconnected on Sat Jul 7

23:41:48 2001 EST

<OOC> Rahab codes help on 'roll'

<OOC> Taetia says, "Although honestly.. once I've scuttled a ship, I'm loathe

to bring it back up."

You say, "Dif 6, 3 successes. No ritual..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Think I should bring back the ship guys?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Could I hold the spell after it's complete for just a

second so I could take one unimportant action?"

<OOC> You say, "No more Shcrodinger's Cat balls, okay?"

<OOC> Koi says, "Wow...I didn't know time three was that powerful."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I haven't yet begun to build Schrodinger's Cat balls..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "That was actually an interesting aplication of theoretical

physics that would've killed everything on this side of Malakai irl."

<OOC> You say, "I'm feeling generous. Do you have any idea how much of a pain

in the ass it will be for me to have you row to shore in a dinghy without any

food or water? Rahab would probably die of dehydration before you got there.

She is BADLY hurt, remember?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh yes.. So could I take 1 action, right before the spell

kicks in?"

<OOC> Koi smiles. "Okay Eclipse."

<OOC> You say, "What action would that be? I'm not feeling VERY generous,


<OOC> Koi says, "I wasn't looking forward to trying to find a way out of this

one...for once things were looking good."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nothing important, anything I do will be erased, remember?"

Taetia begins chanting

<OOC> Taetia says, "1 wp"

Taetia rolled 3d10: 3, 8, 4; totalling 15.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Damn. Can I try again?"

You say, "Nope. Better start looking for some outside help, guys."

Rahab is still lying down with her eyes closed, right:

Taetia curses as it fizzles.

<OOC> Taetia says, "1 success.. sigh.."

Koi covers Rahab with a tarp or something...then checks her face for magic.

Eclipse [to Koi]: Give me an Arete, dif 3, 2 suc.

Eclipse rolled 1d10: 6; totalling 6.

Koi rolled 3d10: 9, 5, 3; totalling 17.

<OOC> Koi says, "3 "

You say, "There was some Mind magic at work, but it seems to be fading away,


<OOC> You say, "I HATE LAG!"

<OOC> Koi says, "Fast enough that trying to dispel it would be moot?"

<OOC> Koi comforts Eclipse.

You say, "Yes. It is already dispelled. This is just an after-image."

<OOC> Koi says, "Kay then."

Koi smiles at the girl. "Rahab...I want you to do something for me...okay?"

Rahab opens her eyes. "What is it?"


A man dressed in a black cloak with the hood pulled up, almost concealing the

slight smile he constantly wears. A black medallion with a silver crescent at

the edge hangs from his neck. Malakai's anthropomorphic representation of

divine chaos, it seems somehow fitting that Eclipse should be your


He is carrying a dragon medallion.

You aren't wielding anything, armed only with your fists.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 14m 0s IC Wiz Rub the amulet to summon the Supreme Being...

Rahab 3h 1m IC Wiz

Koi 19m 1m IC Wiz

Taetia 7h 5m IC PC

--[Sun Jan 17 02:33:45 2651]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

Koi [to Rahab]: I want you to lie still...and try to sleep. Don't use too much

of your energy...you're going to need it.

Rahab frowns, looking around. "Where is she? Is she all right?"

Rahab has received your page: "'I'm okay now, Rahab. Just try to get some


Koi says, "Your friend?"

Rahab nods, relaxing. "She's okay now." She closes her eyes.

<OOC> You say, "Now THIS is no-frills travel!"

Koi smiles. "Good...now...promise to keep still?"

<OOC> Koi says, "No kidding..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Time to invent the speedboat."

Taetia says, "Captain, is there an island within rowing distance?"

Rahab nods. "Sleepy." She curls up.

Koi turns to Iph. "We're going to need your abilities more than ever now."

Ahab "We might be able to make it to the coast of the continent of Ketza."

Taetia nods "We can probably find transportation from there, then."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Damn.. Forgot about the quint from the ring when I was

rolling for reversing time"

Ahab, "Or walk. You don't seem to have much luck with water."

<Login> Taetia has reconnected from ppp-257.icehouse.net

on Sun Jul 8 00:00:57 2001 EST.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bloody stupid thing"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What'd I miss?"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 21m 0s IC Wiz Rub the amulet to summon the Supreme Being...

