November 8, 2003

Logfile from Malakai

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion. "When last we left Hell's Errand Children, they were mostly readying themselves for the Fae invasion that will come at sunset tonight. That and trying to wash head gremlin goo off themselves."

You say, "They had, in fact, decided to get some shut-eye before the big battle."

Plax is then, likely, asleep.

[OOC] Psyche waits for her cue.

Typheous has cleaned himself and his weapons, and asks Val where he might rest a bit.

Valyros had pointed to the guest room.

Psyche has received your page: "It was, what, late afternoon when you killed Mer?"

Valyros wakes up in her black satin bed, getting out without awakening her children as she goes to get dressed and ready for what the day had in store for them.

Psyche pages: "I came back just moments before sunset, so work backward from thaere?"

Typheous will be asleep there then. Well, feigning sleep. More likely staring at the ceiling thinking.

Psyche has received your page: "Ah yes. That's right. I figure they'll wake up about an hour before sunset, maybe - enough time for them to get beefed up, I fear, so it might be a bit of real-time before they catch up with you."

Psyche pages: "That's fine."

You say, "You wake to the sound of the belltower's bell. It looks to be less than an hour before sunset. (Unless someone had intended to get up significantly earlier?)"

Valyros puts on her jerkin and pants that go with her armor, knowing she'll be needing it sooner or later. Going to the kitchen she tries to fix breakfast for everybody.

Valyros puts the breakfast on hold and goes to get ready for battle.

Plax gets up, though he has no armor now, and wanders downstairs.

Typheous comes down in his normal garb, blades at his side. "I need to get ready. I'll be outside." And he goes out to start some forms.

Valyros puts her scabard by her side, "Wonder what's going on..." Heads out with the others to the belltower.

Plax heads outside.

You say, "Alex is already standing outside Val's house when you leave it. He has a short sword in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. "Spotters have sighted the Fae coming from the west. They'll arrive by sunset." His voice is strangely calm."

Typheous scowls slightly. "I see...." He glances westward. "I suppose we should be going..."

[OOC] Rade yawns

Valyros says, "Then we should be ready to recieve them..."

Plax frowns and nods, wondering what, exactly, their plan is going to be to deal with them, aside from not get killed.

Rade catches up just in time to hear. She looks much less stressed after some rest. SHe chews at her lower lip at the words. "Sunset.."

Valyros says, "Should probably try and set up some sort of ward to try and slow them down before they come to the village. There's a bottleneck there, right?"

Rade pages: "Hmmm...what happened to my animal/forest spirit pals? :)"

[OOC] Rade waves around.

Rade has received your page: "They're lurking in the forest to the west-southwest, ready to flank the enemy when the time is right."

Typheous frowns a bit. "That might work.... If that's their target...." He seems a bit distant.

[OOC] Plax waves.

[OOC] Psyche snugs.

(remotely) Rade pets them. "Good minions."

Valyros says, "Well why else would they be coming in legion?"

Rade nods slowly. "If they're really so...chaotic, they'll probably attack the most orderly thing they find." She looks around. "Can you think of anything more orderly than here?"

Valyros says, "Not unless we find some great Dwarven war machine."

Typheous quirks an eyebrow. "Will they? If they're chaotic why should they do anything we expect them to?"

Plax takes note of Alex's calmness. "You seem fairly calm about this, Alex," he says.

Psyche pages: "Tell Typh when it's my cue."

(to Psyche) Eclipse nods.

Rade smiles a bit. "Chaos can be predictable I imagine, just like order could be unpredictable...I don't think they're likely to go against their nature, -if- they're really out to destroy order."

Typheous frowns. "Then perhaps they will listen to reason..."

Alex grins, "I'm drunk. Very, very drunk. In my mind, there is nothing beyond Wyzdin, right now."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 3, 2, 7, 8, 5 No diff given.

You say, "Alex drinks some of his whiskey. About half of it remains."

Valyros doesn't want to comment on what Alex just said, instead going forward to see the Wyzdin malitia and what defenses they set up.

[OOC] Typheous beats eclipse.

[OOC] Eclipse grins.

[OOC] Rade laughs

Plax hovers into the air and scans the area to see what he can see.

Typheous scowls at Alex. "So what are the defense here like?"

You say, "The militia has not been idle, but the spear hedge is only about half the width of Wyzdin and provides no shelter to the academy at all."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Doesn't the Academy have walls?"

Typheous glances to the school. "Have the students been evacuated?"

Alex, "Let's think for a minute. The Masters didn't warn the townsfolk of the danger before we left. Always before this, we thought nothing would dare Wyzdin because it was guarded by seven Masters, so there wasn't so much as a fence protecting it. The first hint of danger they got was when Caine showed up. I'd say they've done about as much as they could on such short notice."

Alex, "Where would they go? The Chaos is behind us, and the Fae are ahead of us. We could bring them to Wyzdin from the academy, but where else is there to go?"

Typheous rolls his eye. "It's the best they could do. And I meant to the town, bastard."

You say, "Alex takes a drink. "Right now, I'm trying not to think about what's out there. Maybe if I ignore it hard enough, it will all go away." There is a strange certainty in his voice."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 9, 10, 4, 8, 1 No diff given.

Rade eyes Alex, frowning slightly. "We do have some help though. My friends from the forest are waiting when we need them."

Rade pages: "Umm...the prayer rote, one that checks a persons health."

Rade has received your page: "Life 1. Standard dif."

Rade half kneels, running a hand through Halda's fur.

From Rade: [Private Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 8, 4, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Valyros says, "You know that reminds me... The spirit jars, they might just lend a little bit of aid, not enough as a good legion of troopers, but we need all the help we can get."

[OOC] Rade says, "spirit what nows?"

Rade has received your page: "He's about the rest of that whiskey bottle away from alcohol poisoning."

Valyros heads back to the university to see of Lori's spirit collection is still intact.

Plax says, "If only life were that easy"

Rade pages: "how much is that?"

Valyros has received your page: "It's intact, each bottle neatly labeled with it's contents. Mostly Nature spirits, with a few household spirits and a wraith or two."

Valyros pages: "Gathering up all of the nature spirits she can, and going to see wat sort of wraiths she collected."

Rade's eyes narrow slightly, worriedly. She steps around haldan to lean close to Typheous, false smile filling her expression as she whispers to him. "I don't think you should let him finish that bottle..."

Rade has received your page: "How much is what?"

Rade pages: "left in the bottle :)"

Rade pages: "nm, not important :)"

Alex, "I fully intend to finish it, I'm afraid. The Fae haven't disappeared, yet, which means I'm not drunk enough, yet, by half."

Typheous frowns slightly. "It just might work... Good luck Alex. Try not to lock her out..." He looks back to the west. He glances to Rade. "Why do you say that?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "And we have a budding cultist... :)"

Rade jumps slightly at being overheard, smile growing worried as she lowers her voice even further. "Because it's probably just enough to send him into a coma..."

Valyros has received your page: "The wraith bottles are not labeled in a great deal of detail, though the words "do not open" figure into the descriptions."

Valyros pages: "Can I talk to the wraiths inside without opening the jars?"

Typheous smirks. "Do you know his tolerance Rade? He could drink a troll under the table."

Alex, "Exactly. I drop into a coma, I can't perceive the Fae. If I can't perceive the Fae with any of my senses, I have no evidence that any of them exist. It's a fine line to walk, I fear. Master Tenor's spell was more long-lasting. Mine can only work as long as I remain unconscious. Yeah. It's dangerous, but better than facing an army of Fae, right?"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 2, 6, 6, 10, 7 No diff given.

Valyros has received your page: "Yes."

Typheous shakes his head. "As I said, just try to make sure she's back before the wall falls."

Valyros pages: "Asking the wraiths, "Who were you, what are you now that you have passed on and be truthful with me.""

Alex nods, "I'll try to remain conscious as long as possible, but I can't promise that. We don't even know if she'll be back. How would she get all the way back to the academy with an army of Fae between it and her?"

Rade's eyes flash in the nearest thing you've seen to anger from her. "I know how to control live magic's and they tell me he's a bottle away from alcohol poisioning! If you won't stop him..." She turns to look at Alex with a determined set to her expression.

Typheous chuckles to himself. "Never underestimate a woman, Alex. It's always been your greatest flaw chasing women." He glances to Rade. "What? If we stop him, what happens? The Fae descend on us and kill us all. Unless we can talk him out of it. Do you have a better idea?"

Plax says, "And if he gets alcohol poisoning and dies, then his magic fails too."

Alex, "Good. Then wait until I'm unconscious and keep me in that state - barely alive - for as long as you can. I might live a few days before either dying or needing to be revived to prevent it. Hopefully the Fae will get bored by then."

Typheous frowns. "I don't intend to see you dead, Alex." His music is dark, a bit determined. "And he's not going to just fall over dead from drinking too much without some warning."

Rade blinks. "Isn't it enough that he's killing himself? If you won't stop him I will..." She glides over beside Alex. "Let me have that bottle, hmm? Things aren't that don't need to drink yourself to death."

Valyros has received your page: "Wraith 1, "I was a powerful mage, lord of this place - absolute master over its inhabitants. Release me at once, and I might yet be merciful to you!" Wraith 2, "I was only a child when it happened, only a child. To freeze like that. To die from the cold. Please, give me some of your warmth. Don't let me freeze to death again. Don't let me freeze.""

You say, "Alex takes a long swig of defiance. "Mine.""

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 9, 4, 5, 8, 3 No diff given.

Valyros pages: "Keeps the wraiths back here for an absolute last ditch "If I'm going down, I'm taking you to hell with me!" thing. Taking the jars, (If I can't carry them all, going to get the kids to carry them.)"

Rade sighs, shaking her head.

Valyros has received your page: "There's a spare medical bag nearby with enough room for them all."

Valyros pages: "Puts them into the bag and goes over to wake the kids anyway."

Rade pages: "Okay, matter 2, melt and reform :) Bottle melts right out of his hand, dumping said alcohol everwhere..."

Valyros has received your page: "(Kids meaning your children?)"

Valyros pages: "(Of course.)"

Rade has received your page: "Standard dif. You know the drill."

Valyros has received your page: ""Mother, what is it? Are the Fae here?""

Rade sighs, murmuring under her breath as she runs a hand through Halda's fur. "Boys...." Her eyes focus on the bottle.

[Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 6, 6 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Valyros pages: ""No, not yet, but they will be eventually. Have you been keeping up your archery training?""

You say, "Alex's bottle melts out of his hand, along with it's contents, bursting like a bubble against the snowy ground."

Typheous scowls slightly. "Great..."

Valyros has received your page: "Ultavium, "Given that we've spent the last several days defending our home from the Fae, I'd say we've had practice enough...""

Rade raises her eyes to meet Alex's. "That's enough of that...we need everyone's help, and I won't watch you hurt yourself..."

Valyros pages: ""Good girl. Time to help Mommy defend her people and the world as we know it now. Let's grab some bows, extra arrows and head out to the front line. We need all the bow elves we can muster.""

You say, "Alex falls on his knees and pats the snow futilely for the bottle of booze. He moans slightly, "No..." After a moment, he blinks, turns green, and vomits a great deal."

Typheous pages: "Would I know if he was using that as a focus or not since I room with him?"

Typheous has received your page: "DEFINITELY was his focus..."

(remotely) Typheous figured. :)

[OOC] Rade says, "eww"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 7, 2, 8, 6, 1 No diff given.

Valyros has received your page: "They do so."

Typheous frowns. "So... Can we take away your focii as well, Rade? Or will we go and ger somemore booze for Alex so his spell doesn't go out of control?"

Valyros pages: "(GOing to snag a couple of extra arrows for herself and heads back to the others.)"

Valyros has received your page: "(Arrive whenever you want)"

[OOC] Rade says, "go ahead and make a grab at halda, that'd be amusing :)"

Valyros comes back with her son and daughter, lugging a medical bag full of jars along the way. "Alright, I think I'm as ready until we get to the bottleneck itself."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Nah, we'd just teleport her into an extradimensional pocket."

[OOC] Rade whimpers.

[OOC] Plax could pick her up with his claws and leave her on the belltower. :)

[OOC] Rade says, "that'd be funny actually :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "Or I could drop her from a hundred feet up. :)"

Rade's back stiffens, and she stands up straight, bristling slightly and folding her arms determidly. "He's had enough, focus or no." She looks accusingly at Typheous. "I can't believe you'd let him do this to himself."

