Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

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If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

Hugon (OOC) is sitting on the comfortable couch. The lumpy sofa is invitingly

empty. Rahab (idle) is spectating from the Peanut Gallery. Eclipse

(offline) is sitting on the rocking chair.

You see Enola Galen (idle, OOC) and Naphtali (OOC) here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Sat Jul 28 17:05:16 2001 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw22-pool

b10.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if

this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions,

such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your

responsibility to ensure it is correct.

You have 1 saved pages waiting. Type `@recall` to view them.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Bury them a little bit, someone walks on them...BOOM!"

Octavius has arrived.

----- Naphtali (#310) @ Tue Jul 31 23:27:46 2001 CST -----

(remotely) Naphtali reads the logs... Dangit. I miss all the fun and all the

XP. *grin* Anyway, look like it was an... interesting time. Naph is going

to be *very* upset about Ipha's death (regardless of any prophecy)


Use `@recall expunge` to delete all your saved pages.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hi guys."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hey Al."

You say, "Hello."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Hello"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hey Eclipse"

Rahab bounces Eccypoo.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ack, the ST is here."

Hugon pages, "XP question. Could I spend the XP for Prime 1?"

Naphtali has received your page: "Did you read Saturday's log? A GM's

prophecies are fickle indeed!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "How are the newlyweds?"

Rahab grins happily. "Writing thank-you notes."

Naphtali pages, "I haven't read the sat logs, but I do know about the Time

effect to bring her back."

Hugon has received your page: "Sure. There has certainly been plenty of that

going around lately..."

<OOC> Naphtali is good.

<OOC> Hugon nods. "Good to hear."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Have you two read the logs of want appened in your


<OOC> Octavius says, "what even"

<OOC> Naphtali has read what happened here. I assume, Z, that I was just in

the back ground of it all?

<OOC> Octavius nods.

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: I occasionally had you do something when the situation

called for it, but I didn't make Naph do anything as dramatic as Octavius's

little act of self-sacrifice...

<OOC> Naphtali says, "And from what I've heard, our group followed the plot

much more closely than the other group."

<OOC> Hugon burns through some more XP, bringing him back down to a small


<OOC> Naphtali says, "And no, he probably wouldn't."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: The Saturday group followed the plot like a pack of

hounds following a scent. They just worked very hard to rescue Iphigenia, so

I let them. What is it with people getting attached to characters named

Iphigenia, anyway?

<OOC> Naphtali says, "If he had more mind, he might have offered to make Enola

forget it afterwards if she had volunteered."

<OOC> Hugon doesn't want to think about that act of self-sacrifice...

<OOC> Naphtali grins.

<OOC> Rahab smirks.

Eclipse is never going to stop chuckling about it.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Why do I keep getting used as the sacrificial sex


<OOC> Octavius doesn't want to think about it either.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Next time, I'm taking Appearance 1."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I think I know why Octavius made a Metis for the Werewolf

campaign now..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "But I only have 1 dot of Mind, so that wouldn't have

worked. You're the female in the group that's around?"

<OOC> Naphtali has an appearance of 3....

<OOC> Octavius says, "Why is that Hugon?"

<OOC> Hugon has a big 0 in appearance.

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Now now. You don't know if the Fae took advantage

of your drowsiness. All I said was that he kissed you.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "You're not the only one in the group who didn't take


<OOC> Octavius even with his scars is still app 2.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Oh yeah... or is it someone in the other group who has

the 0 app?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Does anyone know if Megathan is coming tonight, or is this

the first weekend of her move?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Didn't someone end up with a negative APP during

character creation?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, I could have..."

<OOC> Octavius donesn't know.

Naphtali pages, "Out of curiosity, 1) I have 4 purity, right? and 2) Has

anything been decided about the school year and rp?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "doesn't even"

<OOC> Hugon says, "August 10th, so next week."

<OOC> Octavius says, "look naphtali"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ingore that."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Octavius sits down on the lumpy sofa.

Naphtali has received your page: "I think you have 4 Purity. A decision has

not yet been announced because everyone has been in and out the last few

weeks, but I'm fairly sure I will be running a third campaign on the other

side of the Sun Realms, which could be interesting."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Well, at least things won't get any stranger this


Naphtali pages, "And these two will pause, right? (just checking)"

<OOC> Octavius says, "True."

(remotely) Naphtali needs to know if he should be thinking about a new char or


Naphtali has received your page: "Probably. I still haven't started drawing

the maps..."

You say, "Give me a couple minutes to finish this letter, and then we'll get


(remotely) Naphtali chuckles. I wasn't sure and I only had the link to

Revenge of the gamer chick and not to the board, so when it moved, I couldn't

check both, so I didn't see anything from after my wedding till the move to

the new board.

<OOC> Octavius says, "test"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Too hot for one today."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Sorry about that I am experianceing some bad lag at the


<OOC> Hugon says, "No problem"

<OOC> Naphtali pulls out a shot gun and goes to hunt the lag monster for Oct.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I thought we banished the lag beast already? Stupid thing,

hanging around..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "MAybe it's undead...."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ya, I thing we routed it now."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hmm, fire? Explosives? Heavy Weapons?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I better not be undead, I would be pertrified :)."

<OOC> Octavius says, "It even"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Holy water?"

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. More than half of it remains.

<OOC> Octavius pulls out so C-4, puts a time dentonater on it and throws it

down the lag beast mouth where is blows up 15secs later.

<OOC> Hugon says, "The Lag Beast is actually a spirit. It'll just reform

elsewhere and return to haunt you later."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Use C-12. It blows up better (read bigger) *grin*"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Dual natured C-12/C-4"

<OOC> Hugon recounts his many battles with the Lag Beast back at LotN. It

even attacked the Builder's Port.

<OOC> Octavius call the Ghostbister to remove that pesky spirit.

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Half of it remains.

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Half of it remains.

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Half of it remains.

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. About one-quarter of it remains.

You say, "Well, it's not done, but I'm only delaying."

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

You go in-character. Your actions now reflect your character and not

necessarily yourself.

Enola Galen gets ready for more high wierdness....sorry, fantasy.

<OOC> Hugon smacks the Lag Beast once more and assumes the RP Position,

sitting on the couch with some Barbequed Wench.

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. About one-quarter of it remains.

<OOC> Octavius is going to try the impossible task of eating a salad while


You say, "When last we left the Sticky Cabal, they had just helped free Argos

Guiltbearer from a time trap before continuing their quest for the library of

Alamor's fairy tales."

Naphtali drops a floor.

Naphtali sits down on the floor.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Don't mind me."

<OOC> Eclipse lol.

Enola Galen sits on the lumpy sofa.

Octavius look forlorn tword the nexus.

<OOC> You say, "Did we scare Tyson away, do you think?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Fingers crossed."

Hugon is sitting in the cabal tent.

You say, "So, what do our noble heroes intend to do now?"

Naphtali prays over the bodies left in the cold zone. (ooc We didn't get them

all out, right?)

<OOC> Octavius says, "Mast likly not. He say earlier to day thats he'll show."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Go to Disney World?"

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Nope.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Nope."

Naphtali prays, offering incense as well for their souls.

Enola Galen says, "Well, we should head back for the library. Make up for lost


Octavius pages, "what spheres are need to protect onesself from the cold"

Hugon says, "Yeah. Crossing the mountains won't be an easy task."

Octavius says, "I have one thing to do first."

Naphtali stands ,leaving a couple sticks of incense burning and walks back to

the group.

Octavius has received your page: "Forces 2"

Octavius pages, "Doing so. What are the diff sucs?"

Octavius grabs the hilt of his sword

Hugon says, "It's a shame we don't have a faster way across the Black Peaks.

I'm not yet advanced enough to bring others into the Spirit World."

Octavius has received your page: "dif 4, 3 suc."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 1, 2, 2; totalling 5.

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 3 to

0. ***

<OOC> Octavius says, "AHHH anot another backlash"

<OOC> Naphtali winces.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Octavius...I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Please get a familiar!"

Octavius pages, "Trying again at diff 5"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "And have us lose our Scourge-sponge?"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 2, 6, 6; totalling 14.

Octavius rolled 3d10: 7, 1, 9; totalling 17.

You say, "Poor Octavius."

Octavius pages, "2 at dif 5 one at diff 6 total 3 sucs"

Hugon says, "Does anyone know how we'll cross the mountains or have allies


<OOC> You say, "Ponders today's Scourging..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Whats on the other side? and can I make a int/culture

roll to find out?"