Taetia 33s 15s IC PC

Koi 26m 3m IC Wiz

Rahab 3h 3m IC Wiz

--[Sun Jan 17 02:55:03 2651]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

Taetia eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

<OOC> Koi says, "maybe ahab's last say"

<OOC> Taetia says, "What? What'd he say?"

Ahab, "Or walk. You don't seem to have much luck with water."

Taetia says, "3 ships in under a week. You might be right."

<OOC> You say, "I've never seen lag so bad. Argh!"

Taetia finds someplace clear and comfortable and settles down to sleep

Taetia pages, "roll wp?"

<OOC> Rahab says, "No lag for me :P"

Taetia has received your page: "yep"

Taetia rolled 6d10: 2, 8, 4, 8, 6, 5; totalling 33.

You say, "Sorry. Looks like you made it, this time."

Taetia sighs.

<OOC> Taetia says, "And after blowing up the ship, they'd have been some

doozies, too."

<OOC> You say, "I have DSL. I should NOT be laggy!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Could I try to reverse time again tomarrow? Or has that

ship sailed and sunk into the briny depths?"

You say, "That ship will never be anything more than a tax write-off ever


<OOC> Rahab says, "Could you do something with our subjective time, maybe?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "How so? Shorting the trip?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Shortening, as well."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Something like that..."

<OOC> Koi won't say anything about his lag...

You say, "By now, the wood has begun to lose its chemical properties.

Anything below a certain depth is Uncharted..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "... Ghost ship?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> You say, "Manned by 200 new wraiths who are probably pissed as hell at

you, now..."

<OOC> You say, "Little hint: stay away from the ocean from now on, okay?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I intend to."

Taetia peacefully snores on through the night

Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Redirecting old connection to this port ***

Rahab sleeps too, poor kid.

Rahab has received your page: "Mind if I use your character as a plot device

while you're gone?"

Koi takes his turns rowing...while he tries to think of ways to speed the trip


Rahab pages, "No, that's all right."

<OOC> You say, "I can't take anymore disconnects or I'm going to start killing

PCs. So, I think this is as good a place to wrap things up as any."

Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Eclipse (#320) a minute 0 seconds Malakai

Taetia (#323) 10 minutes 10 seconds Malakai

Rahab (#316) 4 hours 58 seconds Malakai

Koi (#329) 35 minutes a minute Malakai

Total: 4 players, all of whom have been active recently.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Awwww!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Did I derail the plot any?"

You say, "No XP tonight. Didn't even come close to finishing a chapter."

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

You go out-of-character. Your actions should now be taken as your own and not

those of your character.

Taetia says, "Doh!"

Taetia sighs.

You say, "You didn't derail the plot, but you've managed to set the entire

cabal back several game days. Get to Landsend, and you'll have finished a

chapter. Might be some 'ghost chapters' in between, but it depends on my

inspiration in two weeks."

Koi dangs.

Taetia says, "Hmmm. Set back the entire cabal, sank ship number 3, killed 200

people, picked up another corruption point, pissed of the Epagan, and made

the gods rewrite the laws of physics."

Taetia says, "I accomplished so much in tonights game."

You say, "You are currently 192 miles away from Landsend. That leaves you

plenty of time for side adventures, at least."

Taetia says, "But I didn't manage to have any psycotic nightmares."

Rahab falls unconscious, or something.

Taetia says, "Could we at least get done with the damn ships next game?"

You say, "That's really up to you, now. I've run out of freebie Deus ex

Machinae for awhile. You're on your own, now. Maybe you should take my

@tag's advice, but that isn't a good idea, either, really..."

Taetia says, "How do we check?"

Koi says, "I'm just tired of ending up on the really crappy boats. ;)"

Koi says, "I can deal with the big, kick butt ones...but getting stuck on

fishing boats is annoying."

Rahab shouts an OOC message to all connected users: "RAIN!!!!!"

Taetia says, "What we're on doesn't even qualify as a fishing boat"

Taetia says, "Why exactly did you have to gods put a stop me making Energy


Koi says, "Probably because it took out our entire ship with one hit...kinda


Taetia says, "It only took out the bow"

Koi says, "Yeah...and it blew up 20 feet off the bow."

Koi says, "Imagine if it had actually been next to it. ;)"

Taetia says, "30 feet of destruction, at best!"

Taetia says, "C'mon, I'm sure there've been bigger explosions than that."

Koi says, "Yes...and how many damage dice?"

