Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

Hugon (idle, OOC) is sitting on the comfortable couch. Taetia (idle) is

sprawled out on the comfortable couch. Octavius (idle) is sitting on the

lumpy sofa. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators. Eclipse (offline) is

sitting on the rocking chair. Naphtali (OOC) is sitting on the floor. Rahab

(offline) is sprawled out on the floor.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Fri Aug 10 17:26:26 2001 EST from

Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if this is incorrect,

please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

Player name Connected Idle time Location

----------- --------- --------- --------

Eclipse (#320) 3 seconds 0 seconds Malakai

Naphtali (#310) 6 minutes 54 seconds Malakai

Octavius (#324) 6 minutes a minute Malakai

Hugon (#325) 6 minutes 3 minutes Malakai

Taetia (#323) 2 hours 23 minutes Malakai

Total: 5 players, 4 of whom have been active recently.

You say, "Back and making pizza."

<OOC> Hugon waves to the ST.

<OOC> Naphtali waves. you missed all the fun with the cable modem, routers,

and DNS.

You say, "Is that a bad thing?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "It was for a bit. Basically, all our 'puters couldn't

get anything from the DNS, thus we could only use things byy IP, not name.

It's fixed now."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Back."

Eclipse hungers and waits for his pizza to cook...

<OOC> Naphtali gets hungery too..... dang it....

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m337-mp1-cvx1c.le

e.ntl.com on Fri Aug 10 18:07:49 2001 EST.

You say, "We are still missing Elemental, right?"

Enola Galen has arrived.

You say, "Or not."

You say, "Shall we begin, then?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Sure."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Speak of the PC and he shall appear..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Indeed."

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

<OOC> Hugon has a question for Eclipse...*innocent look*

You say, "I guess I just have to get used to wishing instead of enacting rites

of summoning..."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yes?

<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Fri Aug 10 18:09:17 2001 EST.

AlMarth has arrived.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Wow, quite the audience tonight."

You say, "Hey, Labyrus."

<OOC> Octavius says, "back."

AlMarth takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok, so there's fewer than I thought.... *checks a who*"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hello"

You say, "They're all here to see how you'll mess with the timestream this


<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, I was just thinking (during my 3 day period of being

locked up in a 50 degree booth), would it be possible with Corr 3/Spirit 3 to

free the demons from Hemlock's control, similar to how we cut the bonds that

tied our hair and ourselves?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hey Al how are you doing?"

<Logout> Taetia has disconnected on Fri Aug

10 18:10:59 2001 EST

Taetia has lost her link.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm alright, aside from all the angst that our cabal

keeps running into"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Cool."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Maybe one at a time or (with a long ritual) in small

groups, but it would be a hell of feat to sever the connections to Hemlock of

several tens of thousands of daemons...

<OOC> Hugon says, "How about to, oh, say the ones that we're dealing with atm?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Tens of thousands? (whimpers)"

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles. War.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Damn. That really puts think into peresoective."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "We'll see what we can do about it though."

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: What angst? You guys haven't had any new angst. Sure,

you still have most of the OLD angst, but I don't remember any NEW angst.

And the Chaos Pocket a loony's pure delight.

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Watch out you don't end up in the Airport."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Don't say that word!"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "What is what good for?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Hugon cowers in a corner.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "War?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "well, I suppose you are right, but I'm guessing that it's

not this group that's going to have to deal with the tens of thousands of


You say, "Jeez! No one here's even gone there, yet, and they're ALREADY

terrified. I guess all those posts about the Chaos Zone on RPGSurvey had the

desired effect..."

Naphtali pages, "Since Faith can repel Vampires, could it repel demons? (I'm

not going to try to repel them all.)"

Eclipse [to AlMarth]: True...

<OOC> Octavius nods

<OOC> Hugon has just heard that it's evil...he's yet to even read the stories

and he's very afraid...

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You KNOW they're bad when they're spelt daemons

rather than mere demons."

<OOC> Octavius says, "You guys just have to deal with their master."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Makes me think of the Warhammer daemons....those

things were terrifying."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, how long would it take for the few demons we're

dealing with right now, oh wise ST?"

Naphtali has received your page: "You could probably cause the equivelent of a

Prot. Evil 10' Rad. with it, though their ability to conjure fire might still

get you..."

The resolution of Taetia fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "yeah, the only good guys that can take those daemons out

are aelfs and paelaedines"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Do you remember how long it took to sever the connection

with the cabal's hair?

Eclipse [to Hugon]: About that long.

<OOC> Hugon thinks he might let the rest of the party kill off a few of them


<OOC> Hugon says, "How long for a single demon?"

<OOC> Hugon is ready to start. He just wanted to check and see if what he was

thinking is possible.

You say, "On the bright side, the demons have to cross a lake to get to you.

And only about eight or nine of them can attack a single person at a given


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Only."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Ready."

<OOC> Naphtali is ready whenever. Even have my plan worked out on what I'm


<OOC> Hugon knows what his plan is.

<OOC> Octavius is ready and has a plan too.

<OOC> Naphtali takes a deep breath and hopes this works.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Ready."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: dif 5, 5 suc + 1 per demon targeted

You go in-character. Your actions now reflect your character and not

necessarily yourself.

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

<OOC> Hugon wonders what ever happened to Zyka IC...

<OOC> Naphtali says, "So we're starting?"

Octavius is starting to shout a prayer to Gregor as an idea hits him and he

stops cold.

Hugon pages, "Is it possible to detect homefires? Prime 1/Spirit 1/Corr 1?"

You say, "When last we left the Anti-Angst Cabal, they had just arrived on the

island where King Argos and the remaining Guiltbearers are preparing to make

a last stand to stop the demons invading from beyond the Sun Realms from

pouring into the rest of Malakai."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "BAM!! roll to dodge the idea"

Hugon has received your page: "If it were that easy, would you have had to go

to the library?"

Enola Galen says, "That sure is a whole lot of demons...""

Hugon pages, "Just checking to see if it is possible."

Naphtali prays fervently, putting all of his belief and ability into his

prayer. His lips move silently, ( Light, summation of all that is good, take

the power I can offer and banish these demons to their home. Please. I call

on all that is holy, all that is good. Epaga and her Light, help us.

Please, Light. )

Hugon is preparing a spell.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 6, 10, 7; totalling 23.

Octavius looks to Argos and then riasing tide of the deamonic hordes and says,

"By Gergor why didn

Octavius says, "Didn't I see that before."

(remotely) Naphtali nods. I'm not quite going for something that passive. If

I combine it with a Prime 2 effect and use it to call a miracle? (I think the

book says I can call a miracle, but it 'depletes' my faith for a bit)

Basically, a big bolt of Faith-Prime-and all 5 Quint I can pour into it to

banish the demons on a large scale? (I don't know how powerful I can make the

miracle, it doesn't really say, but it sounds like something nasty)

Hugon rolled 3d10: 9, 7, 10; totalling 26.

Hugon pages, "I'm going to try and let it out on a couple demons when they

draw near to someone in the cabal."

Octavius pages, "Where is Argos from the position I am at now?"

Octavius has received your page: "Argos is at the center of the circle of

standing stones, drawing immense amounts of magic from the island's High


(remotely) Octavius runs up to where Argos is.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Test"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Here"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "is there a page-fest going on or is everyone just not

doing anything?"

<OOC> Naphtali just sent a spammy page with the idea that's been stewing in

his mind all week.

You say, "An entire company of demons makes landfall, striking down three

Guiltbearers on the south side of the island."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Give me an Arete, dif 4.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Using Will."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 10, 3, 9; totalling 22.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "3"

Enola Galen waits to see what the more combat-capable others are doing,

secretly hoping it involves accelerating in the other direction.

<OOC> Hugon wonders if he can tell anything about who the leader of the demons

are doing.

<OOC> Hugon hates it when he revises a sentance and forgets to change stuff...

Eclipse [to Hugon]: There does not appear to be any visible leader among the

demons, but their movements are frighteningly precise, as though guided by

another being's hand like pieces on a chess board.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: You can unleash your spell, now, if you want.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Release it on two of the demons near the front of their

assault to see what happens."

Hugon thrusts out his arms and releases a blast of spirit energy directed at

two of the demons that just landed.

<Login> Octavius has reconnected from 1Cust233.tnt1.warr

en.mi.da.uu.net on Fri Aug 10 18:29:07 2001 EST.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Damn computer."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What did I miss?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: The demons at the front of the company suddenly stop

charging toward you. They take one look at the army of magi assembled before

them and run back to the water, only to be struck down by bolts of lightning.

Naphtali pages, "I got 3 (one form will)"

Hugon pages, "Going to start charging up again (seeing as I'm in Gregortown

(IIRC the name), how many can I get again before my next 'attack'?>"

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Fri Aug 10 18:30:47 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost their link.

You say, "The Guiltbearers, led by Argos, turn the lake into a pool of

Prime-laced acid that slays all the demons in the water and destroys their

crude sailing vessels."

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m337-mp1-cvx1c.le

e.ntl.com on Fri Aug 10 18:31:30 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has connected.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Program crash, whoops."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: You feel a peaceful presence settle on you. The

company of demons on the island becomes transparent and then disappears.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Just my luck to drop out before the interesting bit."

Argos, "We have bought time, but more will be here soon, and the Nexus is


Naphtali continues praying, just barely audiblely, "Light... thank you..."

Octavius runs up to Argos.

Naphtali has received your page: "You lose a point of "temporary Faith". It

will be replenished when your Willpower returns to its maximum."

(remotely) Naphtali nods. I'll make that change. Just curious, did my purity

begin at 4 tonight, or has it gone up since I last checked? (not counting

anything that happened tonight)

Enola Galen says, "Where are they all coming from, anyway? I mean, someone

must be directing them, right?""

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ok, where is everyone in the cabal at the moment?"

Hugon speaks from afar. "Did you see those two fly off? They were cut from

their master. He's got some sort of direct control over them."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gregortown..."

<OOC> Naphtali is somewhere really close to where we debarked the ship,


Enola Galen near the ship as well.

Argos, "I see Hemlock's hand in this. His mortal ally must have discovered a

path through the Sun Realms. I can't imagine the human sacrifices required

to bring so many across the Gauntlet, though.

Naphtali stays kneeling in silent pray for a few more minutes.

Octavius makes it to Argos, "I have some information, my leige.

AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin together.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "hehehe"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Flashbacks to last Saturday....make them stop...."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "must resist urge to mention..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Don't!"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Ch"

Argos, "I don't understand why they are trying to take this island, though.

We are clearly trapped and cannot prevent them from rushing into all of

Nitali. Does Hemlock regard the Guiltbearers as that much of a threat to his


I don't understand that.

Enola Galen says, "Maybe you've got something they want?""

Octavius says, "King Argos I think I might bhe able to answer that."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "is the answer that Iphigenia just really pissed Variel


Naphtali stops his prayer, opening his eyes, looking a bit drained, but with

an unusual peace, even for him. He walks over to the group with Argos.

Argos, "We hold one of the nine most powerful Nodes on this side of the Sun

Realms. But it is not as though they will be able to command a High Point's

power. It would strike them down as eagerly as we would.

Naphtali glances to the others. "Have you told him about the Homefires?"

Octavius says, "Sir the reason they are attacking this is isalnd. I think they

are after one of the homefires."

Argos, "So Ares has told me. But what exactly ARE these Homefires?"

Enola Galen says, "Good question."

Octavius says, "I think I know."

<Login> Taetia has connected from ppp-116.icehouse.net

on Fri Aug 10 18:45:44 2001 EST.

Naphtali pages, "That did take all the Quint I poured into it, right?"

Taetia has arrived.

<Logout> Taetia has disconnected on Fri Aug

10 18:45:48 2001 EST

Taetia has lost her link.