Enola Galen says, "What about that man in the wagon?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Is he anywhere in the area?"

Hugon says, "I don't think I'm anxious to meet what he had in his wagon.

Besides, he seemed ready to assault anything that stood in his path."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: For the rest of the day, you take 1.5 times the normal

damage from fire and heat attacks.

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Yes. Dif 6

Naphtali rolled 6d10: 7, 7, 10, 6, 9, 6; totalling 45.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Am I still protected from cold?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "6"

Enola Galen says, "Can't think of anyone, then."

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Yes. For this scene only.

Hugon says, "My mentor lives in the mountains, but aside from him, I don't

know anyone there."

Octavius walks tword the ice alter.

Enola Galen says, "Could he get us there any faster, then?"

<OOC> Naphtali waits for his GM response... just a sec....

Hugon pages, "Would I know what's in the mountains (dangers, etc...) due to

the fact that my character spent time living there with his mentor?"

<Logout> Octavius has disconnected on Fri

Aug 3 18:58:03 2001 EST

Octavius has lost his link.

<Login> Octavius has connected from 1Cust208.tnt2.warren

.mi.da.uu.net on Fri Aug 3 18:58:32 2001 EST.

Octavius has connected.

Hugon says, "It'd be dangerous for him to do so, I would think. He mentioned

that when he gave me the device."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Damn zMUD had a error."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: The Kingdom of Alamor (a name which, in Root Wint,

means "to the death") is well-known for its inhabitants' courage. It has not

been conquered since it was founded. It is a more or less egalitarian

society, with people of different races living more or less in harmony

together. They have good reason to be concerned about the Empire's

increasingly xenophobic policies, and are no doubt already preparing to ward

off an invasion.

Naphtali says, "Well, on the other side is <insert what Eclipse jsut said>."

(remotely) Octavius intentions are to find Ighiginia's body bring it out and

then bury it properly.

Hugon has received your page: "The mountains have lots of natural dangers, of

course, but the most remarkable danger is the presence of tribes of kobolds

who consider the Black Peaks their territory."

Enola Galen says, "Great. Looks like we're walking, unless anyone has a pair

of seven-league boots handy?"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: You manage to recover Iph's body.

Hugon says, "What we'll have to deal with are the Kobolds who consider the

Black Peaks their home."

Hugon says, "I know how to teleport myself, but I've yet to construct any

means of telporting others."

Octavius arrives back at the group with Iphs body and set it on th groun

Naphtali shakes his head. "No. It does look like we'll have to walk. Don't

really know what else we could do. Unless we want to go back and hire a

ship. (ooc Strike the last comment if the other side is land-locked or there

is no way to Alamor by sea)"

Octavius looks at it with tears in his eyes.

Enola Galen shakes her head. "Poor lady...

Naphtali turns and walks slowly to the body of Ipha and kneels, praying.

(Forgive me, Light. I failed. Epaga, I'm sorry... I failed you....)

Hugon sighs as he looks at Iph's body.

Octavius starts chanting a funeral hymn in arcadian

Enola Galen says, "Not just you, Naphtali. We all failed her."

Naphtali lights a single stick of insence and sticks it in the ground. He

stadns slowly. "I know.... I just.... Never take death well. Especially if

it's someone who know thinks deserved it."

You say, "A male voice speaks behind you, 'No, her father failed her.'"

Hugon turns around.

Octavius turns around

Naphtali turns quickly.

Enola Galen turns and looks at the new arrival.

You say, "A man in a black cloak is standing where no one was a moment ago,

the hood pulled up and hanging over most of his face. He wears a black round

amulet with a crescent of silver at one edge around his neck on a silver


Enola Galen says, "And you are?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "screams and curls up in the fetal position."

Octavius says, "Yes, who are you?"

Naphtali looks inquisitive, but lets his comrades do the talking.

You say, "He glances at the amulet as though searching it for an answer. 'I

am Eclipse.'"

<OOC> You say, "At least it isn't Ethyl, Naph."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok, so Eclipse isn't that bad... *rocks back and forth*"

Hugon stands, drawing himself up to his full 7'9 height, crossing his arms,


Octavius looks at Eclipse intently.

Enola Galen says, "I'm sorry, are we supposed to know you?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Yeah, do we get and occult.int roll? *grin*"

Octavius pages, "Would OCt know of Eclipse?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "OR something, or does he not show up that often?"

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Almost none of it remains.

Hugon eats some of his Barbequed Wench. Almost none of it remains.

Hugon finishes up his Barbequed Wench. *burp*

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I use Metagaming 1 to Detect GM Avatar."

You say, "You can just barely see an amused smile below the edge fo the hood.

'Not until now, you aren't. After this, however, I reserve the right to quiz

you about my name at will.'"

Naphtali frowns just slightly.

You say, "None of you have heard of Eclipse."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What race is he?"

Hugon looks over at his owl to see how it's responding to this visitor.

Octavius says, "Sir, I cannot begin to geuss who you are, but I am willing to

wager that you are someone powerful."

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: He seems to be something of a combination of several

races. He has the complexion of a myshar, the height of a wint, and the

facial shape of a human, but that is all you can tell beneath the hood and


<OOC> Octavius says, "Do I see this as well?"

Enola Galen says, "Can we help you with something, maybe?"

Hugon says, "I imagine you've come here with a purpose in mind, sir."

Eclipse, "Let's just say I am not someone you want as your enemy, Octavius."

Octavius nods, "I guess I wagered correctly.

Eclipse, "I have something of an interest in your quest, and I am interested

in aiding you somewhat."

Naphtali raises an eyebrow.

Enola Galen says, "Oh good."

You say, "The smile doesn't change."

Octavius nods, "My I ask what sort of aid are you interested in giving us?

<OOC> Octavius says, "May even"

Eclipse, "I know many things that Argos does not, and I will answer your

questions willingly, if you ask them. I also have substantial power in the

world, and could aid you in more substantial ways. For example, I could

expedite your journey, if you wish it.

Naphtali looks curiously at Eclipse. "You could?"

Eclipse, "You have only to ask."

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m1-mp1-cvx1a.man.ntl.com on Fri Aug 3 19:23:24 2001 EST.

Hugon nods. "This is generous of you, Eclipse. I must admit I'm a bit


Octavius says, "Eclipse?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Did I miss something?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "WHat did I miss?"

Naphtali says, "And you would give this aid freely?"

<OOC> You say, "Yes, the character's name is the same as the GM's handle.

Yes, that should scare you."

<OOC> Naphtali notes his scream when he was introduced.

<OOC> Hugon puts up the "Warning: Proceed with Caution" Signs.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I mean, this is better than one of his evil gods showing

up, but still."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes, but why did Hugon say the name if we don"

<OOC> Octavius says, "don't know of it?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "He introduced himself."

<OOC> Hugon says, "He introduced himself"

Eclipse, "There is nothing you can offer me as payment that I cannot easily

get by myself. What price could my aid exact from you? Ask, and I shall

give you what you wish. What more do you need to know?"

<OOC> Octavius smacks head, I missed the introduction.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Not that much better. After all, even the gods are

under the control of the GM..."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Naphtali just shakes his head.

Octavius looks to his compainions, "I think that speeding up our quest is

vital. Would all of you agree?

Naphtali says, "Forgive me, it's not that I don't trust you, it's that your

offer is so incredibly generous."

Enola Galen says, "Yes..."

Naphtali nods in agreement.

Hugon says, "We won't want to be long in the mountains, that's for sure."

Octavius nods in return and then looks at eclipse.

Eclipse, "I can get you to the capital of Alamor in a matter of hours instead

of days. Is this what you would like?"

Enola Galen says, "Definately. But what do you want in return?"

<OOC> You say, "Would you flee for your lives if he pulled out a needle and an

unsigned contract?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yep "

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Yes."

Enola Galen says, "I should tell you the horse and owl are off-limits if

you're anything like the last ally, and anything that rtequires me to sign my

name in blood is off-limits."

Octavius nods, "I aslo wonder if you can grant us some information as well.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok, I would flee. Naph would probably stay and sign it."

Eclipse, "I ask nothing in return, Enola."

Eclipse, "What curiosity compels you, Octavius?"

<OOC> You say, "Hugon, what can a mage do with Entropy 9?"

<OOC> Naphtali winces.

Enola Galen says, "Oh right. Well, thank you very much, then."

