Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

Taetia and Hugon (OOC) are sitting together on the comfortable couch. The

lumpy sofa is invitingly empty. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators.

Eclipse (offline) is sitting on the rocking chair. Rahab (offline) is

sprawled out on the floor.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Fri Aug 17 16:48:46 2001 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw22-pool

a32.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh yeah, there's also a power where the fomor basically

turns into a walking bonfire (3 Agg, diff 9 soak)."

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m306-mp1-cvx1b.ma

n.ntl.com on Fri Aug 17 17:24:14 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has arrived.

<OOC> Hugon waves to Elemental.

Enola Galen takes a seat on the sofa.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bugger.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Howdy Ho folks"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Found a great site just now."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh yeah, another one is "Mouth of the Wyrm". Allows the

fomor to swallow you whole."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Taetia says, "And were you serious about needing 30 succ to extend

duration 6 months? Because honestly, that'd be in "Writing All Your Base Are

Belong to Us in 100' mile high letters on the face of the moon" country."

Enola Galen says, "Looks like I walked in on an interesting discussion."

<OOC> Hugon was serious.

<OOC> Hugon was just telling Taetia about the various powers in Freak Legion.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Stop scaring the players, Eus."

You say, "Tyson enjoys it, though. Players who enjoy pain are a GM magnet.

It's like picking a puss-filled scab just to watch it ooze."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "GM's are like Evil Overlords."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "They can never resist bragging about their plans."

<OOC> Hugon nods. "Of course, they're still frightened from the single fomor

that almost killed the entire party".

<OOC> Taetia says, "The more plot handles and such, and the more involved ya

get the more fun ya have, the more your char developes, and the more exp ya


<OOC> Taetia says, "And what about that 13 paradox?! When will that go off? I

don't suppose it could just do it's job of stabilizing reality by making the

spell permanent?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey Eclipse, could I play Wolfgang in this campaign?

considering what's happened to him, he'd fit right in."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Pray we don't run into an Ananasi."

<OOC> Hugon doesn't have the Ananasi book.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "They have Gifts that can pile extra Paradox onto

mages and summon Paradox-spirits."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ooo.. ananasi.. If you get that book Eus, tell me, and

I'll send you the blood magic paths I made for them.. Fun fun fun.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "SHHHHH!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh, so I can use them for your antagonists? How kind...*G*"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Sort of like "Hey, Weaver! Over there, someones

breaking the laws of reality. Get him!""

<OOC> Hugon smiles.

<OOC> Taetia says, "El? You realize how very deeply I want to bitch slap you

at the moment?"

Enola Galen smiles.

<OOC> Hugon actually wonders if Tyson has any ideas the properties of

that...err, n/m...

<OOC> Taetia says, "I found this hilarious: http://www.krazylarry.com/d/1999103


<OOC> Taetia says, "The knife? The paradox giving knife?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Meow..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Kitty?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Could we just presume I've been hauling her around and

feeding/watering her?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Because I keep forgetting.."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Have a look at this site: http://www.rinkworks.com/bad


<OOC> Hugon says, "Did you know that fomor can mask their Wyrm taint?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "It's dedicated to reviews of bad movies. There's some

real howlers there."

<OOC> Taetia says, "A cat fomori?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Is that your way of saying 'We got a fomori with us?'"

<OOC> Taetia says, "And are you ever going to send me a copy of the log?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I'm still worried by the fact that there's at least

four of his pals down there."

<OOC> Hugon still needs to go through the log and make sure he picked

everything up. Why would you think there's a fomor with you?

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Healthy paranoia."

<OOC> Hugon just enjoys making Tyson frightened...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Always a worthwile occupation."

You say, "In one game Naph ran, one of the PCs was a half-devil with a Ring of

Undetectable Alignment. We thought some nasty critter was stalking the

party, killing people wherever we went. I should have remembered the

Foundation series and the Mule..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Everybodies plotting against me.. Eclipse.. My party..

Eus, the cat, Josh, Willis, hell probably even Leon is plotting against me."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Now do you understand why I'm paranoid?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "You forgot Valsu, Terrance, Rosa, Charles..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh yeah, and the node doesn't like you..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "The node tried to eat me! That goes beyond not liking me!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Don't forget a tribe of Bastet."

Eclipse thumbs through Grimtooth's Traps. "It's been a long time since I ran

an old-fashioned dungeon crawl. Maybe the next ruin should have a basement.

What do you think, Tyson?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Them too.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Valsu is Barsonil, Rosa is Regina, Terrance is a bsd and

Charles is a bane."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Eclipse, I could send you the map of an area I made for a

MUD, complete with NPCs..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Please don't.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I should probably gather everyone at the Cairn and call

the Technocracy.. They don't have to put up with shit like this."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Valsu is out like a light at the moment though."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Point being?"

Hugon pages, "Oh, just so you know, I'll be (at best) late next week. I'm

being forced to work a city-wide event until (roughly) 9:00 Eastern."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Terrance is tainted, isn't he? He was corrupted when

Regina captured him. She let us kill her, so they'd have a plant!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Paranoid?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Foebok is watching you."

<OOC> Hugon thinks that the worst taint was given to Elemental

though...believing that Barney is at the right hand of Gaia...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Totally."

You say, "Trollkin's Role-Players' Dictionary defines 'paranoid' as 'A

player's natural state; the general nervousness all healthy players

experience shortly after realizing that, where the game is concerned, their

GM is the Supreme Being, and the Supreme Being likes a good laugh.'"

<OOC> Taetia says, "They're all out to get me. Leon. Muri. Martin. Valsu.

Rosa. Regina. Barsonil. Charles. Josh. Willis. Escpecially Willis."

You say, "Don't forget George Lucas."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And Deke."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Patti"

<Login> Oriana has connected from dial247.ecol.net on

Fri Aug 17 17:52:47 2001 EST.

Oriana has arrived.

<OOC> Taetia says, "That's right, lengthen the list."

Oriana has received your page: "Hey, beth."

<OOC> Oriana waves to everyone

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey Beth."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wazzup?"

Enola Galen waves back.

Oriana pages, "Hey, thought I'd drop in and watch how the well-behaved cabal

games for a night...(c:"

Oriana sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hey Beth. We were just listing all the characters in the

W:tA session that are out to get Tyson."

<OOC> Oriana laughs...that would be a hell of a list, from what you've told


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You missed out Jessi."

<OOC> Hugon counts 13 so far.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Jessi doesn't count."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh yeah, that crazy Son of Ether...14"

Oriana has received your page: "It could get interesting. I have a sudden

craving for a dungeon crawl. We're just waiting on Al."

<OOC> Taetia says, "14. Aaron Sakra, 15."

<OOC> Oriana walks over to Hugon, pokes him a couple times, and yells, "I

finally finished Winter's Heart, so get off my ass!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And all those Bastet."

<OOC> Taetia says, "16."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh yes, the entire Balam tribe."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And probably the new Kitsune.. Won't our group terrify


<OOC> Taetia says, "17."

Oriana pages, "*laughs* Just get it out of your system before tomorrow night.

I don't think the Cabal of Destruction could survive that sort of thing."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And the Technocracy, by default."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Heh. We should post the quotes from that log.. I think

Beth'd get a kick out of the Breast conversation."

<OOC> Oriana hrms? Oh wait, maybe I don't want to know...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Fear the shapeshifting fanboy."

<OOC> Taetia says, "18. Pentex. 19. Lansting. 20. TGhe bsd 21."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Nephandi 22"

<OOC> Taetia says, "LOL!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Considering his family.. 23.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Just for generall oddness.. Cynthia=24.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "24 people out for Wolf/sylvia's head.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "At least. Oh, and the Jock. 25"

Oriana has received your page: "All that angst in a closed space? It would be

like painting with gasoline in a closet with a lantern in the room."

<OOC> Hugon wonders where Al is tonight.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Shall we just go with who doesn't want him dead?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "The ST...too much fun torturing him. *G*"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Al was threatning me with something.. What's he plotting


Oriana pages, "LOL! Actually, I thought we were doing pretty well with

keeping the angst at a manageable level for awhile there. We had a few

sessions that were just about angst-free. But then a certain someone

introduced my dead husband into the scenario...(c;"

<OOC> Hugon can't tell you that.

<OOC> Taetia says, "And I quote: "Muri, I don't see how you women can stand

it. Sure they're pretty, but they're damned uncomfortable and annoying,

bouncing around like rubber balls.. Did I make them too big?""

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hrmm.. Has he even told you?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh dear God. That quote was a little...disturbing..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "It got worse."

Oriana has received your page: "That isn't angst. Angst would have been Koi

and Al'Marth killing him just as you realized he was real..."

<OOC> Taetia says, ""And how can you concentrate, much less engage in abstract

thought with all these queer organs and bizarre chemicals in your blood

stream? I think I'm going to be sick."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Told you."

Oriana pages, "Now, THAT is an evil idea. Is potential angst a better term?


<OOC> Oriana says, "You were right..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Wolfgang grabs her chest "Look at them! They serve no

practical purpose.""

<OOC> Taetia says, "It gets even worse. And it will get even... if Worser was

a word, thats what I'd use."

Oriana has received your page: "Or perhaps Hemlock resurrected Ben's body and

memories, but used Variel's soul. The only way you could kill your nemesis

would be to kill your husband. Would that count as angst?"

<OOC> Oriana isn't going to comment on the fact that any female character

could say similar things to Wolfgang...

Oriana pages, "Aaaaaah! Nooooo! Make it stop!"

Enola Galen recalls the 'body-swapping' episode of Farscape.

(to Oriana) Eclipse grins. "Would I let the arch-villain use your husband's

body as his phylactery?"

Oriana pages, "Um, gee...let me think about this one for a minute. YES?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Now Tyson, I told you that I'd throw sewers worse than

Midgaard's sewers at you, but you kept going through anyway..."

Oriana has received your page: "It would explain a lot, wouldn't it?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Just wait until I get shapeshifting 4.. then we'll see

bodyswapping... Willis.. your time will come.. The path of the righteous man

is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of

evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds

the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper

and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great

vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my

brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon


<OOC> Taetia says, "I thought you meant as in more confusing. Not fuller of

evil goodness."

<OOC> Hugon says, "It has that too...you barely touched page one and touched a

little bit of page 5..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Eclipse is sending me evil pages. Taetia is quoting Pulp

Fiction. Have I died and gone to hell? (c:"

<Login> Octavius has connected from 1Cust46.tnt2.warren.

mi.da.uu.net on Fri Aug 17 18:06:41 2001 EST.

You say, "At last we hear the real reason why the Cabal of Destruction opted

against the sewers..."

Enola Galen hopes Eus hasn't had time to check out Stephne King's 'IT' or

Resident Evil 2.

Octavius has arrived.

<OOC> Hugon hasn't...yet.

Octavius sits down on the lumpy sofa.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hi everyone."

<OOC> Hugon puts up a shield in front of Oriana to protect her.

Oriana pages, "Do not EVEN start with that...*G*"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Hi."

You say, "And we have quorum... How are you doing, Al?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Woohoo! Quorum good! Like Mummy!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I am doing pretty good."

Taetia pages, "You're sure I can't play in this game?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "EH? What's this about.. the M-Word?"

You say, "Quiet, Hugon. You weren't supposed to tell him!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Eclipse, could I spend my experience on Prime 2?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "How is everyone?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey Oct. I'm fine, thanks..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Fine, thank you."

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yes. You have plenty of Prine-users in the cabal to learn


<OOC> Hugon says, "Sorry, it slipped Eclipse...just don't tell him about the

maps I got..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "You bought it didn't you! We're going to have to fight

Amam the Devourer!"

<OOC> Hugon cheers. He gets Prime 2...

<OOC> Hugon says, "What's wrong with Amam?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "He's a fomori! And a mummy! A Fomori-Mummy!"

<OOC> Oriana didn't realize how evil things could get when both GMs were in

the room to do tag-team tormenting of Tyson...

<OOC> Taetia says, "Maps of what?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, but I like it. That and nipple clamps. I'm odd that


<OOC> Oriana says, "And I'm getting caught in the aftershocks..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "A fomori, Paradox-slinging Ananasi?"

Oriana has received your page: "But it's FUN, Beth! Trollkin's Gaming

Dictionary defines 'paranoia' as 'A player's natural state; the general

nervousness all healthy players experience shortly after realizing that,

where the game is concerned, their GM is the Supreme Being, and the Supreme

Being likes a good laugh at the players' expense.'"

