Game Room Nexus (An IC-Neutral Location)

From here, you can enter into the rooms for various games. Each exit leads to

it's own game. If the DM/ST/GM is not on at the moment, the game will not be

in session.

You see a Soda Machine, a vending machine, the Wench Dispenser, a Pot of

Manch, and Zyka (OOC) here.

Obvious exits include Malakai (Mal) and Player Start (ps).

Zyka has received your page: "How early do you have to leave tonight?"

Zyka pages, ""8 @ the least."

D raise an eyebrow

From the Nexus: bing

Zyka has received your page: "So, that would be 7pm MST, 8pm CST, and 9pm EST?"

Pot of Manch (aka #356 and pom)

Owned by Eclipse.

A delightful appliance that slow cooks manch until it is nice and tender. The

little demons in the box-like device serve steaming manch on command. How to

use: Create manch with pom. Get manch from pom. Nothing could be easier.

Zyka pages, "Can you make a Sobe machine? I don't drink carbonated."

Game Room Nexus (An IC-Neutral Location)

From here, you can enter into the rooms for various games. Each exit leads to

it's own game. If the DM/ST/GM is not on at the moment, the game will not be

in session.

You see a Soda Machine, a vending machine, the Wench Dispenser, a Pot of

Manch, and Zyka (OOC) here.

Obvious exits include Malakai (Mal) and Player Start (ps).

Zyka has left.

Zyka comes out.

Zyka says, "Hey!"

You say, "A what machine?"

D comes out.

Zyka says, "Sobe?"

Zyka says, "Yummy yummy quasi-sports drink?"

D says, "Sobe isn't a gamer drink.."

Zyka shrug. "I is a gamer. I drink SObe.

D gives a Mountain Dew to Zyka.

You say, "Barbequed Wench isn't exactly a common gaming FOOD, either!"

D says, "Now THAT, is a gamer drink."

Zyka doesn't drink carbonated.

D says, "Sissy."

Zyka isn't a sissy; also isn't addicted to unnatural substances that glow in

the dark.

Zyka says, "Well, maybe MD doesn't GLOW, persay..."

D says, "Nothing wrong with bbq Wench."

Zyka says, "...But it's the right colour to!"

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Half of it remains.

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. About one-quarter of it remains.

You now have Generic Sobe with object number #361 and parent Enola_Galen


Zyka eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

Generic Sobe (#361) recycled.

Zyka says, "HAH! I've got more wench than you!"

You now have Generic Sobe with object number #361 and parent Generic Mountain

Dew (#332).

D drops the barbequed wench.

D drops a Barbequed Wench.

D drops a Barbequed Wench.

D drops a Barbequed Wench.

D drops a Barbequed Wench.

D picks up the Wench Dispenser.

D picks up the barbequed wench.

D picks up a Barbequed Wench.

D picks up a Barbequed Wench.

D picks up a Barbequed Wench.

D picks up a Barbequed Wench.

Generic Sobe

Twelve ounces of the most popular gaming drink. Known by many names -

Ambrosia, Quintessence, Pattern, Nectar of the Gods, etc... - this beverage

has a legendary quality. It is also an essential focus used in the Rite of

Gamer Summoning.

D says, "Sure ya do."

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. About one-quarter of it remains.

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost none of it remains.

Zyka stands corrected.

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost none of it remains.

You say, "What does sobe look/taste like?"

D says, "It comes in many different colors and tastes."

Soda Machine

A vending machine with a giant picture of a can of Mountain Dew surrounded by

ice, on the front. To convince it to give you a can, type 'create generic

mountain dew with soda machine'. To take your drink from the hopper, type

'take mountain dew from soda machine'.

You can't see what's inside.

A digital display lists permitted parentables:

Generic Mountain Dew (aka md, ambrosia, quintessence, pattern, nectar of the

gods, NoG, and mountain dew)

D says, "Even one that looks like semen. I wouldn't know if it tasted that

way, tho."

D has devised a hideous torture for Beth and AlMarth

You say, "That's good to know, D. Zyka, what does your favorite Sobe

look/tast like..."

Zyka says, "I drink the pink Lizard Fuel that's strawberry banana and opaque.

The lid says amusing things about lizards (the Sobe mascot) The last one I

had said 'Full Metal Lizard'..."

Zyka says, "Others have said 'I love the smell of lizards in the morning' and

'Mounties eat lizards, eh?'"

Zyka loves those Sobe caps.

D says, "They do?"

Zyka nods. "yep."

D says, "I didn't know Mounties did that... I'm developing a whole new horror

of Canada."

Zyka says, "It's okay; we're not all mounties."

Description for Generic Sobe (#361) set.

Zyka says, "For instance, I'm a ninja!"

D says, "Bah, the sooner we invade Canada, the better."

Zyka says, "Well... a kunoichi, but close enough."

D says, "A what now?"

Zyka says, "Kunoichi. Female ninja."

D says, "Theres actually 53 states, the other three just don't admit it. Costa

Rica, Mexico, and Canada."

D says, "I see."

Zyka says, "RIIIIIght..."

Zyka says, "Actually, we have a TV show called Talking to Americans, where the

host, Rick Mercer, goes around in a random US city and asks Yankees what they

think about 'Canadian news'. For instance, 'how do you feel about Canada

switching to the 24 hour clock from the old 20 hour one?'"

You say, "Tyson, go here and listen to 'The White House Burned':"

Zyka says, "Ah, yes, the war of 1812."

Zyka says, "Fun for the whole familly"

You say, "You've heard of them, eh?"

D says, "K. Hmm... I've watched some Candian Tv.. Is it all as... inexplicable

yet slightly amusing as the Red Green show?"

You say, "With a name like 'Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie', they couldn't

possibly suck."

D says, "That dude scares me."

Zyka says, "I've heard of the war of 1812, which started as a trade dispute

between France and Britan and ended with the Canadians burning the white


D says, "We burnt your capital too at one point, if I remember correctly?"

Zyka says, "I haven't heard of that group, but a Canadian group called the

Arrogant Worms wrote a song about it, too."

You say, "C'mon, D. The guys on tRGS aren't any crazier than Tim on Home


D says, "Home Improvement kinda sucks dude."

D says, "I like the Red Green Show. It's.... inexplicable."

You say, "That was a pretty silly war, all in all. We got are butts kicked

for most of it. By the time we actually smeared the Brits in the Battle of

New Orleans, the peace treaty had already been signed."

Zyka says, "TRGS is classic Canadiana. That and the Royal Canadian Air Farce,

Made in Canada, This Hour Has 22 Minutes and the Worms."

Eclipse misses Kids in the Hall.

Zyka says, "That Dion person isn't a canadian at all..."

D would just settle for more Red Dwarf and Black Adder

Zyka says, "Ah, yes, and WE have Dave Foley!"

D says, "Barring than, Evil Dead 4, and Phantasm 5 would be a treat. Sigh."

D says, "Isn't he dead?"

Zyka says, "What I mean is that he comes from Canada."

D says, "So you have a dead guy? Isn't that a bit oderous?"

Zyka says, "Maybe, but his comedy doesn't stink!"

You say, "Can you imagine Red as your GM?"

Zyka mutters "but mine does...

D says, "Nope."

Zyka says, "Which reminds me... can we have a duct tape machine?"

D says, "What would it be like? Haven't watched enough to really tell"

You say, "<default GM response>"

Zyka says, "You should all hear the Mountie Song by the Worms."

D says, "How bout handcuffs and gags?"

You say, "Look, I've seen the horrors of barbequed wench. Handcuffs, gags,

and duct tape just plain scare me. Besides, they'd be a bitch to program."

D has seen the clothing help file, now how do we make some?

You say, "You don't."

D has also looked at the trust help file, now show me to the x-socials

You say, "I like playing with a bunch of naked players. It makes me feel at


D says, "ah.."

You say, "(Don't ask)"

Zyka says, "'I really don't look good in red and my stupid hat flies off my

head in every parade. I'm young and strong and have no fear but now I'm

spending my career in motorcades. I wanna enforce the law. I wanna wear

normal clothes. I don't wanna have to smile for diplomats' home videos...

Dudley Doright's such a JERK! Although he tries with all his heart, my horse

couldn't catch a shopping cart. Some days I hate to go to work..."

D says, "Egh, bad image! Bad image!"

Zyka stops singing Worms.

D says, "God, America may suck, but I'm glad I'm not a Canadian. That'd be

almost as bad as being French."

Zyka says, "Je parle francais. Ma taunte est francais-canadienne."

Zyka says, "Nous avons des mots francais sur tous nos choses..."

Zyka says, "...comme le Mountain Dew."

You say, "Ma famille maternal est francais, aussi. Je suis le troisieme

<generation> aux Etas Unis."

D says, "Reading that made my ears bleed."

You say, "It doesn't work as well without the accent marks."

You say, "J'ai une dictionaire francais de mon classe."

Zyka says, "Vraiment, c'est le cousin de mon pere qui est mariee a Sarah. (la


D says, "Please stop. My eyes are bleeding now, too."

<Login> Hugon has connected from on Fri

Jun 22 17:34:55 2001 EST.

Zyka says, "I hope I remembered the right word for 'married'; my freaking

Scots Gaelic is mussing up my head,"

D says, "Mmm.. Dragonball Z. Would it bother you Eric, to know that I've

already made my next character, and based it on Cell/Frieza?"

Hugon has arrived.

<OOC> Hugon wander in early tonight.

D says, "Lo Eus"

Zyka tries to convince self that 'posda' is NOT FRENCH!

Zyka says, "Yo."

Hugon says, "The spy is still here? @#;+)"

Zyka says, "Oui, mais il ne peut pas nous regarder..."

You say, "Oui. Le grandpere de ma mere est arrive aux Etas Unis du Francais

apres la premiere guerre mondiale."

Zyka says, "...because his eyes are bleeding..."

Hugon says, "No hablo frances. Solomente ingles y espanol."

You say, "Ma francais est tres limite."

Hugon looks around the room.

You say, "Les yeux saigne."

Zyka says, "Mon francais est comme ca, aussi. des ecoles sont trop terrible

pour ces choses..."

D says, "When I rule the world, the first place to be nuked will be France.

The second will be French speaking Canada."

Hugon says, "BRB"

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Fri Jun

22 17:39:42 2001 EST

Hugon has disconnected.

Zyka says, "j'ai besoin d'aller maitenent. Donnez-moi du temps..."

The resolution of Hugon fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

You say, "J'ai etudie la francais a l'universite, mais je n'ai etudie jamais


<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust194.tnt1.midland.m on Fri Jun 22 17:42:01 2001 EST.

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon says, "Much better"

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m294-mp1-cvx1c.le on Fri Jun 22 17:42:50 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has arrived.

Hugon waves to Enola.

Enola Galen waves back.

You say, "Dommage, Hugon. Nous parlons la francais. Il n'est pas ton ISP."

You say, "Bonjour, Enola."

Hugon pages, "Hey, I was wondering about this. With Corr 3 Spirit 3, could I

teleport things like spirits and/or avatars? Just curious."

Hugon keys in his request on the Soda Machine.

Soda Machine: *bing* "Replication successful."

Hugon opens a Soda Machine.

Hugon removes a Mountain Dew from a Soda Machine.

Hugon closes a Soda Machine.

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. Almost all of it remains.

Zyka says, "Salut, tous le monde!"

Hugon has received your page: "You could NOT teleport avatars. You could

summon spirits more quickly, though, maybe."

Zyka says, "J'ai retourne!"

Hugon pages, "Okay, just wondering (throwing around ideas about what I can do

with that combination)."

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. About two-thirds of it remains.

Hugon has received your page: "I understand."

Hugon slowlies starts to twitch as the french continues.

You say, "Ou est Octavius? J'espere qu'il arrive bientot."

You say, "I still hate the subjunctive in French..."

Zyka says, "J'ai etudie francais depuis le 4eme grade. Je parle plus bien,

mais je ne sais pas tous les... compliquations."

Hugon says, "Zyka, what time do you have to leave tonight?"

Zyka says, "8h."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""I'll probably be leaving about 4-5 hours from now.""

Hugon says, "What time zone, Megathan?"

Zyka says, "MST"

You say, "Oui. A l'universite, nous avons etutie tout pour duex annees."

Zyka nods. "Je comprends. Aimes-tu parler francais avec des autre personnes?

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""Who else are we waiting for?""

Hugon groans. he got to run the video camera, sound board, VCR, and various

microphones at the same time today.

You say, "Je pense AU SUJET DE la francais. Je ne pense pas EN francais."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Al"

Hugon pages, "Where do you want us to post the updated character sheets?"

Zyka says, "Je l'aime, mais je suis trop jainee."

You say, "Je ne connais pas beaucoup des personnes qui parlent la francais."

Zyka says, "pauvre gars!"

Hugon has received your page: "Mail them to me."

Hugon pages, "Okay, I'll send you any changes I make then (all I've done is

the Resources 1 so far, didn't make any other changes)."

You say, "Oui. Beaucoup des personnes ici parlent l'Espanol, mais la parle


D says, "Please stop with the French?"

Zyka says, "'Gars' est un mot quebecois. C'est comme garcon, si tu le sais


<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""My Rifts group does this too. Only in Spanish.""

You say, "Oui. J'ai pense."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Espanol is bueno!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Doh...look for the Spanglish there..."

Zyka says, "Je sais beaucoup des mots quebecois. Comme 'chum', un petit ami,

et 'blonde' est une petite amie."

You say, "I don't get much opportunity to practice it, D. I spent four

semesters studying it, but I'll forget everything if I don't practice French

from time to time."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""Are we running the whole session in French? This

would be fun....especially since I got an F grade in it.""

Zyka says, "Et aussi, sais-tu que c'est le dejouner, le diner et le souper en

Quebec? Ce n'est pas le petit dejouner, le dejouner et le diner, comme dans


You say, "C'est interresant. 'Chum' est aussi un mot Americain pour un ami.

Est 'blonde' est une femme avec les cheveux blonde."

Eclipse averaged a D grade in French, meaning I met the requirements to get my

degree, but nothing more.

D sighs.

<OOC> Zyka says, "it's good to practice pour moi, aussi, because I might

forget for French 30 next year. And Eclipse... 'un petit ami' translates

roughly to 'boyfriend' and 'une petite amie' is the same as 'girlfriend'"

You say, "Yes, I know. I think the French spelling is dejeuner, not dejouner."

<OOC> Zyka says, "'Chum' and 'blonde' are quebecois slang, and 'blonde' has

the traditional meaning, aussi."

<OOC> Zyka never said she could spell; only speak.

Eclipse laughs. "I can't believe I'm proofreading a language I can't even

speak well! That is just TOO funny. I do it all the time in English. It

just goes to show..."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. Half of it remains.

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. About one-third of it remains.

Hugon drinks some of his Mountain Dew. Almost none of it remains.

Hugon finishes up his Mountain Dew. *burp*

<OOC> Zyka averaged an A-/B+ in her French 9 class (thanks to some WONDERFUL

grammar books) and passed the oral exam for skipping French 10 and 20.

<OOC> Zyka says, "BOO-yah."

<Login> Octavius has connected from on

Fri Jun 22 18:08:02 2001 EST.

Hugon applauds.

You say, "Cool. And there is Al."

Octavius has arrived.

Game Room Nexus (An IC-Neutral Location)

From here, you can enter into the rooms for various games. Each exit leads to

it's own game. If the DM/ST/GM is not on at the moment, the game will not be

in session.

You see a Soda Machine, a vending machine, a Pot of Manch, Zyka (OOC), D

(idle, OOC), Hugon (OOC), Enola Galen (idle, OOC), and Octavius here.