<OOC> Hugon debates saying so...*G*

Octavius says, "First off, I am wondering that this Variel who killed ighigina

and is, from what I recall, one of the leader of the Ba'lak, is a member of

my own race."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm, alter a being's destiny..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Well, Entropy lets you change probablities... and since

*anything* is techinically possible (has a small but non-zero probability of


Eclipse, "Variel was human like yourself, yes."

Enola Galen says, "Was?"

Enola Galen says, "He's dead?"

Hugon says, "Or he's not human now?"

Octavius says, "Seond do you have the power to alter what has past and ler

Ighigina live again?"

<OOC> You say, "That's all? No Alter Planet's Destiny on the list? Geez.

Prime 9 lets you create entire UNIVERSES, for gods' sake!"

Eclipse, "Yes. I do."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Alter Specie's Destiny is Entropy 7..."

Enola Galen says, "Then could you do it?"

<OOC> You say, "Oh, so they mean Alter Being in the sense of deciding that

Cthulu will trip over his shoelaces and get run over by a car instead of

waking up and destroying the world, right?"

Octavius says, "Then could you alter events so that she is saved please, we

need all the help possible to fight the coming darkness, and her life might

be vital in the struggale."

Enola Galen says, "And she was a really nice person and didn't deserve to die,

as well."

Eclipse, "Very well."

You say, "Iphigenia's body disappears."

Octavius says, "My thanks."

Eclipse, "My pleasure."

Hugon says, "What knowledge can you give us that would aid our quest?"

Octavius says, "I have one last question. Does this Variel have any conncetion

with the fall of my homeland and the murder of my family?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

Eclipse, "Yes, Octavius. He is also the mage who leads the daemons across the

Sun Realms as we speak."

Naphtali frowns. "I have a question, sir, if I may."

Enola Galen says, "That sounds bad."

Octavius turns pale, "What are we to do to stop this

Eclipse, "What knowledge do you seek, Hugon? I have much information at my


<OOC> Hugon says, "Had to go for the obligitory broad question, you know."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "If he offers you three wishes, just say no."

Eclipse, "Ask your question, Naphtali. That depends on what you want to stop,


Hugon nods. "I'll clarify in a few moments after Naphtali and Octavius have


Naphtali says, "Could you tell us what the Homefires that the Fea told us of

are and why they are important?"

Octavius says, "How can we stem this tide of Darkness?"

Eclipse, "The Homefires are the only thing preventing the sun from being

extinguished by the dark gods. Preserve the Homefires, and you prevent the

Darkness from consuming your world. To stop the daemons from invading, you

must put an end to the one who controls them."

Octavius nods.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "What did the fae say about the Homefires, I forget


Enola Galen says, "So where do we find the Homefires?"

You say, "If the Homefires are extinguished, the Darkness will consume the


Naphtali says, "Are the Homefires and this mage's activity linked some how?

Is he gaining control over the Homefires, or one of them, and that's how he

can bring the daemons in?"

Eclipse, "The Homefires are spread throughout Malakai. One is in Arcadia, for

example. Another lies on the Island of Hospitalers."

Hugon says, "How can the Homefires be preserved?"

I don't understand that.

Eclipse, "The evil mage has found one of the Homefires and seeks to extinguish

it even now. The Arcadians will fight to the death to protect it, though."

Naphtali says, "What are the Homefires? Are they things? Places?"

Enola Galen says, "How do we get to that one, then?"

Hugon, "Do not let the enemies of the Dark Gods capture or destroy the

Homefires, and they will continue to burn."'

<OOC> You say, "Oops. That was supposed to be Eclipse..."

Octavius listen closly.

Hugon says, "Slightly off the topic of the Homefires, but where is Iphigenia


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Test"

Eclipse, "The Homefires are a mystery to all mortals, and even the Fae do not

fully understand their nature. To get to Arcadia would require a long sea

voyage, and the Homefire there might already be destroyed when you arrive.

Iphigenia is safe. By reversing her fate, you altered radically altered her

path, though I doubt she would complain."

Octavius says, "What are the consiqunses of its fall?"

Octavius says, "Should the homefire fall I mean."

Eclipse, "If the Homefires are extinguished or turned to the dark gods'

purposes, the sun will go out, too. Already, five have fallen, and the light

grows weaker with each new one lost. As the light wanes, the Sun Realms

become narrower, making it easier for the Dark Gods' to send their minions

through them, and the Midnight Realms expand, gradually devouring the gnomish

lands to the north."

Naphtali says, "How many Homefires are there?"

Octavius says, "Is there a way to relight or retake those that have fallen?"

Hugon says, "The question I have is, well, why us? From what I've seen, we

have considerably less power and knowledge, perhaps even collectively, than a

single mage such as yourself and King Argos. "

Enola Galen says, "Since you've got such great power, why help us? Why not

just do all of this yourself? Not that I'm not flattered, mind."

Eclipse, "There are nine Homefires. Five were extinguished or turned by the

minions of the Dark Gods before you freed Argos. Others are under attack.

The extinguished Homefires can be retrieved or, in time, replaced, but it

will not be an easy task."

Eclipse, "Look at my medallion. What do you see?"

Enola Galen says, "Would 'an eclipse' be too obvious an answer?"

Hugon looks at the medallion.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "It is an eclipse, right?"

<OOC> You say, "Yes."

Naphtali falls silent and studies Ecplise

Octavius looks at the medallion

Hugon says, "I see an eclipse, and I must admit my first thought is that it

has something to do with your name."

Octavius nods "I agree with Hugon.

<OOC> Octavius says, "test"

Naphtali nods. "I see it as well."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Here"

Eclipse, "An eclipse is not visible everywhere at once, only to those people

who are standing in the right place at the right time. You stand in the

shadow, so I have revealed myself to you. You are like the light of the sun

trying to overcome the moon obstructing it. You must find a way around the

obstacles, must bring illumination to the people in the darkness before they

despair, and must push away the darkness when your enemy's time is at an end.

Without night, day has no meaning. Without darkness, light is empty."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Whenever the GM goes quiet, a humungous speech is

around the corner."

<OOC> You say, "Yep."

Naphtali says, "Could you tell us where the nine Homefires are and which ones

have been extinguished?"

Octavius nods

Enola Galen says, "I see...I think."

Eclipse, "The sun does not descend each day to rescue the world from night.

If it did that, its heat would destroy every living thing. Instead, the sun

stays distant, sending its light as friends to those lost in darkness."

<OOC> You say, "You're a sentence ahead of me..."

Hugon nods, thinking on this and listening as the others speak.

(remotely) Rahab humms.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Test"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Here"

Eclipse, "One lies on the Island of Hospitalers. Another struggles in

Arcadia. One resides within the Iagan Monastary. Another dwells in the

capital of Meoyu. Yet another resides on the continent of Alita. One is

hidden on the continent of Geek. The Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings claim one

as their own.

<OOC> You say, "Sorry. Had to do some quick research..."

Hugon says, "Which have fallen?"

Naphtali says, "}"

<OOC> Naphtali oops.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

Enola Galen says, "We can't defend all of them ourselves. By any chance, did

you also get in contact with any other cabals of good or is it all down to


!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Eclipse, "One among the Gnomes, one claimed by the Wints, one among the

Dwarves and Olmecs, and the last among the Myshari."

Octavius says, "Those are the ones that remain untaken?"

Eclipse, "There are always others working around you. Some have been more

successful, others less. Those are the five that were lost."

Hugon says, "Where were their locations, so we have an idea of where to start?


Octavius nods

Eclipse, "The locations of which ones?"

Hugon says, "The ones that were taken."

Naphtali has received your page: "Do you see what's happening here?"

Octavius says, "The ones that still need to be saved."

<OOC> Octavius says, "And even."

Naphtali pages, "Well, first, this cuts out the entire trip to the library.


Naphtali pages, "I'm not sure where he's going to stick us in the deal,


Eclipse, "One is no more. One was lost to the Uncharted Realms. The last

three lie beyond the Sun Realms. It is within my power to send you there."

Naphtali has received your page: "Watch the wording carefully..."

(remotely) Naphtali chuckles. Right. Always watch it with Eclipse. *grin*

Hugon says, "In light of this information, am I correct in assuming that

venturing out to the library would prove futile?"

Eclipse, "And if it is in my power to send you there, it is within your power

to go there."

Eclipse, "The true joy of books is that you find answers to questions you

would never have thought to ask."

Hugon nods. "It seems we've got a few basic choices then. Go directly to one

of the places that haven't been attacked yet, one that has been attacked, or

do further research."

Hugon says, "Eclipse, will you be both willing and able to travel with us, or

is that not possible?"

Enola Galen says, "I think we should go to one of the safe ones. Learn more

about it there."