<OOC> Taetia says, "And I quote: Muriyato says "Oh yes, they look real but

sort of abstract...""

<OOC> Hugon keeps writing down the ideas and wonders if we're ready to start.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Ready"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ready."

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Fri Aug

17 18:11:58 2001 EST

Hugon has lost his link.

Oriana pages, "Yup, sure, fun. The question is, fun for whom? <grin>

Anywho, I should shut up and let you run your game, now..."

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

You go in-character. Your actions now reflect your character and not

necessarily yourself.

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust63.tnt1.midland.mi

.da.uu.net on Fri Aug 17 18:12:21 2001 EST.

Hugon has connected.

<OOC> Hugon hit the bad button...

<OOC> Taetia pulls out a tub of popcorn, a pepsi, and puts on his Mystery

Science Theatre 3000 t-shirt. "Let the heckling again!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Aw, poor Eus..."

<OOC> Hugon tosses a Putty Buddy at Tyson and is ready to go.

<OOC> Taetia says, "A putty buddy?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Which MST3000 character most fits Tyson?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Fomori Fetish..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "What's it do?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Crow. Hands down."

<OOC> Hugon smiles. "Eat it and find out."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I agree with crow."

You say, "When last we left the Anti-Angst Cabal, they had just figured out

how to use MS Wand ME to identify the Homefires and get the attention of

everything in a 300 mile radius at the same time, and were hotly debating

what to do next."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Bad, its very bad."

<OOC> Oriana says, "And tonight, I'm here to be Tyson's partner in heckling.

Fun fun fun..."

<OOC> Eclipse agrees.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "There can never be too many."

<OOC> Taetia says, "OOo.. you can sit next to me Beth! *Wink Wink*"

<OOC> Octavius puts on his sunglasses and say, "How about surfing, man?

Hugon looks over at the others. "Well, what's the plan now?"

Octavius id sharpening his sword thinking.

<OOC> Octavius says, "id=is"

Enola Galen says, "We find the nearest Homefire, I presume."

Hugon chews his lip a little bit. "I wonder if we could locate the homefires

from a distance and decide what to do from there? It might tip off our

opponents though."

<OOC> You say, "Well, you already found the NEAREST Homefire..."

<Login> Rahab has connected from on Fri Aug

17 18:16:05 2001 EST.

Rahab has connected.

Octavius says, "Or at least contact those we know of alreadyand warn them."

Rahab takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

<OOC> Oriana says, "I might already be sitting next to you, Tyson...I tried to

go to the peanut gallery and ended up on the couch somehow..."

Rahab pages, "Matt told you he wouldn't be here?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "And you gave everything in 300 mile radius an increased

chance of skin cancer."

Taetia lies back on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Do they get corruption for smacking people with the cancer


<OOC> Oriana giggles

Hugon says, "Enola, do you know of any way that we won't go blind again if we

use that wand/"

Rahab has received your page: "Yes, he did. He emailed, posted on GCP, and

paged me about it. I got the message... *grin*"

(remotely) Rahab giggles.

Enola Galen says, "I don't. You could always look the other way or cover your

eyes, I guess."

Hugon says, "That won't help us when we use it on someone when we're trying to

figure out if they are a homefire though."

Octavius finishes sharpeing his blade and sheaths it.

Octavius says, "Is there anyway we can keep the light from blinding us while

we look at it?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Did the light come from the wand or Argos?"

<OOC> Eclipse drinks some of his Quintessence. Almost all of it remains.

Hugon says, "We think that Tybalt might be homefire, right? Should we go to

him, or should we stay here? The demons are sure to try to attack Argos

again. With a weakened army, the Guiltbearers won't be able to survive

another attack like that again."

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Argos, you think. The light was a bit of a


Enola Galen says, "As well as that, there's...well, this place. I never liked

it much, but I still don't want demons running through my old home."

Octavius says, "They would try to attack Agrgos again, but so they know where

he is?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "so=do"

Hugon says, "It's only a matter of time. You can't just make an entire army

disappear and not be able to find it again."

<OOC> Taetia says, "David Copperfield could."

Octavius says, "Yes, but how long will it that the demon forces to get here,

we are far away from Arcadia and the sunrealms, right?"

Hugon says, "If there are those who are skilled mystics about, perhaps we

could work together and break the connection between the demons and their

master? That would at least slow him down and allow us time to locate the


Enola Galen says, "You're in the middle of several hundred skilled mystics."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Good point..."

Octavius grins at that statment.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: You're about 800 miles north of the border of the Sun


Hugon blinks. "Oh yes...sorry, I guess I wasn't all hear for a moment."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Here..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Aprroaimatly how far from arcadia and golgotha?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "12 hours of work...brain is mush..."

Enola Galen says, "Druanae, Guiltbearers, us...take your pick."

Hugon looks down at his amulet. "Of course, we could just go right to

Variel's front door and have our friend drop in for a visit..."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: 750 miles from Arcadia. 360 miles west-northwest of


!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

Hugon says, "It's worth a try. Shall we go make our plea?"

Oriana has received your page: "Hmmm... That's an interesting thought..."

Octavius says, "We are cuurently 800mo from the Sunrealm, 750 from Arcadia,

and 360 mi for Gulgotha, I think we have a bit more time then we sespect."

Oriana pages, "That's a *scary* thought. Maybe not so fun for the players

involved...but hey, it'd be fun to watch. (c:"

Octavius nods in agreement with Hugon.

Hugon says, "Do we know that was his entire army back in the Sunrealms? We

got here fairly quick as well. Who is to say that they can't do the same?"

Octavius says, "Not in the sunrealms, but beyond them"

Oriana has received your page: "Wouldn't it suck if you were hunting down a

guy who was already dead? Of course, random creativity and paranoia-generatio

n seems to have given me something of an out..."

Hugon nods. "Like I said, I'm not all here right now, but let us go and find

out who we need to speak with."

Octavius nods

Oriana pages, "*groan*"

Enola Galen says, "All right."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Going to find someone who might know who to talk to about

gathering a large group of mystics to slow down Hemlock's advances."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey Hugon, screw up my revenge and I'll drive over to

Michigan, hunt you down, and kick your ass, K?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Allright Beth! Stick your pointy little foot ankle deep in

his hairy white ass once for me and the boys in the sunday game, ok?"

<OOC> You say, "Because Oriana's husband's soul depends on her getting her


<OOC> Hugon says, "Who said I was going after Variel?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "He sold his soul to be with me. That would be really

romantic if it didn't suck so much."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Maybe I should scrap the "Ben Burgers" idea then.."

<OOC> Oriana attempts to do dishes and follow the game at the same time, and

fails miserably.

<OOC> Octavius agrees with Oriana.

<OOC> Oriana makes a face at Taetia

Hugon looks around for somebody who might know who to speak to about the idea.

Octavius follows, "I suggest asking Argos first.

Enola Galen pages, "Do I remember who was in charge and where they can be


Eclipse [to Hugon]: Like who? The Mystics are not a very centralized

Tradition, and most of the folks around here are Druanae, Epagans, and


Octavius says, "He might know who could help us."

<OOC> Hugon meant "mystics" as in somebody who might know something about the

spirit world. Seeing as they had somebody in the Umbra, somebody around here

must have some idea on what could be done.

Enola Galen has received your page: "You already know who's in charge of the

Druanae and the Epagans."

Hugon nods. "It's somewhere to start. Let's ask." Hugon starts looking for


Octavius follows.

Enola Galen says, "They're not into centralised government here."

Hugon says, "Oh? Hmm, well, scrap that idea then. Others?"

Enola Galen pages, "I meant who was in charge here."

Enola Galen says, "Perhaps we should ask Argos if that'd work. I mean, he is

the premiere demon fighter, right?"

Octavius says, "I still suggest trying to contact the homefires we suspect and

either warn them or ask for their aid."

Hugon nods. "Agreed, let's talk to Argos about what to do next."

Argos, "Yes. What is it?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "We're off to see the Archwizard, the wonderful

archwizard Argos."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ignore the man behind the curtain!"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Hugon throws rotton fruit at Octavius.

<OOC> Octavius catches it in mid air and throws it back.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Btw Oriana.. if you die, I'm selling Ben to the hot dog


<OOC> You say, "What, doesn't Nyarlathotep get a theme song? (*read "The

Thing on the Doorstep" the other night*)"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "'Sympathy for the Devils'?"

<OOC> Oriana gives Taetia the finger

Octavius says, "Sire, we have an idea of how to slow the Hemlockspwans advance

if need be."

<OOC> You say, "Or how about 'Have a Cigar'?"

Hugon says, "Sir, we were discussing what the next move should be and we

thought that perhaps severing the connection between the demons and their

master would help slow down his advancements."

<OOC> Oriana loves that story...

Enola Galen says, "We were thinking of cutting the link between the demons and

their controller using everyone here."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dead Body Man?"

Octavius gives the floor to hugon.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Um, "The Thing On The Doorstep," not whatever else it was

people were talking about..."

Argos, "That would be a flawless plan if it weren't for the mathematics


<OOC> Oriana says, "Woohoo! Now we're playing musical...um...floor."

Octavius says, "Mathamatics sir?"

Hugon says, "In what way? If there were enough to do it, could it not be


Enola Galen says, "Mathematics? Ah. Well, that is one of my specialties..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Mathematics are evil..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

<OOC> Octavius says, "test"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Anal? Or Oral?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "I sense a giant GM speech approaching, Oct...either that

or a bunch of pages filling the air..."

<OOC> Hugon uses "Sense GM Speech".

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Clouds on the horizon."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Metagaming / Mind 1"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Speec it is."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well guys, I'm taking off...gonna go see a movie with my

mom. I might be back in a few hours tho. Try not to destroy the world while

I'm away. (c;"

Argos, "It would take a lot of Disciples of Spirit to acomplish that. You

see, in order to bring a daemon across the Gauntlet, a mage needs bait -

usually the body a sentient victim. The daemon arrives inside the host,

hatching like a bird. There are almost no humans on this side of the Sun

Realms, but tales speak of the millions of humans who live south of the Sun

Realms. If Hemlock is invading across the Sun Realms, he might already have

conquered the lands to the south. And now he has taken Nitali, as well,

meaning his servants can use the captives as the hosts for more daemons.

They will make up the losses we inflicted on them in a matter of weeks.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh, we'll leave that to you tomorrow night. Laters, Beth."

Oriana has received your page: "Later, Beth. I'll email you soon, I promise."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Bye."

Oriana pages, "Don't worry about it, I can be patient. (c: See you later."

<OOC> Oriana waves bye

<Logout> Oriana has disconnected on Fri Aug

17 18:49:05 2001 EST

Oriana has disconnected.

<OOC> Octavius says, "See ya"

Octavius nods, "I can atest to how many Humans there were sir.

Hugon hangs his head. "Nitali?"

The resolution of Oriana fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Let me guess, the University is in Nitali, right?"

Octavius says, "The continet where Arcadia is located."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Was...

Enola Galen says, "Doesn't the possession work on anyone except humans, then?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, scratch plan C...on to plan D..."

Hugon says, "Nitali is where I was educated, at the University of Bulltempo."

Octavius nods, "It was also my home of the past decade.

Argos, "It will work on any race to the north of the Sun Realms as surely as

it does on humans. A ritual to summon them to that part of the Gauntlet and

bring them across, and a body. That's all Hemlock's servants need to bring

more daemons into our world."

Octavius says, "Tell me, sir, how long has the Ba'lak existed on this side of

the Sunrealm?"

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Fri Aug

17 18:52:54 2001 EST

Hugon has lost his link.

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust69.tnt1.midland.mi

.da.uu.net on Fri Aug 17 18:54:40 2001 EST.

Hugon has connected.

Argos, "We do not know for certain, but Ahab helped Variel cross the Sun

Realms nearly twenty years ago. The Ba'Lak have improved upon his spell

since then, of course. Now they bring hundreds, even thousands, of creatures

through the Sun Realms at a time."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Silly Phone Cord, getting in the way of my feet..."

Hugon says, "Is there a way to keep them from crossing the Sun Realms, period?"

Octavius nods.

You say, "Argos scratches his beard. "

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Test."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Ah, speech coming."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Here"

<OOC> Octavius says, "ST speech alert."

Argos, "I suppose that is possible, in theory. It is a lot of ground to

cover, though. It would take more than one Perfect Master to accomplish it.

Forces and Prime to intensify the heat. Spirit to block access via the Umbra

and Correspondence to block teleportation. Time would ensure the barrier

held even in the past, to prevent time-travelers from circumventing the wall.