You say, "Alex passes out in a pool of his own vomit and promptly vanishes along with it."

Typheous quirks his eyebrow. "So we'll let then entire town die because you can't let him go?" He glances down. "Damn, I need to learn that trick."

Valyros says, "Well, at least he was consiterate enough to clean up after himself."

Plax sighs. "Well, what now?"

Typheous scowls, his music dark and starts stalking off to find on of the jr professors. "I'm going to make sure the students are with the rest of us."

[OOC] You say, "So, rounding up everyone and bringing them to the town?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "That's the plan. :)"

Valyros says, "We gather all the archers above the bottleneck, I'll ward it against the fae, and get the malitia back aftter the barrier to keep them from reaching the village."

Rade stares at the spot he was in in supprise, then looks over at Ty as he goes, her pretty little jaw set. "Too many people have died already...I'm not going to let it happen while I can stop it."

Valyros says, "That's the spirit Rade."

Plax nods to Valyros, but stays quiet, just hoping that Psyche succeeds right now.

You say, "You reach Wyzdin. An army of about 250 Fae - mostly Red Caps, but with an abundance of Pooka and Shadow-Sidhe, as well as no fewer than a dozen Trolls - is visible in the lingering daylight across the field to the west of the defensive line."

[OOC] You say, "Approximately 5 minutes before the first of them reach the defensive wall."

[OOC] Plax says, "Distance?"

Psyche and Typheous have received your page: "Now."

Typheous will be somewhere he can try to parley with the Fae, if they'll listen.

Eclipse [to Plax]: Approx 300 yards.

Valyros takes out her spirit book and begins to weave a massive ward in front of the Wyzdin lines, to harm any fae who would come into it's area of effect.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 1, 4, 1, 1 ** BOTCH 3 (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "OUCH"

[OOC] Plax hands Valyros a hammer.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Mother fucker!"

[OOC] Typheous hmms.. I think Karma says that's a Bad Idea.

[OOC] Valyros pounds the dice into dust!

[OOC] Rade says, "well isn't that a kick in the pants"

Psyche pages (to Typheous, Eclipse): "Then just about now Psyche comes back into his mind, notably with 1 agg. . o O ( It is done, and more, although I still don't know if I made the right choice... )"

[OOC] Rade says, "that's it, no more drugs for Val"

[OOC] You say, "What Spheres and Sphere levels were involved in that?"

Typheous pages (to Psyche, Eclipse): ". o o ( Psyche! Where are you? What happened? )"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Life 3, Spirit 4, Forces 3."

Typheous glances suddenly off in an odd direction. "She's back."

Valyros says, "Psyche?"

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( I'm in the park. Mer's dead. )

[OOC] Plax just cringes.

You say, "A chasm of fire opens up under Valyros's feet and she disappears into it. The chasm closes on her immediately."

[OOC] Rade whimpers.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well... at least I can speak the language."

Typheous nods, looking toward the exact spot she appeared at. Although the chasm of fire distracts him. "Shit! Val!"

[OOC] Eclipse laughs.

Plax looks at the spot where Valyros was and curses. "Bloody bad timing," he says before looking back to Typheous. "Where? Distance and direction?"

Valyros pages: "What's the @emit function here?"

Typheous pages (to Eclipse, Psyche): ". o O ( Get the hell over here to the town now! Or do you need me to teleport out there? )"

Rade's face brightens for only a moment, smiling. "Psyche?" Before Valyros dissappears. "What...? VALYROS!"

Valyros has received your page: "Actually, I don't know. I use @spoof name, ""

Typheous scowls. "Dammit, now we're trading... Psyche's in the park."

[OOC] Plax says, "How far is that/how long would it take to get there?"

Valyros pages: "Was just thinking of taking over for me kids."

Valyros pages: "(If it's alright with you?)"

Valyros has received your page: "You're not in a good place. That much you're sure of. But at least there isn't a flaming hell around you. You appear to be in a perfectly square stone room with a round door on each wall, as well as round trapdoors on the ceiling and floor."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Well, if I'm lucky, 2 rounds ;)"

Valyros has received your page: "Fine by me."

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( I'll be there as soon as I decide what to do with this body. )

[OOC] Eclipse thinks someone picked up Cor 3...

Plax pages: "(Question. Is it possible to make the -1 diff to archery a scene-long effect with Track Forces?)"

Plax has received your page: "(I'll allow it, yeah.)"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( Body? Nevermind. Val just vanished into a pit of fire. And the Fae are here. )

[OOC] Typheous grins. I've got it. :)

Plax glances at his ring quietly.

Rade glances between the spot where Val was, and where Psyche supposedly is. "Is Psyche in trouble?"

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 4, 4 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

Plax pages: "(That enough to do it for the scene?)"

Typheous shakes his head. "Not really in trouble..."

[OOC] Rade says, "hrm, are the Fae still on the attack?"

Plax says, "And was she successful?"

[OOC] Rade holds head as things happen all at once.

Typheous nods to Plax.

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( Order should be spreading through in my wake...I'll be there as fast as I can. )

You say, "The Fae are moving in something approaching an orderly march, or at least something resembling the flocking of birds or the movements of a thunderhead."

Psyche pages: "Somewhere appropriate to leave Mer's body around here?"

Plax has received your page: "Yes."

Valyros Ultavium jumps down and tries to catch Valyros before she falls through, then starts swearing in Vale quite vehimently. Terilnus puts a hand on her shoulder, "Come now sister, Mother has fared against worse, and it is our time. Mom saved the world once, now it falls upon us to save this world..."

[OOC] Valyros kicks server for not having an @emit command.

Psyche has received your page: "You know the layout of the place, right? You're in the middle of the academy grounds."

[OOC] You say, "Should be @spoof name, ""

[OOC] Valyros says, "I tried, didn't work."

[OOC] Psyche says, "!"

Typheous pages (to Psyche, Eclipse): "o O ( Damn it's good to know you're safe again... )"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Use !, not @emit."

Putting a hand on his bow, which glows slightly, along with his ring, Plax frowns. "Shouldn't that have stopped the Fae? They're almost in my range," he says. [Plax]

Ultavium jumps down and tries to catch Valyros before she falls through, then starts swearing in Vale quite vehimently. Terilnus puts a hand on her shoulder, "Come now sister, Mother has fared against worse, and it is our time. Mom saved the world once, now it falls upon us to save this world..." [Valyros]

(remotely) Psyche nods. I just need a relatively safe place to put her body.

Valyros pages: ""Aw spoot, one of these puzzle rooms. I hate these things..." Flies up and opens the top door."

Psyche has received your page: "You're not far from the belltower. That would at least be reasonably dry and out of sight."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled 1d6: 5; totalling 5.

[OOC] Plax says, "Range fo the Fae, Z?"

[OOC] Plax says, "*of, not fo"

Typheous frowns. "I don't know." His music is much more relaxed suddenly. "She said that Order is spreading in her wake."

Valyros has received your page: "A tunnel stands before you, leading to another door about 30ft away."

Rade glances between the three places, Psyche, Val, and the fae, sighing softly. Someone else probably lost. She offers the children her bravest smile. "Your definatly right...she will be fine...we have to take care of ourselves right now though or she won't have anything to come back to." She looks toward the fae. "How do we make them stop....?"

Eclipse [to Plax]: 200 yards and closing.

(remotely) Valyros goes up and opens the other door.

Plax frowns. "They're in my range, Typheous. If she can somehow make them stop coming, have her do it, or I'll have to fire on them".

Psyche pages: "typh = :goes to the belltower, then, and deposits Mer's body there. . o O ( I'm not safe yet, if I ever will be. Godsdamn...I missed you too. ) She heads for town."

Typheous scowls. "I don't know." . o O ( Should we open fire? They're almost here. )

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche goes to the belltower, then, and deposits Mer's body there. . o O ( I'm not safe yet, if I ever will be. Godsdamn...I missed you too. ) She heads for town.

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( I don't know how this works, I didn't have time to worry about more than the barest of details. Fight if you have to. )

Valyros has received your page: "You're in another square room with a round door on each wall, floor, and ceiling."

Typheous nods to himself. "She says fight if we have to."

Plax nods. "Right". He lets loose with two arrows, particularly aiming for the Shadow-Sidhe.

[OOC] Plax says, "Do I need init, or just roll it?"

Valyros pages: ""Damn it, I knew that would happen..." Drops down a bit and tries to break through the tunnel with a swift kick."

Typheous clutches his blades. . o O ( We'll worry about details when you're safe. Do you need me to come get you? )

[OOC] You say, "Just roll it, for now. Try to pace the attacks with the narrative."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (5) and Archery (5) (10d10): 8, 6, 9, 1, 4, 6, 5, 8, 10, 6 ** 7 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (5) and Archery (5) (10d10): 8, 1, 5, 7, 6, 3, 10, 4, 5, 9 ** 6 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 10 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

Ultavium and Terilnus take their bows and draw back an arrow, aiming at the front line of fae. "For Valyros..." Ultavium whispers as they come into range, letting the arrow fly. [Valyros]

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 1 ** BOTCH 1 (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (7d10): 5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "7, 6, Base of 7 L"

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (7d10): 4, 9, 10, 4, 9, 6, 4 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 3 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Plax forgot one, doesn't matter.

You say, "Two of the Shadow-Sidhe go down with arrows in their torsos. The others hesitate briefly, flicker, and melt into the falling darkness."

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( Only if I need to be there sooner than I can run. I'm not impeded that badly. ) And she runs for town.

[OOC] Rade says, "mmm, do we have archers from the town folk?"

Valyros has received your page: "The wall of the tunnel doesn't give. A voice echoes through the halls. "Thinking outside the box, are we, Val?""

[OOC] You say, "Yes, but most of them don't have Plax's range..."

Plax starts firing on the redcaps as well, now going for speed as well, having snagged many arrows from the armory, just trying to cut down the numbers.

[OOC] Plax says, "Splitting dicepools on both attacks."

Valyros pages: "Looks about her prison, "It is the only way to think, expecially in situations like these.""

[OOC] Rade mmms

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 5, 3, 8, 1, 3 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 6, 10, 2, 7, 1 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 5, 8, 2, 2, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

You say, "The front lines of Fae are now within range of the more experienced archers, who fire a volley."

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 10, 1, 3, 3, 4 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

Typheous will stay out of return fire line-of-sight. "What are they up to? And do we need Pscyhe here faster?" . o O ( Let me know if you need help... )

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (10d10): 1, 2, 5, 4, 4, 1, 7, 5, 7, 4 No diff given.

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (2d10): 7, 6 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Plax says, "1, 3, 2, 1, 7L base"

You say, "Several more Fae, most of them Red Caps, fall or take wounds. The Fae begin to charge. Out of the forests south of the Fae army come a swarm of glowing images of birds and beasts, making a rush at the Fae's south flank."

Valyros has received your page: ""Why did you stay behind? You could have been a goddess, too, you know.""

[OOC] Rade says, "woo! go minions!"

Ultavium calmly keeps firing arrows, acting much as a certain famous elf, reloading her bow in less than a second. Terilnus puts more emotion into it, snearing and leading a target fae before letting it go, letting lose a war cry before putting another arrrow in the bow. [Valyros]

Plax pages: "(Would Darksight be able to be used to try and track camoflauged opponents, such as the Shadow Sidhe?)"

Plax has received your page: "Only one way to find out..."

Rade murmurs to her wolf. "Go help them if you want, but come back to me, please."

Plax looks at his ring and focuses on something, squinting quietly.

Plax pages: "(Darksight, Sense Living Things, Corr 2 to locate the Shadow Sidhe)"

Typheous is staying where he can get any who get through the lines, waiting for any who make it to melee. "Let me know if I can help up there..." . o O ( Any idea if we can help Order along?"

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 6, 9 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 4 successes (diff 4) **

Halda, "You will need me before this is done, Rade. There will be plenty of blood left when they reach us."

Valyros pages: "Looks about, "Eclipse, that is you isn't it? I hoestly can't tell you, something about it felt wrong to me. I had to do it on my own, I had to do it without the seemingly omipotence you offered. In the end, I did not believe I was ready for that power.""

Psyche pages: "Any thoughts she has?"

[OOC] Plax activates Archer Sense. :)

Psyche has received your page: "You think it's just a matter of time before the Order spreads. It should be spreading out both from Theusleh and the Node at the academy."