Taetia says, "22 levels?"

Koi says, "yeah...that's roughly equal to a mini nuke"

You say, "Remember what I told you about them banning Ultimatums because it

made mortals too powerful. They just saw the really horrifying possibilities

of what you were attempting. Two words - Awakened Kobolds. It prevents me

from using it against you, too, remember. Add Entropy 3, and you have a

proximity NUKE."

Taetia says, "But they're so unstable, they'd never be a good weapon"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey. Could I try an ultimatum to get the ship back?"

You say, "What would have happened to game balance if they had been stable?

I'm not letting you make tac nukes."

You say, "Not unless all the gods have keeled over in the last ten minutes and

forgot to tell me about it..."

Taetia says, "Ah.. I thought it was decided on a case by case basis."

Taetia says, "Just think of how big it could've been if spent the time to

REALLY build it up.."

You say, "Not Ultimatum! NONE of the gods want to reopen THAT can of worms!"

Rahab eeks! BOOMBANG!

Rahab shuts down her puter for a while.

Taetia says, "Well. Don't worry. I'll dig through my books and come up with

Nake Singularity weapon."

Taetia says, "Naked even"

Taetia says, "Heh. An acrete 3 mage scared the gods.."

Rahab bahs. "No more thunder. Nevermind."

Koi warns that too many books leads to annoyed storytellers.

You say, "It wouldn't be the first time I've seen a PC blow a hole in the

world. He got EIGHT Corruption Points for that little blunder, though. He

spent weeks dodging random lightning bolts as all the random factors in the

universe bent in an effort to smite him..."

Taetia says, "Just wait until I hit Oraclehood. Archmage? Bah! I'll go for

Exemplar of Forces, and then we'll talk about nukes.."

You say, "As is, I think it's fair to say that all your failed rolls are

automatically botches until your Corruption drops below 4. The gods don't

take their jobs lightly, you know..."

Taetia says, "Ah damn.."

Taetia says, "I tried to be self sacrificing. Does that count?"

Taetia says, "And.. do you mean EVERY roll? Not just magical ones?"

You say, "I'll think about it...""

You say, "I'm actually debating that now. It might be a +2 dif to all your

rolls instead of the botches. That would be a little less harsh for 4 CP."

Taetia says, "Hmm.."

Koi says, "Ouch..."

Koi says, "I wonder if you get anything cool for going the other way."

Rahab did once, with another character.

You say, "Damage dice wouldn't be included, of course."

Taetia says, "I develop a tac nuke as a beginning character, and this is the

thanks I get.."

Taetia says, "Oh. Thats good."

Taetia says, "Boombang!"

Koi chuckles.

Taetia says, "By the way, I'd like to declare my specialty sphere from my

tradition as forces."

Eclipse nods. "Yes. You can actually get some pretty neat divine favors.

You might actually have to rely on Oriana's Purity to pull you through, this


Koi pokes Taetia. "Umm...didn't you have to do that at Character gen?

Taetia mutters "Just you wait until I get entropy and I'll build ya real

schrodingers ball..."

Taetia says, "I forgot. I'm doing it now."

Koi says, "Huh?"

Koi says, "How did you get forces three without the specialty sphere point?"

Taetia says, "... I bought it with freebies.. Does the specialty sphere affect

freebie points?"

You say, "No."

Taetia says, "Actually, no. It was from the standard 6 dots.."

Koi says, "No...you get a point in it for it being your sphere....that's a

hell of a lot of freebee points."

Koi says, "Don't you get 5?"

Koi says, "Plus one for your spec sphere?"

------------------------- Character Sheet for Taetia --------------------------

Taetie Den'Terra

Nature: Masochist Tradition: Weard

Essence: Questing Faction: Black Flame

Demeanour: Innocent Race: Tanak


Physical Social Mental

Strength: @OOOO Charisma: @OOOO Perception: @@@OO

Dexterity: @@@@@ Manipulation: @@@@O Intelligence: @@@@O

Stamina: @@OOO Appearance: @OOOO Wits: @@@OO

Specialisations: Dexterity (Combat), Manipulation (Deception), Intelligence



Talents Skills Knowledges

Alertness: @@OOO Melee: @@@@O Investigation: @@OOO

Athletics: @@OOO Stealth: @@@@O Medicine: @@@OO

Do: @@OOO Larceny: @@OOO Meditation: @OOOO

Dodge: @@@OO

Empathy: @@@@O

Specialisations: Empathy (Telepathy), Melee (Sword), Stealth (psy invis)


