Logfile from Mage Epic Fantasy

Friday June 8, 2001

Session 1

Point of View (Who "You" is): Hugon

D says, "How do you append the ooc to your says?"

Eclipse says, "The constable frowns. 'One of the Epagans has been kidnaped. We are trying to make sure that if the kidnaper has not yet escaped, he or she will not be able to leave the island. If you want to know more than that, I suggest you ask the Epagans at the hospital over there.'"

<OOC> Zyka says, "just use ooc instead of ""

<OOC> D says, "Oh. Thanks."

Octavius looks both consirned and interested, I shall, Thank you.

Eclipse says, "Hugon, you are also in the Hospital with Zyka and Icelas."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I can't spell!!!"

<OOC> Zyka says, "None of us can, don't worry."

Octavius headses to the hospital.

<OOC> Zyka says, "...Well, SOME of us can..."

You follow Octavius.

Octavius tieses his horse to a post before entering the hospital.

Eclipse says, "Icelas speaks softly, in a motherly voice. "Thank-you for

coming on such short notice. Time is of the utmost importance, you see.

King Argos Guiltbearer's daughter has been kidnaped."

Zyka still looks bored. "And...?"

Eclipse says, "Hugon and Octavius arrive."

You duck so you can enter through the doorway and looks around.

Octavius says, "Greetings. My name is octavius."

Eclipse says, "We need to recover her. Who knows to what end her kidnaper

intends to use her!"

You have an owl perched on your shoulder.

Octavius hases cloak with the hood over his head and face.

Eclipse says, "Icelas glances at the newcomers, and points to chairs.

'Please. Sit down. We have little time.'"

Zyka says, "So, in order to recover her, you will..."

Octavius says, "Who has been kinapped"

Octavius sitses on a chair.

You sit down. your left cheek has a scar at about the level of nose. It's a

jagged slash mark. your facial skin is bunched up and taunt as though it was

wrinkled up at birth. The hair you can see on your arms is a dark shade of


Eclipse says, "Icelas frowns. 'Argos is a powerful man, the Archmage of the

Guiltbearer Clan. We are but a poor mission. We can offer you little, but

Argos most certainly can.'"

Zyka finally looks interested. "How much information can you offer?"

Eclipse says, "Icelas sighs, and looks toward Octavius, obviously relieved.

"King Argos's daughter, Princess Iphigenia.""

Octavius ises shocked. Argos's daughter has been kidnapped, How??

You frown. "Yes, what information do you have that we could use?"

Eclipse says, "We realized she was missing just today. We are still in the

process of securing the island from escape, but our constabulary was not

designed for such duties."

Zyka toys with her worn-looking staff. "Any leads at att?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "All..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "I hit the wrong key."

Octavius says, "Strange."

Octavius says, "I was sent by Argos to investigate a evil cult on the

mainland. I wonder if they are connected?"

Eclipse says, "Icelas shrugs. 'We haven't had time, and few of us have the

knowledge to track down a person. We know that four ships have left since

the Princess's disappearance."

Octavius says, "The dissaperance and the cult I mean."

You nod. "Do you know roughly where they were heading?"

Eclipse says, "Icelas frowns. "We have heard ill tidings from Ketza...""

Zyka leans toward the other woman, ignoring Octavius. "Whose ships?"

Octavius says, "What tidings?"

Eclipse says, "Icelas turns to Zyka. 'One is bound for Rothengard, one for

Golgotha on Ketza, one for the continent of Vale, and one for Anamap.' "

Zyka says, "But you know not whose ships they are?"

Eclipse says, "It is said that the Golgothan Empire is gathering an army and

expelling many foreigners."

Zyka sighs and turns to the others. "Has anyone any skill at tracking?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "...ie Investigation?"

Octavius says, "Golgotha? That is where I was headed to. Things are much worse

than Argos thought/"

<OOC> Octavius says, "not I"

You blink. "Golgotha? I was born there, though I've been traveling for a

decent length of time."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I have survival though."

Zyka says, "Then perhaps we should start there."

<OOC> You say, "Correspondence"

Eclipse says, "'Quite possibly.' Icelas gives a start. 'A ship bound for

Golgotha is certainly unusual. I wonder...'"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Me, too."

<OOC> Zyka says, "not Correspondence, but Survival."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Now you're thinking like mages! <grins>"

<OOC> Zyka says, "I have Mind..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "This is my second mage session."

<OOC> Zyka says, "first that I'm not running"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I have force life and prime"

You shake your head. "If we knew what port they were going to, that wouldn't

be a problem to examine later. I don't think we should start there."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "That's okay. This is my first time playing OR running


<OOC> Octavius says, "Cool."

<OOC> Zyka says, "*grin* Good luck."

Zyka says, "Then where, pray tell?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "gotta love that lag..."

Eclipse says, "Icelas's forhead wrinkles in concentration. 'Golgotha has few

ports. The biggest is Landsend, nestled along the Channel.'"

You frown. "That, I do not know. Of course, that hinges on us knowing the

port. Could you provide that information?"

Octavius says, "Did this ship have a manifest or such it left with the


You nod.

Octavius lookses puzzled.

Zyka says, "there has to be something that could help us find them..."

Eclipse says, "Icelas frowns. 'We are simple missionaries, and not suspicious

by nature. Our constables seldom examine ships carefully unless we have good


Octavius says, "Hmmm. Then who ever did this used that nature against you."

Eclipse says, "But Magrothea might have registered their point of origin.

Unless it differs from the destination, that might help."

Zyka says, "may I suggest that you become more cautious in the future?"

You look down. "Do you have any idea where the Princess might have been at the

time of her disappearance? When was she last seen?"

Eclipse says, "Icelas nods sadly. 'Alas, yes. It saddens us to know that we

have been taken advantage of.'"

Octavius says, "I understand you saddness."

Eclipse says, "She was in her room last night. When she did not come to

breakfast this morning, we began to wonder, but brushed it off. After she

missed lunch, however, I checked on her room and found her absent.'"

Octavius says, "Can you shows us her room?"

Zyka says, "any strange behaviour previous to her abduction?"

Eclipse says, "The Epagans do not like to entangle themselves in political

intrigues, and Iphigenia was no exception. She was such a gentle healer..."

Octavius says, "Forgive me but my command of this language is not the best."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Who is Iphigenia?"

You nod. "Please, let us take a look at her room. Perhaps something will be

able to help us there. A clue, perhaps."

Eclipse says, "Icelas shakes her head. "Not to my knowledge.""

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Iphigenia is the missing princess/Epagan."

Eclipse says, "Certainly. Follow me, and I will take you there.""

<OOC> Octavius says, "Just making sure."

Zyka says, "You didn't notice anything at all? No new friends, new habits?"

Zyka follows Icelas.

You stand and takes the owl in your arms. "Mind if he comes along? He's a

good friend of mine."

Octavius says, "Anything out of the ordinary?"

Eclipse says, "No, nothing unusual. Of course, an Epagan is CONSTANTLY making

new friends..."

You start following Icelas, being careful of low-hanging beams and doorways.

Zyka presses further. "Anyone... untrustworthy?

Octavius followses the rest.

Eclipse says, "Icelas leads you down a corridor to a staircase. She takes a

lamp, and ascends to a long corridor with the doors of what must be small


Zyka taps her staff idly against the floor as she walks.

Octavius hases a graceful stride.

You walk fairly quickly for such a large man. The owl is being carried in your

left arm.

Eclipse says, "Icelas shrugs. 'The Hospitalers rescue merchant ships and

pirate ships, warships and fishing boats. We pass no judgements."

Zyka rolls her eyes. "Well, then..." she mutters.

Eclipse says, "Icelas pushes open a door. Give me a Perception + Alertness,

diff 5"

Octavius rolled 4d10: 4, 6, 2, 4; totalling 16.

Hugon rolled 6d10: 8, 3, 9, 10, 2, 1; totalling 33.

Zyka rolled 5d10: 2, 4, 9, 1, 9; totalling 25.

<OOC> Octavius says, "1"

<OOC> Zyka says, "1"

<OOC> You say, "2"

Eclipse says, "You notice that there is no way to lock the door."

You look at the door. "No locks?"

Zyka looks mildly disgusted.

Octavius says, "Hmmm, with no locks anyone could of taken her."

Eclipse says, "'We are a mission hospital. We can't afford locks, even if we

thought we needed them.'"

You look around the room.

Zyka says, "Even on a princess's door?"

Eclipse says, "Icelas nods knowingly. 'Which is why the question of whether

she had met anyone recently has so little relavence.'"

Octavius hases a lop-side smile.

Zyka sighs disgustedly

Eclipse says, "'Iphigenia never demanded anything more of us than any Epagan

would expect. Her father offered, but she refused. We didn't tell him, of

course. There seemed no harm in leaving him feeling secure. After all, no

one has ever been kidnaped from the Island of Hospitalers before...'"

Octavius says, "Has any strangers been aaround latly?"

Zyka says, "...And now someone has."

You look around the room. "Is there something here that she was deeply

attached to?"

Eclipse says, "The room she shows you is a simple cell. A bed, a dresser, a

wash bowl and towel, and a brush."

Octavius gives a grim smile,' THere is a first for everything.

Zyka examines the brush.

Eclipse says, "'There are always strangers at the hospital. As I said, we

devote our lives to rescuing people whose vessels are in distress."

Octavius enterses and loks around the room.

You let the owl fly up on your shoulder.

Zyka says, "Hugon...""

You nod. "Yes?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "I just remembered... I have Dream 4. Oh, dear..."