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( It just takes time. I'm sorry, I shouldn't've taken so long, but I had things to do... )

Plax has received your page: "They are still well-camouflaged even with your magic - kind of like cloaked units in Starcraft - but you can trace them well enough to attack them."

Plax starts firing at apparently thin air.

Rade nods to Halda, kneeling at her side and watching the approaching forces.

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 6, 3, 10, 4, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 4, 6, 5, 3, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 1, 2, 4, 10, 8 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 7, 7, 3, 5, 2 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (2d10): 8, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( Tell me about it later. Right now, I just want to see you. )

[OOC] Plax says, "4, 2, 2, 3, 4 different Shadow-Sidhe, Eclipse"

Valyros has received your page: ""Eclipse? Of course not. He only comes when it is time for the world to end." The voice is vaguely familiar, and distinctly feminine."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (50d10): 2, 3, 10, 3, 6, 8, 4, 9, 7, 2, 3, 1, 7, 1, 10, 8, 9, 5, 3, 8, 3, 6, 5, 1, 6, 2, 9, 3, 3, 10, 2, 5, 10, 5, 4, 4, 4, 9, 5, 2, 3, 10, 6, 4, 3, 9, 6, 9, 2, 2 No diff given.

[OOC] Rade says, "cripes"

[OOC] Plax hates it when Z rolls that many dice...except when it's on our side. :)

Valyros pages: "Then please, grant me with your name."

[OOC] Typheous says, "But he never rolls that many on our side."

[OOC] Plax wishes he had Time 3. I'd enjoy shooting 24 arrows/round...

[OOC] Typheous winces.

Guest has arrived.

[OOC] Plax says, "What, me shooting 24 arrows/round would scare you?"

You say, "18 Red Caps and 6 Pooka go down. The remaining Red Caps blur with supernatural speed, and the Pooka shift into animal form to engage the spirits on the southern flank. A dramatic melee breaks out. The Trolls march ponderously onward."

Plax keeps picking off Shadow Sidhe, trying to get rid of them so they can't run around and be a pain.

Typheous is waiting for the to hit melee.

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 1, 2, 6, 6, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Have you forgotten me so soon?""

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 8, 6, 6, 8, 5 ** 5 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 4, 5, 9, 9, 7 ** 4 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 7, 10, 1, 3, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 4 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Plax says, "7L base on all, and let me know when all the Shadow-Sidhe go down (Distance check?)"

[OOC] Typheous runs to pick up a friend at work

Ultavium and Terilus both turn their bows at the trolls that are about to hit the front lines, hoping to cripple a few before they reach them. [Valyros]

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""How many of our cabal chose the path I did, Valyros? Why did you not at least join Terran and Octavius? Or even Enola?"

Eclipse [to Plax]: 75 yards

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""Thirteen, that is you, isn't it? Honestly, I doubted myself. I saw all the damage the gods did in our time and how they truely felt about us. I didn't want to damage my, or anybody else's people to that degree. I guess I was not strong enough...""

[OOC] Plax says, "Am I hitting the darn Shadow Sidhe? *just wants to make sure*"

Plax has received your page: "Half a dozen Sidhe have fallen, now. The others are now retreating behind the advancing trolls."

You say, "The Red "

You say, "The Red Caps fall in droves amid the hail of arrows, but continue to advance. They will reach the front lines next turn. The Trolls don't even seem to notice the arrows striking them as they casually walk toward the town, gripping their immense swords, battle horns at their sides."

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "13 appears in the room above you. "And here I thought you might have forgotten me. Welcome to Hell. Or, rather, one of the Hells.""

Plax pages: "Enchanting an Arrow with Prime 2, firing it at a troll."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 5, 3, 1 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 1 success (diff 4) **

[OOC] Plax whews.

(remotely to Eclipse, Guest) Valyros climbs up to the above room with 13, "So were you delegated to ruling the Hells, or just subcontracting this one just because of me?"

Plax takes aim with an arrow carefully and fires it at one of the trolls. "Catch this, troll," he mutters. Another two arrows go after the Shadow-Sidhe he can still see.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (5) and Archery (5) (10d10): 1, 1, 7, 5, 3, 9, 4, 1, 4, 3 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Plax cries!

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 8, 5, 3, 10, 5 ** 4 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 6, 6, 3, 8, 9 ** 4 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 8 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

Rade picks the troll nearest the lead, drawing her dagger and focusing on him as she sets a hand on Halda's back.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "13 shrugs. "It's a place of my own, and so very roomy, to boot. What brings you here, Val? Fleeing the collapse of your bubble of Order? How does it feel to be on the other side - hunted to the brink of extinction?""

Rade pages: "rip the man body, time to take the gloves off"

[Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 7, 8, 2 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

You say, "The first Red Caps reach the hedge. The leaders impale themselves until the stakes sink to the ground from the weight of the creatures on them. The slain Red Caps gradually evaporate, soon replaced by those immediately behind them. The melee has begun."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""It feels hopeless. There seems to be a world threatening event every other day. There are few places where we can live a normal life, there's either fae, demons, wraiths, or hostile spirits trying to kick us out and claim it for their own. By the way, how is your daughter?""

Rade has received your page: "Pose it. It will wound but not kill one of the trolls."

Plax takes to the air to get a better view of the battle and keeps firing, seeing as he can do nothing to the trolls unless he engages in melee, which he has no plan to do.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "13 reacts as though slapped. "No worse off than yours, I imagine.""

Rade's focus turns into a glare. "Leave us be!" The lead troll stumbles as leasions appear all across it's body, but continues forward.

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "Oh... I am sorry to hear that."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (5) and Archery (5) (10d10): 3, 10, 8, 4, 6, 4, 6, 9, 6, 7 ** 7 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (5) and Archery (5) (10d10): 2, 4, 10, 10, 5, 5, 2, 9, 5, 1 ** 5 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 3 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (2d10): 9, 10 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 9 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[OOC] Plax says, "7, 8 *plays pick off the enemy*"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Eclipse left out some important details when he offered us godhead - like that it would take us 50 years to achieve it, leaving the remaining mages to ravage it with Ultimatum so it left almost nothing for us to rule.""

[OOC] Psyche says, "7, 8, lay them straight..."

Once the fae are too close for arrow range, Terilus takes out twin scimitars, gives an ear splitting war cry and leaps on the nearest troll, taking it's head of in a scissor's moment. A Shadow Fae is about to run him through with a large pike when Ultavium leaps forward and strikes him down with her own blade. [Valyros]

You say, "Two more red caps fall. About 50 defenders fall to whirling axes of the red caps. The trolls halt 50 yards from the hedge and lift their horns to their lips."

Psyche has received your page: "(Arrive when you think it fits.)"

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""I knew it was too good to be true and the bastard woudl screw us in the end...""

[OOC] Rade says, "oh crap"

[OOC] Plax says, "Forces Shields? Anyone? Anyone?"

[OOC] Rade says, "I don't think I can target that many horns at once...dern :)"

Plax pages: "(Are the trolls in a line? As in, could I do a trick shot with the arrows to impale their horns, and if so, how many?)"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""I suspected he would, but I wasn't certain of the nature of the screwage, as it were. My daughter... The Chaos collapsed around all the corners of the world, leaving a few bubbles of Order. She wasn't in any of them.""

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hmm.. I could.... :) If I get a chance. :)"

Plax has received your page: "They're in a line, but you probably can't puncture more than one in a shot."

[OOC] You say, "I'll give everyone 1 action before the horns go."

Plax pages: "Splitting action, taking 4 shots on 4 different horns."

[OOC] Typheous nodsnods. Hmmm....

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""Oh 13, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." she goes to embrace the Tanak, "I know how important children are. It must have torn your soul to shreeds when that happened. You have my infinate sympathy...""

[OOC] Rade says, "Yeah, time to play the 'guess what the horns do' game"

Plax spots the horns and scowls, quickly firing arrows at the horns, intending to wreck the little suckers.

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 10, 2, 9, 2, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 5, 10, 7, 3, 3 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 2, 6, 4, 1, 6 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (5d10): 2, 7, 4, 5, 10 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (3d10): 7, 4, 4 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[OOC] Rade says, "how many are there? "

[OOC] Plax says, "4, 3, 1, 3, 7L Damage base"

[OOC] Plax recalls a dozen trolls

Psyche, moving at a dead run, arrives from the direction of the Academy. She's splashed with blood, one hand badly burned, and looks nothing if not exhausted.

[OOC] You say, "13, to be precise. Was "no fewer than a dozen trolls""

[OOC] Plax knows what the dang horns do. They hurt. A lot.

Both of the Del'zenivras children lash out at the other trolls, aiming directly at the closest horns, doing their best to stop them from blowing. [Valyros]

Typheous starts through his forms, bringing up a sound ward. (Forces 2 enough? If so diff 4 w/ focus, right? )

[OOC] Rade says, "woo, Psyche gets here just in time to gat waxed"

You say, "Plax's arrows puncture 4 of the horns."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (4d10): 10, 8, 2, 10 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 4 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] Plax cheers for Typh!

[OOC] Rade says, "geeze"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: :nods. "Won't be able to screen much more than a handful of people, though.

[OOC] Plax says, "Though he could cover the horns..."

[OOC] Typheous hmms... How many horns left untouched?

[OOC] Rade says, "that'd make 9 :)"

[OOC] Eclipse will give you 1 horn per target, so three horns suppressed. That leaves 6 horns.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (8d10): 9, 3, 7, 4, 7, 6, 5, 7 No diff given.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (7d10): 7, 10, 2, 6, 6, 8, 7 No diff given.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Meanwhile, a 1 duration, 2 aoe, 1 effect to silence an area between us and the Fae to block the sound of the horns?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "How effective would that be?"

[OOC] You say, "You could protect the cabal entirely, instead, leaving 9 horns, less whatever val's kids and the rest of the group do."

You say, "The winged twins puncture two more horns, leaving 7."

Rade switches targets, eyes straifing across several horns.

Rade pages: "melt/reform"

[OOC] Typheous says, "So I can's place it between the towns and the horns to make a buffer?"

[Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 5, 4 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Rade pages: "melt two?"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""I'm over it. It's been 20 years. I have other projects to occupy my time.""

You say, "Two more horns melt, leaving 4."

[OOC] You say, "Er, 5"

[OOC] Typheous will just target the horns. :)

[OOC] You say, "-typ You can protect the cabal and their immediate entourage, but not the entire town."

[OOC] You say, "That everyone?"

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""Like what, saving the rest of your people?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Unless Psyche gets an action, I think so."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I did the two rolls for my kids to slice the horsn, 5 and 6 respectively."

[OOC] Psyche's action is getting here, I think.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""The rest of my people? You could put it that way. You'll recall I was not pure Tanak, but a composite of several beings?""

You say, "The two trolls with operable horns blow them, sending a tidal wave of sound at the defenders."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (14d10): 1, 8, 9, 6, 7, 5, 8, 10, 5, 3, 8, 9, 10, 9 ** 9 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax whimpers.

[OOC] Typheous eeps.

[OOC] Plax says, "And we all die...:)"

[OOC] Rade says, "squishie"

[OOC] You say, "The distance is pretty substantial. Soak bashing 9."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "Yes I do. I hope that is going well for you. I just wish I could save my own people..."

[OOC] Plax has a 3.

[OOC] Typheous says, "With stamina?"

[OOC] Rade says, "um, is that a stamina roll? :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "not that it matters, I'm on the floor either way"

[OOC] Typheous says, "So... 2 here."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (8d10): 10, 7, 2, 9, 1, 2, 1, 9 No diff given.

You say, "Almost the entire mortal army falls flat on its back."

[OOC] Plax says, "Stamina + Armor, and I don't think we roll it?"

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (7d10): 9, 8, 2, 9, 7, 10, 1 No diff given.

[OOC] Psyche says, "2 here."

[OOC] You say, "Armor + Sta - autosoak."

[OOC] Rade says, "1 then"

[OOC] Psyche now has 1 ag, 7 bashing.

[OOC] Plax soaks 3. Woo, I'm still functional!

[OOC] Typheous says, "I think you're the only one.... :p"

You say, "The red caps also fall, but they appear to mostly be getting up again."

[OOC] Rade cheers for Plax! "The cheese stands alone."

[OOC] Plax says, "Doncha wish I had Life 3 right about now? ;)"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Or that Psyche's Effects were still active."

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Your new little friends will be meeting them soon, I think, if they survive this, that is.""

You say, "Halda limps over to Rade and nuzzles her neck."

Plax winces and scratches himself, trying to heal the nasty injuries.