Naphtali says, "I would vote to go to one of those that had been captured or

at least not destroyed and try to take it back."

You say, "He removes the amulet from his neck and hands it to Hugon. When he

moves back to his original position, there is another amulet hanging from his


Octavius says, "I think we should stick with our orginal plan and reaserch. We

might find out this that will help us on our quest"

<OOC> Octavius says, "this=things"

Enola Galen says, "Come on. I've been dying to find out what these things are

like. And besides that, we might not have time to research."

Eclipse, "The sun does not walk the earth for fear of destroying it. If your

need is great, speak my name and I will come to you."

Octavius nods

Hugon takes the amulet and looks at it for a moment. He then nods and hangs

it around his neck, slipping it underneath his shirt.

<OOC> You say, "I mean, 'Hold this amulet, speak my name, and...'"

Hugon says, "Thank you, Eclipse. Your assistance has been invaluable."

You set the "tag" message of Eclipse (#320).

Naphtali says, "But will we know a Homefire when we see it?"

Eclipse, "It has been my pleasure, Hugon."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh goody, I guess if we were voting, I would have the

deciding vote..."

Hugon, "As you recognize the sun by its light and an archmage by hes power, so

shall you know the Homefires by theirs."

Enola Galen says, "Apart from anything else, does anyone want to wander about

in this land the gods forgot for a minute lionger than they have to?"

Hugon says, "Which do you believe would be the best course of action? Great

need would not include having ourselves transported from country to country

on hunches, I imagine."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(1st sentance to Eclipse>"

Octavius says, "Knowledge might be the most potent weapon we can have, I

suggest getting some more."

You say, "Eclipse doesn't answer either question, this time. He stands there

with his arms crossed, smiling as you ponder your choice."

Naphtali [to Octavius]: But will we gain more in a library or by looking at an

actual Homefire?

Hugon says, "Knowledge is power, I agree. Perhaps we've helped one of the

Homefires already, asking Eclipse to revive Iphigenia."

Enola Galen says, "Books have their place. But they're nothing compared to

what you can learn from the real thing."

Octavius says, "But we may find other things to help us out that going

directly to the source will not teach us."

Hugon says, "Between reading books and looking at the real thing, I would

rather look at something to learn about it first. Splitting up is a

possibility. I can transport myself under my own power. Perhaps I could

examine the books while everyone else went to another location."

Enola Galen says, "Sounds good to me."

Naphtali frowns. "I don't like one of us going off alone."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yes, I know I'm talking suicidal character talk..."

Octavius looks at Hugon, "You said that you can only take yourself, but how

can a fufill my pledge to protect you if you are far away.

Octavius looks at Hugon, "You said that you can only take yourself, but how

can a fufill my pledge to protect you if you are far away.

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles. rule 1 or Rping: don't split the party.

Hugon says, "The owl will join me, and I can contact Eclipse if there are

problems. I can also converse with spirits easily and know a few that would

aid me."

Naphtali shakes his head. "I still don't like it."

Hugon says, "By learning what you can there, you're not just protecting me,

your protecting every living being out there. We'll be more efficient. "

Hugon says, "I don't like it myself. I wish I had the power to transport us

all or a talisman that would allow others to be transported."

Octavius says, "So you know how to teleport someone else if you need aid?"

Hugon says, "I can contact others easily enough and I'm skilled in the Spirit

World. I can even contact you directly, Octavius, from other parts of the


<OOC> Octavius says, "do even"

Octavius says, "But can you bring someone to where you are?"

Hugon says, "I'm not terribly skilled in research, but some of my academic

training might help me. At worst, perhaps I can see about checking out a few


Hugon says, "No, that's the same as transporting another."

Hugon says, "I can contact those I know who can teleport themselves and others


<OOC> Hugon says, "It's IC though...Demeanor: Loner..."

Octavius nods, "I don't like it, but it seems like an accetible compramise.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Why do I feel like I should rename my character Frodo..."

<OOC> You say, "You have no idea..."

Enola Galen says, "All right. Let us know if you do come up with anything."

Hugon says, "With any luck, I'll be back with you in a couple of days."

Naphtali sighs. "I still don't like it, but you're right. You might learn

something we won't."

<OOC> Hugon has only started the second book of the Lord of the Rings actually.

<OOC> You say, "Then you REALLY have no idea..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh crap...I know what I'm doing this weekend..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "At least you don't have an artifact of ultimate

destruction with you..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "If you meet a halfling called Sam, run."

Hugon says, "It's a risk that can be taken. I would suggest that everyone

else go to one of the untaken homefires. It will be safer in the short term

than one of those the enemy has taken."

Naphtali nods slowly.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, you don't know that Naph...*points to his necklace,

armbands, owl...*"

<OOC> You say, "Um. You have an amulet that can summon the anthropomorphic

manifestation of primal chaos. Does that count?"

Octavius nods, "Good luck my friend.

<OOC> You say, "Give me a sec to make some notes..."

Hugon says, "May Barlik guide and protect us all."

Enola Galen says, "Dawn watch you. And us, ideally. Never too much deity to go


Naphtali says, "May your journey be a peaceful one."

Hugon says, "Enola, you know how to look for me I believe. If I'm gone for

more than a few days, you might want to check in on me."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Eclipse, I'll BRB. I need to use the phone real quick."

Enola Galen says, "I should be able to. If I need any timber, you'll be the

first to know."

Octavius says, "May Gregor smile on us all. For now I think we entered the

realm of Heros."

Enola Galen says, "Either that, or people who are about to get crushed into a

full stop on the big book of history."

Enola Galen says, "Still, at least it's not been dull."

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Fri Aug

3 21:08:43 2001 EST

Hugon has lost his link.

You say, "Eclipse is smiling at the other three of you. 'Where do you want to

go today?' It's a bit unnerving."

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust199.tnt1.midland.m

i.da.uu.net on Fri Aug 3 21:10:32 2001 EST.

Hugon has connected.

Octavius says, "Send us to the untaken homefire that nwould need our presence


<OOC> Naphtali slaps Eclipse.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Back, sorry about that."

<OOC> You say, "What was THAT about, Naph?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Where do you want to go today?"

<OOC> Octavius pulls out a unload revolver, puts one bullent in it, close the

drum and spins it" Rusiian Roulette anyone?

<OOC> You say, "You've got that right. I've got to think about this one...

Which one needs the most help? Hmmm..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Sorry, it's the MS slogan... or was.... Eclipse is Bill


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Where are the other 4 horsemen?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Microsoft Wand of Location...definately "Plug and Pray"


<OOC> You say, "um, NO!!!!. Ahem. Just thought I'd clear that up..."

<OOC> Naphtali grins. Good.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Err, hardware..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Lack of Gamer Food is harming my brain..."

<OOC> Eclipse LOL. 'Plug and pray hardware...'

<OOC> Hugon says, "Question Eclipse. When I do my teleportation thing, does

the Owl come with me?"

You say, "All of you except Hugon drop through the ground."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Yes.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I wonder if Eclipse will pay a visit to tomarrows cabal."

You say, "You suddenly find yourself underwater on a ship carved from coral."

<OOC> Hugon says, "No, the amulet is my precious! Nobody else's! *innocent


Naphtali tries to remain upright while he's falling. Or at least tries to

fall gracefully.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Nevermind, it wasn't that far"

Octavius looks around when he lands

Naphtali glances around.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Anyone else here?"

Hugon pages, "I look at Eclipse. "Would you send me to an area near the

library that is safe and that I could appear without people noticing?""

You say, "You are surrounded by water. The ship is manned by a crew of

humanoids with webbed fingers, fish tails instead of legs, and squid heads."

Octavius says greetings in every language he knows.

Hugon has received your page: "'Certainly.'"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Are they speaking and if so in what language?"

Hugon pages, "I bow and thank him for all his aid."

You say, "If they are speaking, it is only in vague chirps and whistles no

landbound race speaks."

<OOC> You say, "Hate to do this to you, Hugon..."

Enola Galen says, "Hi there, friendly fish-men. We're looking for the

Homefires. Do you have one round here?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "This is going to hurt, isn't it?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Argh! I just realised!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "These are either D&D Mind Flayers or Star Spawn of


<OOC> Octavius says, "Just relised what?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "They're mer-ithalids.... ack..."

Hugon has received your page: "You find yourself at the top of one of the

Black Peaks. You see the entrance of the library five hundred yards to your


<OOC> Octavius says, "Neither of those had fish tail, but if they are I'll be


<OOC> Eclipse smiles innocently. "Would I do that to you?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Yes."