Mind and Entropy would make it adaptable. Spirit, Prime, Entropy, and

Correspondence at the least. Plus major sources of Quintessence to feul such

a complex ritual... Hmmm..."

Enola Galen says, "Could the Homefires do it?"

Hugon says, "Hmm, so we need to find others who are masters of their

respective spheres as well."

Octavius says, "Sir, if what you said about them blocking Guiltbearers is

true, can you do the ame about Daemons?"

Octavius says, "I think Tybalt, might help us in the case."

Enola Galen says, "Do we know where he might be? Or should we just follow the

wench trail?"

Octavius blushes, "I think that Hugon could try to contact him ussing me, I am

sure a part of him is still in me.

<OOC> Hugon was just about to suggest that...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "The biology doesn't bear thinking about..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Sorry, had to suggest it."



Argos, "I could provide Forces and Prime. Hemlock has the leaders of three

Traditions in his power. They have at least Entropy, Forces, and Spirit at

their disposal. The barrier that blocks the Guiltbearers was created with

Entropy alone, but two of the three Perfect Masters of Entropy are servants

of Hemlock.

<OOC> Hugon gawks at Taetia's command of the commands "Copy" and "Paste".

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "When Tyson is grossed out, you know you've gone too


Taetia pages, "maybe the king of cats byblow.. now that'd be interesting.."

<OOC> Hugon says, "@#;+)"

Enola Galen says, "Who is the third, then?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Your just jealous that you didn't think about first


Argos, "That would be 34, the leader of the Artificers."

<OOC> Taetia just shivers

Hugon says, "Well, Enola, that's your department. Where might we find 34?"

Enola Galen pages, "Do I know?"

Enola Galen has received your page: "He is a gnome living somewhere on the

continent of Geek far to the north, near the Midnight Realms."

Enola Galen says, "Of course. He should be on Geek, up north. Near the

Midnight realms."

Hugon nods. "Hmm, who else could we contact that would be of aid? What is

Tybalt a master of again?"

Octavius says, "I am guessing time."

Enola Galen says, "He did free the King from that magical trap."

Argos, "Tybalt has mastered Time and Correspondence."

Enola Galen says, "So he could be anywhere."

Octavius says, "Then we should get him."

Hugon realizes something. "Another question...do you know which traditions

have had their leaders converted?"

Hugon says, "Yes, but he should be easier to find."

Octavius says, "Two ones I have guessed, Euthontos and Weard."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Nyar is your friend..."

Argos, "Variel we know for sure. He once led the Weards. I have also heard

that Nyarlathotep, the leader of the Euthanatos has accumulated so much Jhor

that he must have gone over to Hemlock. I have heard nothing about a third."

Enola Galen says, "Once led the Weards? Does someone else lead them now?"

Octavius pulls out his list and writes those names down/

Hugon says, "Well, I would imagine that after he left, a new leader would be


Octavius says, "Hmmm, I wonder who has fallen."

Hugon says, "Then we should try to contact those that we know can aid us and

go from there. I wonder if I can find Tybalt from here..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Damn, if I only had enthropy then I could spin a stick

on the list and see wich has fallen."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Would Octavius count as something to locate Tybalt with?"

Argos, "Weard Takraf rules the Weards now, but he is not yet a Perfect Master

of either Sphere.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 1h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Octavius 1h 3s IC PC

Hugon 23m 1m IC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

Enola Galen 1h 4m OOC PC

Taetia 3h 9m IC PC

Rahab 1h 33m IC Wiz

--[Wed May 19 12:44:27 2651]--------------------------------[6 users; 0s lag]--

<OOC> Octavius says, "Speech alert."

<OOC> You say, "Speech? It's your go, I think..."

<OOC> Hugon is waiting for an answer to his OOC.

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m138-mp1-cvx1a.man.ntl.com on Fri Aug 17 19:20:49 2001 EST.

Octavius says, "If anyone would care to take a guess, which tradtion leader

might have fallen and keep that fall secert."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: :lol. "I thought you were joking. Hmm... I think he'd

count as 'used once'..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yeah, but wasn't he a foci? Wouldn't that leave...lasting


<OOC> Taetia says, "twitch. twitch."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Which is better than nothing right?"

<OOC> You say, "Sorry. I couldn't resist."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It might do the entire prime bond prime 1 mentions."

Hugon says, "Perhaps I shoudl try to contact Tybalt if we want to try and

accomplish this."

Enola Galen says, "All right."

Enola Galen says, "Let's just hope we don't run into any more frozen monarchs."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: dif 4, 5 suc.

Octavius blushes and groans at the same time.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Spending a WP"

Hugon says, "Octavius, stand still. I need you to make this spell work."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 1, 10, 4; totalling 15.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 7 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

<OOC> Taetia says, "This is worse than the 5 dollar bet.. Even tho you're not

really DOING anything bad."

<OOC> Hugon says, "OH CRAP..."

<OOC> You say, "Maybe you should take turns 'sacrificing yourselves'."

Octavius stands at attention,

<OOC> Hugon says, "Backlash..7 points..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Use a will, use a wiil."

<OOC> Hugon has no more will...

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

<OOC> You say, "Oh dear... Hmmm..."

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Dman."

<OOC> Hugon points to his Owl and Purity ratings in hope that it isn't too bad.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hopefully Tybalt gets sent here."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Your owl can't eat 7 points without exploding, can he?

And is your Purity above 5?

<OOC> Hugon says, "Depends what a 3 point familiar can eat..."

<OOC> Hugon does has a spiritually awakened shield though...does that help?

Eclipse [to Hugon]: How much Scourge has he eaten so far this story?

<OOC> You say, "brb"

<OOC> Hugon says, "When did the last story end (I think 2 total since we


<OOC> Octavius says, "When we freed Argos."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh, then I don't think he's eaten any this story."

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb myself"

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

<OOC> You say, "b"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: a 3-point familiar can eat 2 5-point Backlashes or 1

10-point Backlash per story. So, Mr. Owl can eat this Scourging.

<OOC> Hugon says, "WOOHOO!!!!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Could he then eat three points of the next scourge?"

<OOC> Taetia just wants that clarified..

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I should get a familiar."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I *knew* I took a familiar for something besides being

mistaken for a chamber pot..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Still like the idea of a clockwork rat."

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Actually, no. The rule is funny that way...

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, we need to finish this story fast...*G*"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Does that screw up the spell or can he continue?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That doesn't really make sense.. Shouldn't it be able to

eat up to it's max, even if it doesn't come in neat little backlashes?"

<OOC> Eclipse is disappointed. "And I was going to have you accidentally

contact Tybalt in the future instead of the present, too..."

<OOC> Hugon smiles. "Good Owl...very good owl..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ruling on that? Start over, continue?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Here have a toosie pop, Mr Owl."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Now, have we learned why spending many dots in familiar is

a good thing?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: That's exactly what the book says. There is actually a

gradual improvement, not only in the amount of Backlash a Familiar can eat,

but how it can eat. A 4-point Familiar can eat raw Scourge before it

Backlashes. A 5-point Familiar can eat 25 points of Scourge per WEEK instead

of per STORY.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Dangs...he almost took familiar 5 too.."

<OOC> Hugon forgot his :.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It can be et before it backlashes?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yep."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey Eus, I guess I can say goodbye to that 13 dots of


<OOC> Taetia says, "I love Charles, even if he is a Bane."

<OOC> Hugon says, "It'll keep growing..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What, charles is a 5 pointer?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Charles is a bane?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: It won't disrupt your spell. The book doesn't say either

way, but this way works for me.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, I guess that means 2 succs so far."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 3, 3; totalling 11.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 7, 8, 1; totalling 16.

<OOC> Octavius hoody-hoos

Hugon rolled 3d10: 1, 9, 9; totalling 19.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Finally, got it."

<OOC> You say, "What's with you and ones today, Hugon?"

<OOC> Hugon watches his owl belch up some reality beatdown.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Beth cursed my dice!"

Enola Galen passes Hugon a can of Mojo.

<OOC> Hugon cracks it open and starts sucking.

<OOC> You say, "You probably deserved it, then."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nurse Hugon, prepare the Mojo injections."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I guess its bad karma, his W:tA were plagues by ones

last session. Can you toss me one of those El?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, I contact the King of Cats."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Good old Tybalt...Oct's buddy."

Enola Galen throws Oct a can as well. "Cheers."

<OOC> Octavius catches, opens and downs it in one motion.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Cheers!"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: You make contact in a way that feels like you're sticking

your head through a window to talk to the King of Cats, only to notice the

guillotine blade above the window with the trigger in Tybalt's nervous little


<OOC> Octavius says, "Hey, Eclipse can we have a Can of Mojo dispense in the


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Brings a new meaning to 'He cut me off'"

Hugon seems to be sweating with the effort of contacting Tybalt. "Sir, I was

wondering if I could speak with you? It's regarding the demons that are

plaguing the lands."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Why does nothing really evil ever happen to them?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "We aren't the Angst Cabal!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Good karma?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Except this Tybalt is only a mirror image in a periscope

with a thousand angles. (the equivilent of bouncing a signal off of several


<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh goody...can I tell what the heck is going on with the

wacky images?"

You say, "There is a notable delay considering that Correspondence

communication moves faster than light..."

Tybalt, "Who are you?"

Hugon says, "Hugon. I was the one who sent the Lanterns to find you when King

Argos was discovered and you met Octavius."

Tybalt, "Who? When?"

Tybalt, "And do you recall which one of me you met?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well.. at least they get the majority of the homoerotic


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And werebear jokes."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Any way to understand what he means by "which one of me"?"

Hugon says, "This was very recent. King Argos was trapped in the nexus, sir."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Techniclly it wasn't homosexual,both paticipants were of

opposite gender."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, but you were born a guy, and mentally, you were a


Hugon says, "I believe you were King of Cats, sir. It was the time a man

turned himself into a woman, if you recall."

Tybalt, "Which time and which Argos. Please forgive me. Being

multilocational and multitemporal has its drawbacks."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Time 9 man.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's a hoot."

Hugon nods. "King Argos of the Guiltbearers."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Umm, general time?>"

<OOC> Hugon says, "(A year?>"

Tybalt, "Oh. THAT time! How is Octavius doing, anyway? I don't often have

new experiences anymore, but having sex with a man who has transformed

himself into a woman is one of the most recent unique experiences I've had."

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

<OOC> Taetia says, "twitch. twitch."

Tybalt, "That one gets labeled as 'best material for a Seeking' in my book.

I've recommended it to all my friends. What fun!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "D'oh. I have to go =("

<Logout> Taetia has disconnected on Fri Aug

17 19:51:50 2001 EST

Taetia has disconnected.

<OOC> Octavius says, "back."

Tybalt, "Of course, your owl was an interesting experience, as well."

Hugon says, "He's doing well enough. I wager that it was quite an experience

for him as well, though I haven't the talent to scan his thoughts. I would

guess it'd be quite the Seeking as well. Has anybody else tried it since you

recomended it to them? I imagine you have heard about the demons crossing

through the world"."

<OOC> Hugon blink..

The resolution of Taetia fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Tybalt, "Oops! That was in another realm of possibility. My mistake..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I think he is in all probibities too."

Hugon says, "I was about to say that I didn't recall that."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Err Probabilites"

Tybalt, "Which army of daemons? The ones invading from a base on the moon of

Entropy, maybe?

<OOC> You say, "Getting the Homefires together in the same place to work

together might be about as easy as getting the wizards of Unseen University

to agree on a subject..."

You say, "He looks at you hopefully."

<OOC> Hugon really hates Time Nutters...*G*

Hugon says, "Do not all deamons serve the same master and thus, the same ends?

I imagine that they would be included as well."

<OOC> Octavius quotes JFK, "We are not doing these things because they are

easy, but because they are hard."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Or something like that."

<OOC> You say, "Time AND Correspondence nutter, actually. A Perfect Master of

Correspondence can only lose his train of thought in three dimensions.

Tybalt can get confused in four..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Lucky him..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ouch, he can be anywhere at any time."

<OOC> Hugon says, "And very confused..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Still he is one of our best hopes."

Tybalt, "All daemons in YOUR pocket of reality follow Hemlock, but one of me

exists in a place and time where demons obey a red demigod with goat feet and


<OOC> Octavius says, "Can anyone geuss who he is talking about?"

Tybalt, "It all depends on your point of view. Of course, all we have to go

on is our own experiences, so I encourage you to trust your own limited


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Satan, of course."