Obvious exits include Malakai (Mal) and Player Start (ps).

Zyka says, "YAY!"

Hugon says, "What about Lakos?"

Octavius says, "Hello."

Hugon says, "Hey Al"

You say, "He always runs late. He shares a phone line with the entire family."

Zyka waves to Al. (en francais so that Ty will still be tormented....)

<Login> Rahab has connected from on Fri Jun 22 18:09:45 2001 EST.

You say, "Serves him right for the things he's been doing to poor Beth..."

Hugon says, "Me gusta hablar en espanol."

Rahab pages, "So...did you see the sheets?"

Hugon says, "Oh, don't worry...I've plans for him Sunday..."

<OOC> Hugon might have to create that Anime zone...

D has even an more eeeeevil plan for Beth and AlMarth tomarrow

Rahab has received your page: "Not yet."

Octavius says, "Mein Gott!"

You say, "Watch your language!"

<OOC> Enola Galen Mind if I lurk tomorrow?

Hugon says, "Are we ready?"

Rahab pages, "Do an '@sheet octavius' - I set his up."

Enola Galen ( Yep )

Enola Galen has received your page: "Go ahead."

Zyka says, "Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gaidhlig."

D says, "I intend to tell Ahab that Beth and AlMarth are losing faith in

Hemlock and the Ba'Lak, and ask him to speak to them about it..."

Octavius says, "Whats wrong with saying my God?"

D says, "And after telling to them to stay still and listen attentively.."

Zyka says, "There's nothing wrong with it, Octavius. Mon Dieu!"

You say, "Okay, folks, you should soon be able to type @sheet <char name> to

see your character sheet."

Zyka says, "'S toil leam Gaidhlig..."

Hugon says, "Ohh...look...blank...We're filling it in?"

Octavius says, "Mein Gott is My God in german if I remember correctly."

Hugon says, "Dios mio"

Octavius says, "What langiage was that Zyka?"

D says, "I used to know how to ask if someone would sleep with me in german."

Zyka says, "Scots Gaelic. I know less Irish, but some basics in both."

You say, "Octavius. Yours should work."

Rahab has received your page: "I'm experimenting with it now. Thanks."

D has left.

Zyka says, "Basics like 'Is toil leam Guiness...'"

D comes out.

Octavius says, "My what should work, Eclipse?"

Zyka says, "And 'Tha mi a' dol anns am bar.'"

You say, "type @sheet me"

Zyka says, "Gaelic works better with the accents."

Rahab has received your page: "They can view theirs using '@sheet me', right?

And how do they alter it, again?"

Octavius says, "It works."

(remotely) Rahab grins. "Just '@sheet' will default to viewing their own

sheets. They alter it using '@setup'."

Zyka says, "I see a blank character sheet with my name at the top. How to fill

it in?"

Hugon sees the same thing as Zyka.

You say, "You can make changes by typing @setup."

Hugon sets up his sheet.

You say, "Lakos and Rahab have been working hard."

Octavius says, "Was mine the only completed one?"

Octavius says, "Cool."

D nods.

D says, "That's pretty neat"

Octavius says, "BTW how does one get a soda?"

You say, "Get one from the soda machine. Type 'create md with sm', without

the quotes, of course."

Rahab has received your page: "Thanks again. It appears to be working."

Octavius keys in his request on the Soda Machine.

Soda Machine: *bing* "Replication successful."

Game Room Nexus (An IC-Neutral Location)

From here, you can enter into the rooms for various games. Each exit leads to

it's own game. If the DM/ST/GM is not on at the moment, the game will not be

in session.

You see a Soda Machine, a vending machine, a Pot of Manch, Zyka (OOC), Hugon

(OOC), Enola Galen (idle, OOC), Octavius, and D (OOC) here.

Obvious exits include Malakai (Mal) and Player Start (ps).

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The rocking chair is invitingly empty. The comfortable couch is invitingly

empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly empty.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

You sit down on the rocking chair.

D has arrived.

Rahab pages, "Cool. I'm on Arcana, if you need me."

D sits down on the comfortable couch.

D lies back on the comfortable couch.

You go in-character. Your actions now reflect your character and not

necessarily yourself.

Octavius has arrived.

Octavius sits down on the lumpy sofa.

Hugon has arrived.

Hugon sits down on the comfortable couch.

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

Zyka has arrived.

Octavius says, "Opps I left my soda in the other room."

Zyka sits down on the comfortable couch.

<OOC> You say, "brb"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes I have this sofa to myself."

Octavius lies back on the lumpy sofa.

<OOC> Octavius Stretchs out on the sofa.

<Logout> Rahab has disconnected on Fri Jun

22 18:23:16 2001 EST

You say, "When last we left our intrepid, if nameless <hint hint>, cabal, they

had just arrived at Landsend - the largest port in the Golgothan Empire."

You say, "In order to enter the Empire, you must first pass through customs.

The line to the customs desk is very short, meaning your wait will also be

brief. However, one must wonder WHY the line is so short..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "okay, okay, we should just name the damn thing already. My

vote is for "Frenchies""

Hugon wonders if he have to bother, seeing as I'm a native of the Empire.

<OOC> Hugon says, "The Anti-Angst Cabal!"

Octavius pages, "Before he gets to customs Octavius tries to use magic to make

himself look like a Myshri."

<OOC> Zyka says, "But I'm a baby angst monger, so that won't work."

You say, "Hugon, you're a native, so you don't have to pass through customs.

Just present your papers at the other, longer line."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Fri Jun 22 18:26:07 2001 EST

<OOC> Zyka says, "GM humor. Gotta love it."

Hugon heads over to the longer line and get his papers ready.

Hugon pages, "What might I know about customs, seeing as I'm a native?"

Octavius has received your page: "which Spheres?"

Octavius pages, "Life 3"

<Login> Enola Galen has connected from m294-mp1-cvx1c.le on Fri Jun 22 18:27:21 2001 EST.

Enola Galen has arrived.

Enola Galen says, "Hi.""

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hi."

Hugon has received your page: "The Empire will take a lock of hair from each

foreigner, and have them fill out some papers. They will carry a copy of

those papers to be presented to officials throughout the Empire."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Yo"

Enola Galen says, "I started fooling around with the character sheet, then

everyone disconnected.""

Octavius pages, "Do I need more?"

Enola Galen says, "Or so it appeared....""

<OOC> Zyka says, "we just moved into the game room."

Hugon pages, "Is there any way I could convince them that they don't need to,

seeing as they're with a native? "

Octavius has received your page: "You look enough like a myshari for me to

allow it. Give me an Arete, dif 5. 2 successes. "

Enola Galen says, "I know. It did cause a moment of panic.""

Octavius rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 8; totalling 18.

Hugon has received your page: "No. The Empire is very strict. It would be

like taking foreigners into China."

Octavius pages, "I hate ones."

Octavius has received your page: "You can accumulate successes. Roll again,

dif 6."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 4, 6, 8; totalling 18.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Hmmm... this is ominous..."

You say, "Octavius now looks like a myshar."

Enola Galen ( What did I miss? )

<OOC> Zyka says, "WHAT?!?"

Octavius takeses of his hood and winks at Zyka.

<OOC> Zyka says, "what's the myshari appearance rating?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I think I'm glad I'm in the other line..."

Enola Galen says, "You meant to do that, right?""

You say, "So, I assume everyone here is sufficiently interested in getting

into the country that they will submit to the customs officials..."

Octavius stills has the scars so its a two.

<OOC> You say, "The same as Al's."

Zyka looks slightly weirded out.

Hugon continues to wait in line.

You say, "Who here does NOT have at least Academics 1?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "not me."

Octavius tkaes off his cloak and puts it in on of his saddle bags then lead is

horse of the ship.

Octavius has received your page: "Your disguise will last one day."

Enola Galen hefts her pack again, and walks down the gangplank.

Octavius pages, "thanks"

<OOC> Octavius says, "BRB"

Eclipse notes that bit of data in his black notebook...

Zyka shoulders her pack and heads over to the freakishly short line.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Back."

You say, "Everyone here speak Golgothan?""

Eclipse grins.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I do!"

<OOC> Zyka says, "nope."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(I better!)"

Octavius leadses his horse and gear to the short line.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Would Ketza work?"

You say, "You can communicate on a successful Int + Linguistics check, dif 4,


You say, "You too, Zyka."

Hugon pages, "Do I recognize anybody in the line I'm in?"

Octavius rolled 5d10: 3, 2, 7, 2, 2; totalling 16.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Made it with 1"

Zyka rolled 2d10: 10, 3; totalling 13.

<OOC> Zyka says, "me too"

Hugon has received your page: "No."

You say, "Octavius, you manage to fill out the paperwork, if you have

Academics. Zyka, you speak with the customs official, who records your

responses to the six-page questioneer in Golgothan."

You say, "Then they take a clipping of your hair and give you a quill to sign

your name at the bottom of the six pages of forms."

Octavius pages, "btw could you e-mail me exp cost for M:tA?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "that better not have "Most embarassing moment" on it."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I have academics"

Zyka signs on the dotted (?) line.

Enola Galen signs it.

Octavius trieses to read it first before signing.

You say, "Zyka, you don't like the way he smiles at you as he takes the sheets

of parchment from you."

Zyka shifts her grip on her staff...

Hugon looks down his really long line.

You say, "That's what the linguistics check was about. The questions are

detailed, and many are personal. Some seem utterly irrelevant. It is all

clearly bureaucratic double-speak."

Octavius pages, "n/m I'll try to get the books at the con I am going to


Enola Galen says, "Let's just hope they disallow imported spirits.""

Eclipse lol. "Let's hope so."

Octavius signs with a clearly disgusted look on his face.

<OOC> You say, "Though they have a wide variety of domestic spirits available."

<OOC> Octavius says, "By the way Myshari have naturally red hair right?"

You say, "Hugon, eventually you get to the front of the line, hand over your

papers, and are waved through the gates."

Hugon wanders out of your line. "I forgot how much fun that can be."

<OOC> You say, "Some do."

<OOC> Octavius says, "cool."

<OOC> Zyka grins "it is rather, isn't it?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yep."

Hugon looks around for the others.

Octavius says, "How do you feel about coming home Hugon?"

You say, "Aside from the serpentine smiles of the customs officials, you pass

into the country without incident."

Zyka looks around for Hugon and joins him.

Octavius ises walking with the other lead is horse with his left hand and his

staff in the right.

Enola Galen says, "A new country. This is wonderful. So, where do we need to

go from here?""

Hugon says, "It's a big country, Octavius."

Zyka looks impartial and perhaps a little bored.

You say, "The city of Landsend is large. All that remains now is finding a

way to track Iphigenia's kidnapers..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Is anyone here streetwise?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "no."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "(Nope)"

<OOC> Hugon is a Golgothan native...

<OOC> Zyka says, "Let's think like mages here!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Sorry been a mudane to laong :)."

Hugon says, "Let's walk a bit and figure out what we're going to do."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Forgiven. :)"

<OOC> D says, "Follow the yellow brick road.. follow follow follow follow the

yellow brick road"

Enola Galen says, "Let's. Are there any landmarks in this city?""

<OOC> Zyka says, "Fermez ta bouche, Tyson!"

Hugon pages, "Would I know any landmarks here?"

<OOC> You say, "Or rather, 'Follow the bloodstained road. Follow the

bloodstained road...'"

<OOC> D says, "Of course, in this case, Yellow brick road would be more in

line with trail of mangled corpses, but it's still good advice"

<OOC> Hugon thought he would just follow the sounds of freaky cat


Octavius looks worried, Cities have never b een my favorite terran.

<OOC> Eclipse wimpers

Enola Galen says, "Do we know anything about these kidnappers?""

<OOC> Zyka will have nightmares for weeks

Hugon has received your page: "There are plenty of landmarks. What did you

have in mind?"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "(What does the city look like? And what's the weather


Zyka spits "Tanaks."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Does anyone remeber if we do?"

Enola Galen says, "All of them?""

You say, "The weather is cooler here than it was in Magrothea. The clouds

overhead are grey and promise rain."

Zyka says, "I only know the one, and it's a tanak."

Hugon pages, "(looks around for any sort of list) Umm, how about an inn?"

Octavius nodses.

Hugon appears to be deep in thought.

<OOC> D says, "Must.. resist... urge... to help..."

Hugon has received your page: "The major inns are The Emperor Inn, the Grey

Gull Hostel, and the Sign of the Fire Drake. There are churches, war

monuments, a minor High Point, and a university."

Octavius lookses up at the grey sky and has a very sorrwerful look on his face.

<OOC> Zyka says, ""Hee hee hee... D's an it!"

Octavius has received your page: "give me a Per + Awareness check, dif 9. No


Hugon says, "Let's head to an inn and see about getting rooms. I don't like

that weather."

Octavius rolled 4d10: 8, 4, 8, 4; totalling 24.

You say, "Everyone give me a Per + Alertness check, dif 6."

Zyka nods briskly.

<OOC> D says, "You have the hairbrush.. a little corr/forces, or even entropy

could turn it into a neat-o keen dowsing pendulum.."

Hugon rolled 6d10: 4, 10, 8, 10, 8, 4; totalling 44.

Enola Galen rolled 2d10: 4, 5; totalling 9.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wow..."

Octavius pages, "This close to haveing two."

Zyka rolled 5d10: 8, 5, 7, 3, 10; totalling 33.

<OOC> Zyka says, "3"

<OOC> Hugon says, "4 (with 2 10's no less!)"

Octavius pages, "do I make another one?"

Octavius has received your page: "yes."

Octavius rolled 4d10: 1, 2, 9, 5; totalling 17.

<OOC> Octavius switches for his Werewolf dice to his hunter dice.

<OOC> Octavius says, "0"

<OOC> Zyka says, ""Why?"

Enola Galen says, "Well, I'm agree. We need somewhere to bunk down, plan what

to do next. How do we know they're in this city, anyway?""

You say, "Hugon and Zyka, you notice that your group is being carefully

watched by many of the natives. Some very dangerous-looking characters

appear to be trailing you."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Goody..."

Zyka shifts her grip on her staff in a tense manner

Hugon pages, "Can the owl tell if there are mages by looking at their avatars

in the Umbra?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "is it melee time?"

You say, "A band of watchmen in chainmail stop you, and demand your papers."

<OOC> Zyka says, "do we have papers from customs?"

Hugon has received your page: "Use a Spirit 1 Effect, dif 3 (w/ Focus). 2


<OOC> You say, "Yes, you do."

Octavius handses them the ones he got at customs.

Zyka shows a guard her papers.

Hugon moveses his right arm a bit, as if brushing at a fly.

From Hugon: private roll of 3d10: 3, 3, 1; totalling 7.

Hugon pages, "Figgin' 1's..."

Enola Galen says, "There you are, officer.""

Hugon pages, "1 Success."

<OOC> Zyka says, "'These aren't the droids you're looking for?'"

Hugon says, "Sir, I'm a native."

Hugon says, "Of Golgotha."

You say, "The watchmen examine your papers carefully, their suspicion obvious.

Eventually, they return them and wave you on. (Hugon, they regard you with

less suspicion, though it is clear they do not approve of a citizen

fratrinizing with foreigners.)"

Enola Galen says, "I tell you, someone would be a lot less hostil if they just

got a little light once in a while...""

Hugon has received your page: "You sense Avatars in the area, but it might

very well be the cabals'."

Enola Galen says, "Honestly, what do you get for living in a climate like

this, tax breaks?""

<OOC> Eclipse winces.

<OOC> Zyka says, "are the scary people still following us, or were they the


You say, "The head watchman smiles at you. 'What's the matter, daisy-eater?