Hugon pages, "Can I walk to it, or would that require a bit of climbing?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes."

<OOC> Hugon says, "To which one of us?"

<OOC> You say, "In unison, now..."

Hugon has received your page: "Space and time are oddly distorted. You could

walk there in a few minutes. The terrain is a bit rough, but there is a

clearly defined pass."

Hugon pages, "I tell the owl to keep a look out for anything that might not be

friendly and start towards the library."

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m41-mp1-cvx1a.man.ntl.com on Fri Aug 3 21:23:28 2001 EST.

Octavius looks at his cabal, "Do any of you know how to speak telepthicly?

Enola Galen shakes her head.

You say, "The mini-cthulus don't answer you, though one with a wooden tentacle

notices you, now."

<OOC> Naphtali lol.

Naphtali says, "I can only get a vague impression of their thoughts and

emotions... by I can try."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 8, 1, 7, 10, 2; totalling 28.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Of course, this is the cabal with little Mind

Magic...where's Tyson when you need him?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "It's Set's party and Ahab... in a weird, parallel


<OOC> Rahab cries.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Sat's party, rather."

Hugon has received your page: "A dart hits you in the back of the leg."

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 2, 9; totalling 11.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Good job Tyson isn't here, or we'd be manning the

lifeboats by now."

Hugon pages, "I turn and look to see where it came from."

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 4, 10, 9, 8; totalling 31.

Hugon has received your page: "Soak lethal 3"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Or breathing sea water."

Hugon pages, "Does the Buckler allow me to soak lethal?"

Naphtali starts a light meditative trace to try use his 1 dot of Mind to try

and sense the squid's emotions.

Octavius does his best to act non-threating.

Octavius has received your page: "There are five short creatures that look

like a cross between a lizard and a monkey. They"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I don't like it when the ST rolls dice and I don't know


Enola Galen looks round.

Octavius has received your page: "Sorry. Mispage..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "It's for me..."

Octavius pages, "No prob. Hugpn has been jumped by Kobolds right?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Oh good. Although those aren't bad rolls, so..."

Hugon has received your page: "There are five short creatures that look like a

cross between a lizard and a monkey. They might be cute if they weren't for

the wint scalps hanging from their belts."

Hugon has received your page: "The buckler raises the dif of attacks by one

from the front, but doesn't help against rear attacks."

<OOC> Hugon says, "...Oh cr...I just realized...*SMACK!*"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 4 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> You say, "What did you realize, Hugon?"

Octavius pages, "What did you realize?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What's the surrounding area like?"

Octavius pages, "Sorry missed paged."

Octavius pages, "Sorry missed paged."

(remotely) Hugon winces. "Wait, I'm not here to hurt you. I've come to try

and help."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Give me an Arete dif 3, 2 suc.

Hugon pages, "(No soak then>"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wints...not liked here..."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 9, 2, 4; totalling 15.

Naphtali ( 2 )

<OOC> Octavius says, "BTW are the pack animals with us?"

<OOC> Naphtali hopes so.

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Roughly, they're thinking, 'What the heck are those

weird things in our boat and where did they come from?'

You say, "Guys in the boat, give me an Int + Per, dif 6."

Enola Galen rolled 2d10: 9, 8; totalling 17.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "But not, "let's kill them and ask questions later" Well,

it's a start...."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Perception 2 and I still pass consistently!"

Hugon has received your page: "'Yummy yummy wint. Don't run, yummy yummy!'"

Enola Galen rolled 5d10: 1, 10, 10, 4, 10; totalling 35.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Int +per?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Int + Per?"

<OOC> You say, "I mean Per + Alertness..."

Naphtali rolled 6d10: 7, 4, 4, 2, 3, 2; totalling 22.

Octavius rolled 4d10: 1, 7, 4, 3; totalling 15.

Enola Galen says, "Ah. 2, then."

Naphtali ( 1 )

<OOC> Octavius says, "0"

<OOC> You say, "Getting my traits mixed up. sheesh!"

Hugon pages, "I'm not here to harm you. What did I do to you?"

You say, "Those of you who manage at least one success make the curious

discovery that you are actually very close to the surface. The bow of the

coral ship is actually 'submerged' in air the way a sea-going ship's bow is

partially underwater."

<OOC> Octavius says, "We are in the air part?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Just what does this boat look like?"

Hugon has received your page: "'Surrender, yummy yummy, or we will poke you

full of holes with our clever blowgun darts and spears.'"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: No, you're underwater, sailing upside-down.

Hugon pages, "(Do I know what these guys are?>"

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: It looks like a sailing vessal made of coral and

seaweed, complete with sails.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Only underwater?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Are we breathing air?"

Hugon has received your page: "Yes. They're kobolds. They're mean. They're

clever. And they're probably hungry."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I know stupis question."

Hugon pages, "<Kobolds can't do magic, can they?>"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: No, but you're not breathing water, either.

<OOC> Octavius says, "stupid even"

Hugon has received your page: "'fraid so."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "We're not suffocating or drowning, though, right?"

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Not yet.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Then what are we breathing?"

Hugon pages, "I stop and nod. "I surrender"."

<OOC> Octavius says, "And is Naph donkey and my horse with us?"

Hugon has received your page: "They run over to you and start poking you away

from the path with their tiny spears."

Octavius says, "What the hell is going on here?"

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Yes, the animals are with you.

<OOC> You say, "Remember the title I gave Eclipse, Octavius?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes, I do."

Hugon pages, "<...Away from the Path...>"

Naphtali comes out of his trance. "I don't know. But they're as confused as

we are."

Hugon pages, "How many succs to teleport to the friggin' library?"

Octavius says, "Naphtali, I think I figured out who are misterious benifacter

is really."

Naphtali raises an eyebrow. "Whom?"

You say, "The mini-cthulu with the peg tentacle makes motions toward you.

Four of the other mini-cthulus move toward him."

Naphtali raises his hands, palms facing the squids, slowly and tries to look


Hugon has received your page: "Funny you should ask that... 3 suc at dif 3"

Hugon has received your page: "I mean dif 5"

Hugon pages, "1 Willpower to ignore wounds, 1 for an autosucc."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 9, 7; totalling 21.

Octavius says, "I am utterly confuesed now and things are abousoultly making

no sense. If I recall my theology correct there is no deific repersentation

of Chaos."

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from

m38-mp1-cvx2a.lee.ntl.com on Fri Aug 3 21:43:37 2001 EST.

Hugon pages, "4 successes"

Naphtali nods slowly, watching the mini-cthulus (cthulii?) carefully.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Sorry about that. Now, what exactly is the boat


You say, "One of the mini-cthulus starts 'talking' in your minds to its

companions. 'Didn't I tell you it was a bad idea? Give me that amulet.

You've been using it too much.' One of the other squidmen gives an amulet

just like Hugon's to the 'speaker'."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Universal Translator."

<OOC> Naphtali giggles.

Octavius says, "Well, I think that we descovered that there really is one and

his name is Eclipse."

Enola Galen looks round the ship, observing the details and construction of

the ship.

Hugon has received your page: "You escape the distorted universe and arrive at

the entrance to the library with 4 points of Scourge."

Naphtali takes a deep breath and addresses the mini-cthulus. "Can you

understand me?" (In Elven, might as well start with a root lang...)

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ohh, goody! 4 points of Scourge on that one!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ouch, thats the stength of the muscial scourge I had."

<OOC> You say, "Your owl's probably getting hungry anyway..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm, yummy scourge!"

Hugon pages, "I look around to see who/what is around me while trying to

figure out what exactly I was in (Int/Wits + Cosmology?>"

Octavius wiats for the squid-faces to make the first move.

Naphtali will try all his other languages if Elven doesn't seem to work.

Enola Galen takes a sheet of paper out, and begins to draw on it. First, stick

figures representing the cabal, and a robed stickman with glowing hands. Then

a flash of light surrounding most of the stickmen.

You say, "One of the squidmen looks at Naphtali and shakes its head. 'What

the heck is it saying?' 'I don't know.' 'What the heck are we supposed to

do with them now that they're here?'"

Enola Galen then draws a big arrow going from land into the sea, and the

stick figures on a boat.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "None of my languages work?"

Enola Galen says, "Then she points to the cabal, and the figures."

Enola Galen says, "Does that help?"