Correspondence: OOOOO Life: @@OOO Prime: @OOOO

Entropy: OOOOO Matter: OOOOO Spirit: OOOOO

Forces: @@@OO Mind: OOOOO Time: @@@OO

Specialty sphere: none

Adept Spheres: none

Inept Spheres: none


Avatar: @@@@@ Arcane: @OOOO Wonder: @OOOO


Dynamic: @OOOO Entropic: OOOOO Static: OOOOO

------------------------------Arete and Willpower------------------------------

Arete Willpower




Quintessence: @@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :Scourge

-----------------------------Purity and Corruption-----------------------------

Purity : 0 Corruption : 0

-------------------------------Merits and Flaws--------------------------------

Merits Flaws

Witchhunted 4

Nightmares 1

Shy 1

Hero Worship 1

-------------------------------Racial Qualities--------------------------------

Ambidextrous Legendary Dexterity-add su Sphere Inept: Spirit

Catlike Balance Sphere Natural: Time -1 Strength


Weapon Difficulty Damage

Taetia says, "You get 6. One is automatically allocated to your specialty

sphere. However. I have both forces and prime. I forgot to decide which one

was my specialty from trad, so I said it now.. No harm, no foul"

Taetia says, "Hmmm.. A Paradox weapon..."

Taetia says, "I can see how that'd work.."

Koi says, "wow...3 extra dots plus bought off a flaw...that must have been


Koi giggles.

Taetia says, "I had exp as well."

Taetia says, "Trust me.. I went over it repeatedly. The math is right."

Koi shrugs. "Not saying it isn't...just trying to figure it out for myself." :)

You say, "Is your Strength 1 or 0, Tae?"

Taetia says, "Wait a minute.. 15 freebies. +7 from flaws. 21. I know I bought

prime 1 from from exp, and spent the last 5 exp to get rid of the flaw. Thats

14 on life. Where'd the other 7 go.."

Taetia says, "1"

Koi says, "Avatar 5....arcane 1...wonder 1...willpower 6"

Koi says, "Though I thought willpower took 2 points...might be mistaken on

that though."

Taetia says, "7 background points are given free."

Taetia says, "I worked it out. I know it all works. It went somewhere."

Koi says, "Nm...willpower is 1"

Koi says, "You bought 2 arete didn't you?"

Taetia says, "Ah yes! Thats where it went. Eric loaned me an extra pt."

Koi eyes.

Taetia says, "He did. I have the log."

Koi says, "Not what I mean. ;) I wouldn't mind an extra freebie point. ;)"

You say, "Mind giving that point back, now? :-)"

You say, "As 2XP. Fair exchange, I'd say..."

Taetia says, "Hmm.. ok.."

You say, "You don't still have any of your sorcery, right?"

Taetia says, "Nope"

Taetia says, "All gone."

Taetia says, "I originally planned for a char with sorcery before you told us

how lenient paradox was."

Taetia says, "By then, awakening within the story just seemed like a fun idea"

Taetia says, "You must admit. Hellfire 6 doesn't stand up to a mini tac nuke."

You say, "Well, somehow it's theoretically possible to get what you have with

the XP and freebies. I don't know how, but I've checked the math then,


You say, "Actually, I goofed on the Forces 2 shields. The gods basically just

returned the rule back to the one in the book..."

Taetia says, "Hmm?"

You say, "It specifically says that no force of that type can pass either way

through the shield. Invisibility also makes you blind, for example."

Taetia says, "Wheres it say that?"

Rahab pages, "Just so I know...what're your plans for Rahab?"

You say, "M:tA, page 166. Under 'Energy Shield'."

Rahab has received your page: "I was thinking of kidnaping her and using her

as bait. I've got to kick-start this party, it seems..."

Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Redirecting old connection to this port ***

Rahab sleeps too, poor kid.

Rahab has received your page: "Mind if I use your character as a plot device

while you're gone?"

Koi takes his turns rowing...while he tries to think of ways to speed the trip


Rahab pages, "No, that's all right."

<OOC> You say, "I can't take anymore disconnects or I'm going to start killing

PCs. So, I think this is as good a place to wrap things up as any."

Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Eclipse (#320) a minute 0 seconds Malakai

Taetia (#323) 10 minutes 10 seconds Malakai

Rahab (#316) 4 hours 58 seconds Malakai

Koi (#329) 35 minutes a minute Malakai

Total: 4 players, all of whom have been active recently.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Awwww!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Did I derail the plot any?"

You say, "No XP tonight. Didn't even come close to finishing a chapter."

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

You go out-of-character. Your actions should now be taken as your own and not

those of your character.

Taetia says, "Doh!"

Taetia sighs.

You say, "You didn't derail the plot, but you've managed to set the entire

cabal back several game days. Get to Landsend, and you'll have finished a

chapter. Might be some 'ghost chapters' in between, but it depends on my

inspiration in two weeks."

Koi dangs.

Taetia says, "Hmmm. Set back the entire cabal, sank ship number 3, killed 200

people, picked up another corruption point, pissed of the Epagan, and made

the gods rewrite the laws of physics."

Taetia says, "I accomplished so much in tonights game."

You say, "You are currently 192 miles away from Landsend. That leaves you

plenty of time for side adventures, at least."

Taetia says, "But I didn't manage to have any psycotic nightmares."

Rahab falls unconscious, or something.

Taetia says, "Could we at least get done with the damn ships next game?"

You say, "That's really up to you, now. I've run out of freebie Deus ex

Machinae for awhile. You're on your own, now. Maybe you should take my

@tag's advice, but that isn't a good idea, either, really..."

Taetia says, "How do we check?"

Koi says, "I'm just tired of ending up on the really crappy boats. ;)"

Koi says, "I can deal with the big, kick butt ones...but getting stuck on

fishing boats is annoying."

Rahab shouts an OOC message to all connected users: "RAIN!!!!!"

Taetia says, "What we're on doesn't even qualify as a fishing boat"

Taetia says, "Why exactly did you have to gods put a stop me making Energy


Koi says, "Probably because it took out our entire ship with one hit...kinda


Taetia says, "It only took out the bow"

Koi says, "Yeah...and it blew up 20 feet off the bow."

Koi says, "Imagine if it had actually been next to it. ;)"

Taetia says, "30 feet of destruction, at best!"

Taetia says, "C'mon, I'm sure there've been bigger explosions than that."

Koi says, "Yes...and how many damage dice?"

Taetia says, "22 levels?"

Koi says, "yeah...that's roughly equal to a mini nuke"

You say, "Remember what I told you about them banning Ultimatums because it

made mortals too powerful. They just saw the really horrifying possibilities

of what you were attempting. Two words - Awakened Kobolds. It prevents me

from using it against you, too, remember. Add Entropy 3, and you have a

proximity NUKE."

Taetia says, "But they're so unstable, they'd never be a good weapon"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey. Could I try an ultimatum to get the ship back?"

You say, "What would have happened to game balance if they had been stable?

I'm not letting you make tac nukes."

You say, "Not unless all the gods have keeled over in the last ten minutes and

forgot to tell me about it..."

Taetia says, "Ah.. I thought it was decided on a case by case basis."

Taetia says, "Just think of how big it could've been if spent the time to

REALLY build it up.."

You say, "Not Ultimatum! NONE of the gods want to reopen THAT can of worms!"

Rahab eeks! BOOMBANG!

Rahab shuts down her puter for a while.

Taetia says, "Well. Don't worry. I'll dig through my books and come up with

Nake Singularity weapon."

Taetia says, "Naked even"

Taetia says, "Heh. An acrete 3 mage scared the gods.."

Rahab bahs. "No more thunder. Nevermind."

Koi warns that too many books leads to annoyed storytellers.

You say, "It wouldn't be the first time I've seen a PC blow a hole in the

world. He got EIGHT Corruption Points for that little blunder, though. He

spent weeks dodging random lightning bolts as all the random factors in the

universe bent in an effort to smite him..."

Taetia says, "Just wait until I hit Oraclehood. Archmage? Bah! I'll go for

Exemplar of Forces, and then we'll talk about nukes.."

You say, "As is, I think it's fair to say that all your failed rolls are

automatically botches until your Corruption drops below 4. The gods don't

take their jobs lightly, you know..."

Taetia says, "Ah damn.."

Taetia says, "I tried to be self sacrificing. Does that count?"

Taetia says, "And.. do you mean EVERY roll? Not just magical ones?"

You say, "I'll think about it...""