Ultavium and Terilus hide behind the one trolls they had knocked the horns out of, but it doesn't protect them enough. They are blown back towards the group, rather substancially bruised, but still alive. Slowly they get back up, shakily raising their weapons. [Valyros]

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 4, 8, 10, 3 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 8, 1, 5 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

Rade has received your page: "Heal 4B"

Typheous slumps over where he was standing.

Rade groans from where she collapsed, eyes slowly opening to look at the wolf. She whispers. "Thank you..." Pulling herself to her knees she looks around at her fallen comrads.

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "I know they will, but who are these friends of yours? I feel so... worthless now, not able to be there to help my people against an insurmountable tide. To tell you the truth, I find myself wishing to becoming a goddess every now and again.""

Rade pages: "lemme know when I can start healing"

Halda, "Rise. They need you."

Rade has received your page: "Pick a moment..."

Plax pages: "Let me know when I can make another healing attempt on myself."

Psyche, pausing with her hands on knees, trying to catch her breath, crumples.

Rade pages: "Psh, NOW! :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "who's up, who's down?"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Why don't you return to them? They could use your help, just now, I think.""

[OOC] Rade says, "ty/psy down, plax/kiddies up?"

Plax has received your page: "Go for it."

[OOC] Plax is up in the air. Everyone else is down, I think.

[OOC] Typheous is at 7 bashing. :)

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 4, 1 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

[OOC] Plax says, "And back to full. Time to thump some troll."

You say, "The trolls put away their horns and continue their walk, swords at the ready."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "I would, definately, but I'm in a Mage Hell for misusing my powers. It's generally not a good idea to use your power here."

Plax pages: "Could I use one action to divebomb and stab a troll and another to get the heck out of it's way?"

Rade squeezes her fists, focusing on Typheous and Psyche as she reaches out for Halda.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""I'm a goddess, Val. I could send you back, if I wanted to.""

Plax has received your page: "Go for it."

Rade pages: "blowing 2 quin"

Plax draws his sword and puts his bow back on his back. He calls to Rade, "Take care of the others. I'll take care of the big, ugly ones". With that, he dives down at a troll with blazing speed, slashing at it, and shoots back up into the air.

[OOC] Rade blinks

Rade has received your page: "You know the drill."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (5) and Melee (3) (8d10): 10, 9, 2, 4, 8, 8, 7, 9 ** 6 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "oh"

[OOC] Plax ohhs. "Shiny". :)

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""If you would so kindly 13, I would be grateful." She leans forward and deeply kisses her, "I've missed you and the others so much. It was good to see you once again, I only wish I could spend more time under less stressful circumstances...""

[OOC] Rade says, "ummm"

Rade has arrived.

[OOC] Plax says, "6Agg Base."

[OOC] Rade says, "wtf"

[Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 9, 4 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] Rade says, "wait, nm :)"

[OOC] Psyche peeks.

[OOC] Rade says, "I went braindead and was @rolling"

[OOC] Plax grins.

You say, "Plax cleaves one trolls head off. The pookas have, after sustaining bitter casualties, destroyed the last of the Nature spirits and are turning their attention toward the mortal forces."

Rade focuses on Typheous, trying to get him on his feet.

[OOC] Rade says, "1 target, 1 duration"

[OOC] You say, "You mean 1 target, 1 to effect (2L)?"

[OOC] Rade says, "err...yeah :)"

Plax goes for another troll in much the same fashion.

[OOC] Rade says, "nah, I just want to heal 0 for a long time :)"

You say, "The Red Caps are nicely embroiled in slaughtering helpless warriors, atm."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (5) and Melee (3) (8d10): 5, 4, 5, 4, 9, 1, 8, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax wonders where the heck the sorcerers are during all this?

[OOC] Typheous says, "Drunk at the bar."

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""I would, except I am now a goddess. I can do nothing without exacting a price, especially of one who so efficiently slew my sole worshiper, though he did not realize it was I who planted the idea in his head. Give me your children, Val, and I will let your friends live the day.""

[OOC] Plax says, "Probably Alex's fault."

[OOC] You say, "Alex drank ALL of them under the table? No wonder he was on the verge of alcohol poisoning..."

[OOC] Rade mmmhmms

[OOC] Typheous says, "And I just got a little tiny bit healed up, right?"

(remotely to Eclipse, Guest) Valyros pales "Give you my children, why? What will you do with them?"

[OOC] You say, "The sorcerers were part of the earlier volleys, actually, though they didn't fare well when the horns sounded..."

[OOC] You say, "-typh 2L or 4B"

Plax pages: "(Would, say, eagles fall under the heading of "Simple Creature? And could Life 2/Corr 2 Summon some to aid in an aerial attack?)"

Typheous pulls himself up off the ground, rushing to Psyche's side.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""I will, of course, add their most useful aspects to my Perfect Race. I told you I had moved onto new projects...""

Psyche's hand is clearly the source of that agg he's feeling, branded with a knife-hilt's mark burned into it.

Plax has received your page: "Yes."

Psyche is otherwise apparently not covered in her own blood :)

[OOC] Rade says, "Okay, let's see, we've got like....500 people on the ground...and I can target, max, 3 at a time, on a good day"

Plax squints and scratches himself lightly, focusing as his claws extend out of his feet. "Eagle, your son calls for your aid once more. Send your children to aid us in your plight, for we cannot win this day alone".

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 9, 10 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""You will chop them up to make your Perfect Race? I am sorry, but I can not do that. They are my love and my life. I would rather die by their side than sacrafice them for me to live.""

[OOC] You say, "-plax Accumulating, I assume?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Yes"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Bastard..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "It will just take a while. :)"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""They will die either way, don't you think? This way, at least their sacrifice will not be in vain.""

[OOC] Guest whistles innocently.

[OOC] You say, "They don't call him Lord of the Gremlins for nothing..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Just let me know how long between rolls, Z. *isn't sure of the timing here*"

[OOC] Rade nods. "Me either."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "In vain it may be, but at least it will be honorable. Tell me, what happens when your Perfect Race comes to aid the Wyzdin troops?"

You say, "The trolls are now within 25 yards. The Red Caps are having a field day. The Pookas have reached the southwest edge of the defensive line. The shadows in the area are beginning to take on a life of their own."

Typheous glances back to Rade. "Rade! Help me with Psyche!" . o O ( We need that Order... )

[OOC] You say, "Next turn. Yeah, I'm not really doing init. It's kind of a free-for-all."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 4, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Plax pages: "(How many would that get me, roughly?)"

(remotely) Plax has net 4.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Honor? Come now. What use is there in dying with honor when you can live with a small shame and save many others?""

Plax has received your page: "3."

You say, "Halda nuzzles Psyche's cheek with her nose."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 4, 8, 7, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

Psyche has received your page: "Heal 6B"

[OOC] Rade grins. "Or Halda can handel it

Plax pages: "(Holding)"

Plax continues focusing.

Psyche's eyes flicker open. "Shit, my head hurts..." . o O ( Typh? )

Typheous . o O ( I'm here. Damn fae.... )

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "For most other things, I would agree with you, 30 years ago I would have agreed without hesitation. But yet, I could not live with myself if I sent my own children to die, my own flesh and blood, that is worse than a sin. It would be something the old Dark elves would do, I do not want to fall back on their dispicable ways..."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""You have not answered my question about what will happen after the battle.""

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "13 purses her lips. "Very well. I have one last offer before I leave you to your fate. If your children mean so much to you, why not give yourself to me, instead? It would be a shame to waste you that way, but you have more to offer than either of your brood. For the life of Order? A fair exchange?""

Rade struggles her way back to her feet, following behind Halda. "We can't stop them..."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "Promise to me that after the battle you will not opress, slaughter, maltreat, or chop up the people of this pocket of Order for your Master Race. Vow with the power of Ultimatum!"

You say, "The Red Caps begin to feed on the fallen, slaughter momentarily forgotten. The trolls reach the remnants of the line and spot the handful of mortals who still stand. The pookas get distracted by the buildings and start transforming the houses into various substances of which no house should be built."

Typheous scowls. "What do we do? Dammit, where is that Order...."

Plax pages: "(Releasing after this one)"

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 9, 3 ** 0 successes (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] Plax sighs...

[OOC] You say, "Not an auto-lash Effect."

[OOC] Plax says, "Still releasing."

Psyche . o O ( You okay? I wish I knew how this was supposed to work...I wish I'd been faster... )

Typheous . o O ( Psyche... You've done all you can... We just have to wait... Something has to come of it. )

Plax visibly cringes as he rips a hole in the air, hoping for some assistance here. He directs whatever comes through down to the Redcaps with instructions to disable and/or kill them to protect the mortals.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Done." She touches your cheek. "Now, go." The trapdoor in the ceiling opens, revealing the starlit sky."

You say, "The Red Caps and Pookas in the town nearest the academy abruptly howl and evaporate as though an invisible army were walking in a line from the academy, destroying all the Fae in its path."

[OOC] Plax ohhs. "I think it's here now".

[OOC] Typheous grins.

You say, "The eagle spirits descend from the sky, harrying the Fae."

[OOC] Rade says, "woo!"

Psyche . o O ( I should've been faster. )

Typheous glances toward the evaporating Fae. . o O ( It's here, Psyche.... You did all you could. )

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "13 fades away, her voice echoing against the blank walls. "After all, there are many, many other pockets of Order...""

Rade gasps as she watches the Fae lines fall, sinking back to her knees, her expression filled with a strange mixture of joy and horror.

Plax flies back near the group, listening to the Fae get evaporated by Order, or something.

Psyche closes her eyes, turning around, refusting to look at the march of Order.

You say, "The trolls try to flee toward Theusleh, but strike another wall of Order coming from that direction. They melt away like stones erroded by a million years of wind and water, leaving dust in the air."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "Goes into said trap door, "Good bye my Babies. Live to the fullest. I shall miss you.""

Typheous finds Psyche, trying to see if she'll let him hug her. . o O ( All you could do... Psyche...)

You say, "Valyros emerges from a well at the edge of town."

You say, "The Fae army is no more, and the buildings are no longer made of marshmallow fluff and worse."

Rade watches until the last fae is gone, clinging to Halda the entire time. As the howls die away she burries her face in the animals side, tears soaking her fur.

Valyros climbs out and has her gaze firmly placed on the floor. See seems lifeless as he goes forward, and does not respond when her children runs up to embrace her.

Plax lands and sighs. "Well, it's over. For better and worse".

Valyros says, "No... it will take twenty more years before this hell is over. I doubt any of us will survive until then..."

Rade raises her head slowly, blinking and asking quietly. "What?"

Psyche shrugs off the hug, keeping her back to the scene, just listening in silence. . o O ( I did this. )

Typheous sights, lettinghis arms fall. . o O ( Yes, you saved those that you could. )

Valyros says, "Heaven is in Chaos, everything is breaking down. The gods are trying to take their own followers, mold them in their own image, and strike down all others. Until 20 years have passed, this chaos will not pass, the gods will not honor any sort of code and not arbitraily destroy civilizations because they are not their own."

Valyros falls to her knees and starts to cry.

Plax pages: "(Ring of Truth on Val)"

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 4, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

Plax glances at a feather as Valyros speaks, frowning.

Psyche . o O ( I made a choice to carry order here...and I destroyed the Fae here...and anything that comes of this is my doing, my choice. )

Valyros says, "I should have become a goddess when I had a chance. Then I could do something about all this."

Plax has received your page: "No ring of Order."

Starling, "Not so, Valyros. At least, not nearly as much as you might think."

Plax smiles slightly. "You're wrong, Valyros. It's an effect of whatever backlash you had. I sense no spike of Order within your statements".

Valyros says, "What do you mean Starling?"

Typheous reaches a hand to her shoulder. . o O ( Psyche.... )

[OOC] You say, "Okay, everyone. Remember - Starling is a Fae. WTF is she doing in a bubble of reinforced Order?"

[OOC] Plax was about to say...

Rade turns her head to look at Starling...whever she is approaching from. "I don't understand...what are you doing here?"

[OOC] Rade says, "heh, ya beat me to it"

Valyros says, "I saw her, one of my friends as a godess. She had changed so much, ready to come in, save us from the fae, then assimilate us into her 'Perfect Race'."

Psyche spins around to look at Starling, ignoring Typheous for a moment. "And have you been burned, Starling?"

[OOC] Rade cackles. "Resistance is futile."

[OOC] Guest says, "Prepare to be assimilated."