Octavius turns to enola and sya, "Out the Eclispe symbol near the cloaked

figure with and arrow pointing ot it.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Out?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "put even"

You say, "'What on sea ARE they?' the mini-cthulu who had the amulet says. 'I

don't know, but they seem to be trying to communicate with us.' Suddenly,

all five of them gasp at the picture of the amulet."

Enola Galen says, "All right. You think they know him?" (draws Eclipse symbol)"

Octavius says, "One of the has an amulet like the one Hugon recived."

Naphtali smiles cautiously. "It seems they've met him too."

Enola Galen shows the Chtulii the revised drawings.

Octavius says, "I hate it when I am right"

You say, "'That's impossible.' 'You forget who we're talking about here.'

'True.' 'I wish they could talk. Give me that amulet.' 'Absolutely not!

Haven't you caused enough trouble with that thing today?'"

Naphtali tries to makes his thoughts 'loud and clear' in his head and thinks a

tthe cthulii. <Can you hear me?>

<OOC> Hugon says, "<Test, smacks Lag if slowing him>"

Octavius takes a gmable and thinks tword them,"We can talk, but probaly not

the same way you cn.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Can even"

You say, "'Is that one getting ready to vomit?' 'I don't know. Should we

tell him to go to the dining room or something?' 'How should I know? You're

the linguist of the cabal.' 'Yes, but they don't communicate the same way we

do. I've never seen anything like it.'"

Enola Galen says, "This ship is incredible. I just have to find out how it

works while we're here..."

Naphtali turns to Enola. "Can I try something with that pen and the paper?"

Octavius then tries to pantomine that we can inderstand them.

Hugon has received your page: "You are at the entrance to the Great Library of


<OOC> Octavius says, "understand even. Aslo what do I eed to roll?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "need even"

Enola Galen says, "Sure."

Hugon pages, "Well then, I figure I may as well do what I came here to do and


Eclipse [to Octavius]: What are you pantomiming?

<OOC> Octavius says, "That we can understand them, but can't communicate back."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Is there writing anywhere on anything?"

Naphtali writes in Elven [We can hear you. Can you read this?]

Hugon has received your page: "The library is huge, bigger than anything you

have ever seen. There are dozens of wints and olmecs wandering the stacks."

Enola Galen says, "You would think Eclipse would have told us of this little


Hugon pages, "I walk up to whoever is at a desk and appears to work there and

whisper, "Excuse me, but I was wondering if you could help me.""

Octavius says, "I don't think so."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What do I need to role for that pantomime?"

You say, "'Did you hear that?' one demands of the others when Octavius

pantomimes. 'That is very strange. He just said he can understand us.'

'Maybe we should try to communicate their way.' One of the mini-cthulus

tries to pantomime, but it doesn't make any sense."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""We come in peace...see, we speak the universal

language of mine..."

Hugon has received your page: "The wint woman smiles at you. 'Of course.

What can I do for you?'"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ba Weep Granna Weep Ninny Bam."

Naphtali shows the paper with the writing on it to the cthulii.

Octavius sighs in frustranton and starts swearing in Norman.

Hugon pages, "Well, I would like to return here shortly, but first I'm afraid

I need some medical assistance. Could you tell me of the location of the

nearest healer, mystical or non?"

You say, "'Oh my goodness! Two of them are speaking, now.' The one trying to

pantomime is doing a terrible job of it."

Enola Galen tries a few words in the Artificer trade language, hoping that

maybe whoever built this ship might know it.

Octavius then tries to pantmime that its not work you idiots.

<OOC> Octavius says, "working even"

<OOC> Hugon wonders how you pantamime "You idiots"...

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Is there writing any where on the ship? Or something

that looks like writing?"

Hugon has received your page: "She seems to notice your injury for the first

time. 'Well, I'm sure you can find one in town. There's one on Elm Street

three blocks over. I believe his name is Mr. Pickman.'"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I don't know but octavius doesn't either."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I take it they don't speak that either?"

Hugon pages, "I nod, thank her, and proceed to Mr. Pickman's establishment."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: There is no writing on the ship.

<OOC> Octavius says, "You are enjoying this arn't you Eclipse?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "You missed being prodded by Kobolds with blow darts and

spears though..."

Naphtali sighs, closing his eyes and going into a trance again. (use Mind to

search for any sort of psychic impressions around the ship.)

You say, "'Aha! I've figured it out.' 'What?' the others ask. 'They're on a

different wavelength than we are. They communicate by thoughts instead of


Eclipse [to Naphtali]: dif 4, 3 suc.

Octavius pages, "Could one use forces to do a translation thing."

Octavius has received your page: "No."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 4, 9, 3; totalling 16.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Make it a ritual?"

<OOC> You say, "Of COURSE I'm enjoying this."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Sure.

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 7, 3, 8; totalling 18.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "There, 4 successes."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: There are psychic impressions scattered around the

ship. They appear to be signs written in a language you don't understand.

You say, "'Can you understand us?' one asks you."

You say, "In your minds, of course."

Octavius says, "Yes."

Naphtali thinks <yes> and nods his head.

Enola Galen says, "Yes. Can you understand us now?"

Naphtali smiles, too.

Octavius then thinks it the same time as saying it.

You say, "They all turn to look at Naphtali. 'By the waves, I think that one

can hear us! Try saying something else to them.' 'Okay. I can hear you.

Can you hear me?'"

Naphtali thinks <yes, can you hear me?>

Naphtali smiles again.

Enola Galen says, "Oh, I see, you think it?" (Like this?)"

Octavius thinks, "Well, can you hear me?

Hugon has received your page: "Pickman's establishment is an older building

that looks like it would seem haunted by night. Pickman himself is busy

counselling a man who has been having strange dreams lately that have been

distracting him from his art. There is a clay box with strange symbols

sitting on a table nearby."

Hugon pages, "I'll look at the clay box and see if I can't decipher what the

symbols mean."

You say, "They look at Naphtali. 'A little bit. Why tell us you are happy,

though? Who are you and where did you come from?'"

Hugon pages, "(Race of Pickman?>"

Hugon has received your page: "Do you have Root Wint?"

Hugon has received your page: "Wint."

Hugon pages, "(I have Golothan and Ketza for Wint Roots, but not the actual


Hugon pages, "<Golgothan>"

Octavius says, "Naphtali it looks like your our translator."

Naphtali tries just thinking it this time. <Because we might have figured out

how to converse with you.>

Hugon has received your page: "Then give me a Linguistics + Int, dif 8."

Hugon rolled 4d10: 7, 5, 3, 8; totalling 23.

Hugon pages, "1"

You say, "The squid's mind frowns. 'It's not responding.' 'Maybe their minds

are too simple to understand complex concepts,' another suggests."

Naphtali shakes his head and frowns in frustration. "I think they can 'hear'

our emotions...."

Hugon has received your page: "They appear to be the work of a Wint

Rune-Worker, but you can only barely understand that it appears to be parts

of a fairy tale."

Octavius frowns while thinks, Great what do we do now.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thinking even."

Enola Galen says, "They talk using feeling rather than thoughts?"

Hugon pages, "I look for somewhere to wait (a chair maybe?> and wait for him

to finish up with the other patient."

Octavius says, "Why are we able to understand them, but they can understand


Enola Galen says, "Maybe if we had a talisman like that?"

You say, "'I'm not going to give up just yet.' The squid's mind smiles at you

patronizingly, 'Yes. We know you're frustrated. We are, too, but if you are

intelligent, we'll figure out a way to communicate. Can you understand us?'"

Naphtali tries to feel smart?

Octavius nod his head

<OOC> Hugon says, "LOL"

Naphtali nods his head.

Enola Galen need not try to feel smart, it is her natural state of being. ;-)

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Not that it's much help here."

Hugon has received your page: "The artist seems terribly disturbed by his

dreams, and Pickman assures him that just because things appear in his dream

doesn't make them real. The artist is not much relieved, claiming that

everytime he imagines something, he hears people describe it in terrible

whispers months later. 'Pickman, I have such a vivid imagination, and all my

musings are so horrible. If all my dreams come true, the world is in a lot

of trouble.'"

You say, "'He said yes! He CAN understand us! Now if only we could

understand him...'"

Hugon pages, "(keeps waiting>"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Which he are the refering to?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean they"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great I should of said nearest untaken homefire."

Hugon has received your page: "'Relax. Take a break from your work for a

while, and try not to worry. The sea is Uncharted. Nothing intelligent

lives down there or it would go mad.' Hugon, you finally manage to decipher

a phrase on the clay box as the artist picks it up to take it with him. It

says, 'Coral ship.'"