<OOC> Hugon kicks his computer.

<OOC> Hugon last saw his "Yes?" line.

<OOC> Zyka says, "I showed you the hair that I found."

<OOC> D says, "Al says it's froze up for him, at where he says 'first for


You take the hair. "I'd say this is something personal."

Zyka nods

<OOC> Eclipse frowns. "Well, that's not good..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "...in fact, some would call that UNgood..."

<OOC> Hugon nods. "He rebooting?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Oh, and I recalled my Dream 4 background."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I am back"

<OOC> Octavius says, "what did I miss?"

<OOC> Hugon nods. "I just took the hair from Zyka that was on the brush."

You look around for a mirror.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I have dream 2, what ever that does."

Zyka says, "What are you looking for?"

Eclipse says, "There is no mirror in the room. This is a very plain cell (in

the monastic sense)."

You say, ""Just looking around a bit.""

Octavius lookses quizzacally at you and Zyka,Mind if I ask what you are doing?

<OOC> Zyka says, "according to my M:tA book, it means that 'you gain helpful


<OOC> Eclipse says, "He's looking for her panties, maybe?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ah need to get on of those :)."

Eclipse says, "...when you meditate..."

You look at Octavius. "Looking for anything that will help us."

Zyka says, "I was suggesting that Icelas would most likely provide anything

needed... Am I correct?"

Octavius says, "Ah, I am not use to searching indoor areas. I am more of a

ourdoors person."

Eclipse says, "Icelas isn't exactly lying when she says the Epagans are poor.

Imagine a huge nonprofit organization. Lots of money comes in, but it all

goes out, too..."

Octavius says, "I belive you are."

Zyka says, "...Within limits, of course."

You place your hand on the left wristband you wears which has a star engraved

on it.

Eclipse says, "Why don't you ask her?"

Octavius watcheses though the cowl of his cloak think of ways to help.

Zyka shifts her staff from hand to hand, looking rather uncomfortable.

Eclipse says, "Icelas looks at the three of you anxiously. 'Have you found


Zyka says, "There IS something I could try, if I need too. I would prefer not


Octavius says, "What is it?"

Zyka turns to Icelas. "Have you a spare room? Somewhere where I could remain


You blink. "No need. She's on a ship flying the Golgothan flag I believe."

Zyka smiles gratefully at Hugon.

Zyka says, "Nevermind, then."

Eclipse says, "Icelas nods. 'Certainly.' She points to a door three cells

down the corridor."

You look at Eclipse. "Would you mind if I took this brush? It may be of

further aid."

Octavius lookses both relived and worryed,

Eclipse says, "'Of course.'"

You carefully places the brush in a pocket of your pants.

Octavius says, "Are you of a mystical bent sir?"

Eclipse says, "'It is only material, and therefore has no value to US.'"

Zyka says, "So, the next ship to... Landsend, was it?"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Who are you talking to?"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Octavius"

You shake your head. "No, it is really just a brush. It just may help us

locate and identify her."

You look over at Octavius. "Why do you ask?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hugon"

Eclipse says, "She nods. 'Yes, Landsend.'"

You say, "Then that's our next stop, I believe."

Octavius says, "I was wondering how you deserned her whereabouts."

Zyka smiles rather nervously. "We should get going, if we are to catch them."

She turns to Icelas. "When is the next ship leaving?"

You smile. "How many people do you know who have an owl perched on their


Eclipse says, "Icelas smiles sheepishly. 'I'm afraid I don't keep up with

that sort of thing. I have other work, you understand. Sheriff Maghen would

be able to tell you, I think.'"

You pull a bit of something out of your pockets and feeds it to the owl, who

hoots happily.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Balant rip-off of my name... *g*"

Octavius lookses at Hugon,None. As he loks at you, you get a glimpse of

emerald collred eyes for the shadows of the cowl.

<OOC> Eclipse laughs. "I hadn't even noticed until now..."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "How do you like your first taste of Epagan healers?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "It's okay... I'm not mad..."

You nod. "Where can we find him?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Interesting."

<OOC> Zyka says, "I think they're okay. Zyka thinks they're dumber than sheep."

Eclipse says, "'He's probably at the docks, monitoring the comings and goings

of the ships there.'"

<OOC> Hugon tends to agree with Zyka IC.

Zyka says, "Let us go, then."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "It's impossible to suspect them of any wrong-doing,

though. They're just too nice to be manipulators."

You say, "I agree. Let us go quickly."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Octavius think that they are wise in some ways and fools

iin others."

<OOC> You say, "Just so you all know, Hugon does have appearance of 0..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "...To DUMB to be manipulators..."

<OOC> D says, "I can see we'll have trouble with the prisoner."

Octavius says, "I agree."

Zyka says, "All right, then. Where is the dock, Icelas?"

Eclipse says, "You leave the hospital with Icelas's blessing, and go to the

tiny town below. In all, it is less than a mile to the docks. The

constables are still at the docks, checking passengers and crew in and out of

the port."

Octavius lookses at you and shrugs your shoulders.

Zyka walks up to a constable. "We are looking for Sheriff Maghen.

Octavius says, "Thank you, Lady"

You nod at Icelas. "Yes, thank you for your help."

Eclipse says, "The constable grunts, and points to a tallish man with a white

band of cloth on each of his arms. 'That's 'im there.'"

You follow Zyka.

Octavius he gets his horse outside and follow the others.

Zyka has a notable air of confidance and looks completely comfortable, unlike

inside. "Thank you."

Eclipse says, "'No, thank-YOU. And good luck.'"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Looks like I'm ahead of the rest of you. *g*"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "I WAS ahead of everyone..."

Zyka walks up to Maghen. "Excuse me..."

You catch up to Zyka and stands next to her on her right.

Octavius ises walk his horse with the bridle in one hand and a quarterstaff in

the other.

Zyka impatiently tapps her staff against the ground.

Octavius he catches up with the rest.

Eclipse says, "Maghen is sitting in a chair surrounded by piles of parchment.

Currently, he is shouting at another constable, 'I don't care. Get me

ANYTHING to write on! Slate, shale, tear up someone's roof, for all I care.

We need more paper!' He does not appear to notice you, at the moment."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I still have the WebRPG habit of useing he :("

Zyka taps Maghen on the shoulder. "Sheriff?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "What race is the Sheriff?"

Eclipse says, "'What?!' he shouts. Then, he realizes that you are not another

confused constable, and softens. You could swear he breathes a sigh of


<OOC> Eclipse says, "He's myshar."

You strech a little bit. you looks down from your 7'9 frame and looks at the


<OOC> Zyka says, "yay!"

Eclipse says, "'Can I help you?'"

Octavius starightses his cloak 5'8 frame and look at the Sheriff.

Zyka says in rothen "Do you speak Rothen?"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "He looks like he would be slightly under 6' if he were


<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean 5'11"

You speak in Nitali. "Good day, sir."

Eclipse says, "'A little,' he answers in a thick accent. 'Do you speak Nitali

or Ketza?' He switches to Nitali abruptly, 'I am far more proficient in


You nod. "I speak both Ketza and Nitali myself. We were hoping you could help

us out with a simple question." you is still speaking Nitali.

Octavius speakses back in near perfect Nitali, "Ah a more familuar language."

Zyka nods. In Nitali she says "do you know the next ship to Landsend?"

Eclipse says, "'Ah, sweet Nitali. Your accent is unusual, sir. Do you hail

from Golgotha?' His eyes narrow in suspicion."

Octavius says, "No sir. I have never benn there."

Zyka says, "..But that is where we ar going."

You nod. "Yes, sir, though I have not been back in some time. I have been

travelling as much as possible over the last few years. Much of my time was

not enjoyable there."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "That was to Hugon, btw"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Ah, well."

Eclipse says, "Maghen frowns. 'Did Icelas send you?'"

<OOC> Octavius says, "oops still ocataviuoses accent will probaly be stranger

still but not a thck as it would be in the other laguages."

Octavius says, "Yes."

Zyka nods. "We are to find the princess."

Eclipse says, "'I figured. No foreigner in their right mind would want to go

to the Golgothan Empire, these days.'"

You say, "I actually studied University of Bulltempo, sir. What plagues the


Zyka says, "You assume we are in our right minds?"

Eclipse says, "He begins to rumage through the piles of parchment on the

ground around him. 'I know I have a list of departures in this mess


<OOC> Hugon inserts an "at".

<OOC> Zyka says, "what about the LEFT ones?"

Octavius says, "We have divined her preasence on a Golguthan ship."

Zyka says, "By the way, sir, I am Zyka Ashmorai, native of Seaward."

<OOC> Zyka says, "BRB"

Eclipse says, "Maghen chuckles slightly as he tosses aside another document.

'If you're expecting to rescue Iphigenia from Golgotha, I am certain you are

NOT in your right minds.'"

You say, "Yes, please forgive my lack of manners. My name is Hugon Rolson."

<OOC> Zyka says, "b"

Octavius says, "I am Octavius Cicreo. I was sent by Argos of the Guiltbear to

investgate happening in Gulgotha. I I will help my liege by saving his


Eclipse says, "Maghen grunts, continuing to shuffle through the parchment.

'I'm Sheriff Maghen, Faithful of Michael.'"

Zyka looks uncomfortable.

Zyka says, "Good to meet you, sir.""

Eclipse says, "'Well, Octavius, now you have some idea. Still care to take a

closer look? Ah, here it is.'"

Octavius says, "Yes. There are tales of an evil cult and I am also to

investigate it."