Doesn't it ever rain on that tree trunk where you live?""

<OOC> You say, "Oh, they're following you still. The guards appear to have

noticed and opted not to care."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

Zyka still looks tense.

<OOC> D says, "What race is Enola?"

Enola Galen says, "City bred, thank you. I'm just saying that cities need not

be so....grey. I mean, with just a few alterations to the street structure,

you could make this place so much prettier on the eye....""

Enola Galen ( Elf )

Hugon holds up his hand. "Please forgive her. She has not done a lot of

travelling and has not seen much outside of her homeland."

You say, "He grunts. 'Nature, like all things, exists to be conquered by the

Empire. Soon, even you daisy-eaters will build cities to suit our tastes.'"

Zyka says, "Be thankful for this, Enola. Sometimes beauty hides danger."

<Login> Octavius has reconnected from 1Cust146.tnt2.warr on Fri Jun 22 19:10:25 2001 EST.

You say, "The watchmen wave you on in a way that makes it clear you are not

welcome here."

<OOC> Zyka is feeling the love.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Damn main computer shut itself off on me."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What did I miss?"

<OOC> You say, "What's an evil empire if it doesn't make you feel like you'"

Hugon says, "As we pass, I pend down and whisper in Octavius' ear, "We're

being followed, don't look back.""

Enola Galen shrugs. "Never eaten a daisy in my life. The pollen always sticks

between your teeth...."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Bend, not pend)"

<OOC> You say, "'re on the Death Star>"

Octavius nodses slightly.

Hugon repeats the process to Enola and Naphati.

<OOC> Octavius says, "What happened when I was gone?"

Hugon alsoes whisper it to Zyka.

You say, "It does not appear that they are making an effort to overtake you.

It is almost as though they are spies."

Zyka whispers back. "I know," she says.

Hugon whispers to Zyka, "I have a plan. Follow me."

<OOC> You say, "Enola almost got arrested for talking back to a watchman..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "(Philistine)"

Zyka attempts to look casual as she obeys.

Octavius shiftses his staff to his right hand and puts his left on his sword


Octavius followses Hugon.

Hugon looks at Octavius and shake his head. he whisper to him Enola, and

Naphati, "Follow my lead and don't appear ready to attack."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(To Octavius, not me...)"

Zyka is tapping her staff on the ground. The beat is faster than the 'bored'


Octavius moveses his hand form his hilt to his thigh and starts to scratch.

Enola Galen lets her hand stray a bit closer to the hilt of her knife.

Hugon says, ""You booked our rooms at the Sign of the Fire Drake, right?" I

look at Zyka."

You say, "The four tag-alongs are still keeping their distance."

Octavius yawnses loudly.

<OOC> Zyka says, "did I?"

Hugon glares at Zyka.

Zyka starts humming under her breath.

<OOC> Zyka says, "I think i missed that part..."

Hugon winks slightly at Zyka.

Octavius whisperses into Zyka's ear, "Say yes"

Zyka says, "Of course! you know you can trust me to handle that..."

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 1, 4, 9, 2, 5, 9; totalling 30.

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 4, 1, 8, 10, 6, 1; totalling 30.

Zyka is being overly dramatic.

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 10, 2, 10, 3, 5, 8; totalling 38.

<OOC> Hugon doesn't like that roll...

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 4, 7, 8, 10, 7, 3; totalling 39.

<OOC> Octavius whinces.

<OOC> You say, "Interesting..."

Hugon says, ""Good. I'll show you all the war monument and we'll be off.""

<OOC> Zyka says, "brb"

<OOC> Octavius says, "its times like this I miss Leon's(my werewilf character)


Enola Galen says, "Which war is it about?""

<OOC> You say, "A storm is coming. If I disconnect suddenly, it means the

power has gone..."

Hugon pages, "Do I know that?"

<OOC> Hugon wards away the evil storm.

Octavius lookses iterested at what Hugon will say.

Hugon pages, "(which war, that is)"

Hugon has received your page: "You do. It is a memorial to the attempted

conquest of the Black Peaks. Thousands died in the war against the kobolds

there, since the little buggers knew the terrain far better."

Octavius sits up on the lumpy sofa.

Hugon continues leading them to the monument. "It's a memorial to those who

died in the attempted conquest of the Black Peaks."

<OOC> Zyka says, "back, but I need to go for dinner soon. It's Daddy's


Enola Galen says, "Let me guess who was doing the attempting, right?""

Zyka does her best to look interested.

Hugon pages, "Was I alive during this war?"

Hugon has received your page: "No. It was during a time like the Pax Romana

centuries ago, when (so it is said) the Golgothans were in their Golden Age."

Hugon says, "Most nations participate in war in some form or other. This

happened centuries ago, in fact."

Octavius letses out an exagerated yawn whiles his eyes scan the area with him

moving his head.

Octavius nodses at Hugons comment.

You say, "The four thugs pretend to be reading the names on the monument."

Enola Galen ( What does the monument look like? )

Octavius lokses that the thugs out of the corner of his eye.

<OOC> Hugon says, "How many other people are around?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "What do the thugs look like"

Enola Galen ( whispers) "Just say when..." )

You say, "The monument is a marble wall in the sillouhette of a mountain

range. It has the names of the officers who died in the war."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Too bad the veggie elf isn't here."

<OOC> You say, "Not many. There is a soldier standing guard over the

monument, though."

<OOC> Zyka can just see him tearing up at the thought of all that death...

<OOC> You say, "He is eyeing the cabal suspiciously."

Hugon whispers, "Stay here."

Hugon walks toward the guard.

Octavius nods very slightly.

Zyka watches Hugon. She looks confused.

<OOC> Zyka says, "that's acting."

Hugon pages, "I whisper to the guard that I believe my friends and I are being

followed by the thugs."

You say, "He recites, 'Please do not deface the monument. And try to keep the

daisy-eaters and those self-righteous myshari from touching it. Who knows

what they have on their hands."

Octavius whispers to Zyka, Keep looking at the monement and look like your

enjoying it.

Enola Galen says, "I get the feeling they don't like elves much round here...""

Octavius smirkses at the guards comment.

Zyka looks back towards the monument.

Hugon has received your page: "The fate of foreigners is not my business, sir.

Just make sure they don't bleed too close to the monument. It is a monument

to war, not a battlefield."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What race is the Guard?"

<OOC> You say, "Wint, of course."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thats what I thought."

Hugon pages, "However, they are also a threat to me, I believe, and I am a

citizen of Golgotha."

Octavius whisperses to Enola with a hint of laughter in his voice, "Or


Hugon has received your page: "Then you should pick better company. They are

clearly not interested in you. I think it is the fat purse of the

daisy-eater and the melodramaticist they're interested in."

Hugon nods and thank the guard for his time and return to the others.

<OOC> Hugon says, "(his...)"

Zyka whispers casually, "may be that they do not like ANYONE..."

<OOC> You say, "Get some idea what you're dealing with, here?"

Octavius putses his horse mane.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oh yeah..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "A facsist state?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "what do the thugs look like, and are they still around?"

Octavius whisperses to Hugon, "Learn anything?"

<OOC> You say, "Pretty much. Xenophobic expansionistic fascists..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "And I'm proud to be one of them! Err, n/m. *g*"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Oh yay these guys are Nazis."

Hugon says, "Let's be off now. Lots to do."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ein Volk, Ein Fuerer ect."

You say, "The thugs are still there. They are large, with the heavy frames of

wints. They are wearing capes that hang to their knees, certainly low enough

to conceal most weapons..."

<OOC> You say, "You've got it..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "WHY am I wishing I had brought armor..."

Octavius says, "Yes. (Follows Hugon leading his horse.)"

Enola Galen looks over the names, keeping an eye on the reactions of her


<OOC> Zyka says, "armour is for wimps!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Maybe, but wints w/weapons = much pain..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Just because I have a Stm of 2 doesn't mean I am a wimp."

<OOC> You say, "Superhuman Strength Merit by default..."

Zyka follows along, humming tunelessly and tapping her staff in an upbeat


<OOC> Octavius Wishes he had enough experiance Forces 3 and Prime 2

You say, "Where are you headed now?"

Hugon says, "Oh, let's make our way to the Sign of the Fire Drake."

Hugon ( OOC )

<OOC> Hugon smacks his computer.

Octavius startses to badly sing a myshari marching song in Nitali.

<Login> Enola Galen has reconnected from on Fri Jun 22 19:40:17 2001 EST.

Zyka shoots Ocatvius a good natured glare.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "(We dead yet?)"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I thought we were walking to a funeral march..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "brb"

You say, "Octavius, you are getting EVERYONE'S attention, now. Everyone

suddenly decides to empty out the chamber pots onto your head from every

second-story window along the road to the Sign of the Fire Drake."

<OOC> D says, "Lol"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "???"

<OOC> Zyka says, "back"

Octavius ises for some reason take the filth in stride though he stops singing

and says, "I have been through worse"

Zyka almost smiles.

You say, "You finally reach tSotFD, covered in an odor sufficient to add new

stereotypes about your races throughout Golgotha."

<OOC> D says, "I could make a 'shithead' joke, but it's not really worth it."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Good job. You're not even a real Myshar!"

Enola Galen says, "Memo to self: Find inn with extensive washroom facilities.""

<OOC> Octavius says, "Just adding to the disguise."

Octavius says, "I agree."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Me-ow."

You say, "The innkeeper refuses to let you inside. 'I run a clean place,

here. I can't have a bunch of underwashed foreigners stinking it up!'"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Note to self get preformance."

<OOC> You say, "Your choice of programme was the real problem, Octavius."

Zyka glares at Octavius again, a little less good naturedly this time.

Octavius says, "Sir, can you direct us to a place we can wash?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "are the thugs still following?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Everyone is a critic :)."

You say, "'Yeah. I understand there's a sizeable ocean about a day's journey

west of here. I suggest you go find it!'"

Hugon pages, "Can I use Sense Connection to see if somoone is using Corr. near


You say, "The thugs are still nearby."

You say, "Watching, waiting, lurking..."

Enola Galen says, "Come, Octavius. Maybe we should find somewhere more

accomodating. Or wait out here till it starts a rainstorm.""

<OOC> Zyka is creeped out.

Octavius says, "So you are saying this city is not civilized enogh for a


<OOC> D hangs the 'Troublemaker' sign around Octavius' neck.

<OOC> Zyka waits for Oct to be arrested

Octavius hases a nieve, innocent look one his face.

Enola Galen passes Zyka the Troublemaker sign.

You say, "He huffs at you. 'I'm saying the Fire Drake doesn't have baths for

stinking foreigners to pollute. Take your business elsewhere, or I shall

have Biff take you elsewhere.'"

<OOC> Zyka says, "why?"

Hugon says, "Come on, let's go."

Hugon pages, "How far to the Black Peaks?"

Zyka glares at the innkeeper.

Octavius shrugs his shoulders.

Hugon has received your page: "About 3 or 4 days."

Hugon pages, "Doh..."

Octavius follow Hugon leading his horse.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""To give to Octavius.""

<OOC> Zyka doesn't need the sign; she has a magic marker!

<OOC> Octavius says, "Sorry about that."

<OOC> You say, "Now we're having a bit of tag-team trouble-making."

Hugon whispers to the others that he doesn't think that they're going to have

much luck finding anywhere to stay tonight.

Zyka follows the others.

Hugon looks around outside.

Octavius whispers back for them to find some woods and a stream to wash in..

Hugon starts leading them to the High Point.

Octavius whispers, "One thing I really dislike are xenocentic peoples."

You say, "There is a large stream that passes through the town, but the

washerwomen might take a dim view of your bathing where they're trying to do


Zyka shrugs. "Let people believe what they want."

You say, "The innkeeper slams the door in your faces."

Enola Galen says, "Not like I'm not used to it...""

Octavius says, "Lets head up stream."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 10, 3, 9; totalling 22.

Zyka says, "Downstream."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I don't like the looks of that."

You say, "Alright. Which is it, now?"

Zyka says, "You'll still sully the water if you wash upstream."

Enola Galen says, "Perhaps we could clean him ourselves? USing your magic, I


Octavius says, "True, but it is far likly to be cleaner. People in cities oft

dump things in streams."

Enola Galen says, "I could come up with a compound that would do the job, but

I don't have the chemicals on me....""

Hugon pages, "Okay, I'm sending off my Familiar to Narayn to ask for some

help, describing that I'm traveling with a cabal and we're having problems


Zyka says, "We do not exactly need you sparkling..."

Octavius says, "Yes, bit bathing down streem my make me smell worse."

Zyka says, "I doubt ANYTHING could accomplish that feat."

Hugon says, "I've got to agree with her."

Zyka sniffs

Hugon has received your page: "It will take a little while to get a response.

He lives on the other side of town."

Octavius nodses, "As you wish."

Hugon pages, "HUH? Umm, I thought he was living in the Black Peaks, but


Hugon has received your page: "Oops. Forgot. It will take a LONG time, then."

<OOC> Octavius says, "test."

Hugon pages, "*nod* BTW, I left the details to you, but what type of mage is

he (spheres, etc...?>"

Hugon leads everyone downstream.

<OOC> You say, "Sorry, I'm paging..."

Hugon lets his owl fly off.

Hugon has received your page: "He's a Mystic, too. I'll make it up as I go


You say, "You reach an area near the mouth of the stream, under a bridge where

no one is likely to see you bathing and call the watch."

Octavius he follow, but is still trying to discreetly watch the thugs.

Enola Galen says, "Speaking of bad smells, how long are they going to tail


Enola Galen ( whispered )

Zyka sushes Enola

Hugon whispers to Zyka, "I should have done this on the ship. My mentor lives

in the Black Peaks. He could have met us."

You say, "You are certain the stream is moving. It's a liquid - by it's

nature it should be moving. Maybe there is more water under that layer of

trash and waste floating (?) on the stream..."

Octavius says, "Someone please take my horses reins."

Zyka does so

<OOC> D says, "Gah! Don't! It's an incarnation of the Ankh!"

<OOC> Eclipse grins.

Octavius looks at the stream and then backs away, :I told you that it would be


<OOC> D says, "Eclipse only know what sort of Lovecraftian horror lives in


<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Don't dive in, you'll only bounce."

Hugon pages, "Can I do a corr. check to see where my Mentor is?"

Octavius pages, "Trie a life scan of the river."

Hugon has received your page: "Sure. Cor 2 Effect. Dif 4, 2 successes."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 2, 8, 5; totalling 15.

Hugon cheers.

Hugon pages, "2 succ."

<OOC> Zyka applauds

Octavius has received your page: "give me an Arete check, dif 3. 3 suc"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Bravo."

Octavius has received your page: "You can accumulate."

<OOC> Hugon cheered OOC, btw.

Octavius touches a stick on his belt.

Octavius rolled 3d10: 5, 1, 1; totalling 7.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Karma in action."

Hugon has received your page: "He is in the foothills of the Black Peaks,

looking out over the capital city."

<OOC> Hugon points at Octavius. "Master of the 1's"

<OOC> Zyka says, "BOO-yah!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "AAAAAHHHHHHHHH"

<OOC> You say, "Well, it isn't QUITE a botch..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Please don't tell me he's getting filthier..."

<OOC> You say, "No, he just failed to detect the diognae in the river..."

<OOC> Octavius Switches back to his werewolf dice.

Hugon pages, "How difficult would it be for me to do the 7 League Stride to

him, seeing as he's well known to me and I spent a fair amount of time in the

Black Peaks?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "good job! Man, you rock."

<OOC> D says, "Diognae?"

<OOC> Hugon hands Octavius his lucky Vampire Blood Dice.