Naphtali pages, "Out of curiosity, what would I have to do to try to play a

melody on my flute that would explain what we were doing? Kind of like using

the music of the Nutcracker to tell the story..."

Naphtali has received your page: "Wits + Performance, dif 6."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 4 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Hugon pages, "<Assuming the man is gone> Good day, Mr. Pickman, I was

wondering if you would be able to assist me?"

<OOC> You say, "I don't know how I come up with these things, but it all makes

sense. Trust me..."

Hugon has received your page: "Certainly."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 4, 9, 5, 10, 4; totalling 32.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I think I'm starting to understand it...*must...keep...quiet


Enola Galen says, "Perhaps I should go back to drawing pictures?"

Hugon has received your page: "He heals you. 'Have a good day, young man.'"

Naphtali gives the paper and pen back to Enola. "I have an idea...." He goes

to get his flute out and turns to face the cthulii and starts playing a


Hugon pages, "I bow and thank him for his assistance."

Octavius listens to the music.

Naphtali pages, "Would I use Musical Instument in this case (not perform)?"

Naphtali has received your page: "Yes."

Hugon pages, "(Assuming there is no fee> I head back to the library."

Naphtali uses will

<OOC> Naphtali using will, rather.

Naphtali rolled 4d10: 5, 1, 4, 5; totalling 15.

Naphtali ( 0, not a botch though. )

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: You think you do an excellent job presenting the story

through music, but the song only seems to confuse them more. 'Not very good

at pantomime, is he?'

You say, "'Talk to us some more. We can't understand your pantomiming.'"

Hugon has received your page: "Okay, you're back in the library."

Hugon pages, "I walk up to that female wint again. "Thank you for the advice.

Mr. Pickman was very helpful. Now, I was wondering if you could help me in

locating a few books.""

Hugon has received your page: "What subject interests you?"

Naphtali sighs and puts the flute away. He turns back to the cthulii. He

points up, toward some air, if he can see it, then points to himself.

Hugon pages, "The fairytales of the Fae."

Octavius shrugs his shoulders in frustration.

Enola Galen says, "There has to be a way...I'm missing something."

Naphtali has received your page: "Oops. I almost forgot. You get 2 Scourge

for that Mind Effect..."

Naphtali pages, "Hmm? Which one? the scanning?"

Naphtali has received your page: "Yes."

You say, "'That's it. We can understand you now. Keep talking.'"

Naphtali pages, "Ok."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "To who?"

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Octavius and Naphtali.

<OOC> Naphtali just a sec... have to look something up.

Hugon has received your page: "She raises an eyebrow and smiles. 'Have

children, do you?' She hands you a slip of paper with a number on it."

Octavius gives a "What do you mean?" type of look at the cthulii.

Hugon pages, "I smile and look at the number. "Thank you." I set about

looking for the corresponding location in the library."

You say, "'We're getting closer to establishing communication. Why didn't you

just talk in the first place?'"

Octavius then gives a "Did I miss something" look.

Hugon has received your page: "You find an extensive collection of books of

Fae tales on the appropriate shelves."

Enola Galen frowns, looking at the cthulli and trying to figure out the nature

of their communication.

Naphtali raises a finger to signal them to wait and reaches into his pack to

pull out some insense, lighting it. He waves the insence around a bit as he

tries to use Prime 1 to see if they are etherically out of wack with himself.

You say, "'Well, their vocabulary seems limited to mono-syllables, but it's

better than silence."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Dif 4, 2 suc. 2 Scourge.

Hugon pages, "Hmm, could I use Matter/Corr to speed through the books, looking

for the mention of the word "Homefires"?"

Hugon pages, "Basically, look at page, look through it, repeat..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Using will again"

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 3, 5, 9; totalling 17.

Naphtali ( 3 )

Hugon has received your page: "Sure. Dif 3, 1 suc per book."

Hugon pages, "Okay, let's make this a ritual then."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 8, 9, 2; totalling 19.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 6, 4; totalling 15.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 10, 10; totalling 25.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 9, 10, 2; totalling 21.

Hugon pages, "There's 10 books."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: There is something definitely odd about the situation.

Everyone with a Dynamic Resonance seems to have a Static Resonance. People

with a Static Resonance seem to have an Entropic Resonance. And things with

an Entropic Resonance appear to have a Dynamic Resonance.

Hugon has received your page: "You find one book with a reference to


Hugon pages, "Well, let's pull it and take a look at that reference."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What the heck does that mean?"

<OOC> Naphtali needs Prime 3 to try to enchant himself back to normal doesn't


<OOC> Naphtali says, "It means we're basically out of wack with the world


Hugon has received your page: "'.... The Weard Homefire waved his magic wand,

undoing all the damage the dragon had done.'"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 10, 5, 5, 2, 4; totalling 26.

Hugon has received your page: "The librarian screams."

Hugon pages, "I look back at the librarian."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I can"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I can't think of anything ot do at the moment."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Me neither."

<OOC> Hugon is getting a bad, bad feeling right about now.

<OOC> Naphtali has an idea, but I don't think I have the spheres I need.

(prime 3)

<OOC> Naphtali thinks we got the weirdness and Hugon got the danger.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I already passed some of my weirdness..."

Hugon has received your page: "The lower half of her body is sitting smoking

in its chair. The upper half appears to have been vaporized by the man

smoking the cigar a few feet away. He is looking at you. His skin appears

to be the flesh of a corpse. 'I don't think you should be looking at those.

The Fae are all liars.'"

Octavius feels very confused at how to communicate with these bieng.

You say, "One of the mini-cthulus thinks a little song and points at you."

Hugon pages, "Do I have any idea what he/it is?"

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 8, 10, 5, 1; totalling 24.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Is the a blinding flash of the not so obvious check you

can give us eclipse?"

You say, "Oh very well. Enigmas + Intelligence, dif 8."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Using will"

Enola Galen rolled 6d10: 3, 5, 7, 3, 4, 1; totalling 23.

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 8, 10, 6; totalling 24.

Octavius rolled 3d10: 3, 9, 3; totalling 15.

<OOC> Octavius says, "2"

Naphtali pages, "Is it we're basically out of alignment with the world?

Shifted somehow out-of-phase?"

Hugon has received your page: "Give me a Per + Lore, dif 7."

(remotely) Naphtali wants to know if his guess is right....

Hugon pages, "(Type of Lore?>"

Naphtali has received your page: "A bit weirder than that..."

Naphtali ( 2 )

Hugon has received your page: "Magical to get a -2 to diff."

Enola Galen ( Zero )

(remotely) Naphtali hmms... What level of Prime do I need to set my resonace


Enola Galen ( Botch, actually. )

Hugon pages, "(Magical Lore? Don't think I have that, unless Cosmology/Spirit


Hugon rolled 3d10: 6, 1, 1; totalling 8.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, that's one ugly botch..."

Hugon pages, "(Or Awareness, actually)"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Test"

You say, "Naphtali and Octavius. Somehow, your senses or their senses are not

the same. Everything is slightly shifted. They perceive your movements and

gestures as sound, your words as nonsense, and your thoughts not at all. You

perceive their sounds as thoughts, their gestures as nonsense, and their

thoughts not at all."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Here, just dealing with nasty things..."

Naphtali pages, "and am I getting Scourge 'cause it's vulgar or because we're

all weird."

Hugon has received your page: "There must be something really unhealthy in

that cigar."

Hugon pages, "I look at the man(?> and nod. "Just seeing if it'd be something

interesting for a child is all.""

Octavius says, "What just happened?"

Naphtali says, "This is strange.... but how to communicate with gestures...."

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Your magic is vulgar in this 'between' place because

you are almost in phase with an Uncharted Zone (under the sea), but not so

much in phase that your magic fits the paradigm. Make a bit more sense now?

<OOC> Naphtali nods

Naphtali looks to the cthulii. He points to himself. He then walks around a

bit. Next, he points up to the air.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I'm just having a hard time translating words into


Hugon has received your page: "'Having children should be a crime. It is

murder to create life, for a child will only die in the end. Giving birth is

the same as killing.' He points his cigar toward you, and the bookshelf


<OOC> Hugon says, "Ohh, fight or flight...that is the question..."

You say, "The other point is that you can actually pantomime effortlessly if

you try. That's why Oct didn't have to make a check to do so earlier."

Hugon pages, "(Question...a corpse would count as matter, wouldn't it?>"

Octavius pantomine that this is different for him and that he is confused by

the unisal cirscomstances.

Hugon has received your page: "It's a weird issue. He isn't REALLY a corpse.

He just has obscene amounts of Jhor..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "unisal=unusal."