You say, "I'm actually debating that now. It might be a +2 dif to all your

rolls instead of the botches. That would be a little less harsh for 4 CP."

Taetia says, "Hmm.."

Koi says, "Ouch..."

Koi says, "I wonder if you get anything cool for going the other way."

Rahab did once, with another character.

You say, "Damage dice wouldn't be included, of course."

Taetia says, "I develop a tac nuke as a beginning character, and this is the

thanks I get.."

Taetia says, "Oh. Thats good."

Taetia says, "Boombang!"

Koi chuckles.

Taetia says, "By the way, I'd like to declare my specialty sphere from my

tradition as forces."

Eclipse nods. "Yes. You can actually get some pretty neat divine favors.

You might actually have to rely on Oriana's Purity to pull you through, this


Koi pokes Taetia. "Umm...didn't you have to do that at Character gen?

Taetia mutters "Just you wait until I get entropy and I'll build ya real

schrodingers ball..."

Taetia says, "I forgot. I'm doing it now."

Koi says, "Huh?"

Koi says, "How did you get forces three without the specialty sphere point?"

Taetia says, "... I bought it with freebies.. Does the specialty sphere affect

freebie points?"

You say, "No."

Taetia says, "Actually, no. It was from the standard 6 dots.."

Koi says, "No...you get a point in it for it being your sphere....that's a

hell of a lot of freebee points."

Koi says, "Don't you get 5?"

Koi says, "Plus one for your spec sphere?"

------------------------- Character Sheet for Taetia --------------------------

Taetie Den'Terra

Nature: Masochist Tradition: Weard

Essence: Questing Faction: Black Flame

Demeanour: Innocent Race: Tanak


Physical Social Mental

Strength: @OOOO Charisma: @OOOO Perception: @@@OO

Dexterity: @@@@@ Manipulation: @@@@O Intelligence: @@@@O

Stamina: @@OOO Appearance: @OOOO Wits: @@@OO

Specialisations: Dexterity (Combat), Manipulation (Deception), Intelligence



Talents Skills Knowledges

Alertness: @@OOO Melee: @@@@O Investigation: @@OOO

Athletics: @@OOO Stealth: @@@@O Medicine: @@@OO

Do: @@OOO Larceny: @@OOO Meditation: @OOOO

Dodge: @@@OO

Empathy: @@@@O

Specialisations: Empathy (Telepathy), Melee (Sword), Stealth (psy invis)


Correspondence: OOOOO Life: @@OOO Prime: @OOOO

Entropy: OOOOO Matter: OOOOO Spirit: OOOOO

Forces: @@@OO Mind: OOOOO Time: @@@OO

Specialty sphere: none

Adept Spheres: none

Inept Spheres: none


Avatar: @@@@@ Arcane: @OOOO Wonder: @OOOO


Dynamic: @OOOO Entropic: OOOOO Static: OOOOO

------------------------------Arete and Willpower------------------------------

Arete Willpower




Quintessence: @@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :Scourge

-----------------------------Purity and Corruption-----------------------------

Purity : 0 Corruption : 0

-------------------------------Merits and Flaws--------------------------------

Merits Flaws

Witchhunted 4

Nightmares 1

Shy 1

Hero Worship 1

-------------------------------Racial Qualities--------------------------------

Ambidextrous Legendary Dexterity-add su Sphere Inept: Spirit

Catlike Balance Sphere Natural: Time -1 Strength


Weapon Difficulty Damage

Taetia says, "You get 6. One is automatically allocated to your specialty

sphere. However. I have both forces and prime. I forgot to decide which one

was my specialty from trad, so I said it now.. No harm, no foul"

Taetia says, "Hmmm.. A Paradox weapon..."

Taetia says, "I can see how that'd work.."

Koi says, "wow...3 extra dots plus bought off a flaw...that must have been


Koi giggles.

Taetia says, "I had exp as well."

Taetia says, "Trust me.. I went over it repeatedly. The math is right."

Koi shrugs. "Not saying it isn't...just trying to figure it out for myself." :)

You say, "Is your Strength 1 or 0, Tae?"

Taetia says, "Wait a minute.. 15 freebies. +7 from flaws. 21. I know I bought

prime 1 from from exp, and spent the last 5 exp to get rid of the flaw. Thats

14 on life. Where'd the other 7 go.."