Eclipse says, "He yanks a sheet of paper from near the bottom of the pile. It

rips in half. He pushes aside the papers, and retrieves the other half."

Zyka looks at the scrap of paper

Octavius takeses a look.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "He still has the pieces in his hands."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Looking over his shoulder..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "at he side of the paper face us."

You look down, trying to get a better look.

Eclipse says, "Maghen puts the two sheets of paper together, reading them."

<OOC> You say, "I can probably look over everyone's shoulders/heads."

<OOC> Zyka says, ""No joke."

<OOC> Zyka says, "I'm 6'"

<OOC> Octavius says, "good ole Hugon is over 7"

Eclipse says, "'Just what I expected. No ships going to Golgotha for a while,

now. You could book passage to Vale, Nitali, Anamap, or the far side of the

Channel. No merchant wants to go to the Empire, these days. There've been

pirate attacks.'"

<OOC> You say, "7'9"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Dear lord! You can all see over his shoulder."

Zyka frowns. "Is there one we can hire?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Aren't we great?"

You frown. "Really? It must make things difficult for the merchants."

<OOC> D says, "Heh. Beth and I'll end up being carried ;)"

Octavius lookses over the sherrifs shoulder at the paper.

<OOC> Hugon wanted to play Halfling football...

<OOC> Zyka says, "He could do Nike ads!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I want to me like Hugon :)."

Eclipse says, "Maghen frowns. 'The merchants get by. You'll have a hard time

finding a merchant around here crazy enough to take you to Golgotha, and be

assured they'd charge you plenty. You might have more luck on Magrothea.

The next supply ship arrives at dawn tomorrow. They'll be returning to

Magrothea in the afternoon, probably.'"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Air Hugons, $400, come in sizes 17-24"

You nod. "Thank you for your help. Do you know of a place to stay? I'm

afriad I just arrived in town and need to find some lodging."

Octavius says, "As have I"

Zyka nods

Eclipse says, "'I'm sure the Hospital has a few extra rooms. The Epagans are

generous souls, bless their hearts. They just aren't very good at taking

security measures. This is the first time they've even LET me keep track of

the ships coming in and out. I'm a native of Magrothea. THERE'S a place

that knows how to organize its documents!'"

Zyka grimaces. "I agree about the Epagans. Too naive for their own good.

Octavius says, "Thank you ,sir and it seams you are doing a good job at such

short notice."

You just nods and feeds something to the owl.

Eclipse says, "Maghen sniffs. 'Yeah, sure. I need to create a system of

organization. Not that I'll get much chance to use it, once this crisis

passes and Icelas feels safe again. I'll give her a week before she makes me

burn all these records.'"

Zyka says, "There's no helping some people."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Is someone logging? I have a cracked version of zMUD.

It won't log."

<OOC> You say, "I am"

<OOC> You say, "Unless it stopped..."

<OOC> You say, "Doh..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "And me, but I didn't get the first bit."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I think I use before I booted."

<OOC> Zyka says, "but I didn't get kicked off, either."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Between the two of you, we should be fine."

<OOC> You say, "I'm backlogging now."

<OOC> You say, "I should get most of it."

<OOC> You say, "Yeah, I have it."

<OOC> Octavius says, "good."

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Cool. Thanks. I'm having fun with some of these

characters. This is the first time I've actually been able to log my NPC


<OOC> Zyka says, "I'm covering your tail..."

<OOC> You say, "Just remind me to restart the log if I get kicked."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Okay."

<OOC> Zyka says, "D'accord."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "D'accord, aussi."

Eclipse says, "So, I trust everyone is going back to the Hospital?"

You look at the others. "What shall we do now?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

Zyka says, "Let us find lodgings. The Hospital?"

Octavius says, "I think there is nothing we can do but what at the hospital."

<OOC> Octavius says, "what=wait"

You nod.

Zyka nods and heads back to the hospital.

You follow Zyka and waves to the Sherrif.

Octavius he bis farewell to the sheriif and find a stable for his horse before

heading back to the hospital.

Eclipse says, "Icelas seems a little surprised to see you back so soon, but

she arranges rooms for you. The cells are almost bare and the beds are not

very comfortable, but hey, it's free."

<OOC> Hugon wonders how long the beds are.

<OOC> Hugon also wonders what they're made of...

<OOC> D says, "Hair pallets on bare boards?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Thorns?"

Eclipse says, "The beds are seven feet long, including a narrow head and foot

board. The matresses are pretty much straw-filled pallets laid on

crisscrossing ropes. A few of you will have to sleep with your legs bent

tonight, since the room isn't much longer than the bed..."

<OOC> D says, "Hmmm.... puts me in mind of Quest for the Holy Grail chant

chant chant WHACK!"

You shake your head and shrugs.

You look for somewhere that the owl can perch on. you also looks for a window.

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

Octavius arriveses back the the hospical wiht his staff acroos this shoulders

and his gear ont he staff.

<OOC> D says, "You guys still there?"

<OOC> You say, "Yep"

<OOC> Zyka says, "yes"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Sorry, long page."

<OOC> You say, "Gotcha"

<OOC> Octavius says, "paging???"

<OOC> You say, "page name message. It's a private message."

Octavius has received your page: "Like this"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I ment are you guys paging"

<OOC> Hugon shakes his head.

Eclipse says, "The night passes quietly, with the yellow glow of the full moon

of Time filtering through the tiny windows of your cells. (-2 Dif on all Time

Effect difficulties for the next few nights)"

<OOC> Octavius says, "note to self get time"

<OOC> Zyka says, "BOO-YAH"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Time 1"

<OOC> Hugon never has time for anything anyway, so...

<OOC> Eclipse says, "So, you can tell time more accurately..."

You slowly lumbers out of bed, shaking the sleep away. "Ugh, I need to build

myself a bed..."

Octavius ises still heavly cloaked in the moring with he ggear on his staff

across his shoulders and exits to the hall to wait for the others.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "A note on moons- Malakai's moon changes colors each

cycle. Each color corresponds with a Sphere of magic, Chaos, Good, or Evil.

Each month is 30 days long, except Chaos, which varies from one year to


<OOC> Zyka says, "Nifty."

<OOC> You say, "Gotcha"

<OOC> Eclipse laughs at the mental image he has of these big people trying to

sleep in tiny beds...

<OOC> You say, "I think I'm the only one who wouldn't fit."

Zyka spends the night doing balance excercises with her staff on the bed.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "I'm short, but I've seen my tall friends struggle with

beds of all kinds. It's quite amusing to 5'6" me..."

Octavius he is carry armor saddle bags, a bow, quvier, sheild helm and a back

pack and his staff.

You walk out of your room and sees Octavius carrying his gear.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Wow. I'm taller than you, and I'm a 14 year old girl. (5'7")"

Eclipse says, "The sun is just beginning to rise when an Epagan knocks on your

door to wake you up.""

Zyka quickly gets off of the bed and opens the door.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Funny thing is, I got excited when I hit 5'6". When I

started highschool, I was 4'6"!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I repeat the above teo messages of mine and thta after

he awakes."

<OOC> Hugon does like Octavius.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Ack. I'll never feel short again."

Octavius anwsers the door as he is carrying everthing.

Eclipse says, "Zyka, you catch the poor man by surprise. He nearly faints

with fright."

Zyka says, "Woah, there. Are you alright?"

Eclipse says, "Octavius, you definitely do NOT surprise the Epagan at the

door, though he regards your war implements with what can only be described

as a sad contempt."

Eclipse says, "'I...I'm fine. You startled me. I'm not used to anyone being

in such a rush to get out of bed..."

Octavius says, "I must walk the path fate set for me."

You have your Owl perched on your shoulder. you doesn't have your shirt on

yet, revealing your brown fur that slowly fades to white as it moves farther

down your body.

Zyka says, "When one lives by one's wits, one must ALWAYS be in a rush to get

out of bed, lest one miss someting."

<OOC> You say, "Ack, hair, not fur...to used to W:tA..."

Eclipse says, "Octavius, he murmurs to himself in what sounds like a mantra,

'Must not judge. Must not judge. All people are good. Must not judge...'"

Zyka pauses before adding "I'm sorry if I startled you."

Eclipse says, "'It is okay. Just a surprise, nothing more."

Zyka says, "Alright, then."

Octavius smileses, "I walk mine as you walk yours."

Octavius says, "What do you want, sir?"

Eclipse says, "'It is not my place to judge you, sir,' he says as though you

hadn't just heard his mantra a moment ago."

You slowly opens your door when there is a knock.

Eclipse says, "'It is nearly dawn, sir. I am simply rousing the sleepers on

this floor. You are awake, now. I will continue in my duties.'"

Eclipse says, "Hugon, the Epagan has already continued down the hallway by the

time you open the door.""

Octavius says, "I thank you, though as you see I am already roused."

You shrug, looks around, closes your door, and gets dressed.

Octavius exitses to the hall carrying everything.

Octavius waitses for the others.

You walk out of your room with the owl perched on your left shoulder.

Zyka wanders outside her cell, and looks up and down the hall.

Eclipse says, "Octavius, the Epagan nods, and hurries to the next doors. A

few minutes later, you think you hear him gasp in surprise, and you hear him

talking to Zyka."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Heh."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "You guys are getting ahead of ME, now."

Octavius lookses tword Zyka's door.

<OOC> Zyka says, "I'll be good."

Eclipse says, "Alright. The Epagans have prepared a simple meal of milk and

what looks like over-watered oatmeal."

Zyka eats without complaint.