Octavius says, "Please let us go up stream."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Octavius takes them and hands Hugon his hunter dice, "Thanks.

Zyka says, "Stay dirty if you like."

Hugon has received your page: "dif 5. Accumulate 5 successes (cum +1 dif per

turn unless you use a ritual)"

<Logout> Hugon has disconnected on Fri Jun

22 20:07:55 2001 EST

Hugon has lost his link.

Octavius says, "By all the gods there is no way anyone can get clean this far

downstream. "

<Login> Hugon has connected from 1Cust194.tnt1.midland.m on Fri Jun 22 20:08:17 2001 EST.

Hugon has connected.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Argh, program froze, lost logging."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Missed any pages too."

Hugon has received your page: "dif 5. Need 5 successes (cum +1 dif per add'l

turn unless using a ritual)"

Octavius says, "Zyke ,look at the stream, can anyone get clean in that?"

<OOC> You say, "I'm logging."

Zyka shrugs. "Alright, fine, but I WILL NOT protect you from irate Wint

housewives when they come after you..."

Hugon says, "Wait here a minute, and if this works, I'll meet up with you

soon. I've got an idea."

Hugon starts rubbing his wristband.

Octavius says, "Lets go upstream out of sight from them. What is it?"

Enola Galen says, "And they can be really meat fighters with a skillet,

believe me.""

Hugon stops. "Let me move out of sight." he move behind something big.

Hugon starts the rubbing again.

<OOC> Zyka says, "There are so many ways to make that wrong..."

Octavius move his horse in front of Hugon.

Hugon pages, "Willpower (last one) Spec. focus lower diff?"

Octavius says, "Duck."

Hugon ducks.

Zyka ducks

Hugon has received your page: "Already included."

Enola Galen ducks.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 9, 7, 4; totalling 20.

Octavius says, "Just Hugon."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "resisting temptation to say. "Where?""

Hugon rolled 3d10: 3, 1, 4; totalling 8.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 10, 6, 9; totalling 25.

Hugon pages, "Got it now (I think, 3, -1, 3, = 5?>"

<OOC> D says, "Mmm... Browning M2HB.. 50+ levels of lethal damange a turn...


Hugon has received your page: "Alright. You have it."

Hugon disappearses.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Makes the fingers-teeth universal gun bunny sign."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I love Corr 3..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Why are you thinking about .50 caliber Heavy machine

guns D?"

Zyka looks uncomfortable.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 5, 3, 5; totalling 13.

<OOC> D says, "Because not all the games I play in are set in a medieval


You say, "Anyone still under the bridge who has Cor?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "not me"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I do."

<OOC> Octavius says, "and ones designed in the 20's and are still in use

today? Nien."

<OOC> Octavius says, "True."

You say, "Enola, roll me a Per + Awareness, dif 8. No botch."

Enola Galen rolled 2d10: 2, 1; totalling 3.

Enola Galen says, "nope.""

You say, "n/m"

<OOC> Zyka says, "brb"

You say, "Hugon, you have found Narayn."

Hugon says, "Mentor, it is good to see you again.'"

<OOC> Octavius says, "BRB."

<OOC> Hugon says, "We can do this in pages if you want to run the others at

the same time."

<OOC> You say, "D, dianogae = dianoga, but plural..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "back"

<OOC> D says, "Whats a dianoga?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "who/what's Narayn?"

<OOC> You say, "The critter that tried to drown Luke in Ep IV..."

<OOC> D says, "Swweet"

<OOC> Hugon says, "My mentor in the Black Peaks."

<OOC> You say, "Hugon, we might as well run open. It will save you a lot of

explaining later..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Aaaah. Je comprends."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gotcha. Continue on."

You say, "Hugon, he seems a little surprised to see you. 'Hugon, you have

returned to Golgotha?'"

<OOC> Zyka sits back to watch the show (I have to go soon.)

<OOC> You say, "Understood, Zyka. I'll post the logs and page you with XP


Hugon says, ""On a quest of sorts. I have joined with a cabal which is

currently in Golgotha. I sent the Owl Familiar ahead of me, but several

problems have been arising. I was hoping you may be able to assist me.""

Hugon says, "Have you heard of Princess Iph.'s disappearance?"

You say, "He frowns. 'The Empire has changed, Hugon.'"

<OOC> Hugon says, "<Iphegenia?>"

<OOC> Eclipse nods.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, wasn't sure."

Hugon says, "I've noticed this. Why are foreigners so frowned upon now? We

can't even get into an inn."

You say, "He shakes his head. 'No, I hadn't. Very little news passess

through customs, anymore. I've got the Emperor's thugs breathing down my

neck because I've been warding against their spy magicks.'"

Hugon says, "We've got a few thugs tailing us as well, I believe. They've

been following us since we arrived, but I haven't detected any magic being


You say, "'The Emperor is trying to rid Golgotha of all non-wints, Hugon. He

employs methods ranging from propaganda and Mind magicks to murder and

wrongful arrests. These are dark times we live in."

<OOC> Octavius says, "back."

Hugon says, "Are you planning on any sort of rebellion against this?"

You say, "'They are probably after your foreign friends. There is no legal

protection for foreigners, anymore. One of the Emperor's new purity


Hugon says, "Sounds like a great way to attrack tourism. Is he planning on

war abroad?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "(attract)"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Have to go now. BYE!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Laters"

<OOC> Zyka looks at ST

<OOC> Octavius says, "Good bye, Wish your father happy birth day for us."

You say, "He blanches. 'No. It is too late for that. The Emperor has many

mages in his employ, and they keep their eyes on any potential troublemakers.

Their leader, Variel, is a very dangerous mage.' His voice drops to a

whisper. 'They say he is in league with Hemlock, though the Emperor will

have anyone who says so executed.'"

<OOC> You say, "Later, Zyka."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Bye"

<OOC> Zyka says, "XP and such?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I take it I know a bit about Hemlock if he's mentioning


You say, "'He has amassed a huge army. I can't think but he intends to use it

against one of the Empire's neighbors.'"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Ah, well, e-mail me."

<OOC> You say, "Yes. Hemlock is the god of demons. He is associated with the

Sphere of Entropy."

<Logout> Zyka has disconnected on Fri Jun

22 20:29:52 2001 EST

Zyka has lost her link.

Hugon says, "A neighbor? Do you think that there may be a connection between

the princess' disappearance and the new policy changes?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ah good, something Octavous might know at the retelling."

You say, "'That does not sound like the Emperor's style. He tends to be far


Hugon says, "I wish there was something that we can do about what's happening."

Hugon sighs.

You say, "Variel, though, is a man of many mysteries. His race is not native

to any of the lands between the Sun and Midnight Realms. I have never seen

one like him before...'"

Hugon says, "Do you know what race it is that he calls himself?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "test."

You say, "'I have never had the nerve to ask. He looks much like a myshar,

but can lie as well as any tanak.'"

The resolution of Zyka fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

<OOC> You say, "Or at least as well as any tanak not in the Traveling Orgy..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Smiles."

Hugon nods. "Great combination." he look around a little bit. "How long until

you think he'll send people here?"

<OOC> D says, "Hey, I do good. AlMarth is the one who has trouble.."

You say, "'I do not know. Golgotha has two neighbors - Alamor and Anamap.

Both would be valuable aquisitions to the Empire. The Golgothans remember

the Kobold Wars, though. I doubt they will come to the Black Peaks for years

to come."

Hugon nods. "I wish that there was something that I could do, though, from

what it sounds like, you feel you will be safe here for some time."

You say, "He shrugs. 'I am safe unless Variel takes a personal interest in my

activities. So far, however, I have managed to maintain a low profile. I

feel much safer in the Black Peaks. At least Alamor is only a short jump

across the mountains...'"

Hugon nods. "Is there any way you could aid my cabal and me without arousing


<OOC> You say, "Introducing new Glass Plot Hooks. They are completely

invisible until *snik* you're caught!"

Hugon says, "What we really need is a way for the others to appear as Wints."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ohhh, feel how soft!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""So much better than those cumbersome iron ones.""

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""Coming soon. Plot wagons with cloaking devices.""

<OOC> Hugon says, "And more appealing than those ugly plastic things."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Only $9.99 at your local s-mart. Shop smart, shop


<OOC> Hugon says, "Why do I feel like a plot device? First I give Eric the

idea for the Grue, now a plot hook...@#;+)"

<OOC> Hugon is the never-ending plot feeder.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Don't worry it will be Octavius"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Octavius's turn soon."

You say, "He chews his lip thoughtfully. 'I recommend you leave Landsend as

quickly as possible. I can aid you only a little, and magic is out of the

question. The Emperor has ways to identify the mage who created an Effect."

Hugon says, "How can you aid us?"

<OOC> Octavius will shall forever be know as the unidenified one.

<OOC> D says, "Being a plot device isn't so bad.. just look at me... I let

Eric turn my entire character into a walking plot device, and now I have a

cadre of slaves to torture."

<OOC> Octavius winks

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""How the hell did that happen?""

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""I am "

<OOC> Hugon says, "I smell a D'oh coming on (which was recently added to the

OED, thank you Homer Simpson>."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""going to start lurking on the Staurday session.""

<OOC> D says, "I'll warm up a few extra irons."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I might be there late satursday."

<OOC> Hugon says, "<Test>"

You say, "He closes his eyes and chants softly. He twists his hand, and a

small wand appears in it. 'This is one of the Emperor's new Resonance

Detectors. It's previous owner fell from a great height while snooping about

my residence.' He smiles. 'It only works for Artificers, but it will allow

the user to determine the direction and approximate distance between hemself

and the person of which you have a very personal device, such as a lock of

hair or fingernail."

<OOC> D says, "Uh oh.."

<OOC> Hugon says, "WHOO!"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, ""Mmmm....forbidden technology....""

<OOC> D says, "Please tell me our games are seperate and that our pursuers

don't have access to that kind of thing?"

Hugon nodses and pulls out the hairbrush. "I remembered a bit from my

University training, I'm proud to say."

Hugon puts the brush back in a pocket.

You say, "'Unfortunately, the Emperor will eventually notice the missing

Detector and send his mages to recover it, so I would pursue your quest

quickly and rid yourself of the device as soon as you no longer need it."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Iphegina's haribrush congrats Eus."

<OOC> Hugon says, "D'oh, if only I had Corr 4...bubble of reality..."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 4, 4, 3; totalling 11.

<OOC> Octavius says, "When a St gets a bad roll it is ominous. "

Hugon nods. "Thank you. Is if safe for me to teleport back to my cabal here,

or should I find an alternate route?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "test again"

You say, "'If the Empire is interested in you, they already know where you

are, now. The trick is to stay out of trouble. The Empire has many eyes,

but many more people to watch than it has eyes.'"

Hugon nods.

Hugon says, "I shall leave you now then, and I am most grateful. If you hear

anything, send word with the Owl Spirit who is my familiar."

You say, "He chants, and you appear back by the stream in Landsend."

Hugon looks around.

You say, "'I will, Hugon.'"

You say, "The thugs are closing in on you, coming from both sides of the


<OOC> Hugon says, "Others nearby?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "The cabal, that is"

You say, "There are four of them. No one else appears to be around. Hugon,

everyone is still here."

Enola Galen says, "Welcome back.""

Hugon says, "Looks like I came back just in time."

Octavius starts to curse as be put his staff on his horse and grabs his

dhelid, just in case.

Hugon whisperses, "Avoid magic if possible. Trust me on this."

Enola Galen says, "I like this place less and less by the minute....""

Octavius whisperses back, Rarely need magic (as he gravs and slips on his


You say, "The thugs smile, and draw broadswords. You see heavy leather

breastplates beneath the capes."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I really should have asked for armor..."

Octavius readys his sheild and draws his sword had he puts on his armor.

Enola Galen says, "Oh dear...""

Enola Galen pulls out her staff.

<OOC> Hugon hopes that Zyka rolls will be present in this fight...

You say, "One of them with a crooked nose speaks, 'Give us all your money, and

we'll only rough up your woman a bit. You'll get no better offer, in this


<OOC> You say, "Women"

Octavius says, "Never you scum, those ladies are under my protection."

You say, "He grins, showing off crooked teeth. 'Really? And who is

protecting you?'"

Enola Galen says, "Me.""

Hugon says, "I don't like being threatened by my own countrymen."

Octavius hitses his sword against his sheild. "I a master swordsman. Cease and

live, continue and die."

You say, "He laughs. 'Oooo! A daisy-eater! I think we should make a run for

it, boys. She might force us to wear flowers in our hair!'"

You say, "'Ahh, a melodramatist in action! Put up your stage blade, son. You

will find we are made of far more durable metal.'"

You say, "'What kind of wint keeps company with this kind of scum? Is this

your harem?'"

Octavius says, "If you contiue I promise you a quick death. (Readies his sword

and sheild)"

Hugon says, "I've been traveling extensively, trying to learn more about this

world. I suggest you leave the ladies alone."

You say, "'Spare us the melodrama, myshar. You will find us a poor audience.'

They begin to move forward."

Octavius says, "I warned you, now lets dance."

You say, "'Sampling the whores from here to the Midnight Realms, eh? Well

next time, don't bring any home with you.'"

<OOC> You say, "Alright, lets have some initiative."

Enola Galen rolled 5d10: 6, 2, 1, 4, 2; totalling 15.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gee, fists vs. swords, this'll be fun..."

Octavius rolled 4d10: 8, 8, 9, 3; totalling 28.

Enola Galen ( 1 )

<OOC> Octavius says, "(3)"

Hugon rolled 6d10: 10, 9, 9, 7, 7, 1; totalling 43.

<OOC> Hugon says, "4"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 2, 3, 4, 8, 10; totalling 27.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 10, 9, 2, 5, 6; totalling 32.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 3, 5, 3, 10, 3; totalling 24.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 8, 2, 2, 5, 6; totalling 23.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Octavius says, "opps I forgot one to roll dice."

<OOC> You say, "Hugon, what's your Wits?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "3"

<OOC> You say, "Go, Hugon."

<OOC> Octavius says, "should I roll the one I missed?"

<OOC> You say, "Yes, oct"

Hugon pages, "Is it possible to disarm w/o having a melee weapon of my own?"

Octavius rolled 1d10: 1; totalling 1.

<OOC> You say, "You're only burying yourself deeper, Al."

<OOC> Octavius says, "2 then. I am to honest for my own good."

Hugon has received your page: "It will take a grapple to get hold of his sword

arm, first."

Hugon pages, "Going for a grapple on one of the guy's sword arms."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Well if a hit bottom I know someone will throw me a


Hugon pages, "Diff? 6 (?>"

Hugon has received your page: "yes. "

Hugon rolled 6d10: 4, 9, 4, 9, 6, 9; totalling 41.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Look at those pretty 9's..."

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 2, 9; totalling 11.

You say, "Hugon grabs the arm of one of them."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great I just had a brain fart, How does one split a dice

pool again?"

Eclipse rolled 1d4: 2; totalling 2.

Hugon pages, "Does that do any damage?"

Hugon has received your page: "Str only"

Hugon rolled 4d10: 5, 3, 10, 2; totalling 20.

<OOC> Hugon says, "That's one guy's sword arm."

<OOC> You say, "To do two actions, it's a -2, -3. To do 3, it's -3,-4,-5.

And so on."

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 9, 2; totalling 11.

<OOC> Octavius says, "How are you handling dodgeing?"

You say, "The armor absorbs the impact."

<OOC> Octavius says, "test."

<OOC> You say, "You can choose to dodge, but you get the -2(or -3 if after

your turn) dice to the roll, and -3 to your attack. If you attack first and

do not take the -2 penalty, you cannot dodge that turn."