Valyros says, "She was not like that at all when I knew her. She would have never done such a thing..."

Starling, "The Heavens, and indeed, the Hells, are in Chaos, but everything is not breaking down. It is like continents colliding to create larger continents. This was only an earthquake, but Order is greater in strength for it, nonetheless.

Valyros says, "But still, we are a sturdy ship in a violently stormy sea. Even if it is as well built as possible, the waves can break over and sink us."

Typheous frowns, sighing softly, his music dark, a bit dejected. . o O ( Don't I even get a 'I missed you'? ) His thoughts seem as if he's murmuring more than actually expecting her to hear it.

Starling, "True, Val, but there is still hope while the hull endures."

[OOC] Typheous needs to learn Psyche how to be a good girlfriend. ;)

Plax thinks that through. "Perhaps, but there were still many losses," he says. "So now, what is left? Rebuild?"

Valyros says, "I just wish..."

Valyros starts crying again.

Starling, "What is the destination?"

Rade leans on Halda as she stands again, sighing softly. She looks at Starling. "I don't know how your still here...but...thank you for helping us..." Her eyes travel past her to the battle field. "Right now...I'm going to deal with the present." She starts toward the formost of the line, wherever the most injured are likely to be.

You say, "Starling waits until Rade is almost completely out of earshot before smiling. "So very much my daughter, she is.""

Valyros looks up, "She is your daughter? She never knew, did she?"

[OOC] Rade says, "!!!"

Typheous frowns slightly. "Learn something new everyday..."

Starling, "She wouldn't recognize me. The Chaos has bent my body and transformed my spirit. I am no longer fully elf, but not yet entirely Fae.

Plax blinks. "I would guess not," he says. A pause. "Which is why you were able to survive".

Valyros says, "Sometimes, I know what you mean Starling..."

You say, "She holds up one clipped finger, "Precisely, Plax.""

Valyros flaps her wings a little bit.

Rade stops dead in her tracks, turning to stare back at Starling, face a storm of emotions.

Psyche watches the scene, face impassive, hands clenched tightly at her sides, trying not to see the destruction around them. . o O ( Don't chide me, Typheous. Either accept who I am or be silent. )

Plax glances down at something quietly, not speaking for the moment.

Plax pages: "(Lyka's mind stone)"

(remotely) Rade whispers to Halda. "Is what she says true?"

Plax has received your page: "Unconscious."

Rade has received your page: ""Wasn't it obvious?""

Plax frowns quietly, not thrilled with what he's seeing.

Typheous frowns slightly, glancing to Psyche before looking at the ground. . o O ( Gods dammit, Psyche... It has absolutely nothing to do with that. All I wanted was some sign that it was nice to see me, personally... Nevermind... Forget it.... Later... )

(remotely) Rade shakes her head gently, "No....what do I do?"

Rade shakes her head very slightly, seeming to be talking to Halda for a moment.

The younger Del'zenivras gently help their mother up, "Do not worry Mother, you have done great deeds despite being mortal" Ultavium says. Terilnus says, "Yes, you have brought great honor to our name where only shame existed. I don't know how any diety could do it any better." Valyros nods, "Yes, you are more right that you know." She holds her bruised children close and begins kissing them. [Valyros]

Rade has received your page: ""Why are you asking me? I'm a wolf spirit - neither elf nor Fae.""

(remotely) Rade 's voice is almost inaudible. "Because I don't knwo what to do."

Psyche . o O ( I don't have time to be glad to see you. Now is not the time to go running to your arms and cry. And the one demands the other. Please, Typh... )

Typheous sighs, his music lightening just slightly. . o O ( I just felt... unimportant to you is all... Like it wouldn't have mattered if I was still here when you got here or not. )

Rade has received your page: ""And I should? She set me as a guardian over you, but I am not so knowledgeable as you seem to think. You are no longer a cub, Rade.""

Valyros says, "I don't care who or what threatens you; thief, savage animals, enemy nations, fae, demons, or the gods themselves, I shall protect you and the way of life we know..."

Typheous takes a deep breath. "So what now?"

Psyche starts walking toward the battlefield, toward the wounded. . o O ( If I'm going to fall in love with you it's not going to change my purpose. And I have to do what I have to do. ) "We save -everyone- we can..."

Starling, "Either rest a while or choose a destination. The new Order will protect you from the predations of the Fae.

(remotely) Rade 's expression takes on a wry smile. "Maybe...but I don't know what I'd do without you."

Rade has received your page: ""Only one way to find out.""

Typheous follows Psyche, not quite letting her get very far from him. "Let me help..." . o O ( I didn't ask for that, Psyche... Nevermind... Later... )

Plax says, "I think, for now, we need to rest. After we do what we can for those here, though I'm afraid I'm rather worthless in that regard."

Rade smiles wryly at her wolf, before raising her head to look at Strayling, saying just loud enough for the words to carry, "Mother." before turning back to continue on toward those injured and dying.

Valyros says, "You are wounded my little ones. Let me take care of that..."

Halda, "Returned to you safely, as promised."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 1, 10, 4, 6 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

You say, "Halda vanishes."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 10, 7, 1, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] Rade says, "!!!!"

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 2, 10, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

You say, "Starling hugs Rade."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 6, 4, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 10, 9, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 8, 2, 3, 4 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 1, 8, 9, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 4, 5, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hmmm... trade in the wolf avatar and get your mother as one?"

Psyche doesn't look back, but she slows her pace just marginally, moving to make room for Typheous to catch up, and then goes hunting for people she can help. . o O ( What good would you asking for it be? )

[OOC] Psyche says, "I'd like to upgrade my Avatar for a mother, please?"

Rade gasps sharply as Halda dissappears, staring numbly at the empty spot even as she's hugged. Finally she manages to tear her eyes away from the spot to stare at Starling. "What...where'd she go?"

[OOC] Rade says, "that'll be 39 cents more"

Valyros heals her children up, "Now go on, go and rest up, have a special treat for being so brave in the face of neigh certain doom." She gives them a smile, they nod and goes to find some really good dinner.

Typheous will wander around, using the excuse to help as a reason to touch Psyche. . o O ( You keep missing the point... )

Plax goes flying around, trying to assess the condition of the wounded and mark those who need help the most.

Psyche . o O ( What point? That I'm falling in love whether it's fucking convenient or not, and once I start talking about it I'm going to turn into a worthless mess until more people die? )

Starling, "Back to her true home. I'm certain she will visit you again, when you need her most. Your journey has only just begun, Rade. Your escort will arrive at the next sunset to lead you along the Next Path."

Valyros goes over to stand by Starling, watcing the dauther-mother relationship, great sympathy within her eyes.

[OOC] Rade says, "well, so much for magical healing :)"

Psyche follows Plax's cues :)

Nomin, "Rade! You're still alive! Where's Halda?"

Typheous . o O ( Gods... Psyche, all I wanted was a hello. A 'I missed you'. And it's not even like it would take any fucking breath to do it. )

Rade stares at Starling. "My journey? What do you mean? What escort? M...mother....I don't understand...." Her head turns slightly as Nomin arrives, words sticking in her throat.

Psyche swipes at her eyes between patients. . o O ( Yes, godsdamnit, I missed you. I'm still holding off the tears from cutting off the link in the first fucking place. Please, Typh...try to fucking understand. )

Starling, "Your journey through the Chaos, of course. It is only a few miles. My fellow Walkers-Between will preserve you from its ravages until you reach the next bubble of Order. You will be the Road-Builder."

Typheous . o O ( I'm trying Psyche... I just... Later, ok? Later we can cry in eachother's arms. Right now, we need to heal these people... )

Nomin, "What are you talking about?"

Plax has received your page: "You find Lyka under a fair-sized pile of corpses. She's breathing."

Plax returns a short while later, carrying a still-breathing Lyka in his arms.

Valyros has received your page: "13, "How soon before you are ready to join me?" The voice seems to be coming from the very ground beneath your feet."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 2, 8, 4, 3, 3, 1, 8 No diff given.

Guest has received your page: "13, "How soon before you are ready to join me?" The voice seems to be coming from the very ground beneath your feet."

Valyros pages: "Give me a few moments to say goodbye."

Rade, if anything, looks even more confused. She turns her head to Nomin, gesturing toward Starling. " my mother, Starling. Mother...this is Nomin...he's" her cheeks flush slowly. "a good friend from school." Her eyes track back to Starling. "And I still don't understand...I have to leave?"

Guest pages: "*cough* May wanna include Val"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Take your time, eternal one. Your long life will be a great boon to my People."

Guest has received your page: "(Actually forgot to include you the last time I paged val)"

Guest pages: "Ah, right"

Psyche bites her lip, drawing blood, savagely as she swipes at her eyes. Her emotions are rapidly starting to lose their order.. o O ( That's what I was fucking trying to do, until you had to get all wounded-heart on me. ) She's caught up in healing people, not paying attention to Rade's private drama or Plax's return.

Valyros says, "Lyka, you are alright. I am glad. I am unfortunately have to say that I can not teach classes next semister. I have to leave for a while and I doubt I will ever come back. I only ask that you take care of my children, and tell them their mother did all she could to keep them safe."

Plax looks at Val. "She's unconscious, Valyros. She can't hear you".

Starling, "Of course you do. Didn't you know that all along? Couldn't you feel the wild woods calling you?"

Valyros says, "I am sorry, but I should heal her wounds..."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 1, 2, 9, 10 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 3, 9, 2 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

Typheous is caught up with Psyche and healing people, it's hard to tell which is foremost in his attention. . o O ( I'm sorry, Psyche... I just didn't want you to be that cold to me... )

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 9, 2, 8, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Valyros says, "Should that wake her up?"

You say, "Lyka's eyes flutter open. "Plax. Lady Del'zenivras. What happened? I saw the trolls and then...""

Rade's eyes lower, staring at the grass beneith her feet. Nodding slightly. "Always...but I'm happy here...I have friends..." She glances around at everyone.

Plax smiles slightly. "The battle with the Fae is over We won when Order was strengthened. That was what had to happen," he says.

Valyros says, "We have won, although it was costly, Wyzdin is still standing. And here are your spirits back, I did not need them after all."

[OOC] Plax says, "Lyka's spirits? Do you mean Lori's?"

Psyche moves from one person to the next, systematically. . o O ( It's who I am, Typh. Get used to it or go. )

[OOC] Valyros says, "Forgot her name for a second there :P"

Starling, "You think I longed to be turned into this, Rade? I accepted change because it was required of me. Someone must travel beyond the Chaos..."

Typheous will help as he can. . o O ( I know... I was just hoping... for maybe even just a smile... That's all... For you to let me in just a bit more than everyone else. )

You say, "Alex climbs up out of the well and walks toward Starling, Rade, and company. He looks like he's been through hell."

[OOC] Plax says, "That well is just bad news..."

Valyros says, "Lyka, you are alright. I am glad. I am unfortunately have to say that I can not teach classes next semister. I have to leave for a while and I doubt I will ever come back. I only ask that you take care of my children, and tell them their mother did all she could to keep them safe."

Alex, "You guys aren't gonna believe what just happened to me..."

Plax looks at Alex. "Does it involve the gods and goddesses?"

Alex, "I don't know if she was a goddess, but damn. I'm exhausted."

[OOC] Rade says, "..."

Plax shakes his head. "The more things change...".

[OOC] Psyche dies.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Only Alex...."

Valyros says, "Was she rather cat like?"

[OOC] Plax dies

Alex, "Funny you should ask..."

Valyros says, "Then I can definately say, you are not alone..."

Rade wraps her arms around herself, looking unhappy. She knows she's right, but. "Do I have to leave right away?"

[OOC] Guest snickers

[OOC] Typheous cringes. No sleeping with cat-like-goddesses.... Bad experiences with Psyche's games.

Psyche . o O ( You are. All I've been thinking about is getting back here...back to you...but it's like damming back floodwaters. One little crack... )

Plax carefully sets Lyka back on her feet. "Lyka, I need to go help Psyche and Typheous with the wounded. After that, can we talk?"

Starling, "Tomorrow at sunset, Rade. Even the Walkers-Between cannot abide in Order for more than a day at a time."

[OOC] Rade says, "just avoid the anklet and your fine"

Typheous . o O ( I'm... sorry... Psyche... )

Valyros goes to whisper to Starling, "You have a very good daughter there Starling. You are lucky to have her. I hope she makes you as proud as my own children. I... I wish to put forth my path, but it seems to silly and hopeless, but something deep inside me says this is the road I should go on. I wish to rise in power to oppose and over throw the various gods and eliminate the conflict between Entropy, Chaos, and Order, making a perfect balance. But now, I doubt that path is open to me or anyone else. I just wished to confide in you, please, take care of Rade."