<Login> Taetia has connected from ppp-116.icehouse.net

on Fri Aug 10 18:45:54 2001 EST.

Taetia has connected.

Octavius says, "I have reson to belive that they arn't places or things but


Enola Galen says, "We know what they are, not what they look like."

Naphtali has received your page: "Yes."

Taetia sits down on the comfortable couch.

Naphtali pages, "Just checking."

Hugon whispers an old passage from the book he saved from the library to Argos

and the rest of the cabal.

Taetia lies back on the comfortable couch.

Hugon says, "The Weard Homefire waved his magic wand, undoing all the"

Hugon says, "damage the dragon had done."

Octavius says, "I think what Higon just said confirms my suspitions."

Naphtali frowns. "Then they were after Iphagenia because.... she was a


Octavius stares at Argos, "I think I am looking at one of them now.

Octavius says, "Not Ighiginam but her father."

Enola Galen says, "Not just royalty, but a metaphysical source of purity

keeping the world from going boom? We meet all the interesting people."

Naphtali says, "I'm not so sure about that.... If the homefires are people

and they sacrifice a homefire to Hemlock... Would that bring more demons

across the Guantlet than just a person."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Iphigenia is not so much fire as an explosive"

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles.

Argos, "You might well be right, Octavius. But what quality is it about me

that makes me a Homefire? I am no easy demon meat, but the others might not

be as able to defend themselves than me. How many Homefires are there?"

Octavius tell everone about his dream and reminds them about what Zyka said to

Argo the night they freed him.

<Login> Rahab has connected from on Fri Aug

10 18:51:07 2001 EST.

Rahab has connected.

Octavius tells Argos what Eclipse told them.

Rahab takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "You'll have to forgive me, I don't remember either the

dream or what zyka said."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Hi Rahab"

<OOC> Rahab waves. "I'm bored."

You say, "Argos's eyes bug out. 'WHO told you this?'"

Naphtali says, "One who called himself Eclipse."

Enola Galen says, "You know him?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Zyka said that Argos hair is on fire and Octavius had a

dream about a candle buring down to raising water."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Oh yeah..."

Octavius says, "Let me guess he is the deific reperentaion of Choas."

Naphtali frowns in concentration. "But if it's not Iphagenia, why did they

abduct her and the kill her? And why... Wait a minute...." He frowns a bit


Octavius says, "To trap Argos."

Hugon pages, "Can I take a look in that book again, see what else I can see?"

Argos, "That is very, very bad news. The last ones who saw Eclipse were

Gregor and Nightfire. That was before the Ultimatum War. If Eclipse is

involved, who knows what terrible things walk the world?"

Enola Galen says, "We've met most of them, I think."

Naphtali frowns again. "That would make more sense."

Octavius says, "By the way, I have reason to belive that your daughter isn't

dead anymore."

Enola Galen says, "We made a wish."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "We sold our souls...."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "currently she is trapped in the chaos zone with us :-)"

<OOC> Hugon says, "But we didn't have to deal out 10 pounds of flesh..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "And got a tootsie poop in return."

<OOC> Octavius says, "pop even"

Hugon has received your page: "From what little else you find in the book, it

would appear that a Homefire is used as something of a Deus Ex Machina in

fairy tales, partially because they are unbelieveably powerful magi..."

Naphtali says, "Then, if the homefires are people, how do we protect them from

Hemlock and his servants?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "mmm tootsie poop"

<OOC> You say, "Tick tick tick tick...kaBLAM!"

Enola Galen says, "Stop them from getting to the people?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "The amzing Octavius and his typos. A horse becomes a

hore and a pop becomes a poop."

Naphtali says, "How many do we need to protect to prevent the world's

destruction? One? Two? Five?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I'm glad I didn't mention the chilly dilly"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "OOPS"

Octavius says, "As many as we can."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "It's okay, you could have mentioned the ice

cream...oh no, said too much."

<OOC> Octavius says, "But you havn't said enough."

Enola Galen says, "I think we'd need to locate them first."

Naphtali says, "And how do we ensure their safty? We can't be everywhere.

And if we bring them all together, we're just one big target."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Whatever you do, don't ask nyarlahotep what he was


Enola Galen says, "But we only have one enemy. Perhaps we could cut him off

from our world somehow?"

You say, "Keep in mind that Hemlock doesn't just want to destroy the

Homefires; he intends to convert them. And they would be powerful allies for

the dark god, allies who would certainly make finding and extinguishing the

Homefires significantly easier..."

Octavius says, "But of we so bring them to gather imagine what they could

accomplish togather."

Hugon speaks from afar. "Too large of a risk, Octavius. One mistake and it's

all over."

Octavius says, "Your right. At least we could warn them."

Naphtali frowns. "But would they be safe from a god? Maybe... maybe we need

to seek out Hemlock's servant. I don't believe Hemlock can directly

interfere with mortal affairs with out a mortal."

Argos, "Yet, we might be better-protected together than apart."

Enola Galen says, "Perhaps we need to persuade these Homefires to our side?

After all, better to have them as friends than enemies, right?"

Octavius says, "Yes, if the other homefires are as powerful as Argos then

getting them togather is not as suicidal as it seams."

Octavius says, "I agree with that too Enola."

You say, "The river stops emitting its acrid fumes. The demons begin to

gather for another crossing.""

Octavius says, "I just remebered and old saying from my homeland, "You can all

stand togather, or you all could surly fall a part,"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "How many are left over there?"

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Beyond the lake, it is nothing but demons as far as

your eye can see...

<OOC> Rahab says, "Wow...somebody's demon-tanker spilled."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Call the EPA...we've got a demon-slick."

Naphtali frowns. "I think now is not the time to discuss this. Perhaps a

tactical withdrawl elsewhere would be best."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm, I think it's time to stark rolling that spirit spell


Argos, "It might be wise to evacuate, then."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Start even..."

Naphtali says, "Especially if it's you, sire, they are after."

Argos, "What is our destination?"

Enola Galen says, "Somewhere that isn't here?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "but, you can't evacuate! my cabal gets there in a week"

Hugon speaks from afar. "Not where I'm at. You don't want to be here."

<OOC> Rahab giggles.

<OOC> You say, "Stomach full. Now to pump my veins with caffeine..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Afk."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I've got to go help with dinner now, then I'll have to

eat it, I'll be back in a while"

<Logout> AlMarth has disconnected on Fri

Aug 10 19:09:39 2001 EST

AlMarth has disconnected.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Too much blood in his caffeine system."

Naphtali frowns. "We should find another one of the Homefires. The Dwares,

the elves, and the Halflings, each have one and there are others else where.

I can't remember which ones have been corrupted.

The resolution of AlMarth fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Enola Galen says, "Well, who's the closest?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "DO I know?"

Naphtali lists all the places there are Homefires.

Argos, "But what is a Homefire? We know it's a person, but what kind of

person? Until we figure that out, we won't even know what to look for."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Argos is from Arcadia, right?"

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Yes.

Naphtali says, "Yes, but here is not where to find out. We'll take a look

into that once we're somewhere safe."

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: The elven continent is closest.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Enola Galen says, "Makes sense to me."

Argos, "We are decided, then. I will give the evacuation order. We will

regroup on Vale and set a course from there. It is imperative you be

preserved. You know more about these Homefires than anyone. Can you

transport yourselves or will you need help?"

Hugon speaks from afar. "I can transport myself, but not my comrades."

Naphtali shakes his head. "We cannot, at least, not in a way that will save

us from the demons."

Argos, "Very well. Farewell, then. I'll will be along shortly."

Naphtali bows his head. "Peace protect you, sire."

You say, "By the way, there was never any sign of the coral ship. To all

appearances, you merely teleported in...""

You say, "Argos begins to chant a prayer."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Of course...."

You say, "A watery darkness consumes you, and then you arrive in a dense


Eclipse [to Hugon]: Would you care to teleport yourself, now? Dif 4, 3 suc.

Enola Galen looks round "So this is Vale?"

Naphtali nods slowly.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok, who can speak Vale?"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 7, 10; totalling 22.

Hugon appears next to Naphtali. "Good to see you all again."

Enola Galen says, "Reminds me of where I grew up."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm...not me..."

Naphtali nods to Hugon. "Good to see you as well."

<OOC> Naphtali does, just wants to know how many of us will be able to talk to

the locals.

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Yes. In fact, you recognize it as the Wenrua

Preserve, which is absolutely off-limits to non-elves. The Druanae would

kill most of you for so much as setting foot here.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Goodie..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hah! The screw me sign is on the other back now, ain't it!"

<OOC> Hugon might want to take his chances with Nyar again...

You say, "It IS the least crowded place to drop an army, though..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Not for me."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Although, if all the guiltbearers show up, it will

probably deter them from insta-slaughter mode."

<OOC> Hugon thinks that the Umbra might be a good idea right about now...

You say, "Give me a Per + Alertness, dif 6."

Hugon looks around. "Interesting place. Very nice."

Hugon rolled 6d10: 2, 2, 10, 9, 5, 4; totalling 32.

Naphtali rolled 6d10: 2, 10, 5, 9, 5, 4; totalling 35.

<OOC> Hugon says, "2..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "They get an army for protection and we get... we get...

Umm... We don't get shit!"

Naphtali ( 2 )

<OOC> Taetia says, "It isn't fair!"

Enola Galen rolled 2d10: 4, 5; totalling 9.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, we aren't the Angst Cabal, always destroying ships..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "yeah, an army is safe with us."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh wait, that's just Tyson...@#;+)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Hey, other than the first ship, the others were all


Naphtali glances around the forest.

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's not my fault... I blame it on the St."

<OOC> Hugon watches Tyson set himself up for another run of Backlashing...

<OOC> You say, "Yes, I know you do. Denial can be a powerful truth-duller..."

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles... Anyway...

<OOC> Taetia says, "You're the one who sent us on the Reader's Digest version

of the Odessy."

You say, "The forest seems utterly peaceful. Not a sound breaks the silence."

Enola Galen says, "Does anyone know the way out of this place?"

<OOC> You say, "You're the ones who made it harder on yourselves than it would

have been."

Hugon decides that speaking with a nature spirit might be a good idea. That

way he can learn the lay of the land easier.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: dif 4, 2 suc

Hugon rolled 3d10: 2, 8, 10; totalling 20.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Got it"

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's Beth's fault too, then."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: The hardest part is deciding which nature spirit to talk

to first. This place is as much a spirit preserve as a nature preserve...

<OOC> Hugon is looking for one of those nice nature spirits...not those evil


Eclipse [to Hugon]: Pick one. There's probably one here...

<OOC> Taetia says, "I just realized.. Eric Olson.. By god... Eustacio is the

legendary third Olson Twin!"

Hugon speaks to a Bear-Spirit.

<OOC> Eclipse LOL.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "LOL"

Hugon smacks Taetia. "NO! It's OlsOn in my name, not "OlsEn in their name!".

Bear_Spirit, "Greetings, Spirit-Warden."

<OOC> Hugon did that OOC, btw.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Correspondance means you can do it in-character, you


<OOC> You say, "IC? OOC? We smack Taetia around any chance we get, right?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Damn.. *Puts away the butterfly net, impaling pins, and

bottle of cholorophom.*"

Hugon bows to the Bear_Spirit. "Greetings, Wise Bear. I come to you asking

if you can aid me in learning the lay of this land. We've come from far away

quickly. What mortal beings reside here?"

<OOC> Hugon looks so much like a bear he's surprised the bear didn't mistake

him for kin...

<OOC> Taetia says, ""Hey.. Spirit Warden.. ya dropped ya shield.. so just bend

over and pick it up.. Gotta, uh.. keep the forrest clean""

Enola Galen keeps an eye out for any werebears who are looking for love.