Hugon nods. "I see. In any event, our discussions turned to these daemonds,

and the thought of containing them came about."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wow...bad typo..."

<OOC> You say, "Daemonds are a girl's best friend."

<OOC> Octavius lols

Hugon says, "We've been considering blocking them off at the Sun Realms, Sir."

Tybalt, "Containing them? 'They'd rather die than give you control,' to

paraphrase the ancient bard. Aren't/won't/weren't they already on your side

of the Sun Realms, though?"

Hugon says, "I found that out. When I cut the connection between a few of

them, they fled to their doom. We'd like to block them off at the Sun Realms

to prevent any more from crossing over, though."

Hugon says, "We believe this will help us, at least for now, secure the


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Test"

Tybalt, "There are/were/will be a lot of daemons on this side if the have

defeated/will defeat/are defeating the Guiltbearers. And trapping them on

YOUR side of the Sun Realms might not have been/be/will be much help.

Hugon nods. "I see. Thank you, Sir."

<OOC> You say, "This guy's sentences are a pain to conjugate..."

Tybalt, "Why will you thank me? Given you information very little have I.

Supply Time gladly I will and Correspondence end menace the the of daemons.

Damn packet-loss. Recenter need I do. Back be I will soon."

You say, "His image disappears."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Tybalt just turned into Yoda?"

Hugon refocuses on the real world (finally).

Enola Galen says, "What did he say?"

Hugon repeats.

Octavius says, "Did you get a hold of him?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Verbetim?

Octavius looks amazed and bewildered.

<OOC> You say, "Look, _I'M_ amazed and bewildered right now!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Paraphrased, w/o the multiple times..."

Hugon repeated it in his own words so that everyone else didn't get a massive


Hugon says, "He may be right. We'd trap a lot of them on this side of the Sun


Octavius is still amazed and bewildered, "Well I'll have to tell him that it

was a uniqe experiance for me to.

Enola Galen says, "But they'd be there anyway, surely? And we'd block more

from entering?"

<OOC> You say, "Yes, and let's KEEP it unique, okay?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Well that would me a near perfect disguise wouldn't it?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "me=make"

<OOC> You say, "Ever read Huckleberry Finn?"

Hugon says, "Yes, but the time and energy spent may be better served


<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes,"

Enola Galen says, "Did he by any chance suggest something that would work?"

Octavius says, "We could still use his talents, even if not for the plan we

were considering."

Hugon says, "He said he would be back soon, so he may try to contact us later."

<OOC> You say, "Huck pretending to be a girl?"

Octavius says, "Or he might end up here."

You say, "Yes, but will he contact the RIGHT you?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes, but this is different. Huch didn"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Err Huck didn't have life 3"

<OOC> Hugon says, "He knows which time frame...the one where the man turned

into a woman..."

Hugon says, "Perhaps we should consider finding and securing the other

homefires that we know of. What of 34?"

<OOC> You say, "No, but he had male habits and manners, too. That's what gave

him away, remember."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Taybot would use Ocatvius as an achor point I think."

<OOC> Octavius says, "True, maybe I sould have learn how to act."

You say, "What ABOUT 34?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Umm, that's the IC Eclipse here?>"

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb I am going to take some advil to get rid of this


<OOC> Hugon thought that was just Eclipse forgetting the OOC command...

<OOC> You say, "No. I'd use apostrophe quote marks if it were the REAL

Eclipse. It was an IC GM question."

Enola Galen says, "Well, I told you what I know. I never met him personally."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gotcha"

Hugon says, "Well, let's go to Geek then."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "How far is that?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

Octavius says, "I think someone should contact Icelias while we find 34"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: About seven or eight hundred miles north-northeast.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ouch, scratch that idea."

You say, "That's as the crow flies, not as the ship founders."

Hugon says, "How long will it take to get there, Enola?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "At least we don't sink ships all the time like some


Enola Galen says, "It's about eight hundred miles to the north."

Octavius whistles, "That would be a long trip.

Hugon nods. "Yes, it would be."

Enola Galen says, "Of course, I could probably build us a faster conveyance

with a day or so and lots of timber..."

Octavius looks suprised, "Really how so?

Hugon says, "Getting the timber wouldn't be too big of a problem. Sir, have

you contacted Ares recently? Maybe he has some idea on what needs to be

done. You told us once to heed his advice."

Octavius says, "Yss, did Ares survive?"

You say, "He's not in the Guiltbearer army..."

You say, "I mean he's not here with the other Guiltbearers."

Enola Galen says, "Let's see...a basic rowboat, with a windmill-like paddle


<OOC> Octavius says, "That sucks."

Enola Galen says, "Although it would probably take less time time if we get

someone to teleport us there. The Druanae aren't exactly sympathetic to

logging operations."

Hugon says, "I imagine so."

Octavius says, "I wonder who will do that for us."

Enola Galen says, "All the same, I like that idea. I'll make a note of it."

Enola Galen says, "Tybalt?"

Octavius says, "I wonder if he'll find us."

Hugon says, "Everyone was teleported here, correct?"

You say, "If you can find/will find/have found him, that is..."

Hugon says, "I'm sure he's capable of doing so."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: yes.

Hugon says, "Sir, can't you teleport others?"

Octavius says, "Yes."

Argos, I have that ability. Where on Geek do you wish to go?

Hugon looks to Enola.

Enola Galen pages, "Do I know anything more specific than the continent?"

Octavius says, "The closest to where 34 might be, what is the local langiages


Hugon says, "That and a place we won't get attacked for appearing at."

Enola Galen has received your page: "You know the names of the countries on

the continent, and that there are a LOT of Artificers there, but not 34's

specific location. Some of the other Artificers should know his whereabouts."

Enola Galen pages, "Where would be a good place to start from?"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: The regional common is Geek. The root tongue is mostly


<OOC> Octavius says, "Thanks"

You say, "What am I, a moron? 34 is the King of Norn. I need to start doing

my research BEFORE the session..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What is that?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, where's Norn/languages/races?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "And what continet is it on?"

<OOC> Octavius groans and reubs his head a bit, "I hate having headaches

during game sessions, El I sympathize with what happened to you last sunday.

You say, "Er, I mean Uddernorn. Norn is the local language. The current

temperature is -6 degrees Celsius. Local forcast calls for a chance of

flurries with a high near 0 degrees. Well, not king, technically. They call

him High Admiral, for some reason, even though Uddernorn is land-locked."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Roots of Norn?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I'll tell them the basics of the place."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Gnomish.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Where is it from our position?"

Hugon says, "Ohh, cold...fur will help out."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Do we know the temp IC?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "And does anyone know the language?"

<OOC> Hugon knows Rador, which has Gnomish Roots.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Approximately 1800 kilometers. You know enough to know

that it is bitter cold that close to the Midnight Realms.

Hugon says, "Okay, I think we'll need to get some really thick cloaks."

<OOC> Octavius is utterly reliant on translatio.

Octavius says, "Yes."

Hugon says, "Also, Sir, would you know if there is any armor that I could get

around here in the event that we are attacked?"

Argos, "Certainly. What did you have in mind? One of us can probably create

some armor for you."

<OOC> You say, "brb"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm, could I have the equivilant of a diamond suit of

armor, complete with bladed knuckles? *j/k*"

Enola Galen says, "(To Argos) "One question, sire. When I had that...accident

with the wand, were you affected at all?"

<Login> Octavius has reconnected from 1Cust188.tnt1.warr

en.mi.da.uu.net on Fri Aug 17 20:51:01 2001 EST.

<OOC> You say, "b"

<OOC> Octavius says, "What did I miss?"

Hugon says, "Would a Bastard Plate be obtainable? I don't want to be too

heavily encumbered, but some protection would be very helpful."

You say, "Argos chuckles. 'Of course not. I maintain a contigent

Forces/Entropy Effect to protect me from suprise attacks and assassins.'"

Argos, "Bastard plate is well within our skills."

Enola Galen says, "I see. I was just trying to work out whether you emitted

the light or whether it came from the wand. So we know what to look away from

next time, sire."

<OOC> Hugon smiles...he gets something new to awaken...

<OOC> Eclipse shakes his head in wonder.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hey, maybe it'll have more than Int 0..."

Hugon bows. "Thank you, sire. Now, aside from finding some cloaks, we need

to find a way to protect ourselves from that light."

Argos, "I honestly couldn't tell you. The Forces Effect blocked the light, so

I guess that means the wand created the light. Unless it was my Avatar, I


<OOC> Octavius says, "And I think that you could use magic to make it more

protective with Magic Hugon."

Hugon says, "Could an effect be placed on the wand in order to contain the


Enola Galen says, "We don't know if the wand emits the light. Trying it again

would be a bad idea, I think we can agree on that."

Octavius says, "How about finding a way to protect indivduals from the light."

Hugon nods. "That would make sense, for the detection to utilize the avatar."

Hugon says, "Octavius, that light was causing spirits to cry out in pain. I

think we need to contain the light."

Octavius says, "What happened when you tested it on Naphtili?"

Enola Galen pages, "Do you need Prime to completely eliminate a force?"

Enola Galen says, "Not much."

Octavius nods, "Forgive my shortsighteness, Hugon.

Hugon says, "Any ideas on how to contain the light, Enola?"

Enola Galen has received your page: "Hmmmm...."

Enola Galen pages, "You need it to create something from nothing, so would you

need it to return something to nothing?"

Enola Galen says, "Perhaps if we restrained the light to a small area around

the wand.,..say, a few inches."

Octavius says, "What is it doesn't come from the wand?"

Enola Galen has received your page: "That would make sense. Countermagic

fueled by Quint might also work."

Enola Galen says, "Well, we can't put cages around people or Avatars, that

would defeat the purpose."

Enola Galen says, "And we can't very well experiment with it..."

Octavius nods

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 3h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Octavius 11m 1m IC PC

Enola Galen 1h 1m OOC PC

Hugon 2h 3m IC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

Rahab 2h 2h IC Wiz

--[Wed May 19 17:58:06 2651]--------------------------------[5 users; 0s lag]--

Enola Galen says, "I say we hold onto it for now, figure out how to modify it


Enola Galen says, "After all,we'll be able to find 34 without using it,


Hugon nods. "Sire, perhaps we should be off soon if we're to find 34 quickly."

You say, "Argos nods."

Eclipse rolled 10d10: 9, 7, 9, 7, 7, 3, 1, 10, 5, 10; totalling 68.

<OOC> Hugon doubts Titan's Armor is available anywhere...

<OOC> Hugon says, "To him at least."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I would so love that."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Penalty of 2 though..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Did I get the armor?>"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yes.

You say, "Anyone else want anything? You get warm clothing, of course."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Food of course"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Okay.

<OOC> Hugon says, "A pack (sick of carrying things in pockets>."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Fine.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "A map of the place, if anyone knows."

<OOC> Octavius says, "And a flask of strong booze just in case :)"

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: You get a general map of the continent and one of

the country (a map marked with the roads and communities of Uddernorn).

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, I think we're ready."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Hey, you did it without the booze once? Why do you

need it now?

<OOC> Octavius lols

<OOC> Octavius says, "Who said the booze was for me?"

You say, "Okay. Argos does his thing and you arrive in utter darkness. It is

not the least bit cold in here. In fact, it's genuinely hot. You hear a

steady hiss behind you."

<OOC> You say, "Is it for the horse?"

Hugon blinks.

<OOC> Octavius says, "You know, I could of said a few sets of womans clothes

just in case. Um, No"

Octavius looks behind him.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: You see more black darkness.

Hugon pages, "(To Owl> You see in the dark well...what's making that hissing


Enola Galen says, "Not what I was expecting. ANyone have a light?"

Octavius tries to conjure a smae light on his hand.

<OOC> Octavius says, "roll?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "small even"

Hugon has received your page: "'A black barrel, I think. It looks like a


<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean dif/suc?"

Hugon pages, "Any doors nearby?"

I don't understand that.

Hugon says, "Wait, he can see just find."

<OOC> Hugon says, "fine"

Hugon points upwards, not that anyone can see. "The owl, you know. Sees well

in the dark."

Enola Galen says, "Oh good. But does he know what to look for?"

Octavius says, "But what about each of us? I doubt that he can guide all of us

and the animals as well?"

Hugon has received your page: "'Right in front of you about three and a half

meters in front of you."

Octavius goes ahead and conjures the light.

Hugon says, "There's a door a few meters in front of me. I'll open it."

Hugon takes the obligitory steps and opens the door.