<OOC> Octavius says, "thanks."

<OOC> You say, "In addition, I believe each additional dodge has a -1

cumulative die penalty, but we'll cross that bridge if we come to it."

<OOC> Octavius is thankful that his is good enough to do that and still bee


You say, "Hugon, roll me a str check, dif 6"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 10, 8, 10; totalling 28.

Hugon rolled 4d10: 5, 1, 2, 7; totalling 15.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Not even close"

<OOC> You say, "Doh!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "It's 'D'oh!' It's in the dictionary. @#;+)"

You say, "The thug Hugon has grappled breaks free of the hold and gives you a

whack with his sword..."

<OOC> Octavius toss Eus back his Vamp dice and takes back his hunter dice.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 8, 10, 7; totalling 25.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Stam"

<OOC> Hugon says, "?"

You say, "Not for lethal... You're mages, but still mortal..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "*clunk*"

Eclipse rolled 7d10: 6, 8, 6, 1, 10, 3, 8; totalling 42.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great he is not useing dramtic rules."

You say, "He cuts your shoulder deeply. Take 2 Health Levels."

Hugon staggerses backwards.

<OOC> You say, "Octavius, go."

Octavius slashes at the closest one while preparing to dodge any blows.

Octavius rolled 6d10: 5, 2, 1, 2, 6, 1; totalling 17.

<OOC> Octavius drops his hunter dice and graps a bunch of assorted d10s from

is dice colloection.

You say, "He springs out of the way even though he was in no immediate danger."

Eclipse rolled 1d4: 2; totalling 2.

<OOC> Hugon grabs his mighty WebRPG dice and returns.

<OOC> Octavius says, "These dice are makeing me look bad."

You say, "The two thugs on the other side of the bridge attack Zyka and Enola."

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 6, 3, 3, 10, 10, 9; totalling 41.

Enola Galen parries the attack.

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 8, 1, 7, 6, 10, 3; totalling 35.

Enola Galen rolled 5d10: 5, 9, 2, 5, 2; totalling 23.

Enola Galen ( Or not... )

<OOC> D continues draining away the good mojo for use in tomarrows game

<OOC> You say, "Oops. Forgot Zyka left..."

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "Careful with that."

<OOC> Hugon smacks Tyson with Emily's botch dice.

Eclipse rolled 7d10: 3, 8, 2, 3, 3, 4, 7; totalling 30.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Tries to use the Force to get the good mojo back."

You say, "Enola, soak bashing 2"

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "I suffered that for a year in the Deadlands game,

then it snapped back, and we had the luckiest last session ever."

Enola Galen rolled 2d10: 10, 9; totalling 19.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "See?"

<OOC> Hugon whistles. "Nice."

You say, "The flat of the first thug's blade bounces off you arm."

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 6, 6, 1, 8, 9, 10; totalling 40.

Eclipse rolled 7d10: 5, 4, 1, 7, 4, 5, 10; totalling 36.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "On the other hand, this does mean he's going to stop

playing nice."

<OOC> D rolls dodge, scoring many successes, escaping the dice easily and

licks his lips "Mmmm... good mojo."

You say, "soak B1, Enola"

Enola Galen rolled 2d10: 3, 5; totalling 8.

You say, "Take 1 health level of bashing. It seems they want you alive, not

dead. Lucky you..."

You say, "The one Octavius attacked swings his broadsword at the 'myshar'..."

Octavius yellses a battle cry in Arcadian.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 3, 2, 3; totalling 8.

You say, "...and whiffs. Maybe it's something in the air..."

Enola Galen ( D, get your mojo-drainin' ways out of here! )

<OOC> You say, "Enola, go."

Enola Galen swipes at the leg of one of the thugs, trying to knock him off of

his feet.

Enola Galen rolled 5d10: 10, 3, 5, 8, 10; totalling 36.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Where's Naph when you need him?"

<OOC> Octavius does a Phantom of the Opera noose trick and stings D up of the

duration of the battle.

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 10, 10; totalling 20.

<OOC> You say, "Roll damage."

<OOC> D fastens onto the back of Enola's head and begins sucking

Enola Galen rolled 3d10: 2, 10, 3; totalling 15.

You say, "The blow catches him by surprise, and he takes a few steps backward."

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 7, 7; totalling 14.

Enola Galen ( 1 bashing )

You say, "Though it doesn't seem to injure him."

<OOC> You say, "Hugon"

<OOC> Octavius throws some cat nip into the other room, "Fetch"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I'm holding for a dodge."

<OOC> D says, "Nice try, but I prefer Mojo to catnip."

You say, "Okay. The one-eyed man swings his sword at you."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 4, 6, 3, 2, 2; totalling 17.

Hugon rolled 4d10: 8, 5, 10, 3; totalling 26.

<OOC> Enola Galen says, "At D?"

You say, "You easily duck clear."

<OOC> You say, "octavius."

<OOC> Octavius pulls out a phaser set to stumn and shoots D.

Octavius slashes mightly at the one facing him.(no set up for didge)

Octavius rolled 8d10: 6, 3, 7, 10, 7, 7, 4, 7; totalling 51.

You say, "That connects. Roll damage."

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 5, 7; totalling 12.

Octavius rolled 8d10: 10, 10, 2, 5, 2, 2, 10, 6; totalling 47.

<OOC> Hugon says, "It's a hit!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "can I reroll those tens because of str specialty?"

D pages, "Just an idle thought.. could I play in BOTH groups?"

<OOC> You say, "What is your str specialty?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Upper body which includes arms I would guess."

D has received your page: "You're really getting anxious to play more than

once a week, aren't you?"

D pages, "Yes, and I've a nifty idea for a char."

<OOC> You say, "Okay, but the damage dif is 8 for the rerolls."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 2, 8, 1; totalling 11.

<OOC> You say, "And you can't dodge during a round when you attempt it."

<OOC> You say, "Sound fair?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes, 4 dam."

You say, "Octavius's sword slashes across the man's chest, cutting through the

armor. He is bleeding freely."

You say, "The two on Enola attack, using the flats of their swords."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 8, 8, 5, 5, 9; totalling 35.

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 9, 10, 4, 9, 7; totalling 39.

<OOC> You say, "dodge?"

<OOC> You say, "or parry?"

Eclipse rolled 7d10: 3, 4, 2, 1, 6, 1, 9; totalling 26.

Eclipse rolled 7d10: 9, 2, 10, 7, 8, 9, 9; totalling 54.

I don't understand that.

<OOC> You say, "soak B-6"

<OOC> Octavius says, "test."

<OOC> You say, "I'm here. Is Enola?"

<OOC> Hugon has no idea. El?

<OOC> Octavius says, "El's character is still here."

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 6, 7; totalling 13.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Rub the amulet to summon the Supreme Being...

Hugon 1h 33s IC PC Mr. Spirit

Octavius 2h 48s IC PC

D 5h 1m OOC PC

Enola Galen 2h 12m OOC PC

--[Wed Dec 2 20:07:33 2650]--------------------------------[5 users; 0s lag]--

<OOC> Octavius says, "D are you still here?"

<OOC> D says, "Yeah"

<OOC> D says, "Lagging, but yeah"

<OOC> You say, "Hmmm... Moving on, then... Octavius's thug thrusts wildly

with his sword."

Eclipse rolled 2d10: 8, 7; totalling 15.

Eclipse rolled 7d10: 10, 8, 9, 9, 6, 4, 5; totalling 51.

<OOC> Octavius says, "how does the armor soak work again?"

<OOC> You say, "Oh my gosh! Soak lethal 5 with your armor. <wince>"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 7, 6, 5; totalling 18.

<OOC> You say, "number of dice, dif 6"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ugh......."

You say, "The blade passes through your thigh, narrowly missing the bone.

Take 3 health levels."

<OOC> Octavius says, "2 soak three dam."

<OOC> D drops off Enola, slimes his way over to eclipse and begins draining


<OOC> Hugon says, "Why can't Zyka ever be here for the fights?"

Octavius gruntses.

<OOC> You say, "Hugon, go."

<OOC> Octavius says, "good only -1 penalty for now."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gads, I really hate to do this, but what's the diff to go

into the Umbra and # succ's needed?"

<OOC> You say, "I don't recommend that, D. My good player mojo is the

opposite of my good GM mojo. Suck the latter, and it will haunt you tomorrow


<OOC> Octavius says, "I need Naphtali now. Why can he be here?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm, can I summon Emily for a minute...?"

<OOC> You say, "You're in a city. Dif 7. 4 Successes. Emily?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Not doing that then. Saving for a dodge."

<OOC> Octavius says, "His Gurhal npc."

<OOC> Hugon says, "My Rank 5 Gurahl. Can do 12 points of damage."

<OOC> You say, "Gurhal?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Werebear"

<OOC> You say, "Ahh..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "BTW what effect does my war shield have?"

<OOC> You say, "Oops. Increases attack dif by two. Let me check something..."

<OOC> D begins looking through his box of char sheets "Here, try this.

Sorcerer Dhampir, does 20+ aggr dam a hit, 6 attacks a round

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wait, what about Regina..."

<OOC> D says, "16 soak dice."

<OOC> You say, "Oct, you only take Lethal 2, then."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Naw. I'll take...THE TENTACLED PORN MONSTER!"

<OOC> D says, "Kewl! I'll molest em all!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Including what I soaked wiht the armor?"

<OOC> You say, "That's the net damage - the actual number of health levels


You say, "Hugon's opponent cuts in a horizontal arc."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 8, 2, 3, 8, 4; totalling 25.

Hugon rolled 4d10: 3, 10, 6, 4; totalling 23.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I see thank you. I still have the -1 penalty though. I

am at hurt status if I remeber correctly."

You say, "Hugon jumps backward, feeling the wind across his shirt as the blade

clears him by less than an inch."

<OOC> You say, "Octavius, go."

Octavius slasheses again the his foe.

<Login> D has reconnected from on

Fri Jun 22 21:57:11 2001 EST.

Octavius rolled 7d10: 3, 4, 9, 4, 2, 4, 2; totalling 28.

<OOC> Octavius says, "1 su on the attack roll."

<Logout> Enola Galen has disconnected on

Fri Jun 22 21:58:12 2001 EST

Enola Galen has lost their link.

<OOC> You say, "damage? He's too hurt to doge effectively."

Octavius rolled 7d10: 9, 3, 3, 4, 10, 8, 2; totalling 39.

<Login> Naphtali has connected from

on Fri Jun 22 21:58:41 2001 EST.

Naphtali has arrived.

<OOC> You say, "Just in time to watch the slaughter!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "VEGGIE ELF!@"

<OOC> Naphtali wavles and arrives.

<OOC> Octavius says, "3 dam "

<OOC> Hugon says, "Need the healing a fight..."

<OOC> You say, "You didn't dodge this turn, right Oct? Are you going to roll

that extra die?"

Octavius rolled 1d10: 2; totalling 2.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "In a fight with what? How did it start? Where are we?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "still 3 dam."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wint thugs...they say, "We want your money and women. We

say no. they attack.""

<OOC> Hugon says, "They have armor and broadswords."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Be glad you didn't start the fight... How many?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "4, though Oct just thwacked one pretty good."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I warned them that if they do attack they will die thus

the brought it on themselves."

<OOC> D says, "God knows why they want these wimmen.."

You say, "Your blade cuts through his throat. He drops his sword and falls to

the ground, trying feebly to stop the bleeding with his bare hands. You can

hear the gurgle as he inhales some of his own blood in an attempt to catch a

dying breath."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I think he is crippled."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "It doesn't really matter in Naph's opinion... Who swung


<OOC> Hugon says, "Defensive sword-arm grab my me, he got free and hit me with


<OOC> Octavius says, "make that dead."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok... Am I out of the fight entirely?"

The resolution of Enola Galen fades. With a hiss of static their disconnected

body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "And what do I roll for init?"

Octavius whisperses a prayer for the soul of the fallen.

<OOC> You say, "Since the women seem to have vanished, the other two are going

to try to flank you. Naph, the cabal is under a bridge. Oct and Hug are

holding the two on one end, but you are the only one left to protect the


<OOC> You say, "Yes, roll init"

<OOC> Octavius says, "wit plus alert if you were asking that."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "What is init? (I forget) And how many are coming at

me in the back? (There were 4? 1 dropped? 2 on the fighters... that's 1?

or is the one that dropped one of the ones on the fighter?)"

Naphtali rolled 5d10: 6, 7, 7, 2, 5; totalling 27.

<OOC> Hugon says, "2 on you, 2 on our side, 1 on our side fell."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "How's that for init? (diff?)"

<OOC> You say, "dif 4. One is left on the fighters. Two are coming for you."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Damn.... Time to get creative....."

<OOC> You say, "Naph, go."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(Hmm, same init as the elf...>"

Naphtali pages, "Give me diff for causing blindness"

<OOC> You say, "someone warn him about magic..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "What's wrong with magic?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I said not to use magic. Trust me. I did a little

correspondence disappearing earlier."

I don't understand that.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Octavius says, "great with the women gone that vow of protection is know

void unless there still there.."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Well.... I can cast or die.... Hmmmm Let me think for a

second and check my sheet..."

Naphtali has received your page: "dif 4. 2 suc + 1 to extend duration for

entire scene."

<OOC> Hugon says, "*run away run away*"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Don't worry to much I have somthing in mind."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I said to avoid magic if possible."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok.... And is there any particular way to run?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Did you say why?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Just 'Trust me'."

<OOC> You say, "To the other side of the bridge, where the fighters are."

<OOC> Hugon says, "You think I had time."

<OOC> Octavius says, "You did say don't use magic."

<OOC> You say, "Well, in theory he's been here the entire time..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "And the ladies are still her."

<OOC> Hugon says, ""Avoid magic if possible. Trust me on this.""

<OOC> Hugon says, "(whispered>"

Naphtali backs away, cursing lightly in Vale and then (What language did they

speak in?) say "I have nothing that you want. Stop this senseless violence."

<OOC> You say, "They speak Golgothan."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "So do I. Good."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Either that or Ketza."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "That too."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Both"

<OOC> Octavius says, "BTW Ocatvius look like a Myshri."

Naphtali tries to stay out of melee range with the bozos.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "But I know it's him, right?"

You say, "The one on the left sneers. 'Then leave those two to us. We

promise to let them live.' He's pointing at the women. Enola is nearly

unconscious from bashing damage."

<OOC> Octavius says, "The voice is still the same."

<OOC> You say, "Yes, Naph."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Do I still have an action?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "IE they want to raves the women."

Naphtali narrows his eyes. "No."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean ravish."

<OOC> You say, "Yes, Naph."

<OOC> Naphtali grits his teeth...

<OOC> Octavius says, "BTW which one is the leader?"

Eclipse rolled 1d4: 1; totalling 1.

<OOC> Hugon says, "I'm guessing the one with the 1 eye attacking me..."

<OOC> You say, "Yes."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Great..."

Naphtali closes his eyes for a breif second, grabing his prayer beads. "Then

may Epaga cause your fury to truly blind you." Blows a point of Quint and a

Will can try to blind the guy on the left.

<OOC> You say, "Go for it."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 6, 1, 8; totalling 15.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "With the will, 2 successes."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I wonder what will happen."

You say, "The thug on the left screams, and clutches his eyes, loosening his

grip on the sword. The other one looks at his companion nervously."

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 9, 5, 3, 9; totalling 26.

Naphtali turns to face him

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I'm done now...."

You say, "He flees."

<OOC> Naphtali grins. See the power of non-violence?

<OOC> Hugon just got an evil idea...

<OOC> You say, "Hugon. Go."