<OOC> Hugon steps into the Umbra and starts smacking Taetia's Avatar around.

<OOC> Taetia says, ""Only you can prevent bush fires""

<OOC> Taetia says, "That was just wrong.. but I had to.."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "LOL"

Bear_Spirit, "It is a forest as far as I have wandered in my days. There is a

nice honey tree not far from here, but the blackberry bushes by the stream

are not in season, right now. A strange thing is happening here. The

Druanae seem quite upset about it. It seems the world is gradually getting


<OOC> You say, "It's ALL wrong..."

Bear_Spirit, "The way I look at it, though, is that just means I get to sleep

in a little longer in the spring..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And don't get me started on the Avatar thing.."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Damn white wolf.."

<OOC> Octavius says, "BAck. Sorry about that I had to do somehting that took

longer then expected."

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles. The non-enviromentally caring bear.... ah political

apathy abounds.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Give me a Per + Alertness, dif 6.

Hugon nods. "Indeed. I fear your sleep will not be enjoyable. Foul beings

have begun to assault other lands I have visited. I hope that we have not

come too late to be of assistance here. Do you know where the Druanae live,

if you are allowed to release that information. Also, do you know of a way

that we could have a peaceful audience with them, or one who could aid us in

getting such an audience?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Made his perception check, but failed his apathy save."

Octavius rolled 4d10: 9, 9, 4, 4; totalling 26.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Better hope the bear folk are nothing like the cat

folk mages...."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Tyson, just think about the Avatar Storm..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Oh, do I get a shot at the King of the Gurahl now?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Avatar storm bad!"

<OOC> Hugon got to have Tyson roll 9 dice in the Avatar Storm multiple


<OOC> Taetia says, "But that doesn't prove anything, really.."

Octavius pages, "2"

<OOC> You say, "The way I look at it, do the animals really care as long as

they can still survive? I mean, it's not as though they can think very far

into the future, at least not beyond the next meal and the next litter of


<OOC> Taetia says, "Just because theres an avatar storm doesn't mean I have to

accept the Pure One theory.."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "True... oh well, back to the IC world."

<OOC> Hugon should try and summon Mother Gaia...

<OOC> Octavius says, "What did I miss, in brief?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Tybalt showed up again. You two got it on."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "We got 'ported to a forest (which is apperently for

elves only) and now Hugon's chatting with abear spirit."

Bear_Spirit, "They are watching you right now, Spirit Warden. They will not

harm you or the elves, but your other companions are in grave danger. The

Druanae do not like tresspassers."

<OOC> You say, "No, Taetia, that would be what he missed in briefs..."

Octavius snaps out of the daze he was in, "What happened and where are we?

Octavius looks around franticly.

Enola Galen says, "In Vale. Hugon's negotiating with the spirits."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Actually, they like em alot. With fava beans and a nice


Octavius says, "The vale? Isn't that an Elvish land?"

<OOC> You say, "Yes, their intestines make great decorations for the May


Hugon bows to the Bear Spirit. "I can imagine so. Is there any way that we

can prove to them that we arrived in this particular spot more or less in an

effort to escape a terrible evil? I have no wish to see my friends hurt."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Phallic Symbol Alert!"

Enola Galen says, "That's right."

<OOC> Hugon groans. He'll have that image for some time now, unfortunately...

Naphtali nods, glancing around the forest.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "No, they'll probably just burn us in a wicker man or


<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, Oct's the only one in danger..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Enola, you and I are elves. We're safe."

<OOC> You say, "Not the first time I've used that image. It is especially

disturbing when they appear to be doing an intricate May dance with their

intestines and look to be having a good time about it..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Well Oct, it seems your days of having foreign objects

inserted innaproprietly into your body aren't over."

Octavius says, "What can you tell me about the elves in this land?"

You say, "And Zyka..."

<OOC> Hugon wondered what happened to her, seeing as she's been gone for

awhile now OOC.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Whatever happened to Megathan anyway?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "She's moving."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: She's still around, albeit, less active.

<OOC> Naphtali wonders what he knows about Vale. Other than the language.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Is there and rolls that I can try to find out about the

non-elves not allow here part?"

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: It is a roughly pear-shaped continent made up of 9

regions. 1 mountainous area, 1 Uncharted region, 1 large nature preserve, 1

Olmec nation, 1 Tanak nation, and 4 Elven countries.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Aren't we quite the globetrotters?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Do I know anything about the D-people?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Where are we now, the nature preserve?"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Int + Culture, dif 7

<OOC> Hugon is used to it. His character used to be the traveling type before

he met the cabal.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Yep.

Octavius rolled 3d10: 5, 10, 4; totalling 19.

<OOC> Octavius says, "1"

<OOC> You say, "It helps when you don't have to pay for passage on ships..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "is my hoese with us?"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Yes.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Or sink ships..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I thought you had to be a pimp to have ho's.."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean horse."

<OOC> Taetia says, "I blame Beth."

<OOC> Taetia says, "And Shan. And Eclipse."

Hugon waits for the Bear's response respectfully.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "What do I know about the Druanae?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "While everyone else blames Tyson :)"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: You've heard that the Druanae tend to use foreign

trespassers as fertilizer...

Octavius eyes bug and turns pale as he just relized something.

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: You know pretty much what is described in the Tradition


<OOC> Taetia says, "But I'm justified. Shan broke the mast on the first one.

Beth caused us to get on the fisherman's boat, which Eclipse sank. The other

boat sank, also because of Eclipse's decision that a day passed in minutes.

And the rowboat bit it through the combined efforts of me, Koi, and Eclipse.

So neh."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Bug out I mean."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sorry for interrupting, but I had to defend my honor.."

Bear_Spirit, "You might be better off leaving the area as quickly as possible.

Why did you come here in the first place?"

Octavius pages, "What is the difficulty to become an Elf? Octavius rational

for this that a forgein elf mught get slightly better treatment then a

forgien member of another race."

Hugon says, "We were assaulted in another land and the rest of my friends were

transported here by another. I followed them."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Dif 5, 5 suc (1 day)

Octavius pages, "Also removing the scars too."

Octavius pages, "Ritual."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 7, 1, 1; totalling 9.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to

0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Bear_Spirit, "You might have been better off going into the Sun Realms. The

Druanae REALLY don't like trespassers."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 10, 1, 3; totalling 14.

Druanae1, "No, Father Bear. We do not."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 4, 3, 4; totalling 11.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Is the Druanae in the forest or in the Umbra?"

Octavius pages, "At this rate I am not going to get it."

<OOC> Naphtali notes we're just hanging out here with no idea what he's

saying, right? Or can we hear mister bear?

Octavius grabs his wand, but is too flustered to do anything.

Druana_2, "I suggest you drop your weapons slowly and make no attempts to use

magic. You are watched, and we outnumber you fully ten to one."

Enola Galen says, "Hi. Are you the Drunae? We're a bit lost here."

Hugon has no weapons to drop.

Naphtali sets his quarterstaff on the ground.

Octavius undos his belt, drop it and the wand to the ground and drops his

shield too. His cloak is on, but not covering his features.

Druana_2, "Lost? Wait a minute. I think I've seen you before."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Do the pants demons strike now that he's dropped his belt?"

You say, "He points at Enola."

Octavius says, "Great, I am royakky screwed"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "We can see him?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I guess they're in the physical world then..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "royally even."

You say, "Druana_1 is in the Umbra. Druana_2 is in the physical world."

Enola Galen pages, "Do I recongise him?"

Octavius says, "I have a dagger in my boot too, want me to remove it slowly

and drop it on the ground?"

Naphtali looks toward the voice. "We mean you no harm."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "In Vale."

Enola Galen has received your page: "He's the head of the Druanae and was

supposed to teach you the Druana way. He is an old friend of the family."

Hugon looks at Druana_1. "It was not our intention to trespass. When I

arrived, I did not realize this was land that was barred from others."

<OOC> Octavius says, "BTW what language did the durana use?"

You say, "They are speaking in Vale."

<OOC> Hugon has the language of, umm, spirit-speech?

Enola Galen pages, "What was his name?"

<OOC> Naphtali translates what he can hear if people look confused.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ah.. the joys of not having mind 3.."

Enola Galen has received your page: "Rashna Bloodshedder"

Enola Galen says, "Well, Rashna, I wasn't expecting to see you again.""

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great I wouldn't of understond them to unless translated


<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean unless Naph trnalated, then I dropped my stuff."

<OOC> Naphtali can translate D-2, but not D-1, since he's Umbral.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Universal Translator, never leave home without it."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Babal fish. Need to get Mind and Life and make Babal


Octavius slowly removes his dagger from his boot and dropps itm on the ground.

Druana_2, "Nor I you. Last I heard, you were building things out of trees.

<OOC> You say, "An Interpreter would be useful..."

<OOC> Naphtali plays Interpretor for now.... Sigh....

<OOC> Hugon wonders if he can understand in the Umbra.

Octavius says, "Great, another language I have to learn."

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m145-mp1-cvx1b.man.ntl.com on Fri Aug 10 20:05:27 2001 EST.

Enola Galen says, "I've progressed a bit since then, thank you very much."

Enola Galen says, "I take it nothing's changed here since I left?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: No. You can only speak to and hear Druana_1. She appears

to want you to leave the Umbra, though.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "How's that for a badly timed DC?"

Octavius looks at the elf freinds, "Can either of you translate anythiong

important for me?

Hugon bows and steps back into the physical world.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean his elen friends."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Elven even."

<OOC> Hugon thought he was just talking to the spirit in the Umbra, not

actually in the Umbra...

Naphtali nods. "I will."

Octavius says, "Thanks. One of these days I'll ask you to teach me it if it is

alright with you."

Rashna, "There have been strange changes in the weather. Why? Have you and

that madman been playing with forces you don't understand, again?"

Enola Galen says, "You're giving us too much credit."

Naphtali smiles to Octavius. "Certainly... sometime when there's not much

else to do."

Octavius nods

Eclipse [to Hugon]: I stand corrected. I meant that you should be conscious

of the real world...

Enola Galen says, "We had nothing to do with that. Neither do any of my

companions, for the record."

Hugon takes that statement back and returns mentally to the real world.

Naphtali says, "If I may offer an opinion, it may have the same root as our


Rashna, "I never said you were trying to change the weather, Enola, only that

you might have built some contraption that has messed up the weather and

caused this global cooling we're experiencing now. If anyone is stupid

enough to allow magic to have side-effects, its you Artificers."

Rashna, "<to Naph) Why? Were you sent here by a gnomish device?"

Naphtali shakes his head. "We were sent here by the hand of Argos Guiltbearer.

We are here to try to save one of the homefires."

Enola Galen says, "The way I see it, better to try and fail than never change

a single thing. And I don't think this crisis is due to science. I'd blame

the daemons first."

Octavius stands and listen, trying to make sense of a forgien languge and

listen to any translations.

<OOC> Hugon wonders if he can make a language roll to try and understand.

Rashna, "We were better off before science. In fact, we were better off

before FIRE. Some days, I am tempted to erase our entire species, I tell


<OOC> Naphtali is speaking in both Party Common and Vale.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Enola Galen ( so the rest of the group can understand. "Sorry, where are my

manners. Meet Rashna, a traditionalist, a Druana and my would-be-teacher." )

<OOC> Octavius says, "I know, ehat he ment he is trying to get a feel for the

language so he can learn it easier."

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb I need to grab some more coffee."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Int + Linguistics, dif 7.

Naphtali takes a deep breath. "My name is Naphtali Issachar Paxetoile,

Epagan. And well, you may not have to do it yourself. If we fail, daemons

will plague the land and the sun will probably burn out."

<OOC> Octavius says, "using will"

Rashna, "The sun does not merely burn out. It is eternal and unchanging -

like the moons except without phases."