Octavius says, "What of there was a sing on the door that says danger do not


Enola Galen says, "Can he see what's making that noise?"

Hugon says, "Yes. It's a black barrel. He says it looks like a still."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What was the roll?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: When you get about six feet away from the door, it slides

open with a swoosh, revealing a white hallway illuminated brightly from rods

in the ceiling.

Hugon says, "Well well, so much for the light issues."

Octavius looks around the room.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Nightgoggles and Backlash Consumer...that's what being a

familiar is all about."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What's making the light?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "The rods"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ie lightbulbs"

Hugon says, "Shall we continue on? Enola, you know the culture better than I


<OOC> Octavius says, "Anything interesting in the room?"

Enola Galen nods, and leads the way down the hall.

You say, "The thing that is hissing looks like a large, black, metal barrel

turned on its side with pipes leading out of it and into the ceiling, floors,

and walls. There is a sign on the side of barrel that looks like three

yellow triangles pointed to the center."

Octavius looks at the sign, seeing if it is in a language he understands.

You say, "Where their points are absorbed by a small circle."

<OOC> Hugon says, "AKA, it can probably go BOOM!"

You say, "There are words below it. Anyone read Geek?"

Octavius says, "Enola, can you read this?"

<OOC> Hugon has Rador (Gnomish roots>.

Octavius points at the sign.

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m34-mp1-cvx1a.man.ntl.com on Fri Aug 17 21:20:33 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has received your page: "You recognize the sign as part of the

Artificer Code. It means something like, "wild magic that will give you

blisters, turn your children into mutants, and make you lose your hair"."

Enola Galen says, "I don't think you should touch that."

Octavius says, "What does the sign say?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Int + Liguistics, dif 7.

Hugon rolled 5d10: 7, 5, 8, 8, 2; totalling 30.

<OOC> Hugon says, "3!!!"

Enola Galen says, "Do not touch unless you want to severely damage your hair,

skin and family jewels. Shall we continue?"

Hugon has received your page: "It says, 'DANGER: Radioactive Materials.' In

smaller letters below it reads, 'Water Heater #51'."

Octavius whices, "Yes, lets"

Hugon says, "Yes...there's danger in touching it. Let's move on."

Octavius follows, leading his horse.

Enola Galen says, "Has anyone thought about what we say to 34 when we find


!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is

saved once more.

Octavius says, "Um, no. How about 34 we need you help, you are our only hope?"

You say, "The walls of the tunnel seem to be made of a strange material. It

is glossy like metal, but white and smooth."

Hugon says, "We believe that you're in danger from an attack from daemons who

wish to capture you and convert you to their side to consume the world?"

Octavius looks at the walls, "Interesting, I wonder what they are made of?

Enola Galen says, "I was thinking that we should have brought some proof,

that's all. Something with Argos' royal seal or whatever he uses."

Hugon looks at the metal. "Wow...white, smooth metal...I can only imagine

what I could make with such material..." He seems to be in shock.

You say, "They curve subtly as the corridor continues. There are doors

without knobs at regular intervals on both sides of the hallway. There is a

tiny black box next to each door."

Octavius point to the Gultbear sigil on his talbard, "Would this work?

Hugon says, "We can always contact Argos directly."

You say, "A gnome dressed in a red one-piece shirt-and-pants outfit with an

arrowhead pinned to his shirt comes toward you."

Enola Galen says, "Greetings."

Hugon looks at the small gnome from his 7'9" frame.

Octavius looks at the gnome from his 6'0 frame.

You say, "The gnome stops and hold up his open hand, palm outward. He holds

his fingers in a V with two fingers in each 'line'. 'Peace and long life.'"

<OOC> Octavius says, "near 6'0 frame"

<OOC> Octavius says, "What languae was it in?"

Enola Galen returns the gesture. "Thank you very much. Could you tell us where

we are? We're a bit lost.

<OOC> Octavius says, "language even."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Strangely, it was in your native tongue. Even

stranger, it was in EVERYONE'S native tongue.

<OOC> Hugon says, "He has a Babel Fish?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "The Universal Translator."

Octavius looks shocked and replys in Norman, "Peace and long life to you.

Octavius returns the gesture.

<Login> Oriana has connected from dial147.ecol.net on

Fri Aug 17 21:34:12 2001 EST.

Oriana has arrived.

<OOC> Oriana waves to the collected Friday night players

Octavius switch back to party common, "It as been ages, since someone has

greeted me in my native tounge.

Oriana sits down on the comfortable couch.

Red_Shirt_Gnome, "You are on the starship Enterprise. Your arrival came as

something of a surprise. We were investigating a spatial flux phenomenon

when we encountered a Heluvax Particle burst which seems to have brought you

here from an unknown time-space.

<OOC> You say, "Just in time for the parody, Beth."

<OOC> Oriana groans. "Oh no, are you guys in the Chaos Zone now?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "We already went to the Chaos Zone! I don't wanna go back!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh wait...I've got a *really* bad feeling right now..."

<OOC> You say, "No. Even worse. They're in Uddernorn. This is NORMAL for

this place..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "You mean, there are WORSE places than the Chaos Zone? Oh,

wait, never mind, I don't want to know about them..."

Octavius looks wierdly at the gnome,"Starship?

Hugon scratches his left arm slightly as bits of dead hair fall out.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Back"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "The Starship Enterprise?!"

Enola Galen says, "Starship? You mean we're in the sky?"

Enola Galen says, "Wow..."

You say, "He beams with pride, 'Yes. It's continuing mission - to seek out

new life, to explore new worlds and new civilizations, to boldly go where no

one has gone before.'"

<OOC> Oriana ohdears...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I'll stand a fair distance away from the redshirt so

I don't get injured when the monster attacks him."

<OOC> Hugon debates busting out the Corr 3 and getting lost fast...

Octavius says, "I though Argo was suppost to seen us to Uddernorn, not a


Red_Shirt_Gnome, "Not in the sky. In the Gamma Quadrant of our galaxy."

<OOC> Octavius says, "see=send"

Octavius says, "First a coralship then a starship, what next a Ship of Damned


Red_Shirt_Gnome, "Uddernorn is the name of our Federation of Planets. What

are those strange lifeforms you have with you? I fear my knowledge of

terrestrial flora and fauna is somewhat limited."

Hugon says, "My name is Hugon, sir."

You say, "He points at the horse and owl."

Hugon says, "This here is an owl, and a very intelligent one at that."

Octavius points to the horse , owl ,donkey and his cabal mate, "Thats a horsem

thats a donkey, I am human, Hugon there is a Wint, Enola and Naphitli there

are elves and Zyka is a Myshari.

Octavius says, "And the feathered thing is an owl."

Red_Shirt_Gnome, "It is a sentient terrestrial lifeform, then? Are the

quadrapeds also sentient?"

Octavius says, "Um, they are not,a s far as I know of."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Fri Aug 17 21:42:45 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost their link.

Hugon looks somewhat lost. "Forgive me, but this was not my field of study.

Could you rephrase that?"

Red_Shirt_Gnome, "I understand. It took us many years to acknowledge sentient

androids as citizens of the Federation."

Octavius starting to look confuese

Octavius says, "Tanaks, are easier to understand."

Hugon says, "If I may ask, sir, what is your name?"

You say, "He frowns in confusion. 'Oh dear. You come from a pre-warp

civilization, don't you? Damn. Our Primo Directorio says I'm not allowed to

talk to you. Sorry.' He walks away almost at a run."

<OOC> You say, "Different paradigms for different folks..."

Octavius says, "Great whats next."

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m87-mp1-cvx2a.lee

.ntl.com on Fri Aug 17 21:45:46 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has connected.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Primo...Directorio? You, my friend, need to lay off the


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Sorry, what did I miss?"

Octavius says, "Lets get a move on and find this 34."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Computer crached when I changed music CDs."

<OOC> You say, "But my two-liter of Mountain Dew isn't gone yet!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Redshirt dead yet?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "A trekkie gnome."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Nope, he ran away."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Can I kill it? Please...Prime 2 Corr 3? Would I get in


You say, "You hear a scream from the part of the hallway where the gnome ran."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Maybe I can kill that..."

Enola Galen goes to see what happened.

Hugon follows.

Octavius follows with his horse.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Then maybe you should finish it...that means more weird

crap for this group and less for us tomorrow night...*G*"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh my...I sounded like Tyson there..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Beth you know he will only buy another one."

<OOC> Oriana shrugs and admits that this is true.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Note to self, find quick way to get to colorado and raid

Eric Z"

You say, "Several other gnomes have gathered around the belt of the red shirt

gnome. One of them is holding a box with a screen like the one on the MS

Wand. 'Oh my. I've never seen Quantum Mechanics work on such a massive

scale before. I'm reading massive surges of Heluvax Particles. The people

of the Enterprise are disappearing one-by-one."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Of his MD supply"

<OOC> You say, "I just bought two cases today because they were on sale. That

means I have three cases of Mountain Dew, now..."

<OOC> Octavius groan

<OOC> Hugon crawls into his corner.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I'm thinking of a certain Voyager episode and hoping

that the ST didn't see it."

Octavius says, "What is wrong, is there anyway we can help?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Ooh! Ooh! Which one?"

<OOC> You say, "Yes, I did. But don't worry. A parody is never quite the

same as the original..."

<OOC> Hugon knew he avoided Star Trek for a reason...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Not that I would recognize it, considering that I quit

watching Voyager like 3 years ago..."

<OOC> Octavius same here's.

<OOC> You say, "The one where the passengers of Voyager and another alien ship

keep trading places until the aliens have enough people on board to take


<OOC> Octavius says, "Ouch."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Bah. Screw Voyager. Watch Deep Space 9 instead. Or,

even better, Babylon 5."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, time to break out the Spirit/Prime combo, let's see

some Resonance/Avatar info here"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Voyager was always on the verge of greatness...never

quite crossed, though."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Dif 3, 2 suc.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 10, 4, 3; totalling 17.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Woohoo, got it"

<OOC> Octavius breaks out the life/prime/forces combo.

Enola Galen says, "I've just got to get a look at the engine of this ship.

Where do they put the sails, I wonder?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I just love the 2 part WW2 espisode."

<OOC> You say, "There were a few good episodes. That was one of them I

remember. I think the doctor was daydreaming in that one, wasn't he? Maybe

that was another good Voyager episode, but there are so few that I want to

say it was the same good episode."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: You're reading several different Resonances. Entropy

seems to dominate slightly, but Dynamic and Static are quite common, too.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "That was the thing....ecery time I was about to give

up, there would come a brilliant episode that showed what could happen when

it all came together."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Frustrating."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Voyager was okay for season 1, great for seasons 2 and 3.

Then Seven of Nine showed up, and that was when it started to suck."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Any Avatars about? Strength?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Its was the one where voygaer was captured by the

Horotians and was made into one huge holodeck."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Anything that seems to stand out a lot, as in it shouldn't

be there?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yes. They vary in strength. There is a lot of magic

around, and that is interfering with specific viewings.

<OOC> Octavius says, "What the suc/diff for a prime/life/forces can?"

Hugon drops the effect.

Meter_Gnome, "I'm picking up another Heluvax Particle surge."

Enola Galen says, "What do Heluvax particles do, then?"

Octavius garbs both his sword and wand and starts whispering prayers.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: He points his box at you, which beeps and whirs happily.

Enola Galen says, "What does that do?"

You say, "The meter gnome taps the arrowhead on his shirt. 'Tell Captain

Spahk we have another disappearance. And we think we've isolated the source

of the Helluvax Particles on Deck 13."

Octavius says, "What is going one here?"

You say, "The gnomes pull tiny metal boxes the size of whisky flasks out of

their belts."

Enola Galen says, "Thirteen decks? Must be a really large ship. Tell me, can I

have a look at the bridge?"

Hugon just scratches his left arm again, shedding some more dead hair. "Too

big of words..."

Meter_Gnome, "If you will be so kind as to come with us..."

Enola Galen says, "All right. Where are we going."

Octavius says, "Sure, why not."

Hugon says, "Okay"

Octavius follows the gnomes leading his horse.

You say, "They lead you through a corridor and into a small room. The doors

close behind you. Then they whoosh open again, revealing a large room with

weird desks and huge windows looking out into the night sky. In one window,

you can see a disk of purple-green light crackling like the world's biggest

cat getting its fur rubbed the wrong way."

You say, "An elf at the middle of the room stands up an faces you. He gives

you the weird salute. 'Peace and long life.'"

Octavius shugs his shoulders and returns the greeting.