[OOC] You say, "Very different cat goddess, actually... Remember Tybalt's love-making feat? She finally found someone else who could do for her what he did..."

[OOC] Guest says, "Poor Alex.."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Serves him right."

Psyche . o O ( Don't be sorry. Just try to understand. )

Lyka, "Of course, Plax."

Typheous . o O ( I'm trying, Psyche... )

Rade sighs softly, offering Valyros a soft smile. Her eyes shift back to Starling. "I...I have to think. I'm going to go help the wounded..." She starts to turn, stopping as she sees Nomin. Her eyes lower to his feet. "I'm...I'm sorry." She turns the rest of the way and practicaly flees toward the pile of injured that was the battlefield.

Nomin, "Wait, Rade. I'll help."

Plax goes to help with the wounded quietly, trying to do his best to help.

Rade has received your page: "It goes without saying that your Phylactery is no longer necessary, yes?"

Psyche . o O ( Mer's body is in the bell tower. I couldn't just leave her there. )

Rade pages: "actually, I figured that was up to you. :) Either I would have to wait for the next 'guide,' or yeah, it's not necessary. :)"

Typheous . o O ( ... We should have a memorial... something... She... well, the person she was deserves at least that much. )

Rade pages: "of course, there' goes most of my focuses :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "Argh! man, karma sucks"

[OOC] Rade says, "I destroy Alex's focuses...and mine just wander off..."

Rade has received your page: "Feel free to chose others..."

Rade slows, glancing back at Nomin. She nods slightly, a small gesture telling him to hurry and catch up then.

Valyros pages: "Am I getting a response from Starling or not?"

Psyche . o O ( She should. )

Starling, "She will be fine. Eventually, all children grow up to be adults."

Valyros has received your page: "(Sorry.)"

Typheous . o O ( And then we can curl up together somewhere... )

You say, "Nomin does so."

Valyros nods, hugs Starling and walks off into the woods.

Psyche . o O ( When it's time. )

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "13, "Ready now?""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""Alright 13, I am ready."

Typheous . o O ( I know. )

Rade starts tending the wounded with Nomin, not quite daring to try casting yet.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "The ground opens beneath your feet and swallows you. Several small eyes blink at you in the darkness. They look like a small army of creatures virtually identical to Starling. They murmur almost in unison, "Welcome, Valyros Del'zenivras. It is an honor to have you join us at last. You will make us strong, the mightiest of all peoples.""

(remotely) Rade looks at nomin as she applies a salve to one man. "Nomin...I think...I have to go."

[OOC] Guest says, "Oh.. thats just to funny."

Psyche keeps working until she either collapses from exhaustion or runs out of people she can save.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Rade's Momma's a Borg!"

Typheous will be right there with Psyche, so if she collapses, he catches her.

Rade has received your page: "Nomin conjures a healing spirit, which tends one of the other wounded. "I know that. Which is why I'm going with you.""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "Nods at that, "So be it, now where is 13, I would have thought she would wish to do thiss herself.""

You say, "Starling abruply sprouts black, bat-like wings. "I must go, now, before the Order consumes me, too. Rade's escort will come for her at sunset.""

[OOC] Rade says, "eek"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "The Starlings sprout black, bat-like wings. 13's voice echoes in the dark, square room. "All is done according to my will, here, Valyros.""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "As I have expected. What is your will 13?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "So which is it, Clippy? :)"

(remotely) Rade blinks, head snapping around to look at Nomin. "What?"

[OOC] You say, "Definitely exhaustion..."

Typheous carries her back to somewhere to rest then and then will go find Mer's body and put it somewhere scanvegers won't get to it, unless it's a conscious type collapse.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Mer's body is in the belltower :P"

[OOC] Rade says, "ewww"

Psyche will push herself as far as willpower will allow, so it's pretty much a dead collapse.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Never mind on the 'save it from scavengers thing'"

Typheous will then find a bed somewhere to put her in and probably collapse next to her.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""This bubble of Order, though small, is a nexus between many larger ones. Rade will create a network of roads between this bubble and the others. She will need an escort to protect her from the Chaos. You will lead that escort.""

Rade has received your page: ""I'm going with you. She said you had to go. She never said anything about having to go alone.""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "That I shall do goddess. No harm shall befall Rade on her journey."

You say, ""

You say, "Despite your efforts and those of the surviving sorcerers, there is still a great deal of slaughter and agony. Perhaps two-thirds of the defenders survived, though the refugees were unharmed."

(remotely) Rade stares at the man, cheeks rosing slightly as she shakes her head gently. She can't help but smile. "Nomin...thank you, but you can''s not safe for you."

[OOC] Rade says, "Not bad, considering."

[OOC] Guest applauds

[OOC] Typheous says, "Some is better than 0. :)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Poor Psyche."

Rade has received your page: ""I'm an elf, too, Rade. Clearly, the Chaos twists us more slowly than the other races. I couldn't bear to lose you again.""

(remotely) Rade shakes her head. "I know...but...there's more than just the chaos. And I don't think I could bear to see you changed...twisted..."

Plax will help with the wounded, then go find Lyka. Two-thirds, in his mind, isn't great, but it isn't the worst possible scenario by far.

Psyche will head back out to the battlefield as soon as she awakes. Failing something more she can do out there, she'll go back to the belltower.

Plax has received your page: "Lyka is in her room."

Typheous will probably wake up when Psyche does, put up a brief fight about taking care of herself, and then follow her out there.

(remotely) Plax knocks.

Rade has received your page: ""I'll fight the corruption of the Chaos. It won't take me easily. And maybe your escort will be able to preserve me, too. There is certainly no harm in asking."

Valyros has received your page: "(Kind of stuck with you until Rade's escort arrives, I'm afraid. How long are you willing to wait / stay up?)"

Rade pages: "What about your friends....your family."

Plax has received your page: "The door opens, though Lyka is sitting on the chair on the far side of the room. "Plax.""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "(Until over.) "Goddess, what resorces shall I be granted on this quest?""

Rade has received your page: ""So many others...died fighting the Fae. Why should they miss me more than the loved ones of those who perished?""

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""225 Walkers-Between. No Fae will be able to oppose you. And I shall make you as one of them in form, making you invulnerable to the ravages of Chaos.""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "What powers do teh Walkers-Between have?"

(remotely) Plax crosses to her. "I know you may hate me now, Lyka. I've had to do some bad things during these...I don't know what to call them. Trials? Just know that everything I did, I did with the intent of saving as many as I could". He pulls out the mood and thought gift she gave him. "If you wish this back, I understand the reasoning".

[OOC] You say, "Letting Typh and Psyche know that I'm paging the hell out of everyone else, so feel free to mainscreen."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ahhh.. ok :)"

(remotely) Rade sighs softly, shaking her head. "Nomin...."

[OOC] Psyche noddles.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""They walk without fear of Order or Chaos, so long as they continue to move. They can preserve those near them from the ravages of Chaos. Neither Fae nor Caine's warriors can harm them. And they always find the path to any destination given to them.""

He'll catch up to her at the belltower, then, kneeling beside Mer's body. It's unmarred except for the slit throat and stab wound to the heart. And -now- she's crying, the tears sliding down her face. [Psyche]

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "What of Entropy, or is that what you serve 13?"

Plax has received your page: ""Stop it, Eagle! You've been through hell. Come over here and kiss me before I slap you again." She bursts into tears."

Rade has received your page: ""It's true. I'm not letting you go alone. I'm not letting you go without me.""

Typheous will slow his approach, kneeling behind her, tentatively reaching a hand out to her shoulder.

(remotely) Plax smiles a little. "Gladly," he says, stepping forward to embrace her and give her a kiss.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""I am Order and Chaos - married and bound together forever. I am the opposite of Entropy - the path to a perfection that can never be entirely achieved. The quest is infinite, so Entropy cannot touch it.""

Plax has received your page: "She kisses you back, but sobs a lot more than she carresses."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""I understand goddess.""

Psyche doesn't shrug it off, this time. "Why does it have to begin with a friend?" she asks softly. . o O ( What do we do with her? )

(remotely to Eclipse, Guest) Valyros takes out her sword and plants it in the earth infront of her, kneeling down to await 13'snext action.

(remotely) Rade chews her bottom lip a moment, "Even if I asked you to stay?"

(remotely) Plax holds her closely. "We'll get through it, Lyka. Things will get better. It'll take time, but things will get better".

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "Your body twists until it is indistinguishable from those of the Starlings. (Your magic will still work, btw)"

Typheous takes a deep breath, letting just his hand rest there for a moment before shifting up beside her and letting his arm fall around her shoulders. "I don't know, Psyche..." . o O ( Well, we could build a pyre or try to bury her... )

Rade has received your page: ""Please don't ask me to stay, Rade. Don't make me have to decide between being with you and doing what you ask of me""

(remotely to Eclipse, Guest) Valyros something deep inside her her breaks out of her soul, working something on her.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 9, 3, 5, 3 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

Psyche leans into the embrace. . o O ( I like the pyre idea. )

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 7, 2, 10, 4 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "13, "Val, what are you doing?""

Typheous pulls her close to him. . o O ( Then we just need to find a place... )

(remotely to Eclipse, Guest) Valyros 's dark skin returns, her ears become pointed once again, and her black wings growing feathers once more looking like her old self. "It is something greater than me doing this."

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "The Starlings twist, imitating your form perfectly. 13, "What are you doing? What are you doing to my People?!?""

Psyche . o O ( In the depths of the park... )

Rade frowns, looking away from nomin to study the ground once more. "You'll have to ask my mother..." The word still sounds strange to her. "And whoever this guide is..."

Plax has received your page: ""What next? Who will rule now that the Masters are gone?""

[OOC] Rade says, "hrm"

[OOC] Rade says, "let me page that :)"

(remotely) Rade frowns, looking away from nomin to study the ground once more. "You'll have to ask my mother..." The word still sounds strange to her. "And whoever this guide is..."

Typheous pets her shoulder lighlty. "Shall I carry her?"

Psyche shakes her head. "No, I killed her. I'll carry her."

(remotely) Plax thinks about that. "I'm not sure, Lyka. I'm not even sure that the Masters are gone. I haven't checked since the battle. They might be surviving still. I know it's a slim hope, but it's a hope, nonetheless. Otherwise, I don't know who leadership will pass on to".

Rade has received your page: "Alex, "I'm going with you, too. For different reasons, though. Very different reasons. And if these guides try to tell me otherwise, I know where a good stash of brandy is hidden back at the academy.""

Typheous says, "You've carried her this far... And I would have done the same."

(remotely) Rade blinks again, looking around at Alex in confusion. She didn't even know he was there. "What? You can't! Maybe Nomin but...."

Psyche moves to lift the body. "She's my responsibility, Typh."

Typheous takes a deep breath. "Then I'll go get some firewood and meet you there?"

Rade has received your page: "Alex, "Why not?" Nomin, "Exactly. I like you, Alex, but you wouldn't last an hour in the Chaos.""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""You have unlocked the truth hidden within me 13, and for that I thank you. You remember my great ancestor Delanius that made my family noble so many generations ago? I am her reincarnation. She is my avatar and I am her future. After she died in battle, the was returned to her respective Hell where even by demonic standards she was punished, by fellow demons, and the gods themselves. You see, she had opposed her nature and changed opposite what the gods designed her to be. She had become more powerful in the mortal lands, although how insignifagantly not at the cost of slaying another demon, but by hard work. If a demon, devil, or angel could advance themselves through sheer will and oppose their nature, who knows what they could do? They may even become gods. Of course they did not want that and sought to utterly destroy Delanius while her advancement was still slow and controlable. Fortunately she found a way to achieve her dreams; by infusing a mortal with her power, she could seek her true destiny. By sacraficing a bit of herself, she will be able to make a better life for both her, and her ancestor; me."

Psyche nods, and goes.

Rade pages: "OOC: what is alex again? Race?"

Rade has received your page: "(Empath)"

(remotely) Rade frowns deeply. "Because I don't know what it's going to do to -me-...much less either of you. I don't even want to take's too dangerous."

Typheous will gather firewood and meet Psyche.

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""You think to oppose me? I am a goddess, Val. Bow before me or I will make your previous torment seem an eternity of bliss, by comparison!""