Octavius rolled 5d10: 4, 8, 3, 10, 4; totalling 29.

<OOC> Octavius says, "3"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: You can get the gist of the conversation.

<OOC> Taetia says, "The Drunae aren't the sharpest sack of hammers, are they?"

Enola Galen says, "I said exactly the same thing for a while, then I found

about the homefires.""

Rashna, "What are these Homefires you keep going on about? The animals have

no need for a hearth, and nor should we."

You say, "A hundred Guiltbearers show up rather abruptly."

Naphtali says, "They are that which protects this area. It keeps the

sunrealms from moving and destroying us all."

Rashna, "An ambush!"

Naphtali says, "No."

You say, "Fighting errupts."

Naphtali falls to his knees praying.

Enola Galen says, "Call them off, you fool They're on our side!"

Octavius prays, "Grehor make them stop.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Gregor even"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Any god who's listening."

Rashna, "Very well. Stop fighting them. They are clearly not worth feeding

on. But you, young woman, have a lot of explaining to do for bringing them

here, into our sacred grove, our holy wood."

You say, "BTW, Argos is not in this group."

Enola Galen says, "We didn't get a choice in the matter. We were fleeing a

large number of demons who were almost as antisocial as you."

Octavius whispers thanks to Gregor.

Hugon looks over at Naphtali and Enola. "Maybe I should go tell Argos to send

them elsewhere...think you could make sure you all won't get slaughtered if I

try and contact him or go to him?"

<OOC> Naphtali knew he was going to die... I knew he should have come with


Enola Galen says, "I'll do my best."

Hugon says, "I'll wait for confirmation."

Octavius turns to his Guitbearer comrades, "Where is th King?

Naphtali nods to Hugon. He stands again.

Guiltbearer_1, "He's still holding the line at the island. He said he's not

going anywhere until all his people are safe."

Octavius says, "How many are left?"

Naphtali sighs. "We need *him* safe. Is there any way to pull him here with

the rest of your men?"

Guiltbearer_1, "His daughter is with him, too. Some strangers brought her to

the island."

Hugon gets one of those "Oh sh.." looks in his eyes.

Octavius breaths a loud sigh of relife.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Relife even."

Naphtali frowns. "Did the strangers take a side in the fight? Or could you

tell before you left?"

Guiltbearer_1, "There are not many of us left. Less than a thousand. The

demons attacked the moment they learned that Argos was away."

I don't understand that.

Hugon says, "We need to have the men transported somewhere else. This is a

place that we are not supposed to be, as you may have seen. Naphtali, is

there any way they'll let me contact or go to the others?"

Octavius has a tear run down his left cheek, "When I get my hands at the

bastard reponsible for this he will pay dearly.

Guiltbearer_1, "The strangers went across the Sun Realms to find and destroy

the mage in charge of these attacks. I think I heard his name is


Enola Galen says, "You may have to get in a line when that time comes."

Naphtali turns to R-whoever. "My friend needs to go to the others and tell

them to evacuate now and to arrive elsewhere. Can he leave?"

<OOC> You say, "It's a very LONG line..."

Octavius has a look of oue haterd on his face, "Varient/

<OOC> Octavius says, "oue =pure."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Nah, just get a mage with a *lot* of Scourge and let him

go near them and botch/backlash. *grins*"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "And did that name ring any bells? (I forget if wee'd

heard it before)"

Rashna, "If it will stem this flood of Guiltbearers that seems to be infesting

the Preserve, he is free to leave. Might I suggest you go to Vestalia?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yep. The leader of the Balak and the deamonci hordes."

Hugon waits for a translation.

<OOC> You say, "For pete's sake, people! It's VARIEL!"

Naphtali translates the message to Hugon.

Enola Galen says, "Rashna, you know I'd love to stay and talk about old times,

not that you ever have any other kind, but I don't think we'll be able to

stay very long. How do we get there?"

Hugon bows to Rashna and leaves.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You think you have problems..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I wanted to know if I knew it IC."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 1, 3, 2; totalling 6.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Carp."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You should see how many ways my players misspell

'Agnentia' It's not that hard, surely?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: 3 Scourge.

<OOC> Hugon starts wimpering...his backlash is going to HURT...

<OOC> Hugon says, "Diff/Succ?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Opps, Variel even. I have been reading satudays logs to


Eclipse [to Hugon]: What are you up to now?

<OOC> Hugon says, "7..."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: dif 5, 3 suc.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "He summons a frisky bear-spirit?"

<OOC> You say, "It all depends on what he was trying to do when he


Hugon rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 4; totalling 14.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 3, 4, 3; totalling 10.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 1, 9, 7; totalling 17.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 4, 8, 9; totalling 21.

<OOC> Hugon says, "There"

<OOC> Hugon didn't get a backlash there...*knock on wood* I wonder how much

my Purity 2/Familiar 3 can soak...

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Okay, you're back on the island. Argos and his closest

captains are just completing the second wave of evacuations. On the

boundaries of the island, the demons are pressing into the army of

Guiltbearers on the shore.

<OOC> Octavius says, "not to self. Raise spirit to 2 and get a familiar."

Hugon speaks to Argos. "Vestalia. You were sending them into a sacred place

of the Druana, into another battle."

Rashna, "We'll take you there."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Another hundred Guiltbearers vanishes.

Octavius nods/

Argos, "Okay. We'll change the destination."

Hugon looks to see how many are left.

You say, "Another hundred Guiltbearers appears in the forest. Rashna winces.""

Naphtali [to Rashna]: We are truely sorry. He's trying his best.

Octavius says, "I hope thats the last batch that gets sent to this area."

Rashna, "Oh dear. That one was an endangered species, too. Get out of the

preserve, you monsters!"

Enola Galen says, "Anyone know much about bulk transport?"

You say, "He and his brethren begin to chant and paint everyone with animal


Naphtali nods to Oct.

Octavius trys to reply in crude vale that these men are now a endangered

spesie to.

You say, "You vanish and reappear in yet another forest. This one, though,

has tree houses in the branches of the huge trees."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Six hundred.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "All of us and the Guiltbearers?"

Enola Galen pages, "Does this place look familiar?"

Hugon starts building up a spirit spell for a bit of protection to the King

and his Daughter. Diff 5, 5 succ +1 each additional Demon?

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ewok village?"

Naphtali looks around for a native.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: That will work.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Let's burn a couple Quint here."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 5, 5; totalling 15.

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: There are several pointing longbows at you.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 3, 6, 3; totalling 12.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 9, 6, 1; totalling 16.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Several who?"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 10, 9, 10; totalling 29.

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Natives.

Naphtali raises his hands. (In Vale) "We come in peace."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ewoks?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "There's 6, where's some Demons to sever?"

Elf_1, "That kind of loses credibility when you have an army of magi at your

back, you know."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Who is where?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Unless I could ward the King/Daughter with it somehow (they

illuminate so that the spell affects any demons within X feet of them?>"

Octavius slumps to the ground,puts his hands to his face and starts to weep/

Naphtali says, "We're fleeing a larger army."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: You could manage a warding that would protect them.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Succs?"

Elf_1, "Oh? And do you expect they might follow you here, then? We just had

a forest fire a few months ago. We don't want another one just yet."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: dif 5, 8 suc.

Enola Galen says, "Look, if you fire, a fight will start. One you might win,

but the damage will be huge. Wouldn't it be better to not fire and avoid all

of that?"

Enola Galen says, "We won't attack if you don't."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Can I use the ones I had before (10 succs)"

Naphtali says, "We will not fire on you."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Sure.

Hugon spreads his arms up in the air, letting loose blasts of purple energy,

causing all demons coming near the King or his Daughter to suddenly lose

their connection with Hemlock.

Elf_1, "You make a convincing argument. We'd rather have an army of

Guiltbearers as guests than invaders, anyway. We'll lower some ladders.

Come up and make yourselves comfortable. You look like you could use a few


Naphtali bows to the Elf. "Thank you, friend. May Peace bless you."

Octavius stops weeping and gets up witha look of firm resoules on his ad he

nids thanks to the elf then gathers his weapons.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Resolve even."

Enola Galen pages, "Do I recognise this place?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Test"

You say, "The Island Battle lasts well into the night before Argos, Iphigenia,

and the few remaining Guiltbearers make their retreat. Less than five

hundred Guiltbearers are still alive."

Hugon heads back with the King

<OOC> Octavius says, "Total? "

Naphtali stays up until everyone is here. And helps with the healing, if any

is needed.

Enola Galen has received your page: "Vestalia is a peaceful elven nation. It

is quite urban, by elven standards."

Octavius joins Naphtali to helo the wounded.

<OOC> Octavius says, "help even."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Total. There were about 20,000 a week ago. Sure,

there might still be a few Guiltbearers far away on quests that did not allow

them to return to fight the battle for Arcadia, but the Tradition has been


Enola Galen says, "We could have chosen worse places to arrive."

Elf_1, "Yes, the sign of a true optimist is a person who can see how things

could have been worse. You could have ended up in the Wenrua Preserve, for


Enola Galen says, "Or in the sea."

Elf_1, "Or in a Chaos Pocket. Or in Golgotha."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I take it I get back with Argos and Iphigenia."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Is there a temple of Epaga here (or it's equivalent)"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yes.

Hugon comes in from the battle to where the others are. "Well, that's the

last of them."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: There are a few Epagans here. Epaga is a religion of

people, not places...

Naphtali will chat a bit with them as we (I assume they're healing too) heal

those in need.

Octavius follows Naphtali were he goes to help him care the wounded.

Hugon takes a seat and lets his owl land on his shoulder. "Well, quite a day,

wasn't it?"

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: You and Octavius are helping the elven Druanae and

Epagans heal the wounded.

Owl, "Was it? I spent most of it asleep, to tell you the truth."

Hugon chuckles. "Oh, we just ran into a clash between the Guiltbearers and

Demons, now we're in Elven country...nothing major, you know. Just some more


Hugon says, "Oh, and there was that fire in the library with that

Euthanatos...you missed that too?"

Owl, "That sounds like fun."

<OOC> Hugon thinks his Owl has a perception of 0...

Owl, "I'm an owl. I'm nocturnal. You DO know what 'nocturnal' means, don't


<Login> AlMarth has connected from h24-71-211-104.cg.sha

wcable.net on Fri Aug 10 20:56:24 2001 EST.

AlMarth has arrived.

AlMarth takes a seat in the Peanut Gallery.

Hugon smiles. "I know, I know. I just thought the noise may have woke you a

few times."

<OOC> AlMarth is back

<OOC> Octavius cheers

<OOC> Naphtali says, "How long does the healing take?"

Hugon says, "In any event, I need sleep. Good night."

You say, "By morning, the Guiltbearer army is healed, albeit a bit low on

Quintessence and Willpower..."

Hugon goes to sleep.

Naphtali hunts down a place to sleep.

<OOC> Hugon is just sleeping wherever the heck he sat down.

<OOC> You say, "Right now, ORIANA could dominate Argos..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Now there's a picture..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Yikes"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oriana doesn't have enough Mind for that though, right

Tyson/AlMarth? *G*"

Octavius see if he can find the rest of his cabal.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "how come you call taetia tyson, but you don't call me


Eclipse [to Naphtali]: You find a comfortable branch. It's a good thing the

army is mostly Myshari and Wints. They don't feel comfortable sleeping in


<OOC> Octavius says, "Where is the rest of the cabal and who is with them?"

<OOC> Hugon forgets. Sorry.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "That's fine. just a tad confused"

Naphtali says his nightly prayers with incense and goes to bed (putting the

incense out)

Enola Galen gets some sleep, reflecting on the many, many odd events of the


Hugon is sleeping on some chair somewhere.

You say, "Morning arrives like an express train on a grassy part of the tracks

when you're a deer."