Enola Galen says, "Same to you, thanks. Is this your ship?"

Hugon repeats the weird salute the best he can.

Oriana has received your page: "What they don't know is that they're actually

in an underground gnomish city with lots of special effects to make it SEEM

like a starship... Ever see Galaxy Quest?"

<OOC> Octavius's tricorder beeps, "Sir I am picking up a long ST speech.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I'm just waiting for the elf to say 'Illogical,


<OOC> Hugon nods. Yes sir, gollum gollum...ST Speech approaching, gollum


Oriana pages, "Are you kidding? I *love* Galaxy Quest! "Surely you don't

think Gilligan's Island is real, too?" "Oh...those poor people...""

Spahk, "I am the commander of the Enterprise until the return of our

commanding officer. I hope you find our treatment of you is not too rough.

My gnomish crew is entirely too coldly logical for my tastes. They often

forget to consider the feelings of their captives."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Now that is just wrong..."

Octavius says, "They didn't treat us badly."

<OOC> You say, "Keep in mind that I'm working from the Tolkien elves, here,

not the Vulcans. It makes things weird..."

Hugon looks at Enola with a "Hey, this is your tradition" look on his face.

Enola Galen says, "How long have you been out here?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Yeah, but still...too weird, too weird..."

Spock, "But they didn't treat you well - is that it? How many times do I have

to tell each other that our captives' satisfaction is important to the


<OOC> You say, "All of you, that is..."

Octavius says, "The treated us fine, all they did was escort us he n a timely


Enola Galen says, "They treated us perfectly well. I imagine our arrival was a

bit of a shock for them. What were they talking about back then?"

Enola Galen says, "About your crew going missing?"

Spahk, "Did they at LEAST think to offer you some refreshments?"

Octavius says, "We brought our own."

Hugon says, "I think I have a bit of an idea why that box started beeping."

Meter_Gnome, "Sorry, Captain, but Xilen, our cook, is among those missing."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hmm, and Xilen spelled backwards is..."

Octavius says, "Why did the box beep, Hugon?"

<OOC> You say, "He's gone and we're leaving without him, damnit!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Nelix of course."

Hugon says, "I was doing a bit of examination, you could say. Captain, by

your leave, unless you'd like to explain to us why that box went off when

pointed at me, I'd like to give my friends a demonstration as a form of


<OOC> Hugon wonders if killing Spahk would be a bad thing...

<Login> Hugon has reconnected from 1Cust69.tnt1.midland.

mi.da.uu.net on Fri Aug 17 22:14:11 2001 EST.

Spahk, "The Enterprise has been exploring the galaxy for three years, now.

Our crew keeps vanishing and now you've shown up. Spatial anomalies suck,

but that goes without saying. Anyway, I really can't take any significant

action without High Admiral 34's permission. It was his idea to investigate

the anomaly in the first place. He took a shuttlecraft into the heart of the

anomaly, and we haven't seen him since. Then our crew started vanishing."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Anyone else lag out?"

Enola Galen says, "Anomaly?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Dangit, I missed the entire non-technical explanation...stup

id computer..."

Octavius says, "What is an anomaly?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Want me to page it to you Eus?"

Hugon says, "Perhaps I could assist you in locating High Admiral 34."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yes, please."

Hugon has received your page: ""The Enterprise has been exploring the galaxy

for three years, now. Our crew keeps vanishing and now you've shown up.

Spatial anomalies suck, but that goes without saying. Anyway, I really can't

take any significant action without High Admiral 34's permission. It was his

idea to investigate the anomaly in the first place. He took a shuttlecraft

into the heart of the anomaly, and we haven't seen him since. Then our crew

started vanishing.""

Enola Galen says, "It means something's gone wrong. But what?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, got it."

Octavius thinks a bit, "Oh, I thin we might of just found out which somefire

got lost in a Choas Pocket.

Hugon says, "Well then, I guess we know what our job is.\"

<OOC> Octavius says, "homefire even"

Spahk, "How good are you at flying a shuttlecraft. Trying to convince those

autopilots to listen to you is like trying to get a gnome to cry.

Hugon says, "Who needs a shuttlecraft? I can try to at least locate him and

tell you where he is."

Enola Galen says, "I learn very quickly."

Hugon says, "Whatever that is."

Octavius says, "Well, sir, I don't think any ofcna pilot these shuttlecraft,

unless it is anyhting like riding a horse."

<OOC> Hugon is the voodoo hairy brute on the Starship Enterprise.

<OOC> Eclipse lol

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "A Wookie!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I geuss Oct comes closes to the scarerd klingon warrior


<OOC> Oriana giggles

<OOC> Hugon says, "So soft and cuddly, but anyway..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Where is my Klingon dictionary when I need it."

<OOC> Oriana decides not to comment...*G*

<OOC> Octavius says, "Actully it is not mine, but my mother, but anyway on

with the plot."

Hugon says, "If we knew where he was, could you reach him?"

<OOC> Hugon always wondered what the Umbra looked like in space...

<OOC> Oriana says, "And now you know."

Octavius says, "I wonder if the Admirals leaveing is connect in anyway with

the crews disapereace?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "And knowing is half the battle..."

Enola Galen says, "Perhaps' it's related to us."

Spahk, "I suppose we could always beam you within range of the anomaly, though

there is the issue of comfort. I'm working with a skeleton crew here. I've

lost all my cooks and cleaners and most of the cocktail waitresses. There's

no bartender and the interior decorator's missing, too. That leaves me with

nothing but engineering, communications, weapons control, and security. Frow

is covering for the interior decorator until she gets back, and now the color

scheme of the holodeck is all fucked up. Every try to eat purple bananas?

Even in virtual reality they taste funny. But anyway.

<OOC> Oriana says, "LOL!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Get Rahab in here, she'll provide bananas."

Octavius says, "Maybe we'll help find you crew too."

Hugon shakes his head. "Do you have something of the Admiral's I could

examine for a moment?"

Enola Galen says, "What happens when they vanish?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Spahk, "They just disappear at random, leaving nothing but their belts.

Except the ensigns. They scream before they vanish. Well, not anymore. We

ran out of red shirt ensigns just a short while after you got here. Who's

going to look up to the senior officers NOW?

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "There goes my plan to take five redshirts with us as

ablative armour."

Oriana pages, "You are having entirely too much fun with this. (c:"

<OOC> Octavius lols

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Inspired by the Badger Summoners."

Octavius says, "Other senior officers?"

Hugon looks over at Enola. "We could find the High Admiral much quicker if I

could have something of his, like a shirt or something else of his that would

bear his resonance."

Spahk, "Our sensor arrays have been completely unable to find any sign of the

High Admiral or our crew. The Heluvax Particles are interfering with the

Prime Reflection Plate. Even our microwaves and replicators aren't working,

and none of US know how to cook. I can't believe the bastards took Xilen!

Who's going to cook my club sandwiches NOW? We're all going to starve to


Oriana has received your page: "Yes, I know."

Enola Galen says, "What are Heluvax Particles, anyway? They sound interesting."

Hugon rubs his head and starts polishing his awakened shield.

Octavius says, "Well, send us into the anomaly and we can try to find your

Andmiral and crew."

Hugon sighs. "Maybe one the spirits around here could explain what they're

talking about without using huge words that nobody understands."

Octavius says, "I think I partially understand what there saying."

Hugon says, "When I used a rote, that little box went off."

Spahk, "You're welcome to try your own devices, though. Heluvax Particles are

any wave/particles that are paradigmatically incompatible with our existing

technology. The anomaly primarily emits Heluvax A Particles. The brute with

you aparently sent out Heluvax B Particles, which are far more stable the

Heluvax A Particles."

Hugon grunts. "Brute?"

Spahk, "A technical scientific term, sir."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I bet the Gauntlet is really freaking high here, isn't it?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "*giggles*"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Only one way to find out...

<OOC> Hugon says, "Eh, scratch that idea for now."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Maybe not, its probly more Wyld then Weaver."

Hugon says, "I see. Well, if you have something from your captian, such as a

shirt, I'll see if I can locate him for you."

Enola Galen says, "How long did it take to build this ship?"

Spahk, "Will one of his model trains do?"

Hugon nods.

Hugon says, "That will do."

<Login> Taetia has connected from ppp-236.icehouse.net

on Fri Aug 17 22:37:13 2001 EST.

Taetia has arrived.

Taetia sits down on the comfortable couch.

Taetia lies back on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Welcome back."

Spahk, "The construction of the Enterprise lasted four years. It took another

two before Yttocs managed to jury-rig it into working only for him. He pets

the hull and the warp core gives the ship more power. Uncanny, that."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey Tyson, how goes it?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Yttocs = Scotty."

Hugon waits for this 'train' thing they talked about.

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Other than acute nausea? Spiff."

<OOC> Taetia says, "They get Star Trek, and we get Lovecraft. I hate you Eric."

<OOC> Oriana giggles

<OOC> Hugon wonders if Z would let him play a fomor sometime...

<OOC> Oriana says, "They got Lovecraft too dude...read the logs, look for


<OOC> Taetia says, "If he gets to play a Fomor, can I play an Exalted?"

You say, "One of the crew arrives with a tiny metal wagon in his hand.

Suddenly, she vanishes."

<OOC> Oriana says, "If they get to play Fomor and Exalted, can I play a mummy?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wagon too?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Did you mean that to happen?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, but theirs was only a reference or two. We got Nyar

and his eggbeaters of castration."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Fomori even. Stupid plurals."

Enola Galen says, "Did you mean that to happen?"

Spahk, "Damn! There goes another cocktail waitress! This is really

inconveniencing me!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Back"

Enola Galen says, "Why don't you just move the ship away from the anomaly?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eric. You're violating Spock. Please stop."

Hugon blinks. "Umm, okay...let's see what we have here". Hugon does not go

to touch the train but instead notes where it is and begins to try and locate


<OOC> Hugon says, "Diff/Succ?"

<OOC> Oriana giggles

<OOC> Hugon says, "Corr 2/Life 1 effect"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Dif 4, 2 suc.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 6, 2, 6; totalling 14.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ohh, 2 successes."

Hugon holds onto his left armband and starts to mumble a bit.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You were the one who talked about the homoerotic

undertones in Star Trek, Tyson."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Er I unleash the horrible vengeance of the Psychic Vampire

that is Shatner's Toupee upon thee."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: You scan the area between the ship and the anomaly. You

realize that there is nothing but rock beyond the "

Eclipse [to Hugon]: 'window'.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh no, Hugon is using his precious. Run away, run far


<OOC> Hugon was looking for a specific person...he wants to expand the search.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Which I defed aginst useing is bad lines"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, Spock and Kirk were doing it. Kirk's sowing his seed

across half the galaxy was just a pretense to avoid discrimination. Spock is

Kirk's first, and only love."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Add one success.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 10, 5; totalling 20.

<OOC> Hugon says, "How about 3?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ya, right."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Kirk may have been a manly man on the surface, but

underneat he was just a schoolgirl with a vulcan fetish."

Octavius watchs Hugon do his magic.

<OOC> Hugon says, "That's just one of my many foci, Beth..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "It isn't even my precious amulet..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ya and soon Wolf will be a girly-girl with a Greek

fetish, Mwahahaha."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What does that do, anyway?"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Oh, they're ALL your precious. Gollum gollum."

<OOC> Hugon says, "What, my amulet? Summons Eclipse..."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: You find out that the 'spatial anomaly' is about two

hundred feet straight up and a hundred miles to the northwest. You feel the

passage of 34 headed toward the 'spatial anomaly', but your magic will not

pass through the barrier of the 'spatial anomaly'.

<OOC> Octavius says, "The last thing we need is a Deity of Choas."

Hugon says, "Very interesting. 34 is about 200 feet above us and 100 miles to

the Northwest. He's heading through some 'spatial anomaly', but my magic

won't pass through it."

Enola Galen says, "Then we need to go in after him."

Enola Galen ( to Sphak) "What's it like inside an anomaly, anyway? )

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Spatial anomaly equals 'Uncharted Region'.

Hugon says, "Enola, think Uncharted Region..."

Octavius says, "I bet two silver that that anomaly is a choas pocket."

<OOC> Hugon twitches.

Enola Galen says, "Terror Incognita?"

Hugon says, "No, I could use magic within a chaos pocket. The Uncharted

Region, however..."

Hugon says, "Well, who knows?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Somebody, Corr 4 right about now...TYBALT!"