<OOC> D says, "Ooo... Do tell"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Could I use chain to undo the hilt and the blade of the

leader's sword?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "You should see the dieing wint at Octavius's feet,"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Don't let me, or I'll heal him."

<Login> Rahab has connected from

on Fri Jun 22 22:19:02 2001 EST.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Don't worry my next turn is a coup de grace."

<OOC> Eclipse wrinkles his nose. Hmmm...

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Great.... Just make me dislike you.... *grin*"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Chain isn't very well explained in the book. *shrug*"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I promised them a quick death IC. Don't want them to


<OOC> You say, "Sure. Dif 5 (w/ focus). 3 successes."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Not possible (-1 penalty, no temp willpower>"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Saving for Dodge I guess."

<OOC> You say, "Then you can't pull it off in a single turn. "

<OOC> Hugon says, "(and get smucked as I get hit...>"

<OOC> You say, "ok"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 9, 1, 10, 2, 10; totalling 32.

Hugon rolled 4d10: 8, 5, 10, 8; totalling 31.

You say, "He tries to thrust into your chest, Hugon."

<OOC> Hugon hopes he dodged that...

You say, "You tilt sideways, and he stumbles past you."

<OOC> You say, "Naph, go"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Is there still one on me?"

<Logout> Rahab has disconnected on Fri Jun

22 22:23:13 2001 EST

<OOC> You say, "Only the blind guy, and he's not trying anything, at the

moment. The blindness will wear off at the end of your turn, however."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Naph, do you know any non leathal fighting techiques?"

Naphtali turns back to the blind guy. "Do you surrender, our must Epaga

further curse you?"

<OOC> Naphtali doesn't know any leathal or non-leathal. I have no dots in

dodge for crying out loud.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I see. Total non-combat character. "

You say, "He shakes his head. 'Please. Just give me back my eyes! We didn't

know there was a mage among you, or we would never have attacked you.'"

You say, "The leader looks up in shock at the word 'mage', and his confidence

seems to waver."

Naphtali says, "Drop your weapons and leave. Swear you will give up the ways

of violence and your eyesight will return."

You say, "He nods and drops his weapon, then gasps as his eyesight returns.

With one more nervous look at Naphtali, he flees."

<OOC> You say, "Octavius."

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Is the downed one still alive?"

<OOC> You say, "Barely, and not for very much longer. He needs magical

attention immediately or he will die."

Octavius grimaces at the suffering he cause and give the wint a quick death as

he promised.

Octavius Turns to old one eye, "Surrender now and I shall spare you"

You say, "Octavius cuts the rest of the way through the thug's neck. The man

twitches slightly in pain, and then goes completely still. His blood

trickles into the stream, darkening the waters even more."

You say, "The one-eyed thug drops his sword and holds his hands out in a

gesture of surrender. His eyes are filled with terror. 'Are you with THEM?'"

Hugon says, "With who?"

Naphtali picks up the weapon dropped from the once-blinded guy.

Hugon grabses the sword dropped by the one-eyed thug. "Just for safekeeping,

you understand."

You say, "'The Favor-Givers, the Hands of Variel?'"

Hugon says, "Why do you ask?"

Naphtali heads over to the women to make sure they're alright.

Octavius looks confuesed "Who is Variel?"

You say, "He begins to weep. 'Do not kill me, my lord! I serve loyally.

Your pardon, sir! If I had known you were Ba'lak, we would not have attacked

you. I have two children, my lord. Please don't orphan them.'"

<OOC> D says, "Lets hear it for the Favor-Givers! Go us!"

<OOC> You say, "The worst-kept secret society in Malakai..."

Naphtali says not-so-softly as he tends the women, "There will be no more

killing tonight, if I can help it."

<OOC> You say, "Hugon, do you remember that name?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I'd say so (Variel, I take it>"

<OOC> You say, "yes"

Hugon says, "We have just arrived and will not harm your family. It is he who

ordered that all non-wints be killed, if I remember correctly."

Octavius says, "Consider yourself spared then. Now flee, and tell no one of


Hugon says, "No, wait here. "

Hugon lookses at Octavius. "I'd rather speak with this man."

Octavius lookses at Hugon and nods, "You are the boss."

Naphtali continues in that sort-of-quiet tone. "It would be wise to question


<OOC> Hugon says, "I am? Cool..."

Octavius wipes his sword one the dead one shirt and sheaths it.

You say, "'That was by order of the Emperor (may he rule forever). Variel is

the head of his...secret police.' He looks nervous and confused by the lack

of recognition on your faces."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 5, 10, 7; totalling 22.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Are the women hurt much?"

<OOC> You say, "Enola is battered, but you won't have any difficulty healing


Octavius winks at one eye,"I was seeing if you knew.

<OOC> Naphtali heals her and then will tend to the dead guy...

<OOC> D says, "Secret police my ass. We're homicidal killers dedicated to

ressurecting the good old days.."

Octavius says, "Boss, does this man know to much now?"

<OOC> You say, "Yeah, but you can't make a good enough living doing that, so

being the secret police is your day job..."

<OOC> D says, "I suppose so. So I get to hang out around the market place and

glare at little old ladies?"

You say, "He falls on his knees. 'I know nothing, sir! I have learned

nothing! I have no desire to learn anything!'"

Hugon says, "Perhaps, but I would hate to kill him. I've never been much for

killing. What I'd like to know is why he was here."

Octavius says, "Tell us what you know and let the boss deside."

Naphtali sighs, walks over to the dead guy. "If we must do something to

prevent him from talking, I might be convinced to make him mute, but we shall

not kill him."

You say, "'I mistook you for foreigners, sir. The Emperor (may he rule

forever) has withdrawn the rights of all non-wints. We are only trying to

earn our daily bread, my lords.'"

Hugon says, "There will be no more killing today. Enough has been done


Naphtali turns and looks concerned at this last statement, but remains silent.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "The one form the Wint, not Hugon."

Hugon turnses to Naphatali. "Do you think we can trust this one to stay silent

about what has happened and to convince his friends who ran?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Obviously he didn't notice me pop out of thin air..."

Naphtali takes a deep breath and studies the Wint carefully. "What does he

have to say for himself?"

Octavius turnses to his companions and nods that he'll go long with what

they'll do.

You say, "'Good sirs, I will keep my peace. I can try to find my companions,

but I fear they might have already raised an alarm. If you are Ba'lak,

however, your papers should clear up any misunderstandings, though. You have

nothing to fear from us.'"

Hugon says, "We need to keep our presence here a secret. There are traitors

in the area we are hunting. Go and put a stop to this alarm, but first,

please remove a few locks of hair and place them on the ground in front of


D pages, "Do I have nifty secret police papers?"

<OOC> You say, "His friends are afraid of mages, but they didn't see Hugon

appear because he was hiding behind the rock, remember?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Gotcha."

Naphtali takes a deep breath and turns to the others. He nods in agreement

with Hugon.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Behind the fully laden horse."

Hugon says, "Please give me your name as well."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "And the book-laden donkey."

You say, "He wails loudly as he cuts a lock of hair. He is obviously

terrified by the idea of giving such a device to the Ba'lak."

Hugon says, "Should we succeed, I assure you that our party will not harm you

or your family. If you work against us in any way, however, I'm afraid we'll

have to protect ourselves."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 3, 8, 3; totalling 14.

<Logout> Naphtali has disconnected on Fri

Jun 22 22:51:08 2001 EST

Naphtali has lost his link.

You say, "He nods mutely. 'May I go, now? I am not as fleetfooted as my


Hugon says, "Your name?"

You say, "He hesitates. 'My name is not important. You have my hair. What

further token could you require?'"

Octavius says, "None, now leave."

Hugon nods. "Go then. May the Empire prosper always."

<Login> Naphtali has connected from

on Fri Jun 22 22:53:56 2001 EST.

Naphtali has connected.

You say, "He is already running as though Hemlock himself were chasing him.

Everyone give me a Per + Alertness, dif 9."

Hugon takes the hair.

<OOC> Naphtali beats his puter with a mallet. No blue-screen... Bad puter....

Wha'd I miss?

<OOC> Hugon says, "He went running, perc + alert..."

Hugon rolled 5d10: 3, 5, 1, 2, 9; totalling 20.

Octavius rolled 4d10: 1, 4, 7, 5; totalling 17.

Naphtali rolled 6d10: 5, 5, 6, 2, 10, 7; totalling 35.

<OOC> You say, "dif 9, no botch"

<OOC> Hugon says, "A whole lot of nothing going on."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I like no botch."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "1"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Note to self: raise alertness."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Note to self: Get healed."

Naphtali has received your page: "As he flees, you notice his hair shift. He

catches it before it falls off, though."

<OOC> Hugon is thinking like Octavius tonight.

Naphtali pages, "Shift, as in come loose?"

Naphtali has received your page: "Yep. All of it."

Octavius looks at hugon wound then his own.

Naphtali raises his eyebrow. "That's not his hair." He stares after the Wint.

Hugon frowns.

Hugon says, "It'd be best for us to"

<OOC> You say, "When you live in the Empire, it pays to be a little


You say, "You hear some shouts coming from the way the other two thugs ran."

Octavius takeses is horse to Enols and put her on the mare.

Hugon says, "Yep, time to move."

Naphtali nods slowly. "And quickly. Anyone know a good way to throw off


<OOC> You say, "Well, it will be a snap for them to track Octavius by scent,

won't it?"

Octavius thens mounts behind her.

Hugon says, "Well, if I was healed up, I could perform my correspondence magic

a bit better."

Octavius says, "Nope."

Naphtali sighs. "Do we have time, or should we just go?"

Hugon says, "Probably best to start moving."

Hugon says, "Away from town."

<OOC> You say, "Destination?"

Naphtali nods and pulls his donkey into motion.

Octavius starts to ride out of town with Enola on his horse.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Which way to Alamor?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I assume there's road to town and away from town?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Road = Death."

<OOC> You say, "East. There is a road south and a road east."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Anywhere else = tracks = death."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Alamor's direction it is."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "We'll be able to move fast on the road, too...


Hugon fillses everyone in on his talk with Narayn in the Black Peaks.

<OOC> Octavius says, "how many levels are you down Eus?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "On the way."

<OOC> Hugon says, "2"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hugon is huge right?"

<OOC> Naphtali can probably heal that in one go....

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wel, he's tall, but no huge size merit."

You say, "How quickly are you fleeing?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "As fast as we can move."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "How quickly are the sounds moving?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "As fast as we can."

<OOC> Hugon says, "New rule: Anyone who attacks use, dies."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I am down the same."

<OOC> Hugon says, "And if I can ever figure out how to type...."

<OOC> Naphtali sighs and makes a not to get a couple more dots of Mind so he

can just make people forget things....

You say, "Okay. You leave the sounds of the approaching watch behind you,

easily outpacing them. Your foreign appearance and obvious haste draws the

attention of every man, woman, child, and Umbrood along the way."

<OOC> You say, "It wasn't the leader. It was one of his companions who ran -

not the one Naph blinded."

Naphtali marches along as quick as he can.

Hugon slowses down as the sounds fade.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Next time, don't count me as a fighter."

Naphtali slows too then....

Octavius slows also by jump of his horse and leading her with Enola still


Hugon looks over at Enola to see how she is.

You say, "You still get a lot of strange looks, and you appear to have picked

up an even larger band of stalkers. It is now late afternoon/early evening.

The sun will set shortly after you leave the city if you encounter no further


<OOC> Naphtali says, "Head on out?"

You say, "Enola is hurt, but conscious (bashing crippled)."

<OOC> Hugon says, "I think that would be on the list of really stupid things

to do."

Octavius grimaces as he sees the sun set.

<OOC> Hugon says, "As would staying here..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Maybe, but so might trying to convince an innkeeper to

let us in...."

<OOC> Octavius says, "We tryed that it did work."

<OOC> Hugon says, " weren't here for that..."

<OOC> Naphtali sighs... Give me a couple minutes and I could heal the both of


Octavius says, "Lets press on."

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean didn"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean didn't work."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Well, We could stay in a back alley or out in the

wilderness where we won't draw a town guard, at least."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Not here think Nazi germany and we are Jews."

<OOC> You say, "Octavius would need a bath, first."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Well, coule be worse. We could be Jewish commmunists in

Nazi Germany."

<OOC> Eclipse lol.

Hugon says, "Leaving in the dark would be a foolish idea, I believe."

<OOC> Octavius says, "If Ocatvius only knew a few Golguthan songs. Well we

just became commies by fighting."

Octavius says, "As would staying here, this disgues will only last til around

day break."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Dang... The only thing worse would be half-gypsy Jewish

commies.... Or Homosexual, half-gypsy Jewish commies..... Anyway..."

Naphtali says, "In all truth, the wilderness might offer more places to hide

with fewer witnesses to anything we might have to do..."

Hugon says, "Well, I don't think we have many options then. We'll find

somewhere safe in the wilderness. Let's go."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yes it is that bad. I smell due to sing a wrong song and

the critic boo with the contents of chamber pts."

<OOC> You say, "Almost as bad as dealing with Sleepers and Paradox, isn't it?"

Octavius press onword.

<OOC> You say, "So, what's the verdict? Stay here? Press onward? Turn

yourselves in? ..."

Naphtali presses on.

<OOC> Octavius says, "One vote for onward."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Press onward and outward, to the farthest reaches of the


<OOC> Naphtali says, "Hey, number three just sounds *bad*"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Never give up, never surrender."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hmm, I could get a reward for turning in foreigners..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "But running away is just fine."

<OOC> You say, "Yeah, they might decide to 'relocate you to a job camp'..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Read death camp."

<OOC> Hugon says, "hopes Eclipse hasn't read "IBM and the Holocaust"."

<OOC> D says, "Homosexual half gypsy Jewish comies? This is getting worse then

the Travelling Orgy.."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I HATE Nazis and Nazi clones."

<OOC> Naphtali did a Nazi Elf campaign one year....

You say, "Alright, you leave the city of Landsend just as night begins to

fall. Your tail turns back when you reach the gates, though you get the

feeling the watch will know exactly where you've gone..."

<OOC> Hugon has Nazi-type characters in his chronicle...

<OOC> Naphtali says, "And N keeps meaning to do the Nazis in her world.. HAve

them start with Kobolds, then goblins, the orcs, then halfies, then...."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Mental note: Set watches if we stop tonight..."

Octavius says, "That was too easy. They are tracking is."

Hugon says, "You know, they're just going to realize, based on the hair they

took, where we are..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "is=us."

<OOC> You say, "What kind of idiot would begin a quest for world domination by

attacking kobolds?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "One that doesn't want people to notice."

<OOC> Octavius says, "They make better fodder."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "No one would notice, until their species was next."

Naphtali sighs. "Shall we keep going for the night?"

<OOC> You say, "That's right, Hugon. They don't NEED to track you. All they

have to do is pass the word along or use a Chain to attack you from the

bureaucratic customs offices..."

<OOC> You say, "It's up to you. I'm good for hours, yet."

<OOC> Octavius says, "So we are screwed>"

Hugon lookses over at Naphatali. "Can you heal us for now? It'll help, and I

have an idea."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Wait a minute... couldn't we do the same thing? I mean,

just use a chain and like Forces to set the hair on fire? I think I count

for the bonus to find a bit of my hair..."

<OOC> D says, "Chain?"

Naphtali nods slowly. "Which of you wants to go first?" He looks between

Hugon and Enola.(And anyone else hurt)

Octavius says, "That one man who your mentor described. He sounds like one of

my people."

<OOC> Hugon says, "How about grab it with a correspondence 3/life 1 effect?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Or that.... Just destroy it is fine with me.... Would

anyone have that ability?"