Taetia says, "1"

Koi says, "Avatar 5....arcane 1...wonder 1...willpower 6"

Koi says, "Though I thought willpower took 2 points...might be mistaken on

that though."

Taetia says, "7 background points are given free."

Taetia says, "I worked it out. I know it all works. It went somewhere."

Koi says, "Nm...willpower is 1"

Koi says, "You bought 2 arete didn't you?"

Taetia says, "Ah yes! Thats where it went. Eric loaned me an extra pt."

Koi eyes.

Taetia says, "He did. I have the log."

Koi says, "Not what I mean. ;) I wouldn't mind an extra freebie point. ;)"

You say, "Mind giving that point back, now? :-)"

You say, "As 2XP. Fair exchange, I'd say..."

Taetia says, "Hmm.. ok.."

You say, "You don't still have any of your sorcery, right?"

Taetia says, "Nope"

Taetia says, "All gone."

Taetia says, "I originally planned for a char with sorcery before you told us

how lenient paradox was."

Taetia says, "By then, awakening within the story just seemed like a fun idea"

Taetia says, "You must admit. Hellfire 6 doesn't stand up to a mini tac nuke."

You say, "Well, somehow it's theoretically possible to get what you have with

the XP and freebies. I don't know how, but I've checked the math then,


You say, "Actually, I goofed on the Forces 2 shields. The gods basically just

returned the rule back to the one in the book..."

Taetia says, "Hmm?"

You say, "It specifically says that no force of that type can pass either way

through the shield. Invisibility also makes you blind, for example."

Taetia says, "Wheres it say that?"

Rahab pages, "Just so I know...what're your plans for Rahab?"

You say, "M:tA, page 166. Under 'Energy Shield'."

Rahab has received your page: "I was thinking of kidnaping her and using her

as bait. I've got to kick-start this party, it seems..."

Rahab pages, "Just don't kill her or render her any more screwed up than she


Rahab has received your page: "Do you have any idea how difficult it would be

to screw her up anymore than she already is?"

(remotely) Rahab grins. "I think she's fun."

Taetia says, "Read it. Wheres it say that? And it's not the blocking light

from inside that makes you blind. If you did make a shield that kept light

from getting out, but let it in, you'd be able to see for awhile until there

was enough light to burn out your eyes, but you'd just be a dark blob to

everyone outside."

(remotely) Rahab couldn't do this in a live-action, but online I think I'm

handling her okay.

Koi says, "No...the way to make yourself invisible is to have light pass

thorugh you without hitting anything...which means it can't hit your

eyes...so you can't see..."

Taetia says, "It bends around you."

Koi says, "Doesn't matter...it still doesn't hit your cornea."

Taetia says, "Yeah, I know. Thats what I said. But if you built a shield that

kept light in, you'd still see because the light would bear the image. But as

it couldn't get out it'd rapidly rise in brilliance and temperature."

You say, "On a different argument, it reaks of potential munchkinism, though.

An Arete 3 mage capable of carrying a weapon that can inflict any amount of

damage? Sorry. I'm going for epic, not Dragonball Z idiotically


Koi grins. "Perfect reflectors are impossible. ;)

Taetia says, "Yeah, I wasn't expecting ya to."

Taetia says, "We're not talking normal physical objects. We're talking a

shield of energy. It's possible."

Taetia says, "And it doesn't have to be perfect. Just near perfect."

Koi says, "Then you'd show up as this huge ball of light. ;)"

Koi says, "Not to mention fry yourself in about 2 seconds."

Taetia says, "No... The light isn't getting out. You'd be a dark spot"

Taetia says, "Thats what I said.."

Taetia says, "A smoking dark spot."

Rahab thinks this is jsut getting surreal.

Koi says, "Sure it would...like I said...no perfect reflectors, laws of

physics. ;)"

Koi blehs and mixes magic and science...

Koi says, "Which really doesn't work."

Taetia says, "... This isn't your average mirror. This is forces."

Taetia says, "And even if light did get out? It'd be neglible."

Koi says, "How would you let it in without letting it out? :)"

Taetia says, "Gee.. Maybe I should be the artificer.."

Taetia says, "It's a one way shield. One side absorbs, letting it through, the

otherside reflects."

Koi says, "Hmmm...okay...imagine that inside reflecting part as a mirror...it

reflects...so why wouldn't it be silvery on both sides? and reflect out too?"