Octavius says, "Lets go. If we can get 34 out then Malakai will be better for


Hugon says, "I'll try and contact Argos and see if he can teleport 34 away

from the Uncharted Region."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Contacting Argos"

You say, "Spahk seems suddenly nervous, 'Um, you must mean 1.44 and some odd

LIGHT YEARS away.' The communications officer mouths, 'Play along.'"

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Mouths to us or to him?>"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: To you.

Octavius says, "Probaly not, I think we have to go in and get him."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I hate gnomes..."

Octavius whispers to the comm officer, "Sorrym we don't know your system of


<OOC> Taetia says, "Gnome bad!"

<OOC> Eclipse grins.

<OOC> Hugon debates pulling a Tyson and blasting Spahk with Prime 2...

<OOC> You say, "What do you mean 'bad'?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "When in doubt, start shooting."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And that sumbitch kitty had it coming."

Hugon frowns. "Well, whatever the speed, we need to decide what to do fast.

You wondered where the High Admiral was, now you know."

<OOC> You say, "The Enterprise was built with nothing but Entropy magic. Why

else would a warp core just go supernova because the hull is getting ripped


Eclipse [to Hugon]: Dif 4, 3 suc.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Entropy 6."

<OOC> Hugon says, "For contacting Argos?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yes.

<OOC> Taetia says, "That's what it'd take to build an Enterprise w/ nothing

but entropy."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 3, 4, 2; totalling 9.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 9, 2, 10; totalling 21.

<OOC> Hugon says, "There we go"

Argos, "Yes?"

Hugon says, "We've got a Homefire going to the Uncharted Realm. A

teleportation would be helpful..."

Hugon says, "And that's him to us, not us to him."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: There is a long moment of silence.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Argos: "Who's bitch do you think I am?""

<OOC> Hugon says, "Argos is our buddy..."

Argos, "I'm afraid that won't be possible. Uncharted Realms are beyond the

powers of magic. Only the Fae go there."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Or so you think..."

Hugon nods. "He's passed through then...I see."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, time to contact Naph's pooka..."

Hugon says, "Well everyone, he's passed into the Uncharted Realms."

<OOC> Taetia begins chanting "Follow, follow, follow"

Spahk, "We could beam you to within a short distance of the anomaly. You can

use your inertia to carry you the rest of the way. The Theory of Relativity

says that, even though the distance will take you years to cross, it will

actually seem like only an hour or two."

<OOC> Octavius says, "With Lfe 4 Oct can make Arogs his bitch, literally."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Uncharted Realm = Magic doesn't work, correct?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "It only took shapeshifting 1 for Wolf to end up a bitch."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thought it was "magic doesn't work right"/"

You say, "Give me an Int + Lore (Chaos Pockets), dif 6."

Hugon rolled 2d10: 1, 3; totalling 4.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ohh, there's a botch."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "All of us?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Like using magic in the Maelstrom.."

You say, "Yes."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Please roll it for Zyke, she had Lore:chooas pockets"

Enola Galen rolled 5d10: 7, 5, 8, 3, 1; totalling 24.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "1"

<OOC> Octavius says, "using will"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 5, 10, 5; totalling 20.

<OOC> Octavius says, "2"

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 4, 5, 5, 2; totalling 16.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I was this close to getting 4"

Hugon has received your page: "Using magic in an Uncharted Realm will

gradually turn you into one of the Fae."

Hugon says, "Won't using magic in an Uncharted Realm turn you into a Fae?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Great, then you can go about impregnating innocent


Octavius has received your page: "It is impossible to send magical effects

INTO an Uncharted Realm or OUT OF one. Inside, magic is a bit less

predictable, ranging from minor weirdness like all your Effects being Vulgar

to more problematic ones like all your Spheres being reversed."

Enola Galen has received your page: "Magic cannot pass across the border of an

Uncharted Realm. It works inside, though."

Enola Galen says, "From what I know, we probably won't be able to affect

anything inside from out here. We'll need to go in."

Octavius says, "No, its juist has some weird effcts like minor weirdness like

all your Effects being Vulgar to more problematic ones like all your Spheres

being reversed and that magic can"

Octavius says, "Can't go in or out."

<OOC> You say, "Basically, it means I get to change the local paradigm at

will. Aren't you lucky?"

<OOC> Oriana laughs

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gee, I feel so much better..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "@#;+)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Bwahahaha! Screw em Eclipse! Bend em over and let them

feel your St might!"

Octavius says, "We sould be fine if we just use our wits and we will succed at

our task."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Dude, you get your own screwing from him tomorrow night..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "He has to get in line behind the rest of ya'll."

Hugon sighs. "Well then, do we go in after him?"

Octavius says, "Lets."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And anyways, I kinda like it."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Just like you like Freak Legion, right?"

Enola Galen says, "What's the worst that could happen?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Famous Last Words...>"

<OOC> Taetia says, "As long as you don't throw those Fomori that can turn off

magic at us? Eh, I'm ok so far."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Just using the Rite of Invoking Distaster."

Octavius says, "We die and fail, but what the best that could happen?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "The Rite? I have the Amulet of Invoking Disaster."

<OOC> Oriana giggles

<OOC> Taetia says, "Give them all sex changes! We want Octavia! We want


Hugon says, "Okay then, let's go."

Octavius says, "We will succed and make naughty geaturse to the uncharted

realm after we get the Admiral and crew out."

<OOC> Eclipse drinks some of his Mountain Dew. Almost all of it remains.

Hugon says, "I'd much rather go blast a hole in some daemon's head, but this


<OOC> Taetia is getting odd Holy Grail flashes..

Spahk, "Take them to Transporter Room Three."

<OOC> Taetia says, "What. Is your favorite color?"

Enola Galen says, "Well, see if you can find one in here."

Octavius says, "As would I, but this is almost as good as doing that."

Meter_Gnome, "But Captain, we only have one transporter room."

Spahk, "That doesn't mean we can't CALL it Transporter Room Three, now does

it? Transporter Room One just doesn't sound nearly as cool."

<OOC> Hugon says, "We need to use the Microsoft Wand of Location and Bright

Lights 1.1 again tonight..."

<Login> Taetia has reconnected from ppp-315.icehouse.net

on Fri Aug 17 23:10:08 2001 EST.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And cause a Supernova?"

Octavius says, "Whatever its called take us there and sent us on our way."

You say, "The Meter gnome leads you back into the tiny little room with the

door that opens, closes, and opens into another room. This one also has

weird desks. On the far side of the room is an area that looks a bit like a

stage with circles painted on the floor.""

Octavius says, "Were do you want us to stand?"

Hugon says, "Ohh, I've seen Mystics paint and dance around circles like these

before...is that what we're supposed to do?"

Yttocs, "New, if yool jahst step untuh the transsporters, well getchou to tha'

spatial anomaly."

Octavius lead his horse onto the pad

Hugon frowns. He wanted to do the nice ceremony, but he stands on one of the


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "That must be a remarkably well-trained horse."

You say, "He pats the desk, "Isn't that right, darling." The room hums


<OOC> Hugon says, "Not nearly as well trained as that desk."

Enola Galen steps onto one of the pads, and crouches down to see if she can

see how this thing works.,

Yttocs, "Energize."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Well yes. It help him hunt down demons of course."

<OOC> Hugon smells angst...must change course...

You say, "Trap doors open above your head and gnomes dump bags of glitter on

your head. A yellow light shines in your eyes, blinding you. When your

vision clears, you are standing on a hillside overlooking a snowy plain to

the west."

<OOC> Taetia says, "You cannot comprehend the power of the Angst Side!"

Octavius says, "Ok which way now?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Do I recall which way he was going?"

Octavius shakes the gilter off

Eclipse [to Hugon]: West from here.

Hugon says, "West"

Hugon starts going west.

Octavius says, "Where did those people get such silly ideas."

Octavius follows with his horse.

Enola Galen follows the lead.

Hugon says, "Keeping an eye out for anything nasty as we travel."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Kobolds, Daemons, those evil things, you know."

<OOC> Taetia says, "The Angst Cabal."

Octavius says, "Oh, I will. I have been to something simular before."

You say, "You walk onto the snow fields, leaving puddles of blood in the

footprints behind you. The blood freezes and then each footprint turns into

a lit candle, illuminating the way back north."

Hugon blinks. "Well now, that's one easy trail...

You say, "There is a bank of fog ahead."

Enola Galen says, "For us to follow back or something to follow us?"

Octavius says, "Yes, but how long will they last?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Does it look like it's going to attack us?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "*coughTysoncough*"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Are we going to have another cloud incident? Have you

learned nothing from the adventures of the Angst Cabal?

Octavius says, "On ward."

<OOC> Taetia says, "The cloud deserved. It was an object lesson for other evil


Hugon says, "Tally-ho."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Don't mention the cloud. Please. That incident is far

too humiliating to EVER be repeated. (which, of course, means we'll never

hear the end of it...)"

Octavius yells the Norman equivalent of,"Carpe Deim".

Enola Galen hums 'Why Does It Always Rain on Me?'

<OOC> Taetia says, "I, for one, am proud of the cloud incident. Taught that

bitch to respect us."

Hugon says, "Before we cross the fog, I want to make my armor present in the


<OOC> Oriana says, "Ooh, good song..."

You say, "You walk into the mist. Every time you inhale, you hear tiny

screams coming from within you. Every time you exhale, you hear tiny voices

shouting curses, which fade away and grow far away after several seconds."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, n/m..."

Enola Galen experiments with deep breaths, seeing if the curses get louder,

more virulent or both.

<OOC> Taetia says, ""I'm the Bad Ash, and you're the good Ash. Goody little

two shoes, goody little two shoes""

<OOC> Oriana ohdears at the Army of Darkness reference...

<OOC> Oriana says, "'Good, bad...I'm the one with the gun.'"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thats gotta hurt."

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: They definitely get louder. It feels like tiny

fists are using your tonsils for a punching bag.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I live again."

Enola Galen stops, and tries to breath more shallowly.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Huwark em up like a hairball!"

Enola Galen says, "I'll swallow your souls! I'll swallow your souls!"

Enola Galen ( That was OOC )

Octavius breaths as shallowly as he and and murmures apologizes,

<OOC> You say, "Jeez. I hope so!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "1st and =can"

<OOC> Oriana lol's

Hugon just keeps walking, Owl on his shoulder, shield in front of him.

Tiny_voice, "What do you mortals think you're doing?!?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "This is my boom stick!"

<OOC> Oriana says, "Okay, that's enough Bruce Campbell impersonations for one

night, guys..."

Octavius says, "We are looking for some one."

Enola Galen says, "A gnome."

Taetia says, "It's a trick. Get an axe."

<OOC> Taetia says, "D'oh."

<OOC> You say, "Maybe I should actually put some SPAGHETTI in my pot of

spaghetti... Hmm..."

<OOC> Oriana says, "'Are all men from the future arrogant braggarts?' 'Just

me, baby. Just me.'"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Oriana says, "Now there's a plan. (c:"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Lady, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the


<OOC> Hugon says, "That's enough now...don't make me bring out my razor you


<OOC> Taetia says, "Whatcha gonna do, shave us to death?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Kalatu Barata Necktie!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Shop Smart! Shop, S-Mart! Ya got that?!@"

<OOC> Hugon just keeps writing down evil ideas...

<OOC> Oriana says, "Hey, I stopped, even though I'm not even in your game and

there's nothing evil you can do to me...*smirk*"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yeah, but I can track you down easily. *G*"

<OOC> Taetia says, "He'll tell us all about that one time."

Tiny_voice, "Would you PLEEEAAASE quit inhaling us? Fairy dust doesn't work

the way Wendy and the gang told you, okay?"

Enola Galen says, "Whoops.""

Hugon says, "Trying not to, sorry."

Octavius says, "Sorry."

Enola Galen puts her hand over her mouth and tries not to breathe in anything


Octavius grabes a hanky from his belt pouch and put it over his nose and

mouth, "Is that better?'

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

Tiny_voice, "A little. And do you mind not walking? The jackfrosts would

really appreciate it if you would stop crushing them."

Enola Galen says, "Okay."

Hugon says, "How can we cross then?"

Tiny_voice, "You shouldn't be here in the first place. Didn't you see the


Hugon says, "We're looking for someone and know he crossed. I didn't see any


Octavius says, "Which signs?"

You say, "There is a tiny sigh. 'That's the problem with invisible signs.

People never think to read them.'"

<OOC> Oriana sighs...you guys have all the fun, don't you? *G*

Octavius says, "Um, we can't see them if they are invisible let alone read


Hugon says, "What do the signs say?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Urgh, just figured out the footprints."