You look at the food, then at your owl. "I hope you ate well last night." you

then eats your food.

Octavius he manges to eat with the cloak's cowl up and manages not to spill

anying on his cloak.

Eclipse says, "Most of the other Epagans are already beginning to leave to

carry out their daily duties when you arrive in the dining hall. Many are

carrying trays of food, probably for the sick in their care."

You look at Octavius, shrugs, and continues eating.

Eclipse says, "'May peace be yours always,' Icelas greets you from behind you.

'I hope you found our hospitality adequate?'"

Octavius says, "I have, thanks you"

Zyka says, "No one could ever find the *hospitality* of the Epagans lacking.""

You nod and finishes your meal without speaking.

Octavius says, "Thought peace in this life I have yet to find"

Octavius finisheses his meal after speaking.

Zyka snorts derisively. "Peace. Why would you wish it?"

Eclipse says, "Zyka, Icelas frowns slightly at your words, but covers it

quickly. She doesn't even have to recite the mantra, anymore, it seems."

<OOC> Eclipse grins. "Epagans. You gotta love 'em!"

Octavius lookses at Zyka, Soon you will know why I seek it and why I have not

found it.

Zyka shoulders her pack and stands by the door. Her staff beats regularily

against the floor.

You stand. "Thank you for your hospitality. We should be on our way though,

as we have much work to do in finding the princess."

Octavius is looking from the shadows of the cloaks hood as he shoulders his

gear and stands.

Zyka nods at hugon's words.

Eclipse says, "'Best fortune and may peace be yours always.'"

Octavius says, "We shall find her."

Octavius sighses deeply.

You rub your scar gently and turns to leave.

Zyka says, "I have never yet failed a task. We shall bring the princess back."

Eclipse says, "'I hope so,' Icelas breathes. She opens her mouth as though to

say more, and then closes it."

Octavius followses when the others leave.

Zyka stands in scilence a moment, staring at Icelas, before following Octavius.

You head outside.

Eclipse says, "You reach the docks only minutes after dawn. A few ships have

already departed. Two others that were in port yesterday are still here,

though they appear to be making preparations for departure. Maghen is

already here. His piles of paper look more organized than they were


Octavius headses tword the stable and docks to get his horse.

Eclipse says, "There is a slight fog."

Zyka greets Maghen.

You follow Zyka and stands behind her.

Eclipse says, "'May Michael's Order sustain you,' he says."

Octavius he gets his horse and puts his gear on it then leads it to the

sheriffs office.

Zyka says, "Where is the ship you told us about before?""

Eclipse says, "Maghen shrugs slightly. 'It isn't here, yet. We had some fog

last night, so it might have been delayed. If it has been lost at sea, the

Epagans would have known about it.'"

You say, "Where are the remaining ships destinations?""

Zyka nods. "And if they had known about it, Icelas swould have told us."

Octavius arriveses im the sheiffs after tying his hore outside.

Eclipse says, "'They can detect a sinking vessel at 24 leagues. One is headed

to Anamap, and the other to Alamor on the Channel. The captains decided to

wait until the fog lifts.'"

<OOC> Eclipse chuckles.

<OOC> Octavius says, "I mean horse"

Zyka looks at Hugon. "Would we do better to wait?"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "I know, but it was still funny."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Quote page..."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Oh yeah!"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "You don't get lines like that in table-top."

You frown. "Perhaps. Sir, do you have an idea about how long the fog will


<OOC> Zyka says, "You don't get typos in table-top."

<OOC> Octavius says, "True"

Eclipse says, "'An hour or two at most. It's the season. "In the month of

Time, everything is late," as they say.'"

Zyka nods. "We wait?"

You look at the Owl, nods, and the Owl flys off.

You say, "We can wait for now.""

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Just hope the Ancient Mariner isn't on that ship..."

<OOC> Eclipse grins.

Zyka taps her staff.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Why do I not feel safe?"

Octavius says, "So the ship is late nad arriving in an hour or so. We should


Eclipse says, "After about an hour and a half, the owl returns. The ship is

on the way."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ach, I am hit' when I should hit ""

<OOC> Zyka says, "What?"

You look at the others. "The ship will be here soon."

Zyka taps her staff against the dock some more.

You put your hand on the left wristband and looks out to sea.

Eclipse says, "The fog seems to be lifting. You can see seagulls hovering up

above, now."

Octavius stepses outside, remove all the stuff form his horse and brushes the


Eclipse says, "Another half hour passes. A ship flying the flag of some

Magrothean merchant house emerges from the fog at the horizon."

Octavius whipserses into the mares ear in Nitali, We are going one anther

ocean voyage, Andromeda. I know you dislike sea travle, but we must.

Eclipse says, "It is not a huge ship. It appears to have been designed with

short distance travel in mind."

Zyka stops tapping. She stands tall and proud, looking like a Myshari statue.

Octavius he puts all the gear back on after brushing, unties the mare and head

tword the ship when the other do.

You frown.

You say, "Something isn't right..."

<OOC> Eclipse loves ready-made NPCs...

Octavius says, "What is it, Hugon?"

Zyka looks at the pair quizzicaly.

You beckon for Zyka and Octavius to lean in so he can whisper.

Zyka does so.

Octavius pullses the left side of his cloak around his leg reviling a sword

belted to his hip as he leans in.

Zyka raises an eyebrow at the weapon.

You squat down and whispers. "Something is obscuring my ability to see where

the princess is. I have no idea what has happened."

Eclipse says, "The ship is now about 500 yards away. The dockhands are

already beginning to make preparations for its landing. A constable with a

piece of chalk and a slate comes out of a small building."

Zyka says, "She was taken by a Tanak woman."

Zyka says, "That much I know."

Octavius says, "Evil magic might be about then."

Zyka says, "What should be done?"

Octavius says, "How do you know that?"

Zyka looks uncomfortable.

You nod. "I know that they were on a ship with the Golgothan Flag. They were

leaving the island last night."

Zyka mumbles something about being a good guesser.

Eclipse says, "The ship has arrived. Crew and dock hands are securing the


Zyka says, "Let us board."

You stand tall. "Well, shall we speak with the captain? I believe we'd like to

leave as soon as possible."

Zyka says, "Exscuse me, how would one go about booking passage on your ship?"

<OOC> You say, "The 2 hour kick..."

Eclipse says, "'Wretched fog!' she calls. 'Thick as a Wint. What can I do

for you, ma'am?""

Eclipse says, "She is a myshari."

You frown. "Pardon?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "BOO-YAH!"

<OOC> Zyka says, "everyone's Myshari, aren't they?"

Eclipse says, "She pats her thin arms meaningfully. 'As in thick in the arms

and legs.'"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "It's the region you're in."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "You'll be seeing more tanaks, soon..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Hiss..."

<OOC> D says, "Whoohoo!"

Zyka says, "Hiss to Tyson..."

You nod. "Ahh, I see. I apologize, I misunderstood the context."

Eclipse says, "She smiles roguishly, eyeing you up and down. 'Forgiven.'"

Zyka says, "Anyway, our party needs passage on your ship.""

Octavius says, "Yes, if you can give to us."

Eclipse says, "She chuckles. "GIVE you my ship? Oh ho! That's the funniest

thing I've heard since that Tanak swore she was telling me the truth!""

Zyka says, "We simply need passage."

You smile. "Yes, miss, if you could help us out, it would be appreciated." you

shuffles your feet a bit and your face is slightly red.

Zyka glares at Hugon.

You instantly shuts up.

Octavius grimaceses, "What I ment was give us passage" he then swears in


Zyka rolled 3d10: 5, 7, 9; totalling 21.

<OOC> Zyka says, "2"

Eclipse says, "'That is another matter entirely. A silver for each of you.

Plus two for the horse.' (Expensive for Resources 1, Easy for Resources 2)"

You look at the others and frowns.

<OOC> D says, "and nobody has any dots in resources, do they?"

Zyka says, "Without a problem."

Octavius grimaceses again, though its unnoicible under the hood, and take sou

the moneny.

You frown. "I'm afraid I've been unable to continue some of my work here. I'm

a craftsman and haven't had an opportunity to construct my wares. Perhaps I

could help out on the ship to pay for my passage?"

Eclipse says, "She grins. 'Thank-you for your custom. We will depart one

hour after my crew finishes unloading these supplies.'"

<OOC> You say, "Note to self: Must get resources 1..."

Zyka gestures for Octavius to put his money away. "No, it's on me."

Octavius says, "(in Nitali)Thank you Zyka, I am very grateful."

Eclipse says, "Her grin broadens for a moment, then clears. 'Very well. Five

silver pennies for the lot of you. Could you give me your names?'"

You say, "Hugon Rolson, miss."

Zyka nods to Oct and turns back to the captain. "2 silvers now, 3 when we get

there. I aM Zyka Ashmorai."

Octavius says, "I am Octavius Cicireo and the horse is Andromeada."

Octavius petses the horeses head.

Eclipse says, "Zyka, she shrugs. 'Now, later, I don't care. I sail whether I

have passengers or not. I'm behind schedule, as it is. My destination isn't

going to change once I have your pittance for passage."

Zyka says "Then we are agreed." She hands the captain two silvers.

Octavius says,Thank you Madams, to the captain as he leads the horse aboard.

Eclipse says, "She takes them, and stuffs them into a pouch at her belt.

Zyka, you catch the glint of gold in the pouch before she closes it again."

<OOC> Octavius says, "BRB"

Zyka raises an eyebrow, then lowers it. None of her business.

Zyka boards the ship.