Octavius says, "I'll take first watch."

Hugon says, "Take care of Octavius and Enola. I'll wait until last."

<OOC> You say, "Cor 3/Life 2, actually."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hmm, Naph, you got Corr?"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 10, 10, 4; totalling 24.

Naphtali turns to Octavius. "Where are you hurt?"

Eclipse rolled 1d3: 1; totalling 1.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Um. No. I have Prime and Mind with my Life."

Octavius says, "Right thigh."

<OOC> Hugon needs someone with corr and life, dangit...

<OOC> Octavius says, "Sorry force prime and life are my three."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Could I grab it from the spirit world?"

<OOC> Hugon is grasping at straws now...

<OOC> You say, "You could enter the Umbra, go into the offices at Landsend,

and try to steal it back."

Naphtali pulls out the beads and prays. "Epaga, forgive this man the violence

he has done and the violence done to him." He places his hand on Octavius'


Octavius says, "See to Enola first, she is worse off."

<OOC> You say, "I wouldn't recommend it, though."

<OOC> Hugon says, "But not just bring it back to the umbra, seeing as it is

part of me?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Dangit... MAke up your minds...."

<OOC> Octavius says, "n/m"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Diff? 4?"

<OOC> You say, "5. Heal Other."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 4, 5, 2; totalling 11.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "One success."

Octavius says, "I 'll take care of the rest of it. See to Enola she is far

worse off."

<OOC> You say, "You need one to affect a target other than yourself. The

others do the actual healing. You can accumulate successes with a cum +1 dif

penalty per additional turn."

Naphtali nods. "Could oyu help me get her off the horse?" (ooc, If we've


<OOC> Naphtali says, "Dang it... Second roll then..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Or do I get MEd+INT with this?"

Hugon helps Enola off the horse and help her stand.

<OOC> You say, "Make a seperate med + Int roll. It will help."

Naphtali rolled 6d10: 2, 5, 8, 8, 1, 7; totalling 31.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "There's the Med+Int"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Dif.... 5 would be 3 more successes."

<OOC> You say, "That would do it."

You say, "Octavius, your wounds close. You can feel the skin knitting back

together. (4 Health Levels)"

Naphtali places his hand on Enola's head, gripping the beads. "Epaga, bless

this woman with healing, of her body, her mind, and her soul."

Octavius says, "Thank you."

<OOC> Naphtali waits to see if that healed Oct, actually...

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok.... And now we pull Enola off her horse and time for

her Med+Int roll."

<OOC> You say, "dif 6 on the Med"

Naphtali rolled 6d10: 1, 8, 8, 6, 6, 3; totalling 32.

<OOC> You say, "Ok, now Arete."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "There's 3... and the Arete"

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 9, 8, 4; totalling 21.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Two more."

You say, "The swelling eases and the skin returns to its normal, unbruised

color. (7 HL bashing, which will heal her)"

Naphtali takes a deep breath and turns to Hugon. "Do you need any help?"

Hugon points to his shoulder. "If you can."

<OOC> You say, "Hey, he hasn't botched yet!"

<OOC> Naphtali grins.

Hugon pages, "How hard and how much time would it take for me to build a

permenate scrying barrier that covers the party?"

Naphtali studies the shoulder wound and prays, "Forgive him his sins and wash

this wound from him." He rests his hand on the wound while his other hand

grips his beads.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Med+Int"

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 3, 2, 3; totalling 8.

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 9, 5, 2; totalling 16.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "There's 6 dice.... And now, arete..."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 7, 5, 8; totalling 20.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Umm.... 1 from Med/Int..... 3? from Arete?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "test"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Received"

<OOC> Octavius says, "ok."

<OOC> Octavius says, "is there aging going on?"

Hugon has received your page: "Using a Cor 3 Effect, dif 5, you could break

the chain binding the members of the party to their hair with 10 successes

each. You could also use a Cor 2 ward to raise the dif of using Cor on the

party by making a dif 4, with 11 successes + 1 per increase in dif (max +3).

Both can be enacted as a ritual taking 15 minutes per Arete roll, eliminating

the cumulative penalties."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Hm?"

<OOC> You say, "Yes, I'm paging."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thanks."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Oh, paging. Not aging..."

Hugon pages, "Okay, that's what I'm doing tonight."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Time to get nasty."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I hate typos."

<OOC> You say, "Okay."

<OOC> Octavius starts to snoze a bit.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Did I heal up my 2L damage?"

<OOC> Naphtali braces himself.... I didn't botch....

<OOC> You say, "Yes, Hugon."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Can I meditate for a little bit to try and recover


<OOC> You say, "What's your Nature?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Survivor"

<OOC> Naphtali wonders if he can reconver will from all this Care-giving,

whlie we're at it....

<OOC> You say, "Gain 1 WP, then."

<OOC> You say, "Gain 1 WP, Naph."

<OOC> You say, "What's yours, Oct?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, let's do the haircutting ritual (wonders if he got WP

from seeing Narayn)"

<OOC> Naphtali grins. Thanks.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I guess I didn't recover any from my caregiver then

unless mercy killing counts."

<OOC> You say, "Sure, Hugon."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(watches himself burn this new temp WP fast> Okay,

spending one of these on the first one (I cannot botch these people...>"

Hugon rubses his wristband.

<OOC> You say, "You defended your companions, Oct. Gain a WP."

<OOC> D latches onto Hugon's mojo

Hugon rolled 3d10: 2, 9, 6; totalling 17.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 8, 5, 1; totalling 14.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 4, 5, 9; totalling 18.

<OOC> Octavius says, "great back to 6 I am happy."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 8, 1, 5; totalling 14.

<OOC> You say, "This is the first opportunity for 12 points of Scourge all at


Hugon rolled 3d10: 7, 10, 4; totalling 21.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 7; totalling 17.

<OOC> Hugon says, "There's one. I'm severed."

<OOC> Hugon says, "WP on this one as well."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 8, 6, 1; totalling 15.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 4, 10, 5; totalling 19.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 5, 1; totalling 11.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 10, 1, 6; totalling 17.

<OOC> Naphtali wonders if Eclipse is going to tell us when Scourge is

accumulated or not... Just out of curiosity

Hugon rolled 3d10: 7, 6, 3; totalling 16.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 4, 1, 4; totalling 9.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 10, 6, 6; totalling 22.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 7, 1, 1; totalling 9.

<OOC> Hugon says, "There's Enola"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 8, 9, 9; totalling 26.

<OOC> You say, "Pause!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay..."

Usage: 'roll xdy', where 'x' is any number of dice and 'y' is either the

number of sides or '%' for percentile dice.

Eclipse rolled 1d3: 3; totalling 3.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 3, 5, 10; totalling 18.

You say, "Octavius, you have a stomach cramp."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 1, 5, 7; totalling 13.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 5, 8, 1; totalling 14.

<OOC> You say, "1 Agg, Oct."

Octavius Grimaces.

Octavius says, "What was that?"

Naphtali looks to Octavius. "What's wrong?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Whenever you're ready, Eclipse."

<OOC> You say, "Now it is a race against time. Hugon. You and I are going to

take turns rolling Arete until you sever, or someone dies..."

<OOC> You say, "Your turn. Who are you severing now?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Goodie...umm, if I blow Quint, would it apply to all of the


<OOC> Hugon says, "(I think I severed myself and Enola with the other 2)"

<OOC> You say, "No, just one. (yes, you and Enola are severed)"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great am I the one he failed on?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Just to the one roll or 1 ritual?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I haven't done you yet."

<OOC> You say, "One ritual."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Okay, let's go with Veggie Elf."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Blowing 1 Quint to lower to diff 4."

Octavius says, "Bad stomach cramp."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 9, 4, 8; totalling 21.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 8, 8, 7; totalling 23.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 4, 1, 2; totalling 7.

You say, "Octavius, you begin to cough up blood. Your head is starting to

hurt, and your nose is bleeding. (agg 2)"

Octavius blesses Hugon's dice.

<OOC> Octavius says, "That was ooc."

<OOC> D leeches the good mojo.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Can Agg be healed magically?"

<OOC> You say, "Naph and Oct, feel free to try to patch the wounded back

together. One health level per success (-1 if healing another)"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Can I use Per_Aware to figure out something magical is

happening and that I might, maybe, have a way to counter it?"

Octavius grabses his wand and tries to heal him self.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Ready Eclipse?"

<OOC> Naphtali forgets what all you have to have to counter magic...

Octavius rolled 3d10: 4, 6, 5; totalling 15.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Knowledte of what's doing the damage. You can shield

against long-range if you can shield with what's doing the damage (matter,

life, mind...> IIRC."

<OOC> You say, "You roll Arete dif 8. Successes subtract enemy successes."

<OOC> Octavius says, "That didn't work"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I would rather try to counter, as True Faith says it

adds a die to counter magic attmepts (It doesn't say when it does, just that

it does)"

You say, "Oct, you've stopped coughing up blood, but your head hurts still."

<OOC> You say, "Then you roll dice equal to your Arete + 1."

Naphtali rolled 4d10: 7, 2, 9, 7; totalling 25.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "1"

<OOC> You say, "roll hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 8, 9, 10; totalling 27.

<OOC> Hugon says, "6 total now"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 9, 2, 4; totalling 15.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "What's my diff to heal, btw? (and do I get any non-magic

help there?)"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Can I use prime 1 to detect magic at work."

<OOC> Hugon says, "BRB (let me know when ready>"

You say, "Octavius, your nose is bleeding freely, now, and you can feel a pain

in your ears."

<OOC> You say, "Oct, yes."

<OOC> You say, "Naph, dif 5"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Do I get Med+Int?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Back"

<OOC> You say, "These are strange symptoms. It is difficult to heal

hemmoraging from outside of the body."

<OOC> You say, "go hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 6, 10; totalling 21.

<OOC> Hugon says, "9"

<OOC> You say, "Naph is severed now."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 2, 6, 9; totalling 17.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Nice. Going for Oct now. Burning a quint to drop it to

diff 4."

Octavius sayses a prayer for knoledge and blowing that will.

<OOC> You say, "Naph, roll me Arete"

Naphtali prays. "Lady of Life, heal this man from the evil done him."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 4, 5, 6; totalling 15.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "2"

<OOC> You say, "Don't forget your penalties, oct. You've taken 3 HL of agg."

You say, "Naph, you manage to block the damage this turn."

<OOC> Hugon says, "(I've got my sheet updated, down to 3/5 quint>"

Octavius rolled 2d10: 1, 10; totalling 11.

<OOC> Octavius says, "one with the will"

You say, "Octavius, you can feel a hostile magic bubbling up from within you."

Usage: 'roll xdy', where 'x' is any number of dice and 'y' is either the

number of sides or '%' for percentile dice.

Octavius says, "Magic its magic."

<OOC> You say, "roll hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 3, 4, 5; totalling 12.

<OOC> Hugon says, "2"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 6, 10, 10; totalling 26.

<OOC> You say, "Naph, roll"

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 10, 9, 5; totalling 24.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "3."

You say, "Naph, you manage to deflect a powerful assault on Octavius."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Nice save"

<OOC> You say, "Doing anything, Oct?"

<OOC> Naphtali raises the roof.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Healing."

<OOC> Octavius says, "blowing another will."

Octavius rolled 2d10: 1, 6; totalling 7.

<OOC> Octavius says, "1 I think."

You say, "You've stopped the pain in your ears. (currently at 2 health levels

of damage)"

<OOC> You say, "go hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 3, 2, 2; totalling 7.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Still 2"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 9, 9, 5; totalling 23.

<OOC> You say, "roll Naph"

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 2, 7, 10; totalling 19.

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

D eats some of her Barbequed Wench. Almost all of it remains.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "2,"

You say, "Octavius, you can taste the blood as it flows down your throat.

Your ears are bleeding. You are in real pain throughout your abdomen (agg


<OOC> Hugon says, "That's where you come in. *g*"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Err, page to app. person."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Can I blow some more Quint on this one?"

<OOC> You say, "Oct?"

<OOC> You say, "Sure, hugon."

<OOC> Hugon blows 2 more quint to drop it to 2.

<OOC> Octavius says, "try to heal again blowing another will."

Octavius rolled 1d10: 5; totalling 5.

<OOC> Octavius says, "2 I think."

<Logout> Octavius has disconnected on Sat

Jun 23 00:03:01 2001 EST

Octavius has lost his link.

<OOC> You say, "You manage to reduce the agony to a mere nosebleed, headache,

and stomach cramp (2 HL)"

Octavius is not currently logged in. However, your page has been saved for

him. Use `@unpage Octavius` to delete it.

I don't understand that.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Now has diff 2...I'm pulling for you, Oct!"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Now, if you were here to hear that..."

<OOC> You say, "He'll see it when he reads the log. Roll, Hugon."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 3, 3, 5; totalling 11.

<OOC> Hugon says, "5"

<OOC> You say, "roll, naph"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 8, 8, 2; totalling 18.

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 6, 2, 6; totalling 14.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "2"

You say, "Naphtali blocks almost all the attacking force, but the blow is

stronger than it has been. Octavius's ears begin to bleed again."

<Login> Octavius has connected from 1Cust146.tnt2.warren on Sat Jun 23 00:06:18 2001 EST.

Octavius has connected.

Octavius exits.

Octavius has received your page: "Currently, you have 3 HL of damage, and it

is your turn."

Octavius has arrived.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience

slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 2 seconds, the world is

saved once more.

<OOC> Octavius says, "What did I miss?"

<OOC> You say, "Your turn, oct"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ummm... Not much."

<OOC> Octavius says, "What samage am I at?"

<OOC> You say, "3"

<OOC> Hugon says, "More rolling, evil plans being hatched, you know, the


<OOC> Octavius says, "heal useing quint."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "We prevented too much more from happening to you and

then Hugon's started detaching you."

Octavius rolled 2d10: 1, 10; totalling 11.

<OOC> Hugon has blown 3 Quint on Oct, he better friggin' live!

<OOC> You say, "Not your night, is it?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "nothing."

<OOC> You say, "Roll, hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 1, 1, 10; totalling 12.

<OOC> Hugon says, "ARGH"

<OOC> Hugon says, "4"

<OOC> Octavius says, "It is the best of night the worst of nights."

<OOC> You say, "roll, naph"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 8, 2, 3; totalling 13.

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 10, 5, 6; totalling 21.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Yeah! 3"

You say, "You deflect the entire attack, Naphtali."

<OOC> Hugon applaudes Naphtali. "Go Veggie, Go Veggie!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hallehluah!"

<OOC> You say, "roll, oct"

<OOC> Octavius says, "did that heal me up or did it just prevent damage?"

<OOC> You say, "Only prevented."

Octavius rolled 2d3: 2, 2; totalling 4.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Null."

<Login> Koi has connected from on Sat Jun 23

00:12:09 2001 EST.

Koi has arrived.

You say, "Your ears and nose are still bleeding and your stomach still hurts."

<OOC> Koi isn't here, just peeking in if you don't mind. ;)

<OOC> You say, "Hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 5, 5, 7; totalling 17.

<OOC> Hugon says, "7"

<OOC> You say, "Naph"

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 4, 5, 1; totalling 10.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 10, 3, 2; totalling 15.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ummm.... 0"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "How many more to go, Hugon?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "I'm at 7 right now, usually 9-10 succ."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Next roll could do it. *knock on wood*"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great now what dam am I at?"

You say, "Octavius, you feel warm inside as your internal organs begin to leak

vast quantities of blood. (current total damage, 6)"

<OOC> You say, "Oct."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I have know Idea what I can do. the -5 prevents me."