Tiny_voice, "They said, 'Warning: Fae Realms ahead. No trespassing'. I'm

afraid we must punish you, now."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Attention ST speech ahead?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Fae Blood guy with us! Fae Blood guy with us!"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: I'm afraid that's not going to help YOU much, though...

Octavius says, "Um, why puniush us, Ignorace isn't a crime."

<OOC> Hugon says, "He might get the Fae not to hurt us..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ignorance isn't a defense, even in America."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What about the foot prints?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Unless you're an old lady who just ordered coffee. At

which point it's ok to be ignorant of the fact that usually, coffee is hot."

Tiny_voice, "Ignorance is the worst possible crime! It is, in fact, our only

capital offense."

Enola Galen says, "Oh dear."

Octavius says, "But it is easly corrected, with the need to kll, if youkill us

would we have learned anything?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "er without even."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Well guys, it's been fun, but sleep is calling my name.

I'll see most of you tomorrow night, I hope..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Laters Beth."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Nite Beth."

<OOC> Octavius says, "later"

Tiny_voice, "Why do you think people die? Because they're ignorant. Thus, it

is a capital offense that merely waits for the proper executioner."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Why do we always have to run into Fae? I hate the little

buggers. Worse than gnomes..."

<OOC> You say, "Night, Beth."

<OOC> Oriana says, "Night all, see you soon-ish."

Enola Galen says, "Bye."

<Logout> Oriana has disconnected on Fri Aug

17 23:40:45 2001 EST

Oriana has disconnected.

<OOC> Taetia says, "And that leaves only me to mock you."

Octavius says, "I have known people that die knowing full well what they are

doing and thus you didn"

The resolution of Oriana fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

<OOC> Octavius says, "er and those who didn"

Hugon says, "But if information is kept away from them, then they are denied

the ability to make a free and informed choice. Besides, if you were to kill

us, you would be ignorant of why we came here and who we are."

<OOC> Octavius says, "er and those who didn"

<OOC> Octavius says, "er and those who didn't have a clue survive'"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey. Are they going to run into a little blonde girl in a

blue dress?"

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m42-mp1-cvx1b.man.ntl.com on Fri Aug 17 23:43:19 2001 EST.

Tiny_voice, "Did they know everything about Chaos Pockets, these friends of

yours? Of course not. That's why they died. All that remains is to decide

your method of execution. Since you have been so very foolish, coming into a

Fae Realm uninvited, we will allow you to choose your own way to die."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "We dead yet?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Old age!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Not here?"

Octavius says, "Ok, old age many decades from now."

<OOC> You say, "Blue dress?"

Enola Galen says, "Same for me. Old age."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Never see Alice in Wonderland?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Says the Ageless person."

<OOC> You say, "Oh yes. Her."

<OOC> Taetia says, ""Several decades of vile, disgusting, depraved,

blasphemous yet incredibly pleasurable and satisfying sex, that's good for

both partners.""

<OOC> Taetia says, "That's what ya should say.."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "No, that's what you'd say."

Hugon says, "When I have full knowledge of everything regarding my comrades,

myself, and Chaos itself and had many years to apply it towards helping all

races, then you may slay me."

<OOC> You say, "You realize how badly that kind of wish could be warped,


Enola Galen says, "Look, I don't want to die yet. Can't we make it up to you

in some way?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yup."

Octavius says, "So you are saying that the Gnome known as 34 is dead?"

Tiny_voice, "Very well, Hugon. We will put you in the Full Perspective

Space/Time Vortex."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Dang it, we should have killed the fog..."

Hugon says, "I want this time to be real and to be spent with my friends, not

locked in a vortex."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference for

tonight is..."

Tiny_voice, "Yes. He's died many times, Octavius. I think he's having quite

a wonderful time with us."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Death by catalouge, again! But this time, theres actually

a wide selection."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Somebody just say sexual ecstasy.."

Octavius says, "And how did you know my name amd do you mind if we take him

and his fellows out of here?"

Tiny_voice, "But Hugon, you'll never know the difference until your

consciousnesses coalesce afterwards. Then you'll go happily mad and probably

die of an identity crisis. It's the price you pay for multilocationality and

multitemporality and multimentality. Happy trails."

Hugon says, "Then it isn't proper, for I would know the difference otherwise."

Hugon says, "You're warping the terms. I didn't say I want multilocationality,

multitemporality, and multimentality."

Tiny_voice, "My, my, but you people are picking such interesting deaths. Very

well, Octavius. Death by confusion it is."

Octavius says, "Somehow, I doubt that you will actually kills us."

Hugon says, "You claim that Ignorance is the only crime that is punished by

death, yet?"

Tiny_voice, "Just because you get to choose your last meal doesn't mean you

get to pick the voltage of your electric chair.

Enola Galen says, "Electric chair? Hmm, sounds interesting."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Yet = Yes>"

Tiny_voice, "If you insist, Enola."

Octavius looks to his companions, "lets ignore them and press on.

Enola Galen says, "If that's what I think it is, then no. Look, you don't have

to kill any of us. We can help you."

<OOC> You say, "roflmao."

Enola Galen says, "There must be something you can't do that we can."

Octavius then ignores the fea and moves forward with his horse.

Enola Galen says, "Get out his way. Please."

Tiny_voice, "Naphtali over there gets to die by dehydration at the hands of a

pooka. That should be fun, yes?"

Tiny_voice, "Nope. You're in our world, now. You'll play by our rules."

Hugon looks at his Owl. "Any ideas?"

Octavius says, "I am betting that you don't have rules so I am pressing on. I

have a job to do."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Can I have what Naphtali's having?"

Octavius looks to his fellows, "Are you all comeing?"

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Fri Aug 17 23:58:04 2001 EST.

Enola Galen says, "All right. Try to walk in his footprints."

AlMarth has arrived.

Hugon has received your page: "'I always thought it would be interesting to

die from overeating.'"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hello"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Hi"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Why does my Owl have an Intelligence of 0 at times?"

Octavius then pushes on, daring the Fae to do their worst to him.

AlMarth sits down on the floor.

Hugon pages, "About how to avoid the whole dying thing..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hi"

You say, "Octavius is in the front, right?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hi, Al."

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "They're finally getting a taste of what we've been getting"

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


Octavius says, "Yep"

Enola Galen follows in his wake, trying not to step on any additional little


<OOC> AlMarth says, "sorry, couldn't resist"

Hugon has received your page: "'They're Fae and we're obviously in a Chaos

Pocket. They could turn us into donkeys and ride us into battles against

marshmallow dragons for the rest of eternity. Frankly, I think we're getting

off pretty easy.'"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "huh, they have halflings too?"

Hugon pages, "Great choices..."

<OOC> Taetia says, ""They have halflings too?" Why does it sound like a

veneral disease when you say it like that?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Venereal disease, even."

Hugon follows behind, trying not to create any more footprints.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: The path seems to split into two roads - one leading

north, one leading south, one leading east, one leading west, and one leading

into hell.

Enola Galen pages, "I'll have to leave soon."

Enola Galen has received your page: "I'm just wrapping up..."

<OOC> Hugon counts the numbers again...

Octavius says, "Which way?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "That's three."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Actually, it is only two."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Your friends all look like mini-cthulus.

Hugon says, "Beats me"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: One of the paths suddenly stands up and beats you


Eclipse [to Hugon]: Then it lays down again.

Octavius says, "I hope on direcets me the right way to 34."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I can't believe she had halflings...I mean, she didn't

look dirty or anything...I guess I should have used a condom, but now it's

too late"

Hugon says, "Well, that was...interesting..."

Octavius look at his compaion and blicks.

Enola Galen says, "What is it?"

Hugon says, "Something wrong?"

Octavius says, "I really disike this place already."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: All the roads are whispering 'Pick me! Ooo! Pick me!'

Octavius says, "You guys look like the beings that we met o the coarl ships."

Hugon says, "Really? Must be an improvement for me."

Enola Galen says, "Oh. Even down to the tentacles?"

Octavius looks at the roads, "Which of you lead to the gnome named 34?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Do they?"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Give me a Wits + Enigmas, dif 6. Every failure is a

success. 10's cancel out successes.

<OOC> Hugon says, "BOTCH! BOTCH!!"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 2, 6, 10; totalling 18.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Are they in a chaos zone? what is going on? This is

confusing...I think the point is to be confusing...oh well I'll figure it out


Eclipse [to Octavius]: Your head explodes in confusion.

<OOC> Hugon says, "My head is already hurting."

<OOC> Octavius says, "An I roll good, when I need tp roll bad/"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Odd. Makes perfect sense to me."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: You look at the horizon and suddenly you know everything

about the Universe. Give me a Wits + Enigmas, dif 6. Successes are failures

and 10's cancel out successes.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 6, 9, 1; totalling 16.

<OOC> Hugon says, "1 succ"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: No, 2 failures. Read carefully. You can buy dots in any

Knowledge you spend XP for. Oh, your head explodes.

Enola Galen ppers down the roads, trying to see what's at the end.

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: What are you doing.

<OOC> Hugon chuckles.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Ah but then again, I'm always confused"

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Each one leads to a large metal chair with a button

on the seat.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Did I see what happened to the other two?"

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Oh yes.

Octavius says, "I am so confused."

Hugon says, "I understand it all..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What are they doing now?"

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Mostly their mortal remains are slumping onto the


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I can't believe I just asked that."

Octavius is stumbling about looking confused.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Oops n/m"

Enola Galen kneels next to them. "Octavius? Hugon? This is an illusion, right?

Oh, I wish I'd never come here. Come on, change back to normal..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Can we respond?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's sad, when the Plane of Atrocity has a much more

limited selection of deaths than some insane fae."

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: A trap door opens under your feet and you fall into

a chamber filled with lava and fire. You land on a hard metal chair. There

is a soft click and then electricity surges through your body. You can buy a

Seeking if you have the XP. Oh, and your head explodes.

You say, "You wake up, and you're in the Airport. Welcome to the Chaos Zone."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I knew that was coming..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "All of us?"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 6h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Octavius 3h 15s IC PC

Hugon 2h 21s IC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

Taetia 1h 51s IC PC

Enola Galen 32m 1m IC PC

AlMarth 18m 4m IC PC Compulsive Loonie

Rahab 6h 5h IC Wiz

--[Thu May 20 03:39:09 2651]--------------------------------[7 users; 0s lag]--

<OOC> AlMarth says, "This should be interesting"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Too bad. I was going to go back and play Elf Godzilla

with the fae until they brought you guys back."

Octavius has received your page: "4 XP"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I wanna go to the airport!"

Hugon has received your page: "4 XP"

Enola Galen has received your page: "4 XP"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I wanna get out of the Airport!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Did I just say what I thought I said?"

Enola Galen pages, "Yes, I will buy a Seeking. When does it come into effect?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yep."

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Airport Bad...scary place, from what I hear..."

You go out-of-character. Your actions should now be taken as your own and not

those of your character.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "See you tommorow."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Sat Aug 18 00:17:21 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost her link.

Enola Galen is not currently logged in. However, your page has been saved for

her. Use `@unpage Enola Galen` to delete it.

<OOC> Hugon says, "It looks like I'll miss some of the airport fun next

week...stupid work...I'll hopefully be back by 9:30/10:00 Eastern next


<OOC> AlMarth says, "The other shoe...cabal finally dropped, Oriana gets her

love back, The Anti-angst cabal is in the airport...pretty soon Al'marth will

get his curse lifted and We'll catch Variel (or whatever we choose to spell

his name as)"

<OOC> Octavius says, "BTW this time next week I will be game with you in my

dorm roo, at Western Michigan Universtiy in Kalamazoo. "

You say, "Well, that was fun for me. I am disappointed I didn't get to see

your looks of absolute outrage and shock when I started killing your

characters. It's one thing on-line play won't allow."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Its a uncharted realm. I knew they wern't dead."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Yeah, I wanna see Oriana kill Vrik."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, now that isn't even close Tyson..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Varient Vraliel Vareil Verail "

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yeah. My name is spelled with a 'c', dammit! And that

'v' should be an 'e', too.

<OOC> Octavius says, "good night all. Oh, Hugon do you have some time to talk

on AIM or ICQ?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "No...I've worked 24 hours in the last 48...must sleep."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yuck. I feel for you.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Did you make a log, btw? Well.. if you did.. please send

it to me tomarrow."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I have time"

You say, "I'll be posting it in just a few minutes."