Eclipse says, "The ship is very busy. It seems that the crew really would

like to finish the job so they can at least eat their lunch on time."

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

Zyka goes to the seaward side of the ship and stares out at the horizon.

Eclipse says, "Zyka, the sea stretches as far as the eye can see beyond the


Octavius stoweses his horse where he is supost to then take his gear into what

ever quaters are assigned to him.

Eclipse says, "Octavius, you each have a hammock in the crew's quarters,

though one of the crew offers to stow your baggage in the hold for you."

Zyka inhales the scent of the sea. Her grip on her staff shifts as she watches

the shifting patterns of light off of the water.

Eclipse says, "'Just set it on the deck,' he says. 'We'll stow it once we've


You start towards the ship.

Zyka reluctantly tears herself away from the water and drops her pack on the

deck. She keeps the staff.

Octavius he hand the travel gear and horse gear to he crewmen but keeps most

of the arms and armour with him near the hammock just in case.

Eclipse says, "At some point, the captain disembarks. Maghen meets her at the

dock, and hands her a handful of coins, which she stuffs into her belt pouch."

Octavius says, "Thank youm thought he weaponary I prefer to kept near me."

Eclipse says, "Octavius, the crewman seems a little baffled by your paranoia.

"Armor will do you little good at sea, boy, but you're welcome to suit

yourself. I"

You board and heads to your hammock.

Eclipse says, "'I'd wrap all that steel in oilcloth, myself. Salt water is

pure Hemlock on metal.'"

Octavius says, "I had some trouble in my past. I apologize if I offend any."

Octavius says, "I shall, thank you."

Eclipse says, "He shrugs, 'So have I, but no armor invented could have helped

that. Sink you like a stone, it will.'"

Zyka heads to the crew's quarters and claims her hammock.

Octavius says, "Maybe I will stowe just the armour annd sheild."

Eclipse says, "He gives a crooked smile, 'At least now we have an extra

anchor, yes?' He laughs, and walks away. (He is a Wint)"

Zyka says, "Octavius?"

You look around for a place for your owl to sit.

Eclipse says, "Zyka, there does not appear to be gender segregation of any

sort. About a third of the crew are women."

Octavius says, "Yes?"

Octavius turnses tword her look from the shadow of his hood.

Zyka says, "I am going to go to sleep. Before I do, you might want to know

that the princess is a singer."

Zyka shrugs. "That's all, I suppose.'

Octavius says, "Singer?"

Zyka says, "Yes. She's got a lovely voice."

Octavius says, "I have something to tell you also as fate has thrown us


Zyka says, "Oh?"

Octavius lookses to see if they are alone.

Eclipse says, "You are. Everyone's busy unloading the ship."

You are sitting in your hammock.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Doh!"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Except for him?"

<OOC> D says, "can they all fit in the hammocks?"

Zyka says, "Hiss. Thank you, Tyson.""

<OOC> Zyka says, "Oooops! That was ooc."

Eclipse grins. "Yes, you can all fit in the hammocks. Wints are common

around here.

<OOC> You say, "They hold Wints..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "I am SMART!"

You don't seem to be paying any attention to Zyka and Octavius.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Thank you, Hugon."

<OOC> You say, "Hey, I'm still looking for somewhere for the owl to perch."

Octavius he takes hold the hood of his cloak and open the front of it

revilling his human thus somewhat alien features to you and Zyka.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Hug's pondering how much the captain wants him, at the

moment... <grin>"

<OOC> You say, "I hate subterfuge botches..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Ooooh... Dark Secret: Human."

<OOC> Octavius says, "pulls the hood down."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Almost as good as Dark Secret: Sex Life"

You look over at Octavius. "Hmm, looks like we won't be the most common group


You turn back and looks at the wall, thinking.

Zyka shrugs. "I don't see the problem."

Eclipse says, "It would make him stand out in a suspect line-up. That's for


Octavius hairs is auburen and his skin is lightly tanned. his eye are emerald

and his face would be handsom if it were not for the ugly claw mark scars on

his left cheek and he has a short beard.

Eclipse says, "The activity on deck seems to be dying down. You are beginning

to get hungry."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Aside from that."

<OOC> You say, "We are one ugly group..."

Octavius hairs is pulled back in a braede.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Hah HAH! Appearance 3! BOO-YAH!"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Since everyone else is..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "app 2 he would be VERY handsom without the scar."

<OOC> You say, "Appearance 0..."

<OOC> You say, "Flaw: Monstrous."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Hugon might actually look BETTER with a few scars..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I know."

You stand and rubs your stomach. "So, when do they eat around here?"

Octavius says, "I stick out like a swordsman among a crowd of epagans."

Eclipse says, "All is quiet on the deck, as though the entire crew has


Zyka is dark, even for a Myshar, and wears her curly hair cropped around her

ears. Her frame is muscular and graceful, and her clothes are rough and


<OOC> Zyka says, "My belated description"

Octavius hisseses as he pulls is cloak about himself.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "That's okay. I don't even know the captain's name,


Octavius says, "Its quite, too quite."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Been BSing...er...improvising her..."

Zyka slides her hand up and down her staff, frowning.

You say, "No more than I will, Octavius."

Zyka says, "You're right."

Octavius says, "At least your race is known."

Octavius looks tword the entrance to the deck.

Eclipse says, "You don't see anyone on the deck from your vantage point."

You shrug. "Nothing you can do about it."

Octavius says, " I think something is wrong."

Zyka says, "uh, excuse me one moment..."

Zyka dissapears back the way they came.

You look at Octavius. "In what way, and do you have any idea where Zyka went?"

Eclipse says, "It is still quiet, guys. A minute has passed since Zyka left."

Octavius says, " Its quite ships like this should be bustling if not they

should be in here and I son"

Zyka scrawls something on the floor of the crew's quarters with her belt

knife. She licks her finger and traces over her scrawlings, murmuring

something under her breath.

<OOC> Octavius says, "son = don"

<OOC> Octavius says, "son don't know where she went."

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 10, 2, 4, 5, 10, 9; totalling 40.

<OOC> Octavius says, "do we here her scratching?"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "oops"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I don't like the sound of that oops."

Eclipse says, "Roll me a Perception + Alertness diff 6 (3 successes)"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Me?"

Octavius rolled 4d10: 3, 9, 4, 9; totalling 25.

Hugon rolled 6d10: 2, 9, 8, 9, 7, 3; totalling 38.

<OOC> Octavius says, "only one away."

<OOC> You say, "4 Successes"

Eclipse says, "Hugon, you hear the scratching of the knife and a few muttered

words coming from where Zyka went."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I jsut breathed a sigh of realif"

You hold up your hand. "Wait." you listens. "There's a scratching out where

she went and I can hear voices."

You say, "The scratching...I think it's a knife.""

<OOC> Eclipse says, "GM rule of thumb - never stop rolling dice, even when you

don't care about the result."

<OOC> Eclipse grins.

<OOC> You say, "Very true...scares players..."

Zyka rushes back out of the shadows. "We aren't alone on the ship!"

You frown. "Who else is there?"

Octavius says, "You mean besides the crew?"

You have the owl perched on your shoulder still.

Zyka says, "I... don't know... I heard... voices. I think there were 3 of


Octavius says, "What did they say?"

Zyka says, "I couldn't tell..."

Octavius says, "Does either of you feel like something is wrong?"

You nod.

Zyka says, "We have to find them! Search the ship."

Octavius stateses cswaering in Norman.

You reach to your left arm and touches the wristband.

Zyka pauses, then warns, "arm yourselves."

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 9, 5, 9, 10, 5; totalling 38.

You frown. "I don't use weapons, can't fight with anything other than the


Octavius unshetheses his sword.

Zyka creeps stealthily towards the bow, her staff now looking more like a

weapon than ever before.

Octavius swords is a nasty looking broadsword.

Octavius followses Zyka.

Eclipse says, "As soon as someone works up the courage to go on deck, you

realize that the three people are members of the crew. They look to be on

watch. Several other crewmembers are sitting outside of one of the

buildings. It looks like they are eating lunch."

You slowly follows Zyka and Octavious.

<OOC> Zyka says, "groan..."

Octavius sheathses his blade.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "I think this is one for the 'excessive paranoia' post on

RPGSurvey, yes? <grins>"

Zyka relaxes her staff.

<OOC> Zyka says, "I'm learning to hate you, Eric. *g*"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Hiss."

You walk up to one of the crewmen and asks about where to get some food.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "GM rule of thumb - Make them hate you until they love


Octavius says, "I am sorry just event form my past make me paraniod sometimes"

<OOC> Zyka says, "...And it's all your fault."

Eclipse says, "He points at the building where the rest of the crew has

gathered. 'At the pub, there. Best hurry up. You only have about half an

hour left before we board again.'"

Octavius lookses for something to eat along side you.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "That's okay. Sometimes the paranoia is wrong, and

sometimes it's dead on."

<OOC> Octavius says, "that was IC"

You head to the pub and looks around the pub.

Eclipse says, "The food at the pub is affordable for Resources 1 or better."

Zyka is unapologetic about the weapon. She decides that sleep oughtweighs food

and retreats to her hammock.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Was it?"

You shrug and leaves, not getting anything to eat and heads back to the


<OOC> Octavius says, "the apologe was IC"

Zyka is now asleep; her soft snoring greets hugon as he enters the crew's


<OOC> Eclipse says, "And Hugon's on a starvation diet with his Resources 0..."

Octavius heads to were he stowen his saddle bags and return to the hammock

withenough ration for three.