Hugon pages, "<Dang it, there goes my teleport him off the side of a cliff


Hugon pages, "Diff/Succ to go to the Umbra?"

You say, "The mini-cthulus seem to breathe a sigh of relief. 'This has been a

strange encounter, indeed. How came you to be on our ship? Of what alien

race are you?'"

Hugon has received your page: "dif 7, 4 suc (city)."

Enola Galen pages, "Have I grasped the language thing yet?"

Hugon has received your page: "Er, dif 6"

Hugon pages, "WP Point, going for it"

Eclipse [to Enola Galen]: Yes. I should HOPE your companions explain it to


<OOC> Hugon crosses his fingers.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 4, 10, 5; totalling 19.

Hugon pages, "Ritual?"

Octavius pantomines that Eclipse sent us hear and that he is a human.

<OOC> Naphtali idles for a sec.

Hugon has received your page: "In front of the Euthanatos threatening you with

his cigar? It would be easier to escape via Correspondence (dif 5, 1 suc).

Anywhere is better than here..."

Enola Galen begins to make the gestures hoping she's not insulting anyone.

"My name is Enola, and I am an elf, like Naphtali, and we travel together. We

were sent by Eclipse."

Hugon pages, "Okay, drop the Umbra idea, going to the other side of town."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 6, 4, 5; totalling 15.

Hugon pages, "2 succ"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Friggin' Euthanatos..."

You say, "The squidmen groan. 'Yes, he spoke to us not long ago, too. We're

trying to save the Homestones from Light of the Evil Gods. We asked him for

directions to the nearest one, and then you showed up.'"

Enola Galen says, "Oh? We assumed it was here."

Octavius pantomines that they are looking for the samething.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean to do."

You say, "One of the mini-cthulu crewmembers shouts from the bow, 'Sea ho!'

The air below the ship gets closer and closer to the bow until the ship drops

a giant balloon that brings it to a stop a short ways from where the air


Hugon has received your page: "You manage to slip away just as another spell

destroys the library and everything in it (except the Euthanatos with the


Octavius pantomines an inquiry to where are the at.

Naphtali tries pantomiming [ Do you know who would be attacking the Homefires?


Hugon pages, "(I still have the book with me I assume?>"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean they"

Naphtali [ ooc tests this ]

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Woo! I'll just use ['s now. *grins and finds fun


Hugon pages, "I figure that I've learned all I can here now and remember to

have that Euthanatos punished. I'll send out a Corr talk to the other cabal


You say, "'What's a fire? You never fail to find ways to confuse us. This is

our stop. The Homestone should be not far from here, though I'll be glad to

get back underwater, again. This trip has been damned confusing for the

entire cabal.'"

Hugon has received your page: "You have the book, still."

Naphtali [ Actally, we breath air, not water. At least, we used to. ]

Hugon pages, "Diff to talk with cabal (sucs?>"

Enola Galen [ You're not alone, if that's any consolation. ]

Octavius pantomines

Hugon has received your page: "Give them a couple minutes to catch up with


Hugon pages, "Okay. Can I try and figure out what I was in before with the


Octavius [ test ]

You say, "Are you getting off the ship?"

Hugon has received your page: "Enigmas + Int, dif 8."

Naphtali will follow them, unless he starts drowning.

Octavius shigs his shoulders and lead his horse of the ship

Hugon rolled 2d10: 2, 10; totalling 12.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean shrugs"

Hugon pages, "1 succ!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Shigging sounds like some kind of dance."

Hugon has received your page: "Basically, Eclipse shrank your journey to cut

out all the boring parts. So you faced all the dangers at one time instead

of having to wait for each new obstacle. It was a sub-universe, though,

which is why escaping from it was Vulgar."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Test"

<OOC> Octavius says, "True and false"

Hugon pages, "(nod> Okay, I assume there might be a metal shop or the

equivilant around. I'd like to go buy about a 3 foot metal bar or rod if I

could (resources 1>."

Enola Galen follows them down, watching to see what happens when they touch

the 'water'

You say, "You step off the ship and onto a small island in the middle of a

river. In a circle near the edges of the island are several hundred standing

stones and archways. All around you, magi with the Guiltbearer crests fight

to defend the island from armies of demons trying to cross the river. Argos

is right in front of you."

Hugon has received your page: "You can communicate with them now. Dif 4, 2


Enola Galen says, "I see we've come at a bad time."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 5, 1; totalling 11.

Hugon pages, "Ritual..."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 8, 10, 9; totalling 27.

Hugon pages, "2 turns, 4 succs."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Contact established. Fire away.

Hugon has his voice come in from afar. "Hey, guys? You okay wherever you


Octavius says, "Well, we found the homefire and its the acrcadian one."

Octavius draws his sword and runs to his breathern's aid.

Hugon has his voice come in from afar. "Wasn't that one of those that was

being attacked? I found the library, some kobolds, and an Euthanatos that

decided to toast the place. I escaped with one book."

Naphtali falls to his knees in prayer. Gripping his Epagan prayer beads he

prays, "Lady of Light and the Light that grants her power, please, please,

hear me. Stop this destruction and violence. Send the daemons back where

they came from and lock them away. Please..."

Octavius pages, "Priming the blade."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Is that me or does that sound like a theological

version of 'Mommy, make the monsters go away.'?"

<OOC> Naphtali grins. Flaw: Soft-hearted. He doesn't like war. Too much

death and destruction for him.

Hugon has his voice come in from afar. "Did I interupt something?"

<OOC> Octavius laughs out loud, "It does"

Enola Galen says, "Only a battle to the death."

Naphtali keeps praying, now silently, his mouth moving. . o ( Please... Save

this place.... )

Eclipse [to Octavius]: Dif 4, 3 suc and 1 Quint.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 3 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I'll have to go offline in 5 minutes."

<OOC> You say, "Shall we stop here for tonight, then?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "No need to stop on my account."

Octavius pages, "Luckly I have the quint and high purpose is in effect right?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I suppose, sure. Unless my prayer is going to do

something.... *grin*"

<OOC> Hugon was going to try some Corr/Spirit action himself.

<OOC> You say, "That's okay, Enola. You finished a chapter tonight. Hug, you

wanna Cor 3 yourself to the rest of the group before we stop?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Do I have to? (Wanted to attack with Spirit from many

miles/universes away...>"

<OOC> Hugon says, "@#;+) The best battle is the one you can't get attacked


Eclipse [to Hugon]: Okay. Then we'll start here next week.

<OOC> You say, "That's what YOU think..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "What was happening in the library?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 5h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since 199

Hugon 2h 6s IC PC Eustacio is online

Enola Galen 1h 10s OOC PC

Naphtali 5h 2m OOC Wiz Lakos, Naphtali, Mortis. etc., etc.

Octavius 4h 2m IC PC

Rahab 5h 2h IC Wiz

--[Thu Apr 8 01:26:42 2651]--------------------------------[6 users; 0s lag]--

<OOC> Octavius says, "Cool."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm...a very depressed Euthanatos decided to burn the

librarian to death and then burn the library down..."

Hugon has received your page: "4 XP"

Enola Galen has received your page: "4 XP"

Naphtali has received your page: "4 XP"

Octavius has received your page: "4 XP"

<OOC> Octavius says, "That sucks."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh, it wanted to kill me too (I think>."

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

You go out-of-character. Your actions should now be taken as your own and not

those of your character.

You say, "How did you like your first taste of Eclipse?"

Enola Galen says, "Ok, see (some of) you tomorrow."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Fri Aug 3 23:33:15 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost their link.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Question Eclipse. Did I get to buy that metal I asked


Naphtali chuckles. I've seen him before... although the last time I saw him I

was a DM.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, he definition of speeding up the quest


<OOC> Hugon says, "(his, not he)"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Sure.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Thank you."

Naphtali says, "I still think we got off easy."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Yeah. I was attacked by 5 Kobolds and an Euthanatos with a


<OOC> Octavius says, "He's pretty cool, was he the one who screwed with our


<OOC> Hugon says, "*keeps mouth shut*"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Unless logs are going up, that is."

Eclipse [to Hugon]: Unless logs are going up?

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Tonight's Log...I might just be tired...>"

Eclipse [to Hugon]: I mean why would you open your mouth if the logs were

going up?

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh, just figuring out what Eclipse IC did to us."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What did he do to us?"

Eclipse [to Naphtali]: Never say that I let you off easy. I just put you in

the middle of a war between the last Guiltbearers and several legions of

demons, after all...