Psyche builds a pyre, and lights it, unless someone intervenes.

Typheous isn't going to intervene.

Plax has received your page: ""If what the others said is true, I think it a slim hope indeed."

Rade has received your page: "Alex, "Nevertheless, I am going. I am tired of being cooped up.""

[OOC] Psyche says, "Clippy, no unpleasant surprises?"

(remotely) Rade stares helplessly between the two men. "Please don't do this. I don't want to go...but I have to. Neither of you do."

[OOC] You say, "No unpleasant surprises..."

(remotely) Plax nods. "Perhaps so. Maybe I'm naive to think it's possible". He shrugs. "I don't know who will rule next. I suppose that all we can do is try and rebuild. There were losses, but it could have been far worse. I don't think Wyzdin is crippled, by any means. I'm sure there will be changes though, with the Masters gone".

Psyche watches the pyre burn completely to ash, then, seemingly oblivious to the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Typheous will try to leave him arm around her during their little ceremony.

Rade has received your page: "Nomin, "Alex. There's another way. You don't have to brave the Chaos. The Chamber of Portals leads to many places. I'm going with Rade because I want to go with Rade.""

Plax has received your page: "Lyka nods, "Certainly. We've lost much knowledge in the Masters.""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""I can oppose you, or not, that depends upon you 13. You were my lover and friend, it pains me to see you like this, and would be even more so if I must face you. Your quest is noble, in part. I do want to bring the pockets of order together, but not for conquest. For understanding, preservation, and advancement amoung their own lines. I can offer my assitance freely, but not as a slave in your service.""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "I wish things would go back to something similar to like they were before. Both of us against the world, only this time with a little bit more cosmic clout."

Psyche doesn't resist.

Typheous stares down into the ash. . o O ( I'm going to miss her... )

Psyche, when the pyre is done burning, will get up, cover the ashes with snow, and stare down at them. . o O ( So will I. Is there anything left to do? )

(remotely) Plax nods. "Not just knowledge of awakened magic, either. But, the best we can do is try, isn't it? People will still Awaken, and they'll need somewhere to learn how to control that power".

Typheous shakes his head. "Not that I know of..." . o O ( Just us... )

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Perhaps we can work together, again. I seek to drive progress forward eternally, with no danger of stagnation. Constant seeking after perfection. Our goals are not mutually exclusive. The old gods fought each other and fell. So long as we remain united, the Ultimatum Wars will be no more. We both know who our real enemy is.""

Psyche nods, settling down in the snow again. . o O ( I -did- miss you, hurt... )

(remotely) Rade nods quickly. "That would work, if you just wish to leave..." At least one life she won't be dooming to her own fate.

Typheous shifts to face her, arms reaching out for her. . o O ( I missed you, Psyche... There some place warmer we can go and talk? )

Rade has received your page: "Alex, "That is what I will do, then. I must say farewell to Psyche and Typheous." He vanishes."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""That I know all too well. So shall you accept me as a partner in your quest? I would more than likely be a being of balance between Chaos and Entropy ending in some sort of Order, although I do not see how that could be a problem. I do want what you want...""

You say, "Alex appears not far from the belltower. "Psyche, Typheous, I'm leaving. The worlds beyond the portals call me.""

Psyche's lips quirk slightly. . o O ( My room? ) She turns, glancing up at Alex. "Be careful."

(remotely) Rade blinks at the empty spot that was Alex, before turning back to Nomin. "You won't reconsider?"

Typheous smiles, standing, reaching out a hand to Alex. "Some day we may see each other again, I hope. Just make sure you're ready to tell the stories about everything you've seen."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""I wish only one other thing. You said Tybalt tought you all he could through eternity. Would you do the same with me?""

Valyros and Guest have received your page: ""Why place fancy cosmological names on it? We are allied. The Paths must be blazed, and Rade will need an escort to guide her.""

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "13 smiles impishly, "Why not?""

Rade has received your page: "Nomin, "I won't. Halda isn't around. You know what that means, don't you?""

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): ""That, I shall do regardless."

Plax has received your page: ""Those new mages will need us.""

(remotely) Rade cocks an eyebrow at the man. "Do I?"

You say, "Alex takes one of each of your hands and pulls them together. "Let no one unfasten what is bound. Farewell. We shall meet again." He winks and disappears."

Psyche blinks, glancing down at their hands, then up at Typheous's face.

Rade has received your page: "He abruptly touches his lips to yours."

(remotely) Plax nods. "You know, I never really had any burning desire to lead, but I think I could teach". He pauses now. "But, I think the rebuilding process can start tomorrow. I think we can have at least one day off".

Plax has received your page: ""Yes.""

Typheous smiles down at the hands, looking up after a moment. . o O ( I'm going to miss him too... even with his antics. )

(remotely) Plax smiles and goes to embrace Lyka again and whispers softly, "I love you, Lyka".

Psyche half-smiles. .o O ( Sorry, but I don't think I will. ) She tugs him a little closer. "We were going to go back to my room so I can fall apart, remember?"

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "(Hope through the interspace/time romp Valyros gets EXP to get up to actual diety level in spheres.)"

[OOC] You say, "You get that last?"

[Roll]: Psyche rolled 3d6: 3, 2, 4; totalling 9.

[OOC] Rade says, "yeah, stupid isp"

Typheous slips an arm around her shoulder. "Or at lest so we can keep warm." . o O ( Yes, well, you didn't room with him.

Psyche nods, and heads back roomwards.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Anyone know what happened to Vance?"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "(Fine by me. It's the wrap-up session. Just don't twist reality into a knot the plot can't untie, eh?""

Vance, "Well, well, well. So all the rumors were true, all along..."

[OOC] You say, "Rule 0..."

[OOC] Typheous thought he was dead... Damn...

(remotely) Rade gasps against the kiss, before slowly, very slowly leaning into it, accepting.

[OOC] Rade says, "wasn't he?"

[OOC] Plax was hoping so, too. Darn.

[OOC] Eclipse doesn't think so. He rescued Alex, remember?

[OOC] Psyche says, "He was with the group that took the heaviest casualties, but nobody actually -said- he was dead."

(remotely to Eclipse, Guest) Valyros wraps her arms about 13, "Then let's go and party like it's there is no tomorrow." Kisses her deeply, hopefully fading and learning from her elder goddess.

[OOC] Plax says, "Oh yeah, that's right. Damn."

[OOC] Rade says, "man, so much for a happy ending :P"

Plax has received your page: ""If I need to actually tell you I love you too, Plax, you clearly haven't been paying very close attention..." She smirks and kisses you."

Psyche nestles up against Typheous, tensing slightly. "They've only been true in the last few weeks. Unlike some people, Typheous knows what to do when he's given a chance to redeem himself."

Rade has received your page: ""Race you back to the dorms. It's freezing out here.""

Typheous turns to Vance, arm wrapping around Psyche, just giving Vance a simple smile.

Vance shrugs, "Doesn't seem like it matters much, now, does it? Truce?"

(remotely) Rade blushes deeply, before giggling softly. "Okay!" She takes off.

You say, "He holds out his hand."

[OOC] Typheous says, "to which of us?"

(remotely) Plax smiles and returns it. "Well, who said I can't use reminders?" (FTB?)

[OOC] You say, "Either, really."

Plax has received your page: "Sounds good."

Psyche barely hesitates. . o O ( I've caused too fucking much hurt already. ) She unwraps her arm from around Typheous and takes Vance's hand.

Vance, "We're all that's left, and there's a lot to do. If we do not stand united, it will displease them."

Valyros pages (to Eclipse, Guest): "(Fade back in after wild time/space romp?)"

Valyros and Guest have received your page: "(Of course...)"

Psyche says, "Which them?"

Typheous takes a deep breath, his face slowly losing the edge it had when Vance showed up. He offers his own hand. "And we wouldn't want that...."

Vance, "Long story, and I'm exhausted."

Vance, "Another time."

[OOC] Eclipse watches the entire cabal fade to black...

Psyche inclines her head.

[OOC] Plax says, "We have timing down..."

You say, "Vance departs, stride as confident as ever, but somehow well-earned confidence."

Typheous chuckles softly to himself, and assuming his hand isn't ignored, "Good luck, Vance."

[OOC] You say, "He shook it. Forgot to pose it."

(remotely to Eclipse, Guest) Valyros fades back in with 13 rather different, her incisors are more like fangs, her hands have turned into claws, and if possible she seems even more gorgeous as fitting a goddess. Stretching out her arms from which the armor was gone, but instead is a nice shear tank top and saurong. "Ah, that was a good eternity 13, you definately know how to party! I'm glad you reminded me about Rade, we should probably go and do that now."

[OOC] Typheous grins. Thought so.

Psyche smiles wryly, shaking her head slightly. . o O ( Come on. )

Typheous falls back into place with his arm around her shoulders.

Psyche will spare everyone the Mushy Stuff.

[OOC] You say, "Shall we FF to the following evening, just before sunset?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Sure."

[OOC] Plax says, "Sure"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Sure. :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "kaykay"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Go Rade, way to nonconform."

[OOC] Plax says, "You...non-conformist!"

Valyros has received your page: "(I'm giving you free reign over posing the armada's appearance, since you're in charge of it.)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Alright."

[OOC] Rade says, "I have to be me :)"

Valyros pages: "Am I going to be joining the others for te grand finale, at least to take Rade on her journey."

Valyros has received your page: "In your new appearance, yes. Your entourage can look however you wish."

[OOC] Eclipse pokes.

[OOC] Plax says, "Where are we gathering at sunset?"

[OOC] Rade says, "oh, sorry, I was waiting for setup :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "Well, just before?"

[OOC] Typheous waits for something to happen?

[OOC] You say, "Belltower sound good?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Sure..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Sounds great."

[OOC] Rade says, "good as any"

Plax arrives at the belltower, most likely with Lyka coming with him, unless he was asked to come alone. He's finally cleaned up somewhat as well, probably for one of the first times since this entire trial began.

Rade appears at the Bell Tower at the alotted time. She's dressed to travel, with a full pack looped around her shoulders and a staff in one hand. Nomin is probably not far behind.

Typheous will be attached to Psyche's side

Psyche shows up with Typheous, sticking close beside him, finally looking a little better-rested.

The two Del'zenivras come by, "Say, have you seen Valyros? She said she was going to meet us for dinner, but never showed up?" [Valyros]

Rade frowns slightly, looking at the two children. "I have not seen her..."

Plax shakes his head.

A rift in space opens up and coming through is several flying ships that have Light elven, Dark elven, demonic, and some kitty type style to each. The largest ship comes down low and a group of big, buff Tanak and Elven troopers come out from a gangplankk which hits the ground, from the bridge, a large dark shape flies down to the head of the formation. It is Valyros but rather different, her [Valyros]

A rift in space opens up and coming through is several flying ships that have Light elven, Dark elven, demonic, and some kitty type style to each. The largest ship comes down low and a group of big, buff Tanak and Elven troopers come out from a gangplankk which hits the ground, from the bridge, a large dark shape flies down to the head of the formation. It is Valyros but rather different, her incisors are more like fangs, her hands have turned into claws, and if possible she seems even more gorgeous as fitting a goddess. Stretching out her arms from which the armor was gone, but instead is a nice shear tank top and saurong. "Well hello friends, it's good to see you again after such a long time, well for me at least." Meanwhile Ultavium and Terilnus stare at their mother with their jaws seemingly on the floor. [Valyros]

[OOC] Valyros says, "Damn copy and paste."

Typheous blinks at the arrival, definately caught off guard if his music is anything to tell by.

Plax briefly considers saying he has no idea who this is, but just blinks a couple times. "Valyros?" he asks. "Umm...if I can be so bold, what happened?"

Psyche's momentary cold snap echoes Typheous's music. "That's a dramatic entrance, Lady De;

Valyros says, "I Asscended."

Psyche says, "Dell'senivras."

[OOC] Psyche CANNOT type tonight.

Rade gasps softly, just staring at Valyros.

Plax just blinks. "I...didn't know it had such an effect on time," he says.

Valyros says, "I didn't, but I had some help from an old friend of mine. So I learned how to do so on time by the third millenium."

Typheous chuckles softly. "With a little help from your friends... And here we still have to finish school."

You say, "Nomin seems to take all of this in stride. He turns to Rade, "Ready to go?""

Valyros says, "Well I could come back a little later to help you with classess..."