You look at Zyka and heads towards his hammock, sits down, and looks about for

a stand for his owl.

<OOC> Zyka says, "And the moral of this story is..."

<OOC> You say, "Where are our hammocks in terms of each other (how far,


Octavius handses you some hardtack and jerkey.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Money is your friend."

You smile. "Thanks, Octavius." you starts eating the food.

Octavius says, "Here its not good, but it will satve of hunger."

Eclipse says, "The crew is small, about two dozen people. So you're all

within twenty feet of one another. Hammocks stacked 3 high."

<OOC> You say, "I wonder how good at fishing the owl is..."

Octavius starteses on his own and pull out a waterskin.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Riiiggghhht..."

<OOC> D says, "Owls aren't fisher type birds."

<OOC> You say, "I know, just being sarcastic."

Octavius takeses a swig an hands it to you.

<OOC> Zyka says, "So, that's the answer right there."

You take a quick drink and hands it back to Octavius.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Now if the crew cat is particularly lazy, it might have

good hunting. That doesn't help YOU much, of course..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "You can always have it catch a rat for stew."

You say, "So, how did you come to know something was wrong?""

<OOC> You say, "Or I can just teleport a rat in."

Octavius says, "A bad feeling I had. "

Eclipse says, "Eventually, the crew begins to return to the ship. There is

some shouting as they begin the process of readying the ship to cast off."

You nod.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Only in an RPG would someone actually suggest eating rat


<OOC> Zyka says, "'Okay, everyone, make rolls for bad feelings!""

Octavius pointses to his left cheek. I have been a lttle paranoid sense I go


You say, "Yes, I know the feeling."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Or Survivor"

You point to your own scar. "A wound from when I was young, but it still

stings in some ways."

<OOC> Octavius says, "that takes the fun out of role-playing paranoia."

Octavius says, "I have far more than just this. But thats a tale for another


<OOC> Eclipse says, "Why make you roll for bad feelings when I can just roll,

and let the bad feelings create themselves?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "RPG Rule #312: All chars must have a traumaticly earned


Eclipse says, "You're about to have some time. The ship is weighing anchor.

You feel the rising and falling of the ship shift as it begins the voyage to


Zyka sleeps on.

Octavius fallses asleep an his hammock.

You keep sitting in your hammock, thinking about the captain until you falls


Eclipse says, "Anyone have a Stamina of less than 2?"

<OOC> You say, "Nope, 3"

Eclipse rolled 5d10: 10, 10, 3, 10, 1; totalling 34.

<OOC> Zyka says, "4"

<OOC> Octavius says, "2 exactly"

<OOC> Hugon gulps.

Eclipse says, "Okay. I won't bother with seasickness."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Me big, tough, manly woman."

<OOC> You say, "Me bigger, tougher manly freak."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I hope the horse doesn't get seasick."

<OOC> Eclipse doesn't want to think about that...

<OOC> You say, "Or the owl."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Me have Stamina 4. You have Stamina 3. Me tougher."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I am a strong, fast man."

<OOC> Zyka says, "LOL"

<OOC> You say, "STR 4, you STR 3. Bigger arms."

Eclipse says, "The journey continues through the afternoon and into the night.

The golden moon of Time rises in the east, illuminating the water with an

eerie yellow glow. The ship sails on."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Ehh."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Str 4 dex 4 stm 2."

<OOC> Zyka says, "'Fast' are you, Octavius?"

You climb out of your hammock, still wondering where the heck the owl slept,

and looks around to see who is around.

Eclipse says, "About half of the crew arrives from the deck to sleep."

<OOC> Octavius says, "add the athletic 2 and Natural athlete merit and that

mean I am really fast."

Zyka blinks sleepily.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Still find that REALLY funny..."

Eclipse says, "A few of the crewmembers chat in the dark for a few minutes.

After a while, there is only the sound of snoring."

Eclipse rolled 6d10: 6, 10, 7, 5, 7, 9; totalling 44.

Octavius ises stiring in his sleep cauht in the grips of a bad dream.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Hmmm..."

Zyka falls back asleep.

You shrug, looks around again, and goes to sleep again.

Octavius rolled 4d10: 10, 9, 6, 4; totalling 29.

<OOC> Zyka says, "paranoia..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I alsways want to play that game :)"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Me too!"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Eric should GM"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great idea."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Oh, dear God, what have we created?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Das UberGM"

<OOC> Zyka says, "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "I've GMed Paranoia once, during a one-nighter. It was

fun, but I could never do it in a campaign. Everyone would run out of clones

by the end of the second session..."

Octavius boltses upright from the hammock banging his head on the celling.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Why am I not suprised?"

<OOC> Eclipse likes pages. "You can't do this when everyone is in the same


Octavius swears up a storm, in Norman, Nithali, Kuldari, Katza, and Arcadian.

<OOC> You say, "You discovered that too? Makes life easier. Running 5 people

at once is easy and fun."

<OOC> You say, "@#;+)"

Zyka wakes up, startled by Oct's swearing.

Zyka says, "What is it?"

Eclipse says, "A few of the crewmembers wake up, and swear at you back,

telling you to shut up and go back to sleep. It was only a dream, after


You raise your head. "What?"

Zyka says, "What's wrong, Octavius?"

Eclipse says, "By now, the entire room is awake and swearing like...well...sail


<OOC> Zyka wonders if she should be insulted

Octavius he takes deep breaths and says I saw her singing, I saw her singing.

<OOC> Zyka says, "I'm a certified small craft sailor."

Zyka nods. "What else?"

Octavius says, "Darkness, hopelessness singg agaist her, wheels of faiht

turning. Horror apon her face."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "My sister's boyfriend is in the Naval Academy. I don't

even think he realizes how much he swears."

Octavius says, "Her voice overwhrlmed. (he calms down)"

Eclipse says, "Everyone roll me a Lore (Spirit) + Intelligence check, dif 8"

Zyka sinks back into her hammock. She lets out a single, rude-sounding word in


Eclipse says, "The sailor under her mutters a similar word back."

<OOC> You say, "(Cosmology or Spirit Sphere help out at all?)"

<OOC> Octavius says, "would lore"demon work or just int"

<OOC> You say, "Spirit sphere is speciality sphere too"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Hugon, Spirit will work. Octavius, straight Int."

Zyka rolled 2d10: 2, 2; totalling 4.

<OOC> You say, "Spending a willpower if I can"

Hugon rolled 5d10: 1, 10, 8, 8, 3; totalling 30.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Well, I failed miserably."

Eclipse says, "Sure."

Octavius rolled 3d10: 9, 1, 5; totalling 15.

<OOC> You say, "3 Successes w/willpower"

<OOC> Octavius says, "same here but it sis show as I rolled."

Eclipse says, "No one gets it except Hugon."

<OOC> Octavius says, "n/m"

<OOC> Octavius says, "I show of said I'll use a will beofre I rolled."

<OOC> You say, "Who says spirit is worthless?"

Octavius rubses his head.

<OOC> Zyka says, "Not me; the Dreamspeaker in my M:tA chronicle is kicking


Zyka says, "I don't understand."

<OOC> Octavius says, "How did you like the multi-lingual swearing?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "It was beautiful."

Octavius says, "Banshee?"

You frown and walks towards the others, beckoning them to come to where they

won't be heard.

Octavius rubbses his head some more.

Zyka slides down from her hammock and visits Hugon.

Octavius goeses to you.

You say, "That's not a good sign, Octavius. Do you know anything of the

spirit world?""

Eclipse rolled 4d10: 2, 2, 8, 10; totalling 22.

You are whispering to them now.

Eclipse rolled 8d10: 2, 8, 6, 8, 1, 8, 8, 2; totalling 43.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Bad news there..."

<OOC> Hugon frowns and takes a big GULP...

Octavius smileses grimly, "Only of Demons."

Zyka says, "I know nothing."

<OOC> Octavius says, "For who?"

You shrug. "Well, that's the song of a Banshee, a servant of Dusk, who is the

god of fatalism."

<OOC> Eclipse decides to let the NPC survive this encounter, maybe...

You say, "Dusk is associated with the Qlipphothic Sphere of Time. A Banshee

is a spirit that twists fate against those who hear its call."

<OOC> Zyka labels Eclipse as the Evil, Paranoia-inducing ST with a magic


Zyka says, "That doesn't sound... good."

Octavius swearses in Ketza, "Then Agores daugther is in grave danger."

You look at the others. "They aren't exactly those you want to run into in an


<OOC> Eclipse grins. "What are you worried about? I didn't send it against

YOU! Tyson's the one who should be worried...

You answer in Ketza. "Yes, she is."

<OOC> You say, "Hehehehe"

Zyka says, "There are few things you should wish to run into in an alleyway."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "An Epagan, when you're dying from your wounds..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "I said 'few', not 'none'"

Octavius says, "(in Ketza) Me when demon are on you tale."

Zyka looks at Octavius oddly.

You look at them. "So, do we change our course of action now?"

You are speaking in Nitali again.

Octavius says, "(to Nitali) I don't know."

<OOC> Zyka says, "BRB"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Mmmm! Cheeeeeessse!"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Huh?????"

<OOC> Eclipse finishes off the 2liter of Mountain Dew, and begins munching on

Swiss cheese...

<OOC> Zyka says, "back"

<OOC> Octavius says, "Ah, Ambrosia and cheese."

<OOC> You say, "has only had a few cans of pop."

<OOC> Hugon needs his colon...

<OOC> Octavius says, "None at all."

<OOC> Zyka reminds everyone that we have GAME to play...