Taetia says, "Dude. It's energy. Not a reflecting object. It bounces light

back like an invisible wall."

You say, "Here's one problem, though. Forces 2 allows you to control MINOR

forces. At some point, it will gather enough steam to become a MAJOR force,

and the shield won't hold anymore. It's like inflating a balloon with


Taetia says, "Yeah. Thats what the higher levels are for."

Koi says, "yeah...but it's the same concept. if something reflects one way,

it'll reflect the other as well."

Taetia says, "So I could have built mini tac nukes and not big ones."

You say, "Small scale and limited damage. I shouldn't have let you get away

with building anything more than 8 dice of damage, period."

Taetia says, "Think of it like a blood vein. Light flows one way. If it tries

to back up, the vein/wall stops it."

Taetia says, "It deflects light moving one way. I'm too sleepy to be arguing


You say, "And it should only have had maybe a 5 foot diameter of effect. Or,

a larger area of effect but less successes to spend on damage."

Taetia agrees with Eclipse

You say, "And even that would have cost you WP."

Koi grins.

Taetia says, "Soooo... could we just start back before we did that?"

Koi says, "We'll argue it if any of us decides to create a mini,

light-bomb-o-doom ehh? :)"

Taetia says, "Okies"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

You say, "When I make a mistake, I abide by my decision. It WAS silly to try

to build a bomb on a ship."

Taetia says, "And I'll have a chance to dig up the appropriate books and

articles to defend myself."

Taetia says, "I only meant to build a little one."

Eclipse shrugs. "Whatever voodoo you want to try to throw at me is subject to

the approval of the Supreme Being, as usual..."

You say, "You gathered ELEVEN successes in damage! I don't call that 'a

little one'!"

Taetia says, "It got a little out of hand."

You say, "I gave you a chance to stop at 4 dice of damage, but you had to go

and try to make it bigger. So I smited."

Taetia says, "Sigh. I was almost the harbringer of Magical Thermonuclear War."

You say, "With 22 dice of damage, I would have been within my rights to have

blown the ship and everything on it to kingdom come. With 5 Successes for

area, that would still leave me with 12 dice of lethal damage per man, woman,

child, and barrel of water on the ship."

Taetia nods.

Taetia says, "In Malakai, are hydrogen and oxygen still fun things to have

near a fire?"

You say, "Maybe, but water isn't probably an element, not a compound.

Wouldn't want you to pull off any creative experiments in electrolysis, now

would I? And I'd lay low for a little while. You have so many Corruption

Points right now that I need very little excuse to smite you. Malakai tends

to be a bit of a bully, at times..."

You say, "I mean IS probably an element..."

Taetia says, "Hmm.. Yes.. for awhile.. Until I have the propers spheres.."

Taetia cackles.

You say, "Maybe it's about time I introduced you to the Fey..."

Taetia says, "Hmmm.. Do I get to have sex with a 13 yr old pooka like Naph?"

Koi [to Taetia]: Are you trying to get us on his bad side? :)

You say, "Probably not. He has Fey Blood and 4 Purity Points..."

Taetia says, "Oh."

Taetia says, "I've noticed a disturbing trend in my characters. They blow

things up. Or burn them down. Often through no fault of their own."

You say, "I'm sure a bit of Chicancery 5 can help you forget how to blow

things up..."

Taetia says, "No! I'll be good!"

Taetia says, "Relatively"

You say, "Think of all the XP that would go to waste if you suddenly 'forgot'

how to use Forces..."

Rahab [to Eclipse]: Maybe we should rename Taetia to 32.

Eclipse laughs. "Or try to remember the name of Faith's Wild Mage..."

Taetia says, "32?"

Koi laughs.

Taetia says, "Other than that one tac nuke, I haven't abused anything!"

Taetia says, "And it was such a small nuke too."

You say, "And you're not going to abuse anything else, now, are you?"

Taetia says, "I won't make anymore nuclear weapons, or their equivalant."

You say, "That's not what I asked..."

Taetia says, "I'll be good."

Taetia says, "Relatively"

You say, "Despite its lack of physics, Malakai does have some very consistent


Taetia says, "I promise not to create spells that could potentially destroy

the world?"

You say, "I wouldn't go THAT far..."

You say, "Well, I'm going to go to bed, now. Good night, folks."

Taetia says, "Ok, so World Destroying spells are in, but wait until they're


Taetia says, "G'nite"