Plax looks at Typheous. "And who exactly is going to teach us, Typheous?"

Typheous smirks. "That's a fair way to graduate... Just have an Acended do all our homwwork." He sighs softly. "There is that issue... maybe we've been promoted..."

A second later another version of Valyros pops up right besides the one right next to the current one. "Well I finished mapping out all of the various pockets of reality, boy, that was a trip." [Valyros]

Psyche keeps her mouth shut after her initial greeting. . o O ( No wonder gods are fucking intolerable. )

Valyros says, "Now how are you going to learn anything if a goddess does all your homework?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Were all the Masters lost, or did some make it?"

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (10d10): 4, 10, 9, 8, 10, 9, 5, 4, 5, 6 No diff given.

[OOC] Typheous hates Time and Corr... It's an anerysm waiting to happen. :)

Valyros turns to look at Psyche, "Actually I'm one of the more moderate dieties."

Rade sighs softly, nodding to Nomin. "Yes...but have to get permission. I won't let you go without, even if it means I stay."

[OOC] You say, "If any are left, they're in the Tybil Monastary or somewhere along the edges of the bubble of Order, though it's hard to say if any survived."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Take a wild guess what they're doing at the former..."

Psyche's voice is dry as centuries-old dust. "Precisely my point, Lady Del'Zenivras."

[OOC] Guest says, "Speaking as a former Mage ST.. I hate Time and COrr too. With a passion"

Typheous . o O ( Remind me to become athiest... )

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 2, 5, 2, 9, 7, 5, 7 No diff given.

[OOC] You say, "I was nice to you with those. The trick, I find, is not to ward, but to overwhelm with info. Keeps them confused much longer..."

Valyros says, "Do you know Psyche you could make a good diety? You already got the wrathful voice down pact already."

Nomin, "Rade wanted me to get permission to come with her on this journey, Lady Del'zenivras. May I?"

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 7, 9, 10, 4, 3, 8, 1 No diff given.

Psyche says calmly, "I have too much to learn before I would even think of being capable of the responsibility of such a part, Lady Del'Zenivras. Power is as much a curse as a blessing, when it engenders excess."

Valyros says, "Well it's alright with me if it's alright with me?"

Valyros has received your page: "Easy there, tiger. Don't power trip this bit. I want the ending to be nice and clean..."

Typheous smiles at Psyche's response.

[OOC] Rade bonks Clippy.

Plax looks over at Typheous. "The way Lyka and I figure it, if any of the Masters survived, then they can come back and teach. If not, then there are still going to be people Awakening, and someone will need to try and teach them".

Valyros says, "It's alright with me, welcome aboard Nomin."

[OOC] You say, "Why is it my fault? *smirk*"

[OOC] Plax says, "It's always your fault."

[OOC] Plax says, "You're the ST"

Psyche nods at Plax. "

Rade pages: "Val's the guide?"

(to Rade) Eclipse grins.

[OOC] Guest says, "Burn him!"

Typheous takes a deep breath. "So we get to be the professors now... I suddenly see why Alex left last night..."

Psyche says, "Very true."

Valyros says, "Good, that's the right attitude."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 4, 4, 4, 8, 10, 2, 1 No diff given.

[OOC] Eclipse laughs.

(remotely) Rade baps. "But, as a god, she can just go *poof* and it's all easy."

Psyche's voice is even drier, if that's possible. "Glad to have your approbation, Lady Del'zenivras. Enjoy Ascension." She squeezes Typheous's hand slightly.

Rade has received your page: "Yes and no. Gods are powerful, but not omnipotent by any stretch of the imagination..."

Plax chuckles. "Not, I think, until we learn a bit more ourselves. And I don't know if we'll have a huge influx of students right away anyways, so we have time to rebuild and learn".

Rade blinks, turning to stare at Valyros. "Your my new guide?"

Valyros says, "Don't worry, I will."

Rade pages: "Yes...but...whatever."

Typheous squeeses back, softly. . o O ( Gyah... I wanted to see the world... )

Valyros says, "Yes, it sort of went part and parcel with the extensive time travel thing."

Psyche . o O ( We will, love. When it's the right time. )

Typheous glances briefly to Psyche, smiling after a moment. . o O ( I love you, too, Psyche. )

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 10, 10, 5, 3, 3, 5, 9, 8 No diff given.

Rade chews her lip, smiling slightly. "So where do we begin?" She shifts a bit closer to Nomin.

Valyros says, "Very well, if you ever need my help, don't hesitate to call."

Rade has received your page: "It's actually something that happened tonight and I let slide because it gets me my weddings-and-funerals ending while getting the cabal together one last time."

The second Valyros pops out of existance. [Valyros]

Psyche's expression doesn't change an iota, fingers tightening on Typheous's again.

Typheous pulls Psyche closer to him, watching Rade and Nomin as his arm slips around Psyche.

Rade pages: "Nevermind, our methods differ is all."

Valyros says, "Well, there should be a pocket of reality rather close to here with a race of advanced lizard person civilization on there. Oh and one thing."

Rade has received your page: "He took it a bit farther than I expected, but aside from the mild headiness of the power, I figure it should be okay for a resolution."

Valyros goes over and kissess Ultavium and Terilnus on the forehead, "Enjoy children, when you are ready, I shall come back for you to help in our work." Goes back to the ship and gestures to Rade and Nomin to the gangplank.

Nomin, "After you, Rade."

Plax smiles. "Good luck, Rade, Nomin. Be safe".

Rade turns to look at everyone, smiling. "I'll be back soon, I promise. Take care of this place."

Typheous offers a hand to Rade. "Take care of yourself, Rade."

Plax grins a little. "We will. Besides, it'll give me time to think up new ways to scare you". He winks at her.

Psyche impulsively holds out her arms for a hug, unentwining herself from Typheous.

Rade grins at plax, reaching out to squeeze Typheous' hand before huggint Psyche tightly. "I'm going to miss you all."

[OOC] Rade says, "woo! got all three in one pose"

Psyche smiles, swiping at her eyes. "Take care of yourself, Rade. Be careful."

[OOC] Psyche has been hugginted!

Valyros says, "Everybody, I thank you for keeping up with me for all this time. I realize I've been a rather... unstable character and it was tough. If there is anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 6, 2, 5, 10, 8, 8, 3 No diff given.

Typheous smiles, falling back to Psyche's side. "And come and visit sometime. Might have you as a guest lecturer." He give Rade a wink.

[OOC] Eclipse waits for the chord to resolve.

[OOC] Valyros waits for Rade to board.

Rade smiles softly, letting go of Psyche slowly and taking Nomin's hand. "You'll see me soon, I promise." She turns toward the ship.

You say, "Nomin waves and follows Rade up the gangplank, his hand in hers."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 8, 2, 10, 4, 6, 4, 5, 2 No diff given.

Valyros follows Rade up into the ship followed by the soldiers who make up the guard, once leading their guests to the bridge she looks at Rade, "Where to Path-Finder?"

Psyche makes a relatively successful attempt not to cry. . o O ( I'm acting like such a fucking -girl-... )

Typheous squeezes Psyche. . o O ( I suppose I shouldn't point out the obvious... )

Psyche . o O ( *dryly* But not fucking. )

Typheous . o O ( Not yet, no... )

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 6, 1, 4, 7, 4, 4, 1 No diff given.

Rade dabs tears off of her cheeks, glancing around the room. "Um...I'm not sure." She smiles. "Wherever there's people who are holding back the chaos."

Psyche tenses slightly. . o O ( Care to qualify that statement before I bite your head off? )

Valyros says, "Yes, but you will have to lead us, we are only your guardians. In the end it will come down to you."

Typheous . o O ( When we're ready for it, Psyche. I'm not planning anything, dear. )

Valyros says, "So please, take the helm, and where ever you go, we shall follow."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Does anyone here have Pilot Starship?"

Rade has received your page: "Which means you get to pose the departure..."

Rade pages: "Oh, erm....."

Psyche relaxes. . o O ( I hoped not. )

[OOC] Plax knew that ability would come in handy. :)

[OOC] Guest says, "Second star on the left, straight on til morning?"

[OOC] You say, "You have an auto-pilot droid onboard named L3-E7..."

Typheous squeezes Psyche. . o O ( When we're ready, love. When we're ready. )

[OOC] Typheous says, "Gyah.... "

[OOC] Typheous says, "And we haven't even started that game.."

Rade steps up to the controls, turning the ship in the first direction that strikes her fancy, and sets it off.

[OOC] Rade says, "engage"

[OOC] Plax would prefer an HK-47 Model himself...

[OOC] Typheous just takes an R2 unit.

[OOC] You say, "And that is where we'll end."

Psyche watches the big flying thingies go away. . o O ( So now what? )

The ship takes off and the other ships take up point as they take off through the Chaos, finding other pockets of Order. [Valyros]

[OOC] Eclipse lets Typh and/or Plax answer, first...

[OOC] Plax can't answer thoughts.

Typheous squeezes Psyche. . o O ( Now? ) "Well... I think we have a school we need to figure out how to run, don't we?"

Ultavium says, "I don't know..." [Valyros]

[OOC] You say, "And that is where we'll end."

[OOC] Psyche noddles.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 9h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 7h 2s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Valyros 7h 41s OOC PC

Typheous 7h 42s IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Plax 7h 58s IC PC Being made crazy by Caine, page for lessons!

Rade 1h 2m OOC Tec

Guest 4h 3m OOC PC

Melyne 5d 1d OOC Tec

--[Sun Nov 9 03:05:58 2003]--------------------------------[8 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Typheous grins.

Eclipse takes off his dragon medallion.

[OOC] Valyros hope she didn't go too overboard...

[OOC] You say, "Thanks, guys, for helping me run the best game of my life."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Yay! The 3rd game I've ever actually offically ended!"

[OOC] Psyche bounces at Clippy.

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. It was a lot of fun.

[OOC] Plax nods. "Yep, was fun".

[OOC] Valyros says, "Things turned out rather good, I must admit."

[OOC] Rade smiles. "Was a good game."

[OOC] Rade says, "I'm gonna miss Rade."

[OOC] Psyche is going to miss Psyche :P

[OOC] Typheous is going to miss Psyche/Typheous. :)

[OOC] You say, "I'm going to miss all of them - PCs and NPCs both..."

[OOC] Psyche is also falling asleep on her kb, as it's 3 am.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well I'd like to stick about but it's REALLY late and I got stuff to do in the morning. Night everybody."

[OOC] Eclipse is tired too. Night everyone. Logs will be up soon.

Valyros has disconnected.

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. Yeah... Arg, Sunday School in the morning... Maybe the kids will all skip. :p

[OOC] Typheous says, "Nighntihg"

[OOC] Plax shall miss playing the crazy birdman as well, but I agree, it's getting late. Night everyone.

Guest has lost its link.

The resolution of Guest fades. With a hiss of static its disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Ninjas!"

[OOC] Eclipse grins.

[OOC] Rade waves

[OOC] You say, "Kittens!"

[OOC] Plax woos! "Ninja power!"

[OOC] Psyche shudders.

The resolution of Valyros fades. With a hiss of static their disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Rade pages: "btw, the last two weekends of this month I most likely won't be around. So if you were planning anything, just FYI."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ninja kittens?"

[OOC] Plax summons an army of Ninja Ants!

[OOC] Psyche says, "Undead ninja kitten-ants!"

[OOC] Typheous says, "No... Fae ninja kitten-ants."

[OOC] Psyche says, "No, no, undead fae ninja kitten-ants."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Have to get all of our backlashes in one fell swoop."

[OOC] Plax says, "Undead Fae ninja kitten-ants Gremlins!"

Rade has received your page: "Nothing planned. Game over. Not going to be starting anything else until December, at the earliest."

[OOC] Psyche says, "On yellow snow."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And on that note: Bedtime."

[OOC] You say, "That all look like Caine."

Rade pages: "alrighty"

[OOC] Plax says, "Yellow snow? Sorry, not a backlash, that was the real deal. ;P"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Nightnight all."

[OOC] Plax nods. "Yep, bedtime. Definately bedtime. Sleep well, folks".

[OOC] You say, "Night."

[OOC] Psyche is obviously sleepy. Night all!

[OOC] Psyche poofs.

Typheous has disconnected.

Plax has disconnected.

Psyche has lost her link.

The resolution of Plax fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 9h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Rade 1h 2m OOC Tec

--[Sun Nov 9 03:14:30 2003]--------------------------------[2 users; 0s lag]--