<OOC> Eclipse nods.

You look at Zyka. "Any ideas on what we should do?"

Eclipse says, "It is now a little after midnight. The yellow moon of Time is

high in the sky."

Zyka says, "I see nothing that we could do, aside from what we are already."

Eclipse says, "The ship rises and falls gently beneath you."

Zyka says, "I think that we should stay on the ship; what else *can* we do?"

You say, "Have either of you ever encountered spirits before?""

Octavius says, "I agree, but I must warn that time is against us."

Octavius hases a look of supream hatred in his eyes when he metions demons.

<OOC> Hugon laged out.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Log again..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "back"

<OOC> You say, "I've got it."

Naphtali has arrived.

<OOC> Octavius says, "pose looks worried."

<OOC> Naphtali wavles..... How's it going?

<OOC> Octavius says, "Hi."

<OOC> Hugon waves. "Not bad."

<OOC> Zyka greets Naphtali

<OOC> Octavius says, "oretty good."

<OOC> Octavius says, "pretty good I mean."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Now... how's Eric going to work him into the story?"

<OOC> You say, "Repost? Last I saw was 'time is against us'"

<OOC> Naphtali nodsnods. I just got back from the wedding I've been at....


<OOC> Eclipse says, "We just commented on the color of the moon, Hugon."

<OOC> Octavius says, "you asje if either of us met spirits and I reply I

encountered demons"

<OOC> Naphtali thinks he's below decks on a hammock, I think.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Just watch a skilled ST at work - Arete 10, Cor 4 Life 4

dif 6..."

<OOC> Zyka is in awe

<OOC> Eclipse says, "And away we go..."

You say, "And you, Zyka?""

<OOC> Naphtali says, "The action's above deck, right?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "no in a corner below deck."

Octavius says, "brb"

Zyka shrugs. "I am just going back to sleep. I suggest that you do the same."

She walks back to her hammock.

<OOC> Zyka says, "brb"

You nod and goes back to sleep.

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

Octavius he goes back to bed.

<OOC> Zyka says, "back"

Zyka goes to sleep.

<OOC> Octavius says, "BRB"

Naphtali arrives from below decks or whereever the hammocks are. He is 5'11"

elf dressed in an off-white tunic and simple tan breaches. His build is

light, looking like he might get blow away with a strong wind. He looks

around the deck, obviously searching for something.

Eclipse says, "He nearly runs over (rolls die)..."

Eclipse says, "Zyka"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Dang it.... I need to pay better attention. Drop the

first sentence."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "I think we're where the hammocks are..."

Zyka wakes up

<OOC> Eclipse says, "That's where they're heading."

Zyka says, "Who the *#%! are you?"

Octavius wakeses and look around.

You grunt and wakes up at Zyka's swearing.

Naphtali wakes up a bit more when he bumps into Zyka. "Sorry... I didn't

mean to disturb you. Naphtali."

Zyka says, "Well, Naphtali, I'd suggest that you find your *own* hammock

before I turn you into one."

Octavius pullses he cloak close around himself as he looks at the Elf.

<OOC> Zyka says, "She missed last night's sleep; very grouchy."

You go to sleep again.

Zyka rolls over and goes back to sleep.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "So, do I get Paradox points?"

(Insert section with Naphtali going to the head at shift change, waiting in line, and nothing happening.)

<OOC> Hugon sighs.

<OOC> Octavius says, "sorry."

Zyka streches before grabbing her staff and looking for a free space to

practice staff drills.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "So, do I get Paradox points?"

Naphtali tries to find whomever he bumped into last night.

<OOC> You say, "Where are we?"

Octavius [ ose wake and head to check on his horse. ]

<OOC> Naphtali isn't going to give the ST any Paradox... You don't need

anything else to screw us over with, Ecli.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Still on the ship. Not much point in hanging around

below decks, since the gruel is upstairs..."

<OOC> You say, "Morning, night, when?"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Morning."

Octavius [ brushes his horse down andgive her some feed. ]

Octavius brusheses his horse down andgive her some feed.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "What, did you hear about that Prime 6 Effect that allows

me to pass my Paradox to someone else?"

<OOC> Eclipse grins.

You are above deck, looking for somewhere to work on strength exercises.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Watch out for '.' it does a pose feature which is nice,

but kind of overkill. It's a pretty way of doing emotes."

Eclipse says, "The ship is a bit small, but you can find areas where you can

practice, if you can stay on your feet, that is. Anyone have a Dex less than


<OOC> You say, "Dex 3"

<OOC> Naphtali raises his hand. Dex 2.

<OOC> Octavius says, "dex 4"

<OOC> Zyka says, "dex 3"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Naphtali, are you trying to do weird exercises without

sea legs?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "No."

Zyka swings her staff through the air, producing a high-pitched whistling. Her

concentration is intense.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Then you have nothing to worry about. The rest of you

manage. Octavius pretty much rocks with the boat."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I guess brushing a horse at sea could be exercise :)"

You look around for some heavy metal the crew isn't working with and asks if

you can use it for your training exercises.

<OOC> Eclipse shrugs. "Just in case..."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Heavy metal?"

<OOC> You say, "Looking for something for str exercises if he can find it."

Octavius afters he his done with the horse he takes his satff ans does a few

cool movie with it.

<OOC> You say, "If not, he starts jogging around the ship."

<OOC> Zyka says, "'We have Iron Maiden...'"

<OOC> Eclipse grins. "You could use Octavius's armor, maybe. The only other

large metal object is the anchor, and that's secured."

<OOC> Zyka says, "...we hope..."

You stretch and then starts running around the ship.

<OOC> Octavius says, "hey that armour is not that heavy."

Naphtali sees the woman he bumped into lastnight and decides to wait until

she's done with the staff to appologise. Instead he finds someplace

semi-quiet to do his morning prayers.

Eclipse says, "Hugon, the crew mutters under their breath when you start

jogging. One of them calls out to you, 'Would you like us to give you

something to do?'"

You stop. "What do you need?"

Eclipse says, "Naphtali, the hammock room is quiet, now (especially since

everyone isn't in there cursing, at the moment)."

<OOC> Octavius says, "or singing in their sleep :)"

Naphtali prays there then, taking his flute when he finishes and going above

decks to play something light and sea-chanty/work-song-ish.

Eclipse says, "Hugon, they set you to doing something semi-constructive."

You do so, glad to be at least working with your hands.

Zyka sets her staff down and does balance excercises.

Eclipse says, "The crew seems rather pleased that at least two of the

passengers have gotten out of their way."

Octavius hearses the music and goes to sit near Naphtali to listen.

Eclipse says, "Make that three..."

You finish and heads over to where Octavius is sitting.

Eclipse says, "A little bit before noon, you sight land forward and starboard."

Octavius ises through covered by his cloak and his face is shaodwed by the

hood's cowl.

Naphtali's tunes are mainly liturgical music of Dawn and Epaga, but there's a

could tunes in there that dont' quite fit either catagory. He plays without

really noticing what anyone else is doing.

Zyka finishes up her routine with 500 straight punches on each side.

Eclipse says, "A short while after noon, more land appears forward and port.

There appears to be a channel in between."

Naphtali stops his music and peers forward toward the approaching land. He

stays silent.

Octavius lookses and watch the land go by.

You watch the land come closer as well.

Eclipse says, "There are a dozen or so ships within sight of yours, ranging

from fishing vessels to ocean-going merchant vessels. There is even one

Rothen war galley."

Zyka stares at the war galley with a misty look in her eye.

Naphtali's eyes stay on the war galley, a sad, withdrawn look in them.

Eclipse says, "The captain announces the first lunch shift."

Octavius galneses tword Zyka and ask, "A ship of your homeland?"

You stand and goes to eat lunch.

Zyka never takes her eyes off the war galley. "Yes."

Eclipse says, "Everyone except Zyka, give me a Culture + Intelligence roll,

dif 6"

Hugon rolled 2d10: 1, 2; totalling 3.

<OOC> Zyka pouts

Naphtali rolled 5d10: 8, 8, 2, 10, 6; totalling 34.

<OOC> You say, "Hates those freaking botches..."

Octavius says, "useing will"

Octavius rolled 3d10: 6, 6, 8; totalling 20.

<OOC> Octavius says, "4 including will."

<OOC> Naphtali has 4, too.

You look at Zyka as he heads to get food. "Looks kind of like the toy sailboat

I had when I was younger."

Zyka snorts derisively. "Toy..." she mumbles.

<OOC> Octavius says, "brb"

Eclipse says, "Everyone except Hugon recalls that Rothengard maintains a fleet

that makes sure that no one except them can trade between Nitali and

Magrothea without paying them a fee."

Naphtali says softly in Zyka's direction, "It is a fine vessel." He doesn't

look away from it.

Eclipse says, "It is a sure bet they have a mage on board to check for


Zyka stiffens

You look around where everyone is eating.

Zyka retreats back to the hammock and closes her eyes.

Naphtali turns to look at Zyka. "Did I say something wrong?"

Eclipse says, "The captain seems to notice Zyka's discomfort. 'Have no fear.

They will not worry us. We are a local vessel, not trading between continent

and archipeligo."

<OOC> Octavius says, "back"

Zyka opens her eyes. "No. Nothing wrong." her voice sounds metallic.

Eclipse says, "Lunch seems to consist of dried meat, grog, and limes."

Naphtali nods slowly, his face appologetic. "I am sorry about bumping into

you last night."

You sit down and begins eating.

Octavius goes to get something to eat.

Naphtali eats the bread from his own stash, the limes, and the grog.