<OOC> You say, "Fall on the ground and whine?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Can't you burn Will or Quint to ignore the penalty for 1


<OOC> You say, "Oh yes. You can."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Will or quint?"

<OOC> You say, "Will"

<OOC> Octavius says, "burn will to ingnore the pain."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 3, 9, 3; totalling 15.

<OOC> Octavius says, "is this still considered the saem ritual?"

<OOC> You say, "Sure."

<OOC> Octavius says, "then three suc."

You say, "You manage to patch up the holes in most of your arteries. You are

still bleeding from the ears and nose, though, and you feel cold from blood

loss. (gain 3 HL)"

<OOC> You say, "Hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 8, 8, 9; totalling 25.

<OOC> Hugon says, "10!!!!"

You say, "Octavius, you feel the hostile presence within you fade away.

Whatever was attacking you, it is gone, now..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Next..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Just one more left."

<OOC> You say, "One more what?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Zyka is the only one left."

Octavius sropses to the ground and prays to the godly god in thanks.

<OOC> You say, "Oh yeas."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Buring my last Quint to go diff 4"

<OOC> You say, "yes, even"

<OOC> Octavius says, "imean the godly gods plural."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Burning even"

<OOC> D says, "Goodly gods?"

<Login> Naphtali has reconnected from

om on Sat Jun 23 00:21:45 2001 EST.

<OOC> You say, "roll, hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 4, 10, 10; totalling 24.

<OOC> Naphtali grumbles and got booted from AOL.

<OOC> Hugon says, "3"

<OOC> You say, "Naph and Oct, are you doing anything?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Oct is saved, Naph. Zyka now."

<OOC> Octavius says, "The good gods, the gods of light ect."

<OOC> D says, "I know, but you said godly gods."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Is Oct healed? And does Zyka look in pain?"

<OOC> Hugon says, "He needs healing still, but the block is up."

<OOC> D says, "What would an ungodly god be like?"

<OOC> You say, "Oct is still bleeding from the ears. Zyka is okay, for the


<OOC> Hugon says, "Well, the snipping is done I should say."

Naphtali watches Zyka for any Bad Things to happen to her.

<OOC> Hugon says, "2nd roll yet?"

Octavius tryses to finish healing.

<OOC> You say, "Golgotha - Where the barbers are the most dangerous people


<OOC> Hugon says, "Buhahaha"

Octavius rolled 2d10: 4, 8; totalling 12.

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 6, 9, 8; totalling 23.

<OOC> Octavius says, "2 healed."

You say, "Octavius, all that remains is the stomach cramp, though you are

still exhausted from your ordeal."

You say, "Zyka screams as her nose and ears begin to bleed."

Octavius slumpses to the ground and prays.

Naphtali starts praying over zyka

<OOC> You say, "Hugon."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 4, 1, 7; totalling 12.

Hugon rolled 3d10: 7, 8, 9; totalling 24.

<OOC> Hugon says, "6"

Octavius gets up and tries to help Zyka.

<OOC> You say, "How many was that, Naph?"

<OOC> You say, "Roll, oct"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Um, 0."

<OOC> You say, "Just checking..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "No, it wasn't a bothc."

<OOC> Octavius says, "using will which is down to 2"

<OOC> Octavius says, "after this one"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 2, 1, 2; totalling 5.

<OOC> You say, "But THAT was..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "0 with will no botch"

<OOC> Naphtali recodes the dice to roll better for non-gms...

<OOC> You say, "Except for the will, of course..."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Good will..."

You say, "Zyka is in a lot of pain. One more attack like that, and she is


<OOC> D says, "We need to talk about the die rolling program Lakos.. (hefts an

alumnium baseball bat)"

<OOC> You say, "Hugon."

<OOC> Octavius says, "only 2 left."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 2, 4, 1; totalling 7.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Still 6"

<OOC> You say, "Naph, healing or countering?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "healing...."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 10, 5, 6; totalling 21.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "3? or is the diff higher than 5?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I'll try to counter"

You say, "She is still in pain, but the bleeding has stopped. (3 successes)"

<OOC> You say, "Arete, dif 8"

<OOC> You say, "Oct, I mean..."

<OOC> Koi says, "Ouch..."

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 6, 10, 5; totalling 21.

<OOC> Octavius says, "burning 1 quint."

<OOC> You say, "roll, oct"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 7, 7, 2; totalling 16.

<OOC> Octavius says, "2"

<OOC> You say, "Niiiiice"

You say, "She is bleeding from the nose and ears, now, but you prevented the

worst of the attack. (total 3 HL damage)"

<OOC> You say, "Hugon"

Hugon rolled 3d10: 7, 4, 4; totalling 15.

<OOC> Hugon says, "9"

<OOC> Octavius gives a bow.

<OOC> You say, "Naph"

<OOC> You say, "one more to go..."

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 5, 4, 2; totalling 11.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "1 for healing."

<OOC> Octavius says, "burning last quint"

You say, "Her ears stop bleeding. (2 HL dam)"

Eclipse rolled 3d10: 1, 5, 6; totalling 12.

<OOC> Octavius says, "that drops dif to 6 right?"

<OOC> You say, "roll oct"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 2, 1, 6; totalling 9.

<OOC> Octavius says, "0"

<OOC> You say, "7, actually."

<OOC> Hugon says, "It's a different attempt. It's like I couldn't keep

everyone at diff 2 before."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ah shit."

You say, "Octavius, the magic curdles like soured milk within you. (+3 Scourge

points; released when the first die of any future Arete check comes up a 1)"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Owie"

<OOC> You say, "Hugon"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Scourge Botch Number 2 of the Year, 1st for our Cabal."

Hugon rolled 3d10: 2, 7, 9; totalling 18.

<OOC> Hugon says, "11"

<OOC> Hugon says, "Err, Arete, but you know what I mean."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Thats my first scourge points."

<OOC> Naphtali makes a note to stay away from Oct....

<OOC> D says, "Oct go down de hole..."

You say, "The bond is severed. Zyka is still bleeding from the nose. (2 HL


<OOC> Naphtali says, "At least untill the Scrouge is gone.. not that that much

can be that spectacular."

<OOC> Hugon says, "OH YEAH!!!!"

Naphtali heals more.

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 6, 9, 4; totalling 19.

<OOC> Hugon raises the roof.

<OOC> D says, "Go Hugon, go Hugon, it's your birthday!"

Hugon falls to his knees, tired and sweating from the effort of the spells.

<OOC> Octavius says, "What does scourge do again?"

<OOC> D says, "It go boom!"

You say, "Despite your exhaustion, your victory over the Chain attack washes

over you. (+1 WP for all; +2 for Hugon)"

Octavius he drop down to the ground.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Think Paradox, only kind of time-delayed."

<OOC> Hugon says, "YEAH!!!"

<OOC> You say, "Bad things..."

<OOC> Eclipse counts rolls to figure out how much time has passed...

<OOC> Octavius says, "Yippie back to 3 will."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Umm...a long time."

<OOC> Naphtali is full again on WP. Woo! (Maybe I don't use it enough...)

Hugon says, ""Well...that...makes one...barrier...""

<OOC> Octavius says, "I have 8 perment will. and I spent 7 total these three


<OOC> Naphtali says, "How bad is Zyka?"

Octavius says, "Only once before I felt that much pain."

Octavius says, "I owe you two my life."

Naphtali takes a few deep breaths. "Don't mention it. Now help me with her."

Naphtali motions to Hugon. "He did all the real work."

<OOC> You say, "26 x 15 minutes equals 6 1/2 hours."

You say, "It is nearing dawn by the time your struggle against the Golgothan

mages ends."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "15 minutes per roll?"

Octavius standses and tries to help with Zyka.

<OOC> You say, "Zyka is hurt 2 HL."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Woo! Victory with the dawn! Wait a minute... dang,

wrong tradition."

<Login> Hugon has reconnected from 1Cust182.tnt1.midland on Sat Jun 23 00:42:44 2001 EST.

<OOC> You say, "That's what I ruled, since it was a ritual."

Naphtali goes back to praying over Zyka.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Can't complain about that kick. Held me online for over 6


<OOC> Naphtali nods. That's fine.

Hugon ises still on his knees, barely able to move, exausted from the ritual.

<OOC> You say, "You people DEFINITELY need a rest, now, though."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Do we want to try to heal Zyka first?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "And I have to wake early tomarrow."

<OOC> Hugon should drive down to the con Al's heading to tomorrow.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Or just give her 2 HL to start with next week?"

<OOC> You say, "Go ahead and heal her, Naph. It won't take much play time."

Naphtali prays silently, gripping his beads and sweating.

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 6, 1, 8; totalling 15.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "1.... Nevermind.... Next...."

Octavius takeses the gear of his horse and goes to rest as his disgiuse fades

with the rising of the sun.

<OOC> You say, "Accumulate suc, +1 cum dif"

Naphtali uses a point of quint this time.... Back to diff 5?

<OOC> You say, "sure"

Naphtali rolled 3d10: 1, 9, 2; totalling 12.

<OOC> Naphtali shoots the dice.

Octavius gets up again and tries to heal Zyka.

Enola Galen is not currently logged in. However, your page has been saved for

them. Use `@unpage Enola Galen` to delete it.

Zyka is not currently logged in. However, your page has been saved for her.

Use `@unpage Zyka` to delete it.

If there were any saved pages from you to Enola Galen, you've just removed


Naphtali sits back, breathing heavily. "I... can't right now...."

<OOC> D says, "Well. You guys certainly have a different type of game from

what we have."

Enola Galen is not currently logged in. However, your page has been saved for

them. Use `@unpage Enola Galen` to delete it.

<OOC> Hugon says, "We're not Angst-Mongers though. @#;+)"

Octavius has received your page: "7 XP"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Of course. We're the Good Guys."

Naphtali has received your page: "4 XP"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 10, 2, 3; totalling 15.

Hugon has received your page: "8 XP"

Hugon pages, "Many thanks"

Hugon has received your page: "You earned it"

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

You go out-of-character. Your actions should now be taken as your own and not

those of your character.

You say, "You finished two chapters tonight."

Naphtali grins. Woo! Now what did I miss?

Octavius pages, "Wow, thanks. I can hardly belive I erned that much"

<OOC> D says, "Go you guys. Btw, how many corruption points did I get last


<OOC> Hugon says, "Man. Severing the link between 5 mage's hair is hard work."

<OOC> You say, "Probably only 1, D. It takes time to become truly evil..."

<OOC> D says, "Only 2 so far.."

<OOC> D says, "I'll have to see if Ahab has some Fava beans and a nice


<OOC> You say, "You won't be wishing for it in a few weeks, D."

<OOC> Naphtali wonders, if you're telling people, what his total it at.

<OOC> Hugon says, "Wants to know if we have gotten Purity Points yet."

<OOC> D says, "I'm evil now. It'd be a bit hypocritical, playing an evil

character, yet not doing evil things so I won't be punished when I get good"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ya did we?"

D pages, "So, can I join this game too?"

You say, "I really haven't been calculating it as carefully for this group,

since no one has acted evil. Now that there are Scourge Points in the cabal,

I'll have to calculate Purity."

Naphtali nods... Remember, I saved 2 peoples lives with no harm to them at

all. *grins all big and proud*

D has received your page: "The reason I split the groups in the first place is

because I prefer to run with a fairly small group. This cabal is far enough

along, now, that it would be difficult to incorporate a new character into

it. Sorry."

Naphtali pages, "I'm ont asking, but if my fiath were ever to rise, would I

have to blow XP on it? Just want to know if I should save some back for that

or not."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Hey, if we're talking about saving people, I pulled off

pretty nice feat tonight. *grins proud* Actually, I'm just glad we


D pages, "No problem-o. If you do ever come to a point where ya could..."

Naphtali has received your page: "Yes. Plus you'll have to really rack up the


You say, "Everyone enjoy themselves tonight?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I tryed to protect other, gave fair warning to those who

would do us hard, and kept a vow."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "You too? We're in a much better position than we were

in... Now we have to 1) find some papers and 2) convince Naph to lie about


Naphtali pages, "Ok... Just so I know, what would be the amount to up it to 2?

Same as a normal Background?"

Hugon says, "Oh yes, very much so. I was worried for awhile that we'd just

wander around town aimlessly for the entire night though. @#;+)"

D has received your page: "I'll keep you in mind. I might have need for

someone to play an NPC."

Octavius says, "I had alot of fun. Way to go Eclipse"

<OOC> D mocks you all! "Havign to scrounge for purity points, you should be

ashamed! I earn my corruption."

Naphtali says, "Look, being good isn't as noticed as being evil."

D pages, "Kewlies"

Hugon says, "Very true. Naphtali scared off two thugs with the power of GOOD.


Naphtali says, "In one round, mind you. *grins all proud*"

<OOC> Octavius says, "D is on of the few, the proud, the evil. (Put pinky to

the corner of his mouth.)"

Naphtali has received your page: "I'm afraid not. It cost 7 points to raise

it to 1. It will cost twice that to raise it to 2. Just like Spheres."

Octavius says, "I have to agree."

<OOC> D says, "I will split Malakai in half, unless I am paid... 1 meeeeeelion


(remotely) Naphtali nods. It never really says what to do to raise it, save

role-play someone who's really faithful. I think it's not supposed to be

something that's raised with player control at all.

Octavius says, "What is a dollor?"

<OOC> D says, "I know better Dr. Evil lines, however thats the only one that I

could get through "shaved male scrotum" line that kept yammering for


Naphtali says, "Out of curiosity, did anyone give any thought about how we're

planning to leave here?"

Naphtali has received your page: "All changes made to a character are subject

to ST judgement. I forced Hugon to find some work on Magrothea before I let

him raise his Resources to 1. "

<OOC> D says, "Now if only I had a truly evil cohort.. Koi is more like the

diet coke of evil"

Octavius says, "Good night guys. I have an early con tomarrow. No clue?"

Hugon says, "Well, I could just ditch the whole group...@#;+)"

You say, "Later, Al."

<OOC> Hugon says, "Night Oct."

<OOC> D says, "Night Oct"

(remotely) Naphtali nods and knows that, save that Faith is all weird period

and is a "only if you really really try for this" I'm just debating whether

I should try...

<OOC> D says, "Night all"

<Logout> D has disconnected on Sat Jun 23

00:59:20 2001 EST

D has disconnected.

Hugon says, "Octavius is a walking scourge bubble waiting to pop."

<Logout> Octavius has disconnected on Sat

Jun 23 00:59:31 2001 EST

Octavius has disconnected.

Naphtali says, "He only has 3 points...."

Hugon says, "True, not too bad."

Hugon says, "What I need to do is regain some of that Quint. Burned it all


The resolution of D fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

You say, "It's only 3 points. You people probably earn a Purity Point

tonight, so that will reduce it to 2 when it finally backlashes."

The resolution of Octavius fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body

implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Naphtali is down 2 points of Quint, too... Anyone know a good Node near here?

You say, "Oops. Sorry. It won't help until at least 6."

Hugon says, "Well, since this place is accepting of magic, maybe there are

more nodes around? Nicely advertised? @#;+) Where are the yellow pages?"

You say, "Riiiiiight... I told you about a Node earlier today. You ignored

it, remember? (High Point = Node with good Resonance)"

<OOC> Hugon says, "It is? Doh..."

Naphtali says, "Hmmm.... 8 points of xp..... I hate this... It's like money

when I'm in town in D&D... I just *have* to spend it... And I can't convince

myself to wait... But I will wait for now...."

Hugon says, "Oh, Naph, I was trying to get Race to work, but it always puts it

in Faction."

Naphtali says, "Ok. I'll check with N on that...."

Hugon says, "I've got 12 in the bank, just waiting."