Hugon says, "Zzzzz"

Naphtali stays asleep.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I always love your descriptions, Eric"

Octavius takes off his armor and sleeps when he find his cabal mates. His

sleep is far from peaceful.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dawn breaks. Crash. Soak 10 lethal."

<OOC> You say, "I just get sick of hearing everyone say 'crash', after a


<OOC> You say, "See what I mean?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Knight falls...all that armour weighs a lot, so 10


<OOC> Hugon wonders if now would be a good time to summon ST Avatar...

<OOC> Eclipse grins.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You need the Metagaming Sphere to do that."

<OOC> You say, "Not in THIS cabal..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "No! I fear eclipse like the night fears the dawn."

<OOC> Hugon has the amulet though.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I'm looking for Mind 5 / Metagaming 5, COntrol GM."

<OOC> Taetia says, "No, thats Jack Daniels 5/pizza 5."

<OOC> Hugon has named it his precious...gollum...gollum...

<OOC> You say, "Sorry, Enola, but Metagaming Effects are ALWAYS Vulgar."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Mind 5/Spirit 5/Metagaming 5/Life 5/Prime 3 - Create GM"

Hugon gets up around noon.

Enola Galen gets up nice and early.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Would life 5/metagaming 5 be become GM?"

You say, "Most of the rest of the army is still asleep. They've had a rough


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Correspondance / Metagaming: Read GM Notes."

Hugon goes to find the King and Iphigenia when he gets up.

Octavius gets up at nooon and puts his armor on and goes to take care of his


<OOC> Taetia says, "If we're making a new GM, could we make one with large

hooters and a taste for leather?"

Naphtali wakes up before too long and tries to find the King.

<OOC> You say, "That would work just fine if I had any notes you could read.

My handwriting is lousy for more reasons than my inability to draw a straight

line with a ruler, you know..."

<OOC> Hugon waves Beth's hammer at Taetia.

Octavius after take care of Andromeada he goes to find Argos.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Put that hammer away boy, before you put someone's eye out"

Enola Galen looks round to see if there's anything useful she can do here.

<OOC> You say, "Would you like some of my Evil GM mojo for tomorrow, Taetia.

I haven't touched the dice once tonight..."

<OOC> Octavius conjures a hyper-dimesnitnal Sledge hammer and hands it to

Hugon, "You might need this.

<OOC> Hugon could just give him an injection...

You say, "Argos is up shortly after dawn.""

You say, "Maybe its the ticking sound his daughter is making..."

<OOC> Rahab giggles.

<OOC> Octavius pulls out a needle fill with is patented ones attractor.

<OOC> AlMarth gets out some chloroform, just in case

<OOC> Naphtali winces.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Wait, 'port her to V and make her backlash!"

<OOC> Hugon groans. "Wait...the ticking Backlash Bomb is with us now?


<OOC> You say, "What? She has TWENTY Scourge points!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Why does everyone threaten me.. it's not like I even

destroy much.. Get accused of sinking ships, kill the Bastet king, maybe go

on a rampage in a bmw, and everyone treats you like like ya need discipline

applied with a paddle.."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Don't be near her when the alarm goes off..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Muah! Goodie, blow them ta hell!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "What level of prime is need to detect scourge built up?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "get injured, everyone and ask her to heal you"

Hugon is still looking for Argos.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Argos has prime as an archsphere, couldn't he just make it

go away?"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: You find him.

Octavius is doing the same.

Octavius is doing the same.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "but that would be so much less fun"

Hugon bows to the King.

Eclipse rolled 10d10: 3, 6, 6, 10, 10, 7, 7, 10, 2, 6; totalling 67.

Naphtali [to Argos]: Good morning, sire.

<OOC> Hugon cowers in his corner.

Octavius drops tp one knee when he gets to Argos. "Good afternoon my Leige.

Argos, "Morning."

You say, "He glances at the sun."

Argos, "Okay, afternoon."

Hugon looks around the room.

Naphtali smiles. "I suppose it is."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Is Ighigina with him?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Yes. She does not look well. You can almost see the

whips and chains flowing through her veins...

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Would a twenty point Backlash be similar to the effects

of Nyarlahotep's smoking habit?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "only without the genital fumes"

<OOC> Hugon says, "You mean a library being reduced to ashes?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Ever read Brightly Burning? It'd probably be like that

firestorm at the end.."

Naphtali says, "Where do we begin...."

<OOC> You say, "Let me put it this way. A twenty-ONE point Backlash is

sufficient to rip you out of reality..."

Octavius looks at Ighigina with sincere realif.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "more of the eggbeater raining and hell freezing over

stuff that Nyarlahotep was doing to us"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "not to mention the chaos zone"

<OOC> Hugon thinks it's time to go visit his mentor for awhile...

<OOC> Taetia says, "How much damage does a does an eggbeater do?"

<OOC> AlMarth has one

<OOC> Taetia says, "Strength+?"

AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin together.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "You could always use it as artillery, to shell your

enemeies. (geddit?)"

<OOC> Taetia says, "I want one!"

Octavius says, "Is good to see you alive Ighigina."

AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin together.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eric, can I have an egg beater?"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "it was raining them a little while ago"

<OOC> You say, "No. Not enough dots in Entropy. It would be more like her

turning into a mindless zombie or summoning a Force of Nature to kick the

shit out of her for breaking the most important rule of life - all things

must die."

<OOC> Taetia says, "We need an eggbeater dispenser."

<OOC> Rahab says, "Absolutely not :P"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I got mine from Rahab"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Rahab, can I have an eggbeater?"

Enola Galen has noticed food keeps coming up in this camapaign.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Where were we, IC?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Dammit, I have plans for her.."


Al'Marth is short, even for his Race, at 5'1 and is exeedingly ugly. While

many Tanaks appear as beutiful catlike creatures, or as ferocious predatorial

felines, he looks like some flee-bitten tabby that you might find in an

alley. His fur, a washed-out brown in color, is sparse and even nonexistant

in patches. He usually wears a simple white cloak that is common to the

Light-Bringers, his is somewhat dirtier and patched up than others.

He is carrying a Barbequed Wench, a Mountain Dew, and the eggbeater.

AlMarth isn't wielding anything, armed only with his fists.

Hugon looks at Naphtali. "Well, the beginning, I suppose."

Rahab gives an eggbeater to Taetia.

<OOC> Rahab says, "'use eggbeater'"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Talking to Argos with Iph in the room."

Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin together.

<OOC> Taetia does the happy dance

<OOC> You say, "Oh dear. What have I created?"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Thanks Rahab!"

AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin together.

<OOC> Rahab says, "Maybe I should make that an OOC message."

Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin together.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Stop for a while, I'm losing the IC in the OOC spam."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Sorry.."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "if we had a dispenser, there would be enough to throw

them at people"

<OOC> Rahab says, "No, no, no!"

<OOC> Rahab sets the eggbeaters to give an OOC message.

Eclipse forgets where we were...

<OOC> Taetia turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


<OOC> Taetia says, "Ahh..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "just imagine all the eggbeater-throwing fun we could have"

Enola Galen has as well.

Naphtali looks to Hugon. "When the beginning? The meeting with Eclipse or

starting after Iphagenia?"

<OOC> AlMarth turns the crank on the eggbeater. The little beaters spin


You say, "Oh yes. We were chatting with Iph and "

You say, "Argos"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Last thing said was ocatvius say It is good to see you

alive Iphigina."

Hugon says, "I'd say Eclipse, myself."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "And then I started talking about where to begin and all."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: She nods faintly. You can almost hear the sound of

ethereal diamond dust grinding at her organs...

Octavius says, "I agree."

Naphtali says, "Who wants to tell the story?"

Hugon says, "Of course, if there could be a way to cure Iphigenia, I'd rather

hear that myself."

Enola Galen says, "Not me. I'm terrible at tale-telling."

Octavius looks at Iph, "Whats wrong?

<OOC> You say, "Yes, she always ends up boring herself to sleep and waking up

to a strange man in her bed..."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "speaking of iphi's organs, does she still have that extra


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Or worse, waking up in a field with a nights memory


Iph, "I was in a Chaos Pocket a short while ago. It affected my magic in

strange ways."

Octavius says, "I will tell the tale, if it pleases you all. I think I

impressed those in that one farmhouse."

Hugon nods. "As was I, though the only magic I used was to escape it."

Enola Galen says, "Is there anything we can do to help you?"

<OOC> You say, "She could drink Dionyses under the table..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "To metagame: which of us has the highest Exprexx +

Charisma? *grins*"

<OOC> AlMarth says, "I wonder what she has to say about our cabal"

<OOC> You say, "The way an Epagan looks at it, if you can't say something nice

about someone..."

Octavius tells the story of everything what happen after Argos was freeded

from the trap, leaving out nothing.

<OOC> Rahab has nine dots between those two.

Hugon nods. "I'll fill in the details about the spirits, and I wasn't exactly

with you the whole time."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Oct has 3."

<OOC> Naphtali has 6

Hugon tells Argos about the Euthanatos with a bad smoking habit, the book he

found, and the spell he used against the Demons on the field.

<OOC> Hugon says, ""has 2 whole dots in Charisma and 0 in Expression."

Hugon also tells of the Kobolds.

Argos, "I guess all that remains is to figure out who these Homefires are and

gather them together. Then we have to figure out how to drive back the

forces of Hemlock."

<OOC> Rahab says, "But my charisma's specialised in 'inspires protection' and

my expression in 'emotional torrents', so all it's good for is screwing Koi


Octavius says, "Do you still have that book Hugon?"

Hugon nods. "It was the only one I could save from the library."

Naphtali says, "Does it say anything about how to detect Homefires?"

<OOC> You say, "Only YOU can prevent library fires."

<OOC> Hugon looks to the wise ST. It doesn't, does it?

Eclipse [to Hugon]: 'fraid not.

Hugon left out the bit about summoning Eclipse, btw.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Okay.

Hugon shakes his head. "No, it doesn't. Just the one story I told you about."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What bit about summoning Eclispse?"

Naphtali frowns. "The we have to study you, sire."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I didn't mention the amulet."

<OOC> AlMarth says, "to borrow from your joke: Smokey the Bak'Lak says: Only

You can prevent homefires"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Then so will Oct."

Argos, "Study me? What is it you want to know?"

Hugon looks at Naphtali a bit oddly.

Naphtali says, "How to know who is a Homefire. To see if there is some

enchantment or mystic aura."

Octavius says, "To try and find out what would set a homefire apart from

everyone else is it is possible."

Argos, "I am the leader of the Guiltbearer Clan. I am a true master of Prime

and Forces. I worship Nightfire. My Resonance is Static. What more is


Hugon thinks for a moment. "You know, here's an idea. We might be going

about this wrong. Think. Homefires have been around for many, may years,

before Argos was even born, correct?"

Enola Galen says, "Right..."

Octavius does some count on his fingers and has a look of surprise.

Hugon says, "Well, maybe it's a family thing. That would explain Iphigenia's


Octavius says, "Is there any other that chived the level of prime you have?"

Naphtali nods slowly. He looks like he's getting an idea. "But there are 9

Homefires. And how many Traditions?"

<OOC> AlMarth gets it

Octavius says, "Arn't there nine spheres of magic? "

Enola Galen says, "Of course."

Naphtali says, "And 9 traditions. The Homefires could be the leaders of those


Octavius says, "I think there are more traditions then that"

Argos, "The Druanae and the Makers each have one leader who has mastered

Prime. But there are fourteen Traditions, not nine."

<OOC> Hugon counts 14 traditions...

You say, "Give me an Int + Enigmas, dif 8."

Enola Galen rolled 7d10: 8, 3, 9, 3, 9, 8, 8; totalling 48.

Hugon rolled 2d10: 2, 2; totalling 4.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "5"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Dang it, I swore there were 9, just one broken into


Naphtali rolled 3d10: 7, 8, 5; totalling 20.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ohh, nothing."

<OOC> Octavius says, "using will"

Naphtali ( 1 )

Octavius rolled 3d10: 8, 10, 9; totalling 27.

<OOC> Octavius says, "4"

<OOC> Naphtali takes back his statement then.

Naphtali says, "So there are 9 spheres... A homefire for each, then? but how

can we use that to find them?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Test."

<OOC> You say, "That is disgusting, people..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "What?"

<OOC> Hugon claps at his fellow PC's rolls.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "must resist temptation to...tell them"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "En. and Oct did have good rolls...."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "5 sucesses. If it can be known, I know it."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What? Mne and Enola's ultra good rolls?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Not as bad as my legendary 13 success Investigation roll..."

Naphtali says, "Or are there only 9 archmages?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What happened there, then?"

Enola Galen has received your page: "Remember what Eclipse said, 'There are

nine Homefires. Five were extinguished or turned by the minions of the Dark

Gods before you freed Argos. Others are under attack. The extinguished

Homefires can be retrieved or, in time, replaced, but it will not be an easy

task.' This could have two very different meanings. Do the math twice..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes, tell us about it Hugon."

Octavius has received your page: "Remember what Eclipse said, 'There are nine

Homefires. Five were extinguished or turned by the minions of the Dark Gods

before you freed Argos. Others are under attack. The extinguished Homefires

can be retrieved or, in time, replaced, but it will not be an easy task.'

This could have two very different meanings. Do the math twice..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I knew exactly what happened, blow for blow, second by

second, just by looking at dirt...anyway, back to IC..."

Enola Galen has received your page: "In other words, he could have meant there

are nine HFs and five of them have been extinguished, or he could have meant

that there ARE nine HFs AFTER five have been extinguished. 9 PLUS 5 is 14..."

Enola Galen says, "Maybe he meant there are nine left after five were snuffed


Octavius says, "Wait didn't Eclpise say that There are nine Homefires. Five"

<OOC> You say, "The plot is just beginning to make sense, eh?"

Naphtali says, "There are five left. There were nine."

Octavius ciughs.

Enola Galen says, "Hugon, did any of you rinformation indicate when the latest

Homefire came into being?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "ST?"

Octavius says, "No there where 9 when five where snuffed out."

Naphtali frowns. "That would give us 14 homefires... one for each Tradition."

Octavius says, "That was before we freed Argos. Which mean ten left and 4

gone. Thats the number of traditions."

Hugon says, "That would mean we'd need to find the leaders of the other


Enola Galen says, "That's it exactly. So which ones are supposed to have been

put out?"

You say, "That, you do not yet know..."

<OOC> AlMarth laughs insanely

Octavius says, "Icelias is the Archmage of the Epagans right?"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Yep.

<OOC> Octavius says, "That was IC"

Naphtali shakes his head. "I don't know. If we could gather the Homefires

together and create some kind of council, even if it's temporary, to deal

with Variel."

You say, "Can you guess two of the five lost Homefires?"

<OOC> Hugon feels like a pawn...why can't he be a bishop or knight instead?

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Euth and .... hmmm..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "One was Arogs right?"

<OOC> Eclipse chuckles.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Actually, no.

Octavius says, "Did you catch that Euthantos's name Hugon?"

<OOC> Naphtali doesn't thinks so. He was 'in danger'

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Who would hte second be...."

Hugon shakes his head. "He just looked like he was a walking corpse with

flesh patted down on him. He really liked that cigar of his."

Octavius says, "Enola can you had me a pen and paper?"

Enola Galen says, "Sure. There you go."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Varient's one of them, isn't he?"

Enola Galen says, "So some Traditions have been corrupted, but we don't know

which ones?"

Eclipse [to Taetia]: Yup.

Hugon says, "Oh, he felt that creating a child was a horrible sin. Something

about sending them to doom."

Octavius writtes down Gultibearer equals Argos and Epagan equals Icelias and

titles the thing homefires.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Faithful and Euthanatos are two, I bet."

<OOC> Taetia says, "He also made icecream."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Or is Var not Faith."

Hugon looks at Octavius. "You know, I don't know if writing out a list is a

good idea..."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Actually, no.

<OOC> Naphtali was taking a guess.

<OOC> Hugon thinks Mystics might be a candidate.

Enola Galen pages, "Do I know who is head of the Artificers?"

Octavius then writts Artifcers and Eithtos below the names of the other two


<OOC> Octavius says, "Euthanatos I mean"

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: What is the other Tradition that has a bad habit of

talking to demons?

<OOC> Hugon says, "Weards..."

Octavius says, "Quick give me some names of traditions and their leaders is it

is known."

Enola Galen has received your page: "Yes, a gnome named 34."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Um, I'd say Makers?"

Enola Galen says, "That doesn't mean automatically mean they're corrupted."

Hugon says, "Octavius, think. If that paper is lost or seen, it would give

our enemies a huge advantage."

Enola Galen pages, "34?"

Octavius writes travelers and Tybalt.

Enola Galen has received your page: "Only, that might not be his name anymore.

He adds one to his name for every accidental explosion he remembers


Octavius says, "I think they already now, besides can you read the language?"

Octavius is writing it in norman.

Enola Galen says, "The head of the Artificers calls himself 34. At the moment."

Naphtali [to Hugon]: The Enemy already knows who they are.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "LOL!"

Hugon is just being cautious.

<OOC> You say, "Couldn't resist that one..."

<OOC> Naphtali shakes his head. Robby lives on forever.....

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Eh?"

<OOC> You say, "So does Josh."

Octavius writes 34 next to the Artificers and you nootice that Octavius has

some bad handwiting.

Octavius says, "What other traditions are there, wait rune workers is one is

it not?"

Enola Galen says, "He forgot his name a while back. Now he just adds one for

each explosion he remembers causing."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "RPers from previous campaigns we knew."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Robby played the original 34 (He became, what, 39?)"

Hugon says, "Well, now we have a list. The question is, what do we do now?"

Octavius count the number of tradtions he has down.

Octavius says, "Its not done yet, we have a few more traditions to list still."

<OOC> You say, "Actually, he began the campaign as 32..."

Naphtali says, "Start finding them. Bringing those that we can save together

and make a council or something so that we can have them all work together

against Variel."

<OOC> Naphtali wasn't in that one... didn't know.

Octavius says, "Ohm theres the Druana right?"

Hugon says, "Do we know who the others are?"

Enola Galen says, "Our hosts. Can't forget them."

Octavius writes that down.

<OOC> AlMarth says, "Malakai used to be D&D, didn't it?"

<OOC> Naphtali nods.

Octavius says, "Hugon what tradition are you? I can't recall at the moment"

Hugon says, "Mystic."

Naphtali says, "There are the Faithful to Dawn and the other gods."

Octavius writes it and embers weard being one and writes that and the faithful.

<OOC> Octavius says, "remember even."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ok whats the count to now?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Eclipse, are the names of the traditions fairly well

known? (Do we have to find reasons IC for our chars to know about them?)"

Hugon stands up and starts walking around a bit.

Naphtali sits down on the ground, crossing his legs, looking lost in thought.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Octs only writing those of the cabal and that were

mentioned to us."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok. Didn't know what all we were up to."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: It is fairly common knowledge if you have Lore (Magic).

Otherwise Int + Lore or Occult, dif 6 to remember the ones you are missing.

Naphtali says, "Do we want a complete list of Traditions? Or just somewhere

to start?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Dang it, just a bunch of Umbra/Spirit stuff."

Hugon says, "We can't exactly be everywhere at once anyway."

You say, "Don't forget the ones in that Eclipse told you about. Think of this

as a convoluted logic puzzle; you know, the ones where you cross off the


<OOC> Octavius says, "Lets see Epagan, Guiltbearer, Weard, Euthontos,

Rune-worker, Faithful, Mystic, Traveler, Artifcer, Druana, "

Octavius says, "I think thats all that was written down and Mentioned IC."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thats was OOC"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Island of Hospitalers - Epagan, Arcadia - Guiltbearers,

Iagan Monastary - Monks, capital of Meoyu - no idea, on continent of Alita -

no idea, continent of Geek - no clue, Dwarves - ?, Elves - Druana, 1/2lings -


<OOC> Naphtali says, "That's the list of current, non-fallen/dead homefires."

You say, "Give me an Int + Culture, dif 7."

Naphtali rolled 6d10: 6, 3, 1, 1, 7, 6; totalling 24.

Hugon rolled 2d10: 2, 7; totalling 9.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Well poo."

<OOC> Hugon says, "1!!!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "using will"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 1, 4, 5; totalling 10.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Nada"

<OOC> Hugon got more than Naph with his 2 dice...wow...

<OOC> Octavius says, "now rolling the lore roll"

Octavius rolled 5d10: 7, 9, 2, 9, 6; totalling 33.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Same here, only int and occult"

Naphtali rolled 4d10: 2, 5, 9, 5; totalling 21.

<OOC> Octavius says, "4 on the lore roll/"

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m16-mp1-cvx1a.man.ntl.com on Fri Aug 10 22:05:57 2001 EST.

<OOC> Naphtali forgets the diff....

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Meoyu is a tanak country ruled by (guess who) Tybalt, King

of Cats.

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: 6

Naphtali ( 1 then )

Hugon says, "Meoyu is ruled by Tybalt."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: You know them, then.

Octavius turns beet red and the sound of that name.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: As do you.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Which ones am I missing>"

Enola Galen says, "Looks like you have friends in high places, Octavius."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Makers, Troubadours, Monks, and Truth-Speakers.

<OOC> Hugon is really debating summoning Eclipse right about now...

Octavius though still human his skin turns as read as any myshari's.

<OOC> Naphtali has the list of homefires (I saved it on a note for just this

occasion *grin*)

Octavius writtes those down.

Octavius looks at Argos, "I hope you didn't tell anyone what I did to help get

you out of that trap.

<Logout> AlMarth has disconnected on Fri

Aug 10 22:09:53 2001 EST

AlMarth has lost his link.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "If Tybalt is in Meoyu, that leaves 4 homefires

unidentified, assuming our guesses are correct."

Argos, "A hero must be an example to others. How can people learn from his

example if his deeds are not known?"

Octavius turns a bit redder with embarresment.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Are there any natives around us as we talk?"

Hugon says, "I seem to recall a few homefires that have fallen..."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: You ARE in THEIR town...

Enola Galen says, "Maybe he has a vacancy for queen if you're looking to

retire after all this."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Yeah, but they might be avoiding us."

Hugon says, "One among the Gnomes, one claimed by the Wints, one among the

Dwarves and Olmecs, and the last among the Myshari "

Octavius says, "Truem desperete times call for desperate measures."

Hugon says, "I believe those were the words of Eclipse..."

Naphtali says, "The gnomes means that 34 has fallen, I would imagine."

Octavius says, "He also said one gone two lost in uncharted reagines and one

that ment over to the enemys side I think."

Enola Galen says, "We can't assume anything yet."

Octavius says, "Or something simluar."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

Naphtali [to Octavius]: Would that describe how theose fell?

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yep.

The resolution of AlMarth fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Hugon says, "Well, let us concentrate on what it is we do know and what we can


Octavius nods, "I think som if they went to uncharted realm then they are

noton the face of Malaki any more. The one who went to the enemy side was

that one that was across the sunrealm.

You say, "Eclipse said, 'One is no more. One was lost to the Uncharted Realms.

The last three lie beyond the Sun Realms.'"

Octavius says, "What I was wrong (insert what Eclipse just said here)."

Naphtali frowns.

Octavius says, "If they are beyond the sunrealm, then they joined the enemy

side or are of my race or both."

<OOC> You say, "Be careful to watch for vague descriptions and

double-meanings. They're Eclipse's trademarks..."

Enola Galen says, "And we can't affect them."

Hugon says, "If only there was a way to recognize the Homefires...'As you

recognize the sun by its light and an archmage by his power, so shall you

know the Homefires by theirs.'"

Enola Galen says, "We should deal with the ones still in this world."

<OOC> Hugon wonders if Chimera is in Malakai...

Enola Galen says, "Their light or their power?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "The totem spirit?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "A spirit of riddles/mysteries/lore/etc..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Someone who I can try and get to help..."

Octavius says, "Then a homefire is an Archmage?"

<OOC> You say, "Considering my style of gaming, what else would my ST Avatar

be like?"

You say, "Could be."

Naphtali says, "Our current guess is that a homefire is the leader of


<OOC> Octavius says, "Its a style I really like Eclpise."

Hugon pages, "Any way to find a spirit that might be able to shine some light

on this? Cosmology?"

Octavius says, "Which I assume is an Archmage."

Naphtali says, "but not all Archmages are tradition leaders."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "At least, I think."

Octavius looks to Argos, "What do you know about Variel?

(to Hugon) Eclipse ponders...

Octavius says that mans name with hatred and venom.

<OOC> Rahab says, "YesFather!"

Argos, "True, but only a Tradition leader may reach Perfect Mastery with any

of the Spheres. So, if Variel is a Weard, he might have Perfect Mastery with

Forces and Entropy. A turned Euthanatos Tradition leader could Perfectly

Master Entropy and Spirit. That would explain how they prevented my people

from crossing the Sun Realms."

<OOC> Naphtali tickles Rahab.

Naphtali nods slowly.

Enola Galen says, "When it comes to enemies, it seems we think big."

Octavius marks weard and Euthanatos as probaly fallen.

Octavius says, "I know Variel came from the same side of the sunrealms as I,

but do you know when he did?"

<Login> Taetia has reconnected from ppp-155.icehouse.net

on Fri Aug 10 22:27:14 2001 EST.

Hugon seems to be deep in thought.

Naphtali shakes his head.

Octavius looks at Argos, "Do you know ,sire?

Argos, "Some years ago, I have been informed. They were aided by a mage on

our side named Ahab.

Octavius says, "Do you know where this Ahab is? I would like to speak with


Hugon has received your page: "These spirits would probably be able to detect

the Homefires - Jesuit, Magistrate, Miracle, Pattern-Forger, and Sentinel."

Hugon pages, "Ohh, Miracle..."

Argos, "Ahab is on a mission in the Golgothan Empire. He and his accomplice

serve the Guiltbear Clan, now.

Octavius nods.

Hugon stands. "I think I need to see a Miracle about a Homefire. I'll be

back shortly." Hugon bows and leaves.

Naphtali nods slowly. "Who would be the most likely of the Homefires to join


Hugon pages, "Going to the Umbra, looking for a Miracle."

Octavius says, "And who where those strangers that one of your men said

arrived with Iphigina?"

Octavius says, "Icelias."

Hugon has received your page: "Dif 5, 2 suc"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 10, 6, 5; totalling 21.

Hugon pages, "I'm in the Umbra I take it."

Hugon has received your page: "Yes. And now dif 5, 3 suc to find a Miracle."

Enola Galen says, "I wonder how they fit into all of this..."

Hugon pages, "Would Cosmology help out at all?"

Hugon has received your page: "Already took it into consideration. No chance

of summoning a Banshee by mistake, for example... What's your Purity?"

Hugon pages, "2"

Naphtali chuckles. "I should have guessed that one."

Argos, "They were a cabal of weak magi with no Guiltbearers among them. They

intend to assassinate Variel if they can."

Octavius says, "Maybe Tybalt, if we can reach him. I hope he doesn't want to

get reaccuinted with me?"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 9, 4, 10; totalling 23.

Enola Galen says, "Oh dear. You two made such a lovely couple, as well..."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 10, 5, 3; totalling 18.

Hugon pages, "There we go, 2 tries, 4 succ."

<OOC> Hugon is glad he isn't around to hear about Oct. and Tybalt...

Octavius blushes again.

<OOC> You say, "I'm the ST. I have to hear EVERYTHING..."

Enola Galen says, "Tybalt would be a good choice. At least we know him and he

knows us."

<OOC> Taetia begins singing "THat lady got a loose caboose" Or whatever the

hell it's called..

Octavius says, "Yes, he knoes a side of me few others know."

Hugon has received your page: "A giant brain with a pair of eyes comes toward

you out of the Umbra. 'What desperate need calls me here?'"

Enola Galen says, "I meant we have a common cause."

<OOC> You say, "Yes, he got in touch with YOUR feminine side..."

Enola Galen says, "We know he's working towards the same things we are."

<OOC> Octavius lols

<OOC> Hugon says, "Interesting representation of a Miracle..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eh?"

<OOC> You say, "Form fits function, especially in the Umbra."

Octavius smiles at Enola to let her know he was joking.

Octavius suddenley looks a bit sad and says, "It is good to be able to joke


(remotely) Hugon bows to the brain. "I would seek the Homefires to protect

them from the forces that try to extinguish them. I believe that you have

the ability to recognize them. This is desperate in that if affects the

entire world if the Homefires are not preserved. Is there any way that you

could show me how or aid me in this?

Enola Galen says, "If we obsessed over what we'd lost all the time, we'd never

get anything done."

Octavius looks at Argos and Ighigina, "It seems we have become kindered

spirits since we have lost a homeland, but be happy you to still have your


Octavius says, "You truely don"

Hugon has received your page: "'A Miracle is not a predictable force,

Spirit-Warden. We do as we please to aid the common good, but we resist

compulsion. Yet, Barlik knows your need is great, so I will help you in a

small way. Do you remember that wand your mentor gave you? Give it to me

for a moment."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Enola has it..."

Octavius says, "Don't know the value of something til you loast it forever."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Lost even"

Hugon pages, "Umm, Matter/Corr/Spirit, go grab it from Enola?"

Iph, "Thank you. I am perfectly aware of my grief. Now, kindly be quiet."

You say, "She is clearly under a lot of stress."

Hugon has received your page: "dif 5, 3 suc."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 10, 7, 9; totalling 26.

Enola Galen says, "Do I? I can't ever go back. I don't belong here. Never did."

Hugon pages, "Got it"

Enola Galen says, "I mean, can you see me as a Druanae?"

Octavius says, "A thosand aplogies Mylady."

Octavius says, "I forgot the differences you and you father have."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Gee Oct, you sure must like the taste to foot.."

Hugon has received your page: "The Miracle lifts it out of your hands with

telekinetic energy. The red orb turns a fiery orange. 'It will now allow

you to see Avatars. You will know the Homefires by their light as surely as

you know the sun by its brilliance."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Woohoo!"

<OOC> You say, "Iphigenia might be the first mage in history to have a Scourge

Backlash from losing her temper. 'I'm so mad I could just explode!'"

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles.

Hugon bows. "Thank you for your aid, Miracle. This will certainly be of aid.

May Barlik keep us all safe."

Hugon has received your page: "+1 Purity."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I hope the backlash is more interesting than a mere


Enola Galen says, "Octavius, I think it would be a good idea to leave them

alone now."

Hugon pages, "I wait for the Miracle to give me leave and I head back to the


Octavius look at Enola and nods

<OOC> Naphtali says, "It will be an exoplosion from an action movie, complete

with bad dialogue and background music."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And slow motion running away from it."

Octavius backs away and joins his cabal.

<OOC> You say, "Maybe she'll de-evolve rapidly into a bacterium in a matter of


Naphtali frowns slighlty. "So what do we do?"

<OOC> You say, "She'll make an ass out of herself..."

Enola Galen says, "Good question."

Hugon pops his head out of the Umbra in front of the cabal. "Ahh, there you

are." He steps out in front of everyone.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Evolve into something very interesing."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean or Evolve into something very interesting."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Just hope she doesn't get more scourge when she does


Hugon says, "Barlik has come to our aid again. We should now be able to

locate the Homefires much quicker."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I hope she beeds much of it off till its dwon to a

reasonible level."

Octavius says, "How so?"

Naphtali raises his eyebrow. "Really?"

<OOC> You say, "Beyond 10 Scourge, you CAN'T bleed it off..."

Hugon pulls out the wand. "A Miracle gave this device the power to see

Avatars. Homefires will be known by the light they give off. It said it

would be like the brilliance of the sun."

<OOC> Hugon smiles. He just got an upgrade to the Microsoft Wand of Location.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Damn, I forgot about that."

Octavius says, "Good lets test it on Argos."

Enola Galen says, "Wonderful. So we'll be able to see them from here?"

<OOC> You say, "Just a patch. MS Wand of Location 1.1"

<OOC> Hugon wonders if that whole Artificer-only rule applies.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Only one way to find out...

<OOC> Naphtali says, "great... an upgrade (read: bug fix)"

Hugon hands it to Enola. "Here, activate it here."

<OOC> You say, "Even worse. A bug fix with new features (read: new bugs)"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Great.... Just like MS...."

Enola Galen points it at Argos and boots it up.

Octavius pulls out his shield and puts it between Enola and himself, "Just in


Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: The boot sequence finishes. You notice that the red

orb is now a fiery orange and there's a new button.

<OOC> Hugon is now taking bets on what Enola will do with the new button.

Octavius then sets it down, "Just teasing.

Enola Galen points it at Argos and tries out the new button.

Enola Galen ( Hey, Curious flaw, what else was there to do? )

You say, "Argos appears to explode into raw light, blinding everyone as surely

as the sun would if it were 92 million miles closer."

Naphtali closes his eyes. "I think we have a winner."

Octavius screams in pain

You say, "A great deal of cursing fills the air."

Hugon shields his eyes.

Octavius starts to join the chorus of curses in every language he knows.

Enola Galen blinks painfully. "Oh right. Must...remembver not to...do that

again...I can't see."

You say, "For about 200 miles around, at which point it only blinds the

whales, sharks, and dolphins, who are not, in general, too good about

vocalizing their discomfort."

Octavius says, "Turn it off!"

Enola Galen gropes around on the wand for the button and switches it off.

<OOC> Naphtali wonders how much blindness he gets to help cure now... sigh....

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Big oops."

Hugon winces. "Well, this will be easy. Just point it randomly and wait for

the bright light..."

<OOC> You say, "You were saying, Naphtali, that you hadn't noticed Terry

Pratchett's influence on me in our gaming. Well..."

Enola Galen says, "Some fine tuning needed, I fancy."

Octavius pages, "Does everyone have a tan now? :)"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "If you see a pair of seven league boots, leave them

where they are!"

<OOC> Naphtali sighs...

<OOC> You say, "Hey, I've only read 12 of his books..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Or half the perspn body will be seven leagues away from

the other half?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Not that so much as unfortunate groinal strains

caused by one foot being 21 miles in fron of the other."

Hugon looks around in the aftermath of the bright light.

<OOC> Octavius whinces.

Enola Galen says, "Sorry about that. Is there a brightness control on this


Octavius bkinks, "Good now try one of us for comapsision.

You say, "The light is gone, now, you think. At least, it doesn't appear to

be getting any brighter. There's a comforting dimness to your blindness,


<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean blinks and comparison."

Naphtali makes sure he can still see.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Takes that as a no, then..."

Hugon says, "Well, brilliance like the sun..."

You say, "It's not so much that your eyes are damaged as your pupils have

drawn the shades."

<OOC> Hugon thinks that Enola needs to invent sunglasses fast...

Octavius gropes for his yew wand and see if he can try to heal his vision.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: You fumble for the wand. By the time you retrieve it,

you can see the shadow of your hand in front of your face.

Enola Galen says, "Just don't move till you get your sight back, you might

fall over something."

Octavius blinks a bit an waits to see if his vision gets better.

Naphtali blinks for a long time.

Hugon tries to peak in the Umbra.

Octavius then quips, "My brother and sisters I have seen the light.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 8, 8, 2; totalling 18.

Hugon pages, "Anything in the Umbra?"

You say, "Gradually, your sight returns. Everything is in black and white, at

the moment, but your cones are still cowering behind your corneas."

Naphtali says, "Ok.. I think I can see again..."

Hugon has received your page: "Nothing that isn't cursing and swearing as

loudly as everyone on this side of the Gauntlet..."

Octavius trys to correct his vsion with magic.

Hugon pages, "Shift back to Physical World."

<OOC> Octavius says, "dif/suc?"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: dif 4, 1 suc.

Hugon says, "Well, even the spirits felt that one..."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 9, 8, 4; totalling 21.

<OOC> Octavius says, "3"

Hugon says, "That'd be a neat trick to use on those demons...blind them and

jump them."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Your vision is completely returned.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: The only trouble is you'll be just as blind as they are.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "We'll just close our eyes."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Not if I've got my vision shifted elsewhere."

Enola Galen says, "Sorry about that. Stronger than I expected."

Octavius says, "Thats better. Anyone want me to help them restore their


You say, "The rest of you can now discern orange from blue. Red and green are

still a bit of an odd shade, though."

Hugon says, "I'll be fine in a bit, Octavius. Enola, I think we know what

that thing does now. Let's put it away..."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Naphtali says, "We'll just assume that it doesn't do that for us, then."

Octavius says, "I think we sould test it on one of us for comparision, just in


You say, "Fifteen minutes have passed. Everyone's vision is clear again."

Hugon says, "I'm happy to take the Miracle's word for it myself, Octavius."

Octavius says, "Ok. that works for me."

Enola Galen says, "Well, at least they'll be no doubt about where they are."

Hugon nods. "Well, what do we do now?"

Octavius says, "Maybe I should sit to comabt and give comady a break."

<OOC> Octavius says, "sit=stick"

Naphtali says, "So, now what do we do?"

Enola Galen says, "GO after our first target?"

Hugon says, "Sounds like a plan to me. Who are we visiting first?"

Octavius takes the list and puts it in his belt pouch. "Contact Icelais and

tell her would be my suggestion.

Naphtali nods. "I agree. Unless we can get to the Druana leader.

Hugon says, "You know, we might be able to work that wand from a distance.

That would save a lot of time."

Naphtali says, "Since we're here and all..."

Octavius says, "But I think we should find a way to sheild our eyes first."

Naphtali says flatly. "We could close them."

Hugon says, "Wait a second. Enola, point the wand at me but don't push the


Naphtali says, "Although I suppose we wouldn't know for sure if it went off

then... except if people wround us started cursing..."

Enola Galen does so.

Hugon looks at the wand to see what it looks like pointed at him.

Eclipse [to Hugon]: It looks like the reverse of the view you get when you're

pointing it at someone - a fiery orange sphere with a stick attached to it

and an elf attached to the widest part of the stick.

<OOC> Taetia says, "You know, that'd be a great replacement for the little

flashy things. *Puts on shades* "If you'd all look at this for a moment.."

*Flash!* *picks up large rock and makes the rounds*"

<OOC> Hugon dangs. He was looking for maybe the orb to change or something.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "We have the super-Neuraliser."

<OOC> You say, "I was thinking something along those lines, as well..."

Octavius says, "What does that other button do?"

Hugon says, "What other button?"

Octavius pages, "What is need to see a person avatar?"

Octavius has received your page: "Mind 3, Prime 2, Spirit 1."

Octavius pages, "Two out of three an't bad. How many to judge an avatars


Enola Galen ( There's another button? )

Octavius smiles jokingly, "I guess I should retire as a comidiean.

Naphtali chuckles softly. "Don't take it personally. We're all pretty wound

up right now."

Enola Galen says, "I think I just confirmed all the Druanae's suspicions about


Hugon nods. "Well, think about it this way. A spirit gave it that power,


Octavius has received your page: "An Avatar's strength? Spirit 1 / Prime 1"

Enola Galen says, "How is that different from wood fuelling a fire? Natural

resource provides energy.""

<OOC> You say, "Ironic, ain't it?"

Enola Galen says, "Only this resource isn't consumed."

Hugon says, "Exactly. It's all connected somehow."

Octavius starts whispering a prayer

Enola Galen says, "Who are we looking for first, then?"

Naphtali says, "So, do we seek out the Druana leader or the Epagan?"

Octavius pages, "Judgeing Argos's avatar's strength if I can."

Naphtali says, "I vote for the Druana. We're already here and we'd have to

come back anyway."

Octavius has received your page: "dif 3, 1 suc"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 7, 1, 1; totalling 9.

Enola Galen says, "Makes sense to me."

Hugon says, "Sounds good."

Octavius pages, "again at dif 4"

Octavius has received your page: "ok"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 2, 9, 3; totalling 14.

Octavius pages, "got it that time."

Enola Galen pages, "Do I know where they can be found?"

Octavius has received your page: "His Avatar is strong, but other

Guiltbearers' Avatars are equally strong."

Enola Galen pages, "The Druanae leader, that is."

Enola Galen has received your page: "You just met with her yesterday..."

Enola Galen has received your page: "I mean him..."

Octavius pages, "Approximatly what rating?"

Octavius says, "I think you really should test it on one of us, just in case


Octavius has received your page: "5"

Enola Galen pages, "He's their leader? Oh right."

Enola Galen says, "I think we should go into an enclosed area if you want to

try that."

Naphtali says, "That's not a bad idea."

Enola Galen says, "Just in case."

Octavius says, "Fon pull out your ten if that might be enough."

<OOC> Octavius says, "fon=fine"

<OOC> Octavius says, "ten =tent"

Enola Galen says, "I was thinking more of a solid object. I doubt that'll keep

the flash out if it happens again."

You say, "That last burst of light could have given a ROCK a suntan..."

Octavius looks around to see if there is an aprorpete place, like a root

celler or somthing.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: There is probably something of the sort around here


Octavius says, "I think it wise to test it on me or Naphtali in case we need

to fix our eyesight. Let try to find a root celler or maybe a wine celler."

Naphtali says, "I can do it."

Enola Galen will go in, close the door, point the device at Naph, look away

and switch it on.

Naphtali braces himself.

Naphtali has received your page: "You can't see anything. It's too dark."

Enola Galen ( hand over eyes )

Naphtali pages, "In other words, no brillant flash of light?"

Naphtali has received your page: "Nope. He might have pushed the wrong

button, though."

Naphtali says, "Did you push it? I didn't see anything...."

<OOC> You say, "Doubleclick?"

Octavius then tries to find someone who can help him learn how to manipulate

forces better.

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Among the Guiltbearers? Pick someone. Anyone...

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Argos! *grins*"

Enola Galen ( removes hand and looks at the device )

<OOC> You say, "You'd have to go on a lot of Seekings before you'd tap out

THAT man's wealth of knowledge on the subject..."

Octavius picks one that proble trained with him in the past and ask him/her to

teach him

<OOC> Octavius says, "probaly even"

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: It's too dark in here with the door closed to see


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Still trying to decide which sphere to boost first."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Cool.

Enola Galen says, "I think we can assume we're not strong enough to set the

flash off."

<OOC> Naphtali waits for xp from tonight to decide what he's going to do with


<OOC> Octavius says, "Do I find one and do then tutor me a bit?"

Naphtali says, "I agree."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Not a problem.

Enola Galen says, "You know, if I developed some eye protection gear for us,

this would make one hell of a nonlethal weapon."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Cool."

Naphtali says, "That it could. Provided we have a Homefire nearby."

<OOC> You say, "Yeah, but only in the presence of fourteen people in the

entire world who, even individually, make one hell of a lethal, nonlethal, or

even aggravated weapon..."

Hugon nods. "Well, I need to work on some projects, so we'll figure out when

we're leaving later. It sure isn't today it seems."

Hugon leaves.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Deamons beware Octavius now has forces three."

Hugon pages, "I want to carve a jagged explosion in my armband for a Prime


Naphtali ndos. "No. We should rest some more as well."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Boom!"

Hugon has received your page: "Okay."

Hugon pages, "Diff?"

Hugon has received your page: "dif 5, 3 suc. (this should be amusing...)"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I wonder what nasty things I could do with forces three,

life three and prime 2?"

Hugon pages, "Ability Aptitude, diff 3 then..."

Hugon rolled 6d10: 2, 6, 1, 2, 7, 8; totalling 26.

Hugon rolled 6d10: 1, 9, 8, 10, 8, 3; totalling 39.

Hugon pages, "2 rolls, got it."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hmmm, create exploding acorns?"

<OOC> You say, "Turn someone's body heat into electricity, maybe?"

<OOC> You say, "I can't believe it took Hugon two rolls to make a successful

Craft check."

<OOC> Hugon says, "It happens..."

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles. We winding down for the night then? OR do we plan

to keep going?

<OOC> Octavius says, "I think we should wind down."

<OOC> You say, "If we keep going, this game is going to end up running very

late. We should probably stop."

<OOC> Hugon points to the clock. "It's already very late."

<OOC> You say, "I meant later than usual."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Thinking of a mystic means of transport and trying to

figure out how to build it with my present spheres. A week to chew it over

would be appreciated."

<OOC> You say, "It's only 11pm here..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "For the record, how many people did I temporarily


<OOC> Naphtali chuckles... Too many.

<OOC> Taetia says, "You've got Oct. Fly spells for everyone!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Good job it wasn't permanent, or I'd be in Corruption


<OOC> Hugon doesn't think he can count that high.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yes, we want to find Harpies..."

<OOC> You say, "Everyone on the continent minus Argos, plus all the sailors

within 100 miles of the eastern shore. And don't forget the birds, horses,

spiders, and trees."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thats right I can make the cabal fly."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yeah, my poor Owl..."

<OOC> Taetia says, "It's just not fair.. Nothing really bad's happened to them


<OOC> You say, "The poor forest. Do you have any idea how disorienting it

must be for a thing with no visual organs to suddenly be struck blind? It's

like having your pancreas suddenly decide to stop working."

<OOC> Taetia says, "Is Eus sucking out your ego as well as your mojo?!"

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles. Right.... Question, as a Caregiver Nature, did I

get WP back from teh night of healing?

<OOC> Taetia says, "ego=evil"

Eclipse calculates XP, Corruption, and WP.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 5h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Taetia 1h 13s IC PC

Naphtali 5h 29s OOC Wiz Lakos, Naphtali, Mortis. etc., etc.

Hugon 5h 2m IC PC Eustacio, Spirit-Warden and Frodo Wannabe...

Octavius 5h 2m IC PC

Enola Galen 1h 3m OOC PC

Rahab 5h 1h IC Wiz

--[Thu Apr 29 02:41:06 2651]--------------------------------[7 users; 0s lag]--

Rahab pages, "You owe me a pose, sometime."

Naphtali has received your page: "4 XP, 2 WP, +1 Purity"

Hugon has received your page: "4 XP, +1 WP"

Octavius has received your page: "4 XP, +2 WP, +1 Purity"

Naphtali pages, "Cool... Total purity for me is 5, right? (just updating


Enola Galen has received your page: "4 XP, +1 WP, +1 Purity"

<OOC> Hugon thinks it might be time for Prime 2.

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

You go out-of-character. Your actions should now be taken as your own and not

those of your character.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Goodnight."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Fri Aug 10 23:59:07 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost their link.

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eustacio isn't just the Legendary Third Olson Twin, but

his also some bizzarre luck/evil sucking fomori!"

<OOC> Taetia says, "Eeeeevil!"