Eclipse says, "The grog is a few steps short of vinegar, but the limes are

quite good."

Zyka says, "I was just tired. I don't take kindly to being woken up. I would

advise you to remember that."

Octavius grabses some meat, a lime and a tankard of grog and start to eat


You finish and walks out.

Zyka takes a lime and some meat.

<OOC> Zyka says, "15 min warning"

<OOC> Zyka has to go in 15 min

Naphtali bows his head slightly. "I meant no offense. And I would like to

introduce myself a bit better. My name is Naphtali Issachar Paxetoile."

<OOC> You say, "Ditto that"

Octavius finisheses he meal.

Zyka says, "Zyka Ashmorai."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I agree."

Eclipse says, "The ship turns slightly starboard around the southern island,

heading for a harbor beyond. You are now traveling southeast."

Naphtali bows his head formally. "A pleasure to meet you."

Octavius headses to where Zyka is.

You nod as you leaves. Hugon Rolson.

<OOC> Eclipse says, "I hear you. We'll probably stop at Magrothea."

Zyka says, "Is it?""

Octavius says, "I am Octavius Cicireo."

Naphtali shrugs. "I enjoy meeting new people."

Octavius says, "That was wonderful music you were playing back there."

Zyka says, "I am not what you would call a nice person."

Eclipse says, "The harbor is thick with boats and ships of all sizes and

banners. The crew seems to be guiding the ship toward the docks with

well-rehearsed movements."

You carefully watches the crew, trying to stay out of the way.

Zyka says, "Simply put, I kill people. I am a mercenary."

Eclipse says, "Beyond the docks, you can see the huge port city of Senes."

Zyka says softly "It's my job."

Naphtali's face darkens at Zyka's statements. He turns to Octavius,

lightening a bit. "It's nothing, really. Just a few tunes I've learned in

my studies."

Zyka closes her eyes.

Eclipse says, "Another hour or two passes while the ship manuevers into the

port. The anchor lowers, and the crew and dockhands secure the lines."

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Way to freak out the Epagan."

Octavius gatherses his gear and stowed gear and preps his horse.

<OOC> Naphtali sighs....... I've got quite an uphill battle to wage... Oh


<OOC> Zyka takes a bow. "Thank you, thank you."

Eclipse says, "'Might I have those three silver pennies, now?' the captain

asks Zyka, seeming to appear out of nowhere."

You watch your owl perch on your shoulder, watching.

Zyka shrugs and hands her the money.

<OOC> Octavius says, "Wait til he finds out about Octavius :)."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Oh, what fun!"

Naphtali gathers his things, strapping several sacks of books to a fairly old

looking donkey. He has a small pack of his own, which looks much lighter.

Eclipse says, "She accepts it with a knowing smile, and returns to the deck,

ordering her crew around."

Zyka finds her pack and grabs her staff.

Eclipse says, "'I recommend "The Singing "

Octavius finisheses putting the stuff on the horse and head tword the ganplank

leading the horse.

Eclipse says, "The Singing Sparrow"', comments one of the crewmembers as you

gather your possessions."

<OOC> Naphtali wonders who said that last thing from Eclipse, the cap'n?

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Neverminds."

<OOC> Octavius says, "sounds like the name of a tavern to me."

You are already waiting to depart, seeing as you carries little except for a

few tools for doing your metal work.

<OOC> Naphtali figured that, just wondering who said it.

Eclipse says, "'An inn and tavern both. Some of the finest entertainments in

Magrothea, for the money.'"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Resources... what?"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Missed the ooc on that one..."

Eclipse says, "Tight for 1, Easy for 2."

<OOC> Zyka says, "i love my life"

<OOC> Hugon needs to find a way to get money.

<OOC> Naphtali has none of his own either.....

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Guess..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I can handle tight."

<OOC> Zyka wonders if she's gonna keep paying for everyone... and if she can

afford it.

Naphtali sighs, turnign to the crewman/woman. "Is there a Temple of Epaga


<OOC> Naphtali says, "Or would I already know that?"

Eclipse says, "We'll stop here, for the week."

<OOC> Octavius says, "cool."

<OOC> You say, "Okay"

<OOC> Zyka says, "Okay"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "Having a good time, folks? What do you think so far?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Ok. Who wants to e-mail me a log of what I missed?"

<OOC> Eclipse calculates XP...

<OOC> Naphtali hasn't seen much, but it looks interesting.

<OOC> Zyka says, "i can"

<OOC> You say, "I've got the logs, I can send them tomorrow."

<OOC> You say, "I have to paste them into 1 logfile anyway."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Thanks a lot."

<OOC> Octavius says, "Great. I'll need one too please"

<OOC> You say, "Put the orders in at the forum so I remember, if you don't


<OOC> Zyka says, "THIS IS COOL! I like playing Mage. Is muchfun."

<OOC> D says, "Ja, looks like tomarrow's gonna be fun."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I am having a blast."

Eclipse says, "One chapter done."

<OOC> Naphtali will put up his order soon. *grin* It's fun.... I wich I was

here for the beginning.

<OOC> D says, "I thought I was supposed to kill iphwhatever tho?"

<OOC> Eclipse says, "You'll see soon enough, Tyson..."

<OOC> Hugon nods. "It was good. Having the 'Shy' flaw is interesting."

Eclipse says, "Yes."

<OOC> Zyka says, "I was just playing with characterization. Heh. Isn't she


Eclipse says, "It's cool that I'll have a record of my NPCs, this way.

Usually, I don't have time to write down quotes when I GM."

<OOC> Octavius says, "role-playing parania wrought by characters personal

history was fun."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Roleplaying paranois wroght by evil ST was fun."

<OOC> Naphtali will put up his order soon. *grin* It's fun.... I wich I was

here for the beginning.

Eclipse says, "So is role-playing paranoia wrought by the ST"

D says, "It was nice getting a look at the opposition"

<OOC> You say, "Quite strange, I will admit Zyka."

<OOC> Naphtali eeps as his enter key gets in the way.

<OOC> Octavius says, "So tyson what do you think?"

Eclipse says, "You think THEY have it bad, Tyson? "

<OOC> Zyka grins. "Muchfun to play.

<OOC> Naphtali says, "It will be interesting the first time I'mm here for


D says, "No, not really. We get the banshee after all."

<OOC> You say, "Everyone, protect the elf!"

<OOC> Zyka says, "We didn't have any combat yet"

Eclipse says, "We didn't have any combat tonight."

Eclipse says, "Maybe next week..."

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Good. Nothing for me to be upset about yet. *grin*"

Eclipse says, "I introduced the banshee tonight, after all..."

<OOC> Zyka says, "Scary..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "to bad. I wanted to see how sheild and armor rules work


<OOC> You say, "Why does that sound really bad..."

Eclipse says, "I don't know. You missed a lot of OTHER fun stuff..."

D says, "You're going to give me instructions, yes? Since it seems things've

changed and I need to make new plans"

<OOC> You say, "The spirit sphere is my friend..."

D says, "For the mission that is"

<OOC> Zyka says, "I *would* like Mind, but the ST is evil."

Eclipse says, "WP 6, Rage 7, Gnosis 4, Essence 17. Scary powers..."

Naphtali says, "D, I think each group has its own story."

<OOC> Octavius says, "I hate to ask it but what did we miss?"

<OOC> Zyka says, "But I love that Dream 4"

<OOC> Naphtali is a bit curious, himself.

D says, "Ah. I thought our two groups would joining up sometime in the


Eclipse says, "Nothing, I think. I come up with multiple paths. Tonight, you

actually took one of them..."

<OOC> Zyka gasps

<OOC> You say, "Ahh! Falling into ST's plans...must...deviate...now..."

<OOC> Octavius says, "dream 2 has it uses. But what would arcane 2 do for me?"

<OOC> Naphtali says, "Dang. NOOOO!!! Give us time. We can deviate... We

are deviants... *takes up a chant*"

<OOC> Zyka joins in

Eclipse says, "The Dream was a bit of a surprise, though. It let me do even

more evil things."

<OOC> Hugon joins the singing.

D flashes the secret Technocratic High Sign. "I ain't no reality deviant..."

Eclipse says, "Arcane would basically hide your face during someone else's


<OOC> Octavius says, "which path is that?"

<OOC> Naphtali sits on his dot of Faith and hopes to run into vampires...

Well, not hopes, but.... You know.

<OOC> Zyka writes EVIL on D's forehead in permanent marker

<OOC> You say, "I have to admit, that botch of the subterfuge roll really

stunk...my character is convinced that captain thinks he's hot..."

<OOC> Zyka laughs.

<OOC> Naphtali chuckles.

Eclipse laughs insanely. "Botches are so fun for STs

<OOC> Octavius says, "I pray that we don't run into Vamoires."

<OOC> You say, "All I can say is 'Thank you shyness'..."

<OOC> D says, "that brings up an interesting thought.. Can the races

interbreed? Could Hugon and the captain have little wint/myshari?"

<OOC> Octavius says, "err Vampire"

<OOC> Naphtali doesn't want to run into them now, but later it might be


<OOC> Zyka must get off now. "sorry, guys, was muchfun.... don't even go into

the wint/myshar thing. It's wrong."

<OOC> D says, "I thought there weren't any vampires in Malakai?"

<OOC> You say, "Must take off as well. He's working the sound for a wedding

tomorrow afternoon. Night all!"

<OOC> Naphtali wavles to Zyka. Bye.

<OOC> Naphtali waves to Hugon too.

<OOC> D says